#year: 1998
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"Bear and Aphra 2" by Jessica Tanzer, 1989.
source: Nothing But the Girl: The Blatant Lesbian Image, edited by Susie Bright & Jill Posener
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on-this-day-btvs · 6 months
November 24, 1998
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Lovers Walk aired for BTVS season 3, episode 8. This was the last time that Buffy, Angel, and Spike all appeared in the same scene together. They discuss Buffy and Angel's relationship and also fight together against a group of vampires.
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elvismentions · 10 months
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ER S04EP22
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gatespage · 1 year
Gates McFadden Interview - Hey Hey It’s Saturday 
Oct 3 1998
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motownfiction · 4 months
When Sadie and Daniel move out of the downriver area, Sadie has a hard time adjusting. It’s not that their new suburb is any better or fancier – arguably, it’s worse, depending on your cross streets – it’s just that it’s different. Sadie has thought of herself as a downriver kid for as long as she’s been alive, even after she wasn’t a kid anymore. To move even a little bit feels awkward and unnatural, like she’s supposed to stay in the same suburb all her life. It’s ridiculous. She never wanted to stay in one place. She always wanted to get out and move. If she’d been able to afford it, she probably would have gone away to college, too – stuck to the New York City plan she and Lucy had when they were twelve or thirteen. Lucy followed the plan (in a roundabout way), and she never looked back downriver. Why is Sadie nearly weeping as they head down Ford Road?
Maybe it’s because she’s pregnant. That’s the answer to everything, actually. She’s been pregnant twice before, but that doesn’t make the third time any easier. When she and Daniel decided to have a third baby, they knew they’d have to move to a bigger house. It just so happens that the bigger house is on the other side of the Detroit River. But maybe if Sadie wasn’t pregnant, she’d be able to pack up the moving van without a word. She’d be excited to move to their new house (less than ten miles away from the old one). Instead, she’s a mess.
“It’s that there’s no such thing as upriver,” she says as Daniel drives. “What’s my identifier going to be now that I don’t live downriver? Huh?”
“How about your name?” Daniel says.
“No, that’s my name. You’re Sadie. I thought you knew that.”
He laughs to himself for a bit too long. Sadie turns around to look at Michael and Rosemary in the backseat … as far as she can turn around, of course, at six and a half months pregnant with her third baby.
“I need you both to know that your dad used to be cool,” she says.
“Cool!” Rosemary says.
Michael, however, snorts – far more sarcastic than the average seven-year-old child.
“Sure,” he says. “Cool.”
Sadie turns back around and sighs. She feels Daniel’s hand on her knee and looks up, even though it’s the last thing she wants to do.
“I promise,” he says, “you will still be yourself when you live in a different house.”
“In a different suburb?” Sadie asks. “With a different ZIP code?”
“Even then.”
Sadie sighs again. She looks out the window and watches downriver disappear behind her. She’ll pass through it again tomorrow (and probably all the days after that), but it won’t be the same. Maybe after she has her new little boy, things will be different.
Then again, of course they’ll be different.
(part of @nosebleedclub february challenge -- day 5!)
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irishhills · 3 months
rumored lover
Amy still remembers all the things people would say about her rumored lover. Some people said he was a professional baseball player from one of those cities on the Coast. They never said which coast, but folks would nod like they completely understood. Some people swore it was Emmett Mulaney cheating on his wife, Bridget, just like he’d cheated on Amy with Bridget when they were in the tenth grade. Some people said her lover was Tom Cruise. Amy’s still not sure how that one got started, but all these years later, it still makes her laugh. Imagine her with Jerry Maguire. It could never be.
She’s still the only one who knows the identity of Poppy’s father. Maybe one day, she’ll tell people. Starting with Poppy, of course. But at four years old, she’s still not very interested in the idea that she might have a dad. Mommy is enough. They go to see Aunt Jane at the museum, they swim in Uncle Luke and Aunt Eliza’s pool, and they call Uncle Chris and Aunt Blair to tease them about living in Milwaukee.
