#wow taylor cubed rlly brought it out of me today dkjfhdkjfhdskjfhs
godofsmallthings · 10 months
this is just going to be a stream of consciousness ramble but the idea of being a "good person" is so strange to me. or, not strange, because the aim to be one is understandable, but just fundamentally flawed. like i'm listening to this podcast and the lautner's are reaffirming what everyone who has met taylor says (that she's incredibly kind, generous, humble, funny, sweet, etc.) and i think in the person-to-person interaction sense she is a "good person." but then it's like. how can you say someone hoarding that much wealth or contributing a tangible amount to climate change is good? what is "good"? it's impossible to go through life without hurting others and she has obviously done that on an individual level in her own life too, but anyone in her income bracket is going to leave their time on the earth with a wake of destruction. the game of pitting celebrities against each other to find the "least problematic" one just doesn't make sense. the least problematic version of the ultra wealthy fundamentally can't exist. idk what my specific point is but the way people spend lifetimes picking apart the smallest minutiae of the ethics of these people's lives on an individual level just feels like time wasted and an excuse not to think about real problems, frankly.
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