valeskawhore · 13 hours
Here I am your biggest nightmare, I have a request from my not so beloved Graves with the prompt 27 “You’re a bad liar did you know?”, but I have no idea what to ask for with it, so good job love you bye *kiss kiss*
turns out that you, darling, were my biggest blessing because this is what got me out of my writing slump. fucking graves, lmao. it's far from my best work (besties please go easy on me), but I'm so very grateful to you for sending this in! ♡
warnings/content: phillip graves x gn!reader, 18+; mdni! angst with suggestive themes, mentions of the (in this drabble upcoming) massacre of las almas. reader working for the shadow company. blackmail leading to a kiss, implied future sex. petnames: sweetheart, baby. wordcount: 515
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"I'm done." with shaking hands and a pounding heart, you stormed past graves, your boots falling heavy against the concrete floor. "I want nothing to do with this."
"if you think—," graves' fingers around your arm yanked you back to him. his touch was so tight, so unforgiving, that even through your tactical gear you knew your skin would be kissed by bruises after. "—for a goddamn moment that you can go and walk away from me, baby—"
"I am not your fucking baby, graves," you spat out, jaw clenched. "not after tonight's orders. I can't stop you from taking over las almas, but I sure as hell want nothing to do with it." your fingers moved to tear off the patch on your shoulder, and you let it fall on the ground. "I quit."
where you'd expected exploding rage: his face to turn red with his anger, and the scar on his cheek to scrunch up as he yelled... somehow this was worse. 
the darkening eyes. the tilt of his head. the quiet amusement that finally—after what had seemed like a minute of him quietly observing you—turned audible as he parted his lips. "what do you think will happen to the people of las almas if you leave?"
even more than you hated the way your voice had cracked, you hated the way that he laughed, low and breathless. 
"you are what calms me down." he took a step toward you, fingers around your bicep tightening their grip as his chest pressed against yours. "you are what keeps me sane. take that away and—," his lips brushed against your earlobe, his voice low. "well. how much blood in your hands can you live with, sweetheart?"
your heart was racing: your thoughts clouding. "stop talking, phillip."
"why?" he raised a brow, his breath warm against your skin. familiar. "afraid you're gonna walk away? afraid you're gonna have to live with the guilt of knowing that if you had stayed—," he tilted his head, "if you had given yourself to me one more time—" his thumb moved to brush against your lower lip, and from the touch you shivered. "you could've saved them all?"
"get your fucking hands off me."
"no, walking away is not what you're afraid of," his voice was amused as he wet his lips. "you're afraid because you know you can't."
you jaw clenched as you swallowed, dry. "I never wanted any of this."
"you're a bad liar, did you know?" he laughed. "what you and I have is good. we both know it. fuck, if I didn't know any better I'd even go as far as to say that you learned to love me."
"yet you know that I hate every last thing about you."
"yet you will stay."
"not for you."
"for me, for them," he tilted his head as his lips moved to brush against yours. "doesn't matter." his lips captured yours in a kiss deep and dark—full of denied need, and guilt, and shame. 
enough to bring the heaviest of tears to your eyes. 
"the only thing that matters is that at the end of the day—"
enough to make your thighs clench. 
"I will always win." his finger cupped your cheek, possessive. "never forget that, baby."
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a/n: we hate him we hate him we hate him we want to fuck him we hate him
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valeskawhore · 4 days
Graves, wipes the sweat from his brow: “whew.. almost got me there.”
Ghost: Don't worry, I got a plan.
Graves: Alright.
Ghost: TraitorSayWhat?
Graves: Excuse me?
Ghost: What?
Ghost: No wait-
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valeskawhore · 1 month
Vox watching reader though his cams? Like he’s got cams everywhere, like he’s basically stalking reader 💀
He won’t consider it stalking if it’s him doing it.
Because obviously he’s just the most successful and amazing demon in hell— you should be lucky he’s even trying to look out for you. 🙄
“Won’t ever ask about your day because he’s watched the whole thing on blue ray HD television(S)” lol
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valeskawhore · 1 month
I just sure ur rules 😭 sorry if the hypnosis one is against ur boundaries 🙏 u don’t have to do it ofc 🫶🫶
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valeskawhore · 1 month
I’m just gonna drop all my ideas, feel free to ignore any of them lolll 🙏🙏
Vox having a white knight kind of thing like- Valentino hypnotises you, and Vox ‘saves’ you from him, only to do the exact same thing and hypnotise you
Vox would most definitely do this.
He’s your knight in shinning armor darling, and Valentino would very much be against this yet .. into it.
Valentino would get off on the fact that VOX WANTS TO BE YOUR KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR. (Someone help explain to this horny ass moth man that vox has quit his advances towards Val and move on)
And because of this, that’s why this was so perfect for Vox’s plans.