Amy almost wishes one of those rumors were true. She almost wishes she would have told people who Poppy’s father was. But she kind of liked the way it rocked people’s worlds. Not her mother’s, of course. Mom’s far too liberated to freak out about her daughter getting pregnant by an anonymous body. But her grandparents, cousins, colleagues … people like that. It was like they’d never heard of anyone getting pregnant out of wedlock before. It was like they completely forgot about the way Chris was conceived. Bullshit, honestly.
But Amy loves being a scandal. It gives her … life, like she’s made of glitter and glue. She loves being the talk of the town, and she loves when people assume she’s bad. It just gives her every excuse to play into it, to fuck up, to give the people what they want. And people want to see homecoming queens fall hard.
They don’t need to know that Poppy’s biological father is some art historian that Amy met during one of Jane’s exhibits in Detroit. They don’t need to know that their first and only date was a long drive to the Toledo Museum of Art because he wanted to show her Oath of the Horatii. They don’t need to know that Amy was actually impressed, which was why she took him home … which was why she wound up pregnant before she even knew it. They don’t need to know that he just went back to his life in Chicago. Not with animosity. Just with ignorance.
Amy didn’t want to blow up his life. But more than that, she didn’t want to blow up her own. What was she going to do? Risk everything for some guy and one date? No. She’d been that girl dreaming of one love for too long. She wasn’t going to rope a stranger back into her life. She already had one stranger coming into it.
But she still lets people whisper about her rumored lover.
It’s a good time, really, when she thinks about it.
(part of @nosebleedclub march challenge -- day 11!)
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splatterfunk · 1 year
"KEROIN” (Remix Version) Black/Matrix Sound Collection THE HUSTLERS CONCEPT Black/Matrix (Sega Saturn, 1998) Flight-Plan Co., Ltd.
0 notes
petewentzisblack1312 · 6 months
fall out boy is so fascinating because anyone who doesnt know anything about fall out boy thinks theyre only relevant to millenials who had intense emo phases while anyone who is a huge fall out boy fan is aware of the fact that every single album they release has gotten them a wave of new young fans. and actually thats not even true because every album second album cycle the fans from the one before the last one are like what do you mean you became a fan during the last album cycle i didnt think anyone was still onboarding. and this is going to go on forever until they retire probably.
edit: i must assume you like fall out boy. consider: fall out boy pins.
buy my art.
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soltiana · 5 months
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a long awaited (???) sequel to this post, stamp but 98-style, eps 8-12
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"Untitled" by Katie Niles, 1990
source: Nothing But the Girl: The Blatant Lesbian Image, edited by Susie Bright and Jill Posener
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on-this-day-btvs · 6 months
December 15, 1998
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Amends aired for BTVS season 3, episode 10. This was the only Christmas episode in the Buffyverse.
This was also the last appearance of Jenny Calendar. She was a computer science teacher at Sunnydale High, a technopagan, and dated Giles. Jenny is played by Robia LaMorte (now Robia Scott) and is in 14 episodes total, in S1, S2, and this episode in S3.
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elvismentions · 10 months
- and tell that wannabe his heartbreak hotel sucks the big one. - ♪ since my baby left me well I found a new place to dwell ♪
ER S04EP22
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gatespage · 1 year
Gates McFadden Talk City Online Interview
Thursday 25th June 1998 at 9.00 pm E.S.T. 
Copied and edited from here. 
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Gates, welcome to Talk City! What are your thoughts on the ever-popular Star Trek series and its impact on society?
Gates McFadden:
Dear MysteryGirl, many books have been written answering that question. I think, obviously, the series speaks to a lot of people about the possibilities of our future.
Aspects of the series interest me in particular, such as Prime Directive, the concept of people being very different, but yet finding ways to work together successfully and collaborate in non-dogmatic ways is intriguing.
imzadi-1 says:
I loved you on Mad About You. Do you plan to do other sit-coms?
Gates McFadden:
I have no specific plans about doing another sitcom in the future but if a good script crossed my path, I would certainly consider it!
ezguest3 says:
Hi Gates! Does your son's mouse and your two pet cats get along?
