temis-de-leon · 3 hours
Belphegor's Poll - 500 F.C.
As part of my 500 followers celebration, here's the first of the long fics. The drabbles, as well as the long fics, will start being written and posted by June 17th.
Click the previous link to see how you can participate in this event and go check the 500 followers masterlist to know what's already been requested <3
See what the prompts are down here!
3. First date + 10. Remembered something said briefly
15. Caught staring at crush + 17. Still awake talking to crush because of nightmare
8. Accidental confession + 14. Realising feelings for crush
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temis-de-leon · 12 hours
I have Romance's request halfway done and I know they're gonna tell me to take my time and take care of myself, which I'm deeply thankful for, so I'm gonna tell yall how good my day was today.
It starts with a funeral, ironically, but we celebrated the life she lived rather than mourning her loss. She was a kind religious woman that actually loved her neighbor without judgement. Only half of the family was there due to circumstances and there were still 25 of us, cleaning the gravestones and changing the flowers.
I had the most fantastic nap you can imagine in an awful chair in a house built in the 1900s, I saw accounting documents signed by my great great grandfather, I saw a drawing of his wife (we share the same features), I pet a pregnant cat and a dog, I had an ice cream and my hair looked so fucking good today.
I also drank a lot of water.
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temis-de-leon · 22 hours
Wish I had the balls to show my face because my hair is doing wonders today
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temis-de-leon · 2 days
Simple signs of affection
Lucifer: putting his hair back in place right before caressing his cheekbone, reminding him to rest his eyes and offering your company while he's working.
Mammon: putting his sunglasses on him when his hands are occupied while driving, offering him treats and changing the music to both of your likings.
Levi: charging his controllers and his DDD while he's sleeping to have them ready for the next day, standing behind his chair while he's playing and massaging his shoulders.
Satan: knowing how he likes his coffee and making it before he wakes up, hugging him out of nowhere and staying like that for long minutes.
Asmo: taking candids of him while he's distracted because you love him the most when he's himself, putting the back of his collar back in place before classes.
Beel: each of you buying a 2x1 offer from his favourite restaurant and giving him your extra portion, asking him to bend down so you can kiss him.
Belphie: softly brushing the matted fur of his tail while he's asleep, caressing his frown away when he's irritated.
Diavolo: teasing him, saying you'll fight him for the last fry or denying a favor while doing what he asked, exchanging foods because his had pickles and yours not.
Barbatos: preparing and measuring the ingredients before he gets to the kitchen, cleaning the utensils while he's cooking, making his duties a little bit easier.
Solomon: having inside jokes with him about the human world, asking him to tell you a story, telling him a story of yours.
Simeon: being in comfortable silence with him, visiting him because you missed him and because you knew he'd accidentally hung up the phone if you called him.
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temis-de-leon · 2 days
Heya! Is there gonna be a continuation for the NES series? Drink lots of water and eat enough! Stay safe and don't overwork yourself! Don't force yourself to write if you don't want!
Love youu ❤
Hi! Thanks for the concerns! ☺️☺️
There's one last part left, the one where MC and NES are platonic soulmates, and that was supposed to be it, but a couple of days ago someone asked for a continuation for Part 3 and I agreed, so I guess I can make continuations for every part?
The last part was left on hold because I started writing a lot of fluff and the replaced series didn't come out as I wanted anymore, but I think the continuations could be more hurt/comfort than angst.
Still, I have the 500 followers celebration on june 17th (which you should totally check out, wink wink), so I'll be kinda occupied.
I'm happy that people are liking the series so much! Thanks for everything! 🩷✨
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temis-de-leon · 2 days
My OCs
Let's empty my brain fellas.
For the three people that are interested, here they are, my bunch of morons 🩷:
(I'm no artist and I couldn't find a picrew that could describe them as I wanted, so I made moodboards)
Tw: suicide mention
Daniela Luna (my female MC)
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Hates her full name because her maternal grandfather chose it, so she goes by Dani. At the age of 21, she's the oldest twin in a family of five plus her cousin.
