#this wasn’t planned or proofread it’s just me rambling so
blaithnne · 4 months
I think my one complaint about Anders is that I wish we’d seen him leave of his own accord at least once. Unfortunately I doubt that would be possible due to time constraints but, I think if we’d gotten to see how Hilda was affected by him actually leaving and not being fairynapped it would have better shown what kind of person he is, and been a really good representation of what a lot of real kids go through. That moment where Hilda finally realised her Father abandoned her is so heartbreaking, raw, and real, and the fact that it’s later revealed he didn’t kind of undermines that.
I’m not against Anders changing for the better - it’s a kids show, and it makes sense they’d want to give him a character arch instead of just introducing him to be a dick lol. It also makes sense for his character to have nearly losing his entire family forever be a wake up call for him. But I wish we’d gotten more time with him, and really seen the effects of him leaving for real. Without that, we can generally assume that it had the same effect as him being kidnapped did in canon, but it’s just not the same.
I’m of the opinion that introducing Hilda’s dad as a concept was a good decision, and I don’t think it undermines the shows found family. It gives Hilda a relatable and realistic aspect to her that I think is important for kids in similar situations to see. I am, however, very biased in that regard.
My biological father was an asshole who fucked off before I was born, but I’ve had no absence of family or fatherly role models - I’m very close with my adoptive dad and my grandad. But that didn’t mean I never had questions, or insecurities.
It’s easy to look at fictional tropes and say that found family is clearly superior and biology doesn’t mean shit, and that’s true! But when you’re living in that reality, when you’re young and coming to terms with it for the first time, it’s hard. Especially when you’re surrounded by people who all have blood relations with their families, and when the person you’re related to is regarded as a dick. it really makes you feel isolated and like there’s something wrong with you, like you’re an outsider — you’re different.
Real life people are messy and have insecurities that defy reason, you might logically know that biology doesn’t matter, but when you’re thirteen and insecure and full of inner turmoil, you can’t help but feel bad.
Personally, as I got older, I met people in similar situations and realised I wasn’t alone, that it was okay to have those feelings but it didn’t make them true. But at that age, having grown up in a rural community, I really was alone.
Hilda’s insecurities in season 3 are a great representation of that, she feels like she’s never had a proper family, this thing with Frida, David, Tontu, Alfur and Johanna and Astrid is all new to her. You can tell her Father’s absence has hurt her, how she’s felt different and alone and like something was missing. Hilda defines her worth through her relationships with others, how she can help them make them happy, it destroyed her when she felt like she failed Frida, imagine how she feels about her father.
What I think season 3 was missing was for Hilda to realise that she doesn’t need Anders, and that her happiness isn’t reliant on him being there, I wish she’d had a tad more agency in the relationship, yk? She wants him to be in her life, and he’s going to make an effort now to do that, but she has a support system in place and will be perfectly fine without him. I wish the show had properly acknowledged that just because this is how things ended up, it wasn’t the only option — with or without Anders, Hilda would still have been happy with her family in the end, the fact that he’s a part of it is a nice bonus, but not an essential one.
In general, I think Anders is the best they could do with the time they were given. Having him be a realistic shitty dad who loves his daughter but is just so bad at it is relatable and realistic, though I wish they’d better emphasised that just because he loves hers that doesn’t make his actions okay (perhaps by slightly altering Johanna’s moment with Hilda at the end of The Job), because it’s clear, I think, as a diehard fan, but might not be for more casual viewers.
Having him be redeemable and stick around to do better is a good conclusion for his arch, it’s a happy ending all around and makes sense for the story - it could’ve been weird if they just had him show up and then immediately leave with zero resolution to his character, unless they made him an all out irredeemable abuser, which I think would’ve been worse than what we got. Portraying abusers as unforgivable and cartoonish villains only makes it harder for real life victims to recognise their situations, so if it couldn’t be portrayed properly (which thanks to time constraints and the overall narrative I don’t believe it could be) I’m glad they went with something else.
What we’ve got is, and I know I’ve said this many times lol, a realistic depiction of a crappy, absentee father, that young viewers can recognise and relate to. On that end, the biggest issues are Hilda’s lack of agency within their storyline, since she has no control in the resolution of their relationship, young people looking to this show for ways to cope with their own situations might be discouraged by the end resolution of “he decided to stick around”, since that resolution rests on his decision, not Hilda’s, if that makes sense.
TLDR; Overall, I think Anders’ was a good character and the best that could’ve been done with what the team was given, but,
A) I wish we’d gotten to see him leave of his own accord at least once, so that Hilda’s final realisation that he left her on purpose has more impact and doesn’t loose its meaning in retrospect, and,
B) That Hilda had more agency in the final resolution of their dynamic, that their happily ever after wasn’t entirely reliant on Anders swearing he won’t leave. An alternative solution, maybe presented earlier on in the season when he first left, that provided her with a coping mechanism/outlet in case he does, so that her happiness and mental health isn’t in his hands, would’ve been pretty neat.
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slut4msby · 5 months
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flower shop girl. miya osamu x fem!reader
+ tags & warnings; not proofread
+ a/n; i wrote this at 2am last night as the idea came to me as i tried to sleep so keep that in mind </3
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“Just go give him some flowers Y/N it doesn’t have to be in a romantic way, just a nice neighbourly worker gesture!” Your coworker, Emi suggested.
“I’m pretty sure Osamu-san would take it the wrong way, Emi…” 
“But Osamu-san brings us onigiri all the time! So it’s not weird unless you make it weird, Y/N.”
You couldn’t deny your feelings towards Osamu have grown since you started working at the florist. It started with you going to get some lunch and wanting to try “Onigiri Miya” which was located across the road from your work. All your coworkers could only ever speak positively about Osamu’s onigiri. And after trying it you could not blame him. The onigiri was a masterpiece, it was a perfect triangular delight that fit perfectly in the palm of your hand. The outer layer was crafted from expertly seasoned sticky rice. The rice was perfect, not too dry nor too mushy. When the nori seaweed wrapping peeled back a symphony of flavours unfold. It felt as if Osamu had crafted a masterpiece with something as simple as Onigiri. 
However, it wasn’t just the onigiri that stirred something within you; it was Osamu Miya himself. Osamu was fine. More than fine to be honest, he himself was like a Greek god. His physique from his volleyball days had slightly decreased since quitting and pursuing the store, but he was still in beautiful shape. The black Onigiri Miya shirt hugged his body just right. His hair was always slightly messy when he came over to the florists from the Onigiri Miya hat. Not only was he hot, he was funny. Everytime you would see him he would crack some jokes that never failed to put a smile on your face. Not only that despite his more dead-pan face, Osamu was great with his customers. He knew them like the back of his hands, he cared, was passionate and he was funny. God, the true triple threat.
“Plus if Osamu finds it cute, maybe your little crush will go further~.” Emi teased.
You gave her a nasty side-eye in return to her snarky comment. “Okay fine, I’ll bring some flowers to Osamu-san after my shift, if that will make you shut it.” Emi’s face lit up at the comment, “BUT. There is a catch. I get to tell Osamu-san it is a gift from the store for all the onigiri he gives us. Deal?”
“Fine, deal.”
“So… Emi… What flowers do I give Osamu-san?” You say awkwardly.
“Well I would recommend tulips - pink tulips in particular if you don’t want it to be romantic. They convey good wishes, yet non-romantic love and affection. Or maybe some daffodils! To celebrate new beginnings and goo-” Emi rambled.
“Y’know what Emi? I think I’ll just make a bouquet myself…” you mumble as you walk off.
You loved Emi but god she could get on your nerves. 
You begin taking your time putting together a bouquet for Osamu. Nothing romantic, but also beautiful enough to put the wrong idea in Osamu’s head. It wasn’t supposed to be romantic, just a nice gesture. Despite your admiration for Osamu, you barely knew the guy. He could have a girlfriend or even worse a wife. And you were no home-wrecker. You had finally decided on a bouquet with pinks and whites, with pink carnations, white roses and baby's breath flowers. It was simple, effective and didn't give Osamu the wrong idea, perfect.
“Emi-chan I’m clocking out now~” You call out to your coworker.
“Don’t forget your bouquet, Y/N-san! I’m sure Osamu is going to fall head over heels for you and you two will have like the cutest romance story ever! And I Can say I planned it ALL and I better be a bridesmaid and-” 
“Yup, okay Emi.” You say giving her a weak smile and a wave as you walk out.
You crossed the road and walked into Onigiri Miya, the bell jingling as the door opened. Osamu raised his head to greet the customer who entered.
“Welcome! Ho- Oh, it’s one of the flower shop girls. What can I do for ya?” He smiled.
“Oh Osamu-san! I have a gift for you from m- us over at the flower shop because your always so nice to us and bring us onigiri and stuff and we just wanted to say thank you and-” 
He cuts you off from your awkward mess of a speech, “Thanks flower shop girl.” He said walking over to you, grabbing the flowers from your hand. “And don’t ya worry yer pretty little head about it, sweetheart.” He examined the bouquet in front of him, looking at the array of flowers. “It’s beautiful…?”
“L/N Y/N.”
“It’s beautiful, L/N-san. What flowers did ya use?” Osamu asks out of curiosity. 
“Oh well I used white roses which you can obviously see, and some baby’s breath. The pink touch is some pink carnations, my personal favourite flower! They also express gratitude and stuff… so it’s cool I guess…”
“Well I am super grateful for the gift, L/N.” Osamu smiled.
“Oh uhm… You’re welcome! I have to get going now, Osamu-san!” You say waving as you speed walk to the door. Osamu just waves in confusion in response to your awkward actions.
“God Y/N, why are you so awkward?” You silently cuss yourself out as you walk away.
Days have passed since your very awkward flower delivery to Osamu. The interaction still haunts your mind like a bad dream, that’s what you wished it was. As you care for the flowers towards the back of the door, a familiar figure walks in. Osamu Miya. Just your luck, you gave him an awkward smile before continuing your work. Osamub slowly walks over to your coworker, Maki.
“How can I help you Miya-san?” Maki asks.
“Just wondering if you have any bouquets of pink carnations?” Osamu says, looking around the store, attempting to find some.
“Oh we just got some in before, they are a popular choice at the moment. Y/N sells them quite well, they are her favourite after all.” Maki smiles.
“Well Y/N has some good taste then, they are also a personal favourite of mine.” 
“Really! I would not expect that from you Miya! You give off like jasmine vibes.” Maki laughs.
“I only recently found out what carnations are, a very pretty girl said they were her favourite and they just remind me of ‘er.”