Gates McFadden:
LOL! Our two cats believe that they get along very well with the mouse. The mouse however, thinks they are liars! The way we solve this is to keep the doors to my sons room closed at all times!We however, sometimes allow them to observe each other while we are present.
ocampa says:
It is said that you play a larger role in this new movie that's coming up than the last one, in what way?
Gates McFadden:
Where did you get your information ;-) Certainly not from the writers, alas the role is not a full meal.
boncers says:
I have several friends that were lucky enough to see you in Voices in New Jersey... I wish I were any of them!
They all are still on cloud nine that you stopped your car to speak with them. I feel their joy by proxy... so thanks!
Gates McFadden:
You're welcome! They were a terrific group of women!! I really was very touched that they came to see me in the play. It was nice to know that they were out there in the audience.
nanite says:
Hi there! I saw "Voices in the Dark" with a group of friends on closing night in April (thank you for stopping to talk to us! You have guts!) and we must know when is it going to Broadway and how long will it be there? (Yes, it's going, I just have to know when- you're not allowed to say it isn't going to be there. Thanks :)
Gates McFadden:
It looks like there will be another production sometime in October, (rehearsals with rewrites). But the details have not been worked out so it may change. I will certainly put it on the Star Trek website when I have the information.
trexphile says:
Besides "Voices in the Dark," do you have any other projects/convention appearances scheduled?
Gates McFadden:
:-) Very likely I will be in Australia the end of September or beginning of October. Then I will be in Germany in January and perhaps early May. All of this could change depending on the schedule of the play.
For the next two months I'm concentrating on being a mother :-) Having just come off a play in New York and three months of the movie in LA.
lolalee32 says:
Jessica Lange recently said that she would not start acting today, that back when she was starting "the business attracted integrity, it attracted artists, and I don't think it does anymore". Do you think she's right?
Gates McFadden:
I don't know whether she's right or wrong, that's her opinion. Certainly the entertainment business has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. However, I find that there are still pockets of extraordinary work being done by actors in theater, film and television.
heartofgold says:
Are dramatic arts taught differently in France? Is that why you left to study in France?
Gates McFadden:
I left to study with Jacques LeCoq in Paris because his school offered a unique approach to acting. LeCoq believed artists had a responsibility to work Together to change society for the better. I had classes with musicians, architects, and dancers as well as actors.
He had emphasis on both the spoken word and silence. We studied movement in order to better comprehend immobility. He was the greatest influence in my development as an actress and director.
Now there are many people all over the world, who have incorporated his ideas and techniques into their teaching of acting. Geoffrey Rush, the actor in the movie "Shine" was a student of his. Emma Thompson studied with someone in England who had worked with LeCoq for years, and so on and so forth.
kit_angel says:
I've heard that you've done a lot of stage work but never had the opportunity to see you on stage. What kind of plays have you done and do you prefer stage to television?
Gates McFadden:
I most definitely prefer stage work to television! My roles have ranged from Helena, in "A Midsummer Nights Dream," by William Shakespeare, to Ruth in "The Homecoming" by Harold Pinter.
I've done many comedies such as "Cloud Nine" by Caryl Churchill. I've also done serious plays such as 'To Gillian, on her 37th Birthday" which later was developed into a movie.
mrswizz12 says:
My 13 year old son would like to tell you that you're a great Actress and you're very beautiful
Gates McFadden:
Thank you! One can never hear that too many times!
sarah says:
As you've probably realized by now, there is a large BonC contingent here - all dying to know is the Picard and Crusher romance totally dead - or is there a possibility it may be revived?
Gates McFadden:
In this movie it is definitely not revived.However I encourage you to write letters to Rick Berman the producer suggesting that it be resurrected.
boncers says:
Thank you for being here. Would you be willing to reconsider you stance on an official fan club if it were run professionally?
Gates McFadden:
zippity says:
Love Star Trek, and your character is superb - a strong woman, but feminine - wish men could relate to women like that in today
Gates McFadden:
I have found that often they do!
pygmalion2 says:
The drama coach in our school says that acting is not about feeling the required emotions while acting on stage, it's about PROJECTING those emotions as you act on stage. She says if you feel the emotions you'll be distracted from acting. But if you don't feel like the character is feeling, then won't your portrayal look phony?