Dani lives in a rural area and loves exploring it, so one of those times she accidentally went too deep into the forest and found an old man's garden. Knowing her younger sister's love for nature, Dani picks a flower and goes back home.
Unbeknownst to her, that old man happened to be Death and, irritated by her insolence, curses her to never enter his garden again, consequently making her immortal. Since then, Dani desperately tries to find a way to die, indulging in reckless behavior and, in her worst moments, even suicide. Sadly for her, all of her tries end in failure.
Sandra Luna
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Dani's younger sister, 15 years old, the fourth amongst her siblings.
Uninterested in romance or keeping a social life, Sandra finds comfort in plants and animals, especially insects. She loves the delicate anatomy and the beauty in apparently insignificant creatures. Soft spoken and kind hearted, she's the favourite in the family.
Sandra feels extremely guilty of Dani's curse, knowing that she'd still be a mortal if it weren't for her. She keeps the flower in a locket and always wears it as a punishment, eventually going herself to Death's garden to beg for forgiveness. To her surprise, Death accepts, asking for her servitude in return.
In reality, the old man has found a friend in her and Sandra fails to see the deception, accepting the deal and losing her mortality as well without her knowledge.
Pastor Lobo
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The sisters' cousin by their mother's side, 19 years old and recently orphaned.
Being a naturally friendly person, he goes to live with the Luna family to avoid loneliness, immediately forming a friendship with Dani.
Despite almost being the same age, he sees in her a role model and goes wherever she goes, doing what she says and defending her every action, although he firmly believes that trying to die won't break Death's curse, so he works on the sidelines and searches for something else.
Julián Pardo (my male MC, the one in the Replaced series in Part 3)
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One of Dani's best friends, also 21, he knows her since high school.
Being the voice of reason, the heartbreak over Dani's curse leads him to help Pastor and investigate for a more "humane" solution to get her mortality back. Trying to get in Death's good graces seemed to be obvious, but Sandra proved it to be wrong, so he goes for a more obscure approach.
In the meantime, he mourns the loss of a normal life while struggling to accept his sexuality. There's a cute guy in the library where he does his research that makes the situation a little bit complicated, but he's willing to try.
Roberta Aguilar
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Just like Dani, she dislikes her full name, so she goes by Berta. At 24, she's Dani's friend and she met her on a road trip during one of Dani's escapades in an attempt at dying.
She joins Dani on that occasion, innocently thinking that it was just a plain fun adventure, but learns about the curse when she sees what should've been Dani's death only to see her go back to normal in a matter of minutes.
The terror of seeing something so gruesome and the pity of knowing someone so desperate makes her go with Dani and help her regain mortality, both of them searching for dangerous situations to get into.
She quickly becomes thirsty for adrenaline and starts to include herself more and more, eventually turning as reckless as Dani despite her friend's worries.
Julián and Pastor beg her not to indulge in Dani's behavior, but she refuses, which makes the possibility of friendship between them very slim.
Sebastián Caro (NES in the Replaced series in Part 3)
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Likes his name, but prefers being called Sebas. Being 23, he's a very lonely person, also lost in life. Despite that, he's also very optimistic and willing to search for the good in everything.
He craves affection and deeply loves those with a good heart, but struggles to talk to strangers and make new friends.
He wishes he was brave enough to talk to the cute guy who seems to live in the local library. He heard the blond kid that's always with him call him Julián, but Sebas isn't sure how to start a conversation with him without looking creepy, so he settles in admiring him from afar.
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temis-de-leon · 3 days
True heartbreak is Arthur Morgan genuinely thinking he's ugly.
Like, if he checks himself in the mirror sometimes he says something along the lines of "no wonder they all leave you".
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temis-de-leon · 3 days
8.Accidental confession with mammon please 🙏🙏
Yes! Love to see that Mammon is thriving 🩷✨
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temis-de-leon · 3 days
Hi!!! Can you please do the Grumpy x Sunshine prompt with Mammon as Sunshine? 🫶
Hii! Sure! ☺️
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temis-de-leon · 3 days
Quick questions. Since I don't know her, what is Thirteen exactly?