Strolling into the studio one day and interrupting one of angel’s shoots was a glare and a half earned from Valentino himself, claiming that “this was one of the few times Valentino was able to get Angel drugged enough to do more waterboading related sex”
Vox would simply cut the cameras and demand that Val pack it up for the day— “they have more important matters to attend too”
This led to valentino putting on his best leather lingerie and nipple piercings— thinking it was.. “one of those nights” but Vox would only snap in response to his incompetence.
“Val.. “ His eye would spasm violently and cause his voice to sputter at a high pitched frequency..
Definelty takes some time and re-explaining what Vox wants him to do but finally gets with the program after a few tries.
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valeskawhore · 1 month
vox and dumbification my beloved 🤭
Like imagine reader is Vox’s assistant, they are smart obviously but Vox always acts like they are the dumbest bimbo/himbo ever. Like- “can you get me a coffee baby? You know how I like it-“ and then he explains it so slowly lmao
“You know how I like it baby, 3 sugars, stirred twice.. not three times, I can tell remember? Only a dash of cr—“
“Yeah I know, sir. 3 sugars, stirred twice, a dash of creamer—“
“And a dash of creamer, exactly! Sweet pie!” Vox would stand up and pinch your cheek, “such a smart baby for me, what would I do without you?” :)
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valeskawhore · 1 month
Imagine YANDERE! Captain John price:
(Non!con! Pregnancy, dark themes, sexual themes, implied force.)
Thinking about fast rough raunchy sex with the captain behind closed doors after sending eachother vague eye signals all day around the base.
Slapping your ass, biting your shoulder as he rammed into from behind mercilessly.
A simple wink here or there. You sucking on your fingers after eating your lunch or him slurping his coffee loud enough to fill the room before letting out a groan from the taste.
No one else knew, just you and the captain.
He’d act cold around you infront of the others and call you worthless for missing your shots at the range.
“Think laswell was’wron about you..” he murmured in your ear, his breath hot and thick against your neck. ..
Against that necklace he bought for you, the one you were everyday and no one knows where it came from.
“You aren’t’ as good as everyone says you are, love..” he’d suck his breath in through his teeth when that would earn a small moan from you. Rubbing himself against the cloth of your ass just subtly for no one to notice how close you both really were..
You always did love being degraded.
You’d flip him off walking past him with a knowing smile that later he’d make you count as much slaps to your soft ass you’d earned yourself from the motion.
Sending him pictures in the bathroom when you “excused” yourself from the meetings.
He’d text back demanding that you take your underwear off and slip it into his hand when you came back so later he could breathe in your sweet scent as he palmed himself to your soaked fabric.
And then, him just needing you when no one else was around. Whatever or wherever you both were— public rest room, his office, the meeting room, the car—
Just anywhere with enough time for him so slip his aching angry cock into your soft wet folds was enough for him. “Just relax, love. Trust me, I’ll take care’of you..” he’d promise.
But what you didn’t know was that for months now, since you both staring “hooking up” to begin with— he’d been poking holes in the condoms and messing with your birth control.. desperate to put a baby in your tight belly and make you his forever.
His fatherly instincts just needed it, it was a primal need on his masculine side to breed with you. Even force you if he needed too.
It was always that damn pheromone perfume you wore— he swears it!
Because this isn’t his fault darling, it’s yours. How you’d show up to work everyday in those tight skirts and sexy blouses with the frost two buttons unbuttoned to reveal some cleavage. How you’d bend over infront of him to reach your dropped pen…
His eyes had been on you since the moment laswell informed the team that a new admin was coming to take on some of the paper work.
And now, You weren’t getting away anytime soon.
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valeskawhore · 2 months
I’m hitting on Sherlock Phones yall.
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Someone help this man.
Someone PLEASE help this man.
Let's be real with ourselves lonely sinners, vox is not the man we need but he is the man we fawn for. I’ve done a lot of research on his character, his voice actor, his background and his main focus in hazbin hotel just to come up with the most canon version I can write him as.
He is NOT “that guy”. Vox is conniving, manipulative, egotistical, rude,and has been described as not “a nice person” by Vizi herself.
I'm pretty sure he was the “where my hug at?” guy back in college for computer science and theater arts. The guy who no one liked; laughed at not with and continuously thought that everyone was intimidated by him because no one wanted to approach him. Yet it was really because— No one thought he was cool whatsoever.
Of course this man took dance lessons and acting classes, his mind is quite literally a computer even back when he was alive. Vox understands the concept behind “good television” and how to appease his audience.
The lack of attention in his life to early childhood/adulthood was made up when he became a TV host. Vox wanted everyone to love him just so he could push them away and be this “Awesome guy who's too busy and successful for everyone”.
