xecutivecucumber · 23 days
I think I've finally come up with a ship name for TechPhee:
Like Technology.
You're welcome.
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xecutivecucumber · 24 days
I know the finale has left us feeling things (and I one day might share my thoughts on them, but honestly staying off of most social media platforms around this time has been really good for my mental), so let's go back to an episode many of us loved: The Crossing. Here's an excellent analysis of the episode looking at it through the 'Tech is autistic' lens.
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xecutivecucumber · 2 months
I'm going to jump in on the Phee positivity (or positiviPHEE) train after...certain opinions have been aired.
And since those certain opinions were from an autistic perspective, I thought I'd add my own autistic perspective.
I. Love. Phee.
My cat's name is Phee. Phee is one of my top Star Wars characters. I shoved her into one of my longfics as soon as I could.
And her relationship with Tech gave me a lot of hope for my own romantic prospects as an autistic person.
I love that Phee invites Tech to be present. I love the look on his face when he watches her leave to put the artifact away. I love that she was a trusted enough person for Tech to talk to about Crosshair at length with. I love that when it's clear that Tech isn't going to give her the goodbye she expects, she backs off. I love that her love for Tech expanded into loving and helping the Bad Batch.
And even by herself she's SO COOL. She goes and finds artifacts that were stolen from cultures on Pabu and brings them back??? She is a super cool pilot??? She is ride or die for the people she cares about??? She's confident and sassy??? She has a SWORD???
So yeah. Phee is great. She means a lot to me. I hope we see her more in the last 3 episodes.
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xecutivecucumber · 2 months
I've shared some of her TikTok videos before, but this creator is starting to carve out a place on YouTube. She's doing a Crosshair analysis series and it's really good!
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xecutivecucumber · 2 months
Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on The Bad Batch 03×12!
Spoilers under the cut
Let start out by saying holy heck that was the cool down episode I needed. My sister watched it before me and was able to tell me that Tech/CX-2 wasn't in it for a significant amount, so I was able to get past my disappointment and not be stressed out during the episode. Yes, I'm still on the 'Tech is CX-2 Bandwagon.' I do think they should have revealed him to the audience earlier, because I have to actively avoid Bad Batch social media (*cough*reddit*cough*) for my own mental health because of the negativity around the idea. It's really draining.
Anyway, on to the actual episode!
Today I realized that I might be triggered by Omega being trapped at Tantiss because of some past experiences. (And yes, if you've read my fics you know that I've done it to her too, but I have control over that and I think the problem is the lack of control I have)
Hi Tech! I love you! Please be un brainwashed soon!
I want to murder Hemlock. I don't know if I've ever hated a Star Wars villain like this before. It feels so personal.
It devastates me that they're going to take Omega's clothes away. Clothes that were given to her by people who love her. Ow.
Also you're playing a dangerous game, not keeping those binders on her, Hemlock.
'Is everything all right, Dr. Karr?' 'No, the Jango parent gene got awakened in me and that does not go away'
Why does Emerie think she HAS to do this?
I'm a little disappointed we didn't see Hunter find out about Omega. He's probably just in 'go' mode, honestly. Adrenaline and all that.
Crosshair is so proud of Omega oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh Tech told Phee about Crosshair. That implies that had more time than we saw. That makes me so happy and sad.
Phee talks about Tech with such fondness. You can tell how much she cared about him. I feel like I'm watching a widow who's processed her grief but still talks about her husband because she loved him.
Also, looking at Phee, she doesn't really have any implied make up on. She's very natural. Good for her.
...Rampart looks kinda good with a beard.
Okay Tech would find the stunt Phee pulled extremely attractive.
This is the closest we've gotten to the original Batch we've gotten in a very long time. It feels good to see them go mission mode with Crosshair.
This is reminding me of Eriadu and I don't like it.
Crosshair asking Wrecker if he remembered whatever plan and then patiently waiting for him to remember lives rent free in my head he's so sweet.
Also, Crosshair's theme is played in this really fun way?
Crosshair should be allowed to kick Rampart in the balls. As a treat.
Rampart you snake. Crosshair should have shot him in the leg instead of stunning him.
My sister pointed out that the juggernaut represents how the Batch is right now. You cannot stop them.
Man, it's nice to not to be as conflicted when the TK troopers die, as opposed to when clones were sent against them. Quick thought though, does Wolffe have all the remaining clones?
Man these guys get BRUTALIZED.
