#yes this is weaver-z
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onskepa · 10 months
Hey I got a Tonowari idea for you
reader was picked by his mother as the future Tsahik and his future mate but he never gave it the chance of getting to know her just automatically thinking she was interested in his tittle like many other women of the clan rather then in him and but turns out that she really cares for him to the point of cooking his favourites or knowing his preferences when she makes him new clothing pieces without him having to tell her
Hope you like it z💙🩵💙🩵🩵💙
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"Son, meet your future tsahik, Hoan" Tonowari's mother says. A young girl, pretty on the eyes, a bit small on stature, bit shy looking but smiling at young Tonowari. "It is a gracious honor to be your tsahik..." hoan says softly.
But young tonowari looked at her with hate and displeasure. His blue eyes piecing into her soul. Making Hoan shrink in fear. "Mother, I believed I made it clear that Ronal would be my tsahik" he glares over at his mother.
The current tsahik scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I don't doubt ronal's skills and her knowledge in healing. But she is as stubborn and cold as you. A tsahik is to balance her Olo'eyktan, not be of the same copy. Hoan is perfect for you, believe me son. Soon you will see how I do".
Tonowari scoffs at her saying, "I wont have any of this" he grits his teeth as walks away in anger. Hoan hangs her head low, her tail close to her ankles, ears drooping and sighs in defeat. The tsahik takes notice of it and places a gentle hand on hoan's shoulder.
"don't let tonowari's words get to you. He inherited my stubbornness unfortunately". Hoan simply nods. Feeling insecure of her position and what to do.
"Child, don't doubt my choice. Eywa has given me a sign, telling me you are the right person for tonowari. You may not see it now. Much less my son. Let things fall naturally. Dont let his rejection get to you" Tsahik says as means to comfort hoan.
The girl nods and was excused for the day. Returning home, hoan lets the events repeat in her mind. Tonowari is a olo'eyktan in the making. A good hunter, warrior, weaver, communicator and a leader. He is the definition of a perfect olo'eyktan. The clan knows they will be in safe hands with tonowari.
But what about the tsahik? Everyone suspected it would be Ronal, her vast knowledge of medicines and fierce skills as a warrior, a perfect match for tonowari that even hoan agrees. So why was hoan selected?
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While at the same time, tonowari was carving in a rather aggressive manner. Letting his mother words repeat in his head. Grunting now and then, some of his fellow friends slowly moved away, not wanting to be tonowari's target of his anger.
Why must things never go his way? Why was he put in a position that he cant easily leave and live like how others do? Why must his parents choose who is to spend the rest of their lives with? It isn't fair at all!
Hoan is just like the other girls in his clan. Seeking to be tsahik and gain his favor for their own selfish benefits They don't see the role as a sacred and honorable position, but a title to brag and flounder around like it is some toy. Which is why he chose ronal in the first place!
True he may not hold emotional feelings towards ronal but she fits the criteria to be a tsahik. But unlike tonowari, ronal shows no distain nor hate for not being selected. Playing neutral in all of this.
Perhaps his father can be on his side in this matter.
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"What your mother says, it goes" the olo'eyktan says in a stern yet kind tone. Tonowari was slightly appalled. "Father you can not be serious! Don't you have a say in the matter since you are the olo'eyktan?" tonowari asks.
His father sets his net aside and stares straight into his sons reflecting eyes. "as olo'eyktan yes, what I say goes, but we cannot abuse our position to get what we want. Besides, finding a new tsahik is your mothers job, as olo'eyktan I can say so much. But know this tonowari, I approve of hoan being your tsahik. Trust your mother, son".
The answer didn't satisfy tonowari. Huffing again in distaste, he leaves. The olo'eyktan simply nods at his sons behavior. Like mother like son.
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So many young women were hovering over tonowari. He simply wanted to hunt in peace yet the leeches cant seem to stay away from him. Even worse, he forgot his special hunting knife! Each one was trying to get his attention but they all sound and act the same.
As if any of them were worthy to be his tsahik. Running away to get to his skimwing as fast and away from the hogging crowd. Yet he knows he has to go back for his blade.
"y-you forgot this.." a familiar yet unpleasing voice was heard. Turning to the direction of the voice, tonowari frowns at seeing hoan who was standing timidly.
Stretching out her hands, she holds his hunting blade. Speculations takes over his mind as he angrily snatches the blade away from her.
"did you take it!? trying to act nice to gain my favor!?" he growls, making his height more intimidating. Hoan quietly whimpers in fear, she just wanted to be genuine with him. And it was an honest mistake, Tonowari did forget his hunting blade, hoan happened to see him leave without it.