A red blush swipes over your face at Osamu’s comment. Were you , the pretty girl? Surely not. Carnations are a common favourite flower and Osamu must know lots of pretty girls, I mean just take a look at him.
Osamu continues his chat with Maki, checking out for his bouquet of flowers. “Thanks so much Miya-san!”
However, Osamu doesn’t leave the store, his steps bring him towards you. He holds the bouquet out towards you, “here flower shop girl. Heard ya like ‘em.”
“Oh really?” You sarcastically respond.
“Yeah, a friend told me.” He jokes back, “a friend also told me I should ask you out on a date, pretty girl. So whatdya say?”
“I’d love to, Osamu.” You smile shyly.
“Tomorrow night at 7pm. Are you free?”
“For you? I guess I could make some time…” 
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mhahaikyuus · 1 month
wc:; 1.4k
tags: black reader x katsuki, newly established relationship (still trying to keep up the illusion for your partner), black reader doing her hair, emotional reader, Katsuki being the rational calm boyfriend, fluffy, cute ending.
a/n: i skimmed barely proofread sorry for any mistakes, hope you guys enjoy. reblogs appreciated.
“I can come over tonight?” Katsuki asked on speaker of your phone. 
You two spent everyday together since he had confessed to you by shoving flowers into your hands and running off before you had a chance to respond in slight shock. 
“Uh I’m busy tonight sorry.” You said watching yourself in the mirror studying your scalp distracted. 
“Okay what about tomorrow?” Katsuki grunted unhappy he would spend time away from you. 
“Tomorrow I'm busy too, i can’t hang out this weekend.” You said eyeing the thin black plastic bag filled with beauty supplies sitting on your vanity. 
He frowned, you always told him about upcoming plans you had. At lunch always rambling about whatever you wanted and him listening with small grunts and nods. You didn’t mention anything before about plans. 
“What are you doing?” He asked. Not wanting to pry so early into a relationship and scare you off. He had plans to make you his permanently but he was nosey. 
“My hair,” You answered honestly.
“What do you mean your hair? It takes that long?” He asked confused. 
“Yeah, it does. I have a lot of hair and it takes a lot of hours sometimes a couple of days.” You admitted with a sigh already dreading the process. 
Katsuki sat there on the other side of the phone with a small sigh of relief. You weren’t blowing him off with anyone else, just your hair. He had no idea about black hair but he knew he cared about you and that meant this was important. 
“Do you need help?” He offered making you silent in surprise widely blinking at the phone. 
The man that would tell his partner in the field to fuck off when he asked. Was readily offering you his help. 
You let out a small laugh, “I do but I don’t think you know what that entails. It’s a really long process and it’s tiring. Im okay though thanks for asking.” 
He just wanted to see you. After spending every day together for a month, he doesn’t know if he could go 3 days. 
“Alright the offer still stands if you change your mind. Don’t tire yourself out.” He sighed and you both said your goodbyes. 
You fiddled with the ends of your hair with a huff. 
“Let’s get this over with.” 
You wanted to ram your head into a wall. Staring at half your head being braided, 10 hours down and probably another 7 to go. 
Your back hurt, your arms hurt, your head hurt it was not ideal. Not eating all day and getting irritated at everything you were in a mood. 
Throwing the rat tail comb from your hands on the floor you flopped onto your bed in tears needing a break. 
Your phone began buzzing, face still in the mattress you reached around til you found it and pressed answer button. 
“Hello,” You answered muffled 
“Hey how’s it going?” Bakugo asked 
You sniffled pulling your head up tears running. 
“It’s fine.” 
Bakugo heard how upset you were causing his forehead to crease, “What’s wrong baby?” in a softer voice. 
“It’s nothing it’s just my hair and i’m tired and cranky and i haven’t eaten all day. I’ve only done maybe half of my head and i want to stop.” You said through tears. 
“Hey, hey please stop crying it’ll be okay.” Katsuki said trying to soothe you through the phone but it wasn’t working. Noticing a twinge in his chest at the sound of your soft sniffles.
You left out small huffs trying to control your breathing, “Yeah…sorry I should go you don’t want to hear me crying. Sorry to bother.” You realized you were probably scaring away the one guy you did like with your hysterics. 
“No I didn-“ 
“I have to go thanks for calling.” 
Katsuki stared at the phone feeling his stomach sink. 
You cried until your eyes were puffy and reluctantly went back to braiding your hair. You were so impatient and tender headed but you would not spend 200+ dollars on box braids. 
After about an hour you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to your boyfriend with a bag of takeout and one from the pharmacy. 
You yelped in surprise slamming the door just as fast as you opened it. 
Katsuki was very confused and kind of hurt at your reaction. 
“Y/n! What the fuck come on.” He yelled from the other side of the door. 
Your face held such embarrassment, hoping this was a figment of your imagination. 
Your boyfriend was NOT here when you looked like a hot mess. 
Your non-black boyfriend at that. 
This is a nightmare. 
“What are you doing here!” You yelled back through the door. 
“Baby you were crying and I haven’t seen you in almost 2 days!"
You groaned, “You can’t see me like this! you have to go home.” 
He grunted in annoyance, “You better open up. Im not leaving when you were crying.” 
You were silent waiting for him to go home and he wasn’t budging. With a sigh you opened the door peaking out at him. 
“Are ya gonna let me in?” He asked with raised blond eyebrows and pretty crimson eyes.
You opened the door and stepped aside. 
“What’s wrong why are you slamming doors and crying?” He asked looking down at you as he entered your apartment.  
You slowly closed the door behind you and leaned back against it. 
“I didn’t want you to see me like this.” You admitted thankful that you didn't blush noticeably.
“Baby like what.” He sighed dropping the bags on your coffee table and bringing you in close. 
Your head fell into his muscular chest, smelling his cologne.
“My hair.” You mumbled into his shirt.
He pulled back and used one hand to push back your hair to see your face. Your hair is in sections and a half-braided mess. 
“I like you and your hair. So will you calm down please?” 
“Really?” You asked with teary eyes looking up at him. 
“Yes, I do.” He reassured his hands gently holding you, his main goal to calm you down from this tired anxiety driven mood.
“Okay.” You mumbled head falling back into his chest. 
He rubbed your back, “What’s going on?” asking again. 
“I stayed up all night and im not even halfway done. I have a headache.” You mumbled in tears. 
Katsuki led you to the couch and made you take a seat. 
“Take a break. You look hangry and I brought food.” He said propping you in his lap and handing you takeout. 
You finished your food and leaned your head in his neck. Your headache stopping. He was right as usual, you were hangry. 
“I’m sorry for slamming the door in your face that was mean.” You said wrapping him in a side hug. 
His hand rubbed the side of your thigh with a light kiss on your nose. 
“It’s okay, ya didnt break my nose with the door slam.” Katsuki said making you laugh.
“Can I?” He asked gesturing to your head and you nodded. 
Katsuki’s thick fingers touching your blow dried hair. 
“It’s soft.” He said with mild surprise, “Like really soft.” 
You laughed, “Yeah I do have soft hair, but so do you.” Reaching up and lightly tugging on his spiky blonde hair. His hair was getting longer in the back. It may be because he loves your hands all over him and especially his head, giving you more hair to yank. Just a theory of course you would never say to him.
He grunted, “You feel better?” 
“Yes…” You nodded as he smiled knowing what he was gonna say
“Crying over the being hungry?” He teased showing his canines with his smile and you rolled your eyes. 
“Shut up.” 
“I’m just saying.” 
“Are you discriminating against a black woman?” You squinted but Bakugo had heard that before. 
“I just came over here with food to stop your crying and got a door slammed in my face.” He said with narrowed eyes matching your own.
“Uh fine.” You sighed, “Can you not be a good boyfriend so I can call you a bigot.” Your hand trailing up his stomach under his shirt, wanting skin to skin contact.
He pinched the inside of your thigh making you yelp in pain in response. His head deeply buried into your neck just enjoying your touch
“Ow…”You whined rubbing the bruised spot. 
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mangekyuou · 7 months
If you are up to it and haven’t already done it. Could you pretty please write head cannons of the kid, heart, and straw hat pirates as parents. My favorite one is killer.
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★ THEM AS PARENTS! headcanons ★
── featuring. sanji. zoro. kid. killer.
── cw. gn!reader. no pronouns used. no mentions of pregnancy. whole cake island and wano spoilers. me rambling again. not proofread.
