#uvogin x reader
0asisbliss · 3 days
He was fun and he made you have fun. Even when you’re sad. He’s also a little goofy when it comes to your emotions, and not in a bad way. He makes silly gestures when you’re sad to make you feel better. When you’re sad he automatically turns on this mode to make you happier. I If that doesn’t work he end up pulling you close to him for you to cry your heart out but, either way he’s there for you.
Shalnark, Uvogin, (HXH) CHOSO, Yuuta, YUUJI, GOJO, Geto, Todo, (JJK) LUFFY, Ace, Law, Sanji, (OP) DAZAI, Ranpo, (BSD) LOKI, Buddha, Anubis, (ROR) All might, Present Mic, (MHA)
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illubean · 2 days
Howdy 🤠
So my birthday is this Friday (btw this is a no pressure thing not like that's the deadline 😅) and I was just wondering how the phantom troupe would feel about that [simple HC are fine I know it would be a lot to ask for otherwise]. If that's too much than just these characters are cool
-Uvo, nobu, phinks, shizuku and maybe kalluto-
Order of importance ←⁠_⁠← too →⁠_⁠→
Oh and if reader can be in the troupe but still like "new" so first bday of hers with them yk ┐⁠(⁠‘_`⁠;⁠)⁠┌, HMU if you don't or need anything else.
Have a fantabulous rest of your (__fitb__) ♥⁠╣⁠[⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠]⁠╠⁠♥
Celebrating Your Birthday
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Characters: Uvogin, Nobunaga Hazama, Phinks Magkub, Shizuku Murasaki Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
hhhhAAAAAAPPPYYY BIRRRTHHHHHDAYYYY TO YOUU- tumblr needs to bring back the yellow font I NEED MORE VARIETY
Warnings: none
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he's probably the most enthusiastic about celebrating your birthday
bro would sneak into your window at like 6 in the morning just to jump on you and wake you up with a loud "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
pls explain to your neighbors that the large, burly man breaking into your home was in fact just your friend (who also happens to be a wanted criminal but you can leave that part out...)
even if you are fairly new to the troupe Uvogin likes all of you guys equally
new or not you are part of the family
his way of celebrating is...not your average celebration I guess?
in his words, he want's to take you to "get drunk and fuck shit up"
and by fuck shit up he probably means steal or sneak into some sort of underground gambling hall and beat up some lowly thugs
even if you're not into that sort of thing he's dragging you with him and doing it anyways 😭
he wants you to have a good time on your birthday, especially since much of the troupe doesn't know their own!! its just his definition of a good time is much different than your average guy...
Nobunaga Hazama
despite his appearance Nobunaga is actually one of the nicer members of the troupe
so if you mention your birthday around him he will store it in his brain for later
he's not as over the top crazy like his friend Uvogin
but he does make an effort to greet you on your birthday
it might be difficult if the troupe doesn't have a scheduled meeting that day
but if he doesn't see you he'll be sure to greet you later when he does
he might gift you something small, like a candy bar or a candle
he wouldn't initiate going out anywhere but if you asked him to come celebrate with you he would
Phinks Magkub
since your new I lwky don't think he would care all that much about your birthday...
he hasn't had enough time to get to know you and you're naturally the troupe member he has the weakest bond with
he does have a kind heart but to be fair he probably doesn't even know your birthday
but if you tell him day of he's like oh hbd
and leaves it at that
you guys aren't close enough yet for him to want to celebrate with you or get you a gift >.<
Shizuku Murasaki
poor baby
she tries so hard to remember your birthday, even if she comes off as nonchalant at times
she has it written on every calendar possible and even put it in big bold letters on her arm the day of
but she still forgot because she wears long sleeves most of the time 😭
it already took her like a week or 2 to even remember your name
but she really is trying :(
she's a sweet girl who values having bonds with each troupe member
she might try and go out to get you a gift but then forgot what she was at the market for
but when she see's the date again for like the 3rd time that day she will go get another troupe member to come find something for you together so they can remind her
she has no clue what to get you so she probably decides on a pastry or slice of cake that she actually ends up paying for
the money was probably stolen but oh well...it's the thought that counts
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bwabys-scenarios · 7 months
Who from HxH do you think definitely has a breeding kink and would get S/o pregnant?
HxH characters with breeding kinks(NSFW)
warnings: breeding, creampie, implied public sex in Illumi’s part, implied kidnapping in Uvogin’s part/dubcon
A/N: I may do a part 2 to this if people want it!
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved @stygianoir
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❤️!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
DUH! He’s the first one on this list for a reason. He wants to rebuild his clan, to have a family with his beloved. He’s one of the only characters on this list who is very upfront about wanting a family at the beginning of your relationship, and the quickest to ask for marriage.
Kurapika won’t waste a singe drop of his cum, every last bit of it goes towards getting you pregnant and as quick as possible. He’s surprisingly horny, but always soft and sensual, especially after he’s filled you to the brim with his cum. He loves rubbing your cute, chubby tummy, imagining how pretty you’d be with your belly round with his child.
Another obvious pick. Illumi needs an heir, and as his partner you’re going to give that to him. He’s also honest about what he wants, and will start breeding you the second you agree.
It doesn’t matter what you were doing, where you were or who was watching, he’s pulling your panties down and bending you over the closest surface to stuff you full of his cum.
Surprisingly, Chrollo is more of a family man than you would think. He won’t mention kids until he’s been with you for a bit, but when he does he has this… faraway look on his face. It’s like the concept of having a family is a fantasy to him, something that wouldn’t usually be on the table for him. But you… he can’t stop imagining filling you with his seed, having children with you.
So the next time you have sex, he stays inside you when he cums, planting kisses on your neck. “I think… you’d be a great mother, (Name).”
Now feitan doesn’t actually want kids. He doesn’t hate them, in fact he’s a bit soft towards them(yes, his interaction with Gon WAS him being soft). Feitan just doesn’t think he’d be a good or present father, and isn’t ready for that commitment. But… just the thought of filling your womb with his seed, claiming you in a way that no one else can… that gets him going.
He’s another one that only cums inside you, loving to watch his cum leak out of your pretty, used cunt.
You are literally his little housewife, the taste of a domestic life where he can be someone other than a member of the phantom troupe. Of course he’s ready to knock up his cute wife, it would complete the perfect domestic fantasy he has, of little feet running around the cabin in the woods he placed you in.
Uvogin is already insatiable, but when you ask for him to put a baby in you, he nearly chokes. He’s more than willing to oblige, especially when there’s pleasured tears in your pretty eyes.
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uvobreakmylegs · 2 months
Uvogin x reader
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Warnings: mentions of captivity, abusive relationships, abuse, violence, blood, kidnapping, mentions of death
Word count: 9k
2:09 AM
A familiar nightmare wrenched you out of your sleep, one that left your heart pounding and your limbs shaking as you instantly reached for the table lamp, blindly scrambling at the lamp's base before you moved your hand upward to find the light switch. You needed the light on. You needed to be able to see clearly. You needed to know that you were alone – that there wasn't a large figure standing at the end of your bed watching you, waiting for you to become aware of his presence before he snatched you up.
You needed to know that you were the only one in your little apartment.
The light came on and you looked all about the bedroom.
There was no sign of anyone being in there with you. The few pieces of furniture and personal items you owned were in the same places they had been when you went to bed the previous night, and with the exception of your work shirt that hung off the back of a chair, nothing in the room was in any sort of disarray. Nothing torn up or destroyed, no clothes that had been roughly shoved into your aged backpack that hung off the hook on the bedroom door.
And when you looked to the foot of the bed, you didn't see anyone standing before you.
You let out a shaky sigh of relief as you fell back onto your mattress.
Like the other times, it was only a nightmare. It wasn't real, it was only your deepest fears coming out from your subconscious, bringing forward the fears that you tried your best to keep at the back of your head every day. A possibility for your future that you were desperate to avoid.
But despite how often you'd experienced that particular nightmare, that only did so much to calm your rapid heartbeat. After all, he could still find you. Even though you had run so far and done so much to cover your tracks so that following you would be a near-impossible feat, no matter what you did, the fact remained that Uvogin could find you.
With how long you had been away from him, you felt pretty secure that you hadn't slipped up anywhere when you left; if there had been any clue you left behind, any images of you on a security camera that he or one of his friends would be able to see, then he would've gotten you by now. The fact that months had gone by and you didn't see any sign of your former captor had you feeling secure that you had done well when you got away from him.
But he could still find you.
Uvogin liked to travel around when he wasn't with the troupe, usually in search of strong opponents or ways to increase his already astounding physical strength. It was always possible that he might come to the town where you now lived for training purposes. Or maybe he would come for a different reason; maybe he'd come just to see what a remote town in the middle of a frozen wasteland looked like.
Either way, he could always find you. And no matter how much you assured yourself that the chances were slim, the fact that those chances still existed would never allow you to feel completely at ease.
There could always be a morning where your nightmare became a reality.
That thought made you shudder, and you pulled the blanket back up around your shoulders as you curled beneath it, not bothering to turn off the light. You'd need to go into work in four hours, but there was no way you were getting back to sleep before then. At least savor the warmth of your soft blankets before you need to go out into the cold, you told yourself.
You also told yourself not to think about Uvogin while you did that.
But of course, that was an impossible task. The instant you told yourself not to, images of him popped into your brain and he was all you could think about.
It wasn't fair.
After all this time being away from him, the months you'd spent building back up a normal life for yourself as you tried to integrate into your new home, your mind went back to him with every other thought. You couldn't help the way you wondered about what he was doing. Where he was. If today he would casually destroy numerous innocent lives that he wouldn't bother to remember, or if he would decide that the day was going to be a peaceful one. You couldn't imagine his way of life had stopped completely, but it wasn't like every day you had spent with him was one where blood was spilled.
It was only the really bad days that were like that.
Was Uvogin even still alive? That was something else that you thought about. The stress at the thought of him finding you was constant, but if you could have some sort of confirmation that he was dead, it would mean that all of stress could taken off of your mind. Maybe you wouldn't even need to keep living here and go back to the way your life had been before Uvo decided to mess it up for you.
It seemed like a long shot that he'd be dead, though. Especially when you remembered what he was capable of. You had too many memories of the way he could crumple up metal in his bare hands, or how he could take hits that would have demolished a normal person. Hell, not even bullets could do anything to him. So what the hell could even kill a man like him?
You sighed.
It'd be nice to imagine that he'd given up on you, at the very least. That you running and hiding away for so long had caused him to lose interest in you and that he'd shifted his obsessive focus to someone else. A thought that made you feel bad for that hypothetical third party, but it would technically be good for you.
….. What an awful thought to have.
You groaned as you pushed your face into the pillow.
It wasn't fair how he consumed your mind. It wasn't fair how you had this same internal dialogue every morning. It wasn't fair that he was always somewhere at the back of your head from the moment you woke up to the time you went to sleep. It wasn't fair that even in your dreams you weren't free of him.
Why did he need to pick you?
It was useless asking that question – you'd never get an answer for it. Not one that you'd be satisfied with, anyway.
Glancing up again at the time, you found it to be 2:16 AM.
Work was in four hours and you couldn't get back to sleep.
5:35 AM
You winced the second you stepped out the door, the cold air of the outside biting at your exposed skin without mercy. Unfortunately, as much as you wanted to barricade yourself in your apartment until the weather was better, you had to get to work.
And it wasn't like things would get any warmer; the days in Mowbray were freezing all year long.
Being located in one of the coldest areas in the world tended to do that; the town was surrounded on all sides by an icy tundra, a completely barren and snow covered land where nothing was able to grow. The harsh weather conditions meant that for the majority of the year, the main way in or out of Mowbray was by airship. There weren't any roads that connected the town to the outside world, and the vehicles that were capable of getting across the rough landscape were generally reserved for true emergencies. So the only visitors that the town would get that came by land were unusually determined people – Hunters, generally – and they only came into town during the summer months. The rest of the year no one dared venture out into that wasteland for fear of dying and being forever lost, buried beneath the snow.
With conditions like that, there weren't many people living there. The town's total population was just below the three thousand mark, and with a lack of anything one could do at Mowbray, it was a rare occurrence to get many out of town visitors. They usually ranged from relatives of other residents to the aforementioned Hunters, either coming in for a social call or for a job of some kind.
For the people who lived in the town year-round, the majority of them were those who had been born here and were happy with the way their lives were. Things here were simple and quiet, and very few had any desire to leave the life that kept them separated from the rest of the world. Some people moved to the town later in life in search of that peace, finding the way that the world worked outside was too overwhelming. Sometimes those in the latter group decided a few months in that it wasn't worth it and left, but a majority of that group was happy to stay.
And then there were the people whose sole purpose in coming to the town in was order to hide. Like you did.
You weren't the only one, as there were several who lived in the units around yours that raised suspicion. Like the old man who lived across from you with the long-healed burn marks on his hands that he tried to keep hidden. Or the younger woman who lived in a different building who you occasionally saw staring at a photo from a locket around her neck whenever she stepped outside to smoke. And then there was the tenant below you looked to be around your age and was constantly on alert as they always looked around them whenever they went outside, as if they feared they were being followed.
You speculated on what their stories were, what exactly had brought them to a place like this. And you could assume that they did the same with you: watching you pass them by while they quietly wondered what in the world had made you come here of all places.
Those weren't stories that would ever be shared as it was better to keep such things quiet.
As you trudged out into the snow so you could start your shift at the grocery store, you were annoyed with yourself that your thoughts once more went to Uvogin, and you subconsciously pushed the scarf around your face just a bit higher.
At least with living here, it was considered normal to cover up half of your face when you went outside.
5:59 AM
Only the faintest hints of the sunrise were beginning to color the sky when you entered the store and began to set everything up for the new workday. Turning on the lights, checking the shelves to see if any stock was out of place and making sure everything was clean before you unlocked the front doors to officially open the place. You had a routine in place that you followed religiously as you were desperate not to disappoint your boss, an elderly woman named Helena. She owned the place, and she was nice enough to give you a job despite the large gap in your work history, nor did she question you on why you had come to the town in the first place. She had always been warm to you, treating you as though you were one of her own. So after such a sweet old woman had taken a chance on you, you were determined to show her judgment hadn't been misplaced.
Helena had never doubted you, although that sentiment didn't seem to be rubbing off on the other long-time residents of the town.
The bell above the door chimed twenty minutes after the store had opened, and you called out a greeting. There was a mumbled reply in return, and then two sets of footsteps walked further into the store. As you anticipated that whoever had entered likely wouldn't be around long, you took your place at the register so as to be ready for them.
You then overheard part of their conversation.
“What'd you think is making them so antsy?” one man's voice asked.
“Dunno. Could be weather,” a different man answered.
“The weather? Do the dogs get that nervous over that?” the first one questioned.
“Sometimes. Could be that we're in for a bad storm.”
There was a brief period of silence before the second voice continued to say “then again, it could be something else completely.”
“Like what?”
The second man sounded slightly exasperated as he answered “I dunno. We'll have to see what happens.”
The first man seemed to take the hint to stop asking as nothing more was said.
Based on the conversation, you had a good idea as to the identity for at least one of the men, and as the two rounded the corner of the aisle, you found that you were correct in assuming one of them was Marlow, an older man who kept sled dogs. The man who was accompanying him was slightly younger, and you were pretty sure his name was Hugh. Both were carrying drinks and pre-made sandwiches, and they set them down on the counter in front of you.
You began to ring the items up as you asked “find everything okay?”
The response you got from Marlow was curt, the exasperation still present in his tone. He wasn't in a good mood.
A shame. You wanted to ask about his dogs, especially with what you had overheard moments ago. But it was better not to as you knew it was likely he would snap at you if you annoyed him too much.
Maybe when he was in a better mood you could ask if his dogs were alright.
They paid quickly once you had finished scanning the items, taking the jenny you'd given them in change and leaving the store to go to their jobs in the oil fields. You and Hugh made eye contact just before they left, and you smiled as you told him to have a good rest of his day.
He looked uncomfortable as he gave a brief nod in response before vanishing out the door, the bell above the entrance ringing out loudly.
It was a little sad that a majority of the townsfolk didn't like you. Most of them merely tolerated your presence while they looked at you with suspicion, not trusting you for a moment.
Helena told you that people would open up eventually. That you just needed to be around for a while before the close-knit community would be willing to let you in. Just be patient and it'll happen someday.
9:03 AM
The front door bell ringing out followed by a “hello there!” brought you out from the back area as you greeted your boss, who seemed happy as she headed towards you.
“How busy has it been so far?” Helena asked.
“It's been pretty slow,” you answered.
She nodded as she removed her scarf, saying “sounds normal for a Thursday.”
You then remembered the conversation you'd overheard this morning, and you mentioned “I heard someone saying we might be in for bad weather, though, so it could pick up.”
“Really? Who said that?”
“Marlow. I heard him saying that his dogs were nervous.”
“Well, animals do have better senses than us, so they would be the first to know if something was off,” she said.
Helena pulled her coat off as she said “if we are in for some bad weather, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make sure we're fully stocked out front, just in case.”
You nodded, saying “sure. I can get started on that.”
She laughed.
“Not now. Do it when you get back from your break. You look like you could use one,” she said.
“Oh. Okay.”
She was hanging her coat up in the back when you asked “do I look that tired?”
“It's noticeable,” she told you, “did you not get a lot of sleep last night?”
“Not really,” you answered, “I woke up a bit too early this morning and I couldn't get back to sleep.”
You noticed the way her brows furrowed when you said that and you quickly added “it's fine, though. I'll just go to bed early tonight.”
She didn't seem completely convinced, but Helena nodded slowly as she replied “as long as you're sure. But don't be afraid to ask if you need to head home early.”
“I'll be okay. But thank you.”
She let you go after that, and you sat down in a small break room while you did as she had told you, taking out a drink you had packed from your locker.
Now that you weren't keeping busy with work, your mind went back to Uvogin.
It'd be nice if you could talk to someone about it, you thought to yourself. Helena had told you that you could talk to her about anything, and you wondered if she sensed that you were hiding something from her. It'd be nice to let out everything that had happened to you, who had taken you and why you were hiding here.
But doing that felt selfish. Did you really want to destroy an old woman's peace of mind by letting her know that there was a chance a man who happened to be mass murderer who was also obsessed with you might be come here one day? And would she still be nice to you once she learned everything?
It was better to keep it to yourself.
11:00 AM
A new shipment of goods arrived only a few minutes ago Helena left you in charge of the front while she made sure everything was in order. Doing as your boss had told you, you made sure to put out on the shelves wherever there was room. Currently you were restocking some of the shelves of soup that had already been running a bit low.
The bell above the front door rang out while you were kneeling by the shelf, and as you grabbed another can from the box next to you, you called out “welcome! Let me know if you need anything.”