"I j-just...w-well you fo-forgot about it-"
"LIES! you took it! dont bother trying! you are nothing but selfish and a leech! you are just the like others! wanting the tsahik title simply for your benefit!". Before hoan could say anything more, tonowari left in a huffing anger.
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A little time later, during the communal dinner, he arrived a bit late. Tonowari was slightly annoyed, his favorite food was gone and there isn't much left. He was about to turn in feeling hungry, when his mother called him to come to her.
"you look famished, have a bite my son" the tsahik says while holding a leaf full of tonowari's favorites. His ears tipped up, feeling better. Sitting down next to his mother, he took the offering meal and took a bite of the meat. It was very hot, like it was just cooked. The flavors danced on his tongue, savoring each bite. The day's misery and mishaps being washed away. Happiness and relief replacing his mood.
The tsahik smirked as she watched her son relax, "tasty isn't it?" she asks, a bit teasingly. Tonowari happily nods, his mouth too full to speak. "Good, you could thank hoan for that" the tsahik smirks.
Tonowari chokes a bit as he swallowed the food while in shock. The tsahik cackles in amusement as she pats her son on the back. "Surprised?" she asks, tonowari coughs a bit roughly so he takes a large chug of water from his cup.
"eat well son, we are going to retire for the night" tonowari's father says as he and his mother gets up and making their way to their home. Left to his own, tonowari was still processing the information. While trying not to make it obvious, he quickly scans around the crowd that still remains, and there, almost at the edge of the crowd he sees hoan.
Hoan was smiling kindly to a young child as what looks like hoan serving food to the child from a small pot over a fire. He cant hear what hoan is saying but she nods and seems to pay attention to what the child is saying. Yet perhaps by instinct, hoan looks at his direction. Their eyes meeting, sky blue meeting ocean blue. She smiles warmly at him, a light blush forms on her cheeks.
Tonowari breaks the eye contact and looks down at his food. All that he has eatin so far were his favorites, how could have hoan know? He certainly didn't tell her, but he wouldn't doubt his parents, most likely his mother.
At the moment he isn't so upset with hoan. Doesn't have the energy for it. But just this once. Doesn't prove hoan anything.
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The days pass by and tonowari notices things, his best spear broke somehow, the net he usually uses was tangled and a mess. His skimwing would be out into the reef and not be where it should. So many odd things, yet by the end of the day problems tend to be solved by hoan. A new spear is carved to perfection, better than his old one. The net was untangled and tightened. His skimwing would rather obey hoan than tonowari.
He cant blame hoan for the odd things since he holds no proof. Yet observing her, its clear now she holds no selfish motive nor even asking to be near tonowari. Doing favors at a distance.
There is one last test to put on hoan.
Wasn't long ago that he fought and defeated an akula. Truly an achievement to tell for years. And he holds the teeth as proof. So on purpose, he would toss it near an area that hoan tends to spend a lot of time in. See what she would do with it. Keep it or do something with the teeth.
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30 days have passed. And all that time tonowari isn't sure if hoan found the tooth or not. He would check the area where he left it, but it was gone. Doesn't know if someone else took it or an animal that lives in the small jungle.
Tonight was the celebration of a seasonal hunt. Tonowari of course had captured the best kills, tied with his proud father. Music blared, people dancing, foods being made from the hunt. It was well. Yet tonowari didn't feel the mood to celeberate like his fellow na'vi.
Getting up from where he was sitting, he took a stroll in the small jungle. The music and cheers dying from the distance. Letting the natural sound of nature clear his mind. Tonowari had no location in mind, just lets his feet wonder on their own.
That is, until reaching a small water fall, he sees hoan. Sitting near the waterfall, she sits with something in her hands.
"no no....I cant.......or maybe I can....oh who am I kidding! he hates me!" she talks to herself.
Hiding behind some large rocks, tonowari quietly gets closer, trying to understand what she is saying.
"Maybe with this...it can help me get closer to him-nonono! he made it clear...he doesn't want me. Maybe he is right....ronal is better than me...why try. Anything I have done he doesn't seem to take notice. Fixing his things, cooking his favorites, putting items he has forgotten. I bet he didn't appreciate the teeth he took.....such a skillful warrior...AGH!! oh mother Eywa! why make my suffer!? why picking me as tsahik is a good idea?! I am not even worthy of such title! Nothing that I do will ever be good for him. I should pass it to ronal. Maybe she will have better luck than me...."
tonowari heard her tangent and felt weight in his chest. Is that how she felt this whole time? This whole time tonowari believed hoan was like the other young ladies. But hearing her like this proved him wrong.
Knowing what to do, he slowly gets up and walks to hoan. "Dont put yourself down like that" he says as gently as he can. Hoan jumped a bit, startled at hearing someone other than her own voice.