── notepad. usually my limit is 3 but i added one more bcuz i felt inspired. it’s been awhile since ive written so i feel out of practice and these feel all over the place im so sorry. but i will say, i love you girl dad zoro and killer. i could talk about them forever
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── unlike everyone else, sanji HAS thought about settling down and having kids. he thinks about it at least twenty times a day. every time he looks at you, he’s always thinking about your future together
── so when your twin boy and girl show up in your lives, he couldn’t be happier. he’s never been happier. life is finally coming together the both of you
── he loves your twins with all of his heart, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t want any more children. he’s already dreamed of having a big family that he can share all of his love and care with. and because he already had at least four baby names picked out
── given his own upbringing that he never ever plans to tell your children about, sanji takes his fatherly role very seriously. he does everything in his power to be better than his own father
── never will he allow any of his children to take his surname. he would prefer if they took yours or even adopted a new one altogether
── never will there be any middle child syndrome or favoritism between your kids. he loves each of them equally and does pretty well at spreading out his time with each of them, making all of them feel loved and cared for
── every night he gives everyone a long tearful good night before sending them all their separate ways like he’s never going to see them again….they’re just down the hall
── he is a very emotional father. no matter what your children do, milestone or not, he will sob. first words and steps, sobbing. finally being able to dress themselves, sobbing. nearly setting the kitchen on fire attempting to make him a birthday cake, he sobbed all day and tried to eat the inedible cake despite you telling him NOT to
── he was sick for a few weeks after that. how the cake was both overcooked and undercooked at the same time, neither of you could ever figure it out
── his favorite family activity is cooking together. he loves cooking for each of you, but there’s something about teaching your little ones all of his favorite recipes, or even learning how to make a whole new dish altogether, that warms his heart. plus seeing them all get along and work together as a team brings joyful tears to his eyes
── but he can definitely be the indulgent parent. all his kids have to do is flash him the puppy eyes and a pout and he’s a goner, leaving you to play the authoritative parent and say no
── he is also the affectionate, embarrassing, and petty dad, always smothering the little ones in hugs no matter how old they get
── they could be in their late teens and he’ll still hug them the same as he did when they were small. or he’ll embarrass them in front of their friends by yelling how much he loves them and expects them to say ‘i love you’ back OR he’s not going to let them go anywhere
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── girl dad
── the thought of being a dad never crossed his mind. he was focused on his goal at hand, becoming the greatest swordsman. he wasn’t exactly sure having a kid would fit in that
── but he was going to have to figure it out because resting in his arms was an infant girl with the most precious cheeks
── you don’t have to worry much about your daughter, even in infancy your daughter adopted your husband’s calm and quiet nature. she even adopted his napping habits
── if he’s asleep out on the deck in the sun, she’s asleep out on the deck, either in his chest or in his lap. and no one dares to wake them, especially not after that time when usopp and sanji were arguing too loud, causing your daughter to stir in her sleep, alerting zoro immediately. in a matter of seconds, he held your baby in one hand and his unsheathed sword in the other
── nap time is a VERY serious thing
── though your daughter’s favorite place to rest is on his back. no matter how awake she may seem, the minute he wraps her in the baby wrap, she’s suddenly very sleepy
── if you’re looking for your daughter and you don’t immediately see her, don’t panic. nine times out of ten, she’s on zoro’s back napping
── she is always present during his training sessions in a little swing franky made and surprised you both with that way he can train and keep an eye on her at the same time. maybe that’s why your little girl ended up showing so much interest in swords as she grew up
── like father, like daughter. your daughter began her road to being a swordsman with zoro as her teacher. he learns from his own past failures, in guiding her to be an even better swordsman than him
── not only giving her the skills she needs to wield a blade, but also skills she will need to grow as a person
── when he is sure he has trained her well enough for them to spar, he will do so without mercy. she may lose a number of times, but to never give up is a skill he instilled in her since the beginning of her training
── and when she finally does best her father, he cannot hide just how proud he is. he’s in all dad mode
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── kid never pictured being in a stable relationship, let alone settling down and having children. he didn’t have much experience with children
── in reality, being a father scared him. it was uncharted waters. he didn’t know the first thing about being a good dad. he knew kids were a lot of work, and he didn’t know if he could handle it
── more importantly, he was worried he was going to let both you and your child down. and he couldn’t live with that
── but here he was now struggling his way through the baby and toddler stages. but through his mistakes and errors, as opposed to getting angry and giving up, like he usually does, he’s gaining patience and trying his best. that’s all anyone could ever ask for
── he becomes a natural over time. no longer needing you to intervene to keep your son from crying up a storm. if it’s taking a little longer than usual to put your son to sleep, and you offer to help, he will decline. his stubbornness and pride won’t allow him to accept your help
── if there’s one thing kid hates more than anything, it’s anyone thinking he can’t take care of his son
── it’s not uncommon to see the captain of the kid pirates to be seen around the victoria punk your son strapped to his chest
── it’s hard to take him seriously when he’s barking out orders to the crew and your excitable little one is reaching up to pinch and pull at his father’s cheeks and nose
── kid claims to not be a dad who cries, but he definitely does cry, oftentimes more than you do
── your son’s first word is definitely a swear word. kid thinks it’s hilarious seeing your son scream fuck
── as your son ages, the more he becomes just like his father. and with age comes the attitude, which does not mesh well with kid’s attitude
── never in a million years would you think you would find kid losing a loud argument to your fussy toddler son about nothing
── and it does not change. it continues to get worse as your son begins to form his own opinions. your son and kid clash even more, leading you to be the mediator between their arguments
── or at points when they stop talking altogether, you have to relay messages to the other because they refuse to be in the same room with each other
── kid wants to start your son off young when it comes to training him, wanting the little one to be hell just like him. if your son expresses interest in learning how to fight, kid is overjoyed but does not plan to take it easy on him just because they’re blood
── if your son has no interest in fighting and wants to lead a peaceful life, kid will be disappointed and it will take some time for it to get out of his system. but he ultimately will support his son’s decisions
── kid has a habit of ruffling your son’s hair or knocking heads as his way of showing affection. that’s just how it has always been since he was born. but the day your son decides to leave the ship to start the new chapter of his life is the first time they share a real hug
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── killer is prime girl dad material. king of girl dads, if you will. he’s a natural. well, he becomes a natural after he gets over his fear of holding your daughter
── he has led a complicated life up to this point. it is not something he regrets, but it is something that he worries could affect his family
── these calloused hands have killed, been stained with the blood of dozens, he had lost count. these were not the hands that should hold such a pure soul
── the first time he actually held her was in the middle of the night when she woke up crying in the middle of the night. he pondered on waking you but decided against it seeing you sound asleep. it has been a while since you had gotten a good sleep. you deserved your rest
── he had watched you countless times lull your little one back to sleep. he remembered how you did it, trying his best to keep his shaky hands still, reaching into your little’s crib, gently taking her into his arms
── who knew saying “please don’t cry” in a sweet low voice would be enough to calm her ??
── quite a sight you awoke to, seeing your husband passed out in a chair with your daughter still asleep in his arms
── it became part of his routine, every time she woke up in the middle of the night, he was going to take care of it. when she was old enough to sleep in the bed with the two of you, you better believe she took her place in the middle and kept it well into her late childhood, early teens
── they are attached at the hip. wherever she is, he is and vice versa, no matter the situation
── like the one time the kid called for an emergency meeting and killer could not find you in time so he just took your daughter with him
── everyone was on their best behavior because you had already warned them that if her first word was a swear word you would murder each of them and spread their body parts across the grand line for the sea king to feast upon
── ….they were not going to take the chances
── just your luck, your daughter inherited killer’s luscious hair. no matter what you do to it, no matter how hard you attempt to gel it down, it shoots right back up
── but killer’s got it. he does her hair most days because she prefers it that way they end up matching
── there are two things about killer that he is still very sensitive about. his appearance and his laugh, both things he tries to hide from your daughter. though it is easier to hide his appearance than his laugh
── after everything happened in wano, he was ashamed. he couldn’t bear letting her see him like this. he wanted her to remember him the way he used to look. he wasn’t ready to show her, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever be ready.
── until he was ready, he allows her to place her hands on his mask and put together what she thinks he looks like.
── currently, she envisions him to be a snake monster under his mask
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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yuzurins · 1 year
# reluctant to love
desc: in which rin writes a long essay proclaiming his long suppressed love for you
warnings: not proofread… lots of rambling, maybe ooc, itoshi brothers are not estranged, minuscule amount of angst but majority is fluff, some curse words here and there, rin is still at blue lock btw!
rbs and interactions are appreciated !!
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‘dear y/n,
i am writing this letter to inform you that i have taken a liking to you for a while now and would like to—‘
rin grumbles to himself as he scribbles out the complete trash of a confession that he had just wrote.
he doesn’t even know why he decided to take this approach at all. it all started because isagi and bachira told him that, “he was beating around the bush,” and “he’d probably win the world cup before being able to utter a word in front of them.”
so of course, rin said some very harsh words in response, leading to isagi challenging him to confess to you before the next match (that was in 72 hours) with his football career on the line.
which is how he found himself sitting at his desk after practice, spinning his pencil around trying to write a stupid love letter for his best friend.
because in the words of bachira, “everyone loves poetic men!”
despite immediately denying the words of his friends, deep down he knew damn well that they were completely right. if he wasn’t forced to, he would probably quit football before ever speaking about his feelings out loud.
but because the itoshi rin can’t risk his ego and pride, he’s reluctantly willing to write a silly letter.
turns out writing that silly letter was harder than any football game he’s ever played.
‘dear y/n,
i remember the first time we met.
it was first day of junior high, and you were sitting on a bench in front of the school with red puffy eyes, fiddling with the little kumamon plush on your bag.
i was late to class that morning, and after seeing you i purposely tried to walk faster in order to avoid any human interaction. but you saw me and grabbed onto my blazer, refusing to let go even though i didn’t spare you a glace. you asked for help getting to your classroom, and because i didn’t know what i was getting myself into, i lead you there (like the kind person i am) expecting to never see you again.
but i guess the world had other plans, because it turned out we were in the same class. you stuck to me like a parasite, annoying me every chance you got and never shutting the fuck up. but i enjoyed the company, though younger me would never admit that.
fast forward a few years and nothings changed. or has it? you’re still yapping your mouth off all the time and clinging beside me in every class. except something’s different, and i don’t know what it is. you laze around at my house after begging me for homework help, we occasionally go get food, sometimes fall asleep together and— [this part is illegible because rin drew over it too hard]
i don’t know. i think around this time i started distancing myself from you because i always felt uneasy around you. my heart was always beating rapidly, my stomach felt uneasy, and i just felt anxious. all the time. nii-chan told me it was because of you, so i just stopped talking to you. i’m sorry.
i’m sorry i didn’t tell you i was leaving. that i’d be gone for a while because i got scouted by blue lock. i didn’t mean to because i thought i’d be okay before i left. sorry i’m rambling now. i know i don’t speak a lot in person so i’m writing my thoughts down for you to understand me better.
i was a kid in denial, and sometimes i still am because even now i don’t understand that part of myself. to be honest, i would’ve never confessed these feelings of mine if my friend didn’t push me to. it sounds like a dick move but i swear on my career that everything i’ve written on this stupid paper is genuine and sincere.
and what i am certain of is that i want you to be by my side. i want you to be there cheering for me when i win a game, i want you to be there beside me when i wake up, i want you to spend your afternoons lazing around me, i want you to tell me all about the small unnecessary details of your day,
i just want you
because you make me feel safe
rin’s biting his lower lip now, feeling super embarrassed about how vulnerable he just let himself be on a piece of paper. he doesn’t read over it at all and shoves it into the envelope immediately. doesn’t even check whether he wrote your address right or not because he’ll chicken out if he looks it over at all.
he’s super anxious about this letter, to the point where he’s fucking up his plays, so imagine his surprise when he sees you sitting on his porch the day he finally gets to go home.
you jump up immediately at the sight of him and run to hug him. rin stiffens at the sudden impact but drops his bags a second later to sink into your embrace.
though as if that wasn’t enough of an answer for him, he’s still uncertain about your feelings. you hear the rapid beating of his heart and look up to give him a lovesick grin.
“i love you too, itoshi rin.”