There wasn't any response to your greeting, but you didn't pay much mind to it. You only made a mental note to keep an eye on the checkout counter so you wouldn't leave whoever it was waiting.
Though they didn't say anything, you heard them walk off the mat in front of the door as their footsteps sounded on the hard tiles of the floor. Those same footsteps walked over to the refrigerated section on the other side of the wall, and the hum that came from that section grew louder when one of the doors were opened.
At that point you didn't pay much attention to the other person, your mind going back to the task at hand while you continued to fill up the empty spaces on the shelves in front of you.
You needed to do some shopping of your own when your shift ended, you remembered. The contents of your pantry were starting to run low, and if the weather was going to be taking a turn for the worse, you didn't want to be stranded in your apartment without a decent supply of food.
With that thought in mind, you decided to leave one of the soup cans in the box so you could buy it for yourself later. That was at least one perk to working in a grocery store, and as minor as it was, you smiled to yourself.
The shadow of a person suddenly overtook the end of the aisle that led to the door. Still in the middle of restocking, you placed another can on the shelf as you instinctively looked over to the new presence that you sensed.
You froze.
You stayed in place, looking at the person who was now standing before you and you wondered if this was reality or another bad dream. The shudder that ran down your spine and the feel of the cold floor against your knees confirmed that this wasn't in your head – this was real.
Uvogin was here.
Standing at the end of the aisle.
Staring directly at you.
You stared back, unable to say or do anything, as for a moment, your mind stayed blank.
Then your mind began to race as you were forced to come to terms with your worst-case scenario that was playing out before you: he had found you. You were face to face with the man you had run from, the entire reason you had come to this town in the first place in the hopes that you would never see him again.
But now he was here, right in front of you.
All that time, all that effort had been for nothing. All of it was made meaningless the instant he laid eyes on you. The only thing that was guaranteed from this point out was that you were going to suffer for it, because there was little doubt that he was angry with you.
Your heart began to race and you felt like you were having trouble breathing. But you didn't look away from him.
He hadn't said anything.
What would happen now?
You had imagined him finding you at the store before this. In the times this awful scenario played out in your head, Uvogin would always grab you, toss you over his shoulder and carry you outside, regardless of if you were dressed for the weather or not. You doubted that he wanted you dead, but he wasn't against having you suffer if he felt you deserved it. Would he actually do what you'd imagined for so long? Or would he use threats to get you to drop what you were doing and make you go with him willingly?
Whatever he would do, he would act immediately. That was what you had believed.
Yet Uvogin wasn't saying anything. He was still standing there, his gaze boring holes into you while his mouth was pressed into a hard line. Meanwhile, you couldn't say anything. You were barely able to breathe at the moment, let alone try to get any words out.
A brief bit of hope made your heart skip – maybe he didn't realize it was you?
That hope was quashed within moments as you realized what a dumb thought that was. There was no chance that he didn't recognize you – Uvogin wasn't stupid. Whatever changes you had made to your appearance wouldn't have fooled him into thinking that you were another person, and definitely not after he'd spent so long staring at you. The way he was looking at you now meant that he definitely knew it was you. Trying to act like you were a simple shop worker and nothing more would probably only make him more angry.
Don't make this any worse for yourself
You said nothing, waiting for him to make the first move.
Helena and the deliveryman were still in the back, and no one had come in after Uvogin. It was only the two of you in the store at the moment; a perfect opportunity for him to grab you and take off. Maybe there would be people around outside to see the two of you, but even if they did witness your kidnapping, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
Though seeing someone being taken against their will would spur most to action. That thought made you shudder. You really hoped none of them were suicidal enough to try and stop Uvogin. Those were deaths that you didn't want on your conscience. It would be better to beg for their lives now. Promise that you'll do everything he says just as long as he didn't hurt any of the residents of the small town and that the only one he should punish is you. You were at fault for what happened, not them.
You licked your dry lips as you prepared to speak.
Uvogin beat you to it.
Motioning over to the register with his head, he said to you “you gonna ring me up or what?”
He held a six pack of beer in one hand that he lifted up slightly while he said that. Somehow you'd managed to miss that before.
You needed to run his sentence over in your head a few times before you understood.
“Oh…. Okay.”
You kept an eye on him as you made your way to the register, anticipating the moment when he would roughly grab you and take you away from this place.
Yet he didn't do anything other than keep an eye on you as well, and when you made it behind the counter, he dropped the six pack in front of you. You couldn't help but flinch at the loud sound it made when it landed.
You looked at him and then back to the beer. Still no move on his part to grab you.
He…. He really wanted you to ring him up?
With only a single item to scan, the price of the item plus the sales tax added up to the total he owed, which flashed on a small screen in front of him. Upon seeing that, Uvogin frowned.
“Stuff is a lot more expensive here,” he commented.
That time you managed to get out something that resembled a coherent sentence, though you couldn't bring yourself to speak loudly.
“Just about everything comes in by airship,” you mumbled, “flying supplies is automatically expensive.”
Uvogin scoffed.
“So this place is in the middle of an empty wasteland, cold as fuck and you need to pay twice as much for a thing of beer? Seems like a shitty town to me.”
“….. The quiet is nice,” you said.
“Yeah, I'm sure the fact that this place is quiet is why you came here,” he answered sarcastically.
“…. Part of it.”
You could hear Helena speaking to the deliveryman in the back. As nice as she was, she had a bad habit of chatting with people for just a bit too long.
It was just as well. If she came out and saw how you were right now, she'd assume that Uvogin had done something to you and demand that he leave or threaten to call the police. Depending on his mood, Uvo would respond in one of two ways: laugh it off if he was feeling good or kill her if he was annoyed.
She couldn't save you from him. No one in this town could.
And none of them deserved to die because of you.
Uvogin hadn't taken the beer nor payed for it, and you stood behind the counter, your hands folded in front of you while you waited for what was to come next.
When nothing happened, you chose to break the silence.
“What happens now?” you asked quietly.
“That all depends on what you do,” he answered.
“…. Are you going to kill anyone?”
“That depends on what you do,” Uvogin repeated, “there is a scenario where no one gets hurt and they all live on happily, but whether or not we go that route relies completely on where you choose to go from here.”
Uvogin crossed his arms as he asked, “so, you gonna give me any problems?”
You shook your head.
“Good. Now, where do you live?”
You kept your head low as you answered “Lerch apartments. It's a set of blue buildings.”
“What unit?”
“17E. On the second floor”
Uvo held out his hand as he ordered “give me your keys.”
You complied, reaching down to get the key ring in your pocket and taking off the one that unlocked your front door. He snatched it out of your hand when you held it out for him, and it quickly vanished into the pocket of his jacket.
“Do I need to be worried about any roommates?” Uvo asked.
“No. I live alone.”
“What about nosy neighbors?”
“They shouldn't bother you. The people there tend to keep to themselves.”
Uvogin nodded, then looked to the clock on the wall behind you.
“When do you get off?” he asked.
“Uh, in about an hour and a half.”
“Hm. Alright,” said Uvogin, “finish up your shift and we'll talk more when you get back.”
“Finish up?” you asked. That seemed strange to you, that he'd let you go about business as usual and let you finish your shift at your job. Hadn't the fact that you'd run away bothered him? Didn't he want to leave with you as soon as possible?
“Yeah, it'll look less suspicious that way,” he replied, “unless you wanna get off early.”
You shook your head.
He smirked as he said “I figured. You would rather try to delay the inevitable, wouldn't you?”
“N-no, it's not that. It's Helena. She's older. She needs help,” you said.
“She looked fine to me, but whatever,” he said, shrugging as he added “use her as an excuse if that's what you want.”
It wasn't completely an excuse. She did need help with some of the heavier lifting.
“I'm not using her as an excuse. She's been good to me and I want to help her out,” you told him.
He shrugged again as he reiterated “whatever. As long as you show up in ninety minutes.”
You nodded.
An hour and a half. That was all you had left of this little life you'd made for yourself up here. After that, you would return to what your life had been with Uvogin. Following him around like a pet as he journeyed to wherever he pleased, going with his whims to find whatever interested him most. You had no say in any of it, and if you kicked up too much of a fuss, he'd respond with some sort of violence.
What would he do to you for running?
“Anything else I should know about?” he asked.
“I don't think so.”
“Alright then. I'll be heading off.”
“But before I do that,” he added, “there's something you need to do for me first.”
You immediately became nervous as you asked “what?”
He smirked as he pointed to the cans of beer that were still sitting in front of you on the counter.
“Cover this for me,” he said.
You stared at him for a moment before looking back down to the beer. And after double-checking the amount that was owed, you let out a quiet sigh as you got out your wallet, putting your money into the register and getting out the change.
All this time and he still refused to carry cash.
“Gimme the receipt,” he told you.
You didn't question why he wanted it and just did as he said, printing it out and holding it for him to take.
But when you thought he was reaching for it, he instead grabbed you by the arm to pull you forward, causing the edge of the counter to dig into your stomach while he leaned in so he could whisper in your ear.
“By this point, we both know that you're prone to doing stupid shit,” Uvogin whispered, “and while you won't get very far with this weather, it'll be annoying to hunt you down in that tundra. But if you decide to do that anyway, just know that I'll level this entire fucking town before I go and get you.”
You could sense the grin on his face as he continued with “I'll probably start with grandma back there. Maybe splatter her brains across the walls before I move on to whoever's closest.”
“Please don't do that,” you whispered.
“Then don't run off.”
With that, he let go of your arm, took the receipt that you were still holding, and grabbed the case of beer as he began to head towards the front door.
Before he left, he looked back at you one last time.
He was grinning at you, but there was a look in his eyes that betrayed how he was truly feeling.
You were wrong about what you'd been thinking earlier.
He was angry.
Uvogin was angry at the lengths you'd gone to try and escape him. And now he'd be sitting at your apartment for an hour and a half, stewing in his emotions and becoming angrier and angrier until you got back.
A full body shudder ran through you at the thought of that.
Silently, you walked away from the counter and returned to the box of soup, settling yourself down on the floor before placing the last of the cans on the shelf. The box was empty when you were done, and as you got up slowly and collected the empty cardboard off from the floor, another shudder ran through you at the thought of what he'd be like when you returned to your apartment.
You should've just gone with him.
12:33 PM
The blue building looked foreboding as you approached it, the place that you had called home for so long now feeling like anything but. The dread of what awaited you in that apartment had long since settled in, and every step you took through the snow felt even more weighted down than normal. Yet you tried to keep your pace quick. You told him ninety minutes. That was how long he would be willing to wait before he went through with his threat.
Uvogin would absolutely go through with what he'd told you. He'd likely be even more inclined to destroy the town because of the remote location. Even if someone managed to get to a phone or a radio before Uvogin got to them, it would take hours before rescuers would arrive, and by that point, survivors would be an impossibility.
It was the first time you had considered that scenario, and you felt stupid for it. You had been so desperate for a place that was away from the rest of society that you didn't think about anything else.
But it wouldn't happen. You weren't going to let it. Ninety minutes later and you were returning, just as you'd promised.
Though not without some minor incident. After Uvogin left, Helena had noticed how far your mood had dropped and she'd asked you what was wrong. Unable to tell her the truth, you lied to her and told her that everything was fine. But even with your insistence that everything was fine, she didn't seem to believe you, even if she eventually let it go.
You wished you could've said goodbye to her. A proper farewell to someone who had been so kind, as there was no chance that you would ever see her again. Or anyone here. Helena and all of your neighbors would all become memories of a different time. And you would vanish from their lives without much of a trace. Would any of them wonder about what happened to you? Helena would – she would definitely worry over you, and you already felt guilty for that, for the stress you had yet to put that sweet woman under. Whether the others would care enough to bother worrying wasn't as clear.
You shouldn't be so worried about them, the selfish part of you said. After all, they weren't the ones that needed to deal with Uvogin. You did.
And a different line of thought began to run through your head once again as you made your way up the stairs.
What was Uvo going to do to you?
…. Nothing good, that was certain.
You stopped yourself before you could go any further. It was better not to think about it. Just let it happen so you can get through this faster.
The faster he's finished punishing you, the faster the whole ordeal is over with.
Reaching the door to your unit, muscle memory kicked in for a moment as you reached for you bag with the intent of pulling out your key before you remembered that you'd given it to Uvogin. Still, you tried the knob anyway.
It turned out that he'd left it unlocked as the door opened easily.
You didn't waste any time getting inside, quickly and loudly shutting the door behind you. There. He knew you were back now, like you promised.
Maybe that was enough to put him in a better mood.
Pulling yourself away from the door, you turned and walked in, finding that snow had already been tracked onto the carpet; Uvo hadn't bothered to remove his boots before he barged in. Clearly there was no point in doing so in his mind. You wouldn't be staying here anymore, so who cared if things got messed up?
You found him sitting back against your cheap couch, one foot propped up on your coffee table with a can of beer in hand. There were already two empty cans on the floor next to him. The rest of the room was in a messy state, and when you glanced towards your bedroom, you saw your things had been strewn about. He'd been going through your stuff while he waited for you.
Uvogin smirked once he saw you.
“I'm glad you chose not to be stupid,” he said.
You gave a short nod.
Uvogin pulled the can of beer away from his lips, one of his eyebrows arching up in question as he looked at you.
“What, got nothin' to say?” he asked.
“I don't know what you want me to say,” you answered.
“No? How about 'sorry I put you through all of this bullshit'? That might be a good place to start.”
“… Will me saying that I'm sorry change anything?”
He pulled his foot off of the table so he could sit up fully, telling you “but after the way I needed to track you down, the least you can do is grovel for me.”
You looked down at your feet, finding it hard to maintain the eye contact he was giving you, and you mumbled out an “I'm sorry.”
“Hmm. Not sure that's good enough.”
A full body flinch ran through you when you heard him stand up, and every part of you wanted to run back to the door of your unit, to try and get away from him. Your hands started to sweat as he approached you and you were scared. You were so scared of what was going to happen from this point.
You made yourself stay in place by repeating in your head that running would only make things worse.
He was on you in moments, and you were reunited with that sensation of how small and weak you felt whenever he towered over you. How easily he could break you if he wanted. How easily he had broken you, snapping your bones whenever you had gone too far for him to laugh off whatever line you had crossed, and that was usually followed by him telling you that it wasn't that bad. You falling asleep while you cried in his arms was an occurrence that was far too common, and only ever served to make you feel even more pathetic. That even after he'd been the one to hurt you, you accepted the comfort he so patronizingly offered you, and the reason why he did so seemed to simply be because it amused him.
Before you met Uvogin, you hadn't thought of yourself as being weak, and during your time away from him, you felt as though you were gaining back some of the independence and confidence you had lost. All it took for those illusions to come crumbling to pieces was a few minutes in his presence once again.
Something violent would follow, you told yourself. Maybe he'd hit you, or maybe the way you were avoiding eye contact would annoy him enough that he'd yank you up by the hair and make you look at him.
Yet the violence you expected didn't come. Instead, he placed his hand on your cheek, his warm skin coming into contact with yours that was still chilled from the bitter cold outside. You stiffened.
What was he doing?
“You wanna try again?” he asked.
Uvogin's tone contrasted the almost gentle touch on your cheek. It held more than a hint of warning – there was a promise that things would be awful for you if you didn't do what he wanted.
You cleared your throat before you spoke again.
“I'm sorry, Uvogin,” you said.
“Yeah? What for?”
“For making you come out here to get me.”
“For…. For running from you in the first place.”
“Anything else?”
…. What else was there to say?
“I'm just sorry in general,” you mumbled.
He hummed again, the hand that had been softly caressing your cheek stilling once he heard that.
“Sorry in general,” he repeated, “that's it?”
It was probably the wrong move, but you nodded.
Uvogin hummed again before he made you look back up at him. Surprisingly, he didn't seem too angry. If anything, the look on his face resembled that of disappointment.
“You make loving you really hard sometimes, you know that?”
“Loving me?” you repeated.
“Yeah, loving you,” Uvo said, raising an eyebrow as he asked “why are you questioning that?”
“…. It doesn't feel like you love me,” you answered.
“Why else would I come out here and chase you down?” Uvogin asked.
“Because you're controlling and you don't want to see me get away from you.”
He hummed, shrugging as he said “well, you're right on the second part.”
Somehow, despite the terror you felt of being in his presence once again, you managed to scoff at that. A horribly dumb mistake, as Uvogin's hand on your cheek stilled and he zeroed in on you.
“Got something to say?” he asked.
“….. No.”
“Oh, come on. Tell me the truth,” Uvo said. When you refused to respond, he tsked.
“This is why we have issues, babe. Because you refuse to open up like you should.”
“…. You say that like the issue isn't the fact that you hurt me,” you answered.
“If I treat you rough it's because you're the one who chooses to act out,” he replied, “I've been plenty good to you; the only reason the bad outweighs the good is because you keep fighting me.”
“And you sure haven't helped yourself with this stunt,” Uvo added, “but if being the bad guy means keeping you by my side where you're supposed to be, I'll be the fucking bad guy.”
The air around you suddenly felt a lot more dangerous. Your lip began to wobble while you trembled in his hold. Tears began to well up in your eyes, which Uvogin noticed immediately.
“Starting the waterworks already?” he asked, his tone mocking while he smirked at you.
That was it. The sight of him looking down at you like that was what finally made your composure snap, and useless words began to spill out of your mouth as you clutched at his jacket.
“Uvogin, please – let me go,” you began, “I can't go back to that life you live. Watching you do horrible things to innocent people – I can't do that anymore. I can't stand it. Please just let me stay here. I won't ever leave this place and I won't bother you ever again. I won't say anything to anyone about you or the troupe. Just leave me here.”
Uvogin said nothing, but judging by his expression, he wasn't at all impressed by your speech.
You pushed further.
“Uvo, please. This is what would be the best for both of us. If you really cared about me-”
The next thing you knew, you were on the floor. The side of your head that laid directly on the hard surface was aching, and there was a stinging pain in your opposite cheek as well as on your lip. You reached up to gingerly touch your face with your gloved hand, wincing as the pain worsened when you did so. Running a finger lightly over your lip, when you pulled your hand back, you saw a smearing of blood on the fabric.
It finally registered what exactly had caused that pain, the feeling of a palm against your face that struck you so hard your brain rattled about inside your head.
He hit you.
You finally got him mad enough that he hit you.
You should've expected it – no, you had expected it, and yet it still managed to come as a surprise.
Uvogin's boot roughly connected with your shoulder, and you cried out as you were forced onto your back. The only good thing was that he didn't pin you down like that, pulling his foot away from you after.
He was speaking.
“The cold air must've gotten to your brain, babe. You really think I would just leave you after I found you?” he asked, “that after everything, I'm just gonna say 'sure' and leave you behind in this wasteland? You really fucking think that there's some scenario where you're not coming out of this place with me?”
