#what do i even call this
dilfpassing · 17 days
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snippet from a 10 page comic i posted on my saucy twitter account of spawnstarion brat taming ascended astarion LOOOOOOOOOOL...... if anyone 18+ would like to see here is the link
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polothatmakesyoufat · 5 months
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I think Wilson should make out with the evil old divorced couple. Nevermind the timeline.
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15-lizards · 4 months
Hi, feel free not to answer this but I was going through your asoiaf fashion posts (stalker behaviour ik) and was wondering if you have any ideas on what kind of embroidery style the north would do? The stark sisters do it as a pastime and it's not like people are gonna have much else to do with the 80ft snowdrifts boxing them inside for years at a time.
Once again feel free not to answer this, I'm sure school must be stressful <3
So I take a lot of inspo for the north from eastern Eurasia, so I decided to go with Slavic/Russian embroidery for this one, particularly Rushniks
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So according to the Rushnyk Wikipedia article: “The rectangular shape of the fabric indicates a life's journey and the ornamentation captures the cultural ancestral memory of the region…The needle has its own energy, an idea similar to acupuncture, and the color of the thread has sacred meaning. Red represents life and is the main color used. A rushnyk is given to a baby at birth, it follows the person throughout life and is used in the funeral service after death.”
Love how this is pretty much in line with a lot of Northern beliefs, practices, and superstitions. Young children are given them at birth for their protection, and maybe they are added to as they grow to symbolize their life so far and what they’ve done. Girls are taught how to make them not only for weddings but for funerals and births and as general protective talismans to wear and to have around the home
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starfruityyy · 2 months
had a 2am epiphany
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mari-bon · 7 months
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I have no explanation for this my brain just came up with a ship out of nowhere and now i can't stop thinking about them send help
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neptunym · 6 months
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what if you wanted to study, but your brain said "mess around with that one sona design that's been sitting in your files for like 3 months"
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krimsonmay · 6 months
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taking advantage of the fact i have an adobe license (i'm an atrocious graphic designer)
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
I have a random headcanon- Homelander would exclusively enjoy hot fudge sundae flavored poptarts and will kill anyone who tries to hand him one of the fruit flavors
"What the fuck is this?" You watch your supervisor, a man in his early 40s, stare uncertainly at Homelander. Your supervisor, Ben, has a plate in his hands, and upon that plate is a pair of perfectly toasted, pink frosted poptarts. Meanwhile, you're holding a glass of milk. This was supposed to be quick and easy. Ashley said to just take Homelander his breakfast, get his signature on a couple of documents, and then get the hell out. Ben had grumbled about it, and you tried to tell him he'd grabbed the wrong flavor, that Ashley had specified hot fudge sundae, but he'd blown you off, said the day was already behind. "It's a..." Ben begins, a slight tremble forming in his voice, "It's poptarts...?" You feel a rush of heat move through the air. You tense, eyes wide, throat closed tight. Ben crumples to the ground, a smoldering hole blown through his face. It smells like burned bacon. Feeling a tug, you look down. You have both of your hands wrapped around the milk glass in a vice grip, and now you see a red gloved hand tugging it by the rim from your grasp. You startle as you let it go, shock making everything feel numb and tingly. "How about we try that again," Homelander says slowly, as if you are very stupid. To be fair, your head has never felt emptier than in this moment. You've never stood this close to him. "What the fuck is this?" Homelander is holding the plate now. There's a spatter of blood across the sugary treat. "It's... the wrong flavor," you whisper, shaking like a leaf. You look up from the plate, eyes dazed and glassy. Homelander extends the plate out to you, and you take it. "'Atta girl. So, what're you gonna do now?" He asks, leaning in slightly. His tone reminds you of how someone would speak to a child. "I'll... I'm... going to... get the right f-flavor," you manage to say. The poptarts shift about on the plate as your hands shake. Homelander's smile doesn't reach his eyes. It's predatory. "That's exactly right." That's the story of how you end up with the truly bizarre and wholly official job of bringing Homelander his daily morning "milk'n'pops," as he calls it.