Them throwing around passed out Rampart is amazing and should continue to happen.
Okay Wrecker has his knife out HE IS READY TO TORTURE A MAN.
Frick you Rampart. He is the worst replacement for Omega.
Aww they probably didn't bring Batcher on the mission to protect her. (Plus she a half trained dog and it was a stealth mission)
And then the boys spent the next hour arguing over who has to call Echo and tell him.
Hemlock you FOULE you're giving Omega ALLIES. Also why are you telling her all this. She will use it against you.
Gall, I hate Hemlock.
Again, I really needed this cool down episode. Though I'm afraid the final three episodes are going to hurt. THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHOW WHY IS IT STRESSING ME OUT SO MUCH. ALSO WAITING A WEEK FOR EPISODES ALSO SUCKS. A LOT.
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xecutivecucumber · 2 months
Executive Cucumber's (sorta) thoughts about the Bad Batch 03×10 & 03x11!
Spoilers under the cut
All right guys, I'm not doing my full list of thoughts. These episodes were really, really emotional for me for many reasons and I do not have the emotional energy to do my usual dives. I'm stepping away from the fandom in general for this week. Honestly, for my mental health, I just do not need to be around Fandom discourse right now. I've already left the pertinent subreddits and hopefully I'll survive.
But my brief thoughts!
So, I majored in the Humanities in college. I saw and read a lot of amazing art. But there was a category of art that I like to call, 'this was beautiful and poignant and life changing, but I never want to consume it again.'
These episodes fall under this category. They were art, and they were excruciating.
I also am still firmly in camp 'CX-2 is Tech.' Because it actively makes The Point of No Return less tragic if it is not him. Part of the reason I was sobbing during it was that it was TECH who was being so cruel, destroying the home he'd nearly had, destroying HIS ship, nearly killing his brothers.
And it's Tech, who gave Omega her first comm, who loves her, who would die to keep her safe, who takes her comm and takes her back to Tantiss.
Plus, who the heck else says 'domicile?'
(On the plus side, he gets his revenge on Cid)
My heart is broken for Omega. I hate that she has to make this choice. I KNEW she was going to sacrifice herself. If anyone says 'the Empire did nothing wrong' to me, even as a joke, they're losing a finger.
I dread how the rest of the Batch are going to confront each other about this. Crosshair was also the only one who would let her do this. In a positive way.
...I loved seeing Phee.
I wish I had more to say about Identity Crisis, but I spent that episode trying to overcome my disappointment that it wasn't about Tech. It was still an exceptional episode, regardless of my expectations.
But I do want to say, Cad Bane takes a lot of kid jobs. What's up with that? Weirdo.
Anyway, happy birthday to me! I get: Omega getting taken and Tech destroying everything he loves. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay.
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xecutivecucumber · 2 months
An excellent analysis on CX-2 and how his identity affects the narrative. It helps that it's very funny.
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xecutivecucumber · 2 months
Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on the Bad Batch 03x09!
Spoilers under the cut
Apologies for this being late, I worked overtime and then immediately went to rescue my sister and her kids from a car breakdown. I got overwhelmed pretty quick.
I really liked this episode, but as I was in a not great mood when I watched it, I didn't absorb as much as I normally do. (My mood really affects how much I enjoy something, regardless of quality. I was in a foul mood when I first watched Faster and was fairly critical of it. I was wrong.)
This is really the first time we've seen not beautiful weather on Pabu and that's terrifying.
CROSSHAIR IS PART OF A COMMUNITY!!! Have yall considered that he's never been a part of a community before? Like yes, he's has his family, but a community?
'Does it matter? We're not giving her up.' This man. I love this man. If Tech did not already reign Supreme in my heart, I think Crosshair would be my favorite character in Star Wars.
Oh Omega, that story fell apart faster than Hunter's resistance to adopting you.
They leave a space for Tech 💔
Apparently those blood tester things that Qui Gon had were Jedi issue only.
YOU CAN DO IT OMEGA!!! Wrecker, honey, if Omega CAN do it, that means her life gets WAY harder.
They one hundred percent sent Crosshair to look at Tech's data because Hunter and Wrecker can barely do it.
'Go get a flower kid, I gotta beat up your dads'
Okay, I honestly think Hunter doesn't have the time for romance and could honestly see him as asexual, but-
I don't think we've seen such well choreographed hand to hand fighting in animated Star Wars. Except maybe that time that Rex absolutely destroyed those Zygerrians. But I might be biased about that.
