yyxandere · 2 months
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instead of continuously over-donating to ao3 when those running the site are racist zionist sympathisers who shut down support of palestine from its volunteers 1 / 2 (among myriad other issues that u should NOT be funding) please direct your attention to these incomplete fundraisers for people in gaza and various tangible operations doing work. this is a call that if u have donated even a cent to ao3 to a) match that in your donations to palestinians/causes and b) stop donating so uncritically and unconditionally to ao3, pressure them. id like to direct u to @end-otw-racism
fundraiser masterpost by @el-shab-hussein
care for gaza
help gaza's children
operation olive branch
the palestinian children's relief fund
the palestinian red crescent society
buy an e-sim / donate for mass buying
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yyxandere · 2 months
DUDE 2021 ME💀⁉️ YOU KNEW ME THAT TIME. Then you must have seen me change my aesthetic like twice a week 💀💀
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yyxandere · 2 months
One time, me and my bestie use highlighter as our "eyeshadow" while the principle is ranting lmao
Damn😭😭 That sounds fun but like. Was it online? Cuz if any principal saw you guys doing that then it over 💀💀
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yyxandere · 2 months
I’m a SA victim and I promise you that these kind of “dark romance” are actually extremely triggering. Daily reminder to all SA victims THAT ALOT OF US actually want to heal from the trauma and don’t want to be reminded of it and I’m not here to downplay SA victims that genuinely see 🍇 as a coping mechanism, but GOD there’s SOO MANY MANY coping mechanisms, if you keep on consuming things like those it will actually fvck you up on the head!
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stop making fanfics about characters raping and sexually assaulting y/n, you are fucking disgusting people who romanticize a serious crime that happens every day to children and women
"but that's just reading dark romance" that's not a dark romance, that's just the stuff of a horrible fetish, IF YOU HAVE A RAPE FETISH, GO SEEK FOR FUCKING PSYCHIATRIST HELP!!!!!!!!!!
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9K notes · View notes
yyxandere · 2 months
I’m so doomed💀
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i saw a few tiktok videos that was very concerning to me and i decided to share some of the knowledge i got because as a community of people who freely write things about characters, we need to protect our work. i have sadly forgotten the name of the tiktok users but if you guys scroll upon it, please let me know so i can properly credit the people.
GOOGLE DOCS IS NOT SAFE❗️apparently google created this AI that allows them to see your google docs documents, fics, works, whatever is in there, let an actual human read it and have it used in an AI without crediting the original writer. so if you use google docs, please watch out for any suspicious new buttons or notifications asking you about allowing access to your documents
THEY GOT THE AO3 WRITERS AS WELL❗️apparently some thieves i am NOT calling them people because who with moral compass would do this shit? are copying, pasting and printing out popular fanfictions on AO3, binding them, turning them into actual books and selling them on places like Etsy WITHOUT crediting the original authors. which is why we can’t find some certain popular fics or authors on AO3 (credit to tiktok user sakuradarling)
TUMBLR IS SELLING OUR WORK/PROMPTS TO THIRD PARTY WITHOUT CONSENT❗️i think i came across a post or two about it. i think my mutual @livelaughlovesubs has reblogged a post about it. check it out and turn on a switch on your blog settings that prevent this. stay safe and protect your works writers
spread the word everyone, because… genuinely what the fuck?
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yyxandere · 3 months
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843K notes · View notes
yyxandere · 4 months
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ “You” pronouns
✧.* prompt ─ “Type of Kisses they give” [ACE ATTORNEY PROSECUTOR.]
✩.* note ─ This was supposed to be a Valentines Fic but I decided to make it a series for all the fandoms I write for :3! Yakuza characters are next!! Hope you guys liked this!! Reader’s height isn’t written but I had tall Reader in mind when doing so!!
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ SUGGESTIVE THEMES [MADE BY A MINOR!], Unhealthy Coping Mechanism, Abusement of Power, and Unhealthy Thinking
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[♡]ー ꒱・!demon prosecutor himself with a strong sense of justice - MILES EDGWORTH.
Miles kisses are forward yet slow. Miles wants to be the one leading about almost everything, like in court or in investigations yet when it comes to leading for your love he’s an absolutely flustered man. Yet he can’t resist you the many years devoid of love from Miles made him yearn something that you have managed to fill in for him, but that story if for another time. His kisses are deep but quick so nobody would notice, but in his private chambers such indulges will be much more longer, lingering touch on your face as his lips complete yours his hands hold you tightly not wanting to let you go. Such a beautiful love story but only if anyone can see the cold chains he has on you.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the prosecutor prodigy herself with her signature whip - FRANZISKA VON KARMA.