You felt the blood coming from the gash in your lip, dripping into your gaping mouth and bringing with it the taste of iron. Tears began to flow freely as you brought your hand back up to your mouth in a feeble attempt to stop the bleeding.
Uvogin knelt down next to you, saying “I didn't hit you that hard; you'll be fine.”
That statement was horribly familiar. The way he shrugged off your injuries and making it clear that he felt you were overreacting. A single hit from him could kill the average person, but you mattered enough that he would control his strength because he didn't want you dead.
Uvogin scratched at the back of his head as he added “I have to ask, though: what the fuck you were expecting when you say shit like that?”
You didn't reply. Anything you said was likely to make him hurt you more.
After a few painfully silent moments where Uvogin watched you while you began to sob, he got up without saying another word, leaving you where you lay on the floor. You followed him with your eyes, watching until he disappeared into the kitchen, and a few moments after that, you heard the sounds of him opening and closing your cabinets and drawers before he found what he was looking for.
Uvogin returned, settling down next to you and pulling you off of the floor. You protested, feeling the ache in your head becoming worse from how he moved you. He ended up pulling you into his lap, holding a dish towel up against your busted lip.
“Use this before you bleed all over the place,” he told you, encouraging you to take the towel.
When you did as he said and you clutched the fabric up to your face, Uvo kept one hand on your back, rubbing up and down in a manner that was soothing.
Already you were back in that routine. Where he'd hurt you and then follow it up by making a show of kindness, as minimal as it was. And already you were accepting it by leaning into his touch.
Because what else were you going to do?
Uvo's voice cut through your thoughts as he said “we're gonna leave soon. I've got your bag packed, but if there's anything I didn't put in that you wanna keep, now's the time to take care of that.”
You didn't respond. And when you curled in on yourself in his lap while you tried to stifle his sobs, Uvogin didn't say anything further.
1:09 PM
You wished you could've watched as you left the town, as today was the last time you would ever see it.
Technically, you could've done that. But the coward in you feared what Uvo might do to you if he saw that. While you knew that the hit at the apartment was only the beginning and wouldn't compare to whatever punishment was awaiting you once you left the area, it was better not to test his patience and make him angrier with you.
You'd made him plenty angry by now.
At least your lip had stopped bleeding, and instead of clutching the dish towel to your face, you held on tight to the backpack Uvogin had packed for you while you sat in the passenger seat of the heavy duty off-road vehicle he had brought you to once you left the apartment. You didn't recognize it, and it seemed to be doing well enough on the area around Mowbray. He'd stolen it, no doubt, getting the vehicle so he could avoid anyone who would see you two if you left by airship.
Doing it this way was faster, too. Uvo likely had a schedule in his head that he wanted to keep to.
If you making him wait ninety minutes had caused a delay in that schedule, you'd probably end up paying for that, too.
There hadn't been any further violent incidents because you didn't give him any reason to respond in that way. Once he decided that it was time to go he pulled you off of his lap and told you to collect your things, you did as he said, quietly following behind him once he left the apartment.
Uvogin didn't seem quite as angry anymore. And as he drove you further and further away from the small town, he started talking again.
“Anybody there gonna kick up a fuss when they find out you're gone?” he asked.
“… I don't think so,” you said, “my boss will probably be worried, but I don't think she'll be able to do much.”
“You talking about that old woman?”
You nodded.
A terrible thought then occurred to you, and you felt compelled to say “I didn't tell her anything about you. She doesn't know anything beyond that I moved there for a change of pace. She's not a threat.”
Uvogin laughed.
“Relax. If I was worried about that, I would've gotten rid of her before we headed off. And even if you did tell her everything, what the hell is she gonna do about it?” he asked.
Hearing that was bittersweet. It did nothing to make your situation any better, but at least Helena wouldn't suffer because of you.
At least there was that to be grateful for.
Outside the vehicle, it was clear; not even the wind was making any effort to batter at the car. You idly thought how it definitely wasn't bad weather that had been bothering Marlow's dogs.
Another thought: it would've been nice to see them again.
“You gonna miss this place?” Uvogin asked.
“I don't know.”
He laughed a little.
“What, you went out of your way to come here and you didn't even like it?” he asked.
“I was trying to hide,” you began, “and it was away from the rest of society and seemed like a good place to lay low.”
You sighed as you said “but I was never able to escape you, even before you found me.”
You heard the confusion in his voice when he asked “what does that mean?”
Before you could wonder on if you should answer that question, you spoke.
“I thought about you a lot,” you admitted, “every day from when I woke up until I fell asleep, I was wondering how you were doing. You were constantly on my mind and I couldn't help it.”
There was silence after you said that. A silence that lasted longer than you would've expected. And now you were left to wonder if saying that had been a mistake and if you were going to pay for that as well.
It felt like it was impossible for you to stop from screwing up.
Then you heard him chuckle to himself.
….. Why was he laughing?
“I'm really happy to hear that,” Uvogin said.
“…. You're happy?”
He then reached over with his hand and tapped against your head as he added “because if you're worrying about me while you're away from me, that means there's some part of you in there that knows you're supposed to be with me. If you really hated me, why would you bother expending that mental energy, right?”
His hand settled on your shoulder, and when you didn't respond he began to squeeze as he asked again “right?”
“… Yeah,” you whispered.
Uvo's grip lessened and he patted you on the shoulder, saying “you should listen to that part of you more often. Then we can avoid shit like this.”
He patted you again at your soft spoken response before he pulled away, and when you glanced up at him, you noted that he looked pleased with himself.
Today had been a good day for Uvogin. Even though he'd needed to go to extreme lengths to find you, he ultimately did just that and was now on his way back with his reclaimed prize. For him, things were going to go back to the way they were supposed to.
For you, it had been less than eleven hours since the simple life you made for yourself was destroyed with no chance of you ever reclaiming it. The chance that you would be able to escape Uvogin again was next to nothing as he would be sure not to slip up again when it came to you. Your busted lip still hurt, but it would heal up. As would the other wounds that would come as a consequence for your escape.
He would be there for you while you healed, offering those soft touches and kisses while he wiped away your tears. And you would accept them, all the while knowing that every minute you spent in his hold, internally you were breaking more and more.
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lightfeltmemories · 6 months
episode one: phantom troupe and romance; headcanons from least toxic, to most toxic
characters include: chrollo, machi, pakunoda, shizuku, uvogin, shalnark, feitan, phinks, bonolenov, kortopi, hisoka, illumi, nobunaga, franklin. (not in order)
tw's: nsfw but nothing explicit, mentions of non-con, spoilers for the deaths of pakunoda, shalnark, kortopi and uvogin, toxic relationships, lovebombing, mentions of torture (not on reader), mentions of cheating, mentions of reader's death,
notes: a completely self indulgent post, you can probably tell who im biased towards by how long certain sections are.
because this contains mentions of nsfw, do not interact if you are under 18, you will be blocked if you do !! also, do not leave negative comments please, they will be deleted :)
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out of everyone, guaranteed, she'll be the best partner out of everyone else, you might even end up shocked that she's apart of the troupe if it ever comes to you finding out.
she's a darling, spoils and cares for you like anyone else, a great listener and partakes in your interests in hobbies, its (almost) like a fairytale by how the relationship is, the troupe knows you but you don't know them! and she wants to keep it that way, of course still she's a murderer, so it would break her if you were to have found out about everything, she vowed to never let you know or even have you close to knowing about what she does, but you just can't help but wonder what she's doing when she's away for long periods of time.
until it comes to her death.
now, you eventually find out that she died from a close friend of hers, but he knows paku doesn't want you to know about the troupe, so, he's a bit vague, and a bit creepy.
personally out of everyone else, i feel like nobunaga would be other most normal when it comes to relationships, but then again, he's an enigma, he doesn't strike me as the type to be the best boyfriend literally ever or very very toxic, i feel like out of everyone else, if you're looking for someone to be in a semi normal relationship with, nobunaga is your best shot, but of course, he's a part of the phantom troupe, and any member apart of it isn't exactly the best partner by default.
he's still a murder and thief, like all members i believe that he would definitely steal things that remind him of you, he'd most definitely kill for you.
unlike someone like feitan or machi, he doesn't exactly have a problem with being vulnerable when you get to know him, he'll tell you about himself, and of course, because he's a criminal he can't exactly tell you what he does for a living, but can't bring himself to lie about it either, he's just hoping that one day, if you know, you won't leave or judge him for it, his childhood isn't exactly all sunshines and lolipops, y'know?
he'll love you from the ends of the earth, but he definitely won't let you walk all over him, quick to put your in your place and won't allow you to manipulate him, he won't lie to you (about trivial things, at least) so why should you? (who knows, maybe you're apart of a criminal organization and is pretty much a wanted criminal yourself :P)
similar to nobunaga i think if you want something that's somewhat normal, bonolenov is also a nice choice! (100% not putting him up so high because we don't really know that much about him it's totally because he would be a decent partner! honest!)
for one, you would definitely be introduced to usual romantic gestures and advances that come from his tribe, he'll tell you all about how things work with him, he'll do dances he learned when they were still here for you to show how much he adores you, and dresses you in garments that resemble such from his tribe, it's pretty cute, honestly!
now, what concerns him a bit is.. how you'll react without his bandages, he's not exactly sexy like chrollo but (to me, TO MEEEEEE) he's not the ugliest thing in the world! he just hopes that eventually if you see him in his true form, you don't scream and run away at the sight of him, its okay if you do! ..... kind of.
and if you don't, oh you'll mean so much to him!
now, here's another one we don't know much about! but i'll try my best either way (i just want to contribute to the lack of attention him and bono get in these spaces.) he's another somewhat normal one, he also doesn't strike me as the type to be the absolute worst, but still is apart of a troupe of murderers and thieves.
similar to everyone else, he'll steal and kill for you (idk if this guy even has a body count but lets pretend he does.) and is a lot more open to being vulnerable than some other members.
now, nine times out of ten you'll be taller than him because this guy is even shorter than feitan, so, he'll definitely be wearing your t-shirts and hoodies, and he ain't complaining about it!
and eventually, he dies, now, honestly, something told you that kortopi seemed... like the odd one out when it came to the troupe, he doesn't seem like the type to be apart of... that! you better hope that hisoka doesn't care about you, or things are gonna turn ugly faster than you can blink.
he's big (as hell), but he's sweeter (you know why they're in bold italics) than the others twice his size.
physically the strongest, you're rather lucky to have him has your partner, if someone won't stop messing with you, they're dead within a millisecond, or at least scared off since you know.. he isn't exactly built like the average guy and having someone that's eight foot fucking two walking up on you not really excited to see you is quite terrifying, depending on his mood they'll sometimes get away.... sometimes.
enough of that, how is it like when it's just the two of you? sitting on the couch or laying in bed watching movies together, his arm around you, it's basically a pillow! a hard ass pillow at that.
not the most vulnerable, he's not some weird incel who see's women as sex toys or anything, he's decently capable of being in a normal relationship, you won't see each other often sadly, but when you do, he'll pay 95% of his attention towards you, he'll even let you know straight up that he won't know when he'll get back, but he will! ... until he doesn't..
ah yes, his death at the hands of kurapika, how will you react? hell, how would kurapika react to your existence? something tells me that kurapika might kill you too, send you right off with him, or, in a rather strange twist of events, he might try to fuck you and take you to the other side, not in the way of barging into your house and straight up non con, nah, more like a get to know you then get in your pants type of way, uvo won't be there to protect you now would he? of course the latter is highly unlikely, but to be honest it's kind of fun to think about.
and now that you think of it... you don't even know what uvo was doing or where he was going, you choose how you want to react to how you found out about his troupe business.
another woman! she's similar to another person right below her! she looks cute, but she's anything but!...... sort of.
she's not the best or worst partner, she's pretty normal, a bit distant but it's not something you can't manage, maybe she just needs some space and you're overwhelming her, but something that really gets to you is her forgetfulness.
at first, she'll forget things such as your birthday or your anniversary, but going further into the relationship, she becomes less and less forgetful (she might even remember things that you don't even remember.)
what exactly do you guys do together? well, she does try to partake in your interests, and does try to get things you like!
he's similar to uvo, he's big, he's actually nicer than he appears.
what makes him so low is.. well to be honest i don't know, i don't feel like he could be high up but not so low, so, this is the perfect spot for him.
for one he does have a bit of an anger problem, not as bad as phinks, but he doesn't mind a slight argument, good thing he wont assault you, and is quick to make up for the argument.
i don't know how to write him, so, please forgive me for how small this passage is. :(
we're starting to get into uh... strange territory, he looks kind, and seems normal, but he's anything but that, he's not the most toxic but he also isn't the most caring and understanding either, similar to nobunaga he's kind of an enigma.
he's a love bomber and very good at manipulating, definitely takes advantage of his rather cute looks, he'll figure out what you're insecure about and compliment those things specifically, i do think he is capable of loving someone genuinely, but he sometimes does things without realizing that they aren't really normal, maybe he's getting his troupe personality mixed up with the one he has with you.
he does come off as sweet at first, brings you flowers and takes you on some rather expensive dates (an uncanny feeling creeps up on you about how the waiters act, but you don't pay much attention to it.) and sometimes he's more distant and a little bit aloof, you take this as him needing his space.
he's not abusive, but he isn't the absolute best partner, there's definitely better out there.
his death doesn't hit you as hard as the others but it was still devastating, you best hope hisoka doesn't come for you, and if he does, you hope he swiftly kills you, because you really don't want this murder clown to take an interest to you.
phinks is another one 'that's kind of odd to me, i don't want to judge a book by its cover and say "yeah he's a piece of shit!!" but again, he's a lot better in comparison to anyone below.
he's similar to shalnark in quite a few ways, one, he does things that kind of makes you think he's a bit of an odd ball, he's intimidating to look at and is the second strongest physically in the troupe, so you're lucky to have someone like him if you're looking for protection.
i don't see him as the type to take you out to fancy restaurants and bring you flowers, stuff like that is a bit too sappy for him, he shows other ways like giving you thinks you like or taking you to like carnivals or other fun events.
his main problem is his anger issues, he won't physically harm you especially if you don't use nen, but he's not above arguing with or yelling at you, he doesn't do it often, but he might call you an idiot or a bitch if you take him to that point.
the relationship is somewhat normal besides that.
chrollo is weird, some say he's loving, caring, blah blah blah while some might say he's the exact opposite.
for one he is charming, he's a relatively good looking man, he's intelligent, and is looking for someone who's also intelligent.
i feel like chrollo definitely has a type, he likes people who are elegant, he wants someone that'll make him look good while he's in public, he doesn't care much for how people view the relationship outside of that, he also looks for someone with a personality he doesn't want someone who looks good yes, but is boring to be around, someone he can have a deep conversation with and talk about his interests with.
for one, you will not know about the troupe's existence, until he is 100% ready to tell you, which will definitely take a while, but he's confident that the troupe and himself will protect you from anyone who tries to avenge.
now, what makes him so low on this list? well, he's quite manipulative, a gaslighter, too, what do you mean you saw me with another woman? it's all for business, i'm just trying to steal her nen ability.
he does want to be a good partner, but this relationship is kind of a "too good to be true" type, something is happening behind closed doors and the thought is too persistent to ignore.
this guy is... strange, for one, his beady ass eyes make him look like a bug (affectionately), and section.. his very warped perception of what love even is.
i agree with the fandom that he has a breeding kink no doubt, his intention on dating is marriage, and you will bear his children, no ifs, ands or buts.
you'll meet his family but you'll never meet the troupe, he doesn't want you getting involved in fighting (he might have someone teach you some basic self protection) because he doesn't want you to die, that'll fuck with him... kind of, you're basically trapped in the mansion.
his overprotection is toxic on its own, you don't have that much freedom, you can't go shopping unless he's with you (or if he can't be there, one of his servants will accompany you), you're never truly alone unless he's away, and when he's here, things are no better, he's distant and cold, there's not much to talk about with him, sure, he loves you, but doesn't know how to express it much.
one out of three toxic ass individuals, one of them consists of machi.
lets start off with the fact that she's cold hearted, as hell, if you cry in front of her she'll look at you like you're crazy, if she's really in that mood she'll tell you that you look stupid and you need to suck it up.
not good with physical touch or romance, who knows how the two of you managed to continue the relationship, she does leave flowers for you but won't tell you that they're from her, won't admit that she's the one who got them for you.
i feel like similar to a certain clown, she won't care much for you if you aren't either powerful or capable of protecting yourself in some way.
but all she's really doing is putting up barriers, she's actually caring in her own weird way, she'll still be there for you, patch up your wounds if you managed to get cut or stabbed and would probably mourn your death.
were getting lower, and a certain sadist who loves torture is worse, but somehow, hisoka is slightly better than him in some way or another.
for one, hisoka probably won't be that interested in you if you aren't powerful, it would be worse if you were a regular civilian, he'll take that as an opportunity to take advantage of you sexually, physically, psychologically and mentally, and the relationship will be literal hell..
but, lets say you are pretty powerful, dare i say a troupe member yourself, he won't be as interested in fighting you as much as he would chrollo, but he would be interested in... other ways.
how you managed to get into a relationship with this freak is unclear, but you two one day just.. hooked up, and it all goes downhill from here.
he has no problem killing you if he gets tired of you, he already killed two and plans on killing the rest of the spiders, why not kill another? especially you? or, in an alternate scenario where he does manage to kill off all the spider, you're the only one who's left, this can go two ways, one, he can fuck you one last time then kill you, or, he takes you with him! if you managed to have a lasting impression on him, that is.
outside of sex, he just isn't a good partner, he's probably the only one on this list that's probably willing to cheat on you (don't you dare get back at him, both you and your lover will die) he's manipulative as hell, he doesn't necessarily care about how you feel and he'll provoke you just to get a reaction out of you.
and last but not least, feitan, oh boy, good luck to you for managing to have this man attracted to you. (im a feitan girlie, so this one might be a big longer than the rest)
for one, he'll hate your rotten guts for making him feel this way, for making him feel so weak, so emotional... he might even contemplate on killing you, but when that time comes he can't bring himself to do it.
i don't want to say yandere is his default since he doesn't really know how to properly love, because i do think he has some potential, but it does make sense for him, because there has to be something about you that makes you interested in him, maybe you're his polar opposite? maybe you're also a sadist?
he's not the most romantic partner, he doesn't want to come off as vulnerable, or sappy, so, what considers as a date to him? he's the type to probably take you to a cemetery at night as a form of a date.
he will not allow the troupe to know you or you to know them, for one he's going to be teased from hell and back for finally managing to pull someone and second while it appears that he doesn't care for you much, him protecting you from them is his way of showing you that he cares.
he can't find himself being vulnerable, he might teach you his language if you're up for it, and he might bring you some things he knows you like, but thats kind of it, also he won't force you to see him torture people.. unless you betray him in a way.