Is she the one and only death, XIII being her tarot card? Or is it more like in Supernatural, where there's Death and then the reapers?
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temis-de-leon · 3 days
Omg I just read your replaced au for male! Mc and crushing male! NES, and it was super cute, I loved it so much😭
I was wondering if you could do a continuation where male! Mc is fed up, like with the other parts of the AU series.
I just want to see Mc whipped for NES cause, honestly, I was giggling and kicking my feet in the air.
Hi! Thank you so much! That's my favourite part of the series and also my favourite versions of MC and NES, I'm so glad you liked it ☺️
With a continuation, I guess you mean MC and NES start a relationship and MC goes to have "the talk" with the brothers, right? I can do that! I don't know when, but I can (and I like these OCs too much to leave them behind, honestly 😅).
Since I can tag you directly, you'll know when I post it, but I really don't know when that'll be, sorry 🫠
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temis-de-leon · 4 days
I keep seeing it around and I'm so lost. What's Ko-Fi???
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temis-de-leon · 4 days
When Greed is too much
Characters: Mammon x gn!MC
Main Masterlist
M. Anon: good day, tennis. im an anon who lurks around your work. i find your work fascinating and I hope you may make a small oneshot for me. can you make a mammon x reader fanfiction? the pronounce doesn't matter. and the fanfiction could be about mammon and reader sneaking out frequently because mammon likes to gamble and they get caught one day and mammon took all of the blame for himself. i think it would be a good idea for a oneshot. but putting that aside, I adore your work. i like how you describe everything and your headcanons are interesting. i hope you can keep uploading. sending platonic loves.
A/N: I got a little distracted and made Mammon feel guilty af instead of taking the blame, I'm sorry, I hope you like it anyways <3 A little reference right at the end
Mammon had a complicated relationship with money.
He loved it too much to hate it and he needed it enough to forgive the danger it brought within. He would inlay it under his skin if he could, if Lucifer let him, making him shine under the lights like a kaleidoscope.
Cold metal between his fangs to check its authenticity, smooth paper sliding through his fingers, hard plastic shaping his wallet. Jewellery, clothes, his car. He had them because he needed it in any way, shape or form, like water to fish, riches to him. A bottomless pit that got bigger and bigger the more he threw in.
His fingers were longer and thinner than his brothers’ and more than once he had wondered if his sin had modified his body to easily indulge in it. He was also the fastest runner when he needed to and he could turn his words to honey if the situation required it. An opportunist thief, even if he disliked the term.
And he knew stealing wasn’t okay, but no amount of Lucifer’s punishments would stop him from doing so. He could manage hanging upside down for hours on end and, even when the lectures were painfully boring and made him want to die, sitting in the same position for as long as his brother decided was something he could live through. Lotan, or rather the flood it implied, was a bothersome threat and, although terrifying, the witches wouldn’t seriously hurt him unless Lucifer knew he could take it.
Still, constantly going through that was annoying, so he went to the next best thing, a place where condemned souls like him got together and did what pleasured him the most: bring money to the table. The wheel of fortune laid deep in his chest; sometimes he deceived himself, others, he was right.
Fortunately for his ego, his dignity and his integrity, Mammon had found his perfect lucky charm. Human shape and devoted to him, every time MC joined him in his escapades, his wallet came back home fatter than when they left. It was refreshing and addicting and it didn’t take him too long to actually need MC’s presence each time he left the house to gamble.
At first it was just once or twice every week and a half, then at least once a week, then three times a week, then every night. He would invite them to his room, taking advantage of the alibi their relationship offered, hang out and fool around until every single one of his brothers was asleep and then sneak out through the garage door.
It was a fun, bonding time between them. Holding hands while running from one corner of the town to another, pockets heavier and heavier as the night went by and clothes reeking of the cigars, alcohol and perfume of those who pushed them around amidst the chaos of the casino.
