yesiknowimshort · 10 days
Arkham-verse creators when they see Tim and Jason
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yesiknowimshort · 10 days
everyone is like ‘oh sunshine duke thomas!’ how sunshiny would you be if you were working the fucking gotham dayshift
bro is up at the asscrack of dawn and is legitimately dc’s spiderman but everyone is too busy comparing tim and peter to do anything ABOUT IT SMH
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yesiknowimshort · 10 days
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You know what? Changed my mind. I have decided that this is perfectly in character for Dick "Never Met Anyone He Wasn't Willing To Emotionally Manipulate" Grayson, because he would 100% say this while looking Bruce dead in the face and his deer in the headlights expression would not break, all while trying to imply that Bruce is oh-so-terrible for trying to make him go up and give the speech he doesn't want to give. I have decided it's much funnier if this is Dick Grayson trying to manipulate Bruce into maybe just doing the speech for him, because he is a horrible demon child who will manipulate anyone, and it only doesn't work because Bruce Wayne has MET Dick Grayson and knows exactly what he's doing. Bruce's side-eye is a thousand times funnier if it's in response to him fully knowing Dick is trying to manipulate him and it is NOT working, not this time, pal.
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yesiknowimshort · 12 days
Finally read Robins!
I have a lot of thoughts, but I just want to say this panel is the funniest thing I've ever seen:
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yesiknowimshort · 12 days
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yesiknowimshort · 19 days
one of my coworkers has this sticker on his water bottle and it sends me into hysterics every time i see it
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yesiknowimshort · 20 days
I know the Star Wars extended universe treats “spice” like it’s this big scary drug, but I kind of like to imagine that it’s basically just space weed, and the only reason Han got in trouble with the Imperials over Jabba’s cargo is that he was evading import tariffs.
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yesiknowimshort · 21 days
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Tim should blatantly lie about things more just to stress Bruce out
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yesiknowimshort · 21 days
DC thinks they decide what is canon and what’s not. It’s not the writers or the artists. It’s me
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yesiknowimshort · 26 days
So like...Bruce and Dick will always say Jason was the best behaved of all the kids. And he was. Jason loved school. and being kind, and wanted to make Bruce proud. But every time Tim hears Bruce and Dick say it, a little part of him silently dies. Tim sacrificed his childhood so Gotham could survive. It's the oldest sister troupe, but instead of figuring out how to cook ramen and boil eggs for your baby sibling when you were nine-ten-eleven, Tim was stopping a fully grown adult from committing-murder-or-going-absolutely-insane when he was like ten. Tim doesn't know how to talk about how he gave Bruce his childhood, and how he despises it while still knowing that he would do it all again in a heartbeat. Tim doesn't know how to say that it's so brutally unfair that he did all of this and, somehow, Jason is still the favorite son. Tim knows that if he even tried to talk about it, they'd say that no one asked him to do all of that, to be Robin, and Tim wouldn't know how to explain that he had no choice.
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yesiknowimshort · 26 days
Love how you draw cass
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thank you!! have a cass + chibi cass :3
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yesiknowimshort · 26 days
Someone: Boop! Got your autism.
Damian: You better give me that back, that was a gift from my father.
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yesiknowimshort · 28 days
Tim: wait, you quit smoking?
Jason: I quit smoking when I became Robin.
Tim: Ok,That Is Not True. I've seen you smoke recently, don't gaslight me!
Dick: You didn't really quit smoking when you were Robin Jay, you used to take my cigs sometimes
Duke: wait,, YOU used to smoke??
Dick: Yeah, back when I was Nightwing
Duke: You're /still/ Nightwing ???
Tim: He means back when he was Discowing
Duke: What's discowing???
Jason: The reason I used to smoke.
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yesiknowimshort · 28 days
espresso martinis all night 🤩
Dont deny it
if tim held a high school party it would have shots of espresso included
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yesiknowimshort · 28 days
Harvey Dent being Bruce's friend even before he became batman, their relationship and connection to each other, has so much potential to a Batman movie full of drama and action.
And yet people would rather another movie were Joker make bombs with his face on it and say stuff to disgust batman (that people for some reason think it's the two of them flirting with each other) with almost no drama.
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yesiknowimshort · 28 days
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yesiknowimshort · 28 days
I'm back on my Brutalia high. Here are some romantic things Bruce has said about and to Talia with sources:
Batman: Son of the Demon (1987)- Bruce described Talia as "The only woman I have ever loved"
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- Bruce referred to Talia as "The love of my life"
Batman: Death and the maidens (2003)- Bruce described Talia as "The only woman I truly loved"
Batman: The dark knight #23.1 (2013)- Bruce was thinking about Talia and thought "The woman who owns my heart"
Batman Incorporated (2010)- "You're the only thing in my life that makes sense"
Batman: Hush (2002-2003)- "My heart belongs to you, Talia, now and forever"
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- "You make me want to be a better man"
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- "In your eyes, I see my future."
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- "With you, I feel like I can be myself, Bruce, not Batman."
Batman: Son of the Demon (1987)- "Talia, you are my light in the darkness."
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- . "With you, Talia, I've found my home."
Batman: Son of the Demon (1987)- "You are my salvation, Talia."
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- "Every moment with you is a treasure, Talia."
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- "Talia, you are the beating of my heart."
Batman Incorporated (2010)- "You are my greatest adventure, Talia."
Batman: Son of the Demon (1987)- "You are my destiny, Talia, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- "In your arms, I find peace, Talia."
Batman Incorporated (2010)- "You are the fire in my soul, Talia."
Batman: Hush (2002-2003)- "My love for you knows no bounds, Talia."
Batman: Son of the Demon (1987)- "You are the missing piece of my soul, Talia."
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- "With you, I feel complete, Talia."
Batman: Son of the Demon (1987)- "You are the queen of my heart, Talia."
Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992)- "For you, Talia, I would move heaven and earth."
Talia is Batman's greatest love and you can't tell me otherwise
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