He totally speaks to everyone like they are 4-12 years old. Someone could be older than him, taller, or stronger and he’s just going to immediately deem them imperior to him because of his success.
“My dear, whatever could be the problem?”
“Awe cupcake, are you sad? panties in a twist? Is your bra too tight or are you just going through shark week?”
Vox will literally say one phrase when he knows things aren't going his way.
“Let’s think about this.” Not TALK– THINK. Let's THINK about this.
And darling, he’s not talking to himself but to you and again, immediately placing you underneath him–trying to have you use that “big brain of yours”
This man will plant shit in your head causing you to draw conclusions about things so you can focus entirely on what HE wants. As done with Valentino in episode 2 SE1; when valentine is flipping his shit and all vox does is control the situation.
He’ll flip his shit, igniting fear into the person he’s talking to, allowing the victim to find him ‘scary’ enough to break into submission and shut their mouth.
He’ll take this time to plant thoughts into their head. “What do you think going half cocked around hell to find angel dust will do to our image?”---”U-uh.. fuck it up?” DING DING DING. “Good boy/girl”
And then praise when they come to their “senses” (What he wants them to do)
“Such a big brain you have, you’re so smart.”
“Aren't you a pretty doll? hm?”
“That’s right baby, I knew you had it in you.” No he didn’t, you surprised him but he’s gonna take on the ‘caring best man role’ to cover up his surprise.
He gets hard easily. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
ok so I really wanna write like a whole freaking series of events for him, just one shots and I’m interested in all kinds of ideas, these are really just random thoughts that came to my mind while writing. If you guys like the way I write him or the ideas I present— totally let me know if I should continue my obsession with this man.
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valeskawhore · 2 months
I’m hitting on Sherlock Phones yall.
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Someone help this man.
Someone PLEASE help this man.
Let's be real with ourselves lonely sinners, vox is not the man we need but he is the man we fawn for. I’ve done a lot of research on his character, his voice actor, his background and his main focus in hazbin hotel just to come up with the most canon version I can write him as.
He is NOT “that guy”. Vox is conniving, manipulative, egotistical, rude,and has been described as not “a nice person” by Vizi herself.
I'm pretty sure he was the “where my hug at?” guy back in college for computer science and theater arts. The guy who no one liked; laughed at not with and continuously thought that everyone was intimidated by him because no one wanted to approach him. Yet it was really because— No one thought he was cool whatsoever.
Of course this man took dance lessons and acting classes, his mind is quite literally a computer even back when he was alive. Vox understands the concept behind “good television” and how to appease his audience.
The lack of attention in his life to early childhood/adulthood was made up when he became a TV host. Vox wanted everyone to love him just so he could push them away and be this “Awesome guy who's too busy and successful for everyone”.
He totally speaks to everyone like they are 4-12 years old. Someone could be older than him, taller, or stronger and he’s just going to immediately deem them imperior to him because of his success.
“My dear, whatever could be the problem?”
“Awe cupcake, are you sad? panties in a twist? Is your bra too tight or are you just going through shark week?”
Vox will literally say one phrase when he knows things aren't going his way.
“Let’s think about this.” Not TALK– THINK. Let's THINK about this.
And darling, he’s not talking to himself but to you and again, immediately placing you underneath him–trying to have you use that “big brain of yours”
This man will plant shit in your head causing you to draw conclusions about things so you can focus entirely on what HE wants. As done with Valentino in episode 2 SE1; when valentine is flipping his shit and all vox does is control the situation.
He’ll flip his shit, igniting fear into the person he’s talking to, allowing the victim to find him ‘scary’ enough to break into submission and shut their mouth.
He’ll take this time to plant thoughts into their head. “What do you think going half cocked around hell to find angel dust will do to our image?”---”U-uh.. fuck it up?” DING DING DING. “Good boy/girl”
And then praise when they come to their “senses” (What he wants them to do)
“Such a big brain you have, you’re so smart.”
“Aren't you a pretty doll? hm?”
“That’s right baby, I knew you had it in you.” No he didn’t, you surprised him but he’s gonna take on the ‘caring best man role’ to cover up his surprise.
He gets hard easily. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
ok so I really wanna write like a whole freaking series of events for him, just one shots and I’m interested in all kinds of ideas, these are really just random thoughts that came to my mind while writing. If you guys like the way I write him or the ideas I present— totally let me know if I should continue my obsession with this man.
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valeskawhore · 2 months
See! Thank you for understanding!
I see everyone babygirlify him— and that’s fine! But don’t forget that they are literally IN HELL! THEYRE DEMONS! THEY. ARE. NOT. GOOD. PEOPLE.