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“i can’t believe you forgot to sign off a letter confessing that you’re head over heels for me.” you giggle as you walk over to your boyfriend, who was staring at his letter that you pinned to your pegboard. “what if i ended up responding to the wrong person?”
rin huffs and turns away, embarrassed that you caught him reading that. “shut up, you have no other friends anyways.”
you smile teasingly at him as you notice his ears turning red. “you never thought about the possibility that someone could’ve liked me during the 10 months you ignored me for?”
he frowns, though you can’t see him, and droops his shoulders down. you know he still feels bad about it, but it’s fun to tease him because in your eyes he looks so adorable, like a big puppy.
and as he still stares at the floor, he turns around and walks over to envelop you in his warmth, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
an endearing smile finds its way on your face as you hug rin back. he’s not a words person; this was his way of expressing his apology.
“it’s okay, you big baby, as long as you’re here with me now.”
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cherrychilli · 1 year
Do over
Part 3 of Caught
Steve Harrington x Hopper! Reader smut, AFAB reader
Summary: Hopper finds out that you’ve been dating Steve Harrington in secret and you’re both left to deal with the aftermath of your father's unfortunate discovery.
A/N: This little series was so much fun to write. Thanks to everyone who liked, reblogged, commented and asked to be tagged. Hope you all enjoy the conclusion!
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI, breeding kink, P in V sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, pussy spanking, slight daddy kink
Wordcount: 4.8k
Not proofread
“Hopper’s daughter? Are you insane? Like, actually, clinically insane?”
The full body shock is immediate as Robin begins to pace rapidly back and forth, running her hands through her frazzled hair disbelievingly while her eyes double in size and her mouth hangs agape.
It was big news. Steve knew that and if it wasn’t such an urgent problem he would have allowed her more time to wrap her mind around his bombshell of an admission.
“Yeah yeah- enough of that- what do you think I should do? I mean, I can’t just go over there without a plan. I need to map something out. And quick! before he thinks I’m trying to hide”
But it’s no use, his impatient plea falls on deaf ears because she’s still reeling.
“A dead man- I’m talking to a dead man right now”, she rambles to herself before turning on her heal to begin pacing in the opposite direction.
Steve sighs defeatedly, realizing that he can’t rush her into a more coherent state.
This time with more patience, he attempts in a softer tone like one might with a particularly anxious toddler, “alright, why don’t you just take these in the back- get this all out of your system and then come back and help me, please”. He places a stack of newly returned tapes in her arms and directs her towards the back room with a hand pressed gently against her back. Somehow, she manages to find her way despite her unfocused gaze and her repetitive utterances of “I can’t believe this – I just believe this” while shaking her head from side to side.
Getting caught with you, especially in the way that it had happened, by your father, the Chief of Police was...not ideal. But Steve was determined. He cared for you and he needed to make it clear to Hopper that you weren’t some girl he was using for sex.
Steve returns to the counter and fishes out his wallet, in desperate need of a pick me up.  Flipping it open, a smile tugs at his lips as he looks down at a picture of the two of you together. Your ‘first date’. The picture was taken at the photo booth two months ago when you’d ran into each other at the county fair. You both knew the other was going to be there with your respective groups of friends – there’d been so much tension between the two of you during the weeks leading up to the fair. Very ‘will they won’t they’ as cliché as it sounded. You’d had your first kiss together that night too. Steve remembers how demure you seemed in your pretty dress as the two of you walked by the tree line, away from your friends and away from the rest of the crowd. Everyone was too preoccupied to notice the way you both looked at each other or the fact that you’d wandered off to be alone. He’d wanted to kiss you so badly but held off thinking it might be too soon.
Everyone had this idea in their heads about you. They all treated you like you were made of glass and the last thing Steve had wanted that night was to scare you off by being too forward.  But there was another side to you and that was the night he caught his first glimpse. He was in the middle of relaying a story – something funny Dustin had done – and it wasn’t that you were disinterested in hearing it. You liked hearing how fondly he spoke of the younger boy. You found it incredibly sweet how their unlikely friendship came to be but there was a pressing matter on your mind and you couldn’t resist any longer. Your hands reached out to grasp at the front of Steve’s shirt as you pulled him down for a sudden kiss. It was unexpected but he melts into it quickly, remembering everything from the sound of the fireworks going off in the distance, to the taste of cotton candy on your lips.
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t wait anymore”, you’d said when you finally parted for air.
He realized you weren’t nearly as fragile as people thought you to be.
Quickly checking over his shoulder to make sure Robin hadn’t shuffled back in yet, Steve carefully pulls the picture free from behind the little plastic display to sneak a peek at the one he’d hidden underneath. It was one of the pictures he had taken of you yesterday. He couldn’t resist – he had to have one with him while he kept the others hidden away in his room. Your face wasn’t in it- he’d promised you he’d be careful. It was a shot of your body – stretched out on his bed, still clad in your lacy underwear and peppered with fresh hickeys.
He can feel his cock begin to stir in his pants and he knows better than to get hard at work but he can’t help but let his eyes linger a few moments longer. Who would have known just by looking at you that this was what you’d been getting up to in secret.
Steve’s so busy admiring every curve of your body that he doesn’t take immediate notice when the front door swings open. No one really came in at this hour – kids were supposed to be in school and the adults were usually at work right about now. When he does finally look up it feels like he’s just stepped off the edge of a cliff, wallet slipping from his fingers and landing on the opposite side of the counter.
Jesus, Fuck
Hopper’s mirthless, raging face looms over him, his stare alone somehow willing Steve into fearful submission.
The fear intensifies when Steve’s eyes dart down momentarily to realize that his wallet’s landed right beside Hopper’s boots – thankfully, picture side down.
Steve’s mouth’s completely dry and all he can hear is the sound of his own blood coursing in his ears. Jim Hopper was a big man, by anyone’s standards. Big enough to make even the most arrogant drunk think twice about picking a fight with him. Right now, he seemed impossibly big. Almost mountainous, even.
The look on Hopper’s face told Steve everything he needed to know and now all the boy could do was wait. With no one around to see, there was no way the Chief wouldn’t swing. Right?
He clearly wanted to. What father wouldn’t?
God, this is going to fucking hurt…
“This is major. Huge! There’s no way he won’t kill you, I mean really- “
Like a godsend, Robin strides back towards the counter, only cutting herself off when she sees who’s walked into the store.
Steve takes his first breath since Hopper showed up, relief washing over him. A witness!
He eyes Robin from where he’s frozen in place, a mix of helplessness and desperation evident on his face.
She knew she needed to do something to help her friend from getting his face caved in. Despite being the one who hadn’t messed around with Hopper’s daughter, she struggles to maintain a calm cadence, croaking out a very nervous, “Hey Chief, here to check out the new releases?” to distract him.
Steve’s nothing but thankful for her awkward but sincere effort to break the dangerous tension mounting in the store but Hopper ignores her altogether to turn back to him.
“Whatever you think I might do to you if I ever see you near my daughter again is nothing compared to what I’ll actually do to you, understand?”
Steve nods quickly. Even if he wasn’t afraid for his life he knew there was no convincing Hopper of anything right now. There was no room to carefully explain or reason. There was barely any room to breathe. He’d have to plead his case later.
With one last ire fueled stare at Steve he turns to leave, eyes briefly skimming over Steve’s wallet on the floor before stomping out of the store.
Robin cautiously inches over to Steve, eyes trained on the door, wondering if Hopper might just change his mind and come back.
“Are you okay?”, she finally asks.
“Ask me again in an hour”, he replies weakly, blood yet to return to his pale face.
You knew this was hard for your father. He had trusted you and you had lied. You should have been honest from the start. Sure, he wouldn’t have been crazy about the idea of his daughter dating Steve Harrington but if you hadn’t tried to hide your relationship and instead, had explained how happy Steve made you, things might have turned out differently.
“He won’t be bothering you again”, was what Hopper said to you when he came back home that morning. You hadn’t even realized he’d been gone. You’d accidentally slept in late, exhausted from having cleaned up your father’s mess last night and your many futile and tearful attempts at trying to convince him that Steve wasn’t the kind of boy he thought he was.
Hopper seemed pleased with himself, having scared the shit out of your boyfriend with not more than a look and a single warning. Instantly, you knew what he’d done and now it was your turn to start yelling. It goes on for hours – you, trying to make it clear that he had no right trying to decide who you can and can’t date and him, trying to shoutexplain that he’d done it for your own good because according to him, all Steve wanted to do was take advantage of you.
“If he’s such a good guy, why didn’t he try to explain himself this morning?!”, Hopper boomed
“You probably didn’t give him the chance! All you do is intimidate!” you shot back defiantly
“He was corrupting you- I needed to keep that pervert away!” he retaliated.
Frustrated and well beyond your limit, you angrily tread to your bedroom and slam the door behind you, locking yourself inside before burying yourself underneath your blankets. It infuriated you. You’re an adult now but this was Jim Hopper. As long as you’re under his roof, he still calls the shots.
You avoid Hopper the next day. Only coming out of your bedroom when you hear the cruiser pull way as he leaves for work. You use that time to fix yourself something to eat and wonder around the cabin, wracking your brain for solutions before going right back inside when you hear him return in the evening.
Hopper can’t find it in himself to apologize because he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. The way he sees it, some handsy boy treated you with less respect than you deserved and there was no way he was about to let that continue. But at the same time, he couldn’t stand to have you mad at him.
You’re the only person he’d ever even attempt to make peace with after a bitter fight. He’s just about to knock on your door when the phone begins to ring. With an irritated huff he walks away from your door to answer it. He sighs again, rubbing at his temple as he listens to the caller on the line. “Alright, I’ll be right there”, he grunts back and hangs up the receiver. Grabbing his keys, he’s about to head to the cruiser but he decides to try reaching out to you one more time before he leaves.
He knocks gently against your door. No response. It hurts because he knows that you’re up and not actually asleep – he’d seen your shadow from under the door not very long before the phone had started to ring. Carefully softening his tone, he starts, “Honey…I have to head out again- there’s some sort of commotion down Marley Street- house party that got out of hand – some little sh- someone set a couch on fire and it spread- it’s a mess and I have to get down there”. No response still. “I might be out a while so keep the doors locked…I’ll be back as soon as I can”. Hopper turns to leave but the sound of your room door being unlocked has him whipping back around. You crack open your door just a couple of inches and his face drops when he sees your eyes all red and your cheeks puffy from crying all day. He may not be the calmest person around or the easiest person to reason with but you knew he had done what he did because he cared about you. You didn’t like being mad at him either knowing that it hurt him too. “Be careful, dad”, you reply softly. He smiles back tenderly. “Thanks, hun”. You both part a little somberly but hopeful that the next time you talk, you’re more likely to reach an understanding than another screaming match. You both just needed some time to cool off first.
