violetduchess · 4 months
for all of us who can't bear to read anything but CoD fanfiction (due to the 141's fat tits) do you have any all-time favs?
Such an awful, sick affliction. I made one of these lists a while back but couldn't find it so you’re in luck because I have plenty of favorites and I’m happy to share them (in no particular order. I KNOW I'm forgetting at least ten fics I've read and loved but I have a goldfish brain today, forgive me):
And please, read the tags/warnings. Your consumption is your own responsibility.
Neon Medusa Too sweet not to share Ghost and Red Fox Alford plea The Willow Maid Exfiltration The Arrangement Civilian Asset See no evil Squeeze me I squeak MildLimerence Mine & Yours Saltwater Metanoia to you I can admit (that I'm too soft for all of it) white flag blood on my shirt, rose in my hand totally platonic Surviving you imprimatura Dog all that's said in the lowlight birdsongs or advice and symphonies for your children Happiness songs that sound like sea foam down to the marrow roommate gaz Chink in the Armour Man-sized Hummingbird don't leave me locked in your heart Listening In Situationship-verse The Scottish Cabin in the Woods
Please leave your own recs here too! It's nice to share the love, and I don't have a lot of time to find new fics, but am always wanting to read them haha. Please recommend things to me! Bonus points if you're recommending your own fics
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violetduchess · 4 months
Idk I’m just curious and bored and these are my favorite guys
maybe reblog for sample size or whatever :)
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violetduchess · 4 months
Domestic Headcanons with Nikto <3
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violetduchess · 4 months
reblolgos for bigger sample size :))
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violetduchess · 8 months
Original audio from 30 Rock
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violetduchess · 8 months
Summary: Gojo loving all of you.
Warnings: slight nsfw and implied sexual content
When his fingertips first make contact with your skin, there's a surge of excitement. His heart quickens, and he can't help but smile, knowing that this touch is the beginning of something incredible. As his touch deepens, the heat between you intensifies. He feels a magnetic pull, a longing to explore every inch of your body. His desire grows with each caress, each stolen kiss, making him yearn for more. Gojo can't help but admire every detail of you. He thinks about how beautiful you are, both inside and out, and how lucky he is to have you close.
His touches become gentle, reverent, as if he's tracing the contours of a masterpiece With every touch, Gojo feels a profound connection to you. It's as if he can sense your thoughts and emotions through your skin. Your presence brings him comfort, and he's reminded that he's not alone in this world. A surge of protectiveness washes over him as he touches you. He wants to shield you from any harm, be your shelter in the storm. And there's a possessiveness, too, a desire to mark you as his own. Gojo revels in the sensuality of the moment. He thinks about how your bodies fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle. The intimacy between you is a treasure, and he cherishes it.
Above all, Gojo feels love. In those moments of touch, he's vulnerable, his walls down. He thinks about how you've touched not only his body but also his heart and soul. He's in awe of the depth of his emotions for you. The outside world seems to fade away when he touches you. Time loses its meaning, and all that matters is the euphoria of being close to you. In those moments, everything is perfect.
Occasionally, there's a flicker of insecurity. Gojo wonders if he's good enough for you, if he can truly make you happy. But those doubts are quickly banished by the overwhelming love and desire he feels.
Ultimately, as he continues to touch you, Gojo's thoughts are filled with gratitude. He's grateful for your presence in his life, for the love you share, and for the incredible moments you create together. In your arms, he finds contentment, and there's nowhere else he'd rather be.
When Gojo Satoru catches your scent, his thoughts take an intoxicating journey through a realm of desire and connection. The fragrance of you envelops him, and he can't help but become ensnared by the sensations it evokes.
The moment he detects your scent, his senses snap to attention. His heart quickens, and his body responds with a surge of arousal. There's no mistaking your unique aroma, and it sends a jolt of desire straight to his core. Your scent brings a deep sense of comfort and familiarity. It's a reminder that he's close to you, in your presence, and that thought alone soothes his soul. Your scent is like a warm embrace, drawing him closer to you.