'SHE'S A WAR CRIMINAL OMEGA' Okay now I need to know what defines war crimes in this universe. Did they have space Geneva?
You know, good thing Echo's not here. He'd probably be WAY more pissed than these three.
'You're naive' says the man who was changed by the child saying people can change.
I love Crosshair's 'oh shoot she's right' face.
Wrecker's little gasp when Ventress looks at them is AMAZING.
I love it when Star Wars is using the Force to connect with animals.
I'm sorry, Hunter girlies, I guess we getting wet hair everyone except Hunter. (Though Ventress looks SO GOOD)
VENTRESS YOU QUEEN I LOVE YOU YOU'VE COME SO FAR (I haven't read dark disciple but my sister has, and she informed me that Vos' Dark Side training by Ventress culminated in him summoning a water monster and killing it. This is such a beautiful parallel that she calms it.)
Crosshair helping Omega on is my everything.
I really love that Crosshair has decided to give Ventress a chance, because he was given a chance. (And also I lowkey ship them in a one night stand kinda way. Crossajj is such a good ship name too)
I don't think Ventress is lying when she says Omega isn't Force sensitive. Omega doesn't show ANYTHING in this episode that implies that she's sensitive. Yes, she uses Batcher, but she'd trained Batcher with normal friend methods. I think that Ventress stops the testing prematurely before she can be more sure, because she sees the possibly unhealthy attachment the Batch have. It might also be to protect Omega to not know for sure. My personal theory is that Omega is slightly more sensitive than the average clone, but not to any natural talent degree.
Oh gosh, I'm so scared for the next few episodes. Ventress gives them such a clear warning. This episode did such a good job of getting the tension tight again.
I know some people call this episode redundant, but the characters NEED this in order to catch up. We as an audience knew that M Counts meant midichlorians. But the Batch had no idea. Sometimes, we need to let the main characters catch up with us.
(This is also why Tech as CX-2 works on a reveal level because the mystery isn't for us, it's for the characters)
But yeah, a great episode! I'm terrified for everything and everyone!
A quick note- I've seen people say that it's too late in the season for Tech to return. I'd like to remind you that it took exactly two episodes in season 2 to get us behind Crosshair's redemption. They can do a lot in a few episodes.
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xecutivecucumber · 2 months
Executive Cucumber's thoughts on the Bad Batch episode 3×08 (spoilers after the cut)
Forgive me if these thoughts are less coherent than usually, I'm pretty freaking tired atm. Thoughts are as much in order as I can manage.
Firstly, this episode was a much needed, lower emotionally charged break from the last...seven episodes of the season. The thing about stories is that they can't be running at warp 9 the entire time. It will burn your audience out. Heck, I'm at a lower energy, transitiatory part of my long fic. So yeah, this episode didn't cause the emotional damage and stress that the last 7 did, but that's a good thing.
Omega has the neurodivergent ✨️leg jiggle✨️
Poor dear needs a hug and for someone to free the Tantiss clones.
Crosshair's face when Omega says 'liberator of ancient wonders' I love him.
Okay, I know that a lot of people are upset about Phee not being more emotional about Tech. I've got a few thoughts on that. My expectations going into the scene with her was that she wasn't going to be mentioning Tech. So when she did, I was really happy. She doesn't need to bring him up in the conversation, but she does.
So let's dive a little deeper into this. There are only two people who have brought up Tech without any prompting so far: Echo and Phee. Omega only mentions him when it's a direct answer to Crosshair's question. Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker have not mentioned him once by name. Now, I think this is because Echo and Phee have both known loss and know better how to handle it. The rest of the Batch hasn't, before Tech. We have watched practically all of Echo's loss, but not Phee's. However, we know that Pabu is a place for refugees, which Phee likely is. She's lost at least a home, if not family and friends. Add on top of that Phee is just in general a world wide person, and I think we can assume that she's someone who's got a more healthy way of processing grief than our emotionally stunted soldiers.
Something that you do with people that you've loved and lost is remember them. That's what I see Phee doing here. She's managed to process her grief in the last 4 months, and she's keeping the memory of someone she cared about alive by mentioning him in conversation.
So yeah. I liked that scene and it warmed my Tech/Phee loving heart.
Oooooh Fennec!!!
I love Crosshair not knowing anything but it also makes me sad.
