#yandere dn
yanderenightmare · 3 months
L "Lawliet"
rewatched Death Note and just couldn't resist...
TW: strict schooling ig, orphan reader, creepy behavior
gn reader
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You were placed in Wammy’s House at an age you don’t remember. To you and most of the orphans here, it’s been your entire lives. Birthdays aren’t celebrated. The days are cold, the residents even colder. There was a time when you’d consider them brothers and sisters, but that’s also long ago now. No one is close to each other in this house.
It’s a rather stale existence with boring conditions unfit for normal children – the solitude, the competition, the games, always a ploy to make each other feel worthless. And for what… more riddles to solve?
You’d long lost interest in proving yourself among the prodigies. When you were given puzzles, you always played with them differently than the rest. They’d tell you to fill out the sheets, and you ended up making origami swans instead.
Looking around at the others, you knew you would never understand them – all blank faces staring into space. They all make you uneasy. You don’t know if it’s you or them that’s missing something, but you recognize it’s a rather pointless question to be begged. 
So you leave your paper flock on the floor and walk away.
You’d started putting the chisel of a black marker to the library books in your spare time – trying to make something else out of the boring pages. Something more palatable than the droning of law and policy you’d already read ten times over.
You had blacked out the word doppelganger when there came a disturbance.
“You had 84% of them right.”
You peeked up from the book, lowering your knees from where you had them tucked close for privacy – sitting on the floor between two bookshelves – a little nook you’d discovered to hide yourself from the rest of the busy readers in the usually crowded library.
It was empty now. Everyone was otherwise busy with the test still.
And yet, a mess of black hair was crouched down in front of you, shadowing his equally dark eyes. He held your swans unfolded in his hands. It was a disturbing sight for some reason – as though he’d dissected their guts. 
“You left 16% unanswered. Most people would test their luck and guess.”
L must have been the least creative alias born in the dull walls of Wammy’s House, and yet, he’s supposed to be the brightest of all those living there. He always finishes your tests early and leaves in favor of his own devices. Much like you, you suppose. You don’t think you’ve ever heard him speak before.
Suppose it’s only courtesy you pay him the same effort even when what you really want is to tell him to leave you alone…
You narrowed your eyes a bit, looking at him.
You sensed foul play in a game you had no wish to partake in but moved across the board like a sacrificial pawn anyway. That’s how you play these things, after all – never show your cards.
“There’s nothing to guess.” You sigh – despite knowing he already knows all this. “The blanks are trick questions.”
“So you noticed, too?” His eyes are like inkblots – much like those spills you’ve made in your book when you let the marker rest too long. He dropped your papers between you in favor of gripping his knees, leaning forward. “We’re the only ones.”
You purse your lips at his eagerness. You should have played dumb from the start – should have said you swiped the answer sheet from the headmaster’s office. He’d only spoken all but four sentences, and you were already exhausted. Any conversation with any one of your peers was like an interrogation.
“You started folding paper cranes when I was 94% done. Easy logistics would put you 6% ahead of me. But, unlike me, it didn’t seem you were filling out the answer sheets in any hurry. In fact… you seemed bored. And in that case, I’d put you around 16%, no... 18% ahead of me.”
You allowed the following silence to inform him that his ramblings were boring you. But it didn't seem he took the hint – showing no signs he planned on leaving.
Your eyes grew more jaded.
“Paper swans.” You corrected blandly. “You know my alias is Swan.”
You clapped your book together and sighed again.
“And we both know you were finished long before I started folding them.” 
He had a small smile on his face. It looked as if you’d drawn it on with your marker.
“You can state all the percentages in the world to try and confuse me, but your mind games won’t get under my skin for one single simple reason, L…” You got up and brushed off the dust, then walked away while saying, “I’m not interested in playing – not with you or anyone else in this miserable place. So do me a favor and leave me alone.”
L watches you leave and taps his lips with his pointer.
Puzzles and answer sheets have bored him for a while. Maybe he ought to play with you instead…
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41-kiraraaa · 11 months
🎣 ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ 𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕒!𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕪𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕞𝕚 𝕩 𝕕𝕠𝕝𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕟!𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
your pod often intersected with his.
even though you both came from two different species of dolphins, light yagami being an orca and you being a pacific white-sided dolphin, the emotional intelligence that both of you possessed as dolphins had both of your pods living in relative harmony, even going so far as to help and share food when dinner wasn’t always seals. or shark liver.
as of right now however, you were relaxing before you were due in to hunt with your pod. the orcas didn’t seem to be in your vicinity, so it would just be you and the other pod members.
after swimming a bit on your own, you used echolocation to determine the location of your pod and started your trek back to them, when you suddenly registered another mer coming your way.
when you swished around, you couldn’t help but preen in approval. there was no mistaking it. his dominance. his attractiveness. his cunning and wit. light yagami was in your presence again, and you could see a polite smile forming on his face to cover up his malicious intent.
“ah, light!” you chirped cheerfully. he chittered contentedly at your greeting and, as you gleaned from one of your many interactions from him as he continued a quick approach, he wanted to play chase.
so, you obliged to the unspoken request and turned around and swam in the direction of your pod, going up and down and doing little neat spins as you went to tease him and flaunt your underwater grace, unaware of his growing desire and impatience at the… other kind of teasing you didn’t seem to know you were subjecting him to.
of course, he was enough of a gentleman to let you keep the lead for a couple moments, but then reached your speed with a bit more force and caught up with you in swift, powerful strokes of his tail, grabbing you from behind and pulling you close.
you chittered a laugh, all the while his hold on you gradually tightened. he snuck in a few nibbles on your ear and brushes of his teeth on your neck he (reluctantly) let go, feeling your warmth dissipate with the increase in distance between you, watching you swim up a bit further up before turning your head back and motioning for him to join you for a visit with your pod.
his little smile widened, though you had already focused your attention up ahead before you could see the darkened look in his eyes. you’d already accepted him enough to invite him personally into your pod, with him in the process of befriending and knowing the ins and outs of everything there.
more information to use against their case if you ever wanted to set your eyes on another, though, with the way you had given in to his advancements gradually, it was likely impossible you would ever want to get with anyone but him.
your pod welcomed you upon your arrival, also giving out greetings to light as well. you ignored the swooning of the other girls and the not-so subtle chittering relaying light’s presence across the entire area, though he didn’t seem to pay them any mind.
he easily swam up beside you and wrapped his arms loosely around your waist for a moment before relinquishing his hold on you when you protested halfheartedly. you had no qualms falling prey to his antics in private, but you and him had a front to maintain in the presence of your respective species.
still, you didn’t mind all that much. if anything, you felt more at ease with him and his strong, stable aura ensuring your and his survival and comfort. he could have anything and anyone he wanted, seeing as he was also popular back at his own pod.
which was why it didn’t make sense that he seemed to give chase after you. you were ordinary and like any one of your other pod members, with your physical and mental capabilities similar to everyone else around you. the only thing you had to yourself were your thoughts, opinions and a worldview unique and privately kept because they weren’t important. not in the face of a problem such as survival.
though, you didn’t quite know how much you gave those thoughts away to him.
even though it was uncommon for mers to mate with other species outside of their own, it wasn’t unheard of. it was just that everyone preferred to keep their gene pool to their pod, and that was that.
it seemed as though running into this pod a few years ago would sort of blur those lines, though, as light’s introduction would have other mers flocking to him like clownfish to sea anemone. you soon fell victim to his good looks and devilish charm, now exasperatedly dealing with the other side of him that he didn’t show much to anyone else.
the playful chases. the teeth on skin. the proximity. you’d never initiate any of these things unless you could tell that he wanted to be entertained, as his species of dolphin was still the apex predator of the ocean. but he seemed unfazed by the difference in, well, everything.
he didn’t seem to mind taking things one step further, even going going far once as to mark your neck, leaving a small trail of blood dissolving into the ocean while he apologized, though there was a note in his voice that didn’t seem too sorry about it, just more startled about his lack of self control. lustful at the idea of him claiming you, with your submissiveness urging him onwards.
you forgave him because it didn’t hurt much and you were very good friends, but you were questioning your relationship with him because of how… friendly he became when you were around.
you caught on to the way he’d dismiss everyone around you, not hesitating to call someone out as fraudulent and addressing other potential candidates for your attention with disdain as he took you in his arms or dragged you by the wrist in a direction where no other mers were present.
you’d never noticed that everything he did, the chasing, the biting, that delectable, comforting warmth was courtship on his part, and he couldn’t help but become frustrated at the prospect of you being taken by anyone else.
to light, you almost seemed to not want anything to do with him anymore, as you always ushered yourself back to the other, smaller, weaker dolphin mers in your pod instead of hanging out with him for longer. he could provide everything for you, and all you’d have to do was stay by his side.
but at the end of every day, you relinquished that position in his arms to rejoin the people you called your home. when were you going to obsess over love him as he did to you?
every second you were away from him, the more anxious he became. he was afraid that his honeyed words and exceptional appearance was being brushed off, and by someone that was inferior to him, no less.
so, in order to combat anyone who dared oppose his judgment, light had gradually came and spent time with your pod, getting to know everyone and gleaning all information about you he could get.
your favorite foods? he’d snatch it up in a heartbeat and hand it to you on the weird, silver disks that humans so loved to bring with them onto ships. he’d seen his fair share of shipwrecks, and stored a couple relics away from prying eyes in places he knew his pod, and yours, would cross so he’d never lose them in case he needed to impress you with different curiosities.
he’d also go along with any sort of play you’d want, though he suspected that you were only playing chase because he desired it so. so, if you accepted his games and lost to him in the end, with you in his arms and teeth grazing, tongue tasting you, why wouldn’t you finally give in to his embrace?
why did you still tease him with your lighthearted laugh and getting togethers with your members of your pod?
what was he doing wrong!?
still, he would play the waiting game if he had to. he was a very patient mer, and he’d do anything to get what he wanted.
if his lies charm wouldn’t work on you, then he’d have to work his way into the hearts of everyone in your pod, and then neutralizing any threats in his way to becoming your mate. if his pod was unaccepting of his ways, then he’d either fight tooth and nail to keep you with him, abandon them and take you with him into a life of solidarity, or maybe keep your relationship with him secret.
though, he wasn’t a fan of that last idea, since he adored the idea of you relying so heavily on him and his words, his strength and his wit. anything to make you stay.
light knew that your pod was going on a hunt after casually conversing with some of the other members of the pod, with you beside him to display your significance with him, and was intent on showing off his superiority in species to you.
if he wasn’t fit for you, no one else was.
nobody else could have you, and he’d make sure of that, one way or another.
even if he’d have to kill for you.
