tolkienreader1996 · 4 hours
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tolkienreader1996 · 7 hours
I know people like to say that the reason Pippin was overly familiar with Denethor was just because of a difference in dialect, but personally I like to think that when Pippin heard ‘Steward of Gondor’ he went, “oh, like the Thain of the Shire” and proceeded to talk to him the way he’d talk to the Thain—which is to say, politely, but like an equal
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tolkienreader1996 · 9 hours
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I made a baby basilisk from the dundeon meshi and I'm very pleased
He's so cute ><
Детёныш василиска из подземелий вкусностей✨
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tolkienreader1996 · 10 hours
Maglor: I am a kinslayer... the worst of my kind. No song shall ever capture the misery I have wrought unto myself and hundreds of others.
Elladan and Elrohir: Sure Grandpa, let's get you to bed.
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tolkienreader1996 · 10 hours
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tolkienreader1996 · 10 hours
Cross-fandom poll
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tolkienreader1996 · 11 hours
A dragon who decides to hoard mint and various types of mint plants (and not knowing that mint has the mushroom’s blessing of inevitability were ever its planted) can go one of two ways.
1: The dragon is absolutely horrified as the mint engulfs and takes over its den. Its gold? Mint. Its gems and goblets? Mint. Its stores of wine? Mint. No matter what they do they can’t get rid of it.
2: The dragon is delightfully ecstatic as the mint engulfs and takes over its den. It’s a self growing hoard. No matter what any adventurers or knights do, they can’t get rid of it.
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tolkienreader1996 · 12 hours
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tolkienreader1996 · 12 hours
another important time of year to know about that begins in june is hurricane season.
if you live in an at-risk area, make sure you have all the supplies you need. i live in miami, so you bet your ass we're getting all the batteries, non-perishables, emergency supplies, etc. that we need.
do not wait until a storm is approaching to prepare. panic may ensue after a storm is announced. items may become hard to find. get them now while there is not much going on.
here's a list of items to stock up on. ill also put it here bc if you dont read any of the links from this post i want to be sure you at least read this. this is (in no particular order) the list from Ready, the site NOAA has linked:
water. Ready recommends a gallon per person per day for several days; get what you can. be sure you also have water for pets if you have them.
food. have several days' worth of non-perishable food. again, be sure to get food for pets as well if needed. if the food is in cans, make sure you've got some way of opening them, i.e. manual can opener. dont rely on an electronic can opener. (optionally, extra plates, utensils, etc.)
radio, etc. ESPECIALLY if you're in a risk zone, your power can go out so fast. so can cell service, etc. know which devices work without power, which require a charger, and which can work without internet.
flashlight. generally a good thing to have anyway. harbor freight has rly bright ones for cheap, theyre by the front counter
first aid kit. again, generally a good thing to have in or out of hurricane season.
covid preventative measures. especially if you're living with other people — you may end up in close quarters for days at a time or longer, and that's gonna get really bad really fast if you don't have some way to ward off the virus
MEDICATIONS!!!! i can say from experience that hurricanes and even just storm surges have a very real chance of messing up your ability to get your prescription. all it takes is a power outage and the pharmacy to be like oh :( sorry cant give u ur meds now :( computer isnt working :( and you can get screwed so easily. also, check up on your supplies of any over-the-counter stuff you may need to use, especially if regularly (for example, ibuprofen and similar that might be needed for menstrual cramps)
menstrual products (pads, tampons, etc.). you will want to have enough of these for a while. make sure to account for anyone else you're living with who needs them too.
baby care products. Ready specifically lists formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, and diaper rash cream.
diversions for kids. Ready lists this too, and i can say from experience — being trapped inside without power during a hurricane as a kid is not only terrifying, but also boring as all hell. you don't really understand what the adults are talking about, you just know that you're possibly in danger and that your games arent working because of it, and it sucks. i highly recommend legos, but even a silly board game can be enough for a couple hours.
batteries. yes okay sure maybe you have batteries. but please double-check — are they the right kind? do you have enough for the things you may need to use them for? also keep track of batteries for devices such as hearing aids, which you are less likely to be able to find batteries for from a neighbor
whistle to signal for help. you can get em for like 3-4 bucks
dust mask for contaminated air. i tried to find whether this can be a covid mask, but no dice. lmk if you know! in the absence of any evidence that the two are completely interchangeable, i would recommend to get a separate dust mask just in case. harbor freight sells em in packs of 10 for 3-4 bucks. also keep in mind that not all dust masks are designed for use against covid
plastic sheeting and duct tape. this one is to seal up the walls in case of danger outside — here's how to do it. (Look at the section titled "Sheltering in place".)