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rotten-pomegranate · 6 months
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Just imagine
Guys that can move you into whatever position they want and absolutely manhandle you because of the shear size difference and his strength
Like they can just push you down or pick you up and put you in whatever potion they want and even if you wanted to (we both know you don’t) you couldn’t do shit
Guys who can are halfway in and already pressed up against your cervix
Guys who have to bend down to kiss you but won’t half the time just to see you struggle on your tip toes
Guys who would flex there arms for you to feel and absolutely fawn over whenever you want because you know that they are yours
Guys who can come home and pick you up with no issues to bring you to the bedroom after a long day
Guys who eat three times more then you and never complain about cooking
Guys who you never get hit on when your with because everyone is scared they might get torn apart
Guys who can be so rough in bed but are really just gentle giants to you everywhere else it’s only you though
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Uvogin, mihawk, endeavour, gyomei, senami, hisoka, Sebastian, orochmaru, ryuk, buggy, all might, toji, Dazai, yami, Arlong
©rotten-pomegranate- All rights reserved, don’t steal, translate, copy, plagiarize, claim my work as your own or post it on other platforms.
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scremogirl · 8 months
Men who are just a naturally dominate. He always takes the lead in making sure you’re okay. Whether that stems from his build/appearance or just who he is as a person. It doesn’t just have to be things that scream authority; it can be the little things too. Not batting an eye when he pulls out his wallet to pay the bill, placing a hand on your hip to gently shift you away from the roadside when walking, forcing you to drink water and eat food when he sees you’ve been struggling with keeping yourself together. That’s just who he is. That’s what everyone else thinks at least.
In the privacy of your home, when it’s just the two of you, the dynamic quickly changes.
︎ ⚠︎︎
“Pl-Please mommy, it feels so goood,” his moans fill the silence in your room. He struggles against the restraints that keep his legs spread and arms behind his back. You don’t let up in giving his cock firm strokes no matter how hard he pleads.
“Yea babyboy? It feels good?” He whines bucking his hips up as much as he can trying to create as much friction as possible.
“Please… ughh fuck… please Mommy I’ll never do it again I promiseee! Just please lemme touch you,”
“Hmmm. I don’t know. You think you’ve been a good boy today?”
“Yes, yes, yess. Ahh…please ma ima’boutta cum!”
“Yea? Oh babyy, you’re so cute. Gonna pump all your cum out, huh?”
“Ahhhh fuckkk, yes! Gonna make a mess just for you,” you bend down and only put the tip in your mouth. Swirling your tongue around and sucking lightly. You don’t break eye contact as yoir tounge flicks over his slit encouraging him. However, his pleasure is ripped away from him as he bucks his hips up a little to far making you gag. He lets out a big moan before realizing he fucked up.
“Mhmm, I’m sorry baby, m’so sorry please. It was an accident your mouth just felt so good I-” you press a finger to his lips and let out a series of tsks.
“Uh un. And you told me you were being good? You won’t get to feel me until you cover your chest in cum,” he whines at that struggling against his ropes. You just smile and give him a deep kiss. You both know he doesn’t actually mind.
ushijima , KYOTANI, Iwa, BOKUTO, Daichi, Aone, Worick, Choso, Yuji, AOI, Kisame, KYOJURO, sanemi, Uvo?, NOBUNAGA, Phinks, hal, DICK, Malleus???, kalim, Carter, Jack, ichigo?, shinji, Kaname, SHANKS, Smoker; YOUR FAV
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cheesecakethots · 7 months
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Maybe your intuition was right about this job.
You were broke, only a few days away from having to live on the streets, streets where dangerous men lurked waiting for an opportunity to snap up young women like you.
You remember shivering at the thought, and so when you saw a job opportunity at some nearby hotel, you thought you were saved. It paid pretty well considering you were only coming in to be a cleaner, but you were quick to realise why.
Gangs and mafia had wormed their way into the very foundations of your city. You were hired to clean and keep your mouth shut if you saw anything. Up until now, you hadn’t seen anything, thank god.
Despite your guilty conscience, you continued working, making a habit of bringing in headphones just so you could block everything out.
You regret every decision you’ve made that has led up to this moment.
You’re practically plastered against the wall, eyes wide and body trembling. The headphones you usually wear are still blasting some pop song, but it’s practically white noise compared to the sounds of crying, screaming and groaning.
It’s a bloodbath. Quite literally too. You can feel pools of it soaking into your cheap shoes, which doesn’t help the sickness in your stomach.
The man, if you can even call him that, still hasn’t noticed you. You won’t be surprised if he turns around and reveals himself to be some bear-man mutant thing. He’s fucking massive, despite the fact that he’s currently sat down, boredly snapping bones. You’re extremely lucky he hadn’t heard your mop drop to the floor after you walked into the carnage.
Fucking move! Move! Move!
You don’t. You stand still like an idiot.
“Are you going to say anything, little lady?”
Now you just might throw up.
He turns his head to the side and watches you with one eye, a grin on his lips. He chuckles a little, before standing.
By fucking god he’s huge. Your knees become wobbly within an instant.
“Hm. I don’t think you should be here, girlie.”
“I-I work here,” you stammer out.
He raises an eyebrow, turning to face you a little more, the grin on his lips widening.
“Is that so?”
He stands to his feet, casually crushing the head of some poor man under his boot. Your eyes divert to the ceiling, struggling to find a spot that isn’t covered in splatters of blood.
“I gotta admit, you don’t look the type to be working here.”
There’s a spot. It’s grimy, and there’s a dull light that looks like it has dead bugs in it.
“I-I need the money, and it’s only- it’s only cleaning.”
Another wry laugh, “Cleaning, huh? Tell me, do you think you can clean all this?”
The light flickers a little. Someone should check that out, but not you, you’d be hopeless with it.
“Maybe for a raise,” you mumble.
He laughs again. That’s good right? He must think you’re funny. Or maybe he thinks the thought of splattering your intestines across the wall is funny.
The spot on the ceiling becomes all the harder to focus on when he’s right in front of you, tall enough to reach your line of sight despite the fact you’re basically looking straight up.
There’s a bit of blood in the toothy smirk he wears, a fact that makes your stomach sink even lower. “You not gonna run?”
You don’t even realise you’re crying until you hear your own pathetic sniffles, “Wha-What would be the p-point?”
He pouts mockingly, the amusement in his eyes clear as day, and you flinch harshly at the sight of his massive hand raising towards you, a sharp breath of air entering your lips and your headphones clattering to the floor.
The hand slowly pats your head, and the heaviness of it reminds you of the fact he could so easily crush your skull. You can feel the blood from him dripping into your hair.
“You’re cute, you know that? In a bit of a pathetic way.”
How lovely of him. You’re not really sure if you should say thanks.
You gulp, and it scratches at your dry throat painfully. “I-I won’t te-tell any-“
“Ya got a boyfriend? Maybe even a girlfriend?”
Only spluttered and clipped words leave you, and so you settle for shaking your head.
The hand on your head crawls down your face, akin to a spider, before eventually settling on cupping your cheek.
“Yeah, I figured. I mean, no offence. If I had a pretty thing like you I wouldn’t let you work in a place like this,” he motions to the hellhole behind him, before glancing back down at you with slightly narrowed eyes. “Hell, I doubt I would even let you out of the house. You’re too cute for your own good.”
God. Why didn’t you just tell your coworker to find someone else to cover? Why, why, why?
A rough thumb wipes under your eyes, creating a thin layer of blood, sweat and tears on your skin.
“Awe, no need to cry,” he coos, and you yelp when his other hand encircles around your waist, tugging you against him.
“I’ll take care of ya.”
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cherrysha · 3 months
Pairing: Uvogin x Reader
A/N: if you follow me then this topic was probably expected...
Word Count: 700
Warnings: Maybe masochism, pain play
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“Hurts Uvo” you whine, hips unsuccessfully bucking away from his iron grip. Right now his warm hands feel like they’re branding you, clamped tight to your hips as he keeps you propped up on your knees. He’d wanted to try this, said it’d make you feel so so good, but right now all you could feel was a dull pinch deep in your womb. 
“Yeah,” he croons, a thumb rubbing circles into the skin of your hips, “but doesn’t it feel good too?” 
You’re shaking your head ‘no’, no it did not feel good. It felt like Uvo was pressing against something he aught not to, pushing his length too deep against something too sensitive. Forcing you to make room when there was none. 
“Just relax” he groans, his head lolling back as his eyes close.
 “let yourself really feel it…” with his last words he’s slowly pushing in deeper, deeper until you swear the pain is turning into an ache that won’t go away.
But you try, as you always do for Uvo, breathing in deep before willing yourself to loosen the tight clamp you have on his cock. 
It takes a moment, more than a moment if you’re being honest, but you start to feel it. A budding sense of pleasure swirling to the forefront of your mind with every languid thrust Uvo unleashed upon your cervix. It was a different type of pleasure, unlike the overwhelming feeling of touching your clit with too much pressure, it felt like your whole body lit up at his consistent prodding of your insides, despite the pain it caused. 
“Feelin’ it now sweetheart?” 
You could hear the cocky grin in his voice, could just picture the sharp flash of his white teeth as you slowly sank your upper body into the mattress. 
“I think so- Ah!” Uvo’s hips slam against yours, forcing his cock even deeper, increasing the pressure on your poor cervix until you felt like screaming, before pulling back and repeating the action again, and again, and again. 
And inexplicably ur pussy opens up to the sensation instead of clamping down. You get so much wetter when your cervix is being bullied, so much looser. It’s like ur pussy wants him that close to your womb, craves every brutal thrust from the man above you.
There’s still an ache, a feeling of being stuffed too full, but the new pace has your mind blanking, drool pooling on the sheets below you as a rhythmic “Ah! Ah! Ah!” Falls from your lips.
“Thaaats it” Uvo growls, “just let me in sweetheart.”
And you do, oh god you do. You can’t help it, not when every nerve ending is being lit on fire so succinctly. 
“Please!-“ your hands are clawing the sheets in an effort to get up, to get away before you break. You don’t know what you’re begging for. More, less, it doesn’t matter. It’s all too much, too much pain, too much pleasure. You’re strung so tight that when you cum it’s with a scream, tears streaming down your face as Uvo continues to pound you into oversensitivity. 
His hands are the only thing keeping your hips up as he continues to fuck you senseless, and you’re past the point of cognizance, past the point of caring as your orgasm ebbs through you. It doesn’t seem to be stopping, the tip of Uvo’s thick cock preventing you from coming down with every slick bump into the sensitive end of you. 
When he finally takes pity on you, and you know that’s what it is; Uvo could go for hours if he wanted to, your face is wet from the puddle of tears and saliva you’d unwittingly left on the bed. He cums with a groan, pushing as deep as he can go and making another whine escape your wet throat. 
He’s hauling your body up, a gush of his release leaving you as he flips your spent body over, chuckling at the dazed look on your face, the gloss of your wet swollen lips, before covering them with his own. 
 “Feel good baby?”
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could I request headcanons of uvo, chrollo, and phinks with a little sibling figure reader in the troupe and she’s ten years old maybe? :) platonic ofc . tysm and it’s ok if u can’t do this request ! (If three characters is too much just uvogin is ok ^_^)
Of course! I hope you enjoy!
Uvogin, Chrollo, and Phinks with a little sibling figure in the troupe
Warnings: none
Female! Reader
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I know Uvo’s a violent man, but I feel like he would be the softest in the world with you, which is unusual because he helped kill an entire clan, including the children
-I mean first of all, he’s very impressed by the fact that your a ten year old and also in the freaking phantom troupe, with enough training you could even defeat him over time!
-He very quickly decides he’s gonna look out for you wether it be in training, missions, or just when your all hanging around waiting for orders
-Speaking of training, he wants to see you reach your full potential as soon as possible, so he spars with you often. He won’t go easy on you, but he won’t seriously injure you either, he’s very aware that your both physically smaller and more mentally immature than he is (at his old ass age) so he’s aware that he has an advantage when it comes to fighting
-You learn a lot from fighting him though, he may make harmless taunts every now and then but he gives very constructive criticism and it does help improve your fighting skills significantly, perks of sparring with one of the strongest troupe members I guess
-He play whatever games you want in during times when there’s nothing to do, especially when your on guard duty with nothing to entertain you. He makes a surprisingly good playmate (he’ll let you play with his hair too)
-He keeps an eye on you during missions, but he’s well aware you can hold your own, you wouldn’t be in the troupe otherwise. That being said, if something gets serious enough (like Kurapika’s case for example) then he won’t hesitate to defend you with his life. There’s not a lot of people he’s willing to die for, but you’re one of them
-I kinda see him like a cool uncle more then a brother, idk why but he just gives off those vibes
-I think Chrollo’s quite fond of children personally, he’ll still kill them if their in the way of achieving a goal but I don’t think he enjoys it and he also wouldn’t kill a child for no reason like he would an adult
-He’s very impressed by your power level, your a very useful addition to the troupe and he plans on utilizing that as much as possible
-But he does genuinely come to care for you later on though, that’s not surprising considering how the troupes practically family anyways
-He let’s you sit with him during meetings if you want, your also the only troupe member that’s allowed to touch him without explicit permission beforehand
-He doesn’t involve himself too much with you, but he does keep an eye on you more than he does the others, you may be powerful but your still young, it’s not easy living this kinda life at your age
-He’s the one to introduce you to the troupe and he’s also the one to make sure you get acquainted with the troupe without any issue, he can and will threaten any troupe member that is too unkind to you
-Like Uvo, he’s not concerned about you during missions, he’s very well aware of your powers, he’s probably the most familiar with them out of all the troupe members since he had to recruit you
-I honestly can’t see him treating you too differently from the other troupe members, your tough, you have incredible potential, he doesn’t see the need to coddle you like some of the other members might
-He’s skeptical if you at first, why did Chrollo choose you of all people? The troupe is no place for a child as young as you
-After seeing you fight for the first time though he’s immediately like “damn maybe she does belong in here” and now he’s curious as to how you turned out this way in the first place
-Phinks doesn’t approach you right away, he ops to observe you from afar for awhile, but the longer your in the troupe the more you inevitably interact
-For some reason, the two of you are put on missions often, so you grow very attached to him and he’s very confused about it. He has no idea why you cling to him specifically but he gets used to it after some time
-He’s definitely the most protective of you out of the group, he’ll never let you know how much you’ve grown on him but he makes sure nobody bothers you
-Especially on missions, in theory he knows you can hold your own but when your actually fighting and in danger he tries to do the bulk of the fighting no matter how much you protest
-He’s afraid to train with you because he fears he might hurt you, he’s a tough dude who doesn’t hold back when fighting so he’s not sure how well he could hold his strength against you
-He’ll “begrudgingly” (not really tho) play games with you if you ask him nice enough, but he’ll make lighthearted complaints the entire time
-Fears that your gonna die during your time in the troupe, it’s a very dangerous job and your super young compared to most of the guys they fight
-We have a tsundere older brother over here everyone lol
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pumcafe · 1 month
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Content Contains: NSFW, fem reader, 1st person, size difference (it’s Uvogin), Uvogin is a freeloader, dub-con, somno(?? mentions grinding and groping reader while sleeping), creampie, uhh a little possessive? barely any proofreading.
Word Count: 6.9k (shit is LONG srry) 
The sound of a crash jolted me from my sleep. My eyes tiredly scanned the room before my feet slowly slipped onto the floor. The sound didn’t seem to come from inside, but it surely wasn’t far. 
I made my way down the steps, careful to avoid the areas of the wood that whined under my weight. Nothing, or no one, was inside the house. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. However, that meant it came from outside. 
Still cautious, I peered through the peephole, gazing around every angle before finally looking down. The sight of something large on my porch made me jump, the light barely allowing me to make out torn, white fabric. I quickly undid the lock on the knob, leaving the chain lock until I knew for sure everything was safe. I peeked through the crack, gasping at the image displayed on my front porch.
‘He’s fucking huge?? How can a human being be that… large?’ It took me a second to fully register that there wasn’t just a large man in front of my house, but that he was unconscious. His white shirt was bloody and torn almost completely off of him. I squatted and threw one of his arms over my shoulder, the weight causing me to exhaustively exhale. His arm was almost as long as I was tall, and nearly weighed as much as I fucking did. ‘You’re one heavy-‘ my knees almost buckling under me caused me to focus on the task at hand. 
Slowly, with as much strength as possible, I dragged the abnormally large male into my house, letting him go with just the thought of getting his weight off of me. The sound of the crash and my house slightly shaking from the impact alerted me to how roughly he fell. “Sorry,” I said to him before realizing he was unconscious, and the fall probably was the least of his worries. 
I quickly ran up to get my cheap first aid kit; it’ll have to do until the morning when I could call the doctor. I also decided to grab a bowl of water and a rag before I made my way back to the living room. 
My hands gingerly tore the rest of his shirt off. My eyes widened in shock at the state of his wounds. Deep cuts, bruises in various shades, and other miscellaneous scrapes took their turns littering his body. I didn’t have nearly enough band-aids to cover everything, especially considering how large some of them wore. I didn’t even consider turning him over to check for anything on his back. 
I cleaned the wounds and additional dirt as best as possible before placing the few bandages I had on the ones that seemed the worst. 
I backed away and took the time to examine him. His chest rose steadily, his face looked as if he were peacefully sleeping. My eyes lingered on the bruise on his left cheek and gash above his right eye. 
“What did you do to make them that mad?” I chuckled to myself as my back hit the front of the couch. I realized he was too close to me when I tried to uncross my legs. The thought of pushing myself on the couch created even more exhaustion. 
Blink. The morning sun was shining harshly on my face. Did I not close the blinds yesterday? 
I sat up, the blanket sliding off of me as I stretched. 
‘Wait…’ I looked at the floor. He was still there, but on his side now, one arm underneath his head as he snored. ‘Did he?…’ He couldn’t have, there’s no way someone with his injuries could even stand to be awake. 
I slid over the arm of the couch, careful to make the same movements as I did last night to avoid any creaking. 
Once in my room, my hands pawed over my bed eagerly, searching for my phone. I wasted no time in dialing the nearest traveling doctor; there was no way I could carry him out to my car, and I didn’t believe they even made ambulances that big. I relayed the information of the extent of the man’s injuries to the secretary on the phone after giving her my address. 
I made my way back downstairs to check on the stranger on my living room floor. With how hurt he is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he slept all d-
“Ah, you’re awake,” a deep voice stopped me in my tracks. 
He was sitting up with his legs crossed, both of his arms stretched behind his back while he yawned. He started pushing himself up to stand. 
“W-wait!” I ran over to him to stop him, wondering if he hit his head so hard that he couldn’t feel anything. However, when I stopped in front of him I noticed that the bruise was gone, the gash almost completely healed too. My eyes trailed down his chest and abdomen; it was the same story, all minor injuries were gone while the bigger ones were well on their way of being healed. 
