sarahreesbrennan · 2 days
Before & After Evil
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Because LONG LIVE EVIL is about a reader walking into a story she loves and catapulting it into chaos, I had a vision of Before & After pictures that @vkelleyart executed amazingly so I wished to show them side by side!
Pray play spot the difference… the light of rising flames, outfit changes, snek.
I really wanted both pictures to be beautiful, for the energy to alter completely, and to say ‘People matter. Our relationships influence who we are and where we’re going. You change the story just by being in it.’ And to let you know… you’re going to have fun.
Here’s the UK preorder link with this art…
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Lady Regina Sheridan can see the future.
Unfortunately, the future says that she will be executed as a villainess unless she can keep her new fiancé, Prince Artem Alpin, alive.
The future also tells her someone is hunting Artem… and that he has the survival instincts of a goldfish.
Please universe, The Villainess Wants Her Prince to Live!
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"The Villainess Wants Her Prince to Live!" is a prequel to our upcoming villainess isekai game, Save the Villainess.
If you want a blackly funny villainess-themed historical murder-mystery with tons of romance and assassination attempts, read it below!
🦋Read on Tapas.io.
🦋Read on Wattpad.
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Want to learn more about our dark comedy / romance / mystery otome isekai game, Save the Villainess?
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🦋Join Save the Villainess' Kickstarter & Demo Pre-Launch.
🦋Wishlist Save the Villainess on Steam.
🦋Follow Save the Villainess on Itch.
🦋Sign up to the Mailing List for exclusive character cards every month.
Credits: Kmochi for cover art, Somate Studio for regular character art, @arodude and Karel Kok for backgrounds.
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maxbruiser · 8 months
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scene from Kill Me, Cupid chapter 4, which is out now :)
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wonder-waffle93 · 5 months
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Make way meat-people, Queen Vexus is here.
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erinsaiart · 8 months
Bimbo Villainesses
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imthepunchlord · 2 months
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hyatoro · 1 year
Augustine Carver
Appearance: 6’2”, Ashy blue hair, gray eyes, noble clothing, well dressed, buff. (Picrew image at bottom.)
Setting: Villainess Isekai/Reincarnation Genre style story.
Heads up, the reader made for Augustine is probably the most described one since it’s going to be transmigration. Meaning that the reader will be taking the role of the villainess from the original story. Like literally inhabiting her body. If you want more general reader inserts, you should check out Franklin Russell and Hwang Minsu. Kayden Nguyen also has a more general reader but his is a psychic!reader. 
She won’t be described in extensive detail about her appearance or anything, other than that she’s the image of current trends and has a naturally ‘cold and vicious’ appearance, as is typical of the genre she comes from. 
Augustine was part of a cliche romance story where he played the part of the other strong man in an unnecessary love triangle who the poor little saintess could rely on when the crown prince was off doing whatever. Sometimes he was doing royal duties so that the 2ndML had time to shine, to build up the readers’ affection for the 2ndML. Other times the crown prince was in conflict with the saintess for more story building and relationship growth. 
Basically Augustine Carver’s existence was used as a tool for the growth of the main couple’s relationship. 
He cared about her. Wanted her to be happy. Wanted to win her heart.
And they trampled on his feelings by discarding him for their happily ever after. 
He even went to war for them. Not exclusively because of them, because he’s a reasonable dude who was doing his due diligence as a noble, but him going to war and fighting for the main couple’s ideals was played up a lot in the novel. And though he wasn’t owed affection simply for helping her, the way the main couple threw him away left a bitter taste on his tongue. The way they shoved him out of the way and belittled him so that he couldn’t rise to become a problem for them in the future instead of fairly compensating him for his efforts after the war was over? Disgusting. 
Forced to clean up their mess and then get out of their faces, any amicable feelings he had for the couple, especially since he had grown up as close friends with the crown prince, are extinguished. He’s not stupid. He knew what they were doing, as much as they wanted to play dumb whenever he spoke with them in person. 
Reader, feeling rage and contempt for this, gets fucking yoinked into the world of the story. 