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dearestones · 1 year
Necessary Compliance (Yandere! L x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere behavior. 
Anonymous Request: yandere L fic where the reader has ‘accepted’ that that probably wont be let out, but that doesnt mean they are gonna make life with him easy. They wont eat, drink, talk etc. Anything he does try will be met with resistance every step of the way
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"It's not poisoned."
You simply stared down into your bowl of soup, the contents of which was foreign to you and more than likely the product of whatever city you were taken to. Ten minutes ago, it was hot enough that the steam was gently wafting up to your face to coat it with condensation. Despite the disgust that bubbled in your stomach, desperately seeking to be let out, you held your tongue and remained focused on keeping calm. 
At this point, this was the only course of action you could take. 
For the past four weeks, three days, seven hours, and ten minutes, you had been surprisingly... cooperative for a person who had been held against their will. L supposed that it was psychology at work. After all, he had been nothing if not kind and accommodating to your needs. Every day, you were provided with nutritious meals, ample space for exercise, and access to a high quality shower and hygienic products. If anything else, you were cordial.
But that simply wasn’t enough.
If L had been trying to coerce you into admitting a crime through humane means such as this—as opposed to some of his more unsavory methods—he would have let you go already. However, that simply wasn’t the case. Rather, you were an innocent civilian who had been practically plucked off the street, your only connection to L only a byproduct of circumstance and coincidence. Had you been in the mood for banter, you would have brought up that topic once more, but you were tired. 
And you no longer cared. 
As your captivity stretched from days to weeks, which eventually morphed into months, you realized that there was no escape. Why even try? L had a vast array of resources at his very disposal. Wherever he went, there was sure to be a retinue of guards hiding somewhere within the premises, their gazes trained on you should you ever escape your captor’s grasp. 
And even if L wasn’t as powerful as your mind made him seem, he was still vastly intelligent and if need be, could quickly and physically overpower you. 
On all fronts, physical and mental, you were forced against the wall with nowhere to turn. 
You would comply. 
You would be quiet.
But that didn’t mean that you would bow down to his whims. 
As you continued to give your bowl of soup a glare that would have reheated it back to its steaming glory, L finally conceded to obey his baser desires. Normally, the famed detective would have left you to your own devices, often asking his closest advisor, a man that he called Watari despite his very British accent, to feed you instead. However, it had been at least two weeks since you’ve last spoken and even longer since you’ve raised a hand against him. Some might call what you were doing progress—a tamed beast. 
However, you were a far cry from who you were before. 
And L wanted you back. 
You heard him get up from his seat, his feet padding towards you before a cold, spindly hand grasped your chin. Disciplined and spiteful, you kept your mouth closed to keep your gasp from reaching his ears. If there was one thing you knew about L, it was that once you had given him the satisfaction, you might as well have let him win this battle of wills.
It had been a while since you had let down your guard, but you couldn't let up now. Hunger, which gnawed and clawed at the insides of your stomach and made your hands tremble with the aching need of want, you could ignore. Thirst, the heavenly fire that coated the insides of your throat with raw sand, you could mildly alleviate with the taste and heat from your saliva.
You were above human desires.
You could beat L at his own game.
In this way, you were better than L—top detective and most brilliant man most people would have killed to have met at least once in their life.
"The last time you refused to eat, you lasted three days before you gave up." He jerked your head up so that you had no choice but to look him in the eyes.
The first time you met him, you had faced him the same way. That is to say, you kept your eyes trained downwards, your gaze never quite meeting his. You wouldn't say that you were shy, but you definitely were not confident in how you appeared before him.
But when you met gazes for the first time, you knew what L exactly was.
L was not human.
He was a parasite who wore the skin of a human as if it were a pair of ill fitting pants. He fed off your every emotion, the fights that you would instigate by not feeding into his delusional fantasies that one day you would cede your very soul and spirit to him. He knew better, of course he did, but that didn't stop him from staring at you as if you were a science project.
What could he do to manipulate you? To make you finally be his?
If physical violence didn't work, then what about promises of riches? Of delights that could only be experienced by those with power and influence like himself?
And if enticing you with human temptations such as that wouldn't be the thing to make you heel to him, then what about sweet honeyed words that dripped with a poison that would slowly but surely rot your brains and make you that much more malleable to his whims.
The day would come, you knew this, but until then, you tried to remain steadfast.
L's nails, freshly cut, dug deep into your skin.
"Shall I call Watari? We can have you fed intravenously if need be."
That threat had been hanging over your head ever since you began your quiet rebellion. Although you had managed to cave into your hunger before you were forced to give up your autonomy, you managed to glimpse L's faithful servant hauling in equipment that made your blood go cold. You knew that L was not against going against the law to achieve what he wanted most.
It was the results that mattered in the end, not how he got there.
At this point, you shouldn't be surprised, but...
It frightened you.
You were taken away from everything you had known, stripped of your most basic rights, and now, you were going to be force fed as if you were lower than an animal.
L crouched in front of you. Although appearing as if he were shorter than you, the control he had over the situation never wavered.
From the very beginning, you had no chance.
"Well?" His voice was monotone, but you could hear the mild mocking lilt underlying his voice. "What would you rather do?"
You could only comply, the idea of debasing yourself was too much.
You ate and every bite that slid down your throat was tasteless and ashy.
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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animeyanderetalker · 2 months
Another question, not sure if you know what Queer platonic relationships are, but If you do, which yanderes in your own opinion would be okay with a darling who wants to be in a Queer platonic relationship with them?
I did some research on it so I hope that I understood it correctly. Those are the people I could think of at the top of my head.
Monkey D. Luffy
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Frankly speaking, I doubt he knows what a romantic attraction is in the first place but Luffy is incredibly committed and protective of the people he holds close to his heart which is why I think a queerplatonic relationship for him would work. He doesn’t care about traditional norms nor would he care about the confusion some people might have because the relationship he would have with his darling is so intimate, especially since I do see him as physically clingy. As long as he can be together with them, he’s happy and his darling is happy too.
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As a Yandere I see him as someone starved for care and love but it doesn’t have to be a romantic love. Near will have a huge attachment to his darling as a Yandere but that doesn’t have to be in a romantic aspect as he mainly just craves for them to care for him and look a bit out for him because he is a genius yet wildly incompetent when it comes to daily life tasks and going outside which is why he needs his darling as his emotional support all of the time.
Reiner Braun
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This poor guy is extremely traumatized and he really needs someone he can fully trust and confine in. What kind of relationship that ends up being is not as important as the aspect of knowing that he has someone he can always return to and who will stay with him even through the worst mental breakdowns whilst helping him on every step of the way. Especially if his darling is someone he has known since his childhood days would Reiner form a very close bond with them.
Ran Mao
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Ran Mao is someone who has chosen to give her loyalty only to Lau and both of them express their attachment to each other in physical ways. That is why she would value physical closeness to her darling as she is already doing it all of the time with Lau. Since she has never really gotten attached to anyone besides Lau, the new feelings she has for her darling are a huge deal but they don’t have to be specifically romantic. She’s just happy that she has Lau and you in her life.
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Requests are open! For Death Note, I will write for Yandere! Light, Yandere! Misa, Yandere! L Lawliet, ! Yandere!Mello, and Yandere! Near
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chuulyssa · 3 months
drunk and driven. (light yagami)
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↷ A/N ─ happy belated birthday to light and me !! i hope you enjoy this :) again, this is NOT rape/non-con. the reader is as sober as light here. written by a zombie-me at 4am. also im sorry if the camera topic is overused, i just couldnt help myself fantasizing about this
★ COUNT ─ 2.5k
!! TAGS ─ f!reader, dom!light, drinking, smut, fingering, spanking, unprotected sex, p in v, nicknames (good girl, pretty girl, etc.), edging, begging kink, voyeurism
★ PROLOGUE ─ your boyfriend punishes you for almost letting slip his real identity
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The dim glow of the television cast shadows around the room. You had been at your high school's farewell party, and had too many drinks there to stumble back home in one piece. It was almost midnight, so there was also no way your boyfriend, Light Yagami, would have let you out of his sight, especially with how tipsy you were. He was quite protective of you, but he was right. You let out a drunk sigh and looked away, silently accepting the fact that you'd have to meet his parents in the morning and share a few awkward exchanges.
Light had had more drinks than you at the party, but he looked far from as drunk as you currently were. He was quietly watching a movie on the TV, stroking your hair lightly. Your gaze went up from Light to the flickering screen. A sudden surge of courage rushed through you.
"Light," you whispered, breaking the silence with your hoarse voice.
"No, you're not going home tonight," Light replied without looking at you.
"No, it's not that," you said frustratedly.
Light raised his eyebrows, hearing you slur your words due to the effects of the alcohol. Still, he did not look at you.
"How much did you drink?"
"Less than what you drank," your throat burned, your eyes drooping slightly.
He ignored you, seemingly engrossed in the movie, but you knew it was all just an act for the cameras L had set up.
You continued, "And it doesn't matter how much I drank, because either way, you refuse to give me attention."
Ryuk snickered in the corner.
Light frowned, finally turning his attention towards you as his eyes trailed down your body. He noticed the dark circles under your eyes, the redness of your cheeks, and the slight swaying of your body.
He looked at you for a few more seconds with a calculating look before sighing and setting the remote on his table. He stood up, "You should really get some sleep."
"No," you repeated.
"I-" Light was starting to get annoyed. "Are you crazy? Don't you want to go home tomorrow?"
"I just- I-" You sighed again, leaning back against your chair and almost falling off.
"Idiot," Light muttered, catching you before you fell. He carried you to his bed and lay you down gently before covering you with his blanket. "Are you comfortable? Do you want me to sleep on the floor?"
"No, no, I need cuddles," you smiled drunkenly, completely forgetting what you were going to say back when you had gotten some "courage".
