hallodraws · 5 years
I’m finally Back + Life Update
Hey guys. I know it’s been a long long time, at least a few months. I should’ve explained why I left so suddenly but I honestly didn’t really have words for it. What’s important is I’m back. And I’m returning to finish my fics (that I honestly missed so so much) and maybe even start some new ones (after I finish all my unfinished shit tbh lol) If you guys want (or even care) about my bit of a life update, I’ll post it below this passage - otherwise, just know I’m back and that I missed you all very much :)
Still here? Okay. So, I had to take a step back from Tumblr and my fics because I just got so overwhelmed by both really good and really bad things happening in my life non-stop all at the same time. We had a few deaths in my family, all very close together and without warning. Honestly, I was alright, but the people around me were not, and I had to step up to help out when I could. But there was good stuff. For those of you who don’t know, I’m working on a video game. It’s called “The Truth Hurts” and I’m creating it with the help of the team over at Lil’ Witch Games. We’ve been working day in and day out to get our game finished and to promote it the best we can. We are an indie studio, but this game is my passion and I want to make a career out of writing engaging stories and bringing them to life through games (in The Truth Hurts’ case, a Visual Novel Slasher). We’re currently aiming for a Halloween 2019 release so that’s where a lot of my time has gone to as of late. I’ve also begun graphic design freelancing again (if you need design work done for anything please don’t hesitate to send a message and we can see if I can help you out :) ). Currently, I’ve been helping the Mixer Streamer Gia Katya with all of her merchandise and channel branding. I’ve almost become a manager in a sense and it’s been fun working with the Twitch/Mixer/Streaming community. Now life has calmed down. I’m still actively working with my clients, with Gia, and on my game. If you can, I’d love for you guys to check out some of my work off Tumblr (maybe even support me/us if you can) But I just wanna say thank you for all the kind words, comments, and everything else I’ve been getting since my absence. It’s very very good to be back. 
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Lil’ Witch Games Official Twitter Lil’ Witch Games / The Truth Hurts Patreon Gia Katya Gaming Official Mixer 
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hallodraws · 5 years
Spells & Spiders (Part 2) | Peter Parker x Male!Reader
Wordcount: 1,846
Genre: Male!Witch!Reader x Peter Parker/Spider-Man | The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina x Marvel (MCU) AU Summary: “When Dr. Strange informs Tony that an unknown power seems to be rising in Greendale, Peter is sent on his first solo mission under the Avengers to locate the source. Thinking it could potentially be a weapon (or even an Infinity stone brought to Earth), it’s agreed that Peter will go undercover to infiltrate the town to avoid drawing attention. While arriving in a new town brings with it new friends and new opportunities - the town of Greendale houses something far darker than anything the Avengers are prepared for.”
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes: I’m back at it with the writing! Sorry, it’s taken so long to get updates for any of my stories, I’ve kinda been going through some rough stuff the past couple of weeks. I’m okay though, and I’m so glad everyone enjoyed the first chapter of this fic. I had a lot of fun with this part (and I’m just glad to finally have Peter make his appearance) ♡ Also, if you’d like to be on the tag list, just say so in a comment below!
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Peter sat impatiently in the back of Happy's limousine, tightly clutching the backpack Mr. Stark instructed him to bring. He hadn't given Peter any explanation for packing a bag, merely telling him to bring whatever he felt was necessary for an extended mission out of the city. Peter wasn't sure what that meant per se, so he might have packed a little more on the heavy side. He couldn't help it, he was excited.
It wasn't too long ago that Peter told Mr. Stark that he wished to lay low - continuing just to be your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man for a while. While Mr. Stark was happy to oblige to Peter's wishes, that by no means meant he was off the table team-wise. Things were reasonably silent from Mr. Stark after that, but it didn't last long. He never dreamed that Mr. Stark would be contacting him so soon - for his own personal assignment no less!
"So what's this mission about, Happy?" Peter happily piped from the back seat. Happy simply rolled his eyes, glancing at the boy through the rear view window.
"No clue, kid," he sighed, returning his gaze to the road, "I'm just a chauffeur after all."
"Aww, Happy. You're more than that!" Peter laughed, "C'mon, you're Mr. Stark's best friend. He must've told you something. Please, I'm dying here!" his constant pleas made Happy chuckle under his breath. He quickly hid his smile and sighed again as he pulled the car through the gates of the Compound.
"Really, kid. I don't know. If I did, I'd tell ya. But I don't. So stop begging." He brought the car to the front of the Facility, slowly bringing it to a halt at the base of the stairs.
"Well, thanks for the ride anyway, Happy." Peter could barely contain himself at this point, feeling as though he might literally jump from the car. He reached for the door to exit, only to realize it remained locked. Peter attempted to unlock the door himself but found the red button unable to be switched. He looked up, prepared to inform Happy of the malfunction - that is until he noticed Happy's finger pressed firmly against the 'lock' function. He turned to face the boy.
"Listen up," Happy removed his finger, instead using it to wave in Peter's face, "Just because this is your first official mission under the Avengers, don't let it get to your head. Take the utmost precaution and be careful. I don't plan on giving your Aunt any bad news while you're gone." The corners of Peter's mouth turned up into a toothy grin. Whether Happy wanted to admit it or not, he cared about Peter - and that made him feel good.
"Thanks, Happy. I will. I promise." and with a simple nod shared between the two, Peter finally opened his door, exiting the vehicle.
He looked at the entrance of the Facility, the stairway gently illuminated on this chilly October night. It didn't take long for Happy to drive away, leaving Peter alone at the base of the steps. On a night like this - with not a soul around - Peter found it hard not to be at least a little creeped out. Hero or not, Peter had a bad relationship with scary situations. Halloween wasn't exactly his favorite holiday, and even the mere thought about being alone in the dark gave him goosebumps. So without haste, he hurried up the concrete steps, through the swinging doors, and into the warm, comforting light of the Compound lobby.
Inside was surprisingly just as empty as it was outside. It was reasonably late after all, but Peter couldn't remember a time when the building seemed so quiet. Mr. Stark said to meet in his office. Lucky for him, he knew his way around by now and went straight for the elevator. The cheesy music that accompanied his journey upwards to Mr. Stark's office lightened the mood a bit. Peter didn't want to show it, but he was nervous. The call from Mr. Stark just seemed so out of the blue, and the lack of details regarding his mission made Peter more worried now than excited. He wondered where all that confidence he had in the car went. Peter wanted to show everyone that he was capable of anything - but now he was finding it difficult to assure himself of those claims. As the elevator reached the final stretch on its journey upward, Peter did his best to shake off these feelings.
With a gentle ding, the door opened into Mr. Starks office. Peter made his way into the room, still to this day mesmerized by its size. Finally, his eyes transfixed to the large glass windows ahead. There stood three men - Mr. Stark, Dr. Strange, and Mr. Wong. Peter didn't realize the other two men would be here, and while he usually enjoyed seeing familiar faces at the Compound, their presence made Peter worry just a bit more when it came to the details of his mission. He didn't have long to think about it, as the three soon took notice of him.
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"Ah, kid! You're finally here." Mr. Stark waved Peter over to the windows. The other two men gave soft, almost nonexistent smiles as Peter slowly stepped towards them.
"Y-Yeah, Sorry it took so long. I wasn't really sure what to bring." Peter found his nerves rising to the surface as he stuttered. He tried to calm himself.
"No sweat, kid." Mr. Stark assured the boy, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. It wasn't much, but it was enough to silence the doubts in Peter's head - if only for a moment.
"You ready to get going?" Dr. Strange finally spoke.
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Noone's told me where I'm going yet. What is this mission?" Peter sputtered out without thinking, his concerns now on full display. Wong looked to Mr. Stark with a raised eyebrow.