"t-tonowari? what are you doing here? Sh-shouldnt you be with the others celebrating?" hoan asks nervously. Looking at his toned body, perfect muscles and his tattoos adorning his body. Truly a warrior in her eyes.
"I could ask you the same thing" he responds. He sits beside her, but holding some space between them. "ummm...guess we are both here then..." hoan laughs nervously as she hides an item in her satchel.
"I hear you talking....I first need to say I am very sorry hoan. I truly believed you were like the others, only wanting to be tsahik for the title and not truly for what it is. I should have known better" tonowari confesses. Hoan listens and was surprised. Tonowari? apologizing to her?
"its o-ok! Truthfully I didnt want to be tsahik, but your mother....sh-she insisted and practically didnt give me a choice" hoan says. Tonowari humms in agreement. Guess neither had the freedom to choose.
"what were you hiding in your bag..." he asks, curiosity rising in him. Hoan squeaked a bit, feeling scared and nervous. "it nothing! ummm...just a craft I was working on..." she whispers. Tonowari heard her clearly and offers his hand. "May I see it?" he asks.
Its not like hoan can say no to the future olo'eyktan. With shaky hands she takes out the item in question and places it on his large hand. It was a beautifully crafted necklace with the akula teeth right in the middle. The design SCREAMED of leadership and honor. The beauty it held was overwhelming.
Tonowari was awed at the craft. Admiring the details and choice of color, it was done with extreme care and attention. Already he fell in love with the necklace. And perhaps....its creator as well.
"hoan...this is beautiful. Truly a remarkable craft" he says with happiness in his voice. Hoan blushed at his praise, purple tinting her cheeks.
"I am g-glad you like it...was doubt if it was even worthy to be worn..." hoan says, still doubting her skills. To prove her wrong, tonowari places the necklace around his neck. It fitted him. Wasn't so tight, wasn't so lose. The size was perfect. It was as if hoan knew his measurements and size without needing to be around him.
"it fits perfectly hoan. Truly. You have a talent for this" he praises more making hoan look away feeling embarrassed. He chuckles at the sight. She was cute looking like this.
Soon they began to chat more, hoan getting more comfortable and reveal more of her emotions and share some things with tonowari. Perhaps tonowari's mother was right to an extent.
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Back at the center of the village, the olo'eyktan, the tsahik and ronal were enjoying their feast, all grinning in happiness. "Thank you ronal for assisting us. Truly nothing would have been done or progressed between those two" the tsahik says. Ronal nods, "of course my tsahik, tonowari is a skillfull warrior but at times he can be empty headed. Someone had to drop the hints for dear hoan to pick up".
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is all for this one! I quite like it! tell me what ya'll think! until next time! see ya!
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Hoan = comfort
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minijenn · 6 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Antz
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So as I mentioned earlier, I'm watching every Dreamworks animated movie (and special) ever because... I don't know, I fucking hate myself, I guess. But for reals, this studio is so weird because sometimes they'll make the greatest movies literally ever crafted (Prince of Egypt, How to Train Your Dragon, Puss in Boots the Last Wish) and other times they'll make absolute shit like what I had to fucking watch to kick this marathon off. Goddamn fucking Antz.
I plan on doing drive by reviews of each of these movies on here because well, what's the point of watching all these films if I'm not gonna share what I think. So yeah, let's start with 1998's Antz, the first Dreamworks animated film and by god its one of their worst.
If you asked me to tell you what Antz is about, I'm honestly not sure I'd be able to give you a coherent answer because I'm not sure Antz itself knows what Antz is about. Like I think its about individuality? About breaking free from opressive systems?? About thinking for yourself? I guess? But like its annoyingly heavy handed with that message to the point that it doesn't let its audience think for itself. It does a lot of telling instead of showing and as such creates a viewing experience as dull as the dirt these ants call home.
Also lets talk about these Antz. They are Ugly as Sin like seriously who looked at these character designs and thought this was ok???
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Most stompable ants of all fucking time if you ask me and the non ants aren't much better. Behold, my new sleep paralysis demons:
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As for how the characters act... yeah they're not much better than how they look. The main character, Z, is an annoying asshole who just spends most of the film bitching (and yes they actually use that word, this movie is weirdly littered with swears and cussing and sexual innuendos? More on that later) about his shitty lot in life and even once he breaks free he's still agressively uninteresting. His love interest Bala is just as uninteresting, an arrogant bitch who flip flops about how she feels about him with almost no development whatsoever. The side characters are all forgettable, and the villain, General Mandible is just your generic "wants to rule everyone and get rid of anyone who opposes him" bad guy. The world they inhabit isn't really that creative tbh, they hype up this place called Insectopia but its just a trash heap where a bunch of stoner bugs live and its really not that important to the plot at all really so why do we care???