Gates McFadden:
Keep trying don't give up! This is a tough question to answer quickly. She is not incorrect, however, I often find that during a show the feeling and the technique all come together in moments of pure poetry. It is like an adrenaline rush where you are the character, the play is bigger than yourself and you are almost inside the character and outside it at the same time.
I don't feel that there is only one method to acting. Work with as many good teachers as you can and find what works best for you.
ocampa says:
William Frakes seems like a very nice guy, how is he in private?
Gates McFadden:
boncers says:
Thanks for being here... is there a specific directing project that you'd like to tackle?
Gates McFadden:
Yes, but the script is not finished and has been in development for a year and a half. It's a silent film in black and white.
mick_mouse says:
Why do so many actors want to direct? It seems to me that since power is money, then the real power is in producing since it's the producers that bring the money in. Ultimately, the producer can put financial pressure on a director to make him do what she wants him to do. Am I right?
Gates McFadden:
Sometimes, not always. I went into acting because I loved it. I loved the way it made me feel, the power of my voice, the power of my imagination, the power of a situation, the words of a playwright.
If you are interested in who has the power as in the big boss who makes the most money, then it's a different situation.
Directing is an art, acting is an art, and many fine producing an art. Personally I find acting and directing more creative, but everyone has their own passion.
temporalrift says:
- looking at short description of "guest" - Have you written anything recently?
Gates McFadden:
I haven't finished a script I've been working on for years but with time and courage I hope to finish it soon.
nan1 says:
This question if from my daughter, Rebecca (sorry!). She would like to thank you for your letters and wants to know how Jack's birthday was and how is Coc and Mary Alice. Thanks for giving her someone to admire who is worth admiring!
Gates McFadden:
My sons seventh birthday was probably as good as a seventh birthday could possibly be. We had a bowling party! The cats are fine and hope you're all doing well.
mericcc says:
In your eyes what has been the most significant contribution Dr. Crushers has made to STTNG?
Gates McFadden:
A hypo-spray in the neck .... no ..... just kidding. Probably her determination to rank compassion over the Prime Directive.
captbevpicard says:
Ms. McFadden, I want to thank you for giving us six years of great acting.
Gates McFadden:
Thanks for watching!
jneff says:
What do you think of the Voyager show?
Gates McFadden:
How can I say this without being rude. The truth is I have only watched a part of one episode. Not because I don't like it, but because I watch very little television.
tori says:
What inspired your interest in mythology and masks which Jeff Greenwald brought up in his book, Future Perfect?
Gates McFadden:
I loved Myths ever since I took a class in High School. The man I worked with in Paris, introduced me to the techniques of mask acting. I then researched masks in the major cultures of the world and found they were a significant part of most cultures, so I put together a plaque on the history of masks in theater when I was teaching at the University of Pittsburgh.
Masks can be beautiful in and of themselves, but they become magical when a performer makes them come alive by the way she moves.
hondo1 says:
who was the best male actor that you enjoyed working with over your career
Gates McFadden:
I don't have one favorite. I'd rather say there have been very few that I haven't enjoyed working with.
molakai says:
Hello Ms. McFadden My real name is Michael! I would like to know do you and Marina Sirtis get along like friends as your characters did on the next generation? Thank you for your time to view my question! You're the first star trek actor or actress I have met!
Gates McFadden:
Marina and I are friends, but unlike the characters that we play we don't talk about men together very much, but we laugh a lot and cover a range of subjects.
dixonhill says:
Do you have any plans to do projects with LA Theaterworks?
Gates McFadden:
I performed the Neil Simon play "Chapter Two" this year but have no other projects scheduled with them at this point.
ocampa says:
Could you think of yourself as an doctor in real life?
Gates McFadden:
Oh I think it would be wonderful to be a doctor in real life, especially when I feel awful or my son has the flu.
bsisko says:
where can we write to get autographs
Gates McFadden:
I am taking a short hiatus from signing autographs through the mail because of my need to spend more time with my child. Next year I will probably have more time and at that point I will again be available to sign autographs through the mail.
