fanfrelon · 2 days
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Austin Martin
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Back again. Nuked for the second time.
Reblog to help me find my moots 🙏🤲
Some genderfluid fashion for your troubles
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request 15 by Monegi
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tumsnstuff · 2 days
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the misfortunes of an overstuffed belly<3
my first kae//ya drawing :0
in the time i was gone, did my art get any better? lmfao
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sskinylovefat · 1 day
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pigandtwig · 16 hours
Ur tums so cute keep up the good work slayy 🤭
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thank you😄😅💕💗💖
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Found on Discord, artist unknown but damn if this ain’t relatable
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cutemilf420 · 1 day
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hungry-tum-stuff · 2 days
(spoken to tummy) "Poor thing, they're not feeding you, are they? We'll get you taken care of."
Tahir shuffled back into he and Bix’s shared room at the inn tiredly, ready to collapse into bed after a long day about town. However, he was surprised to see a lantern still lit at the little desk in the room, and Bix sitting at it, poring over books and notes written in his chicken scratch handwriting.
“You’re still awake…?” Tahir mumbled, shuffling over and looking over Bix’s notes. Bix just nodded, and Tahir took his silence as a hint to leave him to his work.
“Alright… Just don’t stay up too late, we have to be out of this room by ten tomorrow morning and I don’t want you dragging your feet.”
Bix nodded again, and Tahir managed to cross the room to the bed. He collapsed into it, as intended, and closed his eyes in the hopes that sleep would come easily.
But as soon as he was comfortable, he heard a little rumbling noise. He had half a mind to brush it off until it came again, not seconds later, this time with a bit more ferocity. Tahir cracked his eyes open tiredly and looked around, and the noise came again, this time a low, hollow-sounding growl. Tahir’s eyes fell on Bix, still hunched over the desk.
“Bix? Have you not eaten?”
The harpy gave no response. His stomach did, however, with a low-pitched whine that droned on for a good few seconds. Tahir frowned and forced himself up out of bed to stand beside Bix and glare at him.
“Oh my god, no, I haven’t eaten, alright? Now can you leave me alone?” Bix snapped suddenly, causing Tahir to take a step back and hold his hands up innocently.
“Well, are you going to eat?” Tahir asked, putting a hand on his hip.
“I just have to focus on getting this tracking spell right before we ship out tomorrow, okay? I wanna know if we’re going the right way…”
Tahir sighed. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Shut up and go back to bed, how’s that for an answer?” Bix hissed, shooting a glare up at his companion. His stomach rumbled again, but instead of saying anything about it he simply turned back to his work. Tahir sighed and shook his head, but he was determined to get a meal in Bix’s belly before either of them went to bed.
So he leaned down, and put an ear up to Bix’s belly.
It roared at him.
Tahir took his head away quickly. “Ouch, alright… You must really want dinner, hm?”
Bix’s stomach groaned pathetically, and Tahir stole a glance up at the other’s face only to see it was beet red. The prince decided to push his luck a little further and put a hand on Bix’s concave tummy, beginning to gently poke and prod it.
“That sounds like a yes to me. You poor thing… Bix isn’t feeding you at all, is he?”
Bix’s stomach growled, and Tahir was surprised that he was able to feel all the churning and gurgling against his fingertips. But then again, there was hardly any meat between his skin and his noisy stomach.
“Oh I know, you’re starving. Believe me I would like to get you taken care of, filled up nicely with, hm, perhaps some stew, and some fluffy bread to dip in it-“ Bix’s stomach agreed with a pleading moan, and Tahir continued. “Ah, I figured you’d like that idea. But unfortunately it’s out of my hands. Bix is working after all, you should take this up with him, not me.”
Bix’s stomach snarled ferociously, causing the harpy to wince and clutch at his belly. He shot another glare down at Tahir, but as his stomach continued it’s tantrum, Bix’s shoulders loosened as he quickly relented. He wasn’t winning this fight.
“…You’re an asshole.” Bix murmured, pushing his chair out to stand up. Tahir stood up with him.
“What ever could you be talking about? I was just listening to your tummy, you ought to do the same.”
“Yeah yeah I get it. Is there really stew downstairs?” Bix asked eagerly.
“When I walked in the innkeeper was tending to it, I’d imagine so.”
“Well then what the fuck are we standing around for?” Bix rushed out of the room, and Tahir chuckled and shook his head, following his companion out of the room.
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tumsnstuff · 2 days
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this is the best i can do LMAO
have space cowboy gasolined up
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heysweetbee · 9 months
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wolfertinger666 · 27 days
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xxxhoekage · 10 months
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cutemilf420 · 1 day
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chubbyanas-blog · 2 months
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Ugh ate way too much dinner but just couldn’t stop. Definitely would appreciate some belly rubs now 💚☁️✨
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