"You didn't inform him about his assignment?" Wong spoke with a tad bit of annoyance in his voice. Mr. Stark quietly chuckled and lightly pushed Peter towards the two.
"I felt you two would do a better job at explaining." With a final pat on the back, Mr. Stark left the windows, maneuvering his way to the other side of his office. Strange stepped closer to Peter, silently demanding his attention. Peter couldn't help but be at least a little intimidated by the man.
"Well, Peter. You're going to going on a little trip... out of state." Strange began.
"Out of state? Where exactly am I--" Peter tried to ask, but Wong was quick with a response.
"A town called Greendale," With a flick of his wrist, a sparkling image of a town shimmered into existence and floated before them. Peter was left breathless. He'd seen Strange and Wong showcase their magic from time to time, but it never ceased to amaze him.
"You will be going to into the town, undetected and undercover." Strange now took control of the astral image, zooming inward to a particular sign. It read 'Let Greendale cast a spell on you!' - the irony of seeing such a sign through magic made Peter chuckle to himself.
"We have reason to believe something powerful is residing in Greendale." Wong waved his hands and just like that the town flickered away into nothingness - snapping Peter out of his head.
"W-Wait... I don't understand," Peter turned to face the men, "If you guys know there's something wrong, can't you use your magic to just see what it is?"
"That's just it," Strange turned to his colleague, a twinge of concern in his eyes, "We can't."
"Our spells won't locate anything. We can sense there's a rise in power, but it's as if something is blocking us from the source," Wong turned away, looking out the window, "Such power is rather troubling, to say the least." Peter couldn't help but feel the two men felt defeated in a way. As powerful as they are - their magic couldn't do anything.
"That's where you come in, kid." Tony spoke from across the room, walking over with an envelope in his hand, "You're going to infiltrate the town, go to the school, speak to the townsfolk, and report anything suspicious back to headquarters."
"Suspicious?" The word worried Peter a bit.
"Relax. It could be anything," Strange placed a calming hand on Peter's shoulder, gently turning the boy to face him, "An individual coming into their powers, a weapon of some sort... or even a potential infinity stone. It's unlikely, but we don't know the location of all the stones just yet."
"Here," Now it was Mr. Stark who turned Peter to face him, albeit a little less gentle than Dr. Strange, "This is for you. It's cash - a lot of it. There's a card in there too. It should help with your food and housing during your stay."
"I-I mean--" Peter tried to get a word in, but Mr. Stark wasn't listening, placing the envelope into Peter's backpack.
"I've already signed all the paperwork - forged obviously - and tomorrow morning you're going to be attending your first day at Baxter High."
"I still have to go to school?!" Peter finally got his chance to speak. The three men quietly chuckled to themselves.
"Noone gossips quite like teenagers," Strange smirked as he stepped behind the boy, "Trust me, it's good for your cover." Without any further details on the subject, Strange stretched his hand outward over Peter's shoulder. His hand motioned in small circles as sparks materialized from the air. They formed a circle of light - and at its center was the sign he had seen earlier. This was his portal to Greendale - it was certainly faster than a car ride.
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"First order of business is to find where you'll be staying," Tony stepped between Peter and the portal, "Find a hotel, get comfortable, and report in once you're situated."
"Yes, Mr. Stark," Peter put his worries aside, now standing tall with a bright smile, "I won't let you guys down."
"Good luck." the three men said in unison. Peter took a deep breath and without looking back stepped forward through the ring of light. The temperature immediately changed around him, the cold autumn air now enveloping him. Before he could turn around to say goodbye, he could feel the light from the portal fade away into the darkness of the night. He was alone now, and Peter couldn't help but find his nerves betraying him once more.
The sounds of the woods around him were so much different than that of the city. It was almost peaceful in a sense, but not quite enough to calm him just yet. He looked up; there it was - 'Let Greendale cast a spell on you!'. Beside the sign was a road, likely into town. With one final gulp, Peter wasted no time - beginning his journey down the road into unfamiliar territory.
PREVIOUS ▶ PART 1 NEXT ▶ in progress
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hallodraws · 5 years
Absolutely floored by the quality of this commission of Peter Parker and my OC Keller Wainwright by @squaffle . Everyone, be sure to go follow their page for some amazingly beautiful artwork - and if you’d like, here’s my fic that features Keller and Peter, Hemocyte
Thanks again! It was wonderful working with you :)
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Keller & Peter, commissioned by Jacob : ) 
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hallodraws · 5 years
Sorry I’ve been silent on the blog for so long! My schedule is a bit wonky, I’ve just started working out with a personal trainer on a daily basis (trying to get that Tom Holland body~) And when I get home I pretty much immediately fall asleep lmfao I have some chapters in the editing process so they should be up soon. : ) Starting the New Year more creative and (hopefully) more sexy 
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hallodraws · 5 years
Our Confessions | Peter Parker x Male!Reader
Wordcount: 3,290
Genre: Male!Reader x Peter Parker/Spider-Man | Marvel/Insomniac’s Spider-Man (PS4) Christmas Special Summary: “You’re out trying to buy the perfect gift for your boyfriend, Peter. But when criminals step in to destroy Christmas for NYC, you’re caught in the middle of it. Lucky for you, there’s always Spider-Man.”
Warnings: mention of weapons
Author’s Notes: I know I’m late, but Christmas this year was exhausting. I had something ready for you guys two days ago but I wasn’t happy with it. So after some rewrites, I finally have something I’m proud of for you guys. For any new readers, this special is a direct continuation of the Thanksgiving story found right here. I hope you guys had a wonderful holiday, and if you’d like me to continue with this “Holiday Series” please let me know in the comments below. :)
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You walk through the busy streets of Times Square, blanketed in a sea of lights and snow. It's December 21st, and the city is bustling with last-minute shoppers - yourself included. You spent the majority of the day walking from store to store, list in hand, checking off the various things you still had to get. It wasn't your fault you waited so long, at least not entirely. In your defense, you weren't so much shopping today as you were picking things up. God bless the internet; you were able to buy things online early, that way you could retrieve them at the store just in time for Christmas. After a few hours of walking, you finally made it to the last name on your list - Peter.
It's been about a month since you and him got together - all from a double confession at F.E.A.S.T on Thanksgiving. The memory of that day still warms your heart, even on this chilly late December evening. You and Pete officially began dating about a week after that. He took things slow, and that was okay. You didn't mind, because you've been there before (more times than you'd like to admit). You were just happy to have Peter look at you the way you've looked at him for so long.
You make your way into the watch shop, just a few blocks away from the hustle and bustle of the square. Peter was perfect - mostly. At times he was a bit dodgy, often late to dates, or even having to cancel plans altogether. But this little quip quickly became an inside joke between you two. There were no hard feelings, he was busy and so were you. You're both adults, and he always made up for it in the end. It even gave you the perfect idea for a gift
A few weeks back, you saw the most beautiful watch online. It was out of stock at the time, but luckily it's back just in time for Christmas. You thought to yourself how cute and meaningful it'd be to give him a watch. You joke about how now he'd never be late anymore, you'd laugh, and you'd kiss. Perfect Christmas. You find yourself smiling as you make your way to the counter.
"Why hello. Can I help you, sir?" The kind old man said from behind the glass casing, shimmering with dozens of gold and silver pieces.
"Yes, I'm (Y/N). I'm here to pick up an online order." You waste no time showing him the receipt you printed out earlier from home, as well as your ID to confirm identification. You've been doing this dance all day in so many stores; you knew it by heart by now.
"Oh yes!" He happily exclaimed, pulling a small black bag from just out of view, "My newest favorite from our collection. Is it a gift?"