The reader’s soul merges with the Villainess’, making them one and the same with twice the memories. So you’ll see me switch between “you” and “the Villainess” a lot, depending on current and past actions. 
Ages during the story and after story:
Saintess 19 > 22
Crown Prince 20 > 23
Augustine 21 > 24
Villainess 20 > 23
2nd Prince 16 > 19
Setting Details:
Magic is real but sparse. We’re talking 1 in 300,000 kind of thing. Mages are given a lot of prestige, and many get employed by the royal family. Magic powers can range from just being able to light the stove, to massive fire balls, to insane weapons of mass destruction shit. There’s also healing too. 
The Saintess is a figure that’s meant to fight off the miasma. A holy and divine power. Actually not a unique role, which is discovered when you enter the story. The author made it out to seem like it was, but it turns out that it isn’t. 
Background and relationships between characters:
Villainess was the original prospective fiance to the Crown Prince. As the only daughter around his age from a ducal family, it was essentially set in stone that she was going to become the future queen. With latent magical abilities, she kept them hidden, lest there be trouble because of power imbalances between the nobles. She was already going to become the queen, so for her to also be a powerful mage? Shit would’ve gone down. So she keeps it hidden throughout the novel, keeping her family safe from political strife. Though she didn’t care for the Crown Prince romantically, she still thought they were good close friends. Until the Crown Prince becomes smitten with the Saintess and disregards her presence entirely and humiliates her by doing so. Villainess retaliates accordingly, but in typical romance genre fashion, her legitimate critiques are interpreted as harassment. 
In the original story she goes on to be like “Fine. If you’re going to keep believing that I’ve been harassing your precious flower then I might as well have done the things you’re accusing me of.” And she goes on to actually commit to the bit. The reason why she isn't killed or banished is because the Saintess’ role isn’t unique. There are others, Saints and Saintesses. Think of it more like an RPG class. They just weren’t covered in the story. So despite being special and key roles to dispelling the miasma, the Villainess’ bullying is the same as if she were harassing a lesser noble. Still bad, but not enough to warrant such harsh punishment. This is of course, if the story goes according to the novel.
Augustine is also a childhood friend of the Crown Prince, making them and the Villainess a trio from youth. He never really thought of her in any romantic way early on because she was going to become the Crown Prince’s fiance. He knew better than to fall for the future queen. That mentality stuck around, though he is still fond of her as they grow up and go through school, and through life. Though he falls for the charms of the Saintess, he’s still good friends with the Villainess. They have a lot of side conversations too. When he sees how the Crown Prince treats the Villainess after meeting the Saintess he confronts the man. Asks him why the hell he’s doing this to their close friend and his fiance. The Crown Prince then describes the Villainess as a villainess, basically believing all the rumors of how she had harassed people. 
Augustine is skeptical, because while he is fond of the Saintess, he hasn’t fallen so blindly and has faith in his friend. He does clear up the misunderstanding between himself and the Villainess. But he isn’t surprised when she hits her breaking point and actually follows through with the bullying. It’s after she does this that he turns his back on her and falls into the Saintess’ faction. Something he regrets later on. Not because he supported her harsh actions, but because he knew she was coming from a place of hurt and as her friend he didn’t do more for her. Also has a sense of camaraderie cause they were both done dirty by the royal couple, though he knows that their feelings about it are different. 
Also he’s the heir of the Count. Some time between the 3 years of the story he officially becomes the Count. 
The Crown Prince is young and naive. He wanted to feel like a hero and worshiped, but the Villainess wasn’t raised to be anything like that. He does however feel like that with the Saintess, which is how everything spiraled so fast. The Saintess being his first love and his dream girl is what makes him into one of those people that prioritize their romantic relationships above all else. 
The Saintess is a white lotus bitch. She appealed to the Crown Prince intentionally despite knowing of his official engagement to the Villainess. She isn’t a reincarnator or anything of the sort herself. She’s just like that. And because the Villainess can tell that her schemes aren’t elaborate, it’s just a greater insult to her that this clown is meant to become the queen all because the Crown Prince fell head over heels for her. The country is at stake bro. 