Mammon lived for all of that, especially now that MC was by his side, watching him thrive and win, over and over and over again. In their eyes, he succeeded and he was the one to carry the golden medal. Not his brothers, not their friends, him.
Eventually, he did what he did best and pushed his luck.
After an outstanding winning streak, they finally got to the night when everything went astray, losing every bet and every game, eventually finding themselves deep in debt with the casino and a bunch of furious patrons and, although begrudgingly, admitting that a period of restraint was long overdue.
And then they got home.
“When will you learn?” Lucifer said for the hundredth time while tightening the rope around his torso and trapping his hands behind his back.
“C’mon! It wasn’t that bad!”
He tried to smile to downplay the situation, but it came out wobbly and his fear was too obvious for his brother to ignore. Lucifer grinned with malice, eyes darkening in evil enjoyment before bending down to tie Mammon’s ankles together, slow in his movements and his words.
“Do you truly think this would’ve ended well? We both know you’re an idiot, but the limits you’re willing to cross outstand me. Bringing MC into this? Really? You moronic dimwit… I thought you would be the last to put them in danger. Alas, I was wrong”
“I’ve never put them in danger”
His immediate response brought Lucifer back to his feet, both of them now serious and locking eyes with each other. Mammon felt the rough edges of the rope scraping his skin, uncomfortably keeping him in place under his brother’s infuriated gaze.
“Taking them out of the house for hours every night, making them play games against lowlife demons and risking their safety for a few coins, what is that to you if not jeopardizing their life?”
“A few coins? We made ourselves rich!”
“Is that what bothers you about what I just said?”
“I’m telling you they were safe with me!”
Lucifer sighed, shaking his head in disappointment and going around Mammon. A noise coming from behind filled him with dread and he didn’t have time to beg for more time before something pulled his feet to the side and his body hit the carpeted floor. It barely softened the fall and soon his pained groans reached every corner of the staircase.
“You truly never learn”
“I’ll do it! I’ll learn! Please don’t leave me here! You can’t abandon your baby brother here, can’t you? It was an honest mistake!”
After securing the rope around one of the beams from the ceiling, the eldest took a few steps down and looked at him from above. His voice was low, hopeless, and Mammon found that more hurtful than the strong grip around his limbs or the pounding on his head.
“You’re lucky MC’s heart shines brighter than mine” Lucifer said, leaving him speechless “One of these days you will go too far and I’m not sure who will be there to catch you”
“Rest well, Mammon” he continued to go down the stairs, not bothering to look at him anymore. He spoke one last time before disappearing completely. “And think about what I said, will you?”
Lucifer’s footsteps merged into the night, the lights turned off and, suddenly, Mammon found himself alone.
He was still wearing the clothes he’d chosen to go to the casino hours ago, jewellery dangling over his face and DDD threatening to fall out of his pocket. The screen lightened up, showing MC’s name, and the desperation to answer the call made him squirm enough to ultimately make the phone fall to the bottom of the stairs. He grimaced at the cracking sound.
Asmo would say it was karma for being a scumbag and he didn’t know if he should start believing that.
He wasn’t a scumbag, was he? MC was fine! Not a scratch in their pretty face to complain about and every bit of their outfit still in place and making them look even better. They had been smiling when they finally got to the garage door, shallowly breathing while they checked him out in search of any type of damage.
They were fine.
They had been smiling because they’d been having fun. Or was it out of relief? Heart beating in fear, terrified about him and the punishment that awaited them both once Lucifer found them.
Mammon craned his neck, looking at the remains of his DDD with a sting in his throat. Why did MC call him? Were they mad at him? Did they have enough? The thought of actually putting them in danger for a piece of metal, easily ripped paper or soon to be frozen plastic made his hear stop in panic.
He was a fast runner, an immortal demon with wings. It was easy for him to flee and leave his troubles behind, but MC didn’t have the same advantages. They were a human, flesh and soul in close proximity, easy to eat and forget.