"Of course, you do," Light said proudly. "You need my cuddles to sleep."
You hummed in response. As he snottily took his shirt off before lying down next to you, you closed your eyes slightly. They were burning, as if trying to stop you from both closing them and keeping them open.
His hands made their way to your back, gently pushing your neck to his bare chest. You finally shut your heavy eyelids and snuggled closer to him. This was what you always wanted. Just you and Light. Alone.
You furrowed your eyebrows, your eyes still tightly shut, your face pressed against him. Alone? It was laughable that you thought even for a moment that you two were alone right now. Well, for one, there was a God of Death in the same room as you, trying not to pass out from the lack of apples in his digestive system. Second, a great detective was watching the two of you, possibly along with your boyfriend's own father.
Light pulled you even closer to him, inhaling your scent deeply. Soon, the two of you drifted off to dreamland, and L was left questioning whether the seventeen-year-old star student really was a murderer.
You woke up, limbs tangled with Light's. You checked your wristwatch. About four hours had passed, and as you tried to sit up, your head felt heavy from an early hangover. Light's eyes jerked open. He had always been a light sleeper.
"Hm?" he mumbled in his sleep, no longer feeling the presence of your head in the crook of his neck. "What's the matter, honey?"
"I... had a dream," you said slowly.
Light sat up slowly and reached out for a glass of water to hand to you.
You peeked into the glass, rubbing your left eye until you saw stars.
"Vodka?" you said hopefully.
"Water," he replied calmly.
You pouted pleadingly; more alcohol was what you needed right now, but you eventually had to resign to your boyfriend. You drank the water, and instantly felt much more sober than you were before. Your sleepy eyes fell on Ryuk, his legs and hands in a rather uncomfortable position, perhaps due to not having apples for such a long time.
For a moment, you, for the second time that night, completely forgot about the existence of the cameras.
You turned to Light. "How long is he going to go without apples?"
"Who, honey?" Light's eyes flashed warningly, but you were far too sleepy to notice.
"Ryuk, your Shini-"
Your words were cut off by a sharp kiss. Light had completely thrown himself at you, and you fell back down on the bed due to the sheer force of his abrupt kiss. The empty glass landed on the floor with a loud clink, but he ignored it. His hands reached under your shirt, his nails digging into the skin of your hips as if daring you to talk further.
You attempted to prop yourself up on your elbows, to gain some kind of control over what was happening. But Light pushed you back down, pulling you by your hips and roughly throwing your head down on the pillow.
He pulled away eventually, the pupils of his eyes completely red, and you cursed yourself mentally. This was not your Light. This was Kira.
He leaned away from you, got up to pick up the thrown glass and filled it with water again, but as he offered it to you, you rejected it. "I'm sober enough for this, Light."
"Very well then," Light whispered and leaned in closer to your ear. "I hope you remember you're being watched. Make sure you put on a show."
You nodded slowly, letting his hands roam around and make their way to the hem of your skirt, twirling the fabric around his fingers. He brought another hand to your top and slid it under the cloth, feeling the material of your satin bra.
"The one I gifted to you?" he raised his eyebrows, a little smirk on his face.
"Yes," you whispered, pulling his bare chest against your clothed one. "Strip me, Light."
"What's the magic word?" he teased, hand slipping under your bra and cupping your breast.
"Please," you whimpered when he pinched your nipple.
Ryuk snapped his eyes open and tumbled out of the room clumsily, perhaps to give you some privacy.
"Good girl," he didn't hide his smirk this time as he pulled your top off completely, throwing it to the side where it landed on his chair next to his own shirt. He ran his hands down your back, grabbing the zipper of your skirt and slowly pulling it down. Light slid the skirt down your legs, leaving you in a matching set of satin underwear and bra.
"Pretty," he murmured, his hand grasping his growing bulge tightly.
"Let me help you with that," you sat up on all fours and leaned in closer, a hand stretched out to touch his crotch.
You rubbed him lightly, slowly increasing your pace before unbuckling his belt and slipping your hand under his boxers. Your constant touching of his tip made him groan, hand reaching out to yank you by your hair and push you back down to the bed. You grabbed his hands and brought them to your breasts, pressing them against your chest.
"Take my bra off."
"I'm not a man to be told what to do," he said, bringing his lips down to your neck. "But I will allow it this time."
Light freed his hands from your grip and brought them to your back, unclasping the hook of your bra and letting it fall to the floor. He cupped your breasts in his hands, lowering himself so that his mouth sucked on one nipple while his hand squeezed the other.
"Fuck," you moaned, pushing his head against your chest.
He grabbed your hand and brought it once more to his crotch, letting you feel the bulge in his pants again.
"You're not the only one who's needy right now."
"You're so- god, I can't wait to feel you inside me," you said, rubbing his dick through the fabric.
"Patient girls are rewarded," he said, dragging his lips from your neck to your collarbone, his free hand ripping your panties off.
"Hey!" you whisper-screamed.
"I'll buy you another set," he said calmly, sliding two fingers inside you, curling them up and hitting your g-spot.
"Yes," you moaned, pushing his hand against your pussy. "Faster."
He brought his other hand from your nipple to your clit and started rubbing it in circles, simultaneously fucking you with his fingers.
"Fuck, I'm going to come," you whimpered after a few minutes, feeling your orgasm build.
"Mhm, do it, what a good girl," he said, rubbing your clit faster, aiding your release. You came hard on his fingers, arching your back, bucking against his hand and moaning loudly. Your legs shook, while he pulled his fingers out of your pussy and brought them to your mouth. "Clean them."
You nodded, sucking on his fingers, your teeth digging into his skin. Light smirked.
"Don't you think you should be punished?"
"Huh-? For what, Li-?"
Your words were cut off once again when he pulled you onto his lap so that your ass faced him and you lay on your stomach, pussy pressed against his crotch.
_ _ _ _
"L, I don't think we should be watching this," Soichiro Yagami kept his eyes away from the screen, where his son, his perfect little son, was busy fingering his girlfriend. He hadn't even known he had a girlfriend, let alone the fact that they were so... intimate with each other.
"There has to be some meaning in what the girl said," L racked his brains, eyes scanning the scene, now showing you in Light's lap and his hand rubbing your ass. "Apples?"
"For god's sake, it may be some sort of safeword for when they- for when they do- this," Soichiro yelled, his eyes on the floor.
"It's not a mere coincidence, Mr Yagami," L said thoughtfully. "Apples? Kira told me 'Shinigamis' loved apples earlier. This is not a coincidence, Mr Yagami."
_ _ _ _
"You're going to be punished for fucking everything up," he whispered in your ear before smacking your ass hard. "Count."
"One!" you yelped, feeling the sting of his hand on your ass. "Two!" "Three!" "Four!" "Five!"
He kept spanking you, alternating between your ass cheeks. You could feel his dick hard against your stomach, and ignoring the pain in your ass, you started to grind against it.
"Six!" "Seven!" "Eight!"
He spanked you harder, and you could feel your ass getting red. You were breathing heavily, and your pussy was so wet that it was dripping onto his lap.
"Nine! Ten!"
_ _ _ _
"Can we stop watching this now?" Soichiro groaned.
"There has to be some hint," L traced the screen with his fingers which showed you getting spanked hard by Light now.
Soichiro let out an uncomfortable sigh.
"Mr Yagami, you can close your ears and eyes," L said without looking away from the screen.
_ _ _ _
"Good girl," Light said, rubbing your ass. "Now, a reward."
He slid his pants and boxers down to his legs and wiggled out of them. He brought his dick to your pussy, rubbing its head against your clit and earning a moan from your pursed lips. He flipped you over, pinning you under him on the bed again as he continued to tease you.
"Please, Light," you begged, trying to reach out for his dick so you could push it in.
"Please what?" he said sweetly and you groaned in annoyance.
"Please fuck me."
He smiled and pushed his dick inside you slowly, savouring every inch of your tight pussy.
"Oh!" you wailed, feeling his cock stretch your pussy.
He started bucking his hips in and out, fucking you harder as his balls slapped against your clit, doubling the pleasure. He was careful not to make a sound, but he didn't stop you from letting your strangled moans out. This would be your punishment, facing his mother in the morning after getting fucked so hard by him at night.
You tried very hard to suppress your lustful sounds, eyes welling up at the thought of facing his family in a few hours, but you couldn't. He was too good. He knew just how to get under your skin. Slowly, you felt your second orgasm approaching.
"Ah, ah! I want to come," you clasped your hand against your mouth to stop yourself from screaming. He was going so hard on you, of course, his mother and his sister would wake up if he continued.
"No, you're not. Hold it in," Light commanded. "You're going to come when I say so."
He kept fucking you harder, and you could feel your orgasm building. This was torture. There was no way you could hold yourself in when he was going so hard on you.
"Please, Light," you begged, feeling your pussy clench around his dick. "I can't hold it in anymore."
"Hold it in, I said," he said, flipping you over again and spanking your ass hard. He increased his speed, and you buried your head in a pillow to muffle your screams. "I'm going to come inside you now. Understood?"
You could feel his cock twitching inside you, and you knew he wasn't lying about his orgasm. You nodded slowly, voice still distant because of the pillow.
He let out a long, satisfied groan as he released his juices inside you, pushing his dick deep inside you. You could feel his cum filling your pussy, and it sent you over the edge.
"Now, come for me, pretty girl," Light said in a hoarse voice.
"Yes!" you screamed, feeling your orgasm wash over you. His cum was dripping out of your pussy, and you could feel his cock softening inside you.
"Good," he said, pulling his cock out of you. It was scary how calm and composed he was when a minute ago, he had spanked you so hard. He grabbed a towel and wiped your pussy clean.
_ _ _ _
Soichiro blinked at the abrupt ending of the sounds. Still refusing to look up at the screen, he asked, "Is it over now?"
"They're both still naked," L said, analyzing the place, feeling his own dick harden at your bare figure, panting and sweating as Light got off you and laid next to you, throwing the towel somewhere insignificant.
"Well then?" Soichiro said.
"Well what?"
"You made me watch my son... doing- doing stuff with his girlfriend," Soichiro said in a shaky voice, his hands behind his back to avoid pulling his hair out in frustration. "What have you understood from this?"
