wildissylupus · 5 hours
Little Justice sibling HC.
One time early on in their dynamic, on Fareeha's birthday Cassidy got her a skirt. She was disappointed at first (cause she doesn't like skirts) but thankful, until Cassidy told her it was a riding skirt and could turn into pants, which got Fareeha excited, that only being amplified by Cassidy saying they had pockets.
Another thing to add is that Cassidy sewed then himself.
She eventually grew out of them since she was around 12 at the time, but were her favourite pants to go to fancy occasions, and Cassidy obviously made her new ones up until Zurich.
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wildissylupus · 11 hours
Little Deadlock HC I have, Frankie and Sombra have a rivalry dating back to when Sombra went by Olivia and Cassidy was still in Deadlock.
*Frankie walking into the bar near one of Deadlocks hide outs, slams her laptop of a table getting Ashe and Cassidy's attention, then proceeds to grab her gun and a bat.* Frankie: Enough of this shit, we're killing Olivia! Ashe: Frankie... You can't kill her. Frankie: Oh? You don't think I can kill an ten year old? Well I will smash in her face. With a bat. Like a watermelon. Ashe: No, no, I believe you have the ability to kill her. What I'm saying is, if you do, you validate what everyone is saying about Olivia being your nemesis. Cassidy: Also you'd be a child killer, which some many argue is worse.
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wildissylupus · 14 hours
Well now I'm curious how Emily would work in game. I'm thinking support, but you do you! My only idea was for her to make a bounce pad for characters based on how Kiriko could multi jump really high in April Fools. Obviously not that high (unless you're Baptiste), but still. Could also pair well with Tracer that way! But again, you make what you make.
(Sorry for the late response to this, I think this ask was sent when I talked about MW!Emily)
Honestly I fully believe she would be support and I do like your bounce pad idea. But honestly we don't really know that much about her to make an assumption on what her kit would be. Only headcannons.
Though something I think would be a given is that her kit would need to work with Tracer. Mainly because OW character kits not only show what the characters cam do, but the relationships between characters as well. So I think it's necessary for Emily theoretical kit to work with Tracer.
So let's start off with that, from what I've seen, high mobility heroes seem to work well with Tracer (which makes sense), so in addition to the jump ability I would also give her a dash ability. As for her healing I think it would be similar to Mercy's.
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wildissylupus · 2 days
Ok so me and @dawnthefox24 were discussing MW!Talon vs. OG!Talon and we came to this conclusion;
OG!Talon: Toxic Work Environment MW!Talon: Incredibly Fucked Up and Toxic Family Dynamic
Which honestly fits with the opposites theme, cause both versions of Talon are toxic and not a good place to be but in opposite ways. The same doesn't really apply to Overwatch though, MW!Overwatch would be really similar to the OG!Overwatch.
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wildissylupus · 2 days
Another Mirrorwatch headcannon!! This time about Tracer. My theory is that this version of Tracer's chronal accelerator is a lot more unstable, hence why she takes damage when she blinks too much. Which also leads to involuntary blinking in cirtain situations, in turn that leads to MW!Tracers form looking unstable some times, like there are multiple versions of her standing in one place. Think Ghost from "Antman and the Wasp". This situation is also very painful for her to go through as well, mainly due to her fighting to stay in one time stream.
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wildissylupus · 2 days
Ok, update on the Overforce fic, I have started outlining chapters and coming up with names for said chapters. Right now I'm focusing on getting all chapter titles and the outlines for the first few chapters before I start posting or writing chapters.
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wildissylupus · 2 days
Another revisit to MW!Cassidy, specifically what I think his kit would be since I only did his ultimate, I will also be redoing that here as well. I specifically want to do this because I didn't consider the idea of taking inspiration from the kits had by characters who foil Cassidy, specifically Sombra and Ashe. So let's do this;
Combat Roll - like in my previous post, combat roll stays the same, in even fits more in Mirrorwatch due to MW!Ana's leap.
EMP Grenade - You throw a sticky bomb when it goes off, if players are in range of the splash damage, they get the hacked effect on top of the damage sustained by the grenade itself.
Deadeye - When enemies are in line of sight they get the Virus effect, the longer they are in line of sight the more damage they take. Bullets will also lock onto enemies, a circle indicating when they have taken enough damage to be one-shot.
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wildissylupus · 3 days
More on Vengeance, specifically on her name because I find it interesting in context of why Angela's code name is Mercy and how MW!Angela is characterized in general.
So let's start off with Vengeance's name and it relation to Mercy because I find Vengeance as a name choice interesting. Mostly because vengeance isn't necessarily associated with pointless violence, yes Vengeance is an opposite of Mercy but it isn't the first thing people think of when asked what the opposite of mercy is, from my experience most of the time people just think violence. Not only that but Vengeance implies that she's retaliating against something, that MW!Angela is seeking revenge for something.
This leads me to believe that while MW!Ana is very much "emotions make you weak, connections are not needed", Vengeance isn't. She cares in her own twisted way and I find that so interesting!! So while in most circumstances I think Vengeance would be apathetic, there would be some exceptions, like her apparent dislike for MW!Ana, which is implied by "Reap what you sow, Amari".