For a prodigy lady herself Franziska too like her brother doesn’t know how to initiate such contact and the turmoil she has with herself will reflect when it comes to you. Franziska’s kisses are quick and rough like her whip. Her feelings towards you cause some sort of concoction inside of herself, she’s angry at herself for falling in-love when she want to reach her highest, angry at herself because she knows that this isn’t what love is. So please don’t be alarmed when you suddenly got grabbed by your collar by Franziska for a kiss, she’s not angry at you, she angry at herself after she wrongly prosecuted someone who did you wrong yet. . .she felt like she was “correct” when doing so. . .
[♡]ー ꒱・!the well disciplined head chief prosecutor and a mature lady - LANA SKYE.
Lana Skye what a woman indeed but for a lover is what you may not need. Her clacking heels will be put on a stop to reach your height for a quick but meaningful kiss, a kiss that will leave a pink lip mark on your cheek. Lana never tells her relationship out loud she knows her position but whenever another prosecutor tries to hit on you whenever you visit her, Lana has to stop herself from deeply clawing her fist up hands until blood starts leaking of of her tense clench. What can we say about Lana, she’s the mature one in the relationship so why can’t you just trust her with everything in your life?
[♡]ー ꒱・!the mysterious coffee-loving prosecutor with a deep grudge - “GODOT.”
The aroma from his green vest, and the aftertaste of the strong coffee on his lips yet your lips are the most addicting then the most strongest coffee he had ever taste in his life and “after”-life. Godot’s kisses are slow, sensual and teasing yet like the coffee he makes there’s always something deeper and complex than what it seems. Godot’s kisses are teasing alright, but there’s a possessive grip on your waist when he does, his touches are always like he doesn’t want to let go of you, each exploration of your lips for him makes him more addicted more then ever. Instead of a caffeine overdose he’ll be craving for your lips, with his hands wandering around you, that he won’t mind getting all bloodied up for you.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the flamboyant rockstar prosecutor who sticks to his morals - KLAVIER GAVIN.
The flashing lights in his concert that goes on par with the neon colours, yet not even with all of lights and music blasting through his ears and eyes could distract him—Klavier has eyes only for you. Teasing and quick are Klavier’s kiss for you, as a pop star and a prosecutor he doesn’t really have much free time, but to make up for it he would always invite you at his concert at the backstage, once he’s done preforming he would kiss your euphony lips, as his strong cologne and his sweat fills your senses, as his arms wraps around your skin wanting to preserve the moment, may it be the adrenaline in his veins but he’d pull you into the second phase of the concert and proudly proclaim your status of being his significant other, as he deepen the kiss again. Such action would make sure that you won’t leave him especially when you have the prying eyes of the public.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the intimidating black and white twisted samurai - SIMON BLACKQUILL.
His rough and calloused hands gently holds your bottom lips for permission, as his lips moves towards your, his muscular build leans towards yours like you’re his only pillar in life. Simon knows that his hands aren’t made for loving, there were made only for protecting and yet a different kind of story unfolds when you’re both in alone with silence, his lips chapped yet his kisses are slow and rough, like an inmate ravaging his last meal but in fact he’s just not experienced at this—you’re his first and last when it comes to these parts in life. His kisses are meant to show love but his hands are meant to have crimson seeping blood on it but only just for you.
[♡]ー ꒱・!holy and enchanting yet sharp in his own ways - NAHYUTA SAHDMADHI.
Elegant and grace but like a midnight wave one mistake shall send someone to the grave. A motto that embodies the ‘Khura'in Prince’ Nahyuta. His pious nature makes every head turn towards him yet when it comes to you-it’s you who are his deity. The softness of the silk robe that Nahyuta wears is nothing compared to his lips, oh how plum and luscious it is, his words towards you are sweet like cake but like cake it has layers, the layers you may ask? Layers of manipulation spewing out of his butterfly lips. That’s why his kisses are soft and velvety that hides a sinister intend. May the Holy Mother help you . . .
[♡]ー ꒱・!the wussy and crying but growing young prosecutor - SEBASTIAN DEBESTE.