"Yes, it is. For someone very special." You have a bit of a giggle to your voice. You can't help it.
"Well, I can guarantee they'll love it," He places the bag in your hand. You want to do a quick check, so you dig inside and open the box, eager to see it in person. You didn't think it was possible, but it looks even better than it did online. The way the gold accents sparkled against the matte black remind you of stars twinkling in the night sky. It was perfect in every way. You can feel your blood pumping, excitement brewing at the thought of Peter opening his gift. You just wanted to see him happy. It was too cheesy ever to say out loud, but seeing him smile really did make your day all the more special. With a grin still smeared across your face, you close the box and slip it back into the bag.
"Thank you so much," You give a soft wave to the clerk as you take your leave, "and have a wonderful holiday."
"You as well!" He returns the gesture as you exit back out the glass doors into the snowy air of New York City. All you'd have to do now is get home, wrap it up nicely, and give it to Peter Christmas day. To think, this would be your first Christmas as a couple. You were excited about it, but oddly also a little nervous. Peter said he has a surprise for you - something he wanted to tell you in person, alone. Dozens of ideas come into your head of what he has to say - some good, some bad. But he didn't seem concerned when he told you about it in the first place, so you try not to worry yourself.
You're too lost in your thoughts of Christmas morning with Peter that you didn't realize you made a left when you should have made a right. When you finally snap out of your head, you try to fix where you messed up - only getting yourself even deeper into unfamiliar territory. You reach for your phone in the depths of your winter jacket, hoping GPS will come to save the day. That's when you see your news app has a breaking report for the Time Square area.
"Krampus attacks NYC," you read aloud, "Reports of robberies by individuals garbed in Krampus themed attire are active in the area. Suspects have yet to be apprehended and appear to be armed and dangerous." You feel a lump in your throat form after reading the scrolling text on the marquee. You knew what Krampus looked like; honestly, after that 2015 film, everyone knew what the Anti-Santa-Goat-Man looked like. Horns, fur, claws - basically a weregoat in your eyes. While you loved creepy things like that, you had no intentions of ending up on Krampus's naughty list this year, so you decided home was your number one priority.
You didn't know it at that moment, but you were lost. Sure New York was your city, your home. But everything changes in winter. The buildings all look the same under the ice and snow. It didn't help your case now that it was getting late, the city falling under darkness as you made your way away from the main streets. You quickly remember your GPS app - unfortunately, not soon enough. By the time you click your home address, the last ounce of juice in your phone's battery zaps out, leaving you with a black screen and a deep dread.
You try to remain calm. At first, trying to retrace your steps - only to find the snow has covered them in little to no time at all. Your next step is to find a street with light. Light meant people and people meant safety. You keep telling yourself that, but after ten minutes of failure, the panic begins to set in. That's when you hear it - voices. You could hear laughing in the next alley. Without thinking, you hurry through the soft snow towards the sound, hoping you could borrow a phone to have Peter pick you up. At the very least, you could ask someone for directions.
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But luck wasn't on your side. As you turn into the alley, you see two tall silhouettes - horned silhouettes. You're still, as if the cold city air has frozen you in place. You watch as the two things before you laugh to one another, their furry outfits blowing through the wind and their horns bouncing with each hearty laugh. You're able to make out the tiniest of lights by the masks' eyes - red LEDs to make them even more menacing. Slowly, you take one step back. Silent as you are, the two men take notice of you. But that's not what scares you. What sends the chill down your spine in the sound behind you - breathing.
Just over your shoulder, stands a third man. He too is outfitted with a horrifying mask, furry suit, and beaming red eyes of the iconic Christmas demon. You can hear his hoarse, labored breathing behind the silicone face. Suddenly, he speaks.
"Hand over the bag." The man growls in a low and breathy voice, his empty hand extended. It doesn't take long for the others to join.
"Please," you beg, "Just let me go, and I promise I--" But he doesn't let you finish, choosing instead to take the bag by force. His gloved hand squeezes the handle of the bag and pulls, but you cling to the bag itself, feeling your fingers dig into the sides. For a moment, you two stare at one another, the other two merely laughing at your feeble attempt to be tough. You can't see the mans face much, but his eyes peeking through the holes is enough to say it all. You’ve pissed him off.
Almost as if you each rehearsed it, you pull violently on the bag in unison, each of you tearing at it as if your lives depended on it. In mere seconds, the bag splits through the center. You watch as the small box inside tumbles to the snowy pavement. Without hesitating, you grab the box and sprint by the man. You don't turn around. Hell, you barely open your eyes. You just let your feet carry you as fast as they can.
"Please!" You call out into the night, "Somebody help!" You can hear your voice echoing off the brick walls of the alleyways. But you also hear something else - footsteps. You somehow find the courage to peer over your shoulder to see your attacker not far behind, joined now by his two cohorts. The sight of them all sent a chill down your spine, like something out of a nightmare - a child running from demons.
You're too lost in your head again, not focusing enough on your surroundings. You feel your body slam into a wall. It doesn't hurt (it must be the adrenaline), but you do feel the terror rise when you see nothing but brick blocking your path. You look in every direction - you've hit a dead end. You turn, and there they stand. Horned shadows drape across the brick as the city lights illuminate the men, their red lights the stuff of nightmares. You look down - three knives, one for each of them, glittering in the dark. You can hear them laugh as they step closer to you.
"looks like your outta luck, bud." One man chuckles from under his mask.
"Was all that running worth it?" Another speaks, twirling his weapon through his fingers.
"Please..." Is all you can say. You're not sure what you're even begging for at this point. You feel stupid, all this trouble for a dumb watch. You feel tears begin to well up in your eyes, knowing that whatever happens to you next is going to be painful - and it's all your fault. You clutch the box close to your chest, wishing you were with Peter.
"Hey, Goat-Jerks!" A voice calls out; the men stop in their tracks. You all look around the alley, frantically trying to find the source of the sound. Suddenly, a red and blue blur drops from above, sending one of the men firmly to the ground. As it rises, you see it's a man, adorned in a blue and red suit - a very familiar one.
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"S-Spider-Man?" You mutter to yourself. He doesn't respond though, instead choosing to keep his attention on your attackers.
"C'mon. It's Christmas!" Spider-Man jokes as he shoots a web at the man beneath him, fastening him to the pavement. In a few short moments, a couple of swings from both sides, and a few web blasts from the hero's wrist - the men are glued to the alley, and you are safe.
"Yuri!" Your rescuer calls out, seemingly into thin air, "I got three of your Krampus jerks apprehended. Send some officers to come put these billy-goats back in their pen." You finally deduce he's communicating with someone. Once he finishes, he hurries to your side, placing both hands on your shoulders, "Are you alright?"
"I... Yes. I'm okay." You're still a little shaken, apparently quite visibly, because Spider-Man leans in, putting his hand on the back of your head.
"You sure? They didn't hurt you, right?" You feel your cheeks flush just a bit; hopefully, the cold air would be enough of a cover to hide it.
"Y-Yes. I'm sure."
"Good," His hand drops back to your shoulder, "Listen, it still might not be safe. Let's get you out of here, okay?"
"Okay, but what--" You try to ask him, but his strong arm around your waist stops your words dead in your throat.
"Hold onto me." He whispers. You continue to blush, but stay silent, doing just as he instructs. You lock your arms and fingers around his neck and together, you lift off the ground, slowly rising to match the height of the buildings around you. It's high, very high, but Spider-Man's grip on you makes you feel safe. You gently swing higher and higher, making your way from rooftop to rooftop. 