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Blatant product placement what what
Also yeah that plot. It starts out as Z being incontent with his lot in life as a simple worker ant and so he switches places with his friend Weaver so he can be a soldier ant, only to be the lone survivor of a battle against a group of opposing termites. This somehow leads to him and Bala winding up outside of the colony and they go on a lame ass adventure that seems incredibly rushed while Mandible is planning to wipe out all of the "lesser" ants and take Bala as his queen i guess? idk i kinda zoned out toward the end bc i was so soul-crushingly board with this movie.
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The animation can be impressive for the time I suppose, that's really the only good thing I have to say about it but even then, the colors are dirty and unappealing, the characters are, like I said, all incredibly hard to look at, the music is bland and forgettable, the set pieces are garish and boring, and the writing oh god the writing.
Ok so I have no idea who this movie is meant to be for??? Like its rated PG right but they're constantly throwing out swears like bitch and ass and anus and making sex jokes and I'm just like??? What??? Is this a kids movie? Because what kid would enjoy this thoroughly unpleasant kinda dark movie? Is it for adults? Why would adults want to watch a movie about wisecracking ants??? Who is this for? Why did they make this? Ok well I know why because Pixar was making a very similar film at the very same time as this and Jeffery Katzenburg is a Petty Bitch
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Really, at the end of the day, all I can say about this movie is just... don't bother with it? It really sucks, its agressively unappealing and unpleasant to sit through, and when its not assulting you with you how gross it is, its assualting you with how painfully boring it is. I don't think I even cracked a smile once while watching it. What a fucking way to start a Dreamworks marathon off on. Jesus.
Overall rating: 1/10
Verdict: Step on these damn Antz already
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Next Review (Prince of Egypt)
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mtridactyla · 1 year
tagged by @weaver-z my beloved friend zo :)
rules: tag 10 people you want to know better!
relationship status: single, not looking. recently realized im probably aromantic and im spending time coming to terms with that before i start thinking about relationships of any caliber again
favorite color: no <3 or maybe yes <3 i love all of them. all colors. they're all so nice
song stuck in my head: scissor man by xtc
last song listened to: holiday in cambodia by dead kennedys
three favorite foods: uhhh. im a pasta girlie. quesadilla... and probably chocolate honestly. i also really love marshmallows but vegan marshmallows are expensive and my roommate won't let me eat things im allergic to so no marshmallows for me :(
last thing i googled: lowland streaked tenrec
dream trip: aaa probably coastal australia for the reefs :)
anything i want right now: panera cinnamon crunch bagel...
tagginggg @lochnesbian @noveltytie @supermansmeat @imgladyourehereholdme @budoodly @quantumshade @dykebeckett @esbian @fab-wolf-in-the-gloom @dimensioncannon ummm and anyone else who wants to can say i tagged you :)
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weaver-z · 1 year
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Shout out to Spanish for having the correct word for kitties. This is literally el gato there's no other word for it
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69,775 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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121,300 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
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This is the most powerful call to ratio I've ever seen. It's like she's performing an incantation.
123,680 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
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I saw this post from a user called weaver-z.
They wrote:
"Something I've noticed about anti-abortion activists is that they will literally never admit that throwing money at pregnant women and "crisis pregnancy centers" will never solve every problem associated with pregnancy (because the world simply does not work like that), so they'll fight you to the death over definitions and semantics and "what a baby is" no matter how clear you make your stance on the matter, and they do this to distract you from their real beliefs: that women deserve less autonomy than a fetus that does not feel, think, or experience anything close to human consciousness."
You're pretty good at answering these types of questions. I was wondering what you thought about it.
There's a lot of layers to this, let's break it down.
They assume consciousness makes us people, and that cognitive inability justifies human inequality (that's ableist).
They assume a human organism must be "like us" to be a person. Firstly, they are like us because they possess they same essential nature as us as members of humankind, which means every ability that we manifest as capability is already and actual latent capacity in their bodies. Secondly, why does sameness matter? Their argument likely boils down to A) "I am not like a reptile", B) "I can't imagine what I would be like without my mind", C) "if I cut off my hand, that is not me", and D) "I am traumatized and using denial to cope". Rebuttals: A) you are actually very much like a reptile, go learn polyvagal theory. Also, is a disabled teen who is no more cognitively capable than a reptile not equal to us? Again, ableism. B) Go learn about embodied cognition theory and Markov blankets. Even the most rudimentary experiences of your zygote fall within the blanket of your mind. C) If you cut off your hand, you wouldn't perceive with it anymore because you are not a part, you are a whole. And your mind, not yet having remapped your hand as not part of your whole, may continue to perceive via a "phantom limb", as in it will register the sensations it anticipates. If I cut you up into enough pieces, you'll be dead, because you are not a part, your mind is comprised of a whole system resisting entropy that cannot be reduced down to a single part. Your zygote was once your organism's whole body. D) People who have experienced sexual violation or reproductive loss will resist this information. Again, go learn polyvagal theory.
