joebidensdementia · 15 days
Correct me if I'm wrong
Star Wars: the power of love (romantic)
Star Trek: the power of love (friendship)
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joebidensdementia · 24 days
To any suicidal followers I may have: This is a sign to not kill yourself. You are loved and the world is special because you are in it. Keep holding on.
Reblog this when it’s on your dash. You will save someone’s life.
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joebidensdementia · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Death Headcanons
Angel: Was outed for being gay and then died of a PCP overdose
Alastor: was mistaken for a deer while burying a body in the woods and was shot in the head
Nifty: was a mentally ill 50s housewife who was "treated" with a lobotomy and died during the procedure
Sir Pentious: Was skilled in conning people out of money or resources to fund his inventions. Died during an experiment gone wrong or through foul play.
Husk: gambled all of his money and possessions away and then died of an alcohol overdose
Mimsy: got into trouble with the law and died in a car crash while trying to get away
Molly: revamped herself and went on to live a good life, perhaps dying of old age
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joebidensdementia · 3 months
"I'm about to say it."
"Go ahead. Say it."
"OF models are directly contributing to an industry that degrades and traffics women. Millions of women are forced to produce sexual content for men, the fact that you made a choice to make this type of content doesn't make it better. It is not empowering. It is not freeing, and anyone who tells you otherwise is absolutely delusional. There's nothing empowering or freeing about degrading yourself for the s*xual pleasure of men you don't know. There's nothing empowering or freeing about never being able to get a job with prestige. There's nothing empowering or freeing in your child being bullied at school because their friend found your OF page.
There is no power in being seen as an object.
You actively contribute to an industry that mutilates and prostitutes out women, and sometimes even girls. You are not empowering, you are damaging to the rest of us. Women will never achieve the respect we deserve when you act respectless."
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joebidensdementia · 5 months
Star Trek Facts #1
After several years of consuming Surian brandy, Kirk eventually develops problems with his vision. However, Bones is slow to surgically fix the problem as "you reap what you sow damn it."
Now, the Enterprise crew is forced to come up with increasingly creative ways to delay the visit of an important ambassador from a planet that only communicates through writing as Kirk angrily overturns the ship searching for his antique glasses. Bones accompanies him to "help" but always has to stifle a laugh every time Kirk hits his head against a table or stubs his toe on a wall.
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joebidensdementia · 5 months
Why does everyone have a black, white, or grey car? How did the car market get to where only the most boring colors are widespread? Is everyone just allergic to fun now?
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joebidensdementia · 6 months
Brown people were literally the first Christians idk why this is hard to understand
if i hear someone say christianity is the white man's religion one more time 🫠
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joebidensdementia · 6 months
So I know showing people who are new to Star Trek the new Star Trek movies (AOS) before the original show (TOS) is a sin and it's frowned upon and blah blah blah but CONSIDER how fucking funny just blind-siding them with Into Darkness would be (ESPECIALLY if they're frequent TV watchers).
"Oh wow, Billy Butchers here! Omg Chris Pines here too! Is that Gamora!? A lot if A-list actors– THE FUCKING SERIAL KILLER IS HERE!?"
"Yo did the serial killer try to kill himself?"
"Why do the people Gamoras talking to have those foreheads?"
"WHY did Sherlock Holmes stick PEOPLE in there!?"
I really wanna try this with my roommates. Will update eventually.
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joebidensdementia · 6 months
I have a very very specific holiday related pet peeve of mine that I'd like to address.
So I've noticed *A LOT* of people getting increasingly mad over the years because Christians (especially in America) observe a lot of originally pagan (Yule) traditions for Christmas (exs: putting trees in your house, putting wreaths on the door, etc.). I've especially seen a lot of anger from people who practice paganism today. "You stole our traditions!" "Those traditions aren't yours!"
My brothers and sisters and siblings in Christ, you are so wrong on so many levels.
Firstly, let's start with Yule's place of origin. Yule was originally celebrated by Norse, Celtic, and Germanic peoples. It's vitally important to note that the Celtic people in particular occupied what is known today as the UK (remember this).
Anybody who knows their history knows that the Romans invaded the UK and Western Europe... a lot. And class, they brought a certain religion along with them! Christianity!
Eventually, after several attempted invasions, the Romans succeeded at occupying the UK (and most of Western Europe). There was even a certain time during this rule of Rome's that all forms of pagan worship were banned! Rome ended up ruling most of Western Europe for hundreds of years.
Now class, can anyone tell me what happens when we enforce a religion on another culture for hundreds of years? It's almost like you lose touch with your roots when that happens!
Now, coming back to these ignorant white Americans putting wreaths on their doors and Christmas trees in their houses without knowing why... it's almost as if it's the result of their distant ancestor's homes being invaded and their religion being banned. They don't know why they put trees up in their homes, but it's what their parents did, and their parents before them, and their parents before them, and on and on.
Now, can anyone tell me where the majority of white Americans originate from? That's right! Western Europe!
It's almost as if white Americans celebrate Christianity with pagan traditions because they were originally pagan and had Christianity enforced upon them.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk and if I see any more of you bitching about stolen traditions I will personally break your kneecaps.
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joebidensdementia · 6 months
Ok ok so you know how in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, Spock dies, and in The Search for Spock, he's resurrected, but in the Voyage Home, he's not the same as before? Well I had a dream last night that Spock was canonically autistic, and the reason why he was so different after he got resurrected was because he lost his ability to mask when he came back. Like he just reverted back to autism functionality level 1 and had to relearn sarcasm, inflections of the voice, facial expressions and their meanings, metaphorical expressions, and the like.
I was always disatisfied with how it was like he wasn't truly himself when he came back, and that we were missing something, so I guess my brain sought to correct the canon in my sleep. My subconscious is a genius.
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joebidensdementia · 6 months
That is absolutely fucking genius. However, I don't know if any human mind could handle 100 different versions of themselves being crammed into one person like that. I bet you could do this with four people tops.
Use the transporter to duplicate myself a hundred times, have the duplicates all run off and spend the next four years getting degrees in various subjects, and then, at the end, use the transporter again to Tuvix us all back together and become an expert in everything.
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joebidensdementia · 6 months
Oooo I like this imagery
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