wet wipes, garbage bags, plastic ties
wrench or pliers to turn off utilities. here's how to do it. be sure you know which tools can be used for what BEFORE you have to go do it yourself. while you're at it, check if you've got any tools you need to repair damage to mobility aids, etc.
maps of the area. if you dont know your area, if you're dorming or rooming and don't know what's around, whatever your situation — trust me, you do not want to have to rely on an electronic device to get to where you need to be. know what you're looking for in advance if possible.
phone, charger, etc.
other important supplies based on what you might need:
glasses + lens solution. once again, this is pretty much just a thing that's generally good to have. but also remember that a lens wipe can only do so much if your glasses are covered in large particles or particles in a large amount
cash, important documents, etc. preferably in a waterproof container. Ready specifically lists insurance policies, identification and bank account records.
blanket or sleeping bag for each person. yet another instance of something that is generally good to have.
full change of clothing + shoes. if you can get good, sturdy shoes — great. but if you have a pair of extra shoes, that's fine too.
fire extinguisher. i'll be honest — i've never included this in the kit, and i don't have one, but Ready lists it as an item some people might need. idk. if you feel like you might need one, you can look into it — they do seem to be among the pricier items on the list, though.
this list will show you your evacuation zone if you live in the eastern/southern US:
this shows flooding zones in the US and Puerto Rico:
please feel free to add on any other resources you know of!
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tolkienreader1996 · 12 hours
Ya’ll ever played Floridian Russian Roulette?
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tolkienreader1996 · 12 hours
As someone (from the USA) who survived a severe hurricane, if there is one piece of advice I could give, PLEASE listen to any evacuation orders. This goes for voluntary and mandatory, but ESPECIALLY mandatory. If you can't get outside the evacuation zone, even just getting closer to the boundary is better than nothing.
If you are in a mandatory evacuation zone and you stay, no one (no emergency services) will be coming to save you. You will have to hunker down for however long the storm lasts.
The time to prepare for evacuation is as soon as you know you're under evacuation order, at LEAST. Do NOT delay. You don't want to be like my family who only left once the flood began (thanks, dad). Not only did we have to hurry to pack, we weren't able to prepare. At that, here are some good things to do in a hurricane:
Have a radio - an emergency crank radio is good, since it uses mechanical energy. We also had walkie talkies.
Have a good first aid kit, especially if you cant get out.
Unplug anything that you absolutely do not need while home, unplug everything before you leave. We didn't do this and my house almost caught fire (fridge outlet) - only the flood put it out.
Have a working fire alarm, charge flashlights and devices. Make sure you also have candles and lighters, too.
Be VERY careful if you must wade or drive in flood water. There will be debris, there will be down power lines. It is deeper than it looks.
Stock up on water and nonperishable food. Eat your perishable foods now. Use coolers for any excess. MREs are good to have, you can order them online.
Put belongings you can't take with you as high up in your house as you can - prioritize things that cannot be easily/emotionally replaced. Leave space for you to go high up too, if you're staying.
Use sand bags (or DIY alternatives) as flood barriers. Tie or tarp down everything you can, and don't keep it in a wide open area.
Close windows, and stay away from them. You really don't want to be there when something comes flying.
This is all I can think of for now, others feel free to add more or correct me. Remember, your life is more important than objects. Losing your life is worse than losing everything but your life. Stay safe, and stay alive.
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tolkienreader1996 · 12 hours
Hey Hurricane Season just started and I wanted to remind y’all to check your generators just to make sure they’re In working order, better safe then sorry. Also make sure you have a good supply of batteries for flashlights and lanterns. I know people will be scrambling to buy canned food, first aid supplies, and other necessities and all of those things are so very important, but make sure your not going to be in the dark on top of everything else.
Please get a good supply of food, water and everything you need and stay safe, and create an evacuation plan if you have to.
I’m sorry for rambling, but I do worry for y’all. I’m praying for all y’all, stay safe.
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tolkienreader1996 · 13 hours
Note: pre-Darkening.
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tolkienreader1996 · 18 hours
I guess you could say he’s ‘having a cow’….
I’ll see myself out
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tolkienreader1996 · 18 hours
Reblog if you think that Jonathan Harker embodies the quote : "demons run when a good man goes to war"
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tolkienreader1996 · 20 hours
so at a used book store a couple months back i found an annotated copy of dracula, and now that dracula daily is a thing, i’ve finally gotten around to reading it.
they have the fuckign. chicken paprika recipe that knocked out our boy johnny.
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now you too can upset your mild-mannered stomach so badly that you have fever dreams of a sexy haunted castle
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Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion
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