There’s also the obligatory 2nd Prince that’s younger than everyone else, but will serve to become the Crown Prince’s replacement once you get your fucking hands on that idiot Crown Prince.
Generic background aside, the reader gets inserted at some point in the story as the Villainess. 
Now, here’s where I have two separate routes for this. Mid or post story. Mid story allows for more interfering with the original story and changes the outcome greatly. Post story means angst and comfort and revenge. I like both so I’ll differentiate between the two depending on the post. 
Reader becomes the Villainess after the Crown Prince meets the Saintess and falls for her, your memories mashing together as one. Here, you can either ignore or do something about the Saintess, but regardless, your goal (both mid and post story) is to side with Augustine. The Villainess was never an awful person, pretty great actually, so it’s easy to maintain that reputation and steer things a different way. Those familiar with the genre have probably seen endings where the reader would manipulate the main couple into ruin, which is the most likely route I see both options going. It’s just that one is preventative and the other one is revenge. 
The Villainess remained complacent in terms of reaching out for higher help in the original story because she didn’t want to cause trouble for her family. You as the reader do not care and utilize all the connections to yank those two off their high horse and drag them through the mud. The way you clear Augustine’s eyes is by showing him just how much of a rat the Saintess is in reality. 
The Villainess wasn’t stupid. She just fell into that mindset of “if our years of friendship wasn’t enough to earn your trust, I’m not going to fucking bother.” Which isn’t entirely wrong, but you’re more vindictive so you’re willing to take those extra steps to drive shit home. 
Being the villainess means you have “evil” magic, which is just dark magic. Dark as in darkness and shadow, not evil in nature. You practice and hone your skill and eventually get to a point where you can conjure shadow servants to do your bidding at night. 
Augustine is curious as to why the Villainess has changed, but comes to understand what major event would’ve caused it, and that perhaps she was just lying low all her life (not really but that’s what he thinks). He’s not surprised that the future queen is cunning. He thinks it’s pretty hot, but again, she’s still engaged so he doesn’t really continue that line of thought. 
When his eyes are opened to how badly the Saintess schemes he’s eventually disenchanted by her and joins you on the ‘what the fuck are those two on’ boat. Normally you two wouldn’t be allowed to spend so much time alone together since you were engaged, but because everyone knows the Crown Prince did it first, no one really says anything. Again, you’ve basically kept the Villainess’ reputation intact so if anything everyone is still on your side. 
With everything in motion you start to enjoy your time with Augustine properly. He’s drawn in by you and finds that you are his respite from serving the Crown Prince. He’s charmed. But he grew up with such a strong mental boundary that he shouldn’t see you as anything romantic that he doesn’t know what to do with himself once the engagement gets annulled and the 2nd Prince becomes the Crown Prince. At first he thinks that the engagement between you and the royal family is still in place, only being transferred to the younger brother, but you make it clear that you’re not interested in marrying into the family that disgraced you, and no one can really argue with that. Which is good cause he might of started a coup, even though you were trying to avoid him going into battle.
So now you’re walking through the gardens the night that everything went down, and his mind is whirling because all the feelings he’d held back are now bursting to the surface but old habits die hard and he bites his tongue before he can say anything stupid. 
It’s up to you to make the first move, and when you do he almost collapses out of relief. 
“Oh thank the gods… I didn’t think- I just- Are you sure? Me? You know you’d be marrying down, right?”
“No no no. I’m not refusing. I just- You were always engaged to him so I never-” 
“Yes, I care for you. I feel for you more than I’ve ever felt for anyone. I’d be more than happy to send a formal proposal to your family as soon as I get home tonight.”
War is also avoided in this version because it was initially instigated by the couple. 
War is not avoided in this version and he comes home scarred and bitter when he sees what’s there to welcome him back. The couple started to plan their grand wedding as soon as the end of the war was announced. Garish, gaudy, and downright tasteless considering that the efforts should be put into restoration and support for the people. When his so-called friends don’t even greet him all his fantasies of being welcomed back warmly go crashing out the window. He has to schedule an audience with them. Schedule. 