"What I've understood?" L said thoughtfully, his gaze unconsciously reaching his growing bulge. "Your son is quite romantic, I suppose."
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© chuulyssa, 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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lawlietscaramels · 5 months
Yandere ╾ L Lawliet
Because apparently I fell into a yandere stage and this is my tunnel out.
CW typical yandere stuff (stalking, obsession, overprotection, manipulative, worship, dependence, monopoly, killer)
Yandere L is interesting because I think yes, he could absolutely be a yandere
canonically too
BUT only if you defined a yandere by "do they have the traits?" as opposed to "what do they do?"
so first: what KIND of yandere is the detective? top five traits incoming.
Let's just get this one out of the way
He obviously to some degree "stalks" people just for his work, through cameras and policemen if not in person
he's a stalker guys. that's it.
so he wouldn't have a problem just turning up wherever someone who interested him was
and again
and again...
He's pretty hard not to notice because of his peculiar mannerisms, but he's also literally black and white enough to blend into the background.
So if he was careful (he is) it would take a while before you noticed you were seeing him everywhere you went. And by then you wouldn't be able to think of a time where he wasn't sitting quietly somewhere in the background.
L knows this.
he knows you're going to assume he just happens to live in the same area as you, or something like that.
I don't think he'd actually follow you into your home but he would go when you were out someday to set up cameras
and I think L would genuinely believe himself to be a good person
what if he goes away and you get in trouble? you don't always have a roommate, who would notice? well, now L will, and he is quite able to get you back to safety. but back to the stalkery.
oh man he's gone through your stuff. your closets your phone whatever. he wants to know about you
one day he might just arrange for a little... near accident somewhere you both frequent
and oh my oh gosh oh diddly darn
guess who just happens to be there to save the day
(L. it's L. notice him please?)
There are two things that L is canonically obsessed with: work and desserts
but if he found a romantic interest that list suddenly has a third item: YOU.
especially if you bake him cakes or help him in cases. because then he ties those things he loves to you.
and I'll just quickly mention these traits are always a little bit in his personality but the order I'm writing in is the order they come out more strongly around you.
Obsession is also tied with stalking.
Some days he watches you and dreams about you smiling at him the way you smile at the rain and the sun and the world.
he imagines how everything will work out. you're a distraction to his work: he would have to find a way to integrate you into his life in a way that allows him to be close to you and not distracted. he imagines he imagines
you'd find a way to fit into him while he was sitting, your body pressed up against his torso, legs pulled up, head on his shoulder.
he could play with your hair with one hand. you could feed him sweets.
L is for the first time not in control of his own thoughts. it's new and unpredictable so it's completely terrifying to him, and for a while he'll slink away into the darkest recesses of society and draw away from you.
but it doesn't stop. it gets worse.
he can't look outside without wondering if you're looking at the same skies. can't eat strawberries without wondering if you like them.
so then he does a full 180 and will devote all of his available attention (some must be spared for work) to you. if you don't already work together or if he hasn't made contact during the stalking at all, this is when he does it.
he reaches out to see if you'll take him.
and when you do (it's not a question of if, see manipulative) he will calm down a fair bit.
but he is still, quietly, obsessed
what can I say?
gosh he just wants to keep you safe.
He's seen every bad thing about the world through his work, he knows bad things constantly happen to good people.
but. not. to. you.
L just won't let it happen. he can and will secret you away in a hotel room. never enough for you to become suspicious, to rattle at doors and windows. And you move with him, every couple of weeks, so it's just an adventure, dear.
also I think he'd use darling in a sweeter sense. dear or maybe doll is his yandere pet name for you.
He probably has several trackers somewhere on you. probably not IN you... probably...
also you know that nail polish they developed that changes colour when it comes into contact with common poisons in drinks? he makes you use stuff like that. for your safety.
hate hate hates that he can't be with you all the time. you tend to find yourself with reasons to stay at home when L's not around. once again see manipulative.
he does trust you, he really does. but he doesn't trust the world. men in particular are often disgusting. it's just true. he's seen it time and time again as a detective. who knows what scary things could be out in the world? and if they knew you were dating, that you had ANY relationship with the world's greatest detective? L's afraid he's putting you in danger. please just humour him and stay home for a week, dear. you can work on your baking.
if you started getting really rebellious, thought you were being chained up, whatever, L would let you go and do whatever you wish. He doesn't want you to feel like that! He loves you! he may or may not have organised for a brush with death for you so that you realise how right he is about the horrors of the world and want to stay home like he asks you so nicely to.
you're just so pure. so innocent.
there, there. he won't let them hurt you.
he'll even close all the blinds so the darkness of the world can't reach in to taint your beauty. isn't he the best?
I can't think of any particularly specific examples but he lies about everything. Whenever he throws out a number (5%) it means he suspects someone over 90%
so he has no issues bending the truth
sigh if L's manipulative side is triggered it's triggered ALL the way. one one hand he hates doing this to you
but on the other it's for your own good and you're being stupid.
He will do ANYTHING to make you believe him. he will manipulate you into thinking he's being manipulative so he can get upset at your lack of trust in him so he's able to manipulate you
did that make sense...
can cry on demand.
but it's not all about making himself the victim, he will also just.. isolate you if you're starting to drift away from him. Suddenly your friends find other interests, your family are renovating the house or your parents won a radio prize for a vacation.
and L is the only one left. and he himself is distant until you cry and plead and apologise
the isolation thing is actually a yan trait itself and the scenarios above are also kind of training. but they're only a part of the bigger trait.
he will also manipulate situations and other people, not just you.
L just wants what's best for everyone
(coincidentally this always aligns with what is best for L.)
he's so smart though. it's really really difficult to realise he's manipulating you unless he wants you to.
you're so pretty, the most perfect thing he's ever seen
you're an angel, really.
and people who don't respect you as such are going to get a subtle but clear message from L to STEP AWAY.
cold glares.
he will literally turn his head 180° like an owl to stare at them while he walks you away
they might end up fired. I mean someone who can't see what's right in front of their eyes doesn't deserve whatever job they have...
he just wants to spoil you sometimes and he has the resources to do it and more.
sometimes this gets a little suffocating but it's sweet. mostly.
it's nice to have time with your boyfriend instead of big, grand, empty rooms. L just doesn't have a lot of time. He does his job to protect you, protect you from everything in this world because it is all inferior to you.
I do not like to think about how he would react if you happened to meet Light...
I wasn't sure about whether or not to put this in the top five because I don't think he'd see himself as inferior. his IQ is big. but you could still jump from his ego down to his IQ and fall for hours. he thinks you're more good than he is but he's under no delusions about your relative intelligence or anything.
but yeah, I think he's a worshipper.
Just... a quiet worshipper. all his yan traits are kinda quiet tho haha
L wants to give you the world. he would sacrifice anything for you.
he would take a bullet for you
his work makes this a good possibility. he'd prefer not to get shot but he'd still do it for you.
probably the most harmless of his yandere traits. this one comes out when he decides this is it, you are it, forever.
really quickly a couple of the other traits L might have and express are:
dependence (mostly for manipulative purposes. he will cry if you ever fight. L is honestly quite dependent on you, he might die without you-- or more likely just force you back into his arms-- but he puts on a lot of an act, a puppet master pulling strings behind the stage. he wants to be seen as vulnerable, not just a stoic and brilliant detective. because which one is it easier to lose your heart to? and you must lose your heart. you stole his first.)
monopoly (when he has time, he needs you to have time for him and only him. he doesn't have a lot of time. will manipulate you into spending time with him but it's more of an occasional pest thing than anything. quite harmless. especially because he works a lot. you have plenty of time without him, which makes him sad, but he can't help it. and you wouldn't love him if he stopped you from seeing your family and friends...)
killer (yeah... not in the top five by any means but if someone tries to hurt you? god forbid, if they SUCCEED? you'll be stuck at home for a couple of weeks while L frets over you. and sometime in that couple of weeks.. well.. maybe that someone who hurt you finds themself in trouble with a gang. L's not doing the dirty work himself but he's behind it and you will never find out. if they only TRIED to hurt you L won't be able to justify killing them to himself, but they'll quickly find themselves in jail.)
so back to what I mentioned in the first part: L is a yandere, IF you're only basing the classification on the fact that he has these traits and the ability to act on them
but as anyone who's watched police or court drama knows, you need more than means and opportunity:
you need MOTIVE.
this is where I can't base my thoughts on canon so much anymore. the only people who we really see L caring about the death of (spoilers‼️) are: the FBI agents (though not on a personal level); Ukita (pretty sure that's his name); and Watari (though L himself dies too soon after for this last one to be useful)
so. Ukita.
L probably wouldn't care enough for the guy to go yandere for him LMFAO but we do see him refusing to rush in and take action without thinking, something which a yandere might be more inclined to do if they cared about someone.
HOWEVER we also see he's trembling. like he's a little in shock about the death and what it means, but also he wants to do something about it.
a yandere urge, brought out by something bad happening to someone he cares about.
My point being?
L has the traits of a yandere, and has the ability to act on any of them any time. he's smart, he's rich, and he has the trust of the entire world (or respect at least)
but he doesn't act unless triggered.
and ofc because he doesn't have a canonical love interest, we can't prove either way what he would do for/to them.
but I think he is more deredere (love) than yanderu (sick).
anyway, L is smart enough to realise that the yandere doesn't usually win the game of love, and that the things are not things you should be doing for/to someone who trusts you. not things you should be doing to someone you love.
but sometimes, when his emotions are high and so is the danger to you or your relationship,
his control just slips
and you might just find yourself locked in a hotel room while he works on the Kira case.
no. I'd say that he's a kuudere.
cold, cynical, sarcastic sense of humour, views feelings as a weakness but DOES have them and will open up over time.
but oh...
according to the dere wiki...,
"Due to the way a kuudere acts, a yandere can easily pretend to be a kuudere when not acting insane."
so, what do we think?
but hey that's just a theory... a DERE theory! aaand cut.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
©lawlietscaramels. Do not repost on other sites, claim as your own work, edit, rewrite or “fix,” feed to AI or otherwise use unethically.
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heyheydidjaknow · 11 months
Do you think Near is the type to get jealous? I don’t remember if you already answered a question like this. If so, my apologies, just ignore.