“Oh, thanks for the bandages, hope you don’t mind that I took them off though,” his voice was gruff and deep with the reminiscence of sleep. He slid on a new white shirt. Where did he get that? 
I just stared at him with shock. He was acting as just a couple of hours ago he wasn’t knocked out cold on my front doorstep. And how did everything heal? 
“What am I going to tell the doctor?” I thought out loud. 
He looked at me with a raised eyebrow before yawning again. “Doctor?”
My head snapped back up so I could meet his eyes, “Well last night you were out cold and you had so many wounds all over,” I began to ramble, “so I brought you in and patched you up as best as I could. I couldn’t do the best work, but I used what I had. Obviously I had the intention of calling a doctor first thing in the morning, that was the only thing on my mind when I woke up. I mean, I thought you were dying or something. Anyone else-“
He let out a loud laugh, stopping me dead in my speech. “I forgot how worrisome regular folk are,” he let out another chuckle. Regular people? I guess I couldn’t argue with him on that; hell, I’m still not convinced he’s fully human. “You should probably call off that doctor, don’t wanna waste his time.”
“No, you need to get checked at the very least,” I protested, “you took multiple blows to the head and were out for hours.” 
His figure towered over me, shadowing me from the sun. The gash on his head was even smaller now, had it been healing the whole time we were talking? “If it makes you feel better, then sure,” his voice was surprisingly more gentle than his appearance. “But I ain’t lettin’ a doctor poke and prod me all day. He’s checkin’ my head and that’s it,” he said playfully.
I nodded in agreement. “Just a small checkup is all I’m asking for.” I gave him a small smile, and he returned it with a big grin. His canines were sharp as hell…
Even with the man, whose name is Uvogin, sitting down on the couch, the doctor still had to pull up a chair to get a proper look at him. I cringed at every creak my poor couch made under the massive man’s weight, my jaw tightened even more when I caught a glimpse at the way it bent at the bottom. The thought of having to buy new furniture because of a bear-like stranger was enough to make tears begin to prick at my eyes.
“Everything looks… normal,” the doctor spoke, breaking me out of my couch trance, “his response times are perfectly fine, everything seems to be working correctly, and his wounds don’t seem in nearly as bad of shape as I heard. I think he’ll be alright Mrs…” 
“Miss,” I simply corrected as I showed him to the door, “thank you so much doctor for taking a look at him.” I closed the door and stood there for a minute with my forehead pressed against the door. 
“Told ya,” the gruff voice made me jump. For a big guy, he was quiet when he wanted to be. 
“You must be hungry,” I exclaimed while looking at the clock by the kitchen entrance, “it’s already well past one!” I squeezed my way around him and walked towards the kitchen. “I have uh, eggs, meat….” I felt silly listing everything in my fridge, “What are you in the mood for?” I finally asked. 
When I looked over the door of the fridge to the entryway where he was first standing, I was met with empty space. “Huh?..” 
“You don’t got a lot…” My eyes widened as I felt his breath on the back of my neck. Why was he so close? It suddenly sunk in that I just have some stranger in my house… hovering over me. 
Wait… I don’t have a lot? “I just stocked my fridge yesterday, but if you don’t see anything, we can always order something?” ‘No, he should be leaving, if he wants food then he can get it himself,’ the thought popped up.  
Before I could debate my hospitality, his breath brushed against my ear, “You payin’?” A sense of dread hit my stomach, and my wallet. 
After apologizing to the third delivery guy for the egregious amount of food, I shut the door. I slid my back down and prepared to walk into my living room-turned-buffet. 
My eyes widened as I walked into the scene; there were literal piles of takeout boxes lined around my coffee table as well on the floor next to it. And he was already eating?! He couldn’t even wait for me to sit down? 
“Are you gonna eat?” His mouth was full while he asked the question. 
Exhale. I sat down on the other side of the couch, once again tensing at the sound of my poor furniture earnestly trying to keep us both up. ‘I should write a review for this brand,’ the thought made me chuckle a little. 
He finished it. He finished it all. He even finished my fucking leftovers. I sat there with my back against the couch as he rubbed his stomach lazily beside me, the mess of takeout packages littered around my living space. The thought of cleaning up after he left nearly brought me to tears once again. 
The main issue was, he wasn’t making any moves to go. “So…” I began, “where are you from?” My question earned me a raised eyebrow from the man as he stared at me.
“Why do you care?” Okay, rude.
“Simply trying to make conversation. I mean, you are kind of a stranger just… in my house.” This seemed to humor him.
“Alright alright, I’m from Meteor City,” my eyes widened in surprise. I’ve heard stories about the place, but I’ve never met someone from there. It’s also quite a distance from here. 
“What brings you so far from home?” And who is beating you so badly you landed on my porch? 
His brow furrowed like he was figuring out what to say, “Just passing through.” Okay, now I’m more curious.
“Any destination?” I pulled my legs onto the couch, leaning forward to try and meet his avoidant gaze.
He scratched the back of his neck, “Damn you ask a lot of questions. No, I’m just roamin’.” 
When I realized he wouldn’t meet my eyes, I began to look past him, outside of the window. The sun was starting to set, painting the skies various blues and oranges. I would’ve taken in its beauty if it weren’t serving as a reminder that Uvogin is still in my house. 
We sat in silence for a few additional minutes as I pondered on how to ask him to leave. ‘He could stay one more night,’ was a possibility, ‘but think of all the money he’ll eat and break,’ another possibility. 
Before I could really make a decision, Uvogin was already spreading himself out on the couch, feet pushing off three piles of takeout containers onto the floor. He yawned obnoxiously loud, letting me know I should stop with the questions. 
But the question of where he was gonna sleep pushed against my lips. 
The image of him breaking the twin bed in the guest bedroom sent shivers down my spine, and I wanted to give my couch a break but I couldn’t just ask him to sleep on the floor. The image of when I first woke up replayed in my head, how peaceful he seemed curled up on my rug. 
‘Like a puppy,’ I tried to force down the smile that played on my lips. 
“Mr. Uvogin,” I turned to look at him. My face flattened when I saw his mouth wide open and his eyes shut, drool already beginning to drop from his lips. 
A defeated sigh filled the air before the creaking of the couch followed it. It barely lifted after I stood up. My arms felt heavy as I pried myself away from the scene.
Shower and then bed. I didn’t realize how heavy my muscles were until I sprawled out all of my limbs across my bed. My bed was quite large, but I don’t think it could even hold Uvogin- 
‘Who cares if a stranger can fit in my bed????’ I rolled around my bed despite having no energy, hoping that tiring myself out more would help my mind focus on something else.
I rolled around several times before finally settling into my blankets. The rising and falling of my chest slowed as I began to drift into sleep. 
I woke up to my room rocking back and forth and my shoulder jolting around. “W-what?” The rocking stopped and my eyes landed on a blurry figure. As the room finally began to steady and my vision focused, I recognized Uvogin.
”You’re finally awake,” he grunted, scratching the top of his head, “your room is kinda nice; lots of little trinkets.” He looked around nervously, causing me to jump up.
“You haven’t broken an-“
“No no, nothing’s broken, everything’s fine,” he eased. “Where’s the menu for that take-out place? Unless you’re plannin’ to cook again?” My eyes widened at the audacity. He’s still here in my home and he’s got the guts to ask me for food? I studied his face for a moment, noticing that there wasn’t even a scar above his right eye. 
I huffed and threw my legs over the edge of my bed, sliding my feet onto the floor. “I’ll cook something, but it probably won’t be enough to satisfy you until you leave.” My eyes met him at the last two words. 
His eyes briefly widened before he slowly broke out a smirk, his eyes lowering, “I’m sure you’ll find some way to solve that.” 
My face began to grow hot, the sudden feeling of my chest tightening caused my body to turn away. I tried to hide my uneven breathing on my way to the kitchen, trying to stay a couple steps ahead of Uvogin. ‘He didn’t mean anything other than he’s going to eat all the shit in my fridge.’ 
My arms were sore and I nearly fainted after placing the last plate on my kitchen table. There were 2 leftover stews on the table, 9 cups of rice on the table, around 30 eggs, and a stack of at least 26 pancakes. 
By the time I sat down at the table and had a sufficient amount of water, Uvogin was already finishing his third bowl of stew and rice. ‘Greedy bastard,’ I cursed him in my head, my eyes burning into him. If he was concerned about my gaze, he didn’t show it. He continued almost mindlessly shoveling food into his mouth. Did he even chew? 
I had finished half a pancake and a few spoonfuls of scrambled eggs before the sight of the freeloader completely ruined my appetite. 
The deep sigh from Uvogin caused me to start rapidly blinking in surprise, “You were right, but it should be enough for the start of the day.” 
I felt my right eye start to twitch, my hands grasping on to the table as I fought back the outburst threatening to spill out. 
“Huh? What’s wrong with you?” 
“Are you…”
“Hm?” My head shot up and my eyes met Uvogin’s.
“Are you fucking serious?” My words started coming out faster than I could think, “You wake up in someone else’s fucking home, unconscious and beaten up, then you offer them no explanation to what happen. Okay, that’s fine. But then you stay the whole first day despite being perfectly fine, and hell, you didn’t even thank me for the meal you had yesterday, you just took your ass right to sleep on my couch!” 
“Whoa what’s-“
“Then to have the fucking audacity to wake me up in my bed, without even knocking first, by SHAKING me? To ask me to either cook or order you food? Are you a goddamn toddler? Both your legs and mouth work just fine, you could’ve mosied your ass right outta here and got your fill somewhere else. And oh my god the fucking nerve to complain that there wasn’t enough food to satisfy you? You’re a fucking unbelievable, self centered, freeloading lee-“
The bottom of Uvogin’s hand covered my mouth. My breath hitched as I felt his fingers reach the back of my head; his hand was huge. And the speed of which he crossed the room, I didn’t even register him leaving his seat. 
My body began to tremble. Suddenly, I no longer wanted to meet Uvogin’s gaze. 
I felt his warm breath brush against the top of my head as he let out a low exhale, I trembled harder in response. 
“You’re so tiny… no wonder you couldn’t bottle your feelings up for so long,” he was teasing me. If I wasn’t so scared at the sheer size of this man and his sudden control over me, I could’ve been mad at how he wasn’t taking me seriously. “Look at me.” My eyes didn’t move, my vision unfocused. “Look at me,” his tone was more stern. 
My eyes slowly moved to meet his. His eyelids were low and he didn’t have a tint of animosity on his face, but the small grin he had was unnerving; he knew he was truly in control right now. 
“Good girl. Now, I’m gonna remove my hand from your mouth, and I don’t wanna hear anything unless I speak to you, understood?” I slowly nodded my head yes in compliance. 
His hand slowly backed away from my lips and I let out a shaky breath. “You’re so good at following instructions,” the condescending tone in his voice filled my ears. 
“I think your bed is much better suited for me, I’ll sleep there tonight,” Uvogin stated after a long drawn out silence. It had been a couple hours since we last spoke. After the shaky encounter at breakfast, I simply washed the dishes and continued to sit on the opposite end of the couch from him in silence. My eyes stared at the TV blankly, not registering what show was currently on while my mind replayed the scenario. 
“M-my bed?” I hated how meek my voice sounded in my own home. He invaded my living room, fridge, and now my room? 
“Mhm, it’s big enough. Besides, I can’t sleep on the floor all the time,” he chuckled as if it was truly funny. 
‘All the time…’ as if he was staying… 
My heart began thumping in my chest at the thought of Uvogin staying for another week, then weeks, then months… Surely he wouldn’t stay for that long though, he’s a drifter who’s place of origin is days travel away. Someone like him wouldn’t find a place like this suitable for settling anyway. It’s too quiet, and I’ve never even heard of people arguing with malicious intent around here before. A brute like Uvogin would get bored soon. 
“Uvogin… I have work tomorrow,” I drew out each word, frightened that something would be seen as combative and gain a negative response. “I don’t think you can stay here.”
He laughed at my attempt to get him to leave, “I’m not a pet you have to supervise, I’ll be fine on my own.” 
‘Why can’t you just leave?’ I wanted to get down on my knees and break down, beg him to go somewhere else. “Well, I’ll have to go to the grocery store tomorrow as well, so I’ll be gone all day. Besides, you’ve already said I didn’t have enough to feed you.” 
“So I’ll go with you. I can stop by your job when you’re done and we can pick up the stuff I like.” It’s like he just couldn’t hear the parts where I was asking him to leave. 
I couldn’t imagine Uvogin realistically walking through a store, pushing a cart and having me grab what he was interested in. The image could’ve earned a laugh from me yesterday. 
I didn’t say much else until it grew late. I tried putting off going to sleep as much as possible, my eyes darted from the clock to Uvogin and back again. It was now 11:24, the rhythmic ticking slowly lulling me to sleep. I tried fighting it, I didn’t want to allow Uvogin in my room, I wanted to at least put up some kind of resistance.
Eventually my eyes blinked one last time. 
The soft buzzing of my phone under my pillow pulled me out of the blank void of sleep. My eyes lazily opened as I let out a stretch, my hands gently pushing against Uvogin’s chest. I closed my eyes once again, being invited back to sleep at the knowledge that this was one of three alarms. 
‘Uvogin’s chest?’ My eyes bolted open and I was confronted by Uvogin’s tan skin filling my vision, the hair on his body brushed against my face. My whole body tensed. I stayed still for what felt like hours as I listened to the surprisingly soft snores from the giant man. At one point, he mumbled something in his sleep before tightening his arms around me, pulling me more into his chest.
My alarm buzzed once again under my pillow, but this time I had to use a little more force to pull away from Uvogin to turn it off. I paused at the lack of snoring before my head slowly turned to face him. 
His eyes were lazily gazing at me, blinking slowly as if he were fighting off the threat of more sleep. “Is someone calling you?” His voice was low and groggy, the words almost slurred. 
I slowly shook my head no, “It’s my alarm. I have to start getting ready for work.” I slowly began pushing my body away from him, sitting up. It felt like a weight was taken off my chest as his hands loosened their grip. 
“Can’t you miss it?” Why was he begging me to stay home? 
“If I miss work, how am I gonna afford these huge grocery trips?” I retorted before my mind could catch up. I don’t need to afford huge grocery trips in the first place. He’s not staying.
Uvogin chuckled as the hand resting on my hip started moving back and forth, “Just take the stuff you want.” 
“Like… steal?” I now turned my head back towards him with a confused look, “You’re wanting me to steal copious amounts of food from a grocery store?” 
Uvogin simply nodded and shrugged his shoulders before he made a lazy effort to sit up. My bed creaked, causing me to cringe; the sound was much less abrasive than my poor couch though. 
I sighed before shaking my head, “Uvogin, unlike you I live here, I like living here. If I stole something, I’d be banned from the store and arrested. I’m not some drifter unable to settle in one place. I’m here, I’m settled, I’m not risking everything for you to get a couple hours of satisfaction.” My tone was much softer than yesterday, and I tried to choose my words more carefully this time. 
Uvogin was scratching the side of his head now in obvious annoyance, “I got it, I got it. You don’t need to keep going on these long rants.” 
I felt a wave of relief wash over me at the lack of aggression that my rant earned; I figured the fact that he was sleepy along with my gentle tone played hugely. 
My phone buzzed once again. I let out a breath before sliding completely out of Uvogin’s grip and off the bed. I got dressed in the bathroom, locking the door. I mentally prepared myself for another shift, this time there was a positive besides money; I got away from Uvogin. 
I left the house without a word; Uvogin was already back asleep by the time I got out of the bathroom so I was already feeling lighter by the lack of interaction. 
Within two hours of my shift, I felt my phone buzz. I checked it on my lunch break, finding three additional notifications.
>You didn’t say what time you got off.
>Can you send me the number to that restaurant? 
>Your neighbors are fucking annoying, do they not have jobs?
>Can’t you respond?
The contact was already labeled ‘Uvogin’. When did he get into my phone? 
I furiously texted responses to each question. 
>7:30. There’s a flier on the fridge. The ones on my left work nights and the ones on my right have an unemployed son. I have a job to do. 
My head fell between my arms. I didn’t even have enough to pack my lunch today, my mood grew more sour by the minute. 
Seeing my coworkers duck and whisper as they exited the building let me know Uvogin was there before my eyes even landed on him. 
“Hey,” he held up a hand but didn’t wave. 
I simply nodded in acknowledgment while walking to my car. Uvogin followed close behind until I reached the driver’s door. He made his way to the passenger side but blinked in confusion at me from atop the roof. 
I slid into the car without acknowledging him further. My eyes widened as it leaned into Uvogin’s weight as he sat in. The car gave a little shake at almost every movement he made. I groaned knowing that my gas was gonna burn even faster, and who knows what other problems this will bring. 
I drove to the store, simply nodding or giving Uvogin short answers as he pointed out the window, asking questions about this or that, have I been here or there. 
Never had I felt so watched in my life as I had when walking with Uvogin. From the parking lot through ever isle, there was at least one pair of eyes that trailed our movements. I wanted to shrink and throw myself in the cart under the mountain of food that Uvogin was freely picking. He looked at me in surprise when I told him he had 10 final items. 
He wordlessly loaded the groceries into the car, out of the car, and into the house. I was finally grateful for him; it was finally only one trip from the car to the house. I began prepping dinner as the man started putting things away, asking where this, this, and this went, or if this had to go in the fridge. 
By the time dinner was done, I couldn’t bring myself to eat more than half of my plate, pure exhaustion taking over my body. I felt Uvogin’s eyes on me before I heard the clinking of dishes as he walked around the table, then their clatter as he threw them into the sink. My eyes were fighting to stay open. 
Uvogin pushed his hands under my armpits before hoisting me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as far as they could go. My head rested on his shoulder. I wanted to protest, I wanted to tell him to put me down, but I was far too tired. 
Over the next three weeks I began to develop a routine with Uvogin; wake up after the second alarm and try to find my phone before it wakes up Uvogin, remind Uvogin why I work, go to work, come home to see he’s got most of dinner already cooked before helping him finish, shower, and watch TV before Uvogin carries me to bed. It was almost like he wasn’t some stranger who crashed in here, but instead a partner of multiple years. 
My body began to relax over Uvogin as I felt the beginning of sleep, my limbs sprawled over top of him while we laid on the couch. Over the last week, Uvogin had moved past just cuddling me while I slept; he would hover over me with his hands on my shoulders while I cooked or washed dishes, he would pull me into his lap whenever we were sitting in the same room, or he would pull me over top of him when he wanted to lay down on the couch like now.
An almost purring noise coming from under me is what pulled me out of the entrance of slumber. Then I felt something hard rubbing between my legs. 