And when he does he’s delegated a lot of the tasks that they should be doing to help the people while they make themselves busy planning their dream wedding that could probably feed multiple cities. 
You as the reader drop into the Villainess’ body at this point. You find out that you’re in the outskirts of the kingdom, laying low and chilling. Ties are tense between her and her family, but they don’t hate her or anything. Just want her to stop causing trouble, which is frustrating considering she’d been doing that all these years until then. 
Once you get settled and used to the new life, you find your way to Augustine, who is also on the outskirts of the kingdom helping the affected areas recover. 
When you two meet again he doesn’t know how to react. He’s not hostile, but the way you casually waltzed back into his life leaves him a bit confused. You look at him and your gaze softens when you see how much he’d been through, reaching to hold his cheek and brushing your thumb across his scars. The ones on his face were minor and would likely heal to the point where they were unnoticeable, but looking down, seeing his sleeves rolled up, you could tell that there was more than what was shown. 
He stiffens when you reach for him, but you’re a familiar face, and you were never really a threat to him, so he gives into his urge to relax into your touch. Deep down, even when he was at war, he missed the Villainess. His good friend. 
Then you welcome him home, thanking him for his efforts in the war, and the man almost breaks down crying right then and there. His throat closes up as he nods, whispering a simple “I’m back,” and a “thank you.”
It’s at this moment that he mentally swears his allegiance to you. He already had time to reflect on how stupid everything was while he was off at war, the distance helping him take a step back and cringe on how ridiculous he was when he was fawning over the Saintess. The guilt and regret mix in with the comfort and familiarity you offer and he can’t find it in himself to deny your outstretched hand. 
You help him with his work. When he tries to stop you, saying that noble ladies aren’t meant for this kind of stuff, you give him a deadpan look and he shuts up. You then explain to him how if he’s good enough for this kind of work then you are too. 
You two spend the time talking and catching up on the time apart. You tell him about your time away from the capital. What you’ve been up to for the past 2 years. He tells you about what happened after you left, how shit went downhill and his time in the war. 
Your reader’s brain knows what happened to him, but hearing him pour his heart out in person just strengthens your resolve to give the couple real hell. The Villainess’ harassment of the Saintess was child’s play compared to what you were going to do to them. 
Similar to the mid-story route you hone your shadow magic and work behind the scenes extensively. You mend your relationship with your family, and even have some audiences with the king. The king still cared for you like his daughter because of how long the engagement was, and he was always understanding of the problem. It’s just that as the king he had to dole out a fitting punishment without any bias, which is why you were banned from entering the capital for years, until the duchy made an appeal for your audience with the king. 
Lots of discussion and political intrigue that I’m too dumb to figure out happened.
The royal couple are on edge, seeing as how you found your way back to the capital and were talking to the king privately, making the two immature rats act out. They were right to be nervous however, as you scheme behind the scenes to rip away every single luxury the Crown Prince had due to popular demand from the people, infuriated with his conduct. 
Augustine is by your side the entire time and was initially on the fence until he discovers that their idiotic plans to essentially lock him away in the outskirts because of the Crown Prince’s jealousy. Then he’s all aboard and adding to your resources. 
The entire time he was appreciative of your efforts and liked spending time with you in between moments. When you brush your hand against his grabbing a pen, or place a hand on his back as you squeeze past him in an alley, his breath hitches and he has to do a mental reset as he reevaluates what he’s feeling. 
Older him is actually more in denial of his own feelings because he wanted to kill off his romantic desires, but you poured oil on the flickering embers and now it’s a full-fledged flame that threatens to engulf him whole. 
When you grabbed his hand and pulled him against you to hide in the shadow of night he had to stop breathing or else the scent of your perfume would drive him insane. The warmth of you pressed against his chest was enough to do it already, and he was barely clinging on by a thread. 