Do I think Vengeance would care about MW!Genji, MW!Ana, MW!Reinhardt or any of the MW!OG Strike team? No, in fact I think she'd hate most of them. Do I think that she'd care about MW!Pharah, MW!Brig, MW!Cole and MW!Tracer? People she either personally would have helped or have grown and trained with? Yes!
Again it's in her own twisted way, likely a very manipulative way, but she'd care none the less, and I find that so interesting when considering character dynamics.
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wildissylupus · 4 days
justwondering, why do you use the tag Mauga Ho'okano? The only thing I see where that's his last name is a fan made concept on aminoapps
I used that tag for him before he came out as a playable hero and before we got his canon last name, so it was already in my tags. Now I just kinda use it because it's in line with all the other tags whenever I type "Mauga". So there isn't really an in-depth reason as to why I do it. I just see the tag as one I already added to previous posts and add it to the one I'm writing
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wildissylupus · 5 days
would love to collab and make a comic strip based on the overforce power Rangers one day!
That would be so fun!! I would love to collab at some point! I am working on the first chapter/episode of my Overforce fic so maybe when that's finished we can work something out with a comic strip. Though further details would have to be discussed through DM's.
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wildissylupus · 5 days
here's some ideas for zord stuff
Brigitte: Silver ranger, Aries the ram, can become a shield and some armor pieces for the megazord
Illari: Gold ranger, Apus the bird-of-paradise (Peruvian culture associates condors with the sun for how high they can fly, what about a bird that never lands?), becimes larger wings and a rifle for a megazord OR becomes an arm and blade for a megazord
Kiriko: White ranger, Vulpes the Fox, can become a blade for the megazord OR becomes an arm holding a katana for a megazord
Hanzo: Black ranger, Hydra constellation, can become a whole megazord on its own or have space for two arms like Genji's dragon zord becomes.
Venture: purple ranger (their Monarch skin looks so good and we dont have a purple yet), Scorpius the scorpion, becomes the arms and tail and head of a megazord.
Mauga: orange ranger, Cancer the Crab. Becomes the torso and legs of a megazord.
Ok, good to know that I wasn't the only one with the Venture = Scorpio idea, and thank you for the Mauga = Crab idea, I was genuinely struggling with what constellation that Mauga should be and I didn't realize how perfect that was until you sent this ask.
Brigitte's I don't have any notes on, it's perfect. Though I would like to add that my initial plan was to make Brig the gold ranger, however, sliver fits her so much better.
Illari's works well too though another constellation that would work would be the Pheonix, specifically with the reborn from the ashes theme. Along with the overall fire theme, but that might just be a little too on the nose. We'll see what happens when I get to writing her character for this AU.
As I've said before I already have a few plans for Hanzo and Kiriko's characters, so by far they are the ones I'm the most on the fence about making rangers as they already have roles in this story. However, what you presented for them is perfect.
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wildissylupus · 5 days
lol thanks! I got the idea of Sloane and Mauga being rangers cuz the comics once made Bulk and Skull rangers. Bulk was purple with an Entelodont zord (he called it Baconodon) and Skull was purple with a Pharosrhacos zord (he called it Featherdactyl). Neither became part of a megazord but I could've seen Entelodont zord becoming the head of a hammer and Phorusrhacos zord becoming the staff part. Wonder what constellations you'd use for Venture (who could be a gold or brown ranger) and Mauga (who could be an orange or black ranger)
Again the "Sloane and Mauga become Power Rangers" thing would be a temporary, something Angela and Brigitte would do out of desperation or it a ploy from Talon, either way it's temporary and likely wouldn't use the same tech as the other Rangers. However it did get me thinking about what constellation they'd be based off of, so I decided to give them both one.
I have two options for these Zords. The first one being rather simple; Canis Major and Canis Minor. It's a good nod to the fact they're a duo in this AU.
However I do have more complex one;
Ventures Zord would be a Scorpion, based off of the constellation Scorpio. This was mainly me trying to find a constellation that had something that could dig, however I think a scorpion just works with Ventures kit in general.
As for Mauga, he was a bit harder, but I eventually settled on a hunter, based on the constellation Orion. Mainly because I think the theme of a hunter fits Mauga and it adds onto Sloane's being a scorpion, in a more tragic sense since in at least one version of the myth Orion is killed by a scorpion, but it's a pairing none-the-less.
(Edit; I was wrong, a Crab, inspired by the constellation Cancer, works better because of Mauga's connection to water and crabs can easily be paired with Scorpions. This was inspired by an ask I received so I can't credit for this)
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wildissylupus · 5 days
lol sorry the zord ask was difficult. I think I could picture the Megazord now. Red Lynx becomes the head and middle of the torso. Blue Eagle becomes the lower torso and wings. Green Dragon becomes the arms. Yellow Frog and Pink Rabbit become the legs. Unless you have another interpretation lol.
Don't apologize! I like difficult questions like that, it makes me go back and further improve something that I otherwise didn't think about when writing.