‘There’s no way-‘ a soft grunt before Uvogin’s hips bucked into me ever so slightly confirmed my suspension. 
“U-Uvogin!” I rose up as much as I could under his hand, his grip on my waist wasn’t tight but it didn’t need to be, he was strong even when he wasn’t trying.
“Ah shit-“ he let out a low groan, “you’re awake.” I wiggled more under his grip now. He pushed his hand down on my lower back, pushing out a soft yelp from me. 
“What are… what are you doing?” My chest felt tight as my stomach twisted into knots.
He pushed harder into my crotch, a shiver traveled up my spine. My body began to tremble, “I thought- ah, I thought you were sleeping already.” His breath brushed against my ear and I felt my body beginning to shake. 
“Uvogin s-stop. What are you talking about?” 
“Stop squirming so damn much,” his breath was picking up as his movements became harsher. One of his hands toyed with the waist of my pants. “I usually wait, mmm, until you’re out cold. You’re usually so receptive too, your little hips move back and forth like you couldn’t wait for me to touch you,” he let out a low chuckle before his hand dipped into my underwear to fondle my ass. 
His cock was rigid under my body, threatening to break through the fabric of both of our shorts. His hand was tough against my ass, the squeezing nearly bringing tears to my eyes. “Please… p-please be gentler!” I cried out. Uvogin grinned widely and I can already tell that it was because I didn’t ask him to stop. 
My lips wouldn’t form the words ‘stop’ or ‘no’. The only sounds that came out of my mouth were moans or whimpers, which he took as an invitation to go further. His hand pushed further into my panties, reaching around to my clit. I screwed my eyes shut and buried my face deep into his chest.
His chest bounced up and down as he let out a loud laugh, “So wet for me, I knew that whole ‘I hate you’ act was a farce.” I could only shake my head back and forth to show my disagreement, still not being able to face him. “Oh?” I felt his finger tips brush against my clit lightly, causing my hips to buck against his hand while pressing further down on his cock. “Your body seems to disagree.” I could see the shit eating grin he definitely had in the darkness of my closed eyes.
“Might as well go all the way tonight since you know now.” Before I could even question what he meant, I was flipped onto my back, his large frame caging me on the couch. He did in fact have a shit eating grin planted on his lips. He pulled my shirt off of my body, then snapped off my bra; he whistled before his lips latched onto one of my nipples. 
My back arched, pushing my breast further towards him. I felt his hands pushing down my pants and my underwear before he threw them across the room. My thighs pressed closely together at the sudden cool breeze. 
He chuckled, “You’ve already grown comfortable with me, don’t pretend to be shy now,” he spoke like we had had sex a thousand times before. With little effort, he pushed my legs apart with one hand. 
First he took over my living room, my kitchen, my room and bed, and now Uvogin feels entitled enough to take over my body. I should be angry, the tightness in my stomach should be built from anger, not from the pleasure from his tongue playing with my nipples as his finger traced circles over my clit. 
My heart raced as his fingers rubbed suddenly faster. I looked down to see Uvogin grinding into the couch, his free hand palming his rock hard erection through his shorts. My face grew warmer in the shame of being the only one naked.
The shame didn’t last for long as my mind began growing quiet save for the thoughts of reaching my orgasm. “U-Uvogin, Uvogin I’m gonna,” I couldn’t think of a complete sentence as Uvogin’s fingers worked harder, his mouth sucking more aggressively on my hard nipples. The licking, sucking, and the biting made my head swirl, mixing light pain with intense pleasure. 
Without much warning I came undone under Uvogin. My fingers wrapped tuffs of his hair and pulled, his head didn’t budge an inch. He wouldn’t stop, his fingers only slightly slowed anc his tongue only lightly brushing over my nipples as I rode out my orgasm on his hand. 
“T-too much,” I meekly whimpered as I quickly entered overstim terrority. Uvogin just chuckled, his fingers steadily slowed down, but they didn’t stop as he made eye contact. 
“You’re pretty when the only shit coming out of your mouth is the sound of wanting me.” I snapped my half lidded eyes at him, glaring to let him know I disapproved despite the moans slipping through my lips.
He pushed himself up a little, putting one hand above my head on the couch’s arm. The length of his cock pressed against my outer labia; I shuddered under the weight of it. There was no way it was gonna fit. As if he read my mind, “I’ll take it as slow as I can, but it will fit,” he growled lowly before rocking his hips back and forth. 
I began to clench around nothing, whining quietly in anticipation. Uvogin’s sudden call to patience created a painful ache in my core; he was the one that couldn’t wait until I was truly asleep before fondling my ass, but now he decided to put years of discipline to use to stop himself from fucking me? 
My jaw clenched, desperate to try to hold back any sounds in order to draw out his egotistical side, the side that needed me to let all the neighbors know how good he was making me feel. How the freeloading bastard was now laying claim to my body. 
I shivered at the thought, the fact that the tip of his cock was now pressing at my opening was not helping me keep still nor quiet. If Uvogin was in a more stable mind, he probably would’ve held out longer, recognizing my attempts to frustrate him. He wasn’t in a more stable mind though. The annoyance from my silent treatment was evident on his face. I couldn’t refrain from smiling a little at my small victory.
Uvogin’s own grin wiped my smile away. I sharply inhaled, grasping desperately onto the couch’s cushions as the burly man began pressing the tip of his cock into me. His movements were slow, but not slow enough for me to get used to the current length before he pressed in further. 
He bottomed out, stilling as his cock twitched. I tried to steady my breathing, tried to refocus my eyes, tried to stop my whimpering and whines at the sensation of his entire dick deep inside me, stretching me open. I heard his own breath hitch, “Fuck fuck fuck, relax!” he begged; it sounded like the wood in the couch arm was crushing. 
It felt like hours before I could even breathe relatively normal, much less relax my cunt. Uvogin’s fingers rubbed lazily on my clit in an attempt to aid my issue. “It all fits,” he once cooed during the adjustment. 
Uvogin took my calmer breathing as a sign to start moving. His hips slowly pulled backwards, my cunt clenched after it, desperate to refill the now empty inches inside of me. The desperation didn’t last long, he had only pulled out half way before the length of him pushed back in. He repeated this motion; half out, all in, half out, all in, antagonistically slow. 
“F-faster please,” I begged, my mind couldn’t completely comprehend what I was requesting. 
Uvogin’s lips cracked into a snarky grin before his hips snapped into me. I felt like I was gonna break at any second, his sudden increase in speed gave me no time to think. It wasn’t just his cock that sped up, his fingers hungrily went to work on my clit. My mind felt numb as my body rocked up and down while my moans and cries for Uvogin drowned out the aggressive creaking of the couch. 
My arms wrapped tightly around Uvogin’s neck, he humored me and came closer as if I could actually pull him. His forehead pressed against mine with a gentleness I couldn’t imagine he had, my name left his lips with a sense of urgency, like at any moment I could break out of his grip. 
My knees pressed against Uvogin’s hips in an unneeded effort to keep him inside of me. I felt every muscle in my body tighten as I clamped down on his cock, “U-Uvogin,” I choked out, “cum.. soon…” My mind could barely come together enough to form a string of words.. 
Uvogin’s thrusts were steady and harsh. “Cum, cum for me while I take you.” The words practically set fire to my pelvis as I shook under him, crying out the man’s name as I finally broke, my climax coating his cock.
His hips snapped more eratically, “Ah, fucking-, fuck!” His voice was so loud, I’m surprised the neighbors weren’t banging on my door already. I mewled at the unstopping feeling of his skin slapping against mine, his cock bashing my body, overwhelming my pussy. 
I pawed helplessly at his chest, attempting to get away before the pain of overstimulation grew. The hand not gripping the couch was now pressed onto my stomach to keep me in place, also pushing down harder every time his cock pushed in. I couldn’t form words at this point, couldn’t beg him to stop or at least slow down. 
He was pushing down more aggressively now, I felt his muscles tense. “Close, so fucking close to claiming you, finally claiming you,” his voice was low and guttural. My eyes rolled back, the words made me waver in excitement, in that moment I could’ve begged him for it. I didn’t want anything more than for him to fill me completely.
I whined loudly as I felt a second orgasm approaching. Drool was rolling down the side of my cheek, I was being fucked dumb. Usually calm and level headed, all it took was a couple thrusts from a guy who refused to leave to break me. 
The thought drove me over the edge, I couldn’t hold back. Uvogin groaned as I came once again around his cock without warning. I felt limp for only a moment as my body tensed at the merciless thrusting. 
This time, his body slammed against me roughly, causing me to cry out. His cock twitched eagerly as the length of his movements shortened.
Without warning, he pulled out one last time before burying his cock as deep as it could go, spilling his own orgasm out with a loud and deep groan. 
I laid there, regulating my breath and regaining my thoughts as I felt his cum slowly leaking down my ass. My eyes blinked a couple of times, threatening to stay shut before I pushed them back open. My body finally lay limp, not a single muscle seemed to contain enough energy to perform.
It took a couple seconds for me to realize that Uvogin was stroking my head, that I was back on top of him in the same position as before we started all of this. My eyelids won the fight and finally shut as the calm rhythm of Uvogin’s heart lulled me to sleep. 
‘Fucking freeloader,’ I thought with a little less malice. 
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0asisbliss · 2 months
Oh how he couldn’t breath without you. Oh how he needed you. His heart belonged to you in every way. He would risk everything for you. The feeling wasn’t foreign. No. Just because he felt something he’s never felt anything in a long time, or never at all. Was it love, or lust? Either way he must have his way with you. And he’ll stop at nothing to get that.
Shalnark, Uvogin, KURAPIKA, Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks, Shizuku, Illumi, (HXH) Giyuu, Sanemi, Gyomei, MUZAN, (DS) GOJO, Geto, SUKUNA, CHOSO, Yuuta, Yuuji, (JJK) L Lawliet, Light, Matsuda, (DN) Luffy, ACE, Law, Sanji, Shanks, (OP) Ranpo, DAZAI, Chuuya, (BSD) Aizawa, All might, Present Mic, (MHA) or any of your other favs.
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Just imagine
Guys that can move you into whatever position they want and absolutely manhandle you because of the shear size difference and his strength
Like they can just push you down or pick you up and put you in whatever potion they want and even if you wanted to (we both know you don’t) you couldn’t do shit
Guys who can are halfway in and already pressed up against your cervix
Guys who have to bend down to kiss you but won’t half the time just to see you struggle on your tip toes
Guys who would flex there arms for you to feel and absolutely fawn over whenever you want because you know that they are yours
Guys who can come home and pick you up with no issues to bring you to the bedroom after a long day
Guys who eat three times more then you and never complain about cooking
Guys who you never get hit on when your with because everyone is scared they might get torn apart
Guys who can be so rough in bed but are really just gentle giants to you everywhere else it’s only you though
Uvogin, mihawk, endeavour, gyomei, senami, hisoka, Sebastian, orochmaru, ryuk, buggy, all might, toji, Dazai, yami, Arlong
216 notes · View notes
bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
HXH men I feel would prefer a chubby!wife
characters: feitan, kurapika, uvogin, illumi
warning: nsfw, marking, breeding, oral(f!receiving), size kink, boob sucking(?), mention of murder, biting
PT 2
-life is hard and cold, chubby!wife soft and warm
-he has never really had any interest in woman or men until he meets you. so soft and delicate, with your cute tummy and thighs that he NEEDS to pinch and squeeze
-Feitan falls first, and falls harder. If you catch his attention he is never letting you go
-NEEDS to lay on your boobs and thighs. he’s the most talkative when you refuse him, huffing and growling about you being unfair
-enjoys leaving his mark on you, loving how his hand print leaves a deeper mark on your soft flesh. bites into your flesh, marveling at how soft you are!
-loves to have your butt in the air, pounding into your cute pussy as your cute ass bounces. big on spanking, not even as a punishment he just wants to smack your ass LOL
-will literally never admit to liking your body, but will gladly show it
-his head is constantly between your legs, eating your pussy. you just taste so sweet and make such cute sounds for him! be careful though, he bites!!
-has and will kill for you again. can’t stand hearing anybody talk bad about you. They aren’t even worth his torture, they need to be taken off the earth IMMEDIATELY
-never knew he had a preference for bigger women until he befriended you
-literally could not keep his eyes off your swaying hips and the imprint your thigh highs left on your thick thighs
-bro is always subtly grabbing your ass and thighs
-has the biggest breeding kink, so you having them child bearing hips turns him on to no end. the first thing he asks after you’re in a relationship is if he can get you pregnant right then and there
-will actually get on his hands and knees to beg to cum inside you. he wants to stake claim to your womb NOWWW
-please let him fuck your thighs he’s creaming in his pants thinking about it
-loves to praise you and remind you how much he loves you body. if you’re insecure, fuck that! he makes sure you feel thoroughly loved and beautiful
-bro is fucking huge, he can’t fuck a thin woman without breaking her
-if you thought Kurapika was handsy you have not met Uvogin. He loves slipping his hands into your panties to play with your plump pussy, doesn’t matter where you are
-he has a size kink, but pretty much every woman is small compared to him
-he will not hesitate to pick you up, so get used to being carried around like a doll
-he loves cumming on your cute tummy!!
-please let him hold you in his lap, you aren’t gonna hurt him don’t worry!! he needs you constantly, so grind against his crotch and he’ll be so sweet with you
-boney mfker that craves the gentle touch of a chubby woman
-another with a huge breeding kink. he’s incredibly strong and loses control during sex, so he needs someone with some extra cushion so you don’t like… die
-cums inside literally every time without fail
-makes you wear lingerie that shows off your tummy and boobs
-he’s a huge boob man, will bite and suck on them for hours
-he’d sleep on your boobs or tummy every night if you let him(pls let him he’s so touch starved)
-he’s another guy with no shame, always had his hands on you in some way or another
-likes to take you in missionary so he can see your cute face turn red when he sinks into you
-holds your hand while he fucks you, loves how soft your hands are
-another guy that will kill anyone that talks bad about you. you’re his precious wife!!
A/N: I have so many other characters I believe would love a chubby wife, who wants a part 2??
2K notes · View notes
uvobreakmylegs · 11 months
Treasure Hunt
wrote this back in April for my awesome friend @ramwrites​’s birthday and she said it was cool for me to post so everyone can read :D
always happy to write Uvo for ya ❤️
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Warnings: abo, mentions of kidnapping, blood, mentions of death, implied smut, Uvogin is an unrelenting bastard and that’s the way me and Ram like him
Word count: 6.4k
Uvogin caught the scent unexpectedly as it reached his nose by way of an errant wind. A scent that, despite how faint it was, made him stop in his tracks. It was the scent of another being, but as he focused on it, it didn't smell like any scent he was aware of. Not that of an alpha like himself, or that of a beta or any of the other ranks. It was a scent completely different.
It didn't take him long to realize what that meant:
He'd stumbled across the scent of an omega.
Uvogin turned in the direction where the wind had come from and saw that the scent had likely come from the forested area just beyond the trail he'd been traveling on. A dense forest with a few mountains in the distance; a place no doubt crawling with all sorts of creatures and therefore, a place that would be ideal to hide if one were an omega, as the scents from the wildlife and plantlife alike would help hide the unique scent.
Though clearly not this time. The omega must have strayed too far near the well-traveled path and allowed the wind to carry their scent out. A few minutes earlier or later, perhaps it wouldn't have been a problem.
But today luck was favoring Uvogin, the wind bringing the scent to him right as he was walking by on the path just outside of the forests boundaries.
For an omega's scent to be in a place like that, it likely meant that they were in hiding.
And if they were in hiding, surely it meant that they were unmarked and unmated.
Though he had no evidence for thinking that, it seemed reasonable enough to assume, though ultimately he had no clue unless he went and investigated for himself. But it would be worthwhile if there was a lone omega living within that forest.
So Uvo stepped off the path, heading towards the dense trees while he hoped that the scent would lead him to a prize worth having.
It turned out that following the scent took him in deeper than he had anticipated. Evidently the omega hadn't done anything as foolish as straying too close to the path beyond – the winds today had simply been too strong and had carried the scent further than expected.
But the further in he got, the stronger the scent was becoming, and he felt the anticipation growing every minute. At this point, even if the omega did turn out to be mated to another, Uvogin probably wouldn't walk away. He wanted the omega now, and if he needed to kill the mate to have them for himself, then so be it.
Then he heard a rustling in the distance, and he stopped.
There had been plenty of animal life within the forest that he had come across while hunting down the source of the scent, all of which had turned and run in the opposite direction the instant they saw him coming, the deer, foxes, rabbits and the like that ran away to hide from him as they recognized him as being a danger to them. Being a hunter, Uvogin was used to these types of animals he encountered, and he could recognize the sounds of their feet as they treaded lightly over the ground, identifying which was which from those noises alone.
What he heard ahead of him was no wild animal. From his ear alone, he could tell it was a person.
He moved quietly, taking note of the forest floor in front of him before setting his foot back down. If he was correct in thinking that the omega was in hiding, then they would no doubt run the instant they saw him. He took note of the direction of the wind as well, moving so the wind would be blowing against him and not bring his own scent to the omega and alert them.
Uvo took a few more quiet steps until he was able to move around a large tree and could see past it.
Peering around the edge, he finally saw the omega.
You were kneeling on the ground, your sleeves pulled up to your elbows as you dug around in the earth before you. You were pulling up.... A root of some sort. One that was dark green in color.
Glancing towards a satchel that he noticed was sitting behind you, he saw that it held roots that looked similar to the one you'd just pulled out. Though there weren't very many in the bag, and when he looked back to you, he saw a frown form on your face as you seemed dissatisfied with the size of the one in your hand.
…. Ah.
Uvogin had heard of it before – muting ones scent by covering up the scent glands. It seemed there were a few different ways of doing it, either by way of natural home-made remedies or ones created more recently by those who were trying to make a business out of it.
He himself had never used anything like that – he had seen no purpose in it. But he had heard of those who used those remedies for one reason or another, feeling some sort of need to hide the scent that gave their rank away.
The only times he'd heard of omegas using such things was after they were discovered to have been omegas, when they had run out of the ingredients for their remedies or when something had failed with the remedies they had bought and the omega scent coming out at the worst time. And afterwards, the omega would quickly vanish.
Very rarely, he had heard, was it that the omega had left on their own accord.
Uvo was inclined to say that you had a bit more sense than the omegas that tried to live a normal life by muting their scents and blending into society – you must have known that it would only be a matter of time before you would be discovered as an omega if you had gone down that route. You had done the exact opposite, living in hiding on your own and away from the rest of society.
And he was certain that you were on your own. Now that he was so close to you, he was able to take in your scent better, and there was nothing else lingering on you aside from your natural scent as an omega and an earthy scent that clung to your clothing.
You twisted yourself to put the root in the satchel with the others, and the action caused the collar of your dress to move out of the way, allowing him to see the bare skin around your neck and shoulders.