It’s up to you whether you confess before everything is resolved or after. The entire time he’s going to be hopelessly pining and pathetically hiding his feelings until you make that step. 
His claim on you is still like, ridiculously obvious to anyone with eyes. And those without honestly. He’s glued to your side and quick to asserting himself if literally any other suitors present themselves. 
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He doesn’t have the scars mid-story of course. 
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zal-cryptid · 4 months
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DC characters - Cheetah (Barbara Ann Minerva)
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wonder-vixen · 2 months
Bri as Goblin Queen
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villainesszine · 9 months
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6 villainesses! By @camipoopedart and @luluspicedesigns
Agatha and Jinx are included as freebie stickers in our zine package, get a copy now through the link in our profile!
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sarahreesbrennan · 15 days
The Villainess
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‘This is my villain origin story.’ This is Rae. In her own world, she’s a former cheerleader, current cancer patient whose grim diagnosis means she’s been left behind by her friends and family… suddenly offered a chance at survival by walking into her favourite fantasy series, where she will also meet her favourite character. As far as her new world is concerned, this is Lady Rahela Domitia, the Beauty Dipped In Blood, the Harlot of the Tower. Evil as she is beautiful (thanks to @vkelleyart !), former flame of the king, wicked stepsister of the court’s most beautiful maiden, owner of many snake accessories, due to be executed for her many crimes tomorrow. Suddenly the lady has run wild, gathered together a bunch of criminals, and announced to an astonished court that she can… tell the future…? Saucy, defiant Rae’s a villain fan, a joker card, a madcap schemer, a natural leader, not a good listener, and a wounded fighter determined to survive by any means necessary. After all, book characters aren’t real… You could preorder a copy and get character art here!
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What would you do if you woke up as a romance novel villainess... and realized that someone wants you dead?
Find out in Save the Villainess, our upcoming otome isekai roleplaying game - now available to wishlist on Steam!
🦋Join Save the Villainess' Kickstarter Pre-Launch.
🦋Wishlist Save the Villainess on Steam.
🦋Follow Save the Villainess on Itch.
🦋Sign up to the Mailing List for exclusive character cards every month.
🦋Visit 12 Otomes full of Mystery & Magic on Steam & Itch.io.
Remember to be careful about who you trust, who you love, and who can help you… Save the Villainess.
Credits: Trailer edited by Sokei; Butterfly Dreams Theme Song Composition and Lyrics by JunbugP; Theme Song Vocals by Saki Rose; Characters by Somate Studio; Item Art by @arodude; Backgrounds by @arodude, Somate Studio, Fuura_Xen, Karel Kok, Son Huynh, Maciej Ptasinski
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maxbruiser · 8 months
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Uber-specific meme I made for myself
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yanderes-darlingg · 1 year
Yandere! Manwha Prince x Villainess!Darling AI Chat
tw: obsession, yandere, mentions of murder
juice: Yandere Prince by dadegenerate on beta.character.ai
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lilith, (nsfw game), pc-98
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therobotmonster · 3 months
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I'm bringing Hexy back.
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Good visual reference on Hexadecimal (And Reboot in general) is shockingly hard to find, so when I found a guy who had done 4k upscales of the series on YT, it was time for some screencaps.
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It's a pity the first(ish?) truly all-CG cartoon was probably not preserved in a state that would let it be re-rendered at higher resolution. What was at the time a massive technological undertaking could be rendered real-time on a mid-tier computer now.
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Her whole mask-swapping gimmick was, itself, a way of turning tech limitations into an interesting feature. Save time on facial animation and lip synch while making her more memorable.
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Every action cartoon series needs a villainous femme fatale, and Hex dispenses with most of the subtlety. She's a dominatrix-witch with a, uh, sprite-tight red leather bodysuit and latex or possibly black painted metal gloves and thigh-boots.
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None of us should have been surprised by Blackarachnia is all I'm saying.
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And like any good villainess, she's got a full on murder-mode.
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And this is going to take more than one post.
Hexadecimal, from Reboot (1994, season 1, Mainframe Entertainment)
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