harveywritings92 · 19 hours
[Pokemon au.]
R/n texting Soap after finding a very curious bar: 1. They have Magikarp races every Wednesday. 2. They have a red-Tauros and vodka slushies. We need to visit this place.
Soap: 1. My Karp will beat your Karp. 2. We’re gettin' f*cked up!
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harveywritings92 · 2 days
[Laswell showing R/n how to make her party punch.]
R/n: Alright, I mixed the bowl what else do we need?
Laswell: Okay, now that we got our Jelly ice shapes, berries and juice mixed we’re going to need two shots of Vodka.
{Laswell takes a vodka bottle out from the fridge and pours half the bottle in, R/n shoots a look of disbelief at Price and Laswell’s wife they just nod.]
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harveywritings92 · 2 days
{Ghost and R/n are staking out a nightclub.]
Ghost: when it comes to being undercover, subtlety is key.
R/n, looks him up and down: Ghost, you’re dressed like a cowboy!
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harveywritings92 · 3 days
Raul: Hey boss, you’re from Canada right?
Lydia: yup.
Raul: Can you settle something between me, Gannon and Veronica here, Do you have deathclaws up north? She says yes, but we say no because you told us it’s always winter down there now, reptiles and snow don’t mix well.
Lydia: *looks sick* Okay, I want you guys to picture hunting in a frozen wasteland, It’s night time the aurora lights are painting up the area a beautiful mélange of dark blues and bright purples…a Rabbit hops passed as you think “it’s gonna be a good night…” then you hear that all too familiar bone rattling roar, and then there’s a rotten stench in the air, it saw you before you saw it. your eyes frantically look around the irradiated tundra… then you see it a large gnarling mass of Death, claws…and fur.
 [Takes a drink from her canteen]
Raul:…are you…are you trying to say you guys have wooly-Deathclaws up north?
Lydia: Yeah, life finds a way and it’s fucking terrifying, Also our Brahmin are hairy too, we use their wool to make clothes, also have giant beavers instead of mole-rats, and rad-wolves instead of nightstalkers…and frogs instead of geckos and two headed moose.
[the three listen intently to the difference between the Mojave and the Canadian wasteland.] 
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harveywritings92 · 3 days
{the inhabitants of the wasteland somehow managed to get TVs broadcasting again, Raul Tejada and Dean Domino start on a sitcom together.]
Dean Domino: You Cheeky Bastard is filmed in front of a live studio audience.
Raul: Oh, Dios Mio! Where is my roast Gecko?
Dean: Hmm, by now I think it’s in my lower intestine.
(A recording of Dean’s laughter and Lydia’s awkward chuckling resonates in the background.) 
Raul: You ate it? But I told you my boss was coming here for dinner.
Dean: Well, unless she likes mole rinds, she’s going home hungry.
Raul: You cheeky bastard.
[Another recording of Dean laughing plays along with some clapping, cut to commercial.]
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harveywritings92 · 4 days
And just as she was about to come, she screamed “Oh Fives!!”
What’s wrong with that? Your name IS Fives.
She then said, “Oh kriff, sorry Echo.”
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harveywritings92 · 4 days
{Pokémon au: Ghost and R/n are talking to Gaz and Soap after a disastrous double battle.]
R/n: Gaz, Soap…We’re so sorry.
Ghost: I guess I underestimated how powerful my Marowak’s inferno could be.
Gaz: ….(silently staring at his reflection in a shop window.)
Soap: Oh, I don’t know. Ghost, I think you’re both being hard on yourselves.
R/n: Johnny, Are you guys mad at us? Cos without eyebrows, we can’t really tell.
{Soap and Gaz wince while fidgeting with their hats trying to hide the red spots where their eyebrows used to be.]
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harveywritings92 · 4 days
(R/n is attempting to place some bottles of bourbon without waking Ghost. (She’s planning a surprise for him.) The bottles clink together. She winces as Ghost wakes up.)
Ghost: What kind of drink is that?
R/n: It- It’s not drink, Simon, it’s just fizzy water.
Ghost: …Woodford Reserve 1991!
R/n, removes bottles and reads label: …
R/n, Stunned: You can tell just from the sound?!
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harveywritings92 · 5 days
Ghost to Soap in the front seat: YOU GET OUT! I’m older!
Soap: I’m younger!
Ghost: I’m Taller!
Soap: I’m shorter!
Ghost: I’m smarter!
Soap: I’m-….
Soap: Not falling for that!
Price, from the driver seat: Would you two knock it off or else I’m starting this car and driving off, then you can both walk back to base!
Gaz, to Price: do it.
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harveywritings92 · 5 days
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my dad was out walking my cousin's dog when he notice she was trying to get at something he checked and found this little guy, he's not sure someone dumped him(or her?) or if they escaped from somewhere we're gonna wait a while and see if someone reports a missing budgie in the area.
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harveywritings92 · 5 days
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my dad was out walking my cousin's dog when he notice she was trying to get at something he checked and found this little guy, he's not sure someone dumped him(or her?) or if they escaped from somewhere we're gonna wait a while and see if someone reports a missing budgie in the area.
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harveywritings92 · 6 days
R/n, to Ghost after noticing he was walking sluggish: You look tired. You sleeping enough?
Ghost: Four, maybe five hours a night.
R/n: You should lay off the coffee.
Ghost: I need it.
R/n: Why?
Ghost: I only sleep four, maybe five hours a night.
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harveywritings92 · 6 days
[1-4-1 and KorTact split up into teams to infiltrate an enemy base, one team stays up topside to act as a distraction while another team goes under enemy lines via the sewer. R/n, Soap, König and Horangi are in the sewers..]
R/n: Good Lord! It’s disgusting down here.
[She hops on König’s back who hums in agreement, and proceeds to carry her.]
Soap: Boy, R/n’s got the right idea.
[He hops on Horangi’s back.]
Horangi, to Soap: What the hell are you doing?!
Soap: It’s wet down there, man.
[Horangi immediately tosses Soap into the water.]
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harveywritings92 · 6 days
Lucy: *eating a Sweetroll*
The ghoul, shaking his head: Cannibalism.
Lucy: *confused munching noises*
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harveywritings92 · 7 days
[König x long haired reader! R/n broke her left middle and index finger after screwing up a punch during boxing training, König sees her trying to tie her hair up but can’t cos her cast gets in the way.]
König: Spatz! Let me help you. *he gestures for her to come sit in front of him.*
[R/n hesitates, but sits down and König brushes her hair out.]
R/n, while König is braiding her hair: How do you know how to braid König?
König: From knitting.
R/n, surprised: You knit?
König: Ja, My mama taught me. She runs a craft-shop back home… That scarf I gave you on valentines day? I made that….I’m done. Did I do good?
R/n, checking his work in the mirror: *Kisses König on the cheek* Oh definitely.~
Note: Spatz is König’s pet name for the reader it means Sparrow in German.
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harveywritings92 · 7 days
R/n: We were walking down the street and someone was honking and catcalling at me
Roze: Then what happened?
R/n: Horangi chased them down, reached into their car, and—
Horangi: *walks in* Who wants a steering wheel? (Holds up a steering wheel.)
{Hutch whose building a car raises his hand.}
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harveywritings92 · 7 days
R/n: I ordered Chinese food.
Gaz: During the mission?
R/n: There’s no wrong time to eat an egg roll!
Gaz: That’s true.
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