You decide to clean yourself up with a nice hot shower when you hear the cruiser take off. Returning from the bathroom you remember that you hadn’t been able to call Steve the day before – too busy and exhausted from all the yelling. You dial and wait. When he doesn’t answer fresh tears start to emerge. You try to tell yourself that maybe he’s out with Robin right now but part of you worries that Hopper had managed to get to him with his threats and that he was avoiding your call on purpose. You put the phone back down, sick of listening to it ring.
You retreat under your blankets again, ready to softly cry yourself to sleep and let the cycle repeat itself.  You’re about 3 minutes into it when a sudden series of taps against your window make you still your breath. You’re alone. It’s dark. And now you’re very, very scared.
You’re just about ready to scream bloody murder when you recognize the face peering through your bedroom window.
You throw the blankets off yourself and practically sprint to your window, smiling so hard it almost hurts.
“He’s gone, right?”, he whispers cautiously when you unlatch the window and open it for him.
“He left about 30 minutes ago- something about a fire down Marley Street”, you beam despite the context of the news you’re relaying.
“I saw – I drove past it on my way home from work- probably Jake Ramsey’s fault. That guy’s always passing out flaming shots.” He crawls through your window and straightens out before continuing. “No one got hurt but the whole place is a mess. Drunk kids all out on the lawn, fire department was called. Pretty big – I knew they’d call your dad in and that meant you’d be alone so…”
You throw your arms around him and squeeze, “I tried calling and when you didn’t answer…I’m so glad you’re here”, you mumble into his chest.
“I never went home, babe. I just drove straight here”, he replied, hugging you back with a reassuring squeeze.
You crane your neck back to look up at him, “My dad didn’t scare you off?”
Steve suppresses a nervous laugh at that. Hopper did scare him. Almost effortlessly so but he decides to leave that part out when cups your face with his palm, thumb stroking your cheek lovingly. “Not enough to keep me away from you”, he replies honestly.
He leans down to meet your waiting lips, kissing you softly. It’s a tender, sweet moment but it slowly changes into something more needy when you purposely press your chest up against his and one of his hands trail down to glide along the curve of your ass over your sleep shorts, squeezing your flesh before breaking the kiss to suck at your neck.
“You never got to tell me over the phone- how exactly did he find out?” he makes out against your skin.
“Left a stupid notebook behind in the car- he drove back to the center to give it to me- Loretta told him I didn’t work there”, you reply, eyes fluttering shut.
“But he didn’t realize yet that it was me he’d caught you with that night- he thought you’d been going around with some other girl- stringing me along during the day- probably didn’t think I’d ever put out for anyone”
Steve scoffs. “Course he didn’t. The Chief of Police’s daughter? Little innocent thing like you? You’d have to be a fucking loon to try and get under her panties”, he pulls at your waistband playfully and lets it snap against your skin.
You giggle before replying. “Remember when we started by using condoms?”, you card your fingers through his hair, occasionally pulling at the soft brown locks when he latches on to a particularly sensitive spot.
“Can’t remember a thing before you let me slip inside without one, babe” he nips at your earlobe.
You blushed remembering the first time you’d done it without one.
You’d planned it to be a surprise. You didn’t tell Steve that you’d gotten on the pill yet, deciding that you wanted to have a little fun with him first. You tried to contain yourself as you watched him roll on the condom that day before you began to ride him in his bedroom. You staved off your own orgasm until you could tell he was getting close by the way his abdomen clenched and the grip he had on your thighs would tighten. “Stevie, this isn’t working” you’d whined in faux frustration as you ceased bouncing on his cock. You almost felt bad when worry washed over his face and he sprung up from his pillow to look at you face to face. “What’s the matter, angel? need me to be on top?”, voice full of concern.
“it’s not that- I’m just tired of not getting to feel you”, you pouted back.
“Baby, I’m literally inside you right now”, he let out a short disbelieving laugh.
“that’s not what I mean” you pull yourself off of his cock, letting it slip from your hole.
“I need this off- It’s getting in the way”, you point at the condom curled over his dick before you begin pulling it free from his length.
You enjoyed the dumbfounded look on his face a little too much as you tossed the latex aside and held on to his shaft, making a show of rubbing his bare cock along your slick pussy. “Oh, Steve, that feels so good”, you moan out, aiming his tip at your clit and pressing the two very sensitive areas together. 
“Shit- baby, hold on-“
You’re not deterred, you can feel how badly he’s tempted to let you ride him raw but you anticipate his hesitation all the same.
“But Stevie, imagine how good it would feel”,  you whine back. It’s downright cruel the way you’re teasing him right now but you can rest easy knowing that the torture you’re putting him through is going to be well worth it-and he’d agree.
“Sweetheart- fuck- it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s really not that”, he chokes out
“Please, Steve? I wanna feel all of you”
His resolve is crumbling by the second. “Baby, maybe we should wait until you get on the pill? You know,uh be safe?”, he sounds barely convinced by his own reasoning, phrasing everything like a question.
“So, you’ll fuck me without one if I get on the pill?”, you purr back teasingly to clarify.
The truth was he wanted to fuck you without it and you knew it.
“Yeah baby, I’ll give it to you just how you want it”, he strains.
You pretend to look thoughtful for a moment before shrugging your shoulders with contented smile. “Mm, alright”, you hum back innocently.
His breath hitches when instead of releasing his throbbing dick, you raise your hips and line up his cock with your entrance, pushing down until he sinks all the way inside.
You both moaned at the feeling. Your tight warmth envelopes his dick and you can feel every ridge and inch of it pulsing inside you.
“Fuck fuck fuck – did you- when??”, he chokes out, barely coherent but you knew exactly what he’s asking.
“Last week”, you moan out, a satisfied smile stretching across your face.
He didn’t last much longer without it but it didn’t matter. You liked knowing the kind of effect your pussy had on him. And he made it up to you 15 minutes later. Thrice.
You let the memory fade away when he works a hand between your bodies to rub over your clothed cunt.
“W-well- there was one left over. I left it inside the notebook- completely forgot about it- slipped out right in front of him- that’s when he put it all together”, you force out in a whine.
Steve stills his hand over your mound, pulling away from your neck to look down at you with concern.
“So, he knows I’ve been fucking you raw?”
“No…, I don’t think so- he never found my birth control pills”
Steve’s expression relaxes for a moment before he eyes you up and down suggestively. “Hm. Too bad.”
Your eyebrows shoot up at this. “’Too bad’? Isn’t our situation bad enough?”
He only smirks before returning to mouthing at your neck, slipping both hands underneath your shirt to give your breasts some attention.
“How pissed do you think he’d get if I knocked you up?”, he breathes against your ear.
The questions catches you off guard and you don’t know what to say because you’re too busy trying to process the way his words have begun to make your pussy throb.
“If I put a baby in you- got you all nice and big”, he squeezes your tits with both hands for emphasis,
“- couldn’t hide it then- then he’d know- everyone would know”
You let a moan slip at that, dragging your cunt along his thigh for some relief.
“That what you want, baby? Really stick it to your old man if I got you pregnant right under his own roof”
Your head’s swimming but you still manage to whisper-shout back at him, “Steve! We’re too young”
He chuckles, “I know that- I mean eventually”.
“I can tell you want it too” his eyes flick down to where your shorts have begun to turn damp against his jeans.
You see it too and you’re too far gone now to try and deny it.
“Fuck- please just fuck me before he gets back”, you finally give in.
Your shirt lay discarded in the corner of your room and your nipples throb faintly with the memory of how he’d played with and sucked them moments ago, leaving them all pert and puffy. You’re all spread out on your bed underneath Steve, a shaking whimpering mess and he hasn’t even fucked you yet.
“Stevie, please hurry- can’t let him catch us again”
“You know, if you weren’t so busy thinking with this” he brings his open palm down on your clothed clit with just enough pressure to make you yelp, “we wouldn’t be in this mess”.
You relish his faux admonishment. You both know that the two of you share the blame in getting caught but he isn’t wrong. You’d been so needy for him and he liked chiding you for it.
“Needed my cock that bad, angel?” he brings his hand down on your delicate folds again.
“That why you left the condom in your notebook? Smart girl like you- you know better than that”
“So forgetful…mind all blank now that your pretty little pussy’s being used?”
“All those years without anyone to touch you and now- “
“You can’t get enough of it”
“Steeeeve”, you draw out in a desperate whine.
He ignores your plea, “Jesus, how can you sleep in these damn things, they’re so tight. I can see every part of you”.
You’d outgrown this particular pair of shorts a while back. You could still fit into them but he was right, they looked like a second skin on you. He ogles the outline of your cunt through the pale purple cotton and your face warms up when he pinches your pussy lips together. You wiggle your hips and that earns you another slap.
“Take them off- panties too”, he commands.
You do as your told, shimmying both off before he’s forcing you back on your bed with your thighs spread.  
He doesn’t say much this time, instead busying himself by landing several hits directly onto your naked cunt until your clit’s all swollen and your labia’s all pink from the impact. You can hear how wet you’ve become with every smack and he just tuts at the sight between your legs.
“So impatient…”, he lets out in a low groan, inspecting your arousal by rubbing your slippery slick between his thumb, index and middle fingers.
The way your thighs twitch and tremble with every slap isn’t lost on him. He’s confident that he could probably get you to cum from this alone and he’s so tempted to do just that but you’re right. As much as he wants to take the time to put his theory to the test, he doesn’t want to risk another encounter with your father just yet.
He brings his hand between your legs again, this time gently rubbing soothing circles into your abused little bud.
“Want me to make it feel better, baby?”, he coos.
Your chest rises and falls with labored breaths as you nod affirmatively, eyes all watery.
He picks you up and carries you away from the bed, sitting you down on the edge of your desk instead. Your college brochures tumble to the floor and your neat little pile of transcripts tip over and messily fan out behind you.
Your legs fall open as he impatiently sheds his clothing too.
Taking one last moment to tease you, he taps the head of his cock against your aching clit until you choke out a pathetic ‘please’.
He takes pity on you then and you both watch as he finally pushes it in, savouring the stretch.
It’s going to be quick and rough, you both know it but you still gasp when he pulls back far enough to begin driving his cock into you in a hurried pace. You can feel yourself beginning to gush, eyes rolling back as you chant his name again and again. Pens and paperclips rattle and roll off your desk, a mess of stationary littering your bedroom floor.
You’re so cockdrunk your unfocused gaze eventually lands on the framed picture at the corner of your desk. You and your father, his arm wrapped around your shoulder and you leaning in close to him as you smile for the picture. Your arm shoots out to turn the picture face down – his face is the last thing you want to see while you’re getting railed and you don’t need another reminder of how pissed he’d be if he knew you were seeing Steve in secret again – in his own house even.
