#warriors oc
barrenclan · 12 hours
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"The Death of BarrenClan: Part Three"
Nothing at all like falling asleep.
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juniper-clan · 2 days
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Moon 23: Lots of troubles to share!
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troutbelly · 1 day
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she’s gonna be the victim of so much lesbian heartbreak
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blodwyrm · 3 days
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𝖒𝖆𝖞 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖗 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖘 🚗 ⭒ follow the link or message to offer if interested!
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thewhalesheart · 3 days
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ch 03 : p 07
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clangenrising · 3 days
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Month 15 - Newleaf
Mystique went into labor around sunhigh. Russetfrond was out on border patrol when it happened and the moment he got back, Barleybee came to let him know. 
“Thank you,” he said, gratitude quickly overwhelmed with nerves. 
“Of course,” she smiled sympathetically. “She’s still in the elders’ den. Sagetooth and my dad are with her.” 
“Alright,” he nodded. They stood there for an awkward moment, neither sure what to do, before Barleybee dipped her head and left him to his business. His mind was completely empty and going faster than a frightened rabbit at the same time. After either a few moments or several minutes, he wasn’t sure, Russetfrond gathered himself together and went to sit outside the elders’ den. 
He resisted the urge to pace or to barge into the den to ask how things were going. He’d seen too many anxious parents-to-be get their ears chewed off by Sagetooth when they intruded on a kitting in progress. Instead, he sat still and tried to focus on his breathing, on emptying all worry from his mind. Today was important, the birth of his eldest kits. He wasn’t going to squander it worrying. He was going to focus on his new family, on the beginning of a new chapter in his ultimate legacy. 
The time dragged by at an unbearable crawl. Every so often a cat stopped by to congratulate him or ask him how things were going. He remained as polite as possible but kept things short. He didn’t want any distractions. 
Eventually, an hour or so later, Sagetooth stepped outside, blood on her paws, and glanced over at him. “Are you ready?” 
“Is any father ever ready?” he asked, almost hoping she would say yes.
“I wouldn’t know,” she shrugged. A quiet moment passed as Sagetooth let her gaze drift across the camp. When it finally settled on him again, she said, “Congratulations on two healthy boys. Be warned though: the kittypet is in a mood.” 
“I’m sure I can handle it,” he said, a fond smile spreading across his face. “Thank you, Sagetooth. I mean it.” 
“Of course, kit,” she softened slightly. “Go meet your sons.” Russetfrond nodded and slipped past her into the den, letting his tail brush against her leg as he did. Inside, Mystique was laying in her nest, her head flat on the ground like a mopy kitten while she talked softly with Oddstripe. 
“-bring you some chamomile later,” Oddstripe was saying. “It’s gonna be alright, sweetheart. Don’t hesitate to call me if you start feeling any worse.” 
“...‘Kay,” Mystique sighed moodily, eyes flickering over Russetfrond. He tried not to scowl. 
Oddstripe bumped foreheads with Mystique and then picked up the birthwaste and stood to leave. Spotting Russetfrond he frowned slightly, if sympathetically, and slipped out of the den past him. Russetfrond shifted his weight, looked at Mystique, and she sighed and rolled her eyes over to the far wall. 
Russetfrond stepped closer, focusing on the two gently squirming bodies nestled up against her belly. They were so tiny. Russetfrond realized suddenly that he’d never seen kittens this… new. The kits - his boys - were a little wet yellow lump and a little wet blue lump mewling pathetically as they wriggled closer to Mystique. It was strange, the surge of emotion that he felt upon seeing them. He’d never felt so intensely protective before, it was a bit startling. 
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“Hello, there, little ones,” he said awkwardly, crouching down beside them. “I’m your father.” Mystique huffed and shifted her position a little bit, still not looking at him. He couldn’t stop himself from scowling at her but tried to soften his expression again with a sigh. 
“You haven’t named them yet, have you?” he asked, a note of irritation sneaking in to his voice despite his best efforts. 
“No,” Mystique said as if he were the dumbest cat alive. “Why would I name them?” 
That caused his hackles to rise. “Because they’re your children, mouse-brain,” he scoffed.
Mystique’s tail lashed and she flopped her head sideways to glare at him. “No, I feel like you made it pretty clear they were your children.” 
“Look,” Russetfrond took a deep breath to try and anchor himself, “I didn’t come in here to fight with you, let’s just… forget it, alright?” 
“Easy for you to say,” Mystique grumbled, looking away again. Russetfrond dug his claws into the earth and did his very best not to say anything at all. After a few, slow breaths, he refocused on the kittens. They would need names, of course. He had unfortunately forgotten to think about names before now. 
“I’ll call them…” He hesitated before going with the first thoughts that came to mind, “Bluekit and Yellowkit.”
“Wow,” Mystique laughed and he could hear the eye roll in her voice, “so original.” 
“If you think they’re bad names then why don’t you try to do better,” he snapped, tail bristling. 
“I don’t give a shit what you call them,” growled Mystique. “The moment Sagetooth lets me, I'm going home and I’ll never see them or you ever again!” 
“Well, that’s fine by me,” Russetfrond huffed. “I wouldn’t want you influencing them anyway.” 
“Oh, yeah,” Mystique laughed harshly, “better to have a bunch of murderers raise them. That’s SO much better!” 
Russetfrond bristled. “Your brother was the murderer. He attacked Goldenstar out of spite, I was just defending my Clan.” 
“Well clearly it wasn’t that bad ‘cause she’s fine,” Mystique snarled. Tears were starting to form in her eyes and drip down the bridge of her nose. “You think you’re so special but you’re never gonna convince me that it’s good that you killed him! I hate you! I hate you and your stupid kits and this stupid den!”
“Don’t talk about them like that,” he growled lowly. 
