emeraldxphoenix · 25 days
surprise and enitrely unplanned starter for @victoriousfidelity
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It is entirely unsuspicious the way Loki leans into her personal space. "So... Ophelia seems nice..."
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lumiiiscorner · 9 days
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positivity for @victoriousfidelity from anonymous
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Sending love to victoriousfidelity. I adore Nelle, and i adore her Sigyn - i love writing with her, and seeing her on my dash brightens my day 🩷
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benevolentgodloki · 1 month
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It wounds him to force this rift between them, and yet Loki can't seem to help but damage everything around him. He doesn't know how to stop, after learning what he was, what he is. There is poison in his thoughts that has been there even before Thanos' influence. How can she love him knowing what he is? What he's tried to do; what he's done? Loki rails between a twisted wish to protect her and a disbelief that anyone on Asgard can be true to him anymore. He is riddled with fear and distrust, even of those he deems most precious.
"Can the beast trust its keeper after it has savaged his guests? After it has run wild? You should not be here, Sig."
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churchfoundling · 25 days
@victoriousfidelity / sc.
❛ surprised to run into you here. ❜
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othunderous · 2 months
Send me 🗣️ for incorrect quotes of your muse and mine
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starwrittenfates · 3 months
@victoriousfidelity said: ❝ your wound has to be dressed and we’ve got to get out of here. ❞ also for sif!
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She was trying to suppress a wince, feeling the wound she had gotten during battle stinging and taunting her to give in. Sif was stronger than that though and could handle holding on a bit longer, fighting through it. "I will be alright, your royal highness. My only concern is you. Let's return to the Bifrost at once and I'll gladly have my wounds looked over."
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helreginn · 3 months
@victoriousfidelity asked:
❝ i won’t let you get hurt. i promise. and i don’t make empty promises. ❞
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"I would never think your promises empty. It's only that I don't know if you have the means to keep them."
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“ did you think i wouldn’t hear you?” (for loki!)
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“I assumed not…”
Loki looked to the side and chuckled.
“Sneaking in here is always the more fun option than the door…”
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godstrayed · 1 day
❝ time has changed the metaphor. ❞ (for loki!)
memes. ╱ always accepting.
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 "Ah, time," he pondered aloud, his words flowing with a mixture of sweetness and bitterness. "A mercurial notion, constantly evolving, endlessly turning. Yet, despite its transformations, time preserves its fundamental nature – a blank slate upon which I craft my deceits."
In truth, time had always been a harsh master to Loki. It felt as though regardless of the era or fate he encountered, death loomed inevitably. Now, he clung to yet another chance with a desperate grip, anticipating the familiar sting of disappointment. His lip sags slightly, eyes narrowed with resignation. "And you, have you changed as well?"
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emeraldxphoenix · 7 days
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“You’re here. You waited.” Truth be told, the trickster isn’t sure what possesses him to speak those words. Had they come from anyone else’s lips he would have mocked them without hesitation, but from his own they hold more meaning than he’s willing to admit. Loki has no real idea how long it has been since he was last on Asgard, playing Odin in public while finally settling into gentle, hazy love in private – since then his existence has been turned on its head more times than he can count, he has sunk to the lowest depths imaginable just to survive, and hope of ever seeing Sigyn again has crumbled to dust. She deserves so much better than him.
Then @victoriousfidelity speaks. “I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years.”
Loki’s face contorts in an unidentified emotion. He needs to go, he knows that; a battle for survival rages around them, and the trickster has been tasked with bringing it all to an end. (Funny, after all the time Odin spent trying to avoid Ragnarok, that his adopted son should be the one to willingly cause it. Isn’t there a prophecy about that somewhere?) But before him is the wife he had feared dead, and he is both ashamed and elated to be able to look in her eyes once more.
Fists clench, eyes flashing green as he summons a dagger and hurls it at an undead soldier headed for their direction. If only he could pause time, if only he never had to let her go again. But the Norns have never been so kind, not to him. 
A gasping inhale and a rush of adrenaline, and the god steps forward, stretching out needy arms to pull his wife against his chest. She’s here, she’s safe, she’s alive.
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❛ can i ask… what happened? ❜
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misc ask meme i dont feel like finding // accepting! @victoriousfidelity
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"This?" Peter moves his hand up towards his face with an inquisitive gleam in his eye. When his fingers trace the aforementioned scrape he winces just a bit but manages a quick smile before letting his hand fall back by his side. "Just some fun post-battle injuries that are healing up. At least with me they heal quickly. This one's pretty new all things considered."
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starwrittenfates · 3 months
@victoriousfidelity liked for a starter with Sif!
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"I'm not only saying this as warrior, but also as someone who considers you a dear friend -- you must be cautious around him, your royal highness. Loki is a known trickster, and no one knows that better than I." Sif warned with caution and concern.
Just as Sigyn currently was, Sif had been once been in her shoes when it came to Prince Loki and falling for his charms and deception. In a terrible moment of weakness, thinking she could trust him completely with the most vulnerable parts of herself, Sif had fallen into his trap and ended up paying the price when waking up to find he had cut her hair. She had not only been humiliated that day as a warrior, but as a women too. From that moment on, she learned to never trust Loki ever again and to always remain guarded around him.
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othunderous · 10 days
there are many types of strength beyond the ability to wield a blade and end lives.
"i hope i've never given the impression that i believe otherwise."
face remaining neutral, despite the recognition that flickers through his eyes, thor leans just a touch closer to sigyn. he studies her features carefully; there is no hint of weakness. there never has been.
"you are, after all, an embodiment of such. far more than i ever have been."
his voice quiets as he straightens, his gaze growing vacant, the neutrality fading in favor of a subtle frown. while he may have stood for centuries as asgard's greatest warrior— heir to the throne, the prince with a thirst for blood and unwavering desire to protect what is his with the rage of a storm in his veins— he has never quite known how to withstand the turmoil that can't be solved with his fists. if it isn't deafening silence that follows him, it's the tempest. words hurled at those closest to him like daggers, whether he means them or not. thor crumbles all the same. he survives only because he doesn't yet know how to die.
sigyn is different. strong in ways he only wishes he could be. a hand reaches up to tenderly cup her shoulder. he offers a reassuring squeeze. "you are among the strongest people i've ever known, sigyn. never doubt that."
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doctorofhope · 11 days
@victoriousfidelity liked here for a starter!
The Doctor frowns. She doesn't know what to make of the other. She had scanned the person with her sonic, but the results had been inconclusive. Her eyes narrow. "Who and what are you?" She asks, unable to stop herself.
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"I'm the Doctor, by the way." She adds. She might as well introduce herself. It can't hurt. It might even make the other person more likely to trust her.
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abandonaed · 14 days
@victoriousfidelity / starter call.
❛ it's fine. nothing i haven't dealt with before. ❜
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mischieftomake · 15 days
“ make sure they don’t see you leave. ”
an ask meme from somewhere - accepting if you can find it!
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"Please, this is far from my first time doing this. I'm hardly an amateur." Loki's lips curled into a self-satisfied smile as he listened at the door, cocking his head slightly as he focused on the sounds outside it. "Hm, what they lack in intelligence they certainly make up for in persistence," he mused, laughing softly. His pursuers had been disappointingly easy to outwit, but the thrill of the chase had still given him the rush he'd wanted.
"Worried about being implicated by association?"
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