Steve notices your expression and laughs, low and a little dark. “Forget him, baby, I’m your daddy now”.
He picks you up by the waist and you gasp. You’re forced to support yourself with your palms planted flat on your desk behind you and your arms extended. Your legs immediately wrap around Steve’s waist for stability and you’re left to hold on as he grips your ass and begins pounding into you, much harder than before. You squeal at the intensity, desk creaking dangerously beneath you while your tits bounce on your chest.
Your arms ache from having to support your weight but your building orgasm soon captures your complete attention.
“Getting close, angel?”, he grits out with a smirk
“So-so close, daddy”, you pant back out.
Steve groans approvingly when you say it, and he can tell that you like it too because your cunt clenches around him like a vice.
“Daddy, I’m-“ you let your head fall back as the coil in your abdomen snaps and your orgasm ripples through you. Your silky walls clamp sporadically around Steve’s cock and he rests his forehead against your shoulder as he spills into you with a deep grunt, driving into you with short, hard thrusts until he has nothing left to give.
Somehow, you’ve managed to keep your arms outstretched but they start to wobble and he notices, easing you down onto the surface of your desk and pulling out to watch his spend flow back out of your hole. Cum seeps out of you and leaks directly onto your half-completed college application forms but you’re too blissed out to really care. You’ll gladly pick up another set of papers when the feeling starts to return to your trembling legs.
You stare at each other, eyes half lidded, sweaty and panting.
Steve’s the one to break the momentary silence when he reaches out to frame your face with his palm again. 
“I wanna be with you- no more sneaking around. I know he won’t like it at first but let’s be upfront with him. Make him understand”.
Your chest blossoms with adoration and you blush under his affectionate stare.
 “Maybe at dinner? This Friday? I’ll pick a place” you offer, still a little breathless.
 “Yeah” he smiles back at you warmly.
“Some place that gets packed, alright?" he adds.
And then a tinge more seriously so that you understand what he means. “Witnesses, you know?”
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generalllimaginesss · 10 months
A Night to Remember
Trevor Zegras imagine :)
As always, slightly proofread, so read at your own risk. Not too many warnings….kissing and a few cuss words maybe? Let me know if you want a part 2 or au!!
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“I’m not going on a date with him,” Her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at her best friend in front of her.
“Hattie, please. He hasn’t shut up about you for like 3 years. Give him a chance,” Jack begged the girl.
Hatton and Jack had been best friends since diapers, practically inseparable, following the other wherever that may lead them. Platonic soulmates was the best way to describe the pair. When Trevor Zegras came into the picture, however, Hatton naturally developed feelings that were slightly jealous of his and Jack’s friendship. She learned to get over that feeling when she realized the boy wasn’t going anywhere. According to the boys they were the besties, but Hatton held up the fact that they were “the original besties plus Zegras.”
Trevor’s personality couldn’t be more different from Hatton’s. Where Trevor was outgoing, affable, and slightly obnoxious, Hatton was reserved, introverted, and didn’t go out of her way to make conversation with people she didn’t know well. She was the antithesis of everything that Trevor presented himself as. That didn’t stop the boy from being hopelessly in love with her for some time. Hatton couldn’t possibly keep count of the amount of times he had asked her on a date. The answer was always the same: absolutely not.
Jack was usually the buffer between the two, occasionally having to separate them from bickering like an old married couple.
“He’s annoying,” Hatton persisted, her stubbornness was impressive to the average person.
“Ok, I can’t argue with that, but he said please,” Jack pointed out, suggestively raising his eyebrows as he reasoned with his friend.
“I did say please,” Trevor’s voice called from the living room.
“See, he said please,” Jack couldn’t possibly finish this conversation without Hatton agreeing. He had about all he could take of being in the middle of the two.
Hatton groaned as she ran her fingers through her hair in annoyance. On one hand, she couldn’t give in after years of denying Trevor the chance to a date. She couldn’t possibly compromise her reputation of being hard-headed. On the other, however, she wondered if he would shut up about it if she just agreed to one simple date.
Jack could tell she was debating it internally, which was a win anyway. He had never gotten her to think this far ahead about it. He watched as Hatton began to chew the inside of her cheek, a habit she had when she was indecisive. Jack wore a smirk on his face as she slowly came around to the idea of a date.
“This is a one time thing, Hughes—you can wipe that smirk off your face right now. This means absolutely nothing except that I’m tired of him asking,” She set the record straight before anything else could be said.
Jack nodded his head feverishly as he squealed like a little girl. He ran from the kitchen and into the living room where Trevor was already on his feet doing a celebration dance. Hatton slowly removed herself from the stool at the bar and sluggishly walked to the boys.
“So I’m thinking tonight, I’ll pick you up at 8:00 and we can go get dinner at a surprise restaurant. After that we can go see the Barbie movie, and then after that we can go look at the stars,” Trevor rambled on as Hatton stood wide-eyed.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’ve had roughly 3 years to plan this so I don’t know why you act surprised that I have it planned out already,” Trevor was talking 90 miles per hour as he was collecting his keys, wallet, and phone off of the coffee table. He was dancing all the way to the door, but before he left he reminded Hatton of the time he would be picking her up.
“Oh! Dress kind of dressy. The restaurant is a little more on the formal side!” He called before he shut the door. Jack was snorting from laughing so hard. He truly wished he could be be a fly on the wall for their date tonight.
“I fucking hate you,” Hatton deadpanned glancing at the time and noticing she had about 3 hours to get ready.
“I love you too, Hattie!” He chuckled as he ruffled her hair.
“You should probably go get ready!” He called from the kitchen.
Hatton took advantage of the time she had to take a full body shower. She immediately felt refreshed as she prepared to do her hair and makeup. She decided on a more natural makeup look as it was her signature style. She matched a black t-length satin dress that had a slit up to her mid-thigh to a pair of nude heels that tied around her ankle.
The time was currently 7:42, but the knock from the front door revealed that Trevor could actually show up on time. Her mother sounded surprised when she opened the door, discovering that it wasn’t Jack at the door.
“Well hey there, Trevor! I’ve got to admit, I was not expecting to see you here,” Hatton snorted sarcastically at the reaction. She made last minute touches on her makeup, spritzed on perfume, and grabbed her purse as she headed for the stairs.
Whatever conversation that was happening between her parents and Trevor ceased immediately, and she had to admit she felt like a Queen. Everybody’s eyes were on her and she was surprisingly loving it.
“I feel like your blue is going to be too much with my outfit,” Hatton pointed at his royal blue jacket and dress pants.
It took a few seconds for Trevor to process a coherent thought, but he finally was able to clear his throat a little and get it out, “Wow-ok, haha. Three years didn’t quite prepare me for this.”
He nervously wiped his hands on his pants as he began to help her out to his bronco. Hatton’s mom was trying to suppress her smile, knowing it would only upset her daughter, but when the two young adults were finally outside she looked at her husband.
Hatton’s dad couldn’t even pretend to be the tough guy if he wanted to. He had to give Trevor props for never giving up on his daughter. No matter how many times him and his wife had sat and listened to Hatton rant about the boy, her dad knew deep down that something would come of it one day. A boy isn’t just hung on a girl for that long for the joy of it.
Meanwhile outside, Hatton was trying to be her usual self around Trevor. She was trying to push his buttons, but Trevor wasn’t taking the bait. He opened the door for Hatton, ran around to his side of the vehicle and got situated in the driver’s seat, finally cranking the bronco. She started to make a snarky comment about his lack of socks with his dress shoes, but was immediately cut off.
“Hatton, you look fucking gorgeous. I’m not going to argue with you or aggravate you. I want this to be an actual date. Can we, I don’t know…maybe pretend like we just met and have a clean slate for the night?” Trevor suggested, stealing glances at her as he tried to focus straight ahead on the road.
Hatton was taken aback by this behavior from him. Had she ever seen him act like this? She racked her brain to recall a time, but couldn’t think of one. Playing with one of the rings that decorated her finger, she made eye contact with him and threw him a quick grin.
“Ok,” She managed to breathe out, a foreign feeling of flutters in her stomach made her heart speed up slightly.
The drive to the restaurant took about 30 minutes, but the two managed to make small talk. Nothing too serious, mostly things concerning Hatton’s college, a few mentions of the Hughes family, and if Trevor thought he would be back at Anaheim soon.
Trevor pulled up to the valet where the attendants opened Hatton’s door and stole the driver’s seat from him. As the pair were walking to the front door, Trevor grabbed Hatton’s hand, intertwining their fingers. This sudden action caught her off guard, so she pulled her hand back out of instinct.
Trevor gave her puppy dog eyes and Hatton succumbed to his wishes, slowly returning her hand to his. He gave her a reassuring squeeze as somebody began to open the door for them both.
The restaurant wasn’t busy, which Trevor was thankful for. He wanted something low key because he knew that’s what Hatton would want.
“Reservation for Zegras,” He smiled at the host as they welcomed them. They were taken to a quiet corner, only one other table around them was occupied. He pulled out Hatton’s chair for her. And they both began to look at the menu.
“You know I really wasn’t expecting this from you, Z,” Hatton glanced over her menu at the boy in front of her.
“You highly underestimate me, Hattie,” He grinned and flashed a wink at her, “This is barely the beginning of the date, too.” He reminded her.
The two ordered their their drinks and food and immersed themselves into a conversation.
“I know you mentioned college on the way here, but do you have any idea what you’ll be doing once you’re done? You’re in your senior year, right?” Trevor sipped his wine as he waited for Hatton’s response.
“Yeah, I am actually. I’m majoring in Architecture, so I’m planning on applying to some of the companies around here in Michigan. I don’t know, maybe I’ll make it out of here one day,” Hatton chuckled before sipping her wine.
“Have you thought about going somewhere outside of Michigan?” Trevor wasn’t about to ask her if she wanted to move to California with him, but there was a little voice in the back of his head that was hopeful she wanted to leave Michigan. What if things worked out between them? Would she want to travel the country with him? Who knows, but for now he just needed to take this one date at a time.
“I mean, yeah, I’ve thought about it. I wouldn’t have the slightest idea of where I wanted to go though. Probably where the most money is,” She trailed off.
“That’s understandable,” Trevor stated at their server rounded the corner with their food.
The two continued talking as they ate, slowly learning details that they didn’t know before. Trevor paid for the food and they were off to the movie theater.