He recalls the moments you've shared, from tender kisses to passionate embraces. It's as if your scent holds a library of your shared experiences, and he revels in revisiting them. You're like a magnetic force, pulling him in closer. It's a reminder of the irresistible attraction he feels for you, a constant reminder of the desire that burns between you.
You're a symbol of trust and security. When he's close enough to smell you, he knows he's in a safe space, protected and loved. Your scent is his refuge, and he can let his guard down in its presence. Gojo's thoughts turn sensual as he savors your scent. It's an aphrodisiac, stirring his deepest cravings. He yearns to explore every inch of your body, to taste and touch every part of you.
Above all, your scent is a reminder of the profound love he feels for you. It's a testament to the bond you share, a fragrant declaration of his devotion. He can't help but smile, knowing that you're the one who fills his senses with such joy. If he's apart from you and catches your scent on an article of clothing or in an empty room, it stirs a longing within him. He aches to be near you, to feel your presence in a tangible way, and he counts the moments until he can hold you again.
Your scent is entirely unique, and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. It's a reminder that there's no one else like you, and he treasures every facet of your being. Ultimately, when he's enveloped in your scent, Gojo's thoughts are consumed by euphoria. It's a blissful reminder that you are his, and he is yours. In those moments, everything else fades away, and all that matters is the intoxicating essence of you.
You smell like home.
When Gojo Satoru hears your voice, his thoughts become a symphony of emotions, each note a testament to the profound impact you have on his life. Your voice is a melody that resonates deep within him, and it elicits a range of feelings and thoughts:
The first thing that crosses Gojo's mind when he hears your voice is recognition. It's a sound that's etched into his heart, and it brings an instant sense of comfort. Your voice is a constant in his life, a reminder of your presence. Your voice wraps around him like a warm embrace. It's familiar in a way that makes him feel at home, no matter where he is. The cadence of your words and the lilt in your tone are like a cozy blanket on a chilly day.
Your voice is a source of happiness for Gojo. It brightens his day, lifts his spirits, and makes him smile. Just hearing you speak can turn a mundane moment into a joyful one. There's an undeniable allure to your voice that Gojo can't ignore. It's as if each word carries a subtle hint of seduction, and it stirs his desire for you. Hearing you speak, especially when it's whispered in the quiet of the night, ignites a passionate fire within him.
Your voice has the power to calm the chaos within Gojo's mind. When he hears you, he feels a sense of tranquility washing over him, and the worries of the world seem to fade into the background and for a moment he's just a man in love. Your voice is a bridge that connects Gojo to you on a deeper level. It's a reminder of the intimacy you share, the conversations you've had, and the emotions you've expressed through words. Hearing your voice is like a private, cherished moment between the two of you.
The sound of your laughter is a treasure to Gojo. It's infectious, and he can't help but join in. Your playful banter and shared jokes create a sense of camaraderie that he cherishes. Hearing you speak, especially when you share your thoughts and feelings, is a reminder of the trust you've placed in him. It's a testament to the vulnerability you share, and Gojo holds your words close to his heart.
Whenever he hears your voice, Gojo is filled with gratitude. He admires your intelligence, your wit, and the way you express yourself. You are a constant source of inspiration for him. Above all, when Gojo hears your voice, his thoughts are consumed by love. Your voice is a reflection of the love he feels for you, a reminder of the deep connection that binds you together. It's a sound he never wants to be without, a melody that will forever play in the background of his life.
When Gojo Satoru lays eyes on you, his thoughts become a vibrant tapestry of emotions, desires, and profound connections. Your presence is a masterpiece that captivates his senses, and every glance at you elicits a cascade of thoughts and feelings:
The first emotion that sweeps over Gojo is sheer awe. His eyes drink in the sight of you, and he's reminded of just how breathtakingly beautiful you are. He's captivated by your every feature and movement, and he can't help but admire your radiance. Desire courses through his veins as he looks at you. He's drawn to you like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the magnetic pull. His longing to touch, to kiss, to hold you close intensifies with each passing moment.