Hunter: try to get Crosshair to get his hand looked at
Omega: what do you mean 'try'
Thoughts on Crosshair and Omega scenes:
What did my poor boy go through????
Poor man is probably resisting the idea that it's in his head because he already HAD a thing in his head that ruined his life
Omega: you don't like anything
Crosshair: true
Your honor I would die for them. Also I find his 'true' to be a little sad (and adorable)
OMG THEY'RE MEDITATING (and they have somehow stolen YET ANOTHER thing from my fic, this time before I've even gotten past the concept stage)
Omega: you missed a lot
Crosshair: I know
He's thinking of Tech in that moment.
Oh my gosh her hand on his and how he lets her move his hand THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
The Bad Batch says take care of your mental
Thoughts about Space Everglades:
I really loved Wrecker this episode. He really got to shine. He has the most banter with Fennec, he gets to do his demo thing, he freaking curb stomps space alligators, and he's the MVP in getting the bug man. It was really nice. Also, 'YOU HEARD ME!!!!' Let Wrecker go feral.
Bro, I really liked the bar music. I like seeing more of the music that plays in universe.
Wrecker and Hunter are definitely having flashbacks to Cid this entire episode. Except Fennec gives them more intel.
Fennec is a delight as always.
My prediction to who she's selling them out to? Ventress. And I don't think Ventress' intentions are bad.
So yeah, a solid episode! I'm honestly probably going to leave a lot of the star wars subreddits just to avoid everyone and their dog complaining about filler. Which this was NOT.
And as the next episode is called the Harbinger, I feel like this might be one of our last breaths before the plunge and everything goes sideways.
Oh, and in case you forgot. Tech lives ❤️
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
A thought or two about our current Fandom discussion
*spoilers under the cut*
I have been a Tech lives believer since about an hour after I saw him fall. I also very strongly believe that Tech is CX-2 (I am aware of what Jennifer Corbett said today about CX-2 being a new character, but Tech being presented as CX-2 can be considered as a new character)
I've seen people say they don't want him to be Tech because they don't want to see Tech like that. Totally valid. Not everyone wants to bathe in angst like I do.
But I believe that Tech being CX-2 is going to create the most compelling story and create the most conflict.
I could go on about the reasons, and maybe I will one day. But I want to share the most devastating one that came to me today.
If Tech is CX-2, that means Echo left his brother behind, left for dead, to be tortured and used against their brothers.
Just like he was.
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
A fantastic video going over the connections between Tech and CX-2. Prepare for sarcasm.
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
Executive Cucumber's thoughts on the Bad Batch: Season 3x06 and 3x07 (I'm pretty sure I'm formatting this differently every time. Oh well)
Okay, there's a subject I'm going to have to postpone until the end of the post because I want all my thoughts on that to be together: the main operative clone. And the rest might be slightly out of order. I'm also doing this before I see anyone else's thoughts, just so we get the pure version.
Let's go!
I honestly thought that Senator Singh and Riyo were dead meat. But no, they're fine because REX IS COOLER THAN ANYONE. Ugh that man. Freaking throwing the grenade back at him.
Clones are beautiful. That is all.
Howzer I love you but if you touch Crosshair we will be having words.
I am actually really proud of Crosshair and his restraint this episode. He could have been really cutting to Howzer.
OMEGA WITH THE TOOTHPIIIIICKS and Hunter is jealouuuus
It's really nice to see normal clones being normal again. (Too bad it doesn't last)
There's something up with Omega. I'm not going to lie, I think that she and Rex are going to plan to get her captured in order to track her back to Tantiss.
I appreciate that Hunter doesn't seem to distrust Crosshair during this point.
...they really shouldn't have brought that operative back.
Rex is considering stealing Omega, I swear. I love that he gets down to her level.
WOOOOOOOOOOOLFFE (Plo would be so disappointed in you)
It's...odd to see these normal troopers with him.
It's also strange that he cannot comprehend that the clones could be traitors at first.
'She only bites half the time' I'm pretty sure Omega is lying here but I don't care.
And this just gives such a little insight into how the Batch was when they were together. I have a feeling that Crosshair was a fusser and a nagger.
And I love how Howzer's natural and correct conclusion is: 'no one evil could love that child.' (Unless you're Nala Se)
Hey, actual candor from Crosshair. I keep saying this is who he always was under it all, but I do think he's healed somewhat, at least towards regs. The healing power of Omega.