The preborn are equal people because from fertilization they are attaining whatever it is that makes us equal people, which means they actually latently possess whatever that is and simply must reveal it through the manifestation of their bodies.
I believe all women deserve to be born. I believe even if a woman is completely helpess and dependent, she has the same right as me to freedom from deliberate violence. All women deserve that level of autonomy, even as embryos in the womb. They find it offensive that I'd dare subject a woman to a clump of cells, I find it offensive that they'd dare dehumanize a prenatal woman to a clump of cells. Let's elevate ALL women to equality, including the women who are preborn.
Women deserve not to have their bodies codified as legal vessels for state-sanctioned violence against the most powerless people. That is abuse of power, and abuse is never justified.
Yes, we can't solve every problem associated with pregnancy, but electively exterminating a person can never be the solution to our problems because human beings are not solutions. We are not means to an end, period.
They point out a legitimate issue with pro-lifers that do think every problem can be solved with money. That simply isn't true. But abortion also doesn't "cure" these issues, it merely "manages" them, and women deserve healing remedies to social ailments rather than superficial treatments.
"Your stance on the matter" used here is a euphemism for "my personal beliefs", which should be separate from law. I don't care what you believe about the preborn, I understand them to rationally be people as the logical conclusion of an argument supported by scientific evidence and philosophical reasoning. My perspective on the matter transcends mere "belief". Get on my level or sit down.
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lemaistrechat · 2 years
She-Ra: Peril of Whispering Woods
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Ah yes, THIS episode. What are we to make of this?
It starts with a convoy of Horde armored vehicles passing by Whispering Woods with taxes. A door opens on Hordak’s vehicle and there/s this snooty elf-looking youth next to him, asking why it takes a whole army to collect taxes, and “My father, Horde Prime, thinks you should have taken care of the Rebels long ago.” Hordak assures “my prince” that the Rebels are no threat to the power of the Horde... right before Bow and Glimmer steal the truck with all the taxes, Bow driving. OH NO BOW! This is a good time to point out that Etheria was completely pre-industrial before the Horde invasion, the natives relying on magic and being dispersed to hold out as long as they did. Bow doesn’t know how to drive!
As they get away, a smugly unimpressed Zed calls Hordak “uncle” for the first time.
Back at the Fright Zone, Shadow Weaver comes up with a defoliant that will kill the enchanted trees of Whispering Woods, “the poison of Kandahar”. Hordak and some Troopers fly over Whispering Woods to spray it like the American use of Agent Orange to defoliate the Vietnamese rainforest the Communists used for cover.
After Adora, Glimmer and Bow discuss how the Twiggets are getting sicker and sicker the more plants are killed, we cut back to the Fright Zone, where Catra, Mantenna, Leech and Scorpia are all having fun forcing a peasant to sit in a dunking booth. Really. Meanwhile Hordak is working at a desk and Prince Zed insists on coming along on the raid tomorrow, because he’s on Etheria on vacation, and it’s boring in “your castle.”
Inevitably, the Rebels have a plan (they drafted birds with nets) and Prince Zed’s Jetmobile gets knocked down. Once the Horde retreats, Bow and an angry mob of Rebels with clubs gets ready to beat Prince Zed, to which She-Ra says “We cannot harm this boy!”
Glimmer replies “But She-Ra, we want to get even with those rotten Hordesmen!”
She-Ra: “Glimmer, getting even means you become like the Horde. ... It may be the way of the Horde to harm those who are helpless, but it is not the way of the Great Rebellion!”
.. Adora, do you even remember that Glimmer was in charge until you defected?
So She-Ra takes Prince Zed to the medical tent to recover, and he wakes up asking “Are you an angel?”
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Wow, where to begin with that question? How about the downright Satanic role your father has in the Christmas Special?
After a few minutes of seeing how well the Rebels treat people, Zed says he’s ashamed of how the Horde has treated them and wants to help. Only now do they learn his identity as he announces it... well, She-Ra doesn’t shout “WHAT?” and you’d think 19-20 yo Adora would recognize a first cousin who looks to be in his late teens. So I guess She-Ra was just withholding information.
Back at the Fright Zone, Hordak is yelling at Catra for leaving the son of Horde Prime behind. 
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(Hordak having porridge on his work desk is funny on multiple levels.)