Near does not get jealous. Jealousy implies that he feels in any way insecure about the arrangement the two of you have. He doesn’t. He does not enjoy watching other people take up time you should be spending with him, though. You should be spending time with him. He’s more than enough for you. Why would you want to spend time with other people? He pays you more than enough for your time; he should have some sort of right to you, shouldn’t he? Aren’t you his? This mindset is reinforced if the two of you have gone past the “I’m paying you to spend time with me” phase because then it’s a lot more confusing why you would want to spend time with someone you aren’t romantically or physically involved with. So jealousy isn’t a big issue, but possessiveness is.
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loveemii · 1 year
If you're not too busy could I please ask for a yandere L where he gets jealous because light is too close to L darling and I hope you have a good day or night
yeah of course! i hope this is what you had in mind (^_^)
𝐿𝑎𝑤𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑡 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 | 𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝑶𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏
it was a work day and you were just hanging with L while you both did work on the case, he was making you laugh like crazy cause of the jokes he was telling.
L didn’t seem happy at all with what was going on, you took a glance at him as you felt his eyes on you and Light for a while now. you brushed it off not thinking much of it as you had to keep your relationship with him a secret from the others.
“Your so pretty when you laugh.”
Light spoke when you laughed once more at his joke, it caught you off guard and put you in a weird position cause your secret boyfriend was watching you and him, and you didn’t want to be rude with Light.
“Oh, thanks.”
is all you said as your eyes drifted to L. Lawliet then made a comment on Light and you.
“That’s pretty pathetic, even for you Light. Although other guys would say that I never thought you would. Using your charms and good looks to get to Y/n, how lame of you.”
L said with a straight face, Light was in shock and stood quiet from then on, you worked on the case as best as you could trying not to think about what just happened. the rest of the task force was stunned by his comment as well. who would’ve thought he would say something like that.
later that day you and L heard back to his room in the apartment complex he built. you went into his room with him and dressed undressed yourself. you took your shit off and began to look for a new one when L grabbed your arm.
“What the hell was that?”
“I hate to see him make you laugh, I should be the only one who makes you laugh Y/n, you know I love you so stop talking to Light.”
he spoke out, your eyes widened in realization that your boyfriend was obsessed, it was kind of a turn on but you were still a little pissed off with him.
“Don’t you ever get that close with him or anyone else again, and don’t make me jealous like that, I wouldn’t want to have to show you who you belong to.”
all you did was nod as he kissed your lips, you kissing his then you both pulling away.
“Good, now get some rest. We have to be up early tomorrow.”
i hoped you liked it :) - please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes
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lilypads17 · 1 year
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we should be able to join the student council soley so week 10 can have the lawlight dynamic
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likely-moony · 2 years
My Love, My Choice ~ Light Yagami~
My Love, My Choice
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Paring: Yandere Light Yagami {DN} x Reader
Type/Word Count: Short Story ~ 3.7 kWords
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Sypnosis: When a new transfer student appears at Light Yagami’s school, her life begins to crumble under all the pressure and work. But what happens when a kind young lad pulls her out of her misery but eventually develops feelings for her? And what happens when she doesn’t return them? How will he convince her? Or will he even try at all?
TW!!: Yandere-Themes, Yandere Characters, Abuse Of Power (Intellectual, Popularity, and Supernaturally), Mentions Of Death, Minor Character Deaths, Unhealthy Obsession, Force, Forceful Relationships, Mentions Of Threats, Black-mailing, Obsessive Characters, Unhealthy Feelings, Manipulation (Like a LOT, I mean- It’s Light Yagami soo…)
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Rules For Requesting
Throughout your entire life, all the toxic people you’ve had to battle, all the snakes you’ve had to deal with, and all the two-faced liars you’ve come across, Light will always be the most manipulative, toxic, two-faced, lying snake you’ve ever met. 
But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, even you and Light once had a somewhat normal relationship at first.
But it wasn’t like that for long.
Only three days after your transfer to Light’s high school, he was instantly intrigued by you. You were caring, principled, knowledgeable, honest, fair, and RESPECTFUL.
Everything about you caught his attention. Unlike other transfer students that went and came, you were there to stay. And again, unlike the other students who instantly attracted loads of students and made tons of friends, you struggled, to say the least. You’d try to make friends, only for everyone to ignore you. 
Each day, you’d show up to school in full uniform, your tie done perfectly, your hair combed neatly, only for it to go crazy by the end of the day.
Crazy due to you trying to navigate your classrooms around the massive school with nothing but the tiny and unclear school map that the school gave you.
Every Time you’d ask someone where you could find a classroom, they’d either laugh at you with their friends or tell you the wrong directions on purpose which caused you to end up in a classroom on the other side of the school. 
You’d always show up to class late, scampering around to ask a teacher for help. 
Light knew this, as he was in every single one of your classes, except cooking.
Light would always silently watch you every time you were in a rush to get to class, break, lunch, early in the morning at school when nobody else was there, and late after school when you’d stay back after class to clean up other peoples’ mess.
Light didn’t realise you were a part of his life until one day when you didn’t appear at school. Light only noticed that his eyes were searching for you when he awkwardly stood in the middle of the courtyard, unsure of what he was doing. It hit him that he was looking for you when another girl stood in your place. Light rolled his eyes and continued to his class. 
Every time the teacher would speak, light’s eyes would unconsciously travel to where you were supposed to sit.
Your seat was empty. 
That was the first time Light had ever lost attention in class.
“Light? Focus, please. Read the fourth sentence out loud,” Light was shaken awake by the teacher’s voice. 
Each period, Light’s eye continued to creak towards your seat.
His mind was fogged with thoughts about you. Perhaps you were sick? Or maybe you moved, unable to deal with the students at the school?
Light wouldn’t blame you, though. 
He knew you were weak. He knew you’d have to crack at some point. 
The thought of you having left the school caused a feeling to brew inside the deepest pit of Light’s insides.
He felt a slight surge of disappointment or perhaps if you could exaggerate it- even heartbreak.
As soon as Light’s homeroom teacher announced at the end of the day that someone would have to bring your homework to your house, everyone began giggling and talking, ignoring the teacher completely. Light glued his eyes to his book, trying to not look at the teacher, so the teacher would choose him. Somewhere within Light’s mind, he wanted the teacher to say, ‘Light, could I burden you to go to miss L/n’s house and give her the homework?’
“Light, could I burden you to go to miss L/n’s house to give her the homework?” the end of Light’s lips curled ever so slightly, unknown to him.
“Yes, sir.” 
Later that day, Light set out with the homework sheets that the teacher had given him and headed towards your house. 
It was a pretty neat house, considering the fact that you had only recently moved in. He looked up and saw a bedroom window, small flower plans and vies erupting from their pots. 
He didn’t know you liked gardening.
Light knocked on the door and you opened it, rushing to the door. This was the first time Light had seen you out of uniform. You were wearing your pyjamas with fluffy pink slippers. Your hair was messy unlike all the other times he'd seen you, but to Light it was cute. 
Light’s cheeks turned slightly pink as he gave you the papers. You frantically apologized for being a burden, as Light tried to quietly assure you that it was no problem. 
That night, Light went home and thought about you for a while.
A long while.
Perhaps even the whole night.
The next day, you started school again.
Light was surprised you hadn’t cracked yet. Maybe he might have been wrong.
Yes, weak you were, but you could truly handle the pain.
The very next week, Light saw you again, in your usual place in the courtyard, with a confused expression on your face. 
Light gave a tiny laugh at how adorable you looked. 
You had been attending the school for three months already, and yet you were still clueless about everything.
 Then, you did something that light didn’t expect you to do at all.
You had walked up to Light and asked him for directions to your next class. 
Light was, to the least, quite surprised at your sudden action. This was one of the first times, Light was able to clearly see your face. The sunlight shined over your face and gave it a hearty glow and the slight panic or worry in your eyes about being late made your eyes look glossy and beautiful. 
It was at that moment that light fell in love.
Just looking at your face caused a flurry of ecstasy to blow up inside him. 
He got butterflies in his stomach and his Heart began pounding like crazy. 
You were perhaps that one miracle woman that caused Light to act this way. 
Light Yagami, the smartest student in the city, perfectly put and civilised, cool and good at quick thinking was now struggling to form words in front of a mere girl. 
In the end, since you both had the same class, Light walked you to the classroom.
After class, you two exchanged numbers. When Light had finished typing his number into your phone and was waiting for you to finish, he looked at your contacts list. 
Those were the only contacts on your phone, which was unusual for a high schooler, considering that you should have loads of numbers, as you did friends. 
You must have been a truly lonely person.
And so, Light and you had begun to grow closer. 
You’d study in the library, and you didn’t have to panic about your classes anymore since light and you had the same classes. Even for your cooking class, light had always walked you.
Nobody laughed at you anymore, they merely just ignored you. 
During break and lunch, you and light would sit under a tree together and enjoy your lunch while you both chated happily.
If anyone had seen the both of you in your isolated little corner of the school, they would’ve immediately assumed you two were a couple, but that was not the case.
Now, at that point in your relationship, Light had an adorable schoolboy crush on you.
He smiled whenever his eyes caught you early in the morning. His heart fluttered when you laugh at his jokes. His stomach turns upside down whenever you smile his way. 
Light was head over heels. 
He’d silently watch you during class, lovestruck at your beauty.
Not only was he admiring you, but he was also watching and observing like a lion waiting to pounce at the other guys in the class who looked at you even slightly weird.
He enjoyed the fact that he could see you and monitor you everywhere you went.
But something that bugged him was you being in cooking class.
That meant that he couldn’t watch you during that hour since he had a different class.
He’d try to convince you to quit cooking class (which, by the way, didn’t work,) so, he did the next best thing.
He started dating your partner in cooking class.
Why would he date someone else when he was so madly in love with you?
Simple, so he could manipulate your partner into telling him about all the things you did in class that day.
Did she ever realise that the only person or thing light ever wanted to talk about was you and anything related to you? 
Absolutely not, Light had the poor girl wrapped around his finger. She was basically hypnotised by his looks.
But did the girl’s information quench light’s thirst to know about everything you do? 
Also no. 
Light needed to know, light needed to see, light needed to hear with his own ears and feel with his own fingertips.