Because it was later, there were maybe a handful of people in the theater. The two ordered a large popcorn for them to share, as well as two coke icees. Trevor tried to get Hatton to share that with him, but Hatton insisted that she didn’t drink after people.
They found their seats and situated themselves in a comfortable position. The commercials were still playing when Hatton watched Trevor throw popcorn in the air and catch it with his mouth.
“Trevor, you would choose the Barbie movie to watch,” She laughed when he missed a piece and it went down his shirt.
As he wiggled around trying to free the piece of popcorn, he looked at Hatton and shrugged his shoulders, “What can I say? I like to think of myself as a feminist.” He flashed a smile as he freed the popcorn.
Throughout the movie, Hatton noticed Trevor was getting closer and closer to her. It started with them both in their respective seats, not getting into each other’s space. About 20 minutes into the movie, Trevor rested his arm against hers on the arm rest. Halfway through the movie he placed his arm on the back of her seat, but didn’t touch her. It didn’t take long after that for him to pull the classic “yawn and stretch and put the arm around her” move.
Hatton tried very hard to pay attention to the movie, but every time she glanced at Trevor he was already looking at her. Every time she got caught looking they would both giggle like high school kids and turn back toward the screen. She didn’t know what possessed her to act like this, all she knew was that she was actually having fun with Trevor. Never in a million years did she ever think that would cross her mind as she spent time with him. It was refreshing.
The movie finished and the two loaded back up in Trevor’s SUV. “Now where exactly are we going to be looking at stars?” Hatton questioned.
“You’ll just have to see when we get there,” Trevor chuckled. The two were jamming out to early 2000s pop music when Trevor turned onto a dirt road that apparently was leading to nothing. He turned the radio down when they came to a clearing in the trees.
When Hatton finally looked out and saw how clear the sky was, she could barely peel her yes off of it long enough to get out.
Trevor grabbed some blankets from the backseat and took his shoes off. He climbed on the hood of the vehicle and onto the roof, setting up the blankets so they could lay there. Hatton studied him as he was doing so. She noticed that when he was focused he would stick his tongue out slightly. His hair was curlier toward the nape of his neck, and he hummed to himself quietly.
“All I ask is that you take your shoes off before climbing up here,” Trevor said as he patted the blanket beside him. Hatton did as he said and tried her best not to flash anything as she climbed up. She snuggled under the blanket and looked up at the stars.
The two sat in a comfortable silence for a while, every now and then pointing out specific constellations that that found. Trevor slowly laced his fingers together with Hatton, a smile decorated his face as Hattie didn’t object. He was tempted to pinch himself because he couldn’t believe this was real. The moment he had been dreaming of for at least a few years was happening, and there was absolutely nothing that he would change about it. The night was perfect. Hatton was perfect. Even if she was only doing this to shut Trevor up, he couldn’t help but think that something was going to happen because of it. He had a feeling that she had a lot more fun than she expected.
“Can I ask you why you’ve wanted me for so long?” Hattie’s voice was barely above a whisper.
Trevor thought about it for a few seconds, wanting his answer to be as accurate as possible, “In the beginning it was because I thought you were smoking hot. I mean we’ve known each other for what, 6 years? My 16 year old self thought you were the most beautiful creature I had ever seen,” He glanced over and saw that Hattie was crimson red. He took note of how adorable she looked.
“Thank you, I guess,” she laughed and looked back at him.
“After knowing you for a few years, I don’t know, it was just like I had to have you. We have very little in common, we handle situations different, but you’re loyal. Watching you be friends with Jack, and even if you don’t admit it, when we were becoming friends I just realized how deep and hard you love,” Trevor paused and realized he had been rubbing his thumb across her hand.
Hatton took this moment to speak up, “I do have to admit I’ve come out of my shell since knowing you. You don’t take no for an answer, obviously, so it was either I start getting out of my box and hang out with you, Jack, and the boys or watch you steal my friend. There was no chance in hell I was letting that happen though,” It was Trevor’s turn to laugh now.
“I was scared shitless the first time I talked to Jack about it. Honestly, I thought you like him for the longest. It wasn’t until you were giving him genuine advice about girls that I was sure there was nothing going on between the two of you,” Trevor admitted.
“Sometimes I think that we were lovers in a previous life. I believe we gave each other all of our love in that life, so now that we found each other again it’s time to give other people our love. It would have been selfish to have him for two lifetimes,” Hattie winked at Trevor.
“That’s a unique way to think about it, but I can’t say that I’m disappointed. I wouldn’t have had this chance if you both were selfish with your love,” Trevor used his fingers to quote the last part.
He was going to say something else when Hattie’s phone began to ping. He glanced at his watch and realized that it was almost one in the morning.
“Why the hell is Jack pinging my phone,” She groaned and opened her phone to her contacts. She tapped his name and began to FaceTime him.
“Hattie, why aren’t you home yet?” Jack question as soon as the call connected.
“Jack, are you at my house?” Hattie thought she recognized that background of the call.
“I am, say hi to dad,” he angled his phone to his left and showed her dad seated next to him on the couch.
“I can’t with you,” Hattie rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed.
“Can I see my other best friend please?” Jack asked, referring to Trevor.
Hattie turned the camera to Trevor and Jack’s face immediately lit up, “Hey, bud. It’s nice to see you both have your clothes on,” Jack laughed, but was immediately met with a hard nudge from Hattie’s dad. “Not that there would be a reason for you to not have your clothes on of course,” Jack smiled at Hattie’s dad.
The three of them talked and laughed until Hattie’s parents made Jack go home so they could go to sleep. Jack hung up, leaving the two of them alone again.
“You know it’s 2:30 in the morning?” Trevor looked at the girl beside him. He watched her nod her head, silently letting each other know they didn’t want it to end.
They loaded everything back in the bronco, putting their shoes back on, and leaving the clearing. On the way home Trevor played laid back music. He attached his hand to hers once again and they rode back to Hattie’s house in a comfortable silence.
The drive seemed to go by too quickly, neither one wanting the night to be over, though Hattie might not admit to many people.
Trevor pulled into her driveway and got out to walk her to the door.
“Thank you for finally saying yes,” Trevor smiled at her as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well, you exceeded my expectations by a long shot,” Hattie was looking everywhere except at the boy in front of her. From all of her previous first dates, this is the time when she would be kissed. She didn’t know if Trevor got the memo though.
“Ok well, see you tomorrow at Jack’s?” Trevor felt the awkwardness in the air. He couldn’t decide whether he should kiss her right there or give her space. Would he be pushing his luck if he did it?
Hattie turned to the door, her hand landing on the handle, when Trevor tapped her on the shoulder.
She turned around, expecting him to want to say something else, but was met with his lips crashing onto hers. She was a little shocked as he didn’t act like he was going to kiss her at first. It took a few seconds, but she finally closed her eyes and kissed him back.
It was a kiss that needed to happen. All of the tension that had built up throughout the years was let loose and whatever wall that Hattie had kept up was absolutely destroyed. The Trevor that she was kissing right now did not feel like the same Trevor that had drove her absolutely insane since she met him.
Trevor pulled away first, slowly putting distance between them until he looked into her eyes, wanting to see if there was anything left unsaid. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and turned to leave.
As Hattie got ready for bed, she found herself reliving the whole night. She hadn’t had the much fun in a while. She needed that. Every thought that she had led back to the kiss, though. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.
She took her makeup off, threw on a sweatshirt and some underwear, crawled into her bed and fell asleep with a smile on her face.
Trevor couldn’t stop his brain from thinking that night. No matter how many melatonin he took, how many sheep he counted, he just couldn’t shut his eyes. All he could think about was how soon he could take her out again.
I’m seriously thinking about doing an au out of this. But thank you for reading! If you have any suggestions on what to do next please tell me!
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louloulemons-posts · 9 months
Oil At The Coffee Shop IV
Eddie X Fem!Reader
Summary : Reader wants to apologise to the Munsons, having a heart to heart with one and panicking the other.
Word Count : 1.7k
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Warnings : Not proofread, not much eddie x reader, uncle wayne’s an icon, max x lucas, petnames from wayne and another, rambly, talks of maxs injuries, mentions of scaring, mentions of the earthquakes/upside down, homeless shelter
Fic Masterlist
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The first week had been manic, it was now Saturday evening, and you and Max were doing the final clean up of the week. “Hey I was just wondering, do you know if any of your friends are looking for jobs?” you asked her.
“I’m not sure, I could ask.”
“If you don’t mind, I think we could use another staff member, or two,” you smiled at her. “I think so, my feet are killing me.”
“Hey if you need a few days off I don’t mind.”
“No no! It’s okay. It’s just a lot, I was injured a few years back so sometimes my body slows down a bit.”
“Oh Max, you should have told me, I would
have given you more breaks.”
“It’s fine really, I want to be able to do this stuff again.”
“Was it the earthquakes?” you asked her.
“Yeah,” she sighed, “Doctors said I was lucky to be alive.”
“You’re a strong kid Max, you’re going to do amazing things. You should be proud of yourself.”
“Thank you,” she smiled, sweeping the floor up. “What happened with Eddie?” She asked. “What do you mean?”
“Well I just mean you know each other, how’s that?”
“Just through Steve and he fixed my car. Don’t think he likes me much in all honesty.”
“I think I offended him. I gave him and Wayne a big tip after fixing my car just to say thank you.”
She nodded, stopping her sweeping, “Eddies not too trusting. I know you meant it to be nice, but he worries about his uncle. Wants to make sure nobody’s being nice to just screw them over,” she explained.
“I see. So how much did I mess up?”
“Don’t worry about it, he’ll forgive you. Wayne will make him,” she chuckled.
“Is there any reason he’s like that? Like not trusting?” Max seemed like she didn’t know how to answer.
“You don’t have to tell me Max, it’s none of my business.”
“Eddies just always been I don’t know … different. He’s not good around new people. That’s all it is, he’ll warm up to you. Especially if your close to Steve and now me. Eddie loves me,” she shrugged.
“Well maybe I’ll go and apologise, take some Cherry turnovers as a white flag.” Grabbing a box you put four of the fresher turnovers in, wrapping them up so they wouldn’t be damaged.
“Well that’s the way to the Munsons hearts, food,” she joked. There was a knock on the door. “That must be Lucas, can I let him in?”
“Course Honey,” you said and the young girl almost skipped to the door.
Hearing them greeting each other you smiled, sorting out Maxs pay, so she could go. “Hi Lucas, how’s it going?” You said to the boy. “I’m good, how’s it been today? Max causing you trouble?” He joked, making his girlfriend hit him lightly.