Living alone in the forest.
Waiting for a worthy alpha to find and claim you.
And that alpha was him.
That thought had him stepping out from behind the tree fully, this time not bothering to be careful of the noise he made – he wanted you to know he was there.
You noticed immediately.
Your head snapped towards him and you tensed up, your expression becoming grim as you saw him. Then he watched you attempt to subtly sniff at the air. You were trying to find out what he was, he quickly realized. But with the wind blowing away from him combined with the distance, you weren't able to catch his scent.
He grinned.
“You wanna know what I am?” Uvogin asked.
You only tensed further at that question, and when he raised his arms, he saw you slowly move your feet underneath you while your hands moved down to the ground below.
You were preparing to break out into a run.
Uvo wasn't too concerned about that at the moment as he brought his hand up to the arm he had raised, pressing his thumbnail against the skin of his arm.
You seemed confused at that.
With the slightest bit of pressure, he managed to break the skin of his arm, and he slid the nail down to make the cut bigger before he pulled his hand away.
The wound was shallow, but blood still began to drip down his skin.
The scent of blood was always strong no matter the rank, and as the blood continued to drip down his arm and onto the forest floor below, your eyes widened as his alpha scent finally reached you.
The wind blew past you once again, and this time Uvo could smell the fear that came from you.
You ran.
You turned and launched yourself from where you were sitting, running away from him while leaving your satchel of roots behind. Uvogin watched as you ran. You outrunning him didn't seem like a possibility so he felt no need to go after you immediately. If you were going to be difficult about this, he'd let you flounder a bit before taking you. It would leave more of an impact on you if he allowed you to think that you had almost managed to get away from him before he collected you.
Then he noticed something odd.
Just before you were out of his sight completely, you turned your head back to look at him. When you saw that he hadn't moved from that spot next to the tree, your eyebrows furrowed.
And though you were still running away, Uvogin saw that your pace slowed ever so slightly.
As if you didn't want to get too far ahead of him.
….. Why would you want that?
Uvogin stayed where he was, listening to the sounds of your feet running across the foliage while you went at your slower pace.
As much as he wanted to say that it was your omega instincts causing you to become conflicted over what you wanted, it didn't feel like that was happening. He could tell when you looked at him that you feared him, and finding out that he was an alpha had only made that fear worse. Yet from the brief glance you'd given him and the way your pace had slowed told him that you wanted him to follow you.
Once again, he asked himself why you would want that.
Uvo brought his thumb to his mouth, licking at the blood on his nail before he smiled to himself.
It was something to keep in mind. But right now it was best that he begin to pursue you.
So he started to walk, making a point to step on your satchel of roots before he followed the path you had taken. Even without the scent that lingered in the air, yours was an easy trail to follow: you hadn't taken any heed to your surroundings as you ran, and you had caused damage to the forest around you in the form of broken branches and upturned dirt. Anyone would've been able to follow that.
But again he wondered if that was what you wanted.
With his long stride, it didn't take Uvo long to come across you again. This time you were down in a gulch, one hand on the side of the rock as your eyes looked over the trees of the forest, trying to see where he would come from.
There was an opening in the side of the gulch where you were standing, he realized, and when you saw him, you ran again, this time running into the wide opening.
He stopped once again, assessing the situation he'd found himself in.
You were trying to lead him into a trap.
Of that, he was certain.
Why else would you be waiting for him long enough so he would see you enter that cave? If your goal had truly been to get away from him, you would've entered that cave as soon as possible, not stand around waiting for him.
So you wanted him to follow you down into the cave. And if he were to guess, you wanted him to follow so you could kill him. That was the way it felt to him.
So then, what was his move now that he knew that?
Uvo wasn't letting you go, so there were no thoughts of giving up on you. Putting his patience to the test and waiting for you to come out on your own was an option, though after thinking on it for a few moments he decided against it. Without knowing what the layout of the cave was, he had no clue if there was a second opening. Sitting around and waiting could give you the time you needed to get a head start in escaping him.
Which meant that his only remaining option was to go in after you.
A risky decision, as he still had no clue what the inside looked like, but in reality, it only excited Uvo a little bit.
And ultimately, how could one like you do anything of significance to him?
Your scent was stronger when he bent down to enter the cave – a sign that you came here frequently. Whatever this place was, it likely served as your home.
The entrance opened up into a hallway that was large enough that he could stand without needing to bend his head down, though his hair managed to brush against the stone up top.
This was an odd place, he noted.
There was lighting in the hallway, coming from what appeared to be glowing stones embedded into the rock. And as he walked down the hall, he noted the areas within the walls that appeared to have been doorways at one point but were now sealed up with smaller stones.
As curious as he was as to the history of this place and why certain areas were blocked off, he turned his attention back to his main objective: getting you. And as he looked to the end of the long hallway, he could see you waiting for him on the other side of a room.
This was definitely a trap.
And when he got closer to the room where you stood, he smelled something other than your scent, something that almost managed to overpower yours completely:
The smell of old, dead blood that permeated from the room.
Uvogin paused when he reached the doorway and looked over the new area. You were still standing before him but now looking like you would run down the hallway behind you. There was also a set of levers on the side of the wall behind you, and as he looked over the room itself, he was starting to get an idea as to what those levers were for.
The walls and floor were covered in blood. All of it long since dried up and there were some clear attempts at washing it away, but the sight and scent still remained. There were particular areas where the blood was most prominent: at the center of the walls to his left and right, and the very center of the floor. All of those points had very large, very clear stains of blood that had spread out far over the surface and was the main source of the mixture of different blood scents that almost overwhelmed him. There was a bit of cloth on the floor as well, and while the rest of the floor had other varying sizes of cloth strewn about, the rest of them looked as if they had been set there so the one at the center wouldn't look out of place.
And through the mess of cloth and bloodstains, there was one last thing Uvogin spotted on the stone floor: several lines carved into the surface, as though something heavy had been moved over it repeatedly.
….. Ah. So that was what this was.
Uvo smirked to himself and stepped inside.
You reacted immediately by stepping back into the hall and pulling down one of the levers. The result was a barrier of metal bars that came down from the ceiling before you and blocked the entrance of the second hall.
He hummed and took another step forward, at which you pulled a second lever.
A loud noise sounded from behind him, and when he looked back, he found bars similar to the ones that separated you from him had blocked off the entrance behind him.
“Oh? Was your plan just to trap me?” he asked, “gonna teach me a lesson by turning the tables and capturing me?”
That question got you to finally speak.
“No. You're not worth keeping alive,” you answered bluntly.
“You wound me,” Uvo answered sarcastically, “so then what are you gonna do?”
“Get rid of you, just like every other arrogant alpha that came after me with the expectation that I'd roll over and let them do with me as they pleased,” you answered, “all of you who come after me are the same, too busy thinking with your dicks and using your primal instincts as an excuse.”
“An excuse for what?”
“An excuse to rid yourself of any responsibility for why you go after omegas in the way you do,” you said, “because it's easier to shift the blame on instinct, right?”
Uvogin waited a moment as he processed your words, and then he grinned at you.
“I'm not sure what bullshit has been spouted at you by other alphas that you trapped, but I couldn't care less about blaming my actions on anything,” he said, “I've come after you because you're mine. Why would I make an excuse for collecting my mate?”
“You can keep those bars down if you like,” he added, “I've got no issue breaking those apart to get to you.”
From the way your brows furrowed, his speech had managed to perturb you, yet you still scoffed at his last sentence.
“As if I'd even give you the chance to try and get to me,” you said.
“Gonna crush me to death before that, huh?”
You blinked in surprise.
“You've figured out this room already?”
“It's pretty obvious from the marks left behind in the floor,” Uvo answered, “what else could leave grooves like that in stone?”
Now at the center of the room, Uvogin pushed away the cloth at his feet with his foot, revealing the panel you had hidden that would no doubt trigger the mechanism to activate the trap in the room. He then looked to the third lever that sat next to you on the wall and the way your hand twitched as you anticipated needing to pull it.
“The walls will crush me if I step on this plate or you pull that, then?” he asked.
“... Yeah.”
Your expression turned grim when he said that.
“Oh? Why so upset? Don't you have me where you want me?” Uvo asked mockingly.
“You think I want to do this?” you asked back, “because I don't. I hate killing people, but if I don't get rid of the people who find me, they keep coming back to try and take me. I can't have peace as long as you alphas know where I am. So I need to get rid of you.”
You let out a shaky breath as you said “I hate it every time this happens, but you leave me no choice. We wouldn't be here if you would just leave me alone.”
Uvo raised an eyebrow as he asked “now who's shifting blame?”
You glared at him.
“I don't think I'm gonna feel much regret over ending you,” you said.
“You'll find that to be harder to do than you think.”
You sighed.
“Another tired alpha line. You're just like the rest.”
“I'm nothing like other alphas,” Uvo countered.
“You're exactly like the rest of them.”
With that, you lifted your hand up to the lever. Your eyes were averted as you did so.
Before you reached the lever Uvogin stepped on the plate before him.
The shock on your face was clear as you looked to him in the few seconds he had before the walls closed in.
He winked at you.
The walls shot forward with the intent of reaching one another and crushing him completely. But just before they reached him he lifted his arms-
And slammed his fists against the walls.
What followed was a series of loud noises, the sounds of stone breaking apart and the mechanics of the walls dislodging as a greater force pushed back against them. Dust and fragments of stone flew into the air that briefly clouded everything, and the room shook so much that you needed to brace yourself against one of the walls for fear of falling over.
It took you a moment for you to understand what just happened.
Once the noises stopped, the dust settled and the shaking ended was when you looked back to him.
Uvogin stood triumphantly in the center of the destruction. And once again he grinned when your eyes met his.
Uvo was feeling good about himself. In the place where others had met their end, he had been the one to beat your trap. Now you couldn't deny that he was nothing like any others who had gone after you. And perhaps this might be enough to convince you that fighting this was useless.
Although maybe not. You seemed to be the stubborn type.
At the moment, however, your shock had turned to fear as you looked at him through the bars, your eyes looking over the destruction he had caused before inevitably going back to him. It was the same fear he had caught wind of when he had first approached you, but this time it was far greater.
Terror and a sense of hopelessness was beginning to settle in. That there was nothing you could do to stop him.
Yet when he stepped forward you took in a sharp breath before you moved, turning and dashing down the corridor as fast as you could.
As he thought. Stubborn.
But he found that he didn't mind it.
The bars over the entryway were wrenched off easily and thrown to the side. You were already out of sight. He took a few steps into the corridor and found that there were multiple openings within the walls. Given the nature of that first room, he wondered if there were more traps to be found in the halls ahead. Though with how easy it was for him to beat that first room, he had a hard time imagining that anything you had set up would do much to him.
He glanced behind, seeing that the bars at the other end of the room were still intact. He'd leave those as they were for now. They'd be useful in keeping you in if you somehow managed to get around him and tried to escape that way.
Uvogin followed the path you had taken and turned at the same corner you had only to find another corridor that looked the same as the one he was currently standing in. Was this a maze? That was what it seemed like, but that wouldn't do much to stop him – he could still smell your panicked scent and could follow it to you.
As he walked down this other corridor, he noticed something else that gave your location away: there were several hallways of the maze where the floor was littered with dust and rubble, whereas the path that you must've traveled on a daily basis had clear signs of use as no dust had been allowed to settle.
This wasn't as effective in warding off pursuers, although in your defense, it was likely the first and only time that room from earlier had failed you.
That didn't stop him from encountering another obnoxious trap, however, as at one point through the maze a section of the floor beneath his foot suddenly fell, revealing a pit of sharp spikes down below.
He survived by quickly grabbing at the walls on either side and moving fast, only sparing a single glance down so as to acknowledge that there weren't any remains down in the pit. Those spikes probably wouldn't have killed him, but it would be a pain to deal with getting back up after falling into that.
Still, the more he saw, the more he wondered how you had managed to come across this place. Uvo couldn't believe that you had been the one to set the traps, but it wasn't exactly often that one would come across a fully functioning and apparently abandoned death cave.
Perhaps he could ask you after he caught you.
For now, he thought to himself as he spotted a door that led out of the maze, his only concern was capturing you.
Unsurprisingly, the door had been locked and secured from the other side, but with a single kick Uvogin had the wooden door and the board barricading it from the other side crashing to the ground in a million splinters. He stepped inside to find another room with another wooden door and your scent even stronger in this place. A quick look around didn't reveal there to be any mechanisms in this room that would trigger a trap.
But he did notice something odd on one of the walls.
He approached slowly, his eyes narrowing as the thing he had noticed appeared to be.... Writing?
It had been scratched into the walls with what appeared to be charcoal, and the writing itself looked to be dates of some kind. Ten different days marked down alongside different months of the year, and above it had been written a few words hoping that the dead would find peace.
This was a memorial for your previous victims, he realized. Despite your way of disposing of them, he had seen firsthand how death had bothered you. And you had said that you didn't enjoy it but that you had no other choice.
Was this some way of coping with it? With you, it didn't feel like that. Writing down when those deaths had happened seemed more like a punishment to him.
Maybe that was the point.
He looked over the dates again.
Ten different dates, ten different people. He would've been the eleventh if you had managed to kill him.
That couldn't be good for your health. The least he could do would be to save you from needing to remember all of that.
Uvogin then made his way towards the unopened door, and after finding that it was similarly locked, he kicked his way in once more.
Upon entering the next room, he managed to be a bit surprised.
So far, all of the rooms had been lit by use of the glowing stones placed in the ceilings and the walls, but as he walked into this new room, he found that the light within it came from the outside. Taking a few steps in, he looked above him and saw a wide opening within the rock, one that seemed to have been placed there intentionally in order to allow in the sunlight. He wasn't sure why such an opening would have been built in, though he suspected that it may have something to do with the stone basin he saw standing in the center of the room. The aged basin wasn't the thing that stood out most in this room, however.
It was what the natural light allowed within the space had managed to grow, as at the back of the room stood dozens and dozens of sunflowers, standing tall with their faces all turned upwards to that opening so they could absorb as much of the sunlight as possible. Odd to find something like that within a cave, but they seemed to be thriving.
Not that it mattered all that much to Uvo.
But as he inhaled once again, he noted that your scent in this room was even stronger.
And as he looked about the room once more, he noticed something on the ground behind the basin.
Looking closer revealed it to be a pile of cloth that had been arranged to look like a nest of sorts, a great deal of the cloth placed at the center as protection from the ground below.
Uvogin bent one knee to kneel down over the nest, a hand resting on the basin to keep his balance as he looked it over. This was where the omega scent was strongest. This was where you slept during the night, curled up on a makeshift bed among a miniature sea of sunflowers, waking up in the mornings just so you could spend your day scavenging for food and ways to further hide yourself from the world. And then you returned here every night after boarding up the door to this room, allowing yourself to get the rest you needed without fear of an intruder interrupting you. This place was your safe-haven.
And Uvogin felt certain that he had been the only other person to get inside of this place.
He looked about the rest of the room as his other hand absentmindedly went down to pick up one of the bits of cloth while he noted the raised platform that ran along the edge of the room, spotting five different doors – two on either side and one at the back – that led out of the room. The single door at the back wall appeared to be firmly shut and had two indents on either side consisting of various shapes, as if the door would be unlocked if he found the correct items to place inside of the indents.
He was thinking of how annoying that would be when he brought the cloth up to his face and inhaled.
The hand that had been gripping the basin caused the aged stone to crack as he was overtaken by the scent of a long-gone heat that was still present in the cloth. The thought of you needing him like that, being beneath him and begging, almost made him lose his mind.
Maybe you weren't completely wrong about what you had said in regards to instinct driving him.
He looked once again to the doors and sighed. The trick here seemed to be that he needed to go into wherever the four doors led and retrieve whatever items would unlock the fifth door, which would then allow him to get to you. Actually going through with that would be an obnoxious waste of time, and it'd be much easier and faster to break down that single door like he had done with the others. All he could hope for was that there weren't any more ridiculous traps to be avoided or any obnoxious puzzles he would be forced to solve.
Uvo dropped the cloth and stood, his hand still on the basin as he brought himself back to his feet.
When he looked to the basin again, he kicked it.
There hadn't been any reason for it; he just felt like toppling it over.
But as the stone crashed to pieces on the ground and hit the stems of a few unfortunate flowers, he heard something unexpected.
A soft but sharp intake of breath.
One that had come from within the sunflowers.
…. Ah.
It clicked in his mind, and he wanted to laugh when he realized what you were trying to do, that you were trying to trick him into going further into the cave so you could escape while he was distracted. At least that answered the question of if there was more than one way in and out this place – if you had the chance to get out elsewhere, you would've done so by now.
Uvo decided to go along with it for now. Though before he headed towards the wall with the lone door, he bent down to pick up a bit of the rubble left behind by the destroyed basin and kept it in hand as he made his way over.
Earlier he'd been distracted by the sight of your nest and the scent of you that filled the room, but now that he had a bit more of a hold on himself, he could easily pinpoint your shape within the sea of sunflowers. Currently he could feel your eyes watching him through the stems, and he could easily imagine the way you looked at him with your hands covering your mouth, hoping that if you stayed quiet and stayed still, he'd overlook you in favor of figuring out the door puzzle.
If only you'd kept quiet when he knocked over the basin, it might've worked.
You made your move when he began to kick at the door in an effort to break it down. On the third kick in, when the door cracked and pieces of stone fell to the floor, he heard a rustling from the area where you had hidden yourself, and he looked back in time to see you making a break for the door he had entered from.
Without missing a beat Uvo turned around and threw the rubble he had picked up earlier in your direction.
It hit you squarely on the back just as you entered the doorway and caused you to cry out as you fell.
Your cry of distress should have caused him to feel some form of upset or remorse, but he found that it only managed to excite him.
You were struggling to push yourself up into a sitting position when he returned to you, the hit from the rock affecting you more than he had intended. Good thing he'd aimed for your back and not your head.
You shuddered when you saw him towering over you and began to shake your head.
“Please,” you begged, “please just go away. Don't do this.”
“And what, leave you alone in a place like this? That would be even more cruel,” he said, “that main trap of yours can't be fixed, the doors to this room are wrecked, and no one would ever fall for those spike pits in your maze. Unless you've got something even more deadly in those other rooms, this place isn't safe for you anymore. Anyone could get in.”
You glared when he said that.
“And whose fault is that?” you asked.
“Hm. I'd say it's both our faults,” he answered, “me for breaking your shit, and you for thinking that you could get rid of me. You should've just accepted that I'm the alpha meant to claim you.”
“I'm not meant to be claimed,” you hissed.
Despite the venom dripping from your voice, he smiled at you.
“You are,” he said, “but it's okay if you haven't accepted that yet. I'm happy to help you through it.”
With that, he reached for you.