Rex talking down Wolffe reminded me so much of him trying to talk Jesse down. So ow.
Okay, what ROCK have they shoved Wolffe under for the last YEAR??? YES THE EMPIRE WOULD GET RID OF THE CLONES YOU DOG BRAINED IDIOT
(Plo would be proud that you let them go)
...they just killed all of Rex's clones, except Howzer and Gregor. And I have a bad feeling about Howzer. STOP TAKING THINGS FROM REX HASN'T HE LOST ENOUGH???
Okay here we are, at the big topic. Hold onto your pants.
That operative clone. Is. Tech. Because if he is not, they are purposefully using the narrative to deceive us.
I might miss a few things, but that's because I'm up past my bedtime and I've been up too late the last few days.
1. The falling and water parallels. This clone falls a LOT during this episode and dives into a lot of water. He even falls into mist. This time it's to kill and capture his siblings instead of save them.
2. The injury. This clone is hobbling around a lot after his injury, which was immediately reminiscent of Tech's broken leg at the beginning of season 2. Both of them are forcing themselves past their limit to achieve a mission. Specifically with injured legs.
3. General attitude and demeanor. In combination with the stealth and injury, this clone has a more hunched posture. His speech patterns are more formal, though we haven't really heard a lot of other clone operatives talk with their helmets on. But he's also apparently allergic to orders. I first thought that he'd be out of the chain of command, but they would have told Wolffe that he wasn't in charge of the operative if that were the case. Or the operative would have straight up told him 'I don't take orders from you' instead of staring awkwardly at him. Instead he runs off and does his own thing. While injured. Not to mention the buttons on his gauntlet. The other clone operatives don't have those.
4. The cybernetic legs. Now we don't know for sure if Tech would have cybernetic legs, but it seems likely for a severely injured trooper. And when Crosshair is looking at the heat signature, you can see that his legs are blue instead of yellow or red. No heat. Not organic.
5. What he says to Crosshair. 'You could have been one of us.' 'You chose the wrong side.' Yes, he's talking about Crosshair resisting the re-education. But flip it on its head real quick. 'You could have been one of us. One of the Bad Batch.' 'You chose the wrong side. The Empire.' Those lines very easily have double meanings.
6. An interesting one is when he starts moving rocks after the explosion. Why would he do that? Why not immediately go find another way in? He's moving only the smaller rocks. There's a large one in the way that he couldn't move himself. And he doesn't get the rest of the troopers to come move it when they arrive. He almost seems confused.
Like he's somewhere else after an explosion, having to move rocks. Like in the Crossing.
I know that this hardly seem like iron clad evidence. But in the language of story telling, it's practically screaming in our faces.
And I'm so glad he's back. I missed him. He won't be himself for a while, but I legitimately believe we'll get one last fight with the Batch all together. Because brain washing is a heck of a lot easier to fix than being dead.
My sister is doing the good work and creating a tik token about it, and I'll probably share it here when she's finished.
(We're getting the episode 'Identity Crisis ON MY BIRTHDAY and so help me if that's about Tech)
Honestly I thought I'd be more excited, but I spent the entire two episodes forcing myself into not having expectations and also I might be in shock.
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
I've watched it like 5 times, and I don't really rewatch episodes normally, so I think this is an accurate statement.
i think we can all collectively agree that ep 5 the return is now The comfort episode, right?
i mean… we got so many things. echo came back, we got a little chuckle and a smile out of crosshair, his old armor, hunter and crosshair bickering (again) and the batch becoming whole again 🥹🥹
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
You know, Crosshair is probably the only character that turned out softer than I imagined them, but also while staying completely in character. And I am loving it.
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on the Bad Batch Season 3, Episode 5, The Return!
(And I'm doing this instead of sleeping)
Spoilers after the break
Notes may not be in order
At first I was a little disappointed that we didn't start immediately after the end of the last episode, but I think I prefer it. We can have the reunion any way we want now. It's possible that the writers thought that they would all just awkwardly and quietly get on the Marauder and fly off and they knew we would be disappointed by that. So they left it to us to imagine what happened next. I think that's also why they didn't show Crosshair finding out about Tech. For them, Crosshair might just stay silent, or disassociate or something and we wouldn't be satisfied. But now we get to imagine all kinds of angst for when that happened.
Oh, the contrast between Omega waking up on Pabu and on Tantiss. SHE DESERVES THIS SO MUCH.