Valentino is an abuser and Vox loves it! HE LOVES IT!
I’m hitting on Sherlock Phones yall.
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Someone help this man.
Someone PLEASE help this man.
Let's be real with ourselves lonely sinners, vox is not the man we need but he is the man we fawn for. I’ve done a lot of research on his character, his voice actor, his background and his main focus in hazbin hotel just to come up with the most canon version I can write him as.
He is NOT “that guy”. Vox is conniving, manipulative, egotistical, rude,and has been described as not “a nice person” by Vizi herself.
I'm pretty sure he was the “where my hug at?” guy back in college for computer science and theater arts. The guy who no one liked; laughed at not with and continuously thought that everyone was intimidated by him because no one wanted to approach him. Yet it was really because— No one thought he was cool whatsoever.
Of course this man took dance lessons and acting classes, his mind is quite literally a computer even back when he was alive. Vox understands the concept behind “good television” and how to appease his audience.
The lack of attention in his life to early childhood/adulthood was made up when he became a TV host. Vox wanted everyone to love him just so he could push them away and be this “Awesome guy who's too busy and successful for everyone”.
He totally speaks to everyone like they are 4-12 years old. Someone could be older than him, taller, or stronger and he’s just going to immediately deem them imperior to him because of his success.
“My dear, whatever could be the problem?”
“Awe cupcake, are you sad? panties in a twist? Is your bra too tight or are you just going through shark week?”
Vox will literally say one phrase when he knows things aren't going his way.
“Let’s think about this.” Not TALK– THINK. Let's THINK about this.
And darling, he’s not talking to himself but to you and again, immediately placing you underneath him–trying to have you use that “big brain of yours”
This man will plant shit in your head causing you to draw conclusions about things so you can focus entirely on what HE wants. As done with Valentino in episode 2 SE1; when valentine is flipping his shit and all vox does is control the situation.
He’ll flip his shit, igniting fear into the person he’s talking to, allowing the victim to find him ‘scary’ enough to break into submission and shut their mouth.
He’ll take this time to plant thoughts into their head. “What do you think going half cocked around hell to find angel dust will do to our image?”---”U-uh.. fuck it up?” DING DING DING. “Good boy/girl”
And then praise when they come to their “senses” (What he wants them to do)
“Such a big brain you have, you’re so smart.”
“Aren't you a pretty doll? hm?”
“That’s right baby, I knew you had it in you.” No he didn’t, you surprised him but he’s gonna take on the ‘caring best man role’ to cover up his surprise.
He gets hard easily. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
ok so I really wanna write like a whole freaking series of events for him, just one shots and I’m interested in all kinds of ideas, these are really just random thoughts that came to my mind while writing. If you guys like the way I write him or the ideas I present— totally let me know if I should continue my obsession with this man.
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valeskawhore · 2 months
“Stayed gone” with Alastor and Vox has the same energy with Eminem and MGK.
MGK is Vox rapping “rap devil” and Alastor is Eminem rapping “kill shot” and he comes back 10x harder than MGK.
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valeskawhore · 2 months
I’m hitting on Sherlock Phones yall.
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Someone help this man.
Someone PLEASE help this man.
Let's be real with ourselves lonely sinners, vox is not the man we need but he is the man we fawn for. I’ve done a lot of research on his character, his voice actor, his background and his main focus in hazbin hotel just to come up with the most canon version I can write him as.
He is NOT “that guy”. Vox is conniving, manipulative, egotistical, rude,and has been described as not “a nice person” by Vizi herself.
I'm pretty sure he was the “where my hug at?” guy back in college for computer science and theater arts. The guy who no one liked; laughed at not with and continuously thought that everyone was intimidated by him because no one wanted to approach him. Yet it was really because— No one thought he was cool whatsoever.
Of course this man took dance lessons and acting classes, his mind is quite literally a computer even back when he was alive. Vox understands the concept behind “good television” and how to appease his audience.
The lack of attention in his life to early childhood/adulthood was made up when he became a TV host. Vox wanted everyone to love him just so he could push them away and be this “Awesome guy who's too busy and successful for everyone”.
He totally speaks to everyone like they are 4-12 years old. Someone could be older than him, taller, or stronger and he’s just going to immediately deem them imperior to him because of his success.
“My dear, whatever could be the problem?”
“Awe cupcake, are you sad? panties in a twist? Is your bra too tight or are you just going through shark week?”
Vox will literally say one phrase when he knows things aren't going his way.
“Let’s think about this.” Not TALK– THINK. Let's THINK about this.
And darling, he’s not talking to himself but to you and again, immediately placing you underneath him–trying to have you use that “big brain of yours”
This man will plant shit in your head causing you to draw conclusions about things so you can focus entirely on what HE wants. As done with Valentino in episode 2 SE1; when valentine is flipping his shit and all vox does is control the situation.