“You’re lucky I don’t throw them in the river!” hissed Mystique.
Russetfrond bristled and arched his back. “You harm one hair on their pelts and I’ll make sure you never see your precious twolegs again! Is that what you want?” 
“I want to go home!” she cried at the top of her lungs and the kittens squealed in displeasure. “I want my brother back!” 
“Well too bad!” he shouted back at her. “You can’t always have what you want, you spoiled little brat!” 
“I hate you!” Mystique screamed, eyes shut tight with the effort of it. “I hate you! I hate you! I-”
“What is going on in here!?” Sagetooth’s voice cut through their argument, quick and sharp, leaving Russetfrond standing in a puddle of guilt. The healer’s eyes flicked between the both of them, looking for a culprit. Russetfrond couldn’t hold her gaze and dropped his eyes to the floor shamefully. Mystique breathed harshly through her nose and looked away again. 
“Out,” Sagetooth ordered Russetfrond. 
He couldn’t think of anything to say. With an affirmative grunt, he stepped outside. Fogpaw and Slatepaw were staring with wide eyes from the fresh-kill pile. Pantherhaze, Ospreymask, Barleybee, and Lakekit had all emerged to see what was going on. Shame covered Russetfrond like a winter coat. Unable to bear their stares, he strode briskly into the healers’ den and tucked himself away out of sight. 
There was a long moment of quiet guilt - why had he done that? What was wrong with him? - and then he heard Sagetooth snapping at the assembled cats, “Where did he go?” 
“Your den,” offered Slatepaw obediently. 
“Thank you,” said Sagetooth just as harshly as she had inquired after him and he braced himself. Sagetooth came stomping in, tail lashing back and forth, and spotted him immediately. He expected her to start laying into him but instead, she sighed and trundled over to sit next to him. 
“I tried to warn you,” she grumbled. 
“I know,” he said. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s not entirely your fault,” Sagetooth shook her head. “Mystique is reacting poorly to the pregnancy.” 
“Clearly,” he huffed. 
“No, I mean physically,” Sagetooth said. “Kitting takes a toll on a cat and sometimes it can make them miserable for seemingly no reason. They call it a Kitten Crash.” 
“Oh,” he frowned in surprise. 
“So,” Sagetooth continued, her own voice strained with frustration for a moment, “as much as her particular form of crashing drives me mad, we need to be gentle with her.” It was clear Sagetooth was going to have as much trouble with that as he was. “She can’t exactly help it. And if her symptoms worsen, it could be very bad.” 
“Bad how?” asked Russetfrond carefully.
“Well, she could stop eating,” Sagetooth sighed. “Or refuse to nurse. Worst case scenario she tries to hurt herself or the kits.” 
“What?” fear spiked through his body like a jolt of electricity. “Shouldn’t we get them away from her?”
“No,” Sagetooth shook her head again. “She’s the only one who can feed them at the moment and that’s not a guarantee, it’s just a worst case scenario. That’s why we need to be gentle with her. The less stressed she is, the less likely it is that she’ll do something foolish.” 
Russetfrond swallowed, throat tight, and sat with that information for a bit. The idea of leaving a dangerous cat alone with his kits, a cat who hated him so much, made every inch of his pelt crawl like it was full of ants. She had already threatened to throw them in the river, a threat that was suddenly a lot more serious than he had first thought. 
“You’re sure it will be alright?” he asked eventually. 
“If it gets to a point where it’s dangerous, we’ll do something about it,” Sagetooth said. “She should probably still have a guard at all times so they can monitor her for any bad behavior.” Russetfrond nodded and started thinking of the best cats to do that. 
“The important thing,” Sagetooth continued, “is to keep her happy. Oddstripe and I will do our best on the herbs side of things but you should probably stay out of the den, at least for a while.” 
Russetfrond sighed and nodded. “Alright. That won’t affect the kits negatively?” 
“I don’t think so,” Sagetooth said. “Not anymore than a normal foundling would be affected.” Russetfrond hummed in discomfort. It wasn’t ideal, that was for sure, but what else could he do? He didn’t want to accidentally provoke Mystique into harming the kittens.
“Did you name them?” asked Sagetooth.
“Oh, yeah,” he said, shaking his thoughts away. “Yellowkit and Bluekit, respectively.” 
Sagetooth huffed a little laugh. “Well, I can’t say they’re not fitting.” Russetfrond smiled a little. “Congratulations, by the way,” continued Sagetooth. “You’re going to be an excellent father.” 
“I can only hope so,” he said. 
“StarClan will guide you,” she said. “Trust your heart. It will be okay, kit.”
- Mystique gives birth to a litter of two kittens. Russetfrond names them Bluekit and Yellowkit.
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the-inky-waters · 1 day
Moon 5
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applehopshonor · 3 days
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Page 24
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cheecats · 2 days
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Last thing you see after hurting one of her awful little brats that 100% deserved it
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toonyteethy · 2 days
Moonpaw if she was awesome
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josie729 · 2 days
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my pretty (lesbo) gals
fallowthorn and azollalily
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angiebumblebee · 1 day
Meet LarkClan!
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Decided to kick off my account by introducing my oc clan, LarkClan!!
I literally made these guys at like 1 am and I love them so much already <33
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plushieclan · 2 days
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Moon 10 disaster— part 2
Heed the warnings of Starclan
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tidalsun · 2 days
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More old art that I’m still proud of ‼️ THE t4t mlm moment ever
@scourgebff 💐
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Old warrior cats art that I’m still proud of 💔
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thewhalesheart · 13 hours
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ch 03 : p 08
damn vultures !!!!!
I love basaltbite so much. scruffy old man. he’s the only other transmasc cat in coveclan (besides lambpaw)!!!
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