#week eight
CLIPPY - Microsoft Word
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sarahsmi13s · 2 months
Bucking Angels
cowboy!evan buckley
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save a horse, ride a cowboy
evan 'buck' buckley, who affectionately got his name from the rodeo event that he is most famous for -- the bucking bronco, was well know as a playboy. buckle bunnies were drawn to the rider, wanting to take a dip in the swimming pools that are his wild blue eyes. but he actually didn't pursue as many of the buckle bunnies as everyone assumed, sure he took one girl home every once in a while but as he got a little older he stopped with the one night stands, wanting to actually begin a relationship with someone. a few people caught his eye here and there, but nothing that ever ended up lasting and he was getting discouraged. but then, one night at a rodeo he spotted you across the way leaning against your ambulance and his breath was just ripped from his lungs. the feeling similar to when he got on his horse in the chute. despite the unflattering stadium lights muting any natural glow you radiated, you were stunning to him. and he knew that he had to get your attention. whatever it took.
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Prompt 1 — favourite emotional moment(s)
Prompt 2 — sacrifice / regret
Prompt 3 — "Walking out on you is the worst thing I've ever done."
This week will run from 7th - 13th July.
-> Each week of this event will have three prompts. You can combine or use them individually to create any kind of fanwork(s) you would like to! There is absolutely no pressure to get involved every week! Have fun! I can't wait to see all of your creations!
-> Please remember to tag posts with #tarlosweddingcelebration and/or #tarlosweddingevent.
info/prompts list ☆ questions
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soupykappa · 24 days
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I’m so happy about week eight yippie :)
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random-but-good · 15 days
Week #8: Do you see what I see? [AKA Their tail colours are starting to show]
Life happened and I didn't manage to do a weekly record as planned. This is six weeks after the last video — look at how much they've grown!
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miafreemanardn800 · 16 days
Project Outline
At this stage, this is the outline for my masters project.
Title: Different Bodies: An investigation into how collage portraiture can change perceptions of female beauty and disability.
Keywords: Auto-ethnography; collage portraiture; disability art; ideal beauty; physical disability.
Research Question: How might an auto-ethnographic reflection of a woman’s disabled experience challenge perceptions of ‘ideal’ beauty – then communicate this challenge through collage portraiture from a position of strength, celebration, and confidence?
Andrew has helped me rework my question and currently this is what it is looking like. I think I want to shorten it slightly but need to work on it more.
Draft Paradigm Statement: I believe that female disability should be celebrated more and presented in a more positive light than it currently is.
I have no idea how to put my paradigm statement into words, so not sure if this is the right thing, but this is the belief and my worldview that is driving my project.
Ethics Statement: This project does not require ethics as it does not deal with people or animals.
Methods: Auto-ethnographic reflection, project ideation, experimentation and manufacturing.
Auto-ethnographic reflection. My project is auto-ethnographic, drawing on my experiences of being a woman and living with a disability, and, therefore, requires methods that assist with this. Journalling is key method in auto-ethnography according to Allan Munro (2011). It helps researchers understand themselves in relation to their projects through reflection on their work and experiences. Andy Alaszewski (2006) argues that diary writing and journalling can also be used to process and understand narratives of suffering by allowing people to communicate their experiences. Journalling will be used to help relate my experiences of disability that involve suffering whilst relating these back to my research. It will be a key method for understanding work in relation to my experiences and myself.
Project Ideation Project Ideation is an uber method that will come at the beginning of my project and involves visual research, brainstorming and sketching. These tools are useful in generation of ideas whilst using divergent and convergent thinking. This is referred to as documentation for making by Mäkelä & Nimkulrat (2011) and is used by the researcher as a way to gather inspiration and assist in the making process.
Experimentation Experimentation involves tools that assist in the making and testing of ideas. These include, collaging, printing, and prototyping, as well as tools that assist in the refinement of ideas through reflection and feedback. This phase of making will be very experimental and focus on creating a range of ideas, whilst using reflection in and on action, along with a criteria I create, to ensure that my making is successful in communicating the aims of my project. This method will take up a large portion of my project as it will help me discern what works and what does not.
Manufactoring Linked to experimentation, this method involves the production of final artefacts. Using reflective methods and feedback to refine my ideas, I will begin the process of creating and evaluating a final outcome based on what I have learnt through experimentation. This method will come at the end of my project and focuses on slow-paced processes that will ensure a successful and well-crafted outcome.
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miacontextualreview · 27 days
After Marcos's feedback to look into embodiment and providing me with resources, I have started researching embodiment and found that it's definitely related to my work. I think it's something I'd talk more about in methodology as it fits in more with my practice and how I create rather than a context my work sits in.
The aspects of letting intuition and my body create rather than overthinking and planning too much definitely relates to my practise in collage. Drawing on lived experiences and letting emotion lead is a lot more of what I do then explicit planning and thumbnail sketching. I could talk about this within the experimenting/prototyping stage of my method map.
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dionhenrygrad703 · 8 months
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Surfing the web for peer reviewed articles
I have been exploring Google scholar for the past 3 to 4 weeks looking for peer reviewed articles that relate to the context in which my assignment sits in. The feedback that I got in regards to references was that I need to discover more peer reviewed articles and include that in my exegesis as it's more academic rather than just articles online through news websites or personal websites.
Conducting this research helped me understand that there is so much more rich information on the Internet via Google scholar and the AUT database library. I have read through so many journals and articles to ensure that I get the best information to include in my final exegesis.