The hours of the week in which you have cooking class became hell for him. He desperately desired your presence. 
So he simply continued to further guilt trip you about how lonely he was feeling when he was alone.
So when you had enough of the guilt, you quit cooking class and joined light. 
As soon as you left your cooking class for the last time, Light threw your previous cooking partner away, he didn’t need her anymore. 
Now, light was with you every second of the school day, and was listening to your sweet voice after school through phone calls.
But light wanted more.
He wanted more and he wanted it now.
What was his next tactic?
He sucked up to your parents, he dropped you off at home every day so your parents would see him as a gentleman and he would suck up to your parents a lot. His smarts, his family status, his student ranking, his manner, everything.
He moved your usual meeting locations, chatting locations, and eating locations all to a much more public place.
So people would see both of you.
He arranged for the both of you to hang out after school or on the weekends in places he knew that other people from school were going to be.
He used his popularity to his advantage and began spreading rumours of how you two were dating but he did it so confidentially, no-on would be able to trace it back to him. 
In no time, the whole school was buzzing with chats about you and light. 
You tried to tell them that you weren't dating, but they all simply assumed you were a shy little girl. 
You tried to tell light to deny it, but Light seemed oddly busy. 
As soon as Light got the death note in the palm of his hands, he started by killing off the girl you used to partner with during cooking class. 
She was becoming a hassle to deal with, she even threatened to hurt you. Light would’ve killed her either way, with or without the death note.
Next, he killed the people who ignored you. 
He couldn’t kill the whole school, so he merely killed the ones that hassled you the most, and to prevent you from being put under suspicion and the danger of being taken away from him, Light had to kill other people as well. Teachers whom you were on good terms with, the janitor, and a few random passer-byers. 
That one math teacher who favoured you.
That janitor, whose name Light only found out for the death note.
Roy the leader of a gang that hassled you.
That BBBBB Molly who kept bullying you.
And they were just some.
Light was finally able to protect you. He’d smile every night at the thought that he was protecting you as a boyfriend would protect his girlfriend.
He was happy with just killing students but when he witnessed you getting molested on the train on your way to school, a nerve snapped in light’s head.
The world was a danger to you, and Light needed to fix it.
And so, began Light’s murder spree of criminals and anyone who would pose even the slightest threat to you. 
While light was dealing with issues of the death note, you were dealing with issues related to rumours at school.
It was weird. Light hadn’t spoken to you for almost a week now.
It began bugging you, but you tried to not think about it too hard.
It was only after another two weeks that Light had finally appeared again.
“So are you and light, like- a thing now?” A student would ask you as usual.
“No, no, I swear, we’re just friends,” You’d desperately try to explain. Where the hell was Light when you needed him the most?
The two girls began sniggering, “Sure sure, REAL CLOSE FRIENDS,”
“I promise, we’re not-” A large arm landed on your shoulders, pulling you back until a strong chest bumped against your back.
“Huh-” Light had appeared behind you, but he wasn’t wearing the usual happy and kind look, he was wearing an unusual smirk.
“Oh, thank god you’re here Light, now we can clear it up-”
“Yeah, we’re dating,” Your stomach sank and your heart felt a weird emotion.
The girls let out excited squeals.
“You’re so lucky, Y/n-chan!!” One squealed, as they both ran away. 
But you didn't do anything.
You just stood there and stared at Light as his arm held you tight to his chest.
The very next day was absolute hell for you, The two girls had run around the whole school telling everyone that you and light were confirmed to be dating. 
All the guys you walked by had given you thumbs up as support with smiles and all the girls would practically smack you on the back so hard that your soul would leave your body, from enthusiasm. Then they would fangirl about you and light, calling you ‘the power couple’ of the school, before getting excited and calling you ‘lucky’.
It was a surprise that you actually even managed to get to class.
When you actually managed to get there, your eyes searched for light. When they did find him, you were enraged, you were confused, you were sad, you felt- betrayed.
You rolled up your non-existent sleeves and marched towards light. You usually sat in the seat next to him, so it was empty. 
“Light-!” Before you could say anything else, the teacher had entered the room and ordered everyone to sit down.
So you did as you were told, you sat down silently. Quietly, you did, but the glare on your face did not seem to leave. While the teacher’s back was turned to you while he wrote something on the board, you scribbled on your book. 
‘Why did you tell the girls that we’re dating?!’ You scribbled in messy writing before shoving it in light’s hand. Light didn’t tear his eyes from the board when you put the paper in hand, but looked down at his hand just a few seconds later. He read the note and smirked to himself, still not looking at you.
‘Answer me, goddamn it!' You wrote again and passed it to him. 
Again, like before, Light read the note, smirked and ignored it.
You were furious and couldn’t wait till class ended so you'd yell at him.
When the bell DID ring, light immediately packed his books and left class. Usually, he’d have waited for you so you two could walk to the library together, but it was different this time. 
“Hey! Light! Look at me! Stop ignoring me,”
You’d race behind him, trying to talk to him as he walked to the library. You struggled to keep up with Light as his long legs carried him to the library, quick with ease, while your short ones struggled.
When you two entered the library, you quickly began yelling at light.
“Why did you tell her that we’re together!? Light!” You followed behind him to one of the tall bookshelves near the back. 
Light reached his long hand out and caught a book in his hand before he pulled it out and began to browse through the book.
“I said look at me, light!” You pulled the book down, out of his view as light turned his head up to take a good look at your face.
Like a flash of light, Light made a fast movement and pinned you straight against the bookshelf, his book in his hand as the edge of it leaned against the bookshelf. 
Your breath hitched as Light leaned into your face.
“You were saying something?” Light asked you, your faces were so close now that his hot breath fanned against the skin of your neck. 
“Wh-” Light moved away and went back to looking at the books.
“Listen light! I don’t know why you told them that we are dating, and I honestly don’t care! Tell them we’re just friends right now!” You whisper yelled to him, yet he didn’t budge.
“No,” He replied, simply.
“Wha- Why not!?”
“I like you, so we’re dating,”
“I don’t like you! Listen light, I merely see you as a friend who helped me when no one else wanted to! I never liked you!”
“You’ll learn to... Eventually,"
“How dare you! I’ll make it simple for you to understand, I don’t like you, and I never will-!” Before you could even properly finish your sentence, Light pulled out a dark-coloured book.
Pitchblack with scrawny writing on it. It was labbeled as “death note’.
“What’s that…?”
“This, my love, is a death note. Any name that is written upon it whilst the name holder’s face is in your mind, they will cease to exist..." Light said
“Don’t fuck with me with that bullshit!” You yelled, pushing the book away. The other book that light was looking at came into view. 
'Criminals of major treason, 1990-2000’
Light opened the library book and skipped to a page with a criminal’s whole profile on it.
“Wayne york?” You asked. Light pulled out the notebook and wrote the name on one of the pages. 
"Turn on your cell phone,” And within five minutes, Wayne's death was announced. 
It was quite easy to convince you, so just a few more deaths were caused and you believedhim.
You looked towards Light with a horror-struck expression.
All that Light could see in your eyes was terror and fear.
“A-are you going to... Kill me…?” You quietly asked light, looking up at him with fearful eyes. Light was bewildered.
Of course he wasn’t going to hurt you, why would he ever?!
“What?! No! Why would I ever hurt you?!” With a gulp, you quickly picked up your bag with no other words and instantly left light, not removing your terrified eyes from his face.
The rest of the day, you could barely focus. Throughout the entire day, you could feel light’s eyes burning holes in the back of your head. Light had tried to talk to you but you simply ignored him out of fear.
Only when it got to lunch, did light finally give you a warning.
“There are consequences, Y/n... Severe consequences if you continue to act childish,” he warned you in an isolated corner of the school.
But did you listen to the crazy psychopathic killer who just killed a few people with no care, even if they were criminals? Hell no, 
Light told you that he would wait for you in the usual spot where he and you used to sit together. When you didn’t appear in front of him, Light had already begun making strong movements towards the school cafeteria with a terrifying expression on his face.
When Light had arrived there, he was furious with what he saw. You were sitting alone with another boy. The boy and you were chatting and laughing together which already made his blood boil. The worst part was that the boy was putting his crummy hands all over you.
So when a minute later, the boy suddenly got a heart attack and died, you began panicking. Your eyes strayed towards Light who looked at you with a cruel smirk. 
That ought to teach you a lesson.
The next period, instead of avoiding him, you sat next to him like a good girl and listened to him. And when school ended, he brought you outside and gave you a deep kiss that you couldn’t say no to. Then, he forced you to walk with him back to your home, and during this whole process, he doesn’t say a single thing to you, and no words were exchanged. When you get to your home, and Light is sure that our parents are also home, and can see the two from the window, he gives you a deep kiss with a threatening look which says play along with him.
He did it so your parents would know you two are dating. But because of how much sucking up he did to your parents and siblings, he doubted that they really even cared at all.
So the next day, after another torturous day of school with him, he comes to your home and tells your parents that you're dating and they happily agree to this engagement between you and Light because they trusted Light since they thought he was a such a smart and kind gentleman and everything.
And so, he’d eventually force you to start coming to his house more often and introduces you to his parents as his girlfriend.
Then, the news begins about Kira.
He’s constantly telling you that he’s doing all of this for you and only you, but your vision is too foggy to see his intentions.
Every time he’d splatter kisses all over your face, he’d always whisper the same two phrases over and over in your ears.
“I love you so so much, you'll never have anyone who loves you as much as me” and “I Love how obedient your being,"
Let’s just hope you’ll stay like this, light doesn’t know what else he’s willing to do in order to put you in your place next to him if you at up.
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Hope you enjoyed it <3
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hearts4chrollo · 1 month
Before people send in request. What are your limits? And what are in confident in writing? Make an introduction, and list what can people request? Do you write dark content? Or are you only into content that is fluffy? What kind of Chrollo do you like? There are many people who have different versions of him, and knowing what you do will help in attracting others that share the same view. You wouldn’t want to get a request that is something you wouldn’t write.