Your attempts to swat his hands away did nothing, and within moments he was carrying you over to your makeshift bed among the sunflowers. You struggled in his grip the entire time, and when he set you down on the cloth, you tried to turn onto your front and get up so you could run from him again.
You cried out the second you moved, the pain from the rock that had been thrown at you still very present.
Uvogin sat over you, watching as you struggled beneath him, still desperately trying to fight and get yourself out of this despite there being no chance of such a thing happening. Your time living as an unclaimed omega had come to an end; now there was only one future for you.
Uvo was waiting for you to come to that realization.
And after a few more moments of you writhing on the ground in agony, it seemed that you did realize that.
You looked back up to him, and once more shook your head.
“Please don't,” you begged again, “I don't want this.”
That time, instead of speaking, Uvo leaned in so he could press his face against your neck. Your attempts at pushing him away were even less effective than when you had tried to keep his hands off of you earlier, and you soon stopped fighting him, keeping your eyes squeezed shut while you bit your lip.
With your neck exposed to him, your scent was clearer now more than ever, and Uvogin couldn't keep himself from pressing his lips against your skin. It was a tame kiss by his standards, yet you shuddered when he pulled his lips away, and when he looked back at you, he saw tears beginning to trickle down your cheeks as your lip wobbled in frustration.
He inhaled again, and that time he caught a scent of something new: a very, very faint hint of arousal.
He smirked.
“As much as you like to deride other ranks for acting on instinct, you aren't much different,” he said to you, “I've only kissed you once and you're already beginning to reciprocate.”
“But it makes sense,” Uvo continued, “you've been all by yourself here for a long time, haven't you? Riding out all those heats on your own while waiting for your alpha to come for you.”
“No,” you said.
“You did the right thing in getting rid of those others; they would've ruined you,” he added while ignoring your protest, “but you don't need to worry about dirtying your hands with that sort of thing anymore; I'll be here to keep you safe from here on out.”
“No,” you said again, but this time it came out weaker.
You didn't try to fight him when he pushed your skirts out of the way so he could position himself between your legs, nor did you try to push him away when he pressed his lips against your neck again.
This time he included teeth as he bit down, and the cry you let out went straight to his dick.
Blood was dripping from his mouth when he pulled away and looked at you once more, and this time he saw that you were full-on crying when your eyes met.
“Please d-”
He silenced you by taking your lips in a kiss, and the muffled noise that came from you sounded like a mixture of both want and fear.
Whatever the conflict going on within you, Uvogin would see to it that it was put to rest.
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lolita-lollipop · 6 months
broken glass
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warnings: yandere(stalking implied), reader is not okay, bad upbringing, kidnapping.
Kinda long but it’s okay
Ever since you were nothing but a child, the world had chosen to bring you misfortune. A dead mother, a father who is would love you if alcohol didn’t exist, a lack of friends, or family, or anybody who cared.
Your life was an endless cycle of misery and misfortune. You were cursed with the worst luck possible.
As a girl you were bullied, living in a small town the knowledge that your mother was killed brutally spread fast, and the kids at school would take anything to fuck somebody up. It only got worse when your dad did nothing to stop it. So you grew up an outsider, somebody completely alienated from the rest of the people your age.
The worst part about it, was that there was nothing you could do to fix it. You were strong enough to fight them back and win, nor were you smart enough to get them caught by the schools or their parents. So you had to live with it.
Your unlucky tendencies carried with you all the way into adulthood. You had somehow managed to get into a good college, miles and miles away from your small hometown, where your past couldn’t follow you. But by that time you had no clue how to socialize like a normal person, so you only made a few friends in your first year. Even so, your life was going better than it ever had, you had more friends than you’d ever accomplished to make in your childhood, your roommate cared for you, being much older and much wiser. And you were happy.
Then, you got a call. From the exact person you had been avoiding since you stepped foot out of that awful town. That awful place.
“Y/n… I’m sick” your father sounded older, his voice was scratchy and weak now. Probably from the endless amount of cigarettes he smoked, you knew that your dad would never call you unless he actually needed you. He hadn’t even tried to contact you since you left, barely caring enough to send you a happy birthday text. You were a last resort to him, that much you knew for certain.
“I need you to come back. To come home. My legs, my legs don’t work anymore. Please baby…I miss you.” You could hear the lies dripping from every word he spoke, that’s the sweet tone you had only ever heard from your father when he wanted something. Usually it was something as minuscule as money or whiskey or weed. Like usual, he knew you didn’t know how to say no to him when he dangled that ghost of affection in your face. And like usual, you chased after it like an idiot.
That’s what you were, an idiot. You knew ut, your father knew it. Who would go back to a life of misery, back to a town filled with only sad memories, of pain. Who would be stupid enough to fall for the manipulation of an old man who barely raised you? You would.
So, you packed your stuff up from your dorm, opting for the online classes your college offered. And prepared for the long drive home in an old car you bought for half the already low price.
And here you were. Standing in your local grocery store , in your pajamas, trying to decide if you had enough money for snacks for the drive home. Bags under your eyes from sleepless nights, a heavy weight pulling down on your shoulders as you accepted your fate, doomed to a small town full of bullies and lying snakes.
The melancholy of your situation weighed down on you, showing on your face, the frown lines deepening as you sucked yourself deeper into a depressive black hole. Blankly staring at the small bags of corn chips and popcorn, you let your shoulders sag. Exhaustion reading on your posture. You didn’t know how long you were standing there, nor did you care. Not until a string band tapped your shoulder a few times, sending your head to snap up, and your eyes to snap out of it.
“You alright there doll? Ya look a little bit… dead” a gruff voice spoke, it was scratchy and rough. Not in the way your fathers was (withered with age and years of vices), but natural. Husky. Pulling yourself up from your spacing out, you straightened your back, screaming your neck up to see him. The man was fucking giant, taller than anybody you had ever seen before, with tattoos speckling his neck and arms. You stood there for a few moments, staring in awe at the man whom you hadn’t realized was actually pretty terrifying in person. Maybe you were just tired, or stressed, or scared, but the way he stared made you want sink into your own skin and disappear. It was unsettling, how his stare weighed down on your shoulders and pulled you back away from him.
“Uhh- Yeah man. I’m good.” You spoke in your quiet voice, pulling your shoulder as far away from his hand as you could. You sent him a tight lipped smile, and returns to your decision between what bagged snack you would pick. You tried to ignore him, who stayed put in his spot next to you despite your obvious dismissal to his advance on a conversation.
You spotted him in your peripheral vision, staring at you. That heavy feeling never left you, and the longer the giant man stayed there, the heavier and heavier it weighed down.
“The popcorn is gross here. It comes stale even in a sealed bag. I wouldn’t get it if ya don’t wanna feel sick tommorow” he spoke again, leaning down to be at your eye level. You glanced back at him, remaining indifferent despite your ever-quickening heartbeat. His eyes were still focused on yours, while your pen glanced over his physical appearance.
It wasn’t just his height that made yoh hneasy, he was wide in a muscular way, with a beard that put the men of your hometown to shame. There were slight twinges of Greg throughout his long hair, and while he was well kept and smelled nice, he had messy, almost unhinged undertone. And yoh had managed to gather all of that without even talking to him much. You gave another right smile, before throwing the chips back and placing the popcorn in your basket (doing it almost to spite the man) among the advil and energy drinks. You almost missed the way his eyes scanned over your cart. Almost.
“Thanks” with that, you were off, trudging your way to the front of the store with your basket in tow, you heard a pair of heavy footsteps behind you, and the cashier glanced up for a couple seconds. A recognizable look of fear flashed on her face for no longer than a moment, before the bells of the front doors let out a cheery jingle. And the man was gone.
The repetitive beep of the checkout machine rang through the storefront, as the woman made no move to strike up a conversation with you, her eyebags sinking almost worse than your own. You had almost worked here at some point, when you first arrived to the big city. You were glad you didn’t now, as you didn’t want to be subjected to whatever this pooor woman clearly had been through.
She just kept beeping through your groceries, bagging them up, and setting them off to the side for you to grab. When she was finally finished she placed the pricing machine down and stared at yoj like she was waiting for something, you pulled your card out of your pocket and gave it to her, but she immediately handed it right back. You sighed, partially in confusion and partially of exhaustion. Of all times, now was not the moments for somebody to mess with you, at two AM at a stupid grocery store. You stared right back as she held the card out to you, waiting for you to grab it.
“He paid for your shit. Just take it”
That night you went home with a weird feeling in your stomach, you know when something feels like it’s gonna go wrong? Yeah. That. You chose to blame it on your father, knowing that you would not be met with a joyful arrival home.
The feeling stuck with you all along the drive to your little stupid house in the middle of nowhere, the popcorn you had bought did actually end up being gross, but it didn’t change the satisfaction you got from denying that man of you following his advice. Your radio was cutting in and out, your car was on the verge of breaking down, and your ac didn’t work anymore, leaving you sweaty and sticky in your car.
You weren’t wrong in assuming that it wouldn’t be a happy “welcome home”, it would’ve been nice yeah, but it wasn’t a surprise when you pulled up to your house and there was no short outside. The dead grass of your front yard, and withering plants of what once was your guarden spoke for itself how your father had been taking care of the property. Leafy vines had started to overtake the front wall of your home, the place looked abandoned. Sad.
After a few deep breaths of preparation for whatever fight that was about to come, you hopped out of your truck and began the short truck to your front door. The small glass frame above it was smashed with many small cracks across the surface.
It was sad really. The house once looked somewhat presentable, none of the houses in the area looked to be well kept or highly perfected in the visual category, they never looked that way, but at least you could tell it was a home for someone whether it be the old lady next door with kids who don't care about her and more debt she could handle, or the couple across the street you used to hear screaming at each other through the night. Somebody really lived in those homes, your house looked like an empty shell.
The pavement leading up to the front door was cracked and probably permanently stained with dirt or paint or blood or alcohol, the little garden you used to try to keep alive while you were little was shriveled and blackened by the sun, no lights were on in the house, and it was dead silent. You hated this place, you hated that you were back here, you hated that you still cared for this empty pit of shame and misery of a home. Cared for a man that had hurt you so very many times.
Approaching the door, you didn't even care to knock or ring the bell, the electricity in your house had long been cut off so it wouldnt matter, and if your father was expecting you he wouldnt mind if you just walked in. It was your house, anyway. Placing your hand on the doorknob, you let a deep breath calm down your running heart and pushed it open.
Unsurprisingly, the house was dead silent, a creak resonating through the open space as the noise bounced wall to wall. You could hear your heartbeat as you walked over the rest of the broken glass from the window, leaving quiet crunches under your feet. Just breathing the air in your home sent awful memories of childhood to race across your brain, it smelled like your dad, like alcohol and cigarettes and unhappiness and anger. It even looked miserable in here, almost just as bad, if not worse, than outside.
Flicking on your phone flashlight, little flecks of broken glass reflected the light, they were scattered across the entire house, maybe from the broken front window, maybe from other windows in the house. Your dad was never one for cleaning, knowing him he must've gotten upset and broken a couple. With no one else to clean it, he probably left it there. That's how he is, how he's always been. Why did you love him? How stupid were you?
“Dad?” you called, but it echoed through the home. You now realize just how empty it truly was, no more furniture was scattered here or there or anywhere, it was just empty and sad. Fitting. Really fucking fitting.
“Dad? You called me?” You called once more, still only getting the creaks of the old house in return. You took another deep breath, the smell was starting to get to you, this was supposed to be easier for you now, you were an independent woman now, and the smell of your childhood home shouldn't have you spiraling like it did. You shouldn't have come here.
“I drove all the way out here for you. If you weren't gonna show you could've just called me. Go to hell, asshole.” still awaiting an answer. You knew he wasn't here, and you certainly knew it was stupid to talk to an empty house, but you wasted gas and good money for this. Wasted money on a man who didn't even care enough to show his face. Wasted money to go back to a life you've been clawing to escape from.
You didn't even realize you were crying until you felt the tears start to roll down your cheeks.
It hurt to be here, genuinely, the floors felt like they were trying to soak you up and suffocate you, the walls felt like they were closing in, and the ceilings felt like they were slowly crushing you. What were you supposed to do? You spent so long running away from this place, how could you let yourself be dragged back here, especially for no reason?
Your eyes fell to your feet, sucking in air as best as you could, you tried your hardest to keep your soft cries from turning into sobs. There wasn't anybody to hide your tears from, but it felt wrong, you shouldn't let yourself be this upset. You know.
Your cries halted when you spotted a dark patch of carpet in between the space where your feet were planted, not tears or water or even alcohol, it was bright red. Blood, and not the kind that's gone brown because it's been sitting for so long. This was new, recent blood. The dead silence of the house now had you frozen in spot. Could somebody have broken in? Your eyes followed a now obvious trail of spots leading toward your mom's old bedroom.
They slept in different rooms before she died, whether it was because they hated or other or were scared of each other (or both) he never went in there. Never.
You should leave. Shouldn't you? You should leave, he's not your problem anymore, he abandoned you when you were little, and kicked you to the curb. He deserved whatever was coming to him, he had it coming. You should leave, you should leave, you should leave, you should leave.
But you can't.
Even though you were actively willing to run out the front door, you just couldn't find it in you to leave. Pathetic. You knew, but this is how it was, this is how it was always meant to be. He calls and you answer, no matter how fucked up it was.
So, instead of making a haste bolt for the door or any of the broken windows, you slowly crept closer and closer to the bedroom where you said goodbye to your mother, your breath was shallow and unmanageable, almost worse than your uncontrollable heartbeat, whatever was behind the door was surely not pretty.
It took you a few moments to work up the courage to even touch the doorknob, hand quivering along the way there. You waited, the last time you were in this room was over 10 years ago, you couldn't even remember what it looked like, what your mother looked like. You were being stupid weren't you, it was just a room, probably empty by now, furniture either stolen or sold like the rest of the house. inhaling, you twisted, and pushed the door open.
To reveal… absolutely nothing. Just an empty room with the same exact smell as the rest of the house, a puddle of blood sat in the middle of the room, but nobody, no person or animal or thing that could bleed. Just an empty, meaningless room. Just like the rest of the house. You let out a sigh of relief at the uneventfulness of the failed search, that wasn't so bad, you were fine.
Were you? A loud creak echoed through the short hallway behind you, and you made a motion to turn around.
Hands were on you before you could even breathe again. One covering your mouth, and one firmly planted on your shoulder. Huge hands, bigger than your fathers for sure, calloused and strong, scarily strong. Whoever this was smelled familiar, vaguely familiar, not like someone you knew closely. The shock from him grabbing you forced your phone to fall out of your grip. Oh god, oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god
You should have gone home, you should've cursed out your father and left. You shouldn't have been curious or caring or kind… you lived in a bad neighborhood, people died left and right, and the police couldn't give less of a shit what happens here. You were going to die, you were going to die in the same house you grew up in, the same house you cried and hurt and screamed in. What a sad ending, to think you were finally starting to get your life on somewhat of a track, only to die at the hands of a stranger. Fuc-
“Stop thinking so hard, I’m not gonna hurt you” a gruff voice spoke behind you, deep and dark and powerful. You started crying the second he spoke, your heart beating faster than your body should be able to take. Whoever this was, was not somebody you would ever want to mess with, they sounded more authoritative than you could ever even wish to be. You couldn't stop your heart from clenching out of fear, couldn't stop the tears from dripping down your face, couldn't breathe right.
“You don't need to cry… I said I wasn't gonna hurt you” One of his fingers strayed from your mouth to wipe tears away, but it did nothing to stop fear from overtaking your senses or forcing out sobs and cries from your lips. You were positive that your entire body was quivering and shaking, you couldn't feel it, too scared to think about anything other than death, but you knew it was naturally happening. You heard him let out a sigh from behind you (even his breathing was harsh and rough) before his arm hooked under your knees and pulled you flush against him.
“I’ve never been this close to you before, I’ve been waiting for this one for a while. We met when we were kids ya know, you looked so… empty, miserable, tired, fucking empty. You still do, you're just better at hiding it. I've been watching, it since then. You're just too nice for your good.” your cries increased as he spoke, you didn't struggle or scratch or scream, just cried. He was too strong for it to matter if you did.
He chuckled as you kept crying, by now he had begun to walk to the front door.
“Don't make a scene, if anybody notices, they're dead.” The words he spoke were so nonchalant, but still so terrifying that it had you struggling to breathe. He broke the front door open with his foot and pushed his way through the doorway, he hit his head on the top as he went through, that must be why the glass was broken.
You were frozen in his arms as he continued to carry you, the sun now lit up your surroundings, showing exactly who your captor was, now it made sense why you mildly recognized him. He was the man from the grocery store, you should've known by the way he spoke, you should've recognized that voice anywhere. HE caught your gaze as you stared at him, giving you a toothy smile. His canines were scarily sharp, and now that you can get a closer look this man was even more terrifying. His bear, his eyes, his teeth, everything about him screamed danger. You stiffened as you stared at him, why why why why why why why You shouldn't have fucking come here.
“Quit looking so scared of me. God you're stiff as a board, I forgot how jumpy you were. It's been a while since I’ve seen you this scared, not since the incident at the coffee shop-” Who does he think he is? Talking just like he knows you like he's had any kind of conversation with you before that wasn't about popcorn at a stupid stupid grocery store. What were you supposed to do? You fully believed that he was the type of man to kill anybody who tried to stop him, even then nobody would (people in this neighborhood learned to keep their mouths shut), and he was much much stronger than you. You just… you just had to give up. There was no winning, not against him, not here.
The thought alone made you want to curl up and die.
“Don't worry though, You're scared and I get it. But you'll get used to me. I’ll treat you real good, buy you things you’ve never had before. “ Your breath hitched and you quivered as he continued to blabber on and on about what kind of house he had, he tucked you into the passenger seat of some kind of black fancy car, got into the driver's seat, and proceeded to drive away—no more explanation than that. You couldn't do anything more than stare at him with those wide eyes of yours, he was watching you too intensely for you to try and throw yourself out of the car, and even then you doubted you would get very far before he caught you.
So you awkwardly sat in the leather seats of the fancy-ass car, tears still freely flowing as you sat, waiting for this man to take you to some alleyway and murder you. You picked at your fingernails, eyes darting around the interior of the car, it was clean and neat and looked to be stupidly expensive, everything that man wasn't. Who is that man anyway?
Almost as if reading your mind, the man brought a hand up to wipe the tears from your face, only to end up cupping your cheek and staring at you for a while as he drove.
“The name’s Uvogin, and I’m madly in love with you”
Hey pookie s I’m back, this has been in my wanna write list for a LONG time. But it’s now so it’s fine. I’m kinda weak in the knees for the entire phantom troupe so tell me what you think.
Sorry for the long delay:) but I’m back now
Have a great day today, bye!
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