Aww AZ really loves Omega.
Okay, but how did Crosshair accept the fruit? Did he say thank you? I NEED TO SEE CROSSHAIR BE AWKWARD AROUND NORMAL PEOPLE.
I honestly think Crosshair wants to train Omega as his replacement if he can't get over his hands.
Wrecker and Hunter just blatantly watching them is amazing.
Crosshair's sass is everything to me in this episode.
I honestly think that Echo is the only one who really talks about Tech out loud because he's the only one of them who has experienced loss before. He knows how to handle it. The others...do not.
'Little brother' oh my gosh they are my everything.
I expected Crosshair to love Omega, but he ADORES her and I am here for it. I'm also here for the fury for when she is inevitably captured again.
Hunter, you are a butt. I still love you.
'It still fits' it might not have because he was so skinny and that is devastating.
Oh my gosh Hunter and Crosshair's arguing is everything I could have wanted.
'Kill each other later' Echo I love you.
I love that Batcher is just a member of the Batch now. Also, Hunter, get your senses in order the dog is doing your job.
Hunter: sees Crosshair tenderly arranging helmets
Also Hunter: this is unreasonably suspicious
Ugh I love Crosshair and Hunter's fight so much. Crosshair isn't just pushing Hunter's buttons, he's legitimately angry that Hunter let Omega get captured and go through what she did. And then there's the beautiful subtext of 'you let Tech die.'
Crosshair and Batcher are best duo.
This is their get-along-worm.
Wrecker hugging Crosshair and Hunter may be one of my favorite things ever.
'There's no blood.' I am requesting all fic writers to provide me with a plethora of fics featuring Hunter and Crosshair fighting to bloodshed, ranging from angst to the stupidest argument ever.
Okay after Hunter said he did things he regretted too I'm now convinced that he has committed so many war crimes in trying to find Omega. Wrecker has nightmares about it.
I can't remember where, but Crosshair's theme was played in the major key!!! LET HIM BE HAPPY
Crosshair is such a joy to watch this episode. This is who he is and it really contrasts with chipped Crosshair.
I miss Tech so much. I want to see him in this dynamic. I also want to see Crosshair and Phee's dynamic.
I mean this in the most complimentary way possible: this episode felt like a fanfiction. The focus on their interactions and emotions feels like something we'd get from a fic rather than Canon. And I love every moment of it.
I adore seasons 1 and 2, but there were definitely episodes I preferred over another. This season has been 10/10 for me so far. And once more I have to wait a FREAKING week for more.
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
I've finally decided to get some of my thoughts out there about the newest episode! (Even though every one does it lol)
Okay at this point, putting Crosshair in cold places has got to be thematic, right? They have to animate their visible breath and they could have had any climate. I bet Tantiss was uncomfortably cold too. LET MY MAN BE WARM.
Omega and Crosshair's sass is killing me and it's everything I could have ever wanted.
What really struck me about this episode is how much Omega is using her skills learned from Cid. Cid haunts this episode like Tech haunts the last three. It's really sad, actually.
Omega: which one I have 5
Great parallels to their first mission with Cid.
Gall, I love how Crosshair trusts Omega.
I know that Crosshair is scared to meet up with the Batch, but my first reaction is that he's genuinely trying to prepare Omega for the possibility that they won't come.
Hunter's could have gone on a bit more, but that IS his first hug with her.
I totally understand that they couldn't wait for Echo but the poor man probably just got a text saying 'BRB getting Omega' and that's it. I really hope we see their reunion. And him. I miss him.
When Hemlock said that they could track the ship they took and then we saw the Marauder, I realized that Tech is still protecting them. The Marauder is a safe place and can't be tracked because of him. (And it will be great when he gets back BECAUSE HE IS ALIVE)
Hunter and Wrecker's reactions are so understandable, but it doesn't mean it can't hurt to see. We want them to see what we've seen, but they only know chip is removed, 'I'm staying with the Empire', and that he sent a message that led to Tech's fall. They don't even know that the chip was enhanced.
Not to say that they're blameless. They dropped the ball when he started manifesting symptoms. I think apologies on both sides could go a long way.
But in the end, aren't they all just victims of the Empire?
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
I have been betrayed. Bamboozled. Hurt.
I have just witnessed my beloved cat, whose name is Phee, BAT MY SEASON 2 BLACK SERIES TECH OFF OF HIS SHELF.
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