The soft sob that resonates with the room as his salty tears run down his cheeks. Sebastian is an absolute mess to everything in his life but an absolute disaster when he sees you looking at him. Soft kisses are a need for Sebastian after the lack of love and validation he desperately wanted from other people, that’s why slowly caress his coffee-coloured hair as he gently weeps on your lap. The salty tears staining your clothes, please forgive him! He didn’t mean to yell at your best friend just because they needed you for a while!
[♡]ー ꒱・!the boot-rising, lip service, deadly prosecutor - BAROK VAN ZIEKS.
London’s harsh winter and the warmest season has none in common but for Barok it’s the same when he pulls you for a deep and deprived kiss. His gloves are always on proper place when it comes to you, he desperately needs your touch, a deprived man till his core, his cold hands even near a fireplace wanders your collars and many more. His lips is as cold for how he kiss death, he knows that but when he kisses you your lips is as warm and divine as the sun it self, it warms the aching desire he has but only temporary. After you pull back he is wanting more from you. . .
[♡]ー ꒱・!the head of labyrinthia's order of knights - ZACHARIAS BARNHAM.
His firey hair is as matching as his passionate and deep kisses. Zacharias Barnham himself is a man of words and action, when he says he’d love you till the whole city is in blaze he means it. He is passionate about everything he cares about but you bring a different kind of passion inside him. His kisses is passionate and tender, as it is meant to be with you. His arms are warm and strong around an intention of never letting you go. He will give you everything that he is because he feels like his heart was carved out for you from the very beginning and nothing is going to ever take that away from him ever.
[♡]ー ꒱・!high inquisitor of labyrinthia with a firey ambition - “DARKLAW”
Her cold, gold, clawed hand holds your cheeks as Darklaw softly slammed her lips upon yours. Her role as the inquisitor means she only have few moments with you “few” because whenever she’s with you it feels like time is nothing for her, that’s why her kisses are quick but un intentionally rough. Those witch trails do take a huge toll on her, so forgive her for accidentally bruising your lips after she just sent one of your friends into the infamous fire of Labyrinthia. That doesn’t matter now though, when her body still tenses from kissing and her heart thumps wildly within her chest, the way she leans into your warmth while her other hand slides up your arm and then cups your jaw in her palms, it doesn’t matter at all. You were always meant to be hers. She loves you so much, even if she was never supposed to fall for you. . .
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yyxandere · 4 months
I will always remember the true story of a woman whose newborn died in her arms while she lived. She described how she helplessly put him to her chest, but no milk was being produced due to her own malnutrition. The horrific feeling of failing your own child.
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yyxandere · 4 months
First, I would like to thank you because you're doing God's work (writing Yakuza content).
Second, I would like to thank you again because, man...
Me rn:
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yyxandere · 4 months
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Free Palestine till its backwards 🇵🇸
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yyxandere · 4 months
Stinky man wants us😔
(Yandere! Carlos Oliveira)
Premium request by @tumbling-roses , thank you! :)
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yyxandere · 4 months
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Note: These peices of fiction with yandere themes are strictly for entertainment purposes. I do not condone with any of the following in real life. If triggered I highly suggest to click off. Yandere are only kept to be fictional!
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𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚 [𝟏]
[𝐍𝐨𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐨𝐮]
[𝐊𝐞𝐢 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐨]
[𝐘𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢]
[𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚]
[𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚]
[𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐚]
[𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐤𝐨 𝐔𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢]
[𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐨]
[𝐘𝐮𝐤𝐚 𝐀𝐲𝐚𝐬𝐞]
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yyxandere · 4 months
Yandere Maruki: *screaming, crying, breaking down in public while trying to figure out whether or not to take a job at Shujin Academy, where he won't be able to see you, or stay at the counseling office to keep working with you* They'll miss me if I go! But the students need me! I don't know what to do!!!
You: *staring directly at him from across the street, before turning to your friend* I don't know that man. I have never seen him in my life.
Anyways I'm gonna write more yandere Maruki because he has taken over my brain.
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yyxandere · 4 months
Hi hi hi! It's Glass Anon from TurnaboutYandere's and GyakutenYandere's blogs ^^; I hope that you are having a lovely day today and could I request some general yandere headcanons for Miles Edgeworth please?
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ 'You' pronouns
✧.* prompt ─ Yandere Miles Edgeworth General Headcanons
✩.* note ─ THANK YOU GLASS ANON FOR THE REQUEST I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH IT (≧▽≦)—FEB 1 EDIT: this is heavily edited!