He’ll flip his shit, igniting fear into the person he’s talking to, allowing the victim to find him ‘scary’ enough to break into submission and shut their mouth.
He’ll take this time to plant thoughts into their head. “What do you think going half cocked around hell to find angel dust will do to our image?”---”U-uh.. fuck it up?” DING DING DING. “Good boy/girl”
And then praise when they come to their “senses” (What he wants them to do)
“Such a big brain you have, you’re so smart.”
“Aren't you a pretty doll? hm?”
“That’s right baby, I knew you had it in you.” No he didn’t, you surprised him but he’s gonna take on the ‘caring best man role’ to cover up his surprise.
He gets hard easily. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
ok so I really wanna write like a whole freaking series of events for him, just one shots and I’m interested in all kinds of ideas, these are really just random thoughts that came to my mind while writing. If you guys like the way I write him or the ideas I present— totally let me know if I should continue my obsession with this man.
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valeskawhore · 5 months
Erwin: “Levi, for research purposes, are you the big spoon or the little spoon?”
Levi: “i'm a knife.”
Y/n, from across the room: “he’s the little spoon”
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valeskawhore · 5 months
An exchanged student from America! Coming to UA to fulfill the wishes from their father, Not wanting to be a hero what-so ever.
It doesn’t matter to you. Yes you’ve been born with a strong quirk but that doesn’t matter, that wasn’t your life’s passion!
But you’re father being the man he is,
And needing their only child to be perfect,
Sets up a conversation with you and the one and only nezu, the principal of UA!
You don’t need to try out, you don’t need to pass any written exams, show off for anyone. Your father already took care of that and had you preform in your quirk space where you do all your training and recorded you and your strategies.
A/n: “I really wanna make a soulmate! AU with this, I’m think katsuki? Really angsty? My interpretation and hyper realism on how I think things would go down with his character in the anime? Not fan!bakugo but can!bakugo?
Lemme know what y’all think!!!!
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You sat in front of the small little rodent who ran this pathetic hero training course. One leg crossed over the other and your chin in the palm of your hand as you stared out the window.
You had made no attempts to answer his questions or even look in his big eyes for all that matter. His cheery voice and attitude was enough to make you vomit alone. And you weren’t even going to mention his disgusting fashion taste.
A scar settled on the right side of his face. The only thing you could wonder was that someone luckier already beat you to the punch of wanting to scratch this rodents eyes out.
You continued to stare out the window, your mind caught in another world as your eyes blurred and your head ached. Something twisted in your stomach when you heard the ray mention your father. It snapped you back to reality.
Nezu sighed and took a sip of his tea, “Y/n L/n, if you really don’t want to attend UA then why are you here?” He questioned, with another sip, “You’re quirk is extraordinary to say at the least and even that is an understatement but I’m going to need some cooperation for this interview to work.”
I rolled my eyes and sat up with a sarcastic smile, “Sure, anything you need”
Nezu sighed nice more, and sat his tea cup off to the side.
“Tell me.. y/n.. why should I even let you into UA?” He wondered, “Element bending quirks are extremely rare, there’s so much you could do with them.. but I’m afraid there’s more people more enthusiastic than you to take your position, maybe even more qualified.”
“I’m afraid I can’t let you into UA, an inspiring hero must act heroic even behind the scenes.”
My stomach dropped, but I slowly steadied myself. I stood to my feet and eyed the rodent down. I knew something like this would have to be pushed just a little bit..
“Principal Nezu.” I called out, he looked up at me.
“With the powers I have.. you even said it your self, they’re beyond powerful in todays society.” Nezu nodded and patiently waited for me to proceed.
My eyes darkened and so did the room around me as I gave a small smile. “And because of that, I’m going to ask you to rethink your decision” I slowly walked up to Nezu and placed my hands on the burgundy wood and leaned close to his face.
“Because with these powers.. I could either become the worlds greatest supervillain or the worlds greatest hero.. whether or not you let me into UA will determine it’s fate.” I smiled, my eyes sparkled with something .. insane. Before I pulled away and turned my back towards the door.
“I trust you’ll make the right decision. The worlds fate is in your hands.. but trust, I will make my father proud regardless” I winked.
Nezu gulped.
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valeskawhore · 5 months
Masky x target! Reader.
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Imagine waking up to hearing a creak in the hallway. And instead of getting up, you’re like—
“Nah fuck that man,” you turn over and pulled the covers over your head, “I’ll die happy.” You scoffed.
As you let the sleep from your body lull your mind back to sleep, you suddenly hear your bedroom door open, and getting frustrated you stick your head up from the pillow, glancing around your dark ass room.