As for the Megazord I did somewhat base in off of the fan made one made by the person who made the Sentai Rangers skins in the first place;
Tumblr media
This isn't the canon Megazord, the Pink Version very much being the canon one for OF!D.Va when it's in it's "MEKA form". However I loved the idea of at least a color other then Red being the main pilot of the Megazord,l hence why I specified that as Hana, aka the Pink Rangers, role.
Your interpretation is very good though, and very much fit with the traditional Power Rangers theming when it comes to the design of the Megazord. I think I might actually with that one actually as not only does it make sense, but it also gives the Rangers a reason to not always use the Megazord, as the way it forms would prevent certain abilities from being used.
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wildissylupus · 5 days
any ideas for sixth or further rangers? I could see Brigitte, Tracer, Bastion, Lifeweaver, Zenyatta, Winston, Efi, Hammond, Baptiste, Kiriko, or Illari as possible options. Or maybe even Venture and Mauga even if it's a short term thing.
I have definitely played with the idea of adding Rangers and currently, Brigitte, Illari, Kiriko and Hanzo are the most the most likely to be rangers in the future. That might change as I continue writing the story though. I will also say I have already written one plot line for both Kiriko and Hanzo, it's probably easy to tell what it is but I do have a plot line ready for them.
I will say now that Winston. Efi, Hammond, Baptiste and Bastion are unlikely if not never becoming Rangers, mainly because I have separate plans for them or I have made them too young (OF!Echo's 14 and needs friends ok).
However, you have definitely given me the idea of making Venture and Mauga temporary Rangers. Shenanigan's have now been planned.
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wildissylupus · 6 days
consider: Prime!Cole and MW!Cole both being bitchy about each other’s costumes
Oh god they'd match each others energy too. Prime!Cassidy would win though specifically on the basis of practicality. Cause I know for a fact MW!Cole still wears the Blackwatch heals in his regular combat outfit. Also MW!Cole would in general be wearing way more expensive clothes so again, Prime!Cassidy wins on the basis of practicality.
Other than that, MW!Cole would absolutely call his counterpart gimmickey and a cliché. While Prime!Cole would call MW!Cole a prissy bitch and a rich boy.
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wildissylupus · 6 days
so now that we know how the spirit animals work, there's only one magical power we don't understand: Zenyatta.
On, so here the fun thing, here's the kicker, it's actually easy to explain the Healing, Discord and ultimate in the context of science since we see similar things, like Angela's nanobiotics, Ana's anti effect and Baptistes immortality field. What's hard to explain is the fucking floating.
Cause everything else can be explained by him just, getting upgrades. Him floating is an upgrade we see he doesn't have, and it's an upgrade we would see. So either he has always been able to float because his job pre-Crisis involved floating, or it's the Iris. I'm inclined to think it's the first one considering how secretive he is with what he did before the crisis. The only problem is I can't think of a job that would require him to be able to float only a meter or two off the ground. If that's the case then the floating could be explained by silent thrusters that propel him upwards.
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wildissylupus · 6 days
what is the zord theme for Overforce? Vehicles? Animals? Dinos? Trains? Bugs? Constellations? Mythical creatures?
Ok, I'm goin to be honest, this ask sent me through a loop. At first I thought I could answer it simply with Vehicles, but then I realized that doesn't fit Lucio or Genji, cause D.Va has Tokki while Cassidy and Pharah would have bikes, but wtf would Lucio and Genji have?
Then I switched to Animals because most of them are associated with Animals, Lucio = Frog, D.Va = Bunny, Genji = Dragon, and Pharah = Falcon. It also fit where each part of the Zords fit on the Mega Zord. Then I realized that there isn't really an Animal Cassidy is associated with.
So I went looking for a different one. Dinos were good but the only character really associated with dinosaurs was Genji, so that was a no. I also wasn't even going to try mythical creatures because their powers aren't derived from magic but an alien technology. The alien technology making me think about space and a realization.
So then I went to constellations, which was easy since there are already constellations based off of three of the four animals that were mentioned before, the exception being a frog but I found a popular unofficial constellation that could work for frog so I chose that one, that being Bufo the Toad. Now all that was left was Cassidy. Now instead of looking at an animal inspiration, I decided to look at the meanings of constellations, and that lead me to the Lynx constellation. The symbolism of which being the unravelling of hidden truths, and the reason behind it's name being it was claimed to be so dim that it could only be seen by a person with the eyes of a lynx. Both of which I think fits OF!Cassidy's powerset and role in the story.
So in conclusion, the Zords of the Overforce Rangers are based off of constellations;
Red Zord = a Lynx, based off of the Lynx constellation
Green Zord = a Dragon, based off of the Draco constellation 
Blue Zord = an Eagle, based off of the Aquila constellation
Pink Zord = a Rabbit, based off of the Lepus constellation
Yellow Zord = a Frog based off of the constellation Bufo the Toad
Also a little side note, while all the others have only two forms, regular Zord and Mega Zord. The Pink Zord has three thanks to Hana, The Pink Zord has a "Meka Form" which allows for use in regular battles, this form makes it smaller and less distinctly a rabbit (it basically turns the Pink Zord into D.Va's regular Mech).
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