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ OOC Miles, Spoilers for Miles backstory, Blackmailing, Abuse, Abusement of Power and Unhealthy Coping Mechanism
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• The “Demon” Prosecutor himself—Miles Edgeworth, a stoic and the adopted son of Manfred Von Karma, yet too his core he’s just a lonely man who is in desperate need of comfort from the one he deems close.
• Miles is Protective, Controlling, Self-Aware type, such traits could be traced back to his trauma of losing his father and the mental abuse he endured from Manfred.
• Always on your guard Miles is protective of you, he knows that danger of his profession as a prosecutor, the people he put inside a cell for their crimes could lead to someone seeking revenge because of it, he just can’t risk you getting wounded because of him so with that he mostly wants you to stay at his house, and that link to his isolating trait.
• Miles grew up lonely, even if he was with Franziska he just couldn’t get rid of the loneliness and guilt that hunts him till his early years of adulthood, the nightmares the will come and hunt him at night yet all changed when you came to his life.
• Let’s say you were a childhood friend the same with Larry and Phoenix, but after he left you guys, there was this aching gap in his heart when he saw your downhearted look, yet through out the years he managed himself to get busy to forget the past, but when he met you under some kind of circumstance, may it be you’re now a working detective or any of that case, but it will only conclude to thing; Miles is hit with a wave of nostalgia, the hidden memories he forced himself to close opened up like it was a pandora box in his own record. Looking back on your encounter with him it was truly a pandora box—memories and feelings that aren’t meant to be opened even once.
• You slowly pried yourself into his life, maybe bringing him his files, coffee or even making small conversation with him, at first he would only talk professionally like Manfred taught him but overtime those late night talks that were rare before are now a frequent to you guys, it may have taken a while to open up those steel wall that was in front of his heart, for you it was nice seeing the uptight prosecutor open up letting his bottle up feelings spill time to time but for him whenever you make conversation deep into the night after a day of hard work he falls deeper for you, I mean this man hasn’t open up to someone in many years plus the trauma he experienced was like a lock to it, letting go of it little by little manage to make him feel comfortable around you, sooner or later you got the red suited prosecutor prodigy looking at flowers to give you first in the morning.
• Miles at the beginning is absolutely CLUELESS about how to court you, but if we were talking about “new to the courtroom bench”, twenty year old Miles, Franziska had to stop her self from absolutely bawling, screaming at Miles for how pathetic his courting ways is (she doesn’t know if she should hit herself or Miles with her whip).
• But if we are now talking about the more mature Miles (after the whole re-trail of DL-6), he would at least know some kind of knowledge of courting, still awkward but he kind of knows what to do, he would also open up more towards you which made you much more happy.
• His attachment towards you ran way to deep that once you were both in a relationship he is mostly controlling and isolating you. He would always say in the most kindest but modest voice that you could stay at his house, he is a prosecutor that earns bags of money, if you didn’t think things through and agreed to live with him expect a lot of surveillance over you, especially if you’re in the dangerous working fields as he is, if you’re a defense attorney he would only pile your desk with safe to even beginner cases the same if you were a prosecutor but if you manage to get a mildly even dangerous case he would be on your side 24/7, heck he would steal the spotlight so people won’t target you, now if you were a detective, he would make sure that he has some sort of control over your workplace, manipulating the chief of your district to only give you only small cases that are near him.
• If you ever found out what he was doing and ever decided to call things off from him, he would feel devastated. He would look at you even though his eyes are downcast as you pack your things up—such grave mistake you’ve made.
• Miles would let you leave for a while making you feel safe without him for now. Miles knew what power he hold and he has a moral compass to follow and the principals that were forced upon him were dangerous and he promise himself that he would never cross that line ever again, that is partially true but when you left it took him days not to immediately bring you back, he must think logically like he always have done.
• He knows how this is absolutely wrong but he can’t help it! He’s doing this all just for you. He would let you live your daily life it pained him that in the outside what you did-leaving him-seemed like it did not affect you at all, but slowly but surely Miles would only let you depend on him. You losing your job, because for some reason the evidences keeps on getting lost when it’s on you’re care, mixed files which caused a plunder on the court, the court gave you many times heck even Edgeworth (using his power) even gave you so many chance which was very odd, but in the end you were temporarily were not allowed to go near a court, which made you broke and as a cherry on top you’re now a prime suspect of a murder and you can’t get yourself an attorney for some reason. That’s where Miles shows up he would play innocent asking question of how you went downhill as if he was the one planning for your downfall.