I really liked the method I truly understood the information that was being presented in these articles and I could find the best suited paragraphs to include in my contextual review
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dionhenrygrad702 · 8 months
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Index Page
Based on the many recipe books I have looked into, almost all of them had index pages. This led me to think I could create one for the publication. I wanted to do this as I have never made an index for anything before and it could be a fun task to add to my project. I will be working on it during week nine and week ten.
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miafreeman703 · 9 months
Methodology Chapter Planning
Reading the methodology chapter and using my lecture notes made it really clear which methods and process I've used a lot throughout my project. Tatiana also pointed out the importance of talking about my experimentations with materials and print as an important part of my methodology. Testing has been a big part of my process and I think this is going to be a big focus for my methodology chapter.
I have also been exploring a heuristic approach (this is quite common in prcatise-led research) and using an auto ethnographic approach. I've been working through my project by testing and discovery, whilst looking at disability through the lens of my own. These are the main concepts that I have been working with throughout my project and are a big part of my methodology and thinking process.
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Think Packaging
Tatiana suggested I have a look into Think Packaging and how they produce different packaging outcomes for different things. There were some drinks that stood out to me and I kinda liked the idea of a bit more.
Two Doctors Whisky
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With this packaging, I really like how it opens up and reveals the bottle in the centre. I like how there is also a small slit inside that would keep information about the drink which was something I was interested in including as well. I feel as if this is an approach that I would like to lean more towards taking. Because I feel like it elevates the product a lot more and gives it more of that sophisticated touch. It is a more elevated approach to what I had created before but I think I want to take it that one step higher into created something more rich.
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Following a similar kind of approach it opens up and reveals the product. But rather with this one the bottle kinda pops out a bit more once it is opened up. And the space to put any text or even a little pamphlet is kind of limited. Still is a cool and unique approach and has similar aspects to the one above - which is kinda of the approach/style I want to experiment and work alongside with.
On Tuesday morning I'm going to talk to Fluer about changing up my packaging and going more of an approach like the first one. I'm excited to see where this would go because I feel as if it gives my brand more richness and playfulness to it. And just overall allows me to move away from that more simple and safe approach that I did for formative hand-in.
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MAYA FEY - Ace Attorney
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She is so girl! She’s a spirit medium, she likes burgers, her sister died and she got accused of her murder, she decides to tag along with her lawyer after she was acquitted, so she like, helps him in court, she’s a nerd, a children’s cartoon she likes was originally inspired by the show runner meeting her, I love her
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Activity 2 - Research Design
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In the second activity we had to start preparing and looking at methods that we would potentially are using and are going to talk about in our paragraph. After got some feedback from Tatiana and she gave me some tips/ideas that I might've missed out on.
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miafreeman702 · 9 months
Text & Layout Design
I'm finding it really difficult on how to layout the transcription. In majority of the conversations there are multiple voices contributing so I need a way to organise the text so it's clear who's speaking.
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I looked into script formats to see how those are laid out but I'm just not sure how I feel about it. I tried a version that leaned really heavily into a format like this but I don't know. I kind of like the look of the text but I know that reading an entire publication in a format like this would be really boring and repetitive. Maybe leaning into this in some spreads and including imagery could help with this, but I still feel like it would be too rigid.
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Script format example. I used two different mono typefaces to test this out and replicate scripts.
I tried out some other versions that took note from how scripts are laid out but doesn't lean into it super heavily.
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Current spread explorations. I like the idea oof adding in little handwritten comments from me so it looks like I've gone through the book and edited it to add in my own feelings and perspectives. The blue parts are ideas for how to add in the little comments, stitching them in like little tags. Seeing these all together kind of makes me like them more. I think they're more successful as a group rather than seperate.
At the moment everything feels clunky and too text driven, I haven't put any images in yet but it still feels like there's just too much writing to fit.
I also need to figure out a way to add in little comments or side commentary from my parents. There's parts of a conversation that I want to add in because I think they show personality, make the situation not feel as heavy, and also add to the main points of the story. I was thinking of stitching these in like little tags or add ins, like they were afterthoughts but I'm not sure about this either. I think I need to go back and look at my inspiration and find new inspiration to find a style that I really like because I feel quite stuck at the moment.
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miafreemangrad701 · 1 year
First Illustrations
I have begun organising and illustrating the characters I designed for my picture book. I have decided to continue with the picture book because of how important I find representation and I want to provide minority kids with characters they can connect with and relate too.
I have planned out the storyline for the first character, Zuri. Zuri is a Black, African girl in New Zealand. When starting school she is socially rejected by other children by how her hair looks and the cultural food she eats. I wanted the exclusion the minority characters face to their minority group, like exclusion based on what they look like. I think this will accurately portray the experience of being a minority at school, and how we experience rejection more often. It was definitely something I experienced at primary school and I want to show that throughout the book.
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To give the book a more scrapbook feel, I want to include hand-drawn illustrations, scan them in and then cut them out digitally to create a collage. I decided to draw with crayons to give them a more youthful and colourful feeling to really connect and become engaging for the kids.
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I also bought these foam letters and I want to explore using them throughout the picture book to illustrate loud bits of text, like when characters are speaking etc. I think this will add more volume to the words and help them stand out.
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Looking at mini pages in publication and pull out pages inspirations
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I really want to explore this idea because I feel like it would add a nice touch to just a regular publication. I want this part to be simple, interesting and fun. I want it to contain either a story or more info, or some positive words. 
Another idea with this to use coloured paper or textured paper. Such as transparent or newspaper style paper but could be coloured like pink. 
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