Getting paranoid, you sat up in bed.. looking around trying to find something out in the open.
But nothing.
You turned on your LED lights and flinched back when you saw a masked man standing in the corner of your room, just as frozen and still as you are..
You rubbed your eyes and took a hit off your pen. “Yo..” smoke blew out of your mouth, your voice foggy and distant because of it but you are sure he heard you.
The man didn’t move, he stayed still, watching.
You finally flicked on your bedside lamp and continued getting high. “If I can help you let me know cause I got some sexy ass motherfucker waiting for me back in LaLa world right now.”
It was a joke, but the man’s fists tightened around the crow bar.
You finally popped the question,
“You’re here to kill me, ain’t’cha? You don’t just carry that shit around for fun.. right?” I stayed calm.
The man finally spoke, his voice deep and raspy, “oh.. him?” He laughed sadistic loudly, he threw the crowbar down, “don’t worry about him honey pie, I prefer to do this with my own hands..” his knuckles cracked.
He really was terrifying, a strong build, a feminine mask covering his face, fresh blood spotted on it, his hair was brown and wavy, flipped over his mask just slightly, in a handsome way.
I raised my eyebrows with a smirk, “I’ve always had a thing for masked men, take that thing off yeah? Let’s have some fun..” I wiggled my eyebrows.
The man did not respond well, he just froze and stared at me.
“Alright alright— fine— let me stretch..” I sat up in bed and began stretching my body.
The man let out a scoff with a laugh, “you really think that’s gonna save you?”
“Well I need to feel just a tad bit younger if I’m gonna be running.” I said,
The man stared at me like I was stupid, crossing his arms. “Oh don’t give me that look, we both know you’re gonna catch me and kill me, but give me a chance.”
I continued stretching, when I was done I popped my fingers, the man shook with frustration, “why the FUCK would you need to crack those?”
I stared at him, “what if I need a weapon?”
“Sweetheart you won’t—“ “Get the chance” I finished, “blah blah blah.” The man shook with rage, “I’m gonna fucking kill you..”
I smiled, “maybe you should stretch then?” I smiled.
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valeskawhore · 5 months
SHERIFF! BIGBY WOLF!? X fem! Reader!
A/n: “So literally just finished my own interpretation of the telltales game, “The wolf among us” and I swear. I am Inlove with this man/hybrid, thingy.” So I figured why not write about it?
Here’s what it would be like for the one and only sheriff of Fable town to meet you..
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Arightly, we ALL know. This is pretty much basic information if you know anything about this man.
He doesn’t give a shit. Honest.
I mean, he cares. But especially with his “friendship” with snow in the series we all can already tell that this man has some serious authority issues.
He’s not used to people telling him what to do, and what to say or how to act. Bigby gets very offended in the series when one of the options for a response when beginning to talk to TJ about what he saw when Lilly died, snow asks bigby to be more “less like himself” he did not respond well..
He came from being the “big bad wolf” once upon a time. Nobody trusts him, and honestly, I think he prefers it that way.
All he’s ever done, or known for that matter is hurt. Pain. Being the one to always inflict it.
And because of this power of control, he was elected sheriff of fable town. Perhaps others in the higher power thought that it would be beneficial to work some of that natural rage out.
To wrap up, he’ll do things his way.. pretty often.
Depending on the circumstances always. Now if his way would put anyone in danger that he “cared” about on some kind of level, he’d avoid all conflict. He wants to change..
He just doesn’t know how. And he won’t trust anyone enough to show him.
Though.. when YOU came along..
You weren’t a fable, you weren’t rich.. you weren’t special.. you couldn’t turn into a troll or a fairy or even a wolf.
You were a mundy. A normie.
Ofcourse growing up in the “real” world your entire life, fairy tales were strictly “fairy tales” and that’s all there was to it.
On the way home one night from driving home, you drove into an unrecognizable neighborhood. But something about this place felt strange, almost like de ja vu..
Had you been here before..?
You saw a sign for the only sheriffs office in town and decided to stop their for directions.
The place was like a fucking motel..?
On the way to the elevator to find this office yourself, (since the fucking security guard was passed out cold) you bumped into a strong figure on the way in the elevator as he was coming out.
“Shit.. that was my last one,” the figure mumbled, his voice scratchy yet light.. familiar. The man took a step back and crossed his arms. His stair formed into one of disgust and annoyance.
The stranger took a step back and even.. EXAMINED you. He was tall.. stone cold even just by looking at him could you tell. His sniffed lightly, his nostrils expanding a little bit, with a wince, he finally spoke.
“A mundy huh?” He coughed out some smoke. A annoyed look on his face.