After a couple of minutes swinging, your surprised that you're not on the street - but on a rooftop. Spider-Man lets go of your waist, you look out over the side of the building, seeing thousands of windows and headlights twinkling like stars. You're left breathless at the sight (granted, it could've also been the altitude or the cold - but it was still beautiful none the less). You hear Spider-Man clear his throat behind you, so you turn to face him. What you see behind him practically knocks you back (thank goodness not actually, considering how high off the ground you were.)
There behind him sat a beautiful Christmas tree. It was huge, maybe ten feet tall. It was so bright that you don't understand how you could've missed it. It was practically a personal lighthouse for this street.
"This is... beautiful," Slowly you walk around the tree, enamored by the glitter and glow of all the lights, "My gosh, did you do this?"
"Yeah, wasn't all that hard," He chuckles to himself as he steps towards you, "It just took some time, some planning, and a lot of untangling."
"I'll bet! It looks incredible." You laugh. It did look incredible. The elegant way the lights draped around the tree, the dozens of blubs (all red and blue to match his suit) all perfectly spaced, the star at the top shining bright like a beacon - it looked like something out of a magazine.
"Good, it's for you." He was behind you now. You were so focused on the tree you barely heard him.
"I mean this must've taken--" and then it clicks, "Wait... what did you say?" You turned, the tree now illuminating you from the back. There stood the webbed warrior, twiddling his thumbs nervously.
"This is all for you. Granted, you weren't supposed to see it until Christmas." He repeated, this time a little quieter.
"I don't understand." You didn't. Did Spider-Man... have a crush on you? How could he? You've never met him. Besides, you had Peter. The idea of a superhero like Spider-Man thinking about you did tickle you inside, but the thought of Peter's warm smile and matching embrace was greater than any superpower. Lost in thought once more, you don't notice as he reaches for his mask.
"Please don't hate me..." He whispers behind his mask. You can hardly make out his words he's so quiet,
"Hate you? How could I--" The mask comes off - and you're silent. It feels like time is frozen and the world has grown quiet. There before you, clad in the same red and blue outfit you've come to see on the news every day - stands Peter Benjamin Parker. He squeezes the mask tightly in his hands, twisting it tighter and tighter with each second that passes without you saying anything. Finally, you find your voice again.
"P-Peter. You're... Spider-Man?" You don't know why you ask that. It's pretty obvious after all. But still, you needed to hear him say it.
"Yeah." He mutters, his brown eyes struggling to maintain contact with your own.
"I-I mean..." You try to formulate your thoughts, "I didn't..." but every thought that comes into your head creates another question, "I mean how? When?" You begin to wonder if you'll ever form coherent sentences again. But Peter ends your prattling by placing his hands in yours, still gripping the mask that now slips through your fingers as well.
"I've wanted to tell you for a long time." He's got a sadness in his eyes. It almost crushes you looking at him this way. The way his eyes glitter in the night make you feel that at any moment he could crumble to tears.
"I..." You try to speak, but Peter's hand squeezes. You decide to let him finish.
"I-I'm sorry I kept this a secret from you for so long," His hands slide up your arms until their at your shoulders, "I want you to know... it's not because I don't trust you. In fact, you're the person I trust the most."
"Pete..." You can feel his thumbs glide in little circles on your shoulders - something he only did when he was nervous. And just as you predicted, tears began to roll down his cheek.
"I just wanted to protect you but... It didn't feel right lying to you about this anymore," the tears sparkled from the lights of the tree, "I understand if you hate me... and if you don't want to be with me anymore--"
"Peter Benjamin Parker." You interrupted. He looks at you with shock, surprised by your little outburst. But all that sadness fades away when you place your lips on his cheek, kissing his tears away, "I could never hate you. Never."
"Y-You're not mad?" His voice breaks just a bit.
"I'm shocked, a bit confused, maybe a little anxious - but no, not mad." You take another look at him - a good hard look this time. His hair is a bit messy, some of it pushed to his forehead with sweat. His suit looks... amazing, but it has its minor flaws - scratches and imperfections here and there. You've known about Spider-Man for a long time now. He's a hero, a protector, and a good person above all else. Now that you think about it - that does sound like Pete.
"You saved me tonight, just like you've saved hundreds of others," You cup his face in your hand, "How could I hate someone who does all that?"
"(Y/N)..." Your name escapes his lips as the corners of his mouth turn into the smallest of smiles. You lean against him.
"No more secrets though, okay?" You hold him close, your head resting on his chest.
"No more secrets." He hugs you back, his gloved hand running through your hair.
"I'm not going to pretend I understand it all, and you have a lot of explaining to do," You squeeze around the small of his back, "I mean it, Pete. I want to know everything."
"I love you, (Y/N)." Peter lets out a soft laugh, his cheek pressing against the top of your head. Your heart skips a beat at those words.
"Pete, that's... the first time you said that to me."
"I-Is that okay?" You can hear the nervousness rise in his voice again. You laugh, bringing his face close to yours.
"Yes," You kiss him, your chapped lips breaking through the cold to connect with his. After a brief moment, you break away. "Because I love you too."
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hallodraws · 5 years
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Sorry I’m posting this garbage 🗑
I’ve literally been shopping all day and I think I’m starting to lose it. While I waited in line to buy an Air Fryer for my cousin, I was playing with various editing apps.
So now the internet can have “Serial Killer Gavin Reed” and “On Vacation Gavin Reed”, I would bang both
I promise good content is coming soon 😂
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hallodraws · 5 years
♡ thanks for the shoutout, love ♡
Who is your best friend on this site? Or any blogs you’d recommend to follow - I’m sorta new to tumblr
@fuckythebuckybarnes she’s my bestie on this hell hole. I talk to her, almost, everyday now over iMessage. And her blog is cool, we’ve been following each other for almost 3yrs now! If you search “friends” on this blog, there’s a few previous asks where I mention people to follow who I love. She’s the one person that has stuck by me in everything, so definitely follow her.
@hallodraws @just–another–daydreamer @judgementjake @daneel-the-sister-of-castiel @inhumanshadows are a few blogs that come to mind when thinking of people to follow
Like this post and then op can follow you 👌🏻👌🏻
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hallodraws · 5 years
Spells & Spiders (Part 1) | Peter Parker x Male!Reader
Wordcount: 1,700
Genre: Male!Witch!Reader x Peter Parker/Spider-Man | The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina x Marvel (MCU) AU Summary: “When Dr. Strange informs Tony that an unknown power seems to be rising in Greendale, Peter is sent on his first solo mission under the Avengers to locate the source. Thinking it could potentially be a weapon (or even an Infinity stone brought to Earth), it's agreed that Peter will go undercover to infiltrate the town to avoid drawing attention. While arriving in a new town brings with it new friends and new opportunities - the town of Greendale houses something far darker than anything the Avengers are prepared for.”
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes: Finally posted something again, I know! It’s been a while. I’ve just been busy putting off all my Christmas shopping. But I’ve been feeling inspired lately and I have a lot of stuff to post as we get closer to Christmas. I hope everyone is as excited as I am. Also, hope this chapter gets people excited, starting a new fic is always hard but I have a lot mapped out for this fic and really think you guys will have fun reading :) Next chapter we get some Peter ♡ Also, if you’d like to be on the tag list, just say so in a comment below!
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Fire, ash, wood, and leaves are all you can smell. You lay there in the darkness for some time just inhaling the smoke that was all around you. You can't see it, but you know it's there. You can hear the crackling and breaking of scorched wood, you can taste the filth as ash coats the back of your throat, and you can still feel the heat on your skin. You want nothing more than you open your eyes and run as fast as you can away from whatever goes on around you, but you can't. Your body won't respond to your impulses. Try as you might, your eyes stay shut, your mouth remains sealed, and your body lays still as a stone.