The sight of you brings an instant smile to Gojo's face. He can't help but feel joy welling up within him. Your presence has the power to brighten even his darkest days, and he's grateful for the happiness you bring into his life. There's a profound sense of peace that washes over him when he sees you. It's as if all the chaos and turmoil in the world fades into the background, and in that moment, everything is perfect.
Your presence reminds Gojo of the deep connection and intimacy you share. He thinks about the moments you've shared, the secrets you've confided, and the love you've expressed. He's grateful for the unique bond you both have. As he looks at you, there's a surge of protectiveness that washes over him. He wants to shield you from any harm, to be your guardian in a world that can be harsh. Your well-being is his top priority.
The sight of you often brings out his playful side. He can't resist teasing you or engaging in light-hearted banter. Your shared laughter is like a melody that makes his heart sing. He's acutely aware of the trust you've placed in him, and he sees it in the way you look at him. Your eyes are windows to your soul, and he knows he's privileged to have a glimpse into your deepest thoughts and feelings.
Gojo is filled with gratitude when he sees you. He appreciates your presence in his life, the way you've touched his heart, and the love you've given him. He never takes your existence for granted. When Gojo sees you, his thoughts are consumed by love. He loves you more deeply than words can express, and seeing you reaffirms his commitment to you. You are the center of his universe, and he can't imagine a life without you in it.
In every look, every gaze, Gojo Satoru is reminded of the incredible impact you have on his life, and he treasures each moment he gets to see you.
It's the subtle taste of your chapstick after a series of light kisses followed by warm gazes and half lidded eyes.
It's the taste of your skin when he leaves gentle kisses heading from your neck to your chest, his tongue leaving a trail across your heated skin.
It's the soft cries that leave your mouth after he gently bites down on your breast. One of his hands at your waist, the other on your chest.
It's the pants and pleas that leave your soft lips when he goes lower.
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violetduchess · 8 months
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👹👑°Kibutsuji Muzan°
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👑 Scars to your beautiful
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👑Stabbed by stalker
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👑27.Please stay with me
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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violetduchess · 8 months
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🔆🍜°Rengoku Kyojuro°
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Hot things they do
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🔆Never Forgotten
Your light is gone but never forgotten.
You buy him a gift.
🔆When you wear his clothes
🔆How the hashira comfort you
🔆Unrequited feelings
🔆A Rose by Any Other Name
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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violetduchess · 8 months
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Rengoku Kyojuro | Tomioka Giyuu | Muzan Kibutsuji |
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violetduchess · 8 months
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📸🫵🤨"__fandom masterlist__"
{masterlist for all my works divided by fandom}
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Obey Me / Demon Slayer / JJK /...coming soon.
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violetduchess · 8 months
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°°°Duchess she/her
°°°About | Rules | Masterlist | Prompt List| Works in Progres
°°°a fun little blog that contains very little dark content or NSFW (this will change in the future)
Currently obsessing over: *toji fushiguro and Konig*
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violetduchess · 8 months
Quick Update: I will not be uploading any new content until Monday. This is due toe deciding to change some things on my account. Don't worry I didn't forget about the poll vote. That and many other wip's will be uploaded on Monday. That's all and have a nice week!(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Request are still open so feel free to drop by.
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violetduchess · 8 months
Douma or Muzan with a reader that absolutely despises their own eyes? both their mother and baby brother died when she was born, and her father wanted nothing to do with them. Literally the only reason is that they have their mother's eyes and never sees reader as their own child. just a nuisance. and because of that, reader begins to hate their eyes. so much so, douma/muzan first meet reader when they were going to uh, damage them, so to speak. if ur able to do this, tysm!!
@cursetopia I'm sorry this took so long.
Content Warning: The following fanfiction contains sensitive themes, including self-harm and violence. Reader discretion is advised.
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The night was shrouded in darkness as you stood alone, your heart heavy with the weight of a lifetime of pain. The memory of your mother's eyes, the very eyes that had caused her death, haunted your every waking moment. Your father had never seen you as his child, only as a constant reminder of the tragedy that had taken her away.
