yoga-onion · 11 hours
"The only decisions you can make on your own are the small things in life."
ー Big decisions always involve the people around you. Decisions and judgements made by yourself alone are of little use. It is wise not to rely too much on yourself or be too confident.
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Situations where big decisions have to be made are usually negative.
You won't hesitate if it's what you want. There's no need to make a decision, just get on with the momentum. By any means, the problem is negative when you can't decide what to do next and are at a loss.
When it comes to choices like this, it's enough to just think, “No matter which choice I choose, it's going to be hell. Nothing good will come of it.” That way, you won't panic no matter what happens. You won't regret it much.
Even if you find yourself in a situation where you cannot choose between the two, don't rush and wait. There must be a force at work that forces you to choose one or the other. In the end, you should be glad you didn't go with your decision.
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yoga-onion · 3 days
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Snails concern
Snail season has arrived. Every few yards, there are baby snails on the footpaths. Some of them are half trampled to death. The fact that only half of it was stepped on doesn't mean someone stepped on it intentionally. On the way out, I just passed by, but on the way back I begun worried.
In the end, I picked them up one by one as I walked and threw them over the fence by the road, but for some reason they seemed annoyed as they tumbled down onto the grass.
I googled a bit, thinking there must be a reason why they would go out of their way to come out, when they would be more comfortable in the soil or grass.
“Snails require high levels of calcium to form and maintain their shells and may lick discarded shells or the dead, old shells of other snails. You may see large amounts of snails attached to block or concrete walls, and this is also a phenomenon where snails gather to eat the calcium contained in the concrete."
..I was sorry.
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yoga-onion · 5 days
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- A message from 23 nights temple -
“When you stick to your own views, your eyes miss the point. When you become greedy, you become deaf.”
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yoga-onion · 6 days
ーブッダ (スッタ·ニパータ 923) 
註: 修行者とは、師僧から戒律を授り、世俗を離れ、ブッダ、ダンマ、仏教コミュニティ (サンガ) へ帰依した出家した弟子たちのことを言う。その多くは自然界の獣、アブや藪蚊、悪天候等に遭遇する人里離れた険しい山林で修行をしていた。
"A practitioner should never be pessimistic, even if you feel pain. Even if you encounter something frightening, do not be frightened." Buddha (Sutta Nipata 923) 
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[Note: Practitioners are ordained disciples who have received precepts from a master monk, left the secular world and taken refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and Buddhist community (Sangha). Many of them practised in remote and rugged mountain forests where they encountered natural beasts, horseflies, mosquitoes and bad climate.]
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yoga-onion · 12 days
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- A message from 23 nights temple -
“Flowers bloom and fall. The water in the jar fills up and overflows. What is born dies. What is there disappears.”
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yoga-onion · 13 days
"眼で視ることを貪ってはならない。卑俗な話から耳を遠ざけよ。味に耽溺してはならない。世間における何ものをも、わがものであるとみなして固執してはならない。" ー(スッタ・ニパータ 922) 
"Do not devour what you see with your eyes. Keep thine ear from vile talk. Do not indulge in taste. Do not hold fast to anything in the world as your own." Buddha (Sutta Nipata 922)
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yoga-onion · 20 days
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- A message from 23 nights temple -
“If you really want to live, a mysterious wisdom will emerge.”
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yoga-onion · 20 days
"海洋の奥深いところでは波が起こらないで、静止しているように、静止して不動であれ。修行者は何ものについても欲念を盛り上がらせてはならない。"ーブッダ (スッタ·ニパータ 920) 
"Be still and steady, just as there are no waves in the depths of the ocean.  A practitioner must not let the desires of the five senses for anything rise." Buddha (Sutta Nipata 920) 
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yoga-onion · 26 days
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yoga-onion · 28 days
ーブッダ  (スッタ・ニパータ 919)
"The practitioner should be at peace within. Do not seek tranquility outside. There is nothing that can be taken away from a person who is at peace within. " Buddha (Sutta Nipata 919)
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yoga-onion · 1 month
"Decide on a theme in your life and live by it."
ーOnce you have a clear idea of what you value in your life, you can just let everything else slide. This simplifies your life and makes it easier to live.
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If you have a clear theme of what is important to you, you will no longer be confused about your choices at crossroads in life. Even if you are unsure, you can make your own final decision. This will guide you and give you the mental strength to live your life.
What are the most important themes in your life?
Of course, no one knows what the future holds. For example, it is natural that you may fall out with someone you consider important in your life, or to go through periods of bereavement. If this happens, you may feel depressed and pessimistic because of the importance of the other person in your life.
But if you are afraid of it, you cannot relate to anyone or anything. What to do then is something to consider when the situation arises.
The more you value the theme you have chosen, in other words, the more 'stakes' you accumulate, the stronger the impact you will receive in the event of 'loss'. But it is also something to consider. Think on the assumption that one day you may change or lose the thing, person or theme you care about.
But it is also something to consider. Think on the assumption that one day the thing or person you value, your theme, may change or you may lose it. 'Living the theme' means taking a risk on what you decide to do, knowing that you can lose it.
Once you have decided that, you are free from hesitation and it will definitely be easier to live.
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yoga-onion · 1 month
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- A message from 23 nights temple -
“There is no such thing as happiness. Your heart that feels “I'm happy” is happiness.”
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yoga-onion · 1 month
"眠れない人の夜は長く、疲れた人には一里の道は遠い。正しい真理を知らない愚かな者どもには、生死 (輪廻転生) の道のりは長い。"
ーブッダ (ダンマパダ60)
"The night is long for those who cannot sleep, and a mile is a long way for those who are tired. For those who are foolish enough not knowing the correct truth, the cycle of life and death (reincarnation) is a long way." Buddha (Dhammapada 60)
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yoga-onion · 1 month
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- A message from 23 nights temple -
“No matter who you are, if you live in this world, someone loves you and someone hates you.”
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yoga-onion · 1 month
ーブッダ (ダンマパダ204)
"Staying in good health is your finest advantage, while contentment is your greatest asset. Trust is your best ally and nirvana is your supreme comfort." Buddha (Dhammapada 204)
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yoga-onion · 2 months
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If you are in India, you will love how tea is one of the most important beverages of every Indian house. Everything seems incomplete without a cup of tea. And when we talk about tea, how can we not talk about: the fascinating ‘Kulhad’ Chai. These Kulhads or Earthen Pots or clay mug have been used for more than 5000 years now.
These kulhads are prevailant all over India in various tea stalls and dhabas.. Kulhad is earthenware, and when hot tea is being poured in Kulhad, it absorbs the tea. The taste of the clay pot somehow gets mixed with the hot tea giving it a different flavour and enhanced flavour.
These earthern cups beats the modern tea cups by miles....
Masala Tea in kullads ... is amazing...
Masala Chai (Kulhad Chai) is a delicious twist on regular tea where Masala Chai is smoked by pouring it into a hot kulhad (clay mug). Here is how to make it at home (gluten-free, vegetarian).
2 cups water
1 inch cinnamom
2 cloves
2 cardamom
1 inch ginger grated
2 tsp tea leaves
1 cup milk
1 tsp sugar
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yoga-onion · 2 months
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- A message from 23 nights temple -
“A wise person thinks s/he is a fool. A foolish person thinks s/he is wise.”
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