At first, you think you're dreaming. It would be the perfect makings of a nightmare, after all. But soon enough, you begin to wonder if you're actually dead, and that this perhaps could be the afterlife. If it is, disappointment doesn't even begin to cover your feelings towards it. You try hard - so hard that it feels like your brain is splitting - desperately trying to remember what actions led to this very moment. But you can't. No matter how much effort you put into it, the memories of minutes, hours, days, and even months passed won't return. This revelation scares you more than any fire.
You feel something wet roll across your face. It's soft and slippery as it glides over your skin. You can't even begin to fathom what it is - but then it happens again. Over and over this unseen appendage slides across your cheek. You can feel your eyes twitch under your lids, your fingers start to tingle, and even your lips begin to part, letting cool Autumn air flow into your lungs. That's when you hear it, a bark - a loud dog's bark right against your ear. It frightens you, but it's also enough to jolt you from the ground.
Your eyes are finally open. You can feel them dart in every direction, not knowing where to look first. There's the wet feeling again, this time on your hand. You turn your head so fast you almost give yourself whiplash, but what you see surprises you.
It's a dog - a big dog in fact. You watch as this black Doberman licks your hand clean of any soot before he too takes notice of your gaze. He turns up, looking directly into your eyes. You can practically feel his stare burn into you, but the longer you look into the jet black eyes of the dog, you begin to feel something else. It starts as a light headache - gentle but prevalent - but then it turns into something more. Thoughts enter in and out of your mind, all of them disjointed and out of order, but one thing stands out amongst all else - a name.
"Z-Zeus...?" Your voice cracks as you speak the name as it constantly repeats in your head. The dog's ears perk up, his tongue flopping out of his mouth as he leans in to lick your cheek once more. Soon, other memories work their way to the front to connect the dots. It's his name. He's your dog, Zeus - your familiar, your friend, and your partner. Nothing else makes sense at this moment, your head still a jumbled mess of information. But Zeus doesn't give you time to ponder your predicament any longer. You watch as his ears lay back as he sets his sights behind you.
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You turn to see what has his attention. As the smoke is carried away by the October breeze, you see it. No more than twenty feet away from you sits the skeleton of a house - charred and mangled by fire. The few flames that remain and the many cinders that coat the wooden beams are enough to cast a golden gleam on the trees behind it. You shakily get to your feet, Zeus standing protectively beside you.
The feeling comes again. You can feel thoughts, ideas, voices, and words go in and out of your head. It feels as though you're on a speeding train, actively trying to communicate with those who stand at the platform. You pick out small things, a word or memory here and there, but most is lost in an echo. After a few hazy minutes of it though, you finally make the connection.
"This... is my house." You whisper into the air. Zeus's paw pats at your foot. You turn to him, and somehow the look in his deep black eyes are enough to let you know that you are correct. This is your house - or perhaps it was your house. And now, it's gone.
It's strange. You feel... well, you're not sure how you feel. You look into the ash and actively know, everything you own is nothing more than dust at this point. But you don't grieve for any of it - simply because you can't remember any of it. That's when you get to thinking. Were you in this house alone? What about your parents?
That word sends a chill down your spine. Parents. Parents. No matter how many times you say, think, or scream those words, no memories come to you. You know you have parents, everyone does. But you can't remember their names, their faces, even their voices. What crosses your mind next makes you sick to your stomach. You don't miss them. You don't miss your own parents. How could you? You don't even know who they are. You can't miss something you don't recall ever having.
It's not the worry that hurts you - because you don't have any of that. It's guilt. You feel tremendously guilty. What kind of a son can't even remember his parents? What kind of son can't recall the face of the very woman who gave him life? Tears begin to stream down your face, and that makes the pain even worse, because no matter how many tears fall, no matter how many cries you let out into the dark, no matter how many times you smash your hands into your empty head - you can't remember anything.
You feel Zeus's body leave your side. He walks to the edge of the woods, standing motionless.
"Zeus?" You call out, but still, he doesn't move. Before you can call out a second time, you watch as your familar takes off into the darkness of the Greendale woods. You quickly sprint in after him, calling his name with every bound. You feel the warmth and light of the fire leave you as you venture deeper and deeper into the woods. Things grow dark very quickly, and if it weren't for Zeus's occasional bark into the night, you would've surely gotten lost by now. You watch his tale in the distance as your only guide, hoping you won't lose track.
"Where are you going?!" you scream out, your voice bouncing off the trees. Zeus responds with a quick bark and continues forward, leaping over every stone and branch in his way. You can barely keep up, the chill from the air making it hard to breathe. You wouldn't last much longer at this rate. You were just so exhausted - physically and mentally. And just when you feel your legs are about to give way beneath you, you see a light in the distance.
The trees break, and the moon shines brightly above you. You finally catch up the Zeus, who now sits patiently for you at the edge of the trees.
"W-What... the hell... was all that about?" you can barely catch your breath, speaking in segments through your still scorched throat. You begin to feel a bit light headed. Was it the running, the fire, or was it whatever was going on in your head? Regardless you found it difficult to stand on your own two legs anymore. Zeus noticed this as well and nudged you, quickly turning to face the source of light you saw through the trees.
There stood, in the center of the clearing, a large grey house. It sat there peacefully adorned with dozens of lit jack-o-lanterns across the deck. You saw as smoke puffed from the chimney and lights gleamed from almost every window. Not far from it was a sign, also illuminated.
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"Spellman Mortuary. Funerals, rituals, and rites." you read aloud, trying to focus your vision just long enough to grasp maybe where it was Zeus led you. You could hear his feet sprint off again, this time in the direction of the house. You groan to yourself, unsure you could keep pace with him this time. But you didn't want to be alone - you felt alone enough. And Zeus was all you had for the time being.
So you rush after the dog the best you can, feeling woozier with every few feet, unsure you'd even make it to the house. You watch as your familiar makes it to the front door, barking loud enough to wake the whole town. You only have a few more feet to go, but your legs ache and begin to fold. You reach the bottom of the stairs when you finally drop. You try to keep yourself upright but you just can't. You're so tired - tired of running, of feeling guilty, of trying to remember, and of so much more. Your eyes slowly droop as your dog continues to bark at the front door, but It's not enough to keep you awake.
Soon, the sounds around you begin to drift, almost turning into echoes. You hear the front door open, and Zeus finally stops.
"Now where did you come from, beast?" a woman’s voice speaks to Zeus. You can't find the strength to look up and put a face to the voice. You hear Zeus shuffle down the deck steps to stand by your side once more.
"Oh my... Hilda, Sabrina! Come quick!" the voice calls out once more - the last thing you hear before you finally drift off, back into the quiet dark.
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hallodraws · 6 years
Just in case
For those of you who followed me when I first started here, I made this account as an illustrator, I even dabbled in naughty content for a bit. Even to this day, I find it enjoying to draw such content and have no intention to stop. I enjoy dabbling in lots of different content and styles - it’s what makes artists grow and refine. Granted, I love what this blog has turned into - a place where I can write as well as illustrate and get feedback from all of you. It’s a place where we can share content we all are interested in, be it Marvel, Final Fantasy, Detroit: Become Human, etc. I cherish this blog a lot. However, If I do create nsfw art though, I’d enjoy feedback just the same. That’s why, just in case, I’m including my twitter account HalloDraws where I’ll be posting all of my art (nsfw and normal) as well as posting the safe content on this blog. This blog isn’t going anywhere so don’t worry. : ) (I have way too many stories to write to leave now lololol) I just want to take precautions with such a big change like this. Hope to see you on twitter as well as here, I think we’ll have fun on both platforms : )
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hallodraws · 6 years
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MARVELOUS ALTERNYTE | Final Fantasy X Marvel
Suprise! I’ve been working on this AU for a while now, writing down details about the world and its characters. Final Fantasy has always been my favorite game franchise and Final Fantasy XV has been my favorite title from the series. For this AU I essentially wanted to rewrite the MCU as if Square Enix was creating their own world from it. So I’ll be posting alternate versions of our favorite heroes and villains from the MCU as well as sharing some facts about the world. Also, expect references and homages to our favorite FF moments and characters 😉. I have ideas for a lot of the characters so far, but who would you like to see next? (I was thinking the alternate Loki, Tony, Wanda, or Pietro next) Here’s the text for those who have trouble reading.