Over the years, you had come to despise your own eyes, loathing the reflection that stared back at you in the mirror. You felt cursed, burdened by a legacy of sorrow. It was this self-hatred that drove you to take drastic measures.
In the shadows, Douma had been watching, his eyes fixated on your inner turmoil. His twisted curiosity led him to approach you, his presence like a haunting specter. "What do we have here?" he purred, his voice dripping with malevolence as he stepped out of the darkness.
Startled, you looked up at him, your eyes wide with fear and desperation. "Leave me alone," you whispered, your voice trembling.
But Douma had no intention of leaving. Instead, he moved closer, his fingers caressing your face. "Such beautiful eyes you have," he mused, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
You recoiled, tears welling up in your despised eyes. "Don't touch me," you pleaded, your voice cracking.
Douma's smile widened, revealing sharp teeth. "Oh, but I will," he whispered, his fingers brushing against your cheeks. "I'm going to make you see the beauty in your own eyes."
Before you could react, his fingers dug into your skin, pain surging through your body. But instead of harming you further, he began to heal your wounds, his blood demon art knitting your skin back together.
As the pain subsided and your injuries disappeared, you stared at him in disbelief. "Why… why are you doing this?" you asked, your voice trembling.
Douma leaned in close, his eyes locking onto yours. "Because," he murmured, "I see potential in you. Potential for beauty, for strength, and for power."
In that moment, something shifted within you. For the first time in your life, you felt a glimmer of hope, a tiny spark of self-acceptance. You realized that perhaps your eyes were not a curse, but a unique part of who you were.
As you looked into Douma's crimson eyes, you saw a reflection of your own potential, hidden beneath the pain and self-loathing. It was the beginning of a strange and twisted bond, one that would lead you down a path you had never imagined, all because someone had seen something in you that you couldn't see in yourself.
Your life had always been marred by a cruel twist of fate. From the moment you were born, your eyes, a striking mirror of your mother's, had been a curse. They were a constant reminder of the tragedy that befell your family. Your mother died giving birth to you, and your father, unable to look at you without seeing his late wife, had despised you from the start. You were treated as a nuisance, an unwanted reminder of what he had lost.
As you grew, the hatred you felt for your own eyes deepened. They were a cruel inheritance, a mark of your mother's sacrifice and your father's rejection. You loathed the way they looked back at you in the mirror, a constant reminder of your own tragic existence.
One fateful day, consumed by your self-loathing, you decided to do something drastic. You sought out the most powerful demon in existence, Muzan Kibutsuji, with a horrifying request—to destroy your eyes, to rid you of this unbearable burden once and for all.
Muzan, ever intrigued by the depths of human despair, agreed to meet you. He appeared before you, his crimson eyes locking onto your own, and he listened to your heart-wrenching story with a twisted sense of amusement. He saw in you an opportunity for something far more sinister than you had originally intended.
Instead of immediately granting your request, he offered you an alternative—a proposition that would change your life forever. He promised to transform you into a demon, granting you power beyond imagination, and in exchange, you would serve him and carry out his sinister desires. You hesitated, but the allure of escaping your painful past was too much to resist.
As the transformation took hold, your eyes changed, becoming even more vibrant, more otherworldly, as the curse of your humanity was replaced by the curse of immortality. Your vision sharpened, and you could see the world in a way you never had before.
Muzan's dark gift came with its own price, however. You were now bound to him, forced to carry out his orders without question. You were no longer human, but a demon, a servant of the very thing you had initially sought to escape.
Over time, you grew accustomed to your new existence, and Muzan's dark influence began to warp your soul. Your hatred for your own eyes had transformed into a thirst for power and control. You became a loyal enforcer in his ranks, carrying out his will without hesitation.