A gasp escaped him at the image of his partner being tore apart and he shook his head trying to chase it away, but it was no use. He closed his eyes and it was there, like an omen or a reminder, Lucifer’s words roaring in his mind.
His name got louder and louder until It finally sounded right next to his ear. A hand cupped his neck and MC’s worried face appeared in his line of vision, but the remorse didn’t let him feel relief.
“Are you okay? Let me get you down. I got out as soon as I could, but I’m sure Lucifer knows I’m here anyways. What a way to end the night…”
He huffed at their whispers, his heart breaking piece by piece. Looking at MC and the way they carefully untied the knots, he knew Lucifer was right. The dumb human was too good for him and didn’t want to acknowledge it, choosing instead to stick by his side each day until it would be too late.
“I’m sorry” he finally said in a broken voice.
“For what, dummy?”
“I put you in danger”
MC chuckled, kissing his jaw before freeing his arms and watching the rope fall down. Mammon leaned forward until he touched his feet, noticing his body burning while he worked the knots that creased the leather in his boots.
“How did you put me in danger?” they asked with a hint of humour in their voice “As far as I know, I went with you willingly and we had a bad night. It was bound to happen after winning that much money”
“But they almost attacked us…”
“We got out of there just in time” MC interrupted him, then frowned and put their hands on their hips. “Did Lucifer said something to you?”
The lie was obvious and MC licked their teeth in poorly contained fury. Seconds later, Mammon finally set himself free and swung on the rope to reach the banister. Once he settled and stood straight, MC rushed to hug him. Both of them stayed silent and basking in the comfort that surrounded them.
He didn’t know what to say. He wanted to beg them not to reprimand Lucifer and he wanted to thank them for freeing him and staying with him beyond what he definitely deserved, but no words came out and forcing them would make him cry; and doing that in front of MC would definitely kill him faster than Lucifer could ever do.
In the end, none of them said anything, instead clinging to each other like their lives depended on it. Slowly, as if they were handling a wounded animal, MC grabbed his hands and lead him towards their room.
What did that human movie say?
He’d die for them. He’d kill for them. Either way, what bliss.
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temis-de-leon · 5 days
Also, I have a request if you don’t mind :]
When i first started playing Obey Me I didn’t like Mammon because he was sooooo rude. But he’s my favorite now ever since the scene where he asks MC to have him be the only person who saves them. (Very sweet my heart melted)
So for my request: Can I get an MC who really just does not take well to being whisked away into the devildom, and Mammon’s attitude just makes it that much worse? Which means that for a while Mammon and MC think that they cant stand each other, until the realization hits that they’ve grown on each other. (idk if that makes sense I was trying to figure out how to phrase it)
Anyway thanks a bunch!
-Blondie Anon
Hi Blondie! I'm gonna answer in this one, but I've read the three messages. I'm happy you like how I write, thank you!☺️☺️
I felt exactly the same about Mammon, so I understand. He gives me the "frenemies in love with each other" vibes (so prompt 14, yes 😁). You're the first to ask for that one!
Also, you can request as much as you like, just check what's already been requested in the 500 masterlist and I'll start writing all of them on June 17th :)
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temis-de-leon · 5 days
Let me tell you something: each character from the long fics for the 500 followers celebration has three different options for you to choose, but know that I wrote a summary for each of those options, so I'm ready as fuck.
For the Asmo fans, you can still request a drabble for him (sorry) 😅🫠
Be sure to check it out here!
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temis-de-leon · 5 days
I forgot one thing about Mousy! Please use she/her pronouns for Mousy! I have been requesting gn readers that I totally forgot it's my obey me oc 🤣 It's a pleasure for me too (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) - Romance Anon
Thank GOD Romance, because I was thinking with she/her pronouns the whole time 🥹
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temis-de-leon · 5 days
Knowing Dani is always disappointed in the brothers made me laugh 🤣 I'm excited already 😆 Please take your time though! I'm definitely interested in what ideas you have too 💡 Thank you for accepting my request, adding new tags, & for taking note of what I mentioned! - Romance Anon
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A pleasure
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