Pietra Benjamin Parks aka Pete
“Being a young boy from a small town, Pietra (or Pete as he prefers) often dreamed of traveling across the continent in search for adventure. Orphaned at a young age, Pete was taken in by his aunt and uncle, living above and working in their family bookstore Carbuncle Books. But when enemy forces invaded the town, Pete's uncle was one of many to be struck down. Pete fought hard but was bloodied and bruised none the less. Enemy soldiers took him into the caves on the outskirts of town and left for dead - a place rumored to be the den of a hideous monstrosity.
While Pete never believed the tales himself, the stories were at least somewhat true. A creature did lie in wait in the caves; a Spider-Daemon bound there through strong magic. It was monstrous in appearance, but kind at heart, and did not wish to harm the frightened boy. Instead, the daemon made him an offer.
"Forge a covenant with me, young man. Let our souls become one, free me from this dark and dismal prison, and you shall have all my power in exchange. With it, you can protect the ones you hold dear."
Weak and scared - and left with no other option - Pete took the Spider's offer. With a single spider bite, their pact was signed and Pete was ready to fight once more.”
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hallodraws · 6 years
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Sorry I’ve been alittle silent. Just doing a lot of christmas shopping and decorating for my new place lmao. I should be posting some stuff in the next few days, but wanted to show you a bit of what I’m working on illustration wise. It’s a new AU I have planned, you guys have any idea what it could be? ;)
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hallodraws · 6 years
I genuinely cried. This is just so well written and it gives me all the feels I’m looking for in a story like this. Job well done.
Balcony - Peter Parker
Summary: Your balcony plays a significant role in your relationship with Peter.
Warnings: Angst, IW spoilers, character death (kinda), fluff.
Word count: 3.6k
A/N: This is my entry for @barnesrogersvstheworld ‘s marvel kiss writing challenge! I had the prompt ‘kiss on a balcony with Peter Parker’ and had the besssst time bringing this concept to life. Thanks so much for hosting such an inventive challenge! :D
I did some funky things with the Infinity War timeline to accommodate an older Peter, so pls give me my creative liberties when it comes to that! Other than that, I think this is fairly canon compliant? I’m just guessing the plot of A4 here lol. Hope you enjoy reading!
Due to recent linking issues, my masterlist and taglist can both be found under the +navi link in my bio! Please leave feedback!
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You love your apartment.
First and foremost, its position is ideal; halfway between your family and college, it sits in a charming area of Queens. You live alone, thanks to some money you came into recently, and as a first-year college student, you know you’re extremely lucky in that respect. The steep investment was worth taking: after living here onto a month, it already feels like home.
The interior is lush. You enlisted some of your artistic friends to help you redesign the place, and now you get home every night to warm lighting, leafy plants and fluffy rugs. The kitchen is small but practical with some nice granite counters, your bedroom is cosy and welcoming, and your living room light and spacious with a door that leads out to your favourite part of it all:
The balcony. It’s not big - you didn’t come across that much money - but it’s large enough to be worthwhile. You’ve placed a little shelf of plant pots out there, and a small round table with two deckchairs sprawled around it. On the evenings you sometimes go out to catch up on your coursework and reading, and in the mornings it makes the perfect place to sit and watch the city bustle by. For the most part, it’s a place of calm.
Until the day Spider-Man falls out of the sky and lands on it.
Keep reading
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hallodraws · 6 years
Thankful For You | Peter Parker x Male!Reader
Wordcount: 3,383
Genre: Male!Reader x Peter Parker/Spider-Man | Marvel/Insomniac’s Spider-Man (PS4) Thanksgiving Special Summary: “You can’t make it home for Thanksgiving this year, so you volunteer your time at F.E.A.S.T to help Peter with the shelter’s festivities. It might not be the Thanksgiving you expected, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less wonderful.”
Warnings: mild language
Author’s Notes: Hope you guys had a happy Thanksgiving. It’s currently 12:30 am and I’m getting ready to go black Friday shopping. Sorry this one’s a little long but I was just having so much fun I had to cut myself off. I hope you guys enjoy this little Thanksgiving Special and if you’d like to see a sequel/Christmas Special in late December please let me know down below :)
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You arrive at F.E.A.S.T promptly at one o'clock, just as Peter had asked. It looks more busy than usual, most likely because of it being Thanksgiving and all. But as crowded as it is today, it almost seems brighter - in more ways than one. You see the golden light of the afternoon glimmer through the windows, illuminating everyone in the shelter. Everyone looked comfortable - happy. The word 'thankful' even comes to mind as you think of a way to describe it all, but that would be too cheesy. F.E.A.S.T has always been a warm and inviting place, that's the way Mr. Li ran things. But even now, today just seemed better.
"Hey (Y/N), you made it!" it was Peter. You were so lost in the moment you didn't even notice him. He hurries to you, happily throwing an arm around your shoulder as he leads you further inside.
"I told you I was coming, Pete," You playfully shove him, Peter mocking you as he pretends as if you hurt him, "Have at least a little faith in me!"
"Sorry I know, I'm just really stressed out." You come to a stop in the center of the room; Peter's back now to the window. For a brief moment, you're a little taken back by him. The light shining from behind him, the soft glow of the room on his face, his goofy smile - you can't help but stare, even if it's just for a second. You quickly catch yourself, and Peter is none the wiser.
"Busy day today?" That was a dumb question and you knew it. You can visibly see how hectic it is in here, but it was the first thing that came to mind.
"You know it!" Even now, Peter glances around to see if anyone needs anything, "Homeless shelters like F.E.A.S.T always get a lot of traffic around the holidays."
"Well, you can take a load off, I'm here now!" You pat him on the shoulder, bringing his gaze back to you, "Where should I start?"
"Well, I don't think we need kitchen help right now so..." Peter struts over to the coffee station, returning with two pots labeled 'Regular' and 'Decaf', "Do you think you could go around and just see if anyone needs a refill on coffee?"
"Right away, boss." You give Peter a playful wink and take the pots from his hands. He laughs and rolls his eyes.
"Hey, don't call me that!" The two of you laugh, but when it's over, you two simply look at each other for a moment. It's just that - a moment, but you can feel just a little bit of awkwardness as if he was wanted to tell you something - or perhaps waiting for you to say something. Finally, he speaks up.
"Uh, I-I'll be in the kitchen checking on the food. Let me know if you need anything." With a final smile, he's gone through the sea of people. You exhale, steaming pots still in hand. You begin your route through the mass of beds and tables, offering fresh coffee to every patron you see. After a while, it becomes so routine that you let your mind wander a bit.
You think of your family and what they're up to right now. With work being so busy this year, and your schedule just not lining up correctly, you and your family decided that you'd, unfortunately, sit this Thanksgiving out this year - but you'd drive home in about a week to have a Late-Thanksgiving get together when you were freer. All n' all, you weren't too broken up about it, and at least you're here doing good for the homeless, surrounded by friendly faces - as well as Peter's.