A message arrives from the Rebel camp. “Dear uncle, stop poisoning Whispering Woods at once, or my father will hear of your abandoning me in battle. Your nephew, Prince Zed.”
Hordak and the main Rebels parley. {oison of Kandahar gets analyzed so they can neutralize it if Hordak ever tries the same plan again (which villains need to do more, as they often come so close to winning like this).
Prince Zed says “Thank you for your kindness. For now we must be enemies. I wish we were on the same side.”
Adora: “Perhaps some day.” (girl, you WERE for all but months of this boy’s life)
Zed: “Some day I will rule Horde World,” promising there will be no more war then.
Of course he never makes a second appearance!
This episode is very interesting on its own and touches on some deep themes about war and family, but it really shows the weakness of writing 65 episodes to be broadcast within 4 months of each other: writers didn’t have time to talk to each other about worldbuilding or the very nature of all the characters.
So what would you do with Prince Zed?
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spookyvance · 1 year
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52 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
deltarune community why is there no unfair undyne but for deltarune. like jevil and spamton's fights are SO fun. i WANT to inflict myself with that pain. yes there's the boxing ring in chapter 2 bUT THERE'S NO JEVIL OR SNEO. OR QUEEN. OR KING. LIKE TOBY. YOU GIVE US THE FUNNEST FIGHTS AND REFUSE TO LET US PLAY THEM AGAIN EVER. in conclusion: please i want an endless mode of jevil's fight with different difficulties. please please please for the love of god-
67 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
blah blah sammy surviving og ink demon sttack this then he got killed in later chapters that then he gets shot point blank. whatever. if you had any idea what kind of clues jds was dropping you'd realize sammy lawrence is a final girl
71 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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where are yall getting this from. why is he a fuckboy.
80 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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no fucking way that was an innocent mistake of trying to make bowser intimidating. jack black was INTO that shit.
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307 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
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Mr Luxbulb Headcanons because I have ideas but I don't want to write anything concrete. @weaver-z This is the only time I talk about this and then everything is forgotten. (Please I want my life back) Okay. Here we go.
He wears the green rubber gloves because he has ✨phobia of electricity✨
Used to be the physics teacher for a small school (no surprise there). Something science fictiony happened to him a la Jekyll and Hyde. (Yes I saw the video)
Is. Always. Smiling. And there are. So. Many. Teeth.
The light flickers when he is angry. When he is murderous, the bulb gives off a black coloured light (don't ask).
Was human once. Terrifying thing about him is that he remembers about being human, but doesn't care.
If you stay near him for a long time, your ears will start buzzing.
Nervous system made of wiring and circuitry (no surprise there either).
Total psychopath. Has killed without remorse. Will kill again.
If you're grades are bad, he will ask you to get on the podium and explain yourself. Do Not Get On The Podium.
Always locks the door when he enters a class. Will not leave until he is done teaching.
Scratchy voice, almost giggly way of speaking. Loves the sound of his own voice. Very, very shrill scream.
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clottedscream · 1 year
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I posted 166 times in 2022
That's 39 more posts than 2021!
73 posts created (44%)
93 posts reblogged (56%)
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I tagged 120 of my posts in 2022
Only 28% of my posts had no tags
#dairydraws - 67 posts
#not art - 39 posts
#epithet erased - 17 posts
#epithet erased fanart - 15 posts
#jelloapocalypse - 14 posts
#character design - 14 posts
#ask - 11 posts
#molly blyndeff - 10 posts
#ee - 8 posts
#paranormal activity club au - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#she thinks she’s a female manipulator but she has too much social anxiety to correct the barista at starbucks when they get her drink wrong
My Top Posts in 2022:
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this one is dedicated to everyone who simped in the tags of my last post and also to my friends who 100% saw it coming that i would make this
[Image ID: a monochrome digital illustration of a humanized version of Tumblr. She’s a human woman in casual alt clothing, including a dark hoodie, doc martins, and a wrinkled shirt with the old tumblr logo. Yes, her jeans are cuffed. She wears fingerless arm warmers and a kandi bracelet that says nov 5. She has an asymmetrical haircut that covers half of her face, which is towards the viewer. She sits on the floor (there is no background) and grins smugly. End ID]
2,035 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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i’m actually a little surprised with myself that i haven’t made fanart for @buggachat ‘s BEAU yet considering i’ve been reading it religiously since it started coming out. anyways i was listening to Zachary Levi’s She Loves Me on repeat as i was drawing this
2,543 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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someone get this girl some therapy
4,636 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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*pins you against a wall* you thought you could just come crawling back to us huh?