I stared at the man, confused and desperate for some sleep.. ‘did he say mundy? Or did I miss my medication today?.’ I questioned myself silently.
“Sir.. can you please repeat that?” I asked kindly, (or tried) I kept a smile on my face but even a dumbass like the tweedle twins could tell it was fake.
“Hm.” He scoffed a little. He pulled his hand up to his face and squeezed the bridge of his nose. “What can I help you with?” He grumbled, finally releasing his nose and crossing his arms once more. Trying to keep a smile, his was tense like my own.
Just two strangers staring at one-another, both tired and annoyed— trying to be polite.
I finally put my fake smile down and realized why I was even here to begin with. I tried to smile genuinely this time, “yes! Please I need to see the sheriff, or anyone honesty who can tell me where I am and why these roads are so confusing” I said that last part with a laugh, a shitty joke erupted from my nervousness. I mentally smacked myself.
This guy doesn’t wanna hear my shitty jokes.
The man tilted his head slightly and let out a loud sigh, “that’s me.. sheriff wolf.” I reached out my hand instantly for manners and mutual respect for the fact that we both obviously needed some good sleep and quiet.
He hesitantly shook my hand with a firm grip. His bottom lip puckered slightly, his jaw tense, though he didn’t let go my hand, just held it with quite the grip.
I stared at him and then down at our hands intertwined with eachothers. I let out a nervous laugh.. “hey Uhm—“
He cut me off, “well? Eh? You gonna tell me your fucking name or not.” His voice got stern, I felt myself shrinking under his gaze.
“Y/n” I laughed, but I felt a surge of sudden confidence take over me, my gaze locked on his, I squeezed his hand back just as hard, something about this seemed right.. our hands together.
“What’s your name sheriff?” I smiled,
The man stared me down, his eyes went to our hands then back to my eyes. I felt him shake in my grasp, whether with anger or fear, I didn’t know.. but I wasn’t some cute little girl.
“Bigby— sheriff bigby.” And he ripped his hand out of mine. His hands tensed, curling up into fists at his sides. “You’re in fable town, you must have taken a wrong turn missy. Cause this is NOT where you’re supposed to be.”
He warned, I laughed.
“I’d love an escort sheriff.”
“I don’t have a car”
“Big guy like you walks around eh?”
He growled, obviously not finding me amusing whatsoever. “Here” he took out a little note pad, he gave me the address for somewhere else.
“Follow the signs sweetheart” and with that, he walked away. The crumbled up piece of paper laid on the ground near my feet, I snatched it up with a scowl on my face.
“Fucking asshole.”
You didn’t know what to think of this guy, and that bothered you because you were the typa girl to always have a plan and analyze everything and everyone. You couldn’t read this guy, something about him.. felt so primal.. so inhuman.
His eyes, his canines, the facial hair even. The way he smelled for jimminy Christmas. He wasn’t normal,
Then again who was nowadays?
He was an asshole, stubborn and irritable over the smallest thing.. but.. why ..
Why couldn’t you stay away from him…?
You were annoyingly pretty. Almost suspicious.
Faith was dead, now Lilly, fables running around town causing shit with nothing better to do.. and now you?
He wouldn’t buy that ‘just got lost’ bullshit. Something was weird about this girl.. too eye catchy and doll like. Fragile and confident all the more. He needed to find out more about you.
You owed him a new pack of smokes too.
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valeskawhore · 6 months
A/N: This is an idea that I’ve been seeing all around tumblr from my mutuals and honestly, why the hell not? I love the idea of apocalyptic survival. Let me know if this should be a series !!
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An eerie creak sounds out behind me as I opened the window, and Dust flooded the dimly lit room as I made my way inside. Exploring abandoned houses wasn't always a typical interest of mine, but staying warm and having a dry place to sleep at night was.
Rain clashed gently down on the roof from outside, crickets could be heard and soon the silence rested back into place when I pulled the cracked window shut from the other side.
This place definitely was not the best, but at least it was dry.
First thing I did was open my backpack, setting up candles and hanging an old sheet that I found laying in the corner, over the window to block out the light.
Repeatedly, I told myself that this was just temporary.
I didn't have enough food to last more than a few nights anyways. Walkers roamed more and more with every passing day, tho winter was coming and it was coming fast.
Hopefully, that would do something to slow the walkers, even if it was just by a few steps, I prayed.
With a sigh, I slowly sat down on the make-shift mattress that I made for myself, hearing my ankles pop in the process because man, I really needed to stretch more often, I'm not getting any younger.
I took off my baseball cap and pulled down my mask to breathe just a little bit clearer, running my fingers through my hair, I noticed how greasy it was. The thought made me disgusted since.. Well, I couldn't even imagine how I smelled and i didnt want to either.