As the centuries passed, your memories of your human life began to blur, but one thing remained clear—the eyes you once despised had become the windows to your dark and immortal soul. And with each passing day, they glowed with a sinister crimson light, a stark reflection of the darkness that now consumed you.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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violetduchess · 9 months
Poll Time~☆5
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violetduchess · 9 months
Could I please request a small fanfic where the hashira male crossdressing feminine reader is defending genya from sanemi, hugging him into his chest, codling him whilst yelling at Sanemi to treat him better. Genya's just blushing too embarrassed to say or do anything. Genya's like, "Thanks ma'am," and the reader just makes a weirded out face and goes, "Huh? I'm a boy"
The training ground was filled with tension as Sanemi Shinazugawa berated Genya Shinazugawa once again, his harsh words cutting through the air like a blade. Genya, for all his bravado, couldn't help but blush and lower his head, unable to defend himself against his older brother's relentless onslaught.
But just as it seemed like the situation couldn't get any worse, an unexpected defender stepped forward. It was you, the gentle and feminine Hashira who had always been kind and caring to everyone.
With surprising speed, you moved between Genya and Sanemi, your arms wrapping protectively around Genya's shoulders, pulling him into the warmth of your chest. Genya's eyes widened in astonishment, his cheeks burning hotter than ever as he was cocooned in your embrace.
You looked up at Sanemi, your eyes flashing with a rare, stern determination. "That's enough, Sanemi," you scolded, your voice surprisingly authoritative despite your usual soft-spoken nature. "Genya has been working hard, just like everyone else. He deserves respect."
Sanemi's brows furrowed in confusion, and he stammered, "What's gotten into you?"
Genya, still red as a tomato, found his voice and mumbled, "Thanks, ma'am."
You blinked in surprise at Genya's response. "Huh? I'm a boy," you replied with an awkward, bewildered expression, your face flushing slightly at the misunderstanding.
Sanemi, taken aback by the turn of events and your unexpected defense of Genya, took a step back, his scowl lessening. He glanced at Genya and then at you, finally relenting. "Fine, whatever. Just stop hugging him like that."
You released Genya, who stumbled back, his face still crimson. "Thanks, uh... sir?" he said, clearly flustered by the entire situation.
With a nod and a reassuring smile, you turned away, your heart pounding from the unusual confrontation. You had defended Genya out of a sense of justice and fairness, and while the misunderstanding about your gender was awkward, it had been worth it to see Sanemi back down.
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violetduchess · 10 months
so... there's a anime where the first episode was traumatic for many reasones. (Oshi no ko, i believe) and i want some angst about that first episode. Muzan, Akaza, kokushibo & Douma headcanons for when they see their wife (y/n) getting stabbed by a stalker that was obsessed with them? (i know all of them would kill the stalker vjbjnffj) i also want their reactions to where she wants to become a demon like them so she could see their children would grow up. tysm if you're able to do this!
I loved Oshi no ko, because I was not expecting the dark turn it took.😳
Content Warning: The following text contains references to violence and sensitive themes. Reader discretion is advised.
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Muzan's eyes widen in shock and fury as he sees the stalker attacking you, his beloved wife.
In an instant, he unleashes his wrath upon the stalker, tearing him apart mercilessly for daring to harm you.
With his heart filled with rage, Muzan cradles your injured form in his arms, trying to stop the bleeding while vowing to make you better.
His eyes flicker with concern and love as he begs you to hold on, promising that he will do anything to keep you safe and by his side forever.
The night was dark and suffused with danger as you walked the deserted alley, oblivious to the predator lurking in the shadows. Muzan was trailing behind you, his crimson eyes fixed on your every move, pride swelling in his heart as he watched you gracefully navigate the world. But before he could react, the stalker emerged, his twisted obsession turning violent as he lunged at you with a knife.
Muzan's rage erupted like an inferno. In the blink of an eye, he dispatched the stalker, tearing him apart with unimaginable brutality. He rushed to your side, his heart pounding with worry, and cradled your injured form in his arms. "Darling, hold on," he pleaded, his voice laced with urgency and affection. "I'll make you better. I'll give you everything you desire."
As you clung to consciousness, weakly smiling up at him, you revealed your truest wish - to become a demon like him. Muzan's eyes widened in surprise and hesitation, torn between his desire to keep you safe and the prospect of granting you immortality. He gazed into your eyes, conflicted yet full of love, before making his decision.