[image ID: a monochrome digital drawing of humanized versions of Tumblr and Twitter. Tumblr is an emo girl wearing dark clothing with a side shave hairstyle. She has a kandi bracelet that reads “nov 5”. Twitter is a shorter girl with floppy hair styled after the twitter logo, wearing a large barette of her logo in her hair. Tumblr is leaned over twitter and is holding her chin while pinning her against the wall. End ID.]
10,070 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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fairness and equal treatment for catboys
17,627 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
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lemonsharks · 1 year
I saw your reblog on that CW post (https colon-slash-slash www.tumblr.com/lemonsharks/714957233069408256/weaver-z-restarttheworld-weaver-z) and I just have to say, like... are you single?
So I only just saw this and the answer is yes, yes I am single but in an it's complicated kind of way 💝
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deepseabees · 1 year
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I posted 2,251 times in 2022
That's 1,019 more posts than 2021!
23 posts created (1%)
2,228 posts reblogged (99%)
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I tagged 710 of my posts in 2022
#art - 262 posts
#tlt - 70 posts
#shameless self reblog - 21 posts
#my art - 15 posts
#animal crossing - 8 posts
#augh - 6 posts
#my post - 6 posts
#yeah - 5 posts
#so cool - 5 posts
#yes - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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4 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
Gideon/Harrow is martyr4martyr
8 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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65 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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461 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Bone Weasel
545 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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Offspring Rating List: DreamWorks Animation
With the new world order happening and people having less kids, which would be vital for conservation and less crowds, I thought I should start this series. You see, Hollywood is under the assumption that audiences can't tell fiction from reality to learn not to repeat the actions as the characters they watch, and as you know, it's always in the DNA of fans to anticipate the couples they watch and/or ship to have kids (because it's a typical part of being a couple), and with the world getting overpopulated, that's why Hollywood's suddenly decreasing that factor and deciding to burst bubbles.
Well, I thought I should give my two cents on which couples should have kids and which shouldn't. I'm starting with DreamWorks.
Z/Bala: Z already mentioned they'd have a million after the film's events (they are ants after all), so...
Weaver/Azteca: I guess so
Moses/Tziporrah: ???
Tulio/Chel: ???
Rocky/Ginger: granted
Shrek/Fiona: granted three
Donkey/Dragon: granted six
Puss/Kitty: yes
Jack/Jill: ??? (Jack said he wanted a baby, but I don't know)
Spirit/Rain: yes
Sinbad/Marina: no
Oscar/Angie: no
Alex/Gia: yes
Melman/Gloria: maybe (but most likely through adoption)
Julien/Sonya: no (unless adoption)
Marty/Okapi: ???
Skipper/Marlene: no
Kowalski/Eva: no
Wallace/Lady Tottington: ???
Gromit/Fluffles: ???
Penny/Lou: granted three
Tiger/Stella: ??? (I mean, Stella wanted someone who's decent, good with kids and has no sense of smell)
Roddy/Rita: ???
Po/Tigress: maybe
Crane/Mei Ling: maybe
Hiccup/Astrid: granted two
Toothless/Night Fury: granted three
Fishlegs/Ruffnut: no
Megamind/Roxanne: no
Grug/Ugga: granted three
Guy/Eep: ???
Phil/Hope: granted one
Chet/Burn: ???
Branch/Poppy: ???
Gristle Jr./Bridget: ???
Tim/Carol: granted two (they were the point of the sequel)
Ben Krupp/Edith: nah (I doubt they'd end up getting hitched, and Krupp doesn't even like kids)
Mr. Wolf/Diane: maybe
Ruby Gillman/Connor (still haven't seen the film, btw): ??? (I'm not sure if the relationship would work that far)
0 notes
jeanjauthor · 1 year
How I Make 6 Meters of Cordage per Hour
He doesn’t talk about the importance of the twist and counter-twist, but basically if you twist fibers in one direction (we’ll use a Z twist as an example where they look like the diagonal goes from upper right to lower left, aka / twist), then they wrap around each other and provide group-strength to each other.  But if you just keep wrapping in that direction, it only adds a fraction more of strength to the bundle.
What you then need is to take 2-3 similar Z twisted strands, and countre-twist them, aka an S twist, where the diagonal appears to go from upper right to lower left, \ style.  When that happens, the individual fibers that were going ///  butt up against the fibers now twisting \\\, and they actually interlock a bit more.  This interlocking “shares the load” across the other fibers not only within a twist, but across the ply (bundles counter-twisted together).
This counter-twisting or plying also prevents the twisted bundles from unraveling easily, as well as providing strength.  That further ensures the strength and durabilty, whether it’s a thread, a cord, a rope, or a cable  Now, of course each type of fiber varies in its strength (metal wires count as a fiber in this example, but most of the time we mean plant or synthetic non-metal fibers).  But we can say that twisting a bundle of fibers gives them (for example) 4x their original strength as straight strands...and counter-twisting two or more groups improves that strength by another 4x.  (Numbers are approximate!)