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uselesstaroth · 5 months
A really good post here pointed out the irony between the endings of Sonic and the Black Knight and Sonic Frontiers (this one!) and that got me thinking.
And what I thought was "What if every world has their own version of The End", as in, "The End is a class of beings with the same purpose: stopping immortality".
So the jist is that the Ancients were on the brink of becoming immortal and undying and The End is there to prevent that.
There's a couple other stuff about this I thought of, for instance every End is tailor made to be unstoppable to that world, which is why the Ancients couldn't defeat it, but Sonic & co, from a different world, could.
Another is the implication that somewhere Sonic's world is its own The End, which is unstoppable and unbeatable by anyone in that world no matter what. If someone is trying to become immortal, it will find them and either stop them, or eliminate them, and then disappear again.
That also implies that The End in Sonic Frontiers didn't stop after fulfilling its duty and it needed to be stopped, because the Ancients were all gone.
My favorite part of this concept is that, in a weird way, Sonic The Hedgehog, Knight of the Wind, was The End of Camelot, and he was just nice about it.
Anyway, that's how I came up with Garm the Red Maned Wolf, The End of Sonic's world and my official endsona, thanks for watching, like comment and subscribe
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saccharinosis · 1 day
There I was, in the middle of my darken room, lit only by my sick and cool purple led lights that i spent all my paycheck on. Feeling the weight of loneliness, I couldn't bear it. I fell to my knees with a dramatic cry, raising my hands to the sky. "Oh, Jasmine!" I cried out. "Why do you forsake me? WHERE IS YICHEN!?"
An older woman approached, patting my shoulder. It was my mother. "It can't be that bad," she said with a smile. But in her eyes, I saw her judgement.
"But it is!" I replied. "A LIFE WITHOUT YICHEN, IS IT WORTH LIVING?!?!?!"
She shakes her head in disappointment, leaving me there to suffer in agony.
YiChen my beloved,,,
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strawberry-seal77 · 8 months
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im on a roll
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lesbian-empress-nero · 6 months
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it begins
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lovlibea85 · 1 year
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I suffered making this but I also made my boyfriend suffer seeing it so now you all can suffer seeing it as well
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ghostlycoze · 8 months
This Just In: Ghost can't stop making AUs again
What happens when two people who were raised on Warrior Cats and Watership Down get Rainworld brainrot and decide to make an AU?
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ft. @mewniemoon and their hilarious ideas
Inspired by me adopting the bunny-leg Pebbles idea into my iterator designs, we somehow went... Full bunny.
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It's basically an AU built almost like one of those Disney animal movies, but... Well, a little more serious. Somewhere between the cuteness of a Disney animal movie and the heavy survival tones of The Animals of Farthing Wood.
Moon's a wild european hare that takes in an escaped half-lop bunny Pebbles and dubs the fuzzball her brother. What adventures will they get up to?
(Suns is a maincoone cat, Sig is a stoat, and Wind is a fainting goat. Yeah, it's gonna be a wild ride. Sliver and Inno are undecided for now!)
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churchydraws · 1 year
Smoke is unconfrontational compared to Blaze. If someone starts yelling or insulting him, he'll just stay silent and take it. He's too tired to bother coming up with a snarky comeback or defending himself. Doesn't see the point in wasting energy and time that he could be using to take care of Mist and Rose.
Speaking of those two, what will get Smoke to blow up in your face and get angry is if you insult or try to hurt them. He doesn't bother defending himself, but his little siblings? The only good things he has in his life? He would kill for them. He would never let Sun or Moon anywhere near them regardless of any apologies they try to give.
Which will make it extremely tense when Rose is brought to the daycare to fight Violet while Moon works on trying to free Sun, cuz Smoke and Mist absolutely followed Rose there.
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anxietyfrappuccino · 2 months
my therapist wants me to think of ways to build my autonomy... how the fuck do i that when the world is set up against neurodivergents and when my mental cocktail is strictly "no, must hide from BAD"
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