Akaza's expression darkens, and his eyes blaze with anger as he witnesses the stalker's attack on you, the love of his life.
Without hesitation, he rips the stalker apart, his strength fueled by his desperation to protect you.
Gathering you into his arms, Akaza's eyes soften with worry as he tries to heal your wounds, his hands trembling with a mix of fear and love.
He promises to do whatever it takes to keep you safe.
The moon hung high in the sky as you wandered through a deserted park, unaware of the looming danger. Akaza's keen senses alerted him to the presence of the stalker, and he followed behind, his heart filled with possessive affection for you. When the stalker attacked, Akaza's rage surged, and with a swift strike, he ended the threat.
He rushed to your side, cradling you in his strong arms. "Don't worry, my love," he murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. "I'll heal you." His blood demon art washed over you, beginning to mend your wounds as the damage was severe.
As you weakly smiled up at him, you expressed your desire to be immortal like him, so you could see your children grow up. Akaza's eyes widened in shock and conflict, torn between his loyalty to Muzan and his love for you. But as he looked into your eyes, the love you shared broke through his hesitation, and he vowed to find a way to grant your wish.
Kokushibo's neutral expression turns into one of pure rage as he sees the stalker harming you, his beloved wife.
With incredible speed, he swiftly deals with the stalker, slicing through him with his Moon Breathing techniques, but the damage has already been done.
Kokushibo holds you tenderly, his heart aching at the sight of your injuries. He uses his blood demon art to heal you, knowing that he can save you.
He vows to protect you at all costs, even if it means forsaking his quest for power. He tells you that he can't bear to lose you and will do whatever it takes to keep you with him.
The moon illuminated the night as you walked through the deserted forest, enjoying the serenity it provided. Kokushibo silently trailed behind, his adoration for you evident in his gaze. He sensed the stalker before he attacked, but he allowed you to confront the danger, confident in your abilities. However, when the stalker lunged at you, Kokushibo acted with decisive speed.
He sliced through the stalker with his Moon Breathing techniques, dispatching him with lethal precision. As he approached you, his stoic demeanor faltered, and he tenderly held you in his arms. "Please be strong," he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion.
You revealed your wish to become a demon like him, so you could see your children grow up. Kokushibo's eyes softened with surprise and conflicted feelings. He had long forsaken his humanity, but the thought of sharing his immortality with you stirred emotions he had long suppressed. He promised to find a way to make you immortal, for he could not bear to lose you.
Douma's usual nonchalant demeanor shatters as he witnesses the stalker attacking you, his precious wife.
Filled with rage, he disposes of the stalker ruthlessly, his twisted smile replaced by a fierce expression of protectiveness.
He cradles you in his arms, his heart pounding with fear and worry as he uses his blood demon art to heal your wounds.
Douma admits that he cannot bear to lose you and agrees to make you immortal like him, so you can stay together forever.
The shadows danced around you as you walked through the dimly lit streets, your carefree demeanor captivating to Douma's darkened soul. The stalker's sickening obsession with you was evident in his twisted grin as he lunged at you with a blade. Douma was quicker, and with a macabre grin, he dispatched the stalker with his blood demon art.
He approached you, his voice laced with concern. "Are you alright, my dear?" he asked, his eyes softening with genuine affection as he tended to your wounds.
As you smiled weakly, you confessed your desire to become a demon, driven by your love for your children and your wish to witness their growth. Douma's laughter faltered, and his usual playful demeanor wavered. He was torn between his loyalty to Muzan and his growing affection for you. But as he looked into your eyes, he saw the depth of your love and the sincerity of your request. He promised to find a way to make you a demon, vowing to keep you with him for eternity.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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violetduchess · 10 months
Hey bae I just found you not too long ago, and I already love your writing style🙈
I was just wondering if you could do a short on where (hashira) reader is like Giyu? Would the hashira treat reader the same, or would they treat them differently? (Pronoun can be whatever your most comfortable with!)
Sure thang!
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1. Giyu Tomioka (Water Hashira):
- As a fellow Hashira who acts like Giyu, the reader and Giyu would have a special understanding of each other. They might share silent moments of mutual understanding without needing many words.