So if you start out with a tension strength of 2 pounds, by twisting you now have 8 pounds of strength in your cordage before it breaks, and plying (counter-twisting the twists) gives you 2x4x4, or 32 pounds of strength.  (Again, numbers are approximate!  These are easy-to-grasp numeric examples only.  I am not a materials science-y type!)
So, making a 2-ply cord is great, and 3 ply is better in terms of strength, if a little trickier.  Once you master the 2-ply that he’s demonstrating above, you can work on figuring out & mastering 3-ply, etc.
A little historical context:  Everyone in the middle ages did some form of spinning, unless they had a very specific full-time job.  It takes 12-20 full time spinners to keep 1 full time weaver at the loom.  It wasn’t just “women’s work,” it was everyone’s work.  If you wanted rope for hauling water out of a well, you needed to do cordage-making.  If you wanted the rope for a trebuchet, you had to make it.  If you wanted rope for fishing nets, you absolutely had to have someone making it, and that someone could be any gender.
There were master spinners who were men as well as women, just as there were (as in literally found in the historical records & documents of various eras) master smiths who were women as well as men.
If you’re not sure just how important cordage is, stop and think about just how many types of cords, threads, fabrics, textiles, and yes, wires that exist around you.  Literally even the power cable connecting your computer or laptop to the power system in your home is going to be made of plaited (braided, another form of cordage-strengthening) or twisted and counter-twisted metal wires.
We’re still in need of understanding how to make cordage even here in the year 2023!
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davidbowierose · 1 year
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I posted 219 times in 2022
That's 46 more posts than 2021!
9 posts created (4%)
210 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 14 of my posts in 2022
#art - 5 posts
#artists on tumblr - 3 posts
#artist - 3 posts
#fan art - 2 posts
#rhys darby - 2 posts
#taika my beloved - 2 posts
#taika waititi - 2 posts
#our flag means death - 2 posts
#ofmd fanart - 2 posts
#stede bonnet - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#yes i had a picky eater moment the other day that i’m still embarrassed about
My Top Posts in 2022:
If I had a nickel for each time Pixar released a film where a ginger girl coming of age and her mother were fighting and also turned into animals I’d have TWo nIcKLes.
Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice !
45 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
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109 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
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Made this catradora art to show off this amazing shirt a mutual (kataroos on insta; kataroosshop on Etsy) sent me over Christmas!
I never got around to doing a cute photo shoot wearing it, so I had to draw it on our fav sword lesbian x angst cat couple!
You can still get it on her Etsy shop! She’s the best, and all her catradora art is amazing!!
271 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
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Just a couple of dapper bois
302 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Just a couple of ineffable bois💕😩 can’t wait for the next season!
340 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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🤝: are you out as a system to anyone?
Yes! Our outerworld partner (primarily to Ryan, James, Agony, and maybe Chrellys) knows. They are super supportive, and we love them so much.
🎃: are there any headmates that could be considered scary? (demons/ghosts/vampires/etc.)
Yes! We have many headmates who fit right in this spooky season. Werewolves and Leviathans (any headmate who has a form that is more easily measured in stories than feet) are somewhat common and most things in the Swamp have a lot of eyes. So many eyes.
Highlights include:
Chrellys (our profile pic) carries a vampire aesthetic, but is actually a Weaver, with the abilities to create webs and communicate with spiders telepathically in innerworld. He also lives in a haunted castle that was formerly a laboratory.
Petrichor fully identifies as a mountain goat, but has a humanoid form with goat legs and a goat skull that he wears on his head. He first introduced himself trying to jumpscare Crickett in a dream. Also works in as a laboratory assistant up in the mountains around Undersea.
Zebros Skullke is unique to our innerworld, he's built as a giant cat-like beast, potentially with many sets of legs, patterned with black and white stripes akin to a zebra, with an incredibly long neck and owl like face. With fangs. Its system function is to track down things and people for Parys (innerworld mad scientist), so she really is kind of terrifying.
🕸: what’s your oldest memory of being a system?
Hmmmm, it's really hard to pin down this sort of things because we really haven't been able to recall but a handful of childhood memories. But we do know when we used to have bad dreams that manifested from growing pains we had in our legs, we would have Z and Maria (now dormant) come out and fight off whatever we were dreaming about. Because of dissociation, we actually never had dreams where we were present in the body's form till we were older, so having these reoccurring "avatars" was very notable. One of our early name changes actually was Z's full name, despite knowing it belonged to a "dream avatar" that looked nothing like us physically.
Thanks for the ask!
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