It is always the best idea to send the mail to Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, California. 5555 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, California.
I worry that people won't understand my reasons for not signing autographs, but the truth is when my son wants me to play with him and I have a stack of pictures to sign, I know I'm making the right choice, even though my fans will be disappointed.
kit_angel says:
If tribbles were real, would you actually want one running around your house as a pet? LOL
Gates McFadden:
Absolutely! I would continue to try to train it!
Gates, our time is nearly up for tonight. You've been a wonderful guest!! Do you have any final thoughts you'd like to leave us with?
Gates McFadden:
I literally drove home today from Mammoth Lake where we shot some of our final scenes in the new Star Trek movie. I had never been to the mountains in that area and was overwhelmed by the sheer beauty and power of the Sierra Nevada's.
The cast had a fabulous time and I just want you all to know when you watch the movie that even though we were pretending to be very scared, we were having the time of our lives!
Thanks to all of you for the years of support! I love you all!
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motownfiction · 5 months
Sam’s listening to the White Album. He listens to it pretty regularly. Both sides. It’s interesting to hear a band in shambles, in strange isolation. It’s always been his favorite Beatles album, even if Sadie and Charlie always thought it was weird. Whatever. Sam always thought it was weird that Charlie didn’t really like The Beatles or Elvis or anyone.
He likes to listen to the White Album when he has to go on very long car rides. This time, he’s driving to a concert in Cleveland. Not alone. Not ultimately, anyway. He’s meeting Hazel, who’s been there on a business trip for the past couple of days. Sam’s not sure if he’s excited to see her or the concert, but he tells himself it’s both.
When “Glass Onion” comes on, he thinks about turning it. He’s never had strong feelings about the song. It’s like the clip show of songs, and no one likes clip shows. That’s why none of the best shows have them. Sam thinks about turning it, but he doesn’t. It feels like he’s about to remember something. He waits … and he waits.
The walrus was Paul.
That’s it.
Sam would stop the car if he wasn’t driving down I-75. He can’t believe he forgot. He can’t believe he doesn’t think about it every time he listens to the song. Then he remembers he hardly ever listens to this song, and it starts to all make sense.
It was his senior year of high school, and he and Steph were listening to the White Album in the living room when everyone else was gone. It was her favorite Beatles album, too. Probably still is, but Sam hasn’t gotten a chance to ask her in between their endless string of one-night stands they pretend are meaningless. It’s been a little while since the last one, anyway. Because of Hazel.
When “Glass Onion” came on, Steph danced around. She liked that it was a clip show. But when they got to that line – The walrus was Paul – she sang it just like Steph would.
The walrus’s paw.
Sam laughs, remembering what he did. He threw his empty can of Coke across the room and shouted, “STEPHANIE!” like he always did when her misheard lyrics were particularly funny or cute. Steph was particularly funny and cute. Still is, Sam thinks, though it’s been a little while, anyway. Because of Hazel.
He remembers the way Steph tried to explain herself.
“Well, you know,” she said. “Like … a monkey’s paw, but the walrus. Because of ‘I Am the Walrus.’”
“That’s the point!” Sam said. “John’s saying Paul is the walrus.”
“Well, that doesn’t make any sense. That’s not even Paul’s song.”
Sam tries not to remember what he did after that. But he can’t help himself. He remembers the way he held Steph close and kissed her like he would never kiss her again. Some part of him must have known he was going to break up with her less than a year later. Some part of him must have been trying to convince himself he was an idiot.
He’s never been good at listening to anyone’s advice, much less his own.
Maybe he shouldn’t go to this concert. But Hazel’s looking forward to it, and he always shows up for his girl. Whoever she is. Whatever she looks like. However long he’s known her.
Life goes on, brah.
(part of @nosebleedclub december challenge -- day 19! i know i'm behind, but travel and grading ... yikes)
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llamahearted · 10 months
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like it's no big deal at all
songs on repeat
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goldenliarv · 5 months
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i think they are rlly neat
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