Popping open a bottle of water, I drank my thirst away. Listening to the rain pour, the thunder crack and the sounds of the undead trudging along outside.
As I clenched my eyes shut for a second..
I blocked out the screams, the cries and pleads for help.. The cocking of guns and the growls of the unthinkable tearing and ripping the flesh of the people being eaten alive. My fingernails began to itch, my knuckles on fire, tears welding in my eyes.
“Y/N!!” She screamed, “HELP ME!!” she cried..
I sat my bottled water down, and lit up a cigarette.
“It’ll be ok..” I told myself, “Survive one more day, just one more,” everynight.
“I’ll find you baby.. one day..”
I closed my eyes.. Relaxed my body, breathed out deeply.
“Goodnight y/n” I told myself.
The front door clashed open.
“GET INSIDE! GET THE FUCK INSIDE!” A voice screamed. The sounds of the undead gurgled up the last of their life and slammed their heads against the door, screaming. I heard multiple people slamming themselves against the front door, refraining it from opening. “ROGERS, FIND SOMETHING, NOW. WE NEED TO BARD THE DOOR!”
“I-I-M OHN–ON IT!!” Someone stuttered.
I jumped up from my mattress, reaching for my gun and loading in the magazine. I threw the sleeping bag off of me, and unlocked the door. I heard the others rummaging down stairs for something to board the door. I peaked my head out,
Something suddenly rammed against my head, the door was torn open, slamming into my head. I fell back on my ass, and reached around lazily for my gun.
I heard a gasp fall above me, my vision was spinning, but I found my gun and raised it above me at the silhouette. There were two of them, then three, then two, until both shadow figures meshed into one guy. His face was something more,
Two dark brown eyes, greasy chestnut hair, he nose was already bleeding and there was a bandage covering up the right side of his lips stretching to his cheek bones.
He was definitely a young man, 23-24 maybe. Wearing yellow rusted-rimmed goggles, a blue hoodie with a tanned, older jacket overtop, there was a black and gray-ish mask wrapped around his neck and pulled up over his face. The (now) snickering man wore stained blue jeans and some bloodied converse.
His laugh rang out through my skull, pounding against my ear lobes. His eyes became impossibly wide now, canines glimmering in the moonlight as thunder cracked in the background.
With one final sadistic smile,
He picked up his double hand axes and raised them high, His laughter almost screams now, The screams of a hyena, a skinwalker luring its prey.
The young man brought the axes down quickly,
I rolled over with a small scream, doing my best to avoid the hard steel.
I fumbled around on the ground, reaching for my gun.
When I had it in my hand, the man jumped on me and slammed my back into the hardwood floor. The house was so old that dust jumped into the air, and swam around. I clenched my eyes shut and coughed until I could breathe again. I felt his boney hands wrap around my throat, his skin uncomfortably cold and white. I kicked my feet behind him and threw my head back,
The man let up his grip but didn't scream out in pain, his laughter only grew.
I grabbed the boy's hair and threw him off of me, his body collided against the wall,
His body actually went through it, clashing into the room next to us.
Dust flooded the room once more, and as the psychopath took longer than expected to rise back to his feet, I grabbed my sleeping bag and ran downstairs, contents loosley in hand.
I struggled to throw my jacket on as i ran down the steps,
A shorter figure stepped in front of me, and stuck his leg out, successfully tripping me in the process. I felt my world being flipped upside down as my rib cage cracked against the staircase. I coughed up blood, my heartbeat in my ears as I laid there motionless.
With my vision dark, i could only here throat-ripping screeching from the outside world,
Three figures stepped in my view of the door, I pulled my arms in front of me and did my best to drag my body away. I moaned out in a breath-less cry as I felt the rusted nails sticking out of the wood flooring scraped against my cracked ribs.
Something stopped me, whoever or.. Whatever it was, grabbed my achilles heel and dragged me back in the living room with one strong pull.
They flipped me on my back, blood dripped down the corner of my mouth as I did my best to control my breath. Hesitantly, I reached my hand up and folded my fist into a weak, shaky middle finger, my ‘fuck you’ to the world.
I heard one of them snicker before the tallest one leaned down carefully, dark red painted eyes peered into mine before he pulled off my mask. I had a surge of anger come over me, as I reached to kick him in the balls but he caught my leg, almost expecting it even. His grip tightened menacingly on my thigh, before he gave my cracked rib cage an almost impossibly fast sucker punch.
I coughed out blood on instinct, my body spasming. I held my chest and my body folded forwards, my knees to my chest. “F-fuck you..” I coughed, tears streaming down my face.
His hand, still on my thigh, tightened once more. Leaning close to my face, the stranger whispered..
“What.. do we have here?”
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