cobbbvanth · 2 minutes
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cobbbvanth · 37 minutes
what gets me is that date scene was a literally under a minute long which isn’t a whole loft of time exactly of dissect the inner workings of their daddy issues. the minute they had, they used it to its full potential because we had:
- buck and tommy being casually domestic together on their date night in, which while nice, wasn’t like a super fancy thing and shows that this is probably a common occurrence for them. (especially when you see episode 9 and Bobby’s mention of buck going to visit tommy after the shift)
- buck telling tommy about his day, tommy making a joke about the dedicated hospital wing but recognizes that buck is not okay so he ASKS him pointedly how HE is
- buck shares the close relationship he has with bobby and this seems to be the first time they’re delving into that and so of course tommy wants to understand better, hence why he says “your dads alive”, buck replies exactly and tommy gets an understanding buck doesn’t have a great relationship with his father (also I have to add buck sharing how he sees bobby as a father with tommy is a big deal esp considering the buck bobby scene last episode where bobby tells buck tommys good for him soooo)
- tommy then shares his OWN experience after that, bounces off of what buck says to add to the conversation and open up to his boyfriend about his own past so he can get to know him better too. it was a moment where they were both vulnerable (the Gerard mention in particular i 100% believe is to set up an arc with tommy in season 8)
Now at this point there isn’t a whole lot of time left in the scene like maybe 20-25 seconds? they can exactly like I said sit there and examine and analyze their childhoods and their fathers so the tone switches to a more light hearted vibe because it would be weird to end it on a heavy note AND simultaneously it gives us more insight into their relationship
- buck suggestively says the daddy issues line which again, how anyone interpreted that as him wanting to continue a serious discussion is beyond me when again, the scene has hardly any time remaining
- tommy picks up the vibe he’s putting down and tells him he doesn’t have them (he clearly does have daddy issues so again, we know this isn’t about the actual trauma but about sex and what they both like/dislike )
- buck once again responds suggestively with the “you think I do”
- and then tommy with his infamous “God I hope so” - leaving buck giddy and smiling because he got exactly what he wanted
tdlr; We got domestic bucktommy, tommy backstory, both of them being vulnerable with each other, Tommy recognising he was not a good person in the past under Gerard, a set up for a tommy storyline with Gerard in some way for seaosn 8, bucktommy flirting, bucktommy matching each others freak and both very much enjoying it, bucktommy showing they can read each others moods like??? all for his in a scene that was under a minute
that scene was such a masterclass of Show Don't Tell. they had 55 seconds to get across how they're doing and where they are in the relationship and they did it. we can see that they're comfortable with each other; that they're okay with opening up about vulnerable topics but haven't had in-depth conversations on some, like buck and his parents; we can even see some of how they communicate, with tommy relating to buck's admission with similar thoughts of his own father and father-figure (something we've seen tommy do before, and is a lovely subtle showing of his personality); and then we get confirmation that yes, these two have fucked already, and are clearly compatible in that department too.
plus another sprinkle of foreshadowing with gerrard.
in 55 seconds.
that is called economy of time/space/whatever the rule is i can't remember rn. the show doesn't always get it, but when they do it is golden
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cobbbvanth · 1 hour
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Bucktommy texts part 1/?
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cobbbvanth · 1 hour
i've seen lots of posts calling the bucktommy dinner a date - and was it a date? or was it two people in a relationship sitting down for dinner after a long day? the fact that buck didn't change his shirt (and that their food looked leftover night) makes me think the latter. which i love, because it speaks to where their relationship is - buck's been spending nights over at tommy's, tommy comes over to his to eat and spend time with him. and he looks comfortable in buck's space. neither of them felt like they were trying to impress the other; they were relaxing in their boyfriend's company.
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cobbbvanth · 2 hours
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Jojo Rabbit (2019) - dir. Taika Waititi
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo - [movie poster]
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cobbbvanth · 2 hours
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the five homoerotic love languages [inspo: ✿ ❀ ✿]
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cobbbvanth · 2 hours
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cobbbvanth · 2 hours
i just read an article and apparently jonathan kaplan (who played jason in the falsettos obc and was 11 at the time), watched his voice teacher who helped him through the show's auditions decline and eventually die from aids related illness during the show's previews.
in this same article michael rupert mentioned how there would be patients who came and saw the show and would go to the stage door just to be near the performers and tell them how much the story meant to them.
one day, heather macrae (charlotte) attended the funeral of her friend paul jabra and immediately after went straight to the theatre to perform in the evening show.
stephen bogardus recalls leaving the theatre and walking through the audience (about 15 minutes after the show had finished) and people would still be there holding each other.
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cobbbvanth · 2 hours
Good morning, just a quick reminder that
Have a nice day.
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cobbbvanth · 2 hours
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what do you say?
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cobbbvanth · 3 hours
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Good Omens | 2.03 I Know Where I'm Going
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cobbbvanth · 3 hours
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@creatorsofcolornet prompt #01: side character @lgbtqcreators creator bingo: comedy
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cobbbvanth · 4 hours
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Bend It Like Beckham (2003)
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cobbbvanth · 4 hours
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happy pride tumblr take a crowley doodle
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cobbbvanth · 4 hours
Happy pride month to everyone having to hide from their own family, we don’t talk about how much that hurts, you’re valid and loved. If anyone following me relates to this, I’m your family now.
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cobbbvanth · 4 hours
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canon queer characters of The Gay Firefighter Show™ HAPPY PRIDE! [insp]
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cobbbvanth · 4 hours
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GOOD OMENS (2019 - ) | 2.06 'Every Day'
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