Ok kind of dumb of me. I didn't even think about this :..I so thanks for asking me
First off my name is Willow. If you couldn't tell I'm kind of obsessed with HxH (specifically Chrollo and the PT). I'm not the best writer, but I've always loved writing, so I figured something like this could be fun to improve. I also enjoy drawing and reading, so maybe I'll also post some stuff about that! ^.^
About Requests
Requests can be anything but I've decided I won't write smut until I get better. (I was going to write it, but I am not confident enough in my writing skills rn to T.T) Some requests I may not be as good at or familiar with, but I will do my best. I like both fluffy and dark content, especially for Chrollo. Like Yandere or Fluffy in Love, I like to do. I really like writing dark academia, cold guy vibe (mainly for Chrollo). Other animes like DN and JJK I will also write for. I also don't mind writing for anybody (female, male, nonbinary, etc).
Basically, you can request anything but smut, just give me a few days to write it as I have school and other life things.
Thanks for reading ^.^
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Something something I work better with a schedule because it forces me to get off my ass and write so I'm going to start letting you guys decide what you want to see next something something take your pick please 🫴
This particular one is all Death Note because that's what I've been in the mood for lately. Cosmic Entities isn't an option because you'll be getting a chap of that one regardless :3
Poll time bitches, bastards, and those who like to get plastered ✨
Under the cut because ??? I felt like it??? Plus some of these are darker than I've written for DN so far + idk also spoilers maybe. These are NOT all the wips I have in my folder these are just the ones I've already WRITTEN the first chapter for, or in the case of the oneshots, gotten a fair amount of it done.
And as I don't have very many of my Death Note wips already posted, most of these are either new fic options or oneshots lmao.
Help a procrastinator out? 🙏👀
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dearestones · 2 years
Among All Other Delights (Yandere! Yagami Light x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere character, yandere behavior, manipulation, kidnapping, threats of starvation, compliant reader, etc. 
Anonymous Request: Hihi, saw you did yandere Death Note. May I request yandere Light being stressed about L? His S/O he kidnapped comforts him. Also can Light be softer rather than an abusive jackass? Lol I'm a sucker for seing soft Light.
You weren’t quite sure how Light managed it, but he somehow not only managed to kidnap you, but he also managed to evade his minders from the investigation that he was working on. You weren’t too sure how far up the ranks Light managed to climb (he was still a university student, right?), but the way he talked about it whenever he would visit, it would seem that he was working closely with his father and a high ranking detective. Like any other person in their right mind, you tried to pry as many details as you could out of him. 
Who were they investigating?
What crimes were so heinous that they had to employ Light’s genius to help them?
What was so important that Light could only spare a few hours a day before he had to be called away?
Despite your questions, Light refused to answer them all. Well, it wasn’t outright refusal. Even when he was at his most cruel, Light still retained the boyish demeanor that was more befitting of that of a fresh university student instead of someone low enough to kidnap another person. Deflection and condescension seemed to be Light’s go-to method to rein you in. It was that or he would simply refuse to speak to you and cut your food rations in half.
You questioned him about the food and he had said that he did not see the point in starving you when he already had you in his grasp. It would be a waste of effort. He wanted you alive and compliant, not emaciated and clinging to life. 
Even if he had kidnapped you and limited your mobility to the confines of the abandoned house that he had found years before, you could firmly say that he wasn’t a murderer. 
Today, Light had decided to unchain you from the wall, a pleasant smile on his face as he helped you to your feet. Ever since you had become compliant to Light’s needs, he had been more than willing to let you stretch your legs nearly the entire time he would visit you. At first, the both of you merely strolled only a few feet in and around out the house, but when the both of you managed to reach an equilibrium in this strange, but ever present companionship, you began to opt to walk farther and farther into the woods. 
Your thought process was simple: find out where you were and then escape. 
It was that or come across another traveler in the strange wood and call out for help. 
If Light were any lesser man or strategist, perhaps your methods would have worked. 
What you couldn’t account for was that Light was meticulous because despite how many times you walked outside, you never knew where you were. Day in and day out, every minute you tried to grasp at the fragile facade of freedom, you could never gain your bearings. It was all the same; trees, grey sky, and Light’s domineering presence at your side. 
If it were not for Light’s news about the outside world, you would have thought that you were stuck in purgatory. 
Meandering around could have been excused as a way to get to know each other better (not like you needed to know more about Light, you just wanted to get out), but the both of you knew the truth of it.
You were looking for a way out.
You held no awards for great acting; it was quite obvious that despite how lax the rope that bound you to Light, your eyes were always cataloguing the background, always retracing steps and planning for the future. 
Similarly, Light would guide you under the guise of a doting boyfriend. His hand would spread against the flat of your lower back and if you happened to stop for too long or if you tried to wander off in a certain direction, he would sternly steer you away. It was subtle, but the action told you more than his words were.
You might have looked like a couple on equal footing from the outside, but Light still retained control.
As Light offered you his arm (an act of chivalry that you gently teased him for), he placed a little paper bag into your waiting hand. You had heard it crinkling in his arms when he had first entered the house, but he had yet to reveal the contents of it. You had made no effort to ask after it because you knew that one way or another, Light was going to make sure you knew what was inside of it.
The last time Light had given you something, it was a cup of freshly brewed tea. You had been so surprised and overcome with emotion, that you allowed him to pull you into his lap while you nursed the beverage. It was a selfish act of false kindness, but you were so starved for the normal comforts of life that you drowned the little voice telling you not to fall for his blatant lies with the gift. 
Since then, Light has offered you more material items as if to gain your favor.
Sometimes, it was a few textbooks that you would have been studying if you had stayed in university.
Other times, he would buy you a few articles of clothing reminiscent of the styles that you would usually wear. 
Now, as you fingered the paper bag, you found that there were two pastries nestled at the bottom. You sniffed it and you felt your lips lift at the buttery smell of croissants filling your nose. 
Light hugged you from behind, his nose settling into the nook behind your ear, causing you to shiver. Back when you had been first kidnapped, you would have thrown him off without so much as an apology. Today, you sighed in contentment and slowly leaned back. Warmth was a luxury you could barely afford; you could no longer care that it was Light offering such a comfort. 
His breath brushed against the line of your jaw. “I tried to get them fresh, but the lead detective on the team was feeling particularly vindictive today.” 
While Light remained close lipped about most of his dealings with the investigation that he was part of, something about this lead detective that he supposedly respected got under his skin. He tried to play it off like it was some sort of rivalry or burgeoning resentment (akin to a young rookie realizing that their idol shouldn’t be admired), but something deeper simmered underneath the surface. As much as you would like to say your kidnapper could be generous and kind at times, even you knew that it was a front.
Everyone had their limits.
And Light’s lead detective was pushing him towards his breaking point.
You sometimes forgot that he was nothing more than an aspiring university student intending on following in his father’s footsteps, but times like these really hit home for you. Irritation that he unsuccessfully tried to hide was made clear in the way his jaw tightened and the darkness in his eyes seemed to boil over. Later, when you would be alone and without the comfort of buttery croissants and Light, you would be disgusted by how normal this all seemed to you.
Despite yourself, you knew Light; you were paying attention to him and his moods. 
Hesitant, but with purpose, you held his hand in one of your own. You used to marvel at how soft and delicate his hands were. These were the hands that pianists and typists envied. They were quick and slight; slender and well maintained. You would have never guessed that these hands could do such terrible things like kidnapping their friends. 
“I don’t care about the croissants, Light.” A tremulous breath and a slow, unsure smile. “Besides, you’re here now. And that’s what matters.”
You watched in detached content as Light’s entire body seemed to deflate and relax. Had he been so on edge this entire time? No wonder you had been so willing to be led around all day. It sickened you; you were so well trained that you didn’t have to be conscious of how well you knew him. 
“You’re right.” The hand that you were holding squeezed yours back, the pressure as light as a butterfly’s wing. You held your breath as Light brought your hand up to his lips before kissing the back of your knuckles in a slight brush that had you almost gasping for air. He seemed to laugh at that, his thumb brushing against your fingers. “I’m here now, so let’s relax while we’ve still got the time. Shall we?”
And just like countless times before, Light began to usher you around the woods, the hand on your back a gentle guiding presence that belied a nature that you only barely started to grasp. 
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
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PCPWeek Day 3 - Scars
Read it on Ao3
⚠️ Warnings: yandere, kidnapping
It took until the fourth one to connect the dots. Hearing his mother's voice, calling him to go to the living room, to watch the news…
Hearing the news reporter saying, "Another student went missing from Stony Brook University. Tom Payne, 18, is suspected to be gone since Tuesday. He was the fourth student to go missing in this university, and up until now authorities are still trying to catch the perpetrator…"
It all clicked.
Tom Payne, 18, majoring in marine biology, silver medal swimmer-
The guy, who asked him out on a date, then before they could have agreed on a day that was working for the both of them, ghosted him.
No. Not ghosted him. He went missing.
Just like Kate Spencer, James Reed and Anne Bancroft did, soon after they told him they were attracted to him, and wanted to date him.
The common point between these seemingly very different people was - besides all being SUNY students -, him.
Of course, there could have been another common factor, or it could have been a weird coincidence, but as a demigod, he was too attuned to this kind of weirdness that he knew he was right. Once again something bad was happening, and he, Percy Jackson was in the middle of it.
The ring of his monster-proof cell phone brought him back to reality. The news was over, but his mother was sending him anxious looks from the kitchen. She also suspected something weird was happening, weirder than four college kids' random disappearances, and ever since he was the missing person the news was talking about, she took things even more seriously.
"Hey, I just heard. Are you okay? You weren't attacked right?" The worried voice of Nico warmed his heart, never getting quite used to the fact that now they had a working, close relationship. He noticed his mother perking up, obviously hearing Nico through the phone, ready to hear if they knew something more than the media. If it was god-related. Well, and because she had a soft spot for Nico. She liked his friends well enough, but she never failed to make it clear that gods didn't have DNS, so they weren't really cousins.
Percy could barely hide his blush, just by thinking about it. His mom was right, and Percy wouldn't have cared about it either, but the 'You are not my type' still resonated in his ears. There was no point in wishing for more.
Maybe for the better, because if what Percy suspected was true - Nico might have also been in danger if the perpetrator knew about him.
