So, some shit happened a Friday where pretty much, in short terms, like, two of my friend pretty much told me every problem they had with me and my friend group.
It kinds got me pissed off, and what got me mad is when they called me a liar.
So, three years ago is a complete blur. It was a very Traumatic time in my life because I was in inconsistent consistent contact with my abuser and just my mental health was just ass. My mind pretty much blocked out that entire school year except for theater, and even that's a blur.
So apparently, I remembered something wrong, and when shit came up abt it, I talked about how I remembered it. And when I said that year was a blur, one of my friends asked why I would forget something so important. Cuz my brain blocked it out, but anyways.
What really pissed me off is the fact that I'm not seeing one of them til the end of summer, and that day was her last day. It's the fact that they did it on her last day. It's the fact that she chose to end on that note with me.
And when it came to my friends, they mentioned how my crush, who's a close friend of mine, was walking all over me and lacked respect for me. It made me mad because they don't see our complete dynamic fr.
And afterwards, they act like nothing happened.
Nah, fuck that shit.
I'm a bad person with bad thoughts and some may consider insane ideals and morals, so I have to put on some kind of mask just so people don't see me for how I truly am, and so I don't fucking get carried away and lose myself and fall back down into a spiral. But, that single interact is causing causing cracks. I'm terrified on the fact I'm gonna lose everything just because of some bullshit. I hate it when my groups mixed, so I keep y'all separate. Sorry if you feel left out, but that's just how I am. This why I hate having a lot of friends, someone is always upset! Not everyone can be happy, I'm sorry. But I don't know what you want me to do. It's a pre-etablished groul you're entering on and I don't know what you want me to do. I have separate friends for a reason, and you just don't fit and I'm sorry for that. Would I be upset if I were you? Yes, I've been in your spot before. But, that's why I always leave and either be on my own and go to my own group. Not everyone can be included, including me, and I'm sorry for that, but I don't know what you want me to do.
You tell me every problem you have with one of my friends, I'm sorry that happened and I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't know what you want me to do or say to him. He ain't gonna listen to me
I know I defend my friends for some crazy shit, but you don't know what they symbolize for me. Am I wrong for that? Most likely, yeah.
I'm actually tweaking out, I'm sorry. But cracks are starting form and I feel like I'm going crazy. And don't just ask me if I'm OK since I'm being quiet after y'all just said everything wrong with me. You chose to end on that note with me.
I'm a immortal, jealous, apathetic, two faced lunatic who lacks a single sense of self or self worth. You know this.
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So I have a ceromony coming up and I can only invite two people. Is it crazy to admit that I'd much rather have my brothers come than my parents?
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This week is definitely one of my busiest ones, and I'm sick😁
Every morning I wake up fatigued and I barely get ready for school and just barely make it to said school.
It's bad. But we thugging it out😋
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He's so fine bro, I don't care what anyone says😡
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60% of the people who send me ask don't get awnsered, I'm sorry😔
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EJ and LJ share a darling... What is the first bout of chaos are they agreeing to put darling through? (Or are they gonna spend half an hour on what to dress up Darling in?)
TBH with y'all, I've never seen where the LJ VS EJ rivalry or just sharing shit came from. In my mind, I don't see the two interacting much. I can see EJ finding him completely obnoxious, but tolerates him because he's good friends with Ben, and I can see LJ viewing EJ as a boring introvert, but he is fascinated and admires EJ's more, sadistic tendencies.
I can never see these two working together, ever.
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What was it like when the reader first met Tim and Toby after Brian kidnapped them? Cause I can only imagine how awkward it’d be
Like what were their first impressions on the reader? And how long did it take for them to get used to the reader being around in the cabin?
It'd be little awkward ngl. Brian has rarely kidnapped someone with the intention of actually keeping them.
Toby kinda ignores you at first. You haven't really done anything interesting to really cause him to spare you more than a second glance. Over time however, he slowly starts to pay more and more attention to you. Slowly he starts to get interested with your quick and sassy remarks, rarely showing respect towards Masky or him (Hoodie's a different story.)
The moment Tim gets to the green light from Brian, he's making your life 100 times harder. Him and Brian torturing and tormenting you if hell on earth. Tim rarely gives you break.
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The idea of the 4'11" Darling being with LJ is beyond funny to me. I'm betting he'd take advantage of that shit SO GOD DAMN HARD.
EJ and his size kink😔
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Nothing hits better than period skinny.
(When I'm on my period I lose most if not all of my appetite, causing me to eat way less and lose weight, and also reduces my bloating, which make me look skinner.)
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I love spring time bro.
Every morning when I'm walking to school I always see at least one bunny, and if it wasn't obvious, Bunnies are my favorite animals, foxes tie them at that spot as well.
It brings me great joy, ans I was almost late for school because I was mesmerized by one.
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When it comes to the prison AU, I need time to actually write information on what's going on, and sometimes I stress on of the readers will lose interest because the pastas don't show up immediately. This can cause me to rush things when I really shouldn't.
Ive noticed that some of my most popular works are ones where the pastas show up immediately and are more abuse focused and less story driven. But, the story ones are the ones I get the most interaction from, so...
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Ain't no fucking way we UWU afiing AM from IHNMBIMS.
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I decided to start writing part 2 of the prison AU, and guys, I don't know what if I'm gonna put it in part 2 or part 3, but y'all are gonna hate me for what I'm going do.
In the prison AU, it's written so you, the reader, can try and put together the case. I left some clues in part one, and my one advice, 🤫.
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EEEKKKK i absolutely adore your prison AU for the creepypastas , i love how you didnt sugar coat things whn it comes to them nd your writing is actually immaculate 🙏 when do you think the next part'll come out . . .
Thank you so much! I'm glad people are enjoying the AU so far.
Im not exactly sure when part two will come out. I haven't even started it yet, I've kinds been on a little writing detox.
If I had to guess, with enough motivation and timez maybe later this year in October, December or November, and if things don't go well, then maybe next year.
Jt really depends, the summer I won't really have much time to write either, so I'll try to figure things out.
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Right now I'm on a journey of just loving myself and I've came to some realizations.
Like, I was always the fat kid growing up. I used to be 184, but like like 140 right now.
Whenever I look at myself in the mirror I just be like, "I'm such a fatass" "They think I'm fat" and so on and so on. But in reality, I'm not. Like, I'm a lil chubby but I'm far from fat.
The words I was told growing up still linger and play in my head.
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Who is the biggest cuddle bug of the pastas? Also who is the one who unironically tries to be romantic once in a blue moon with their Darling?
Biggest cuddle bug is Definitely Toby. Toby is so fucking touchstarved and one of the few that wants your relationship to be normal. If we're going to keep is relationship with Clockwork in mind, I like to think his breakup with her is what caused his yandere tendencies to manifest.
Unironically romantic? Maybe Liu to be honest. Because Being with Liu isn't really that bad, it more so depends on the day.
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My summer glow gonna go crazy, look out.
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