You'd been telling yourself for the last few months that you didn't have a crush on Peter. You guys were best friends, college pals, a dynamic duo - and that was it. But as of late, you just can't help but think of him all the time. The way he carries himself, the way he cares for others, and that beautiful smile that's always on his face - It took a while, but you finally came to terms with your feelings. It made hanging out with him just a little bit more difficult, but as long as you kept your mouth shut nothing would change - and you wouldn't have to worry about him rejecting you.
Soon enough, you've gone about halfway throughout the shelter. Most people take you up on your offer for a refill, and after about ten minutes and three coffee pot refills later, you find yourself at a card table where Cam and Eileen are in another one of their heated games of chess. Honestly, are these two ever not playing?
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"Hey, you two. Does anyone need a refill on coffee? I've got decaf and regular." The two barely look up from the board, clearly planning out their next strategies, but they still manage to send smiles your way. Eileen is the first to slide her mug your way.
"Yes, please, honey! Regular too." You oblige, filling her mug, "Top Cam off too, (Y/N). He's gonna need the caffeine considering how hard I'm whooping him." You chuckle as she gives you a wink. Cam rolls his eyes.
"You guys still at this game?"
"Of course! Gotta make sure I don't lose my edge!" Cam brings his cup to you, pointing at the regular pot, "...and you are not whooping me!" You and Eileen let out another laugh as they each place their mugs down, focused once more.
"Thanks, (Y/N)." Cam thanks you for the coffee, moving one of his own pieces as Eileen groans, "Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving."
"Thanks, you too," You watch as Eileen makes her move, with Cam being the one to let out a sigh under his breath this time, "So what are you guys thankful for this year?"
"I'm thankful for having a friend who still plays with me even though I hand his ass to him every game we play." Eileen lets out a hearty laugh as Cam fidgets over his side of the board.
"I'm thankful for this crazy old lady who keeps playing with me even though I can feel her dementia setting in as we speak." Cam snaps back, finally deciding on a place for his queen piece. Watching these two was always fun - never a dull moment.
"You guys are lucky to have each other." You poke fun at the two.
"You could say that," Eileen says sarcastically, Cam simply tips his hat to her "And what are your plans for Thanksgiving, hun?"
"I'm not gonna make it home this year," You try to laugh it off, not wanting to sound like a pity-party, "So I'm dedicating my time here instead."
"Yikes, some holiday." Cam cracks, Eileen kicking him under the table. You just laugh again.
"Oh stop, I love it here with you guys." You smile when you see their faces light up after you say that. Eileen finally turns away from the game, placing a hand on your arm.
"Well regardless, thanks for helping out here all the time. It doesn't go unnoticed." You've never heard Eileen say anything so sweet to you before. You knew she and Cam cared, but it was still nice to hear that they appreciated you. Honestly, it warmed your heart to listen to that.
"Happy Thanksgiving, guys. You have fun." And with a final nod, the three of you go back to what you were doing.
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You decide to next make your way over to the television station. The spot is full as people sit around the screen mounted on the wall, all eyes glued to the parade on channel 5. Slowly, you lean down between seats, quietly offering coffee without disturbing anyone. Again most people take you up on the offer - you're surprised there's ever any coffee left in this building the way everyone drinks it around here. Once you finish, you notice Ernie by the television, leaning against the wall.
"Hey, Ernie. Coffee?" you flash him a smile and show him the coffee in your hands. Ernie nods and holds out his mug.
"Fill 'er up, kid. Regular." He grumbles.
"On it, and Happy Thanksgiving." You fill his mug, but Ernie looks at you with indifference.
"Meh." Ernie mumbles and sighs, and while this is usual behavior for Ernie, you decide to probe him a little bit. He seems a little more 'Ernie' than usual.
"What? No holiday cheer?" You try to joke with him.
"You try being cheery on Thanksgiving without a home or family." Ernie leans against the wall again, taking a sip from his fresh cup. You feel a little sad, almost like a pit in your stomach. There's a brief moment of silence until you finally think of something to say (also praying it also sounds as good out loud as it does in your head).
"You got a point there," You begin, "But you know what I think?"
"What?" Ernie looks up from his cup, still looking disinterested.
"I know things are hard for you Ernie, but you've got a home in F.E.A.S.T and a family in me, Peter, May, and everyone else here," You lean in, speaking a little quieter this time, "I get it's not the ideal portrait of the holidays, but I think it's still something to be thankful for." Ernie looks at you, and you can't quite make out what he's thinking. Is he pissed at me? Did that come off as condescending? Lots of these kinds of thoughts run through your head as you wait for him to answer.
"You know what, (Y/N)." He begins, and you visibly gulp, "You're right. Maybe now you're the one with a point. Happy Thanksgiving, kid." He gives you a little smirk. You can't believe it, Ernie actually smiled at you and said you were right - and you thought miracles only happened on Christmas. You give him a final nod and finish the rest of your route.
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It took about thirty minutes to go through the whole shelter, but now you're finally done. You remember Peter saying he'd be in the kitchen, so you place down your now empty pots at the coffee station and make your way into the kitchen. As you walk through the swinging doors, you can hear quiet laughter over by the cutting boards. It was May and Peter, having a good laugh about something while cutting vegetables.
You watch them for a few seconds before you make your presence known. It was always kind of nice to see Peter hanging out with May. You weren't family or anything, but May always made sure you felt welcomed. She's an incredibly nice woman, and it made you feel good seeing her and Peter enjoying each other's company. Eventually, May turns just enough to see you in the doorway.
"(Y/N) I didn't know you were here!" She puts down her knife and quickly walks over to you, enveloping you in a motherly hug, "Peter, why didn't you tell me (Y/N) was helping out today?"
"I thought you knew!" Peter rubs the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed he forgot to tell his aunt of your arrival.
"Well, I'm glad you're here. Come here, honey," May leads you over to the cutting boards, "I haven't seen you in so long!"
"I know, and that's my fault. I've just been so busy with work." You did feel bad, the last time you saw May was when Peter invited you over to her house for dinner as a thank you for letting him crash on your couch. Peter had just been evicted, but you were more than happy to help him out. That must've been at least a month ago now.
"Why aren't you with your family this year?" May snaps you out of your thoughts.
"Things just didn't plan out right schedule-wise, so I'm seeing them in a few weeks for a late Thanksgiving dinner." Again, you try to spin it in a light so that May doesn't feel bad for you.
"Oh well that's good at least, and in the meantime, you get to spend the holiday with us!" She gives you another hug, Peter winking at you over her shoulder. You wink back, forever joking with Pete that May liked you more than him.
"So how'd coffee go?" Peter begins cutting a head of lettuce as May clears a spot for you.
"I think I've covered all my bases at least for a bit. I'll go out again and check in a bit." May places a tomato in your left hand, and a knife in your right.
"Nonsense, I'll switch shifts with you," She slips her apron off over her head and onto your shoulders, "I've been cooped up in this kitchen all day and could use some fresh faces."
"Hey!" Peter stops to look at May, raising his eyebrow and scoffing at her. You can't help but laugh.
"Oh you know I love you." and with that, May leaves the kitchen, the doors swinging shut behind her. There's another silence between you and Peter - almost exactly like the one before. He looks at you, his lips slightly parted as if he was about to tell you something. Eventually, he returns his gaze to the lettuce and he resumes chopping.
"So... the turkey is in the oven, potatoes and yams are in the heating box, and pies are just cooling on the stove. All we gotta do is cut these vegetables for the salad bar." Peter avoids looking at you, and you begin to wonder if maybe this time he actually did want to say something.
"Sure, sounds easy enough." You ignore it in the end and begin slicing the tomatoes in front of you. After a few minutes, Peter speaks up again.