"Yes, no, I'm fine. Just… poor Tom. He was such a good guy," he sighed. He might not have felt anything for him, just wanting to date him because he felt like he should, but he liked him. They were both on the swim team, all of their classes were together, and they were on friendly terms. It was hard to imagine him gone. Dead, probably.
With demigods, there was always an underlying threat in their lives. If they went outside of Camp Half-Blood, or New Rome, there was a chance they would never get back. But with mortals? With mortals, Percy never really expected to be the one surviving their friendships. And now he lived through four. He wasn't kidding himself that they were alive.
"Did you know him?" Nico asked, something strange resonating in his voice.
"Yeah… I… I knew all of them. I was the closest to him, though," Percy confessed. Sally stopped at the vegetable chopping, staring at him with concern, horror on her face.
"What? Percy!" She shouted, as did Nico. "What do you mean? You never mentioned that you knew them," she demanded.
"I didn't connect it before. I mean, I know a lot of people in the uni, with the classes, swimming team, volunteer work, and the study groups, so I didn't find it odd. But… Okay, so, all of the four of them had confessed to me not long before they went missing."
It was so silent that they could have heard it even if a pin dropped.
"Oh, gods," his mother sobbed.
"Did they?" Nico whispered, something dark in his voice, but before Percy could question the strange comment, Nico stated what the three of them were thinking about. "So it might have connected to you. Fuck."
"Yeah… my thoughts exactly."
"Okay, listen to me," Nico said. "Don't try to find them, okay? Don't go around, trying to find clues, or don't talk to people. Preferably, don't even go outside, or just come back to camp…" Before he could finish it, Percy cut him off.
"I'm not going to sit on my ass and do nothing while my friends are going missing!"
"Perseus Jackson!" His mother shouted, slamming the knife down on the counter. "This is the matter for the police! Whoever did this, might be coming for you, and while I can't do anything against the whims of gods, mortal matters are different!"
"Listen to your mother, you can't do anything about this. Do you want me to visit you? Maybe if I…"
"NO!" Percy shouted before Nico could finish his offer.
"Ah," the son of Hades breathed, and Percy knew by the sound of that little noise that he hurt the other.
"No, it's not because I don't want to see you! It's just… if whoever is doing this is targeting my friends, people who are close to me, I don't want to paint a bullseye on your back!" Percy explained, and Sally nodded. Of course, she understood.
"Percy…" Nico started, but then sighed and continued differently. "Okay. But please, don't do anything stupid. Don't try to play detective. Monsters may be scared of you by now, but humans don't know you. I don't want you to get hurt. Promise me, you won't do anything."
Percy didn't want to lie, not to her mother, not to Nico.
But he said, "Okay. I promise."
He was a lying liar who lied.
He did something stupid, obviously.
He went to look after clues, obviously.
He got into trouble, obviously. Just not into the trouble he was expecting. It was… he was not sure what he was expecting, but it was definitely something human, something ordinary, something that he could fight off alone-
It was not that.
"You sure it's… he might… the gods?" Snippets of conversation caught his ears as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He was trying to remember what happened after he reconstructed what happened to Tom on the day he disappeared, but it was hard to get a good grasp on his memories.
Heavy eyelids fluttering, he could only catch blurry glimpses of the place he was and the people he was with, but everything felt fami-
Oh, gods.
His heart lurched in his chest, the world turned around in front of him. It was not happening. He felt like he was floating, but his limbs felt like granite, too heavy, too rigid. Budging them even for an inch was too much work, too difficult. Everything felt dream-like, surreal, like a fantasy, but he knew it was real.
The prick of a needle, the little scar it left on his skin was real.
They were real.
"Percy! Ah, finally you are awake!" Drew beamed, caressing his tangled hair, and Percy let her. If he'd had enough energy, he would have snorted - it's not like he had the strength to even move his head, what else could have he done then let her?
"Perce?" Nico appeared in his vision. "How are you feeling? The drug we used should have dampened your powers, but if you feel sick, we can give you something to counter the side effects." The son of Hades cupped Percy's face, and he let it. He let everything. The drug's effects were wearing off, but the powerlessness wasn't because of that. He, himself, felt bereft, useless.
"Shh, it's okay. You are safe with us. We are not a threat to you, we just had to make sure you don't get into any troubles," Nico explained. "You broke your promise to me," he sighed, disappointed and betrayed, and Percy was thrown back to the time when he had to tell a cute little child that his sister was dead, that he couldn't keep his promise.
"I'm sorry," he whined.
"Oh, Perce… It's okay. It's okay, we got you now. From now on, we will take care of you!"
"Of course, we will!" Drew chimed in. The two of them were caressing him, gently, lovingly, nothing like how they must have dealt with the four college kids. But their eyes were devouring him, burning him alive. "We tried to do it from the shadows, but we should have expected that you would get into trouble without us. We know you, it's not your fault that you wanted to be the big hero we all know you are." She said all of it with complete sincerity, the usual contempt on her face gone, only fondness shown. Blood rushed to his face, and he felt he was the worst person in this world. They killed at least four people, and kidnapped him-
Yet he still wanted their approval. Their attention.
Their love.
He always felt something for Nico, something unexplainable attraction, something that went beyond friendship, kinship, everything. And since Nico and Drew became almost inseparable - after almost a year of passive-aggressivity -, he started to become so fond of her too. She was bitchy and sometimes cruel, sure, but also honest and dependable. She was nothing like Piper painted her to be; she was just broken. Just like Nico.
Just like Percy.
Maybe that was why it seemed obvious now...
"She is right, we'll be so good for you," Nico said, mindlessly drawing figures on Percy's chest. "Will you let us love you? Take care of you? Adore you and spoil you?"
Percy swallowed, hard, a sound stuck in his throat. He wanted to protest, he wanted to deny, he wanted to run away-
But he nodded. He was selfish.
But that was okay. After all, they all deserved to be selfish.
Heat filled him, unbearable heat that could only be quenched by their touches.
"Yes," he moaned. "Yes, please."
"It's going to be so much fun!" Drew smiled with too many teeth. It should have been threatening, but all he could feel was affection for her, for her fierceness, for these two crazy people he loved so much.
He felt like Alice, jumping into the hole after the curious little white bunny who offered something new, something exciting. And like Alice, he didn't care about the possible dangers - he threw himself into the hole, bravely, gladly.
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Hello! Omg I'm so excited you're writing for death note! Can i get a gender neutral reader who maybe helps light or saves his life by pulling him out of the way of a car or something, and he becomes fixated on the and kind of like dedicates his cause as kira towards them?
Of course, love . Sorry for the delay. Death Note has always been one of my favorite shows to write for so I’m a more then thrilled to fulfill your request. Hope you enjoy the story!
Innocence (Yandere! Light Yagami X Reader)
Trigger warnings: I don’t think there are any for this story, but if I missed one, let me know)
Light Yagami needed to follow his normal routine and arrive home. He only had short amount of time where he could write names in the Death Note. Light was cleansing the world, one criminal at a time. In time, he will become the god of the new world.
Although, one thing always troubled him. When he did in fact elimante L, where would Light go from there?
The simple answer was he’d continue killing those making the world rotten and Kira’s reign would prosper.
Wouldn't it be lonely ruling the world by himself? Light never paid that idea much thought. He would never find someone who’d meet his ideals and intellect.
What Light didn’t account for was someone special making their way into his life.
The teenager was in deep thought as he made their way out of the school grounds in the pouring rain.
Without warning, a force hit Light. His umbrella went flying through the air until it cascades onto the drenched sidewalk. He braced himself and closed his eyes as he waited for the fall, but it never came.
Light cautiously opened his eyes to see what stopped him from landing on the ground. The seventeen year old wasshocked to find a good looking high schooler holding tightly onto his arm.
He noticed they were wearing a uniform extremely similar to his own. This mystery person had to have be attending the same school. They were very attractive so Light figured they were probably pretty popular. If that were the case, how come Light couldn’t recognize them. He knew everyone in his classes and he was certainly popular himself. The teen contemplated over the idea that they could be a transfer but Light came to the conclusion that that couldn’t have been the case. He’d be most likely been asked to show them around. The teen would nevee forget a persons face that was constructed like a god/goddess.
Once Light regained his composure, ( Reader) let go of him and leaned down to pick up Light’s discarded umbrella. They handed it out towards him and released an apologetic smile.
Once Light held the umbrella, the other person gave a low bow. They spoke softy, but Light could still hear them over the pitter patter of the rain.
“Please forgive me, Yagami-san. I apologize for hurting you. A car was swerving and looked like it was heading straight towards you.”
(Reader) was terrified to look up from their position. They’d figure Light would simply glare and start to reprimand them. They didn’t have much experience with popular kids.
“Oh, It’s alright, uh…” The teen trailed off, hoping the other would finish his sentence.
“(Reader’s full name).”
“That was very brave of you.” (Reader) looked up at him, puzzled.
“Thank you, but I’m sure anyone would of helped you. I’m no one special.”
“I’m not so certain of that.” Light smiled a bit.
Reader simply nodded in response. The teen expected that to be the end of their discussion with Light Yagami but he did something that shocked them.
Light held out the umbrella so it was protecting both (Reader) and himself from the downpour. This small act of kindness meant the world to (Reader), as they tended to always be ignored by their peers.
The high schooler motion for them to walk together.
How could they possibly refuse Light’s offer without looking rude? If Light Yagami thought (Reader) was rude then they could kiss the days of being a nobody goodbye. They didn’t know much about the teenage boy besides the fact that he was popular and top of the class in terms of intelligence. (Reader) feared they would become the topic of what those kids whisper in the hallway. They’d become the focus of their cold glares.
So they walked with Light.
The two students made causal conversation as they made their way down the street. At first it was awkward but soon they were joking with each other as if they were old friends. Light found out that (Reader) was in almost all of his classes. They explained how they tended ti keep quiet and lurk in the background.
Each word (reader) spoke, resulted in Light coming to the conclusion that made the type of person that Kira was trying to protect.
They were good,hard working, honest and most of all innocent.
He needed to protect them. No, Kira would protect (Reader) and those like them.
He may of just found his partner. Someone to rule the world with him.
“I can’t wait to make you mine, (Reader).” Light muttered to himself.
(Reader) pretended to be oblivious to what her new acquaintance said but in truth, they heard him and they didn’t know what to think.
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