#vote blue to save democracy
mylionheart2 · 2 days
Meet Donald Trump's Crime Syndicate.
Donald Trump, Former so-called President and Convicted Felon: Found Guilty On All 34 counts Of Business Document Fraud. Found Liable For Sexual Abuse of E. Jean Carroll 
Rep. Chris Collins: Trump's Former Mouth Piece in Congress - Convicted
Rick Gates: Trump's Former Deputy Campaign Manager - Convicted
Paul Manafort: Trump’s Former Campaign Chair - Convicted
George Papadopoulos: Trump's Former Foreign Policy Advisory - Convicted
Mike Flynn: Trump’s Former National Security Adviser - Convicted
Michael Cohen: Trump's Former Attorney and Fixer - Convicted
Roger Stone: Former Political Consultant for the Trump Campaign - Convicted
Steve Bannon: Former Trump White House Chief Strategists and Senior Counselor To Trump - Convicted
Allen Weisselberg:  Chief Financial Officer of the Trump Organization - Convicted
Rudy Giuliani: Trump's Former Attorney -  Indicted For Prosecution For Conspiring To Overturn The 2020 Presidential Election
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sordidamok · 3 months
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trancemoment · 1 month
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80 + 40-30% w authoritarian (Rep) tendencies = ~106M 🌊🗳
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sher-ee · 2 months
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Something seems off here…
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geezerwench · 7 months
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slayerchick303 · 11 months
To all of you who said we were being alarmists when we said Trump being elected president would decimate the United States indefinitely, I offer you a hearty, "FUCK YOU!"
Just some headlines from the past few days:
Fired gay teacher becomes first test of Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling (msn.com)
Iowa Republicans pass a new 6-week abortion ban (msn.com)
Man gets life sentence for raping 9-year-old Ohio girl who traveled to Indiana for legal abortion - ABC News (go.com)
We warned you that my-religion-should-give-me-the-right-to-discriminate-against-LGBTQ-people cases would open the door to more rulings to fuck over the queer community. And here's the proof we were right.
Even people with standing appointments for an abortion are fucked over because cowards in Iowa passed legislation at 11 PM to nearly eliminate abortion access in the state.
My mom was a high-risk obstetrics nurse practitioner for decades. She delivered babies from FIVE 8-year-olds. The child in the article was able to travel across state lines to receive a legal abortion, but many other people won't have that ability. We can expect many more children to be forced to give birth because of these evil rulings.
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tachyonblu · 2 months
I'm discussing January 6th and immigration reform with MrShikaki, LtSarge and That Fake Guy Dan tonight at 6:30PM EST! Join us for this long awaited discussion on two of the top issues for many voters this election.
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christinareedy-love · 7 months
Our voices matter. Our votes matter & we need to take this country back for the people, by the people. ALL the people
Republikkkans refusing to concede? So, grown ass men throwing temper tantrums because they're not getting their way? 🖕 We, The People, need to vote out nazis.
Republicans need to respect the will of the people.
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benjjedi · 2 years
I know I’ve probably drawled on quite a lot about #VoteBlueIn2022. But take this into account: If the GOP regains control of the House AND Senate, that means not only will attempts at progress be blocked for who-knows-how-long, but that means people’s rights could be put at risk or obliterated entirely!
And as someone who lived under the worst Presidency from 2017 up until 2021, I know what’s up.
I don’t want to live in a country where members of the LGBTQ+ including myself have less rights than straight people; a country where my own mother, sister, sister-in-law, aunts, countless female cousins, nieces and female friends have less rights than a god damn automatic rifle or handgun; where we the working people barely or hardly make enough to afford our own homes and/or have be forced to choose between costly healthcare or death, going homeless or starving to death; where people of color are harassed or arrested JUST FOR EXISTING!
Seriously! I think you all KNOW what could be at stake for the next two years if we don’t take action and #VOTE. So please, vote like your rights depend on it. Because they literally still do!
#VoteBlue #Election2022 #VoteLikeYourLifeDependsOnIt #lgbtqrights #equality #abortionishealthcare #birthcontrol #blacklivesmatter #BlueWave2022 #workingclass #VoteBlueForDemocracy #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #voteforyourfuture #voteforchange2022 #JohnFetterman #ValDemings #TimRyan #neveragain #OhioDemocrat #DemocratsDeliver #democracyisontheballot #democracy #democrats #gunreformnow #equalityforall
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shadowdemon-gd · 7 months
My fellow Americans, although we weren't able to flip Mississippi (wasn't expecting much but a man can dream), we pulled off a huge victory for democracy in Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia. We showed people what happens when you mess with people who really love this country. People can run their mouths and claim they love America, but their actions and policies reveal otherwise. We showed them what we think of them. This was especially true in Kentucky. They saw how powerful and useful Democratic rule is. A state as red as Kentucky realized they're better off with Democrats. And I'm sure other states will follow. This is a time of extreme uncertainty. However, one thing I'm certain of is that this country is in good hands. God bless the people of this country. God bless America
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sordidamok · 2 months
They've been saying they're going to impeach Biden for months and they can't even name a crime.
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trancemoment · 1 month
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80 + 40-30% w authoritarian (Rep) tendencies = ~106M 🌊🗳
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imkrisyoung · 2 years
If you can, vote. The future of oppressed and marginalized folks is at stake here!
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geezerwench · 11 months
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Don't tell someone you love them, then vote for someone who will harm them.
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geekbroll · 2 years
#IVoted #VoteBlueForDemocracy #VoteBlueToProtectYourRights #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
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gmotd · 2 years
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House of Memes (gmotd.tumblr.com) 2022-09-16
Yesterday, Ron DeS***** used taxpayer money to fly about 50 Venezuelans who were legally seeking asylum in the US to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.  Thereby breaking several federal laws. 
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