• Like I said Miles is always guilty for feeling this way, he even calls himself "inhuman" and you don't deserve this kind of “love" and definitely doesn’t deserve someone him and because of such way of thinking, in the first few months of him knowing that he has this “feeling” towards you he would drown himself with work, so much that he forgets to eat, because he just want to get distracted from all the things he's feeling but it only got worse, he just could forget about you, your smile, the way you make him so fuzzy but he also could forget the way his dark desires just want to kidnap you because you were getting too close with you co-worker. 
• Miles will kidnap you when necessary. He has already seen some traumatic things that  he just wants to prevent you from experiencing or suffering the same way he did, but he knows that he has to somehow mold you into the person he wants you to be, yea he feels like ass when he says that outloud.
• Miles would have you on his palm no matter what. Yes, Miles would let you go outside but only with him! He can’t let people get near you heck even the people he deem close have a massive limitation when it comes towards you, that only includes Franziska and Phoenix. Larry one time hit on you and before you can even say anything you can feel a hand on your shoulder as Larry sees Miles staring deep into his soul with an icy glare, it it Larry of the mood of the room suddenly dropped, Miles would excuse the both of you from that room so no more eyes are on you.
• Speaking of eyes, Miles may not show it but he wants the media to have some sort of coverage on the both of you, Miles is definitely not a big fan of PDA but he would make sly like moves in public like kissing you hand as he goes to a trial, or he will intentionally show of his ring if you guys are married.
• Kidnapping you would take a lot of preparation but of coarse him kidnapping you will be a last resort maybe you’re leaving the country or such, he would have a heavy secured mansion out of the city to keep you in and to keep your screams of help when you finally woke up after being drugged by him.
• To escape him you must be incredibly smart to do so, months of preparation and the trickiest part is to make sure that Miles won’t catch on, but you manage to escape then run, run for your life and escape the country, change your name even but you must count your days and luck because Miles has connections.
• Miles way of keeping you on your place if by obviously-by isolating you, he would leave you in a basement with not human contact with a blind fold on so you can truly depend on him. He would give you food but since your hands are shackled he has to feed you, and when taking a bath he would till keep the folds on (so you can’t see his blushing face). Miles as prosecutor needed to know how to read people or else he can’t through the session of court he knows how to pull strings especially when it comes to your mental psyche.
• Miles would also pry himself to your personal life to be specific your relatives. He would act as a dashing but stoic man he is so he can make your family fawn over him, he would make sure that he all have their approval when it comes to marrying you and of coarse they fall prey to his plans. He would guilt trip or even blackmail you so you can never leave him, better make sure you act properly or else your younger sibling suddenly will be a suspect of something severe.
• You truly know how to drive him to his limits, every action he does feels like more shackles are on top of him but he can’t stop himself oh how he became a guilty prosecutor for you. . .
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Tea on hand, as your friend-Miles Edgeworth sat beside you, the fine china teapot was in front of you so does are a bunch of papers. Marriage papers to be exact and beside it was a school ID’s of your siblings and information about which school they attended to.
Argument was may have been spilled but not the cups that Miles prepared for this moment. You knew that you’ve lost to him, he knows your weak spot and he has more power than you, at the hand all you can do is sit down and sign your name on those papers are you sit down with dried tears on your cheek.
Let’s run this back shall we?
Tea on hand, as your future husband-Miles Edgeworth sat beside you. Your lips touched the drink and he offered you even though you know that he putted something in it when you started feeling woozy.
Miles then touched your head and leaned in for a kiss and before you passed out he heard a sinister whisper.
"Y/N my spouse, please try to understand me, the world is a cruel place for someone so precious like you, all I'm trying to do is save you from the horrible things that might happen. . ."
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yyxandere · 4 months
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Never stop talking about Palestine 🇵🇸
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yyxandere · 4 months
Hi Mot! How ya doin?
-ˋˏDEAR NOONIE. . . ->
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I’m doing good, I’m just in a hiatus but I’m very active in my dump acc @kobb4ni2 I mostly post about one piece:33!!!
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yyxandere · 5 months
Happy New Year, Moot!! (Here's a drawing 4 you :3)
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-ˋˏDEAR NOONIE. . . ->
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