"Hey, don't get mad. But..." You can see Peter smirking out of the corner of your eye, "I overheard what you said to Ernie."
"Eavesdropping again?" You playfully bump into his shoulder, not once looking up from the cutting board.
"No!" He explains as he grabs another head, "I was helping out Mr. Hodges when you walked by."
"Oh. And?" You're a bit confused, what was Peter getting at? It's not like you exposed some secret or anything while you were pouring coffee.
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"What you said - about May and me being like family - that was really nice." You look up from your station, and Peter's no longer cutting. Instead, he's looking at you with that goofy grin you love so much. You feel your cheeks start to pinken just a bit.
"Well of course, Pete. You know I care about you." You try not to look at him, knowing your face will surely turn red the moment you turn your head.
"I care about you too." He leans on the counter, clearly waiting for you to turn to him. You're too embarrassed to do so, so you try to change the subject.
"So, Pete. I've asked pretty much everyone. What are you thankful for this year?" At last, you finish slicing the tomatoes and bring yourself to look in Peter's direction.
"Me? Well, I..." Peter shifts his weight from foot to foot as he thinks, "I mean the usual stuff, right? Friends, family, good health and all that."
"What a lame and generic answer from Peter Parker." You poke fun at him again.
"Hey, well you put me on the spot!" He swats at your arm.
"Excuses, Excuses." You chuckle and just swat right back at him.
"Okay, okay, fine..." There's a brief pause as Peter physically turns you to look at him, "I've got one."
"What is it?"
"Promise not to laugh?" Peter wags his finger in your face; you just swipe it away.
"We'll see." You loved picking on Peter, and while he'd never admit it himself, he enjoyed the torment every now and again.
"I'm... thankful for you." Peter's voice skipped for a moment, but you heard him loud and clear.
"Y-Yeah. I mean, you've been there for everything this past year..." Peter lifts his hand to your shoulder, "You were there when Dr. Octavius was having trouble with paying me. You've been covering my shifts here when I can't make it. You were there when I got evicted from my place. Hell, you even let me sleep on your couch till I got back on my feet."
"What are friends for, Pete?" You let your hand rise to touch Peter's on your shoulder. He doesn't pull it away, letting his thumb rub in small circles - something you knew Peter only did when he was nervous.
"I know I don't say it enough, or ever really, but I'm lucky to have you in my life." You can't help it anymore. Your face is bright red and you know it, but Peter was standing here saying the sweetest stuff and you're willing to suffer mild embarrassment to enjoy the moment. You don't know what to say, so you just smile - maybe the biggest smile you've had all day. Peter stands motionless again, just staring at you. Again, he looks like he wants to add something. Without realizing it, you finally say something about it.
"Peter? You okay?"
"I... I mean... I just..." you can feel his grip tighten on your shoulder just a bit. Without warning, Peter leans in, his soft lips pushing gently against your own. You stand there frozen, silent and still as a statue, completely stunned by what's happening. Peter is actually kissing you. While it's short, barely feeling like a full second, it almost seems like the entire world stops around you to take notice. He pulls away fast, his face now the one cast in a crimson hue. He bites his lip, scanning around the room, doing whatever he can to avoid eye contact with you.
"I... I-I'm sorry," Peter stutters, barely able to force out a coherent sentence. You've never seen him like this before. He was so shy, so nervous - you'd even go as far as to say he looked scared. The look in his eyes made you feel like he could take off running at any moment. He starts to speak again, "I shouldn't have--"
But you don't let him finish his sentence. You place your hand on the back of his head, letting your fingertips glide over his brown curls. You still say nothing, hoping the look on your face says it all for you. Slowly, you bring his head towards your own, letting your lips touch once more - this time the right way. You feel Peter tense up for just a second, but then he relaxes. His breathing slows, his eyes close, and his hands move to your waist - holding you close. It lasts just for a moment - but it's certainly one hell of a moment. Finally, you break away.
"No, I'm glad you did," You bring your hand to his face, letting your thumb graze over his cheek, "I-I've been hoping you would do that for some time now." You feel your voice jump just a bit when you hear your confession out loud.
"You...?" The little bit of shock on Peter's face surprises you, but also makes you laugh just a little under your breath, "Why didn't you say something earlier?" You can feel his fingers lock together on your lower back.
"I was too chicken-shit." You chuckle out your response. It sounded stupid, but it was true. You've cared about Peter for a long time. You don't remember the exact moment you began thinking of him as more than just a friend, but you do remember that at every instance those thoughts came to your head, a little voice would tell you 'he won't feel the same way, so don't bother.' But now here you stand, having just kissed the man you've thought about for months now - having him hold you tenderly in his arms. For a moment, you fear a tear might well up in your eyes, so you hug him close to hide your face.
"I'm thankful for you too, Pete."
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hallodraws · 6 years
Thanksgiving Surprise / Teaser
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you guys in on a little surprise I’ve been working on for this Thanksgiving. It’s been a hell of a year but I can honestly say I have a lot to be thankful for - you guys being one of those things! I just wanna say thank you for all the nice comments and interactions I’ve had with you guys. I have so much fun writing these stories and I’m glad our little community is so close ♡ Here’s a little teaser for what’s to come (sometime) tomorrow. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone ♡
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hallodraws · 6 years
You guys ever have that issue where (for example) you write Chapters 1-3 and 5-8 but for some reason chapter 4 is just kicking your ass, thereby preventing you to post all your other work?  Yeah. That’s me af rn. 😂 Don’t worry I’m not dead, I’m just hitting a rough patch with my writing. Thankfully I hate Thanksgiving and when I’m not eating I’ll be writing, so expect a chapter of one or more of my fics~
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hallodraws · 6 years
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Meet Wesley “Wes” Manfred
in Squidward voice “Oh no he’s hot!”
I have so much fun making these Detroit Become Human pieces inspired by the original concept art, and It gives me the opportunity to practice with my techniques in photomanipulation, illustration, and graphic design. I always wanted to design a non-android OC for DBH and Markus’s story with Carl is my absolute favorite. Unpopular opinion, Leo is such an interesting character and I’ve wanted to make a brother OC for him for some time. Truth be told I’ve been writing some stuff down for a Male!Reader x Markus story (where Wes would take place of the reader). I’m not sure I’ll post it for a while or if ever - I just wanted to revisit this kind of work ♡
Here’s the text included in case anyone has a hard time reading it
“Wes is the son of famous painter Carl Manfred. With his brother Leo, he was initially raised by his mother. At ages 17 and 16, Wes and Leo reached out to attempt to form a relationship with their father. While Leo's attempts ultimately led to pain and disappointment, Wes's interactions were that of learning and genuine connections.
Wes followed in his father's footsteps to become an artist, often studying and practicing at the Manfred Mansion. Carl took it upon himself to pay for all expenses when it came to his son's education, including funding his ride to Vaunfield College of Art in New York. 
While Carl did his best to be a father to both his sons, it was Wes who returned the sentiment by being a faithful and caring son. He'd often fly back for visits to Detroit to check in on his father after his accident and made sure to call regularly. It was during these visits that he befriended his father's RK200 caretaker android, Markus as well as acquired his father's kindness and affinity towards all androids.”
Birthdate | Feb 3, 2009 (Age 29) Gender | Male Height | 5′10″ Weight | 170 lbs Eye Color | Heterochromia (Blue & Hazel) Hair Color | Blonde Family | Carl Manfred (Father), Leo Manfred (Brother)
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hallodraws · 6 years
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You could say I’m addicted to the new song POP/STARS by K/DA. You could also say I haven’t drawn anything somewhat sexy in a while. On both accounts, you’d be right.
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