- Giyu might feel a sense of camaraderie with the reader, appreciating their quiet and reserved nature. They would likely work well together during missions, as they both have a calm and composed fighting style.
- The other Hashira would observe the reader's similarities with Giyu and might tease them both about their stoic personalities. However, they would respect their skills and dedication as Hashira.
2. Shinobu Kocho (Insect Hashira):
- Shinobu, with her cheerful and bubbly personality, would find the reader's Giyu-like demeanor amusing . She might try to draw them out of their shell with playful banter and gentle teasing.
- Despite the differences in their personalities, Shinobu would appreciate the reader's dedication to their duty as a Hashira. She might offer them guidance on how to navigate their emotions and communicate more openly.
- The reader and Shinobu could form a unique friendship, with the reader providing a calm and steady presence while Shinobu adds a touch of brightness to their interactions.
3. Kyojuro Rengoku (Flame Hashira):
- Kyojuro's passionate and enthusiastic nature would contrast with the reader's Giyu-like demeanor. He might be curious about what lies behind the reader's stoic facade.
- Kyojuro would admire the reader's unwavering commitment to their duties as a Hashira and might try to motivate them to express their emotions more openly.
- Despite their differences, Kyojuro and the reader might form a bond based on their shared devotion to protecting humanity, with Kyojuro offering encouragement and the reader providing a grounded perspective.
4. Tengen Uzui (Sound Hashira):
- Tengen's outgoing and flirtatious personality would contrast with the reader's reserved demeanor. He might find their serious nature intriguing and a fun challenge.
- Tengen might try to break through the reader's shell with his playful antics and teasing, encouraging them to let loose and enjoy life outside of their Hashira responsibilities.
- While the reader might be initially taken aback by Tengen's boldness, they would appreciate his genuine care for their well-being and respect his skills as a fellow Hashira.
5. Gyomei Himejima (Stone Hashira):
- Gyomei's gentle and caring nature would contrast with the reader's stoicism. He might try to offer them support and comfort, recognizing the strength it takes to maintain such a composed demeanor.
- Gyomei would appreciate the reader's sense of duty and might remind them that it's okay to show vulnerability and emotion.
- Despite their different approaches, the reader and Gyomei could find common ground in their dedication to protecting others, and Gyomei would treat them with kindness and understanding.
6. Mitsuri Kanroji (Love Hashira):
- Mitsuri's affectionate and loving nature would contrast with the reader's reserved manner. She might be drawn to the reader's mysterious aura and try to get to know them better.
- Mitsuri would be incredibly supportive of the reader, offering comfort and encouragement to open up and express their feelings more freely.
- Despite their differences, Mitsuri would treat the reader with genuine love and care, embracing their unique personality and treating them as a valued member of the Hashira family.
7. Muichiro Tokito (Mist Hashira):
- Muichiro's quiet and introverted nature would align with the reader's Giyu-like demeanor. They might find solace in each other's silent company during moments of rest.
- While the reader might have more of an outward resemblance to Giyu, Muichiro might relate to their struggle to express emotions and offer a sense of understanding without needing many words.
- The other Hashira would appreciate the reader's dedication and might look to them as a reliable and steady presence during missions.
8. Sanemi Shinazugawa (Wind Hashira):
- Sanemi's rough and brash exterior might clash with the reader's stoic nature. He might find the reader's serious and disciplined approach to be respectable or arrogant.
- Sanemi could initially tease the reader about their serious demeanor, but he would recognize their strength and determination as a Hashira.
- Over time, Sanemi might develop a sense of respect for the reader, treating them as an equal and acknowledging their abilities and commitment to their responsibilities. (It really depends on you)
Note: I don't believe Shinobu actually hates giyuu, I think she just wants him to open up to his comrades. The only hashira who actually show any hostility toward giyuu are Obanai and Sanemi. Sanemi, because he believes giyuu is arrogant and Obanai because he Giyuu broke the rules by saving and advocating for Nezuko. So most of the hashira have no problem with giyuu, and by extension you.
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