“She’s been golden,” you smiled, handing her the money. “You two get out of here, have a good night.”
“You sure? I can stay,” she said, almost concerned. “I promise I’ll be okay. You enjoy the rest of your weekend, I’ll see you Monday.”
The young couple waved goodbye, left you to finish everything for the weekend. You planned to take the leftovers that wouldn’t last the weekend, to the shelter in town. Then of course stop off at Munsons mechanics.
There wasn’t a lot to do now that Max had gone, just finish up the sweeping and wrap up food to go. Flicking the lights off you headed out, locking up behind yourself.
Climbing in your, now working, car, you were on your way.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“This is really generous, are you sure?” a woman with dark hair asked, as you placed the boxes of food down on a table. “They’d go to waste, people need food and I have extra.”
“That’s so kind of you, thank you.” She took the boxes and headed over to what you assumed the kitchen was. It was crazy to think that the earthquakes happened a while back and there were so many people here.
A big board sat to the side, thick with missing posters. Some people with waiting for others to come home, some waiting for their homes to come back, and others had nowhere and nothing but this place and the people in it.
Your name being called pulled you out of your trance. Turning you saw a familiar face, “Robin, hi. How’s it going?” you smiled.
“Great, it’s good to see you. What are you doing here?”
“Just come to drop off some food, how about you?”
“Oh Vickie is one of the people in charge here, I help out on my days off. Have you met her?” she asked.
“Briefly. The night we went out, she came to pick you up.”
“Ah, explains why I can’t remember. Can I defend myself and say I don’t always get like that,” she laughed awkwardly.
“Trust me, shots don’t sit right with me either.”
Smiling in comfort now, “Well I need to get off, I’m hoping to catch Wayne before he leave the mechanics,” you explained.
“Your car in trouble again?”
“No, nothing like that. Just need to discuss something with him.”
“Oh well if he isn’t there he lives in Forest Hills, near the edge of town.”
“The trailer park?” Humming, Robin answered, “Yeah even though he has the mechanics he never wants to move.”
“Right well thanks, I’ll see you soon. Hopefully we can hang out and I can meet Vickie properly,” you spoke, not in the sarcastic way where you never actually want to meet up, sincerely you did.
“I hope so, I think Steve’s having a big barbecue like to celebrate the end of Summer or something.”
“Sounds like Steve. I’ll see you.” Waving goodbye you headed back to your car.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
There was no luck at the mechanics, and you wouldn’t have time during the week or tomorrow. You had to go and buy stock and sort out some changes to the menu.
It felt a bit strange driving to the Wayne’s home, you hated showing up uninvited, but you needed to apologise and make sure he knew it wasn’t meant maliciously.
You drove through, not really sure where to go. Slowing down by a middle aged man, you opened your window. “Excuse me,” you spoke, attempting not to make him jump.
“Do you know where Wayne Munson lives?”
“Who’s asking?” he asked almost cautiously. “Oh uh, a client? A friend?” you told him your name.
“Right,” he grunted, “He lives on the back of the park, you’ll see his car. Just keep driving. Watch yourself.” You looked at him confused. “You say you’re a friend of the Munsons, be careful Honey, that might not be friends you’re wanting.”
“Right. Thanks for you help,” you said, rolling up the window and continuing on your way. How strange.
He was right, the man, you spotted Wayne’s car. The trailer seemed to be set further back than the others. Isolated almost.
You picked up the box of turn overs and headed to the door, tapping on it twice. “Just coming!” a voice shouted. A familiar face appeared around the door. “Hey Honey! What are you doing here?” Wayne asked.
“I was just wondering if we could talk? I brought some Cherry turnovers,” you motioned to the box in your hand. “Well you’ve twisted my arm, come on in,” he joked.
“Sweet tea?” he asked.
“Please,” you smiled.
“You take a seat, I’ll get us some drinks and plates.” You did so, sitting on a beige couch with floral patterning on it.
A maroon arm chair sat in the corner, you could only assume that was Waynes chair. Mugs and caps covered the walls, all unique, not one even remotely similar to another.
“Here you go Honey,” he smiled, placing the glass in front of you and the plate. He took out one of the turnovers and split it with a knife, giving you half. “Thank you,” you smiled to him.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been able to visit your shop yet, everyone’s travelling back from vacation. Cars are overheating and breaking down left right and centre.”
“It’s alright,” you told him, taking a sip of the tea. It was amazing.
“Oh wow,” you spoke.
“It’s good isn’t it?” he laughed.
“It’s delicious!”
“Maybe one day’ll give you the recipe and you can sell it in that shop of yours.”
“That would be great.”
“So what did we need to talk about?” he asked, taking a bite of the sweet treat and humming in delight. “Well I … I’m sorry if I offended you, that was never my intention Mr Munson.”
“Offend me? Honey how could you offend me?”
“When I, when I gave Eddie the money for my car he came back. I didn’t mean to upset him or you, I was just trying to be nice and say thank you I swear.”
“Why did Eddie come back?”
“Cause I left you a tip.”
“Oh Honey, that’s so generous, but you don’t need to do that for us.”
“It was just meant to be a thank you I didn’t mean to insult you.”
“You didn’t. It’s just Eddie being cautious. I was wondering where that extra $65 came from.”
“I am sorry Mr Munson.”
“Stop apologising, you didn’t do nothing wrong and the names Wayne. You can use it.” You nodded, taking another sip of your drink. “I just wanted to say sorry that’s why I came here. When I see Eddie I’ll say sorry to him too. I was rude to him.”
“Probably deserved it, he gets snappy when his guards up. Don’t take it personal, he’ll warm up to you. The whole towns already chatting up a storm about you.”
“You don’t say?”
“Mhm so many of the boys at the shop are talking about Callie’s lovely niece.”
“Well that’s very kind of them.”
“It’s true, you seem lovely-“ A door in the trailer opened and another voice came, “You taking to yourself old man?”
You could hear the smile in his tone as he walked down the hall to find you and Wayne sat drinking tea and chatting like old friends.
Eddie Munson stood there, in all his glory. No shirt, towel around his waist, curly hair dripping on the floor. You could see the panic in his face, not understanding why at first, but then you saw them.
They were all over his body.
They covered him.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading 🤍
Taglist : @corrodedseraphine @flawiette @witchwolflea @emxxblog
let me know if you want to be added
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bartxnhood · 11 months
lost in reality | s.h
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shawn hunter x fem!reader
summary: lost in his cloud of doubt, shawn thinks you don’t like him. however, when you come to his doorstep one night changes everything.
warnings: none, this one is just pretty short and not that well written lol
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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“she likes you man, it’s so obvious!” cory is watching his best friend, shawn, pace around the living room. “you’ve seen the way she’s with eric! there’s no way she likes me.”
shawn remembers you interacting with eric. he feels his chest swell with jealousy, the way you touched his arm while you laughed, or the way you pushed your hair away from your face.
he was so frustrated with his own emotions. shawn had loved you for years, he was so madly in love with you that it hurt him.
“think about it” cory starts, pushing himself off the island and walking over to his friend. “she always gets shy around you, she can’t look at you more than a few seconds, or else she starts blushing like…” he tried thinking of a comparison. “well i.. i don’t know what but still!”
shawn finally stopped pacing to look at cory, trying to think back to all the times you had done this. but, still, he wasn’t convinced. “i don’t know man..”
“i’ve been seeing angela, she’s really cool and i like her but..” shawn shrugs, “she isn’t y/n.” cory sighs, crossing his arms. “well at least you could talk to her. figure out what’s going on.”
the following week you spot shawn at the cafeteria and you planned on stopping him in hopes to talk with him. “shawn!” you wave your hand and he walks over. “what’s up?” he offers a smile, standing above you. “i was just wondering if you had time to talk for a sec?” he nodded, “of course, what’s up?”
“well.. you start, it’s kinda about us..” you were about to continue when angela walks up, lacing her arm around his. “shawn!” she grins, “we still good for our date this weekend?” she asks, he smiles fondly and nods, “yeah, of course!” angela grins and kisses his cheek softly before walking away.
shawn turns back to you, his eyebrows raise, “what’s up?” you feel a knot in your stomach and shake your head gathering your things. “nothing.. not important. i’ll see you later.” you say, and stand up and walk away, leaving shawn puzzled.
you’re sat on topangas bed, rambling about how frustrated you are with his shawn had been acting as of late. “it’s killing me!l you plop back onto your back with a loud sigh.
“it’s like..he doesn’t even notice me..” you’re visibly upset and topanga doesn’t know how to comfort you. “maybe he’s just going through something.” she says and you disagree. “no..i know when somethings wrong. i’m his best friend, i know him. but lately, he’s been so different.”
you both fall silent, you’re stuck thinking about how you could fix them. “i have to see him” you say, abruptly getting up from topangas bed and reaching for your jacket, “y/n! it’s pouring out there!” she tries stopping you, concerned for your wellbeing. “topanga, i have to tell him. i can’t just stand by watching him fall in love with someone else.” you turn to your best friend, tears brimming in your eyes. topanga understands, knowing if it was cory she’d be running out in the rain like that.
“please, just be safe.” she nods, giving you a look of sympathy.
“y/n? you okay?! it’s pouring!” shawn opens the door and drags you inside from the rain.
“i love you.” you blurted, fidgeting with your hands. “oh..oh my god..that just…” your hands are shaking and your chest is tight while looking at shawn. “i love you,” you repeat and watch as shawn stands up from the stool and you see the confusion on his face.
“im so in love with you. it’s like i can’t stop thinking about you. you’re like..in me..” you laugh, trying to hold back your tears. “like you’re some kind of disease. i can’t think of anything except you.” now you’re tearing up. “i…i can’t sleep, i can’t eat…” you pause, “i can’t breathe..” your voice is breaking, and you feel the tears on your cheeks. “i just love you all the time… i love you, shawn”
this had been building up in you for so long, and you had to get it out and it felt so much better to just say it.
“you don’t have to say anything or love me back. i just needed to tell you..” you wipe away the tears from your cheeks and start to turn around but shawn grabs your arm, spinning you around to face him.
his touch is so soft against your skin, the way his thumb caressed your cheek made you melt. his eyes were soft, “y/n..” he starts, his voice is soft like honey. you could listen to him speak for hours, his voice could lull you to sleep. “i love you too. i have loved you for years. all i can ever think about is you and how badly my heart aches for you.” he smiles, tears begin welling in his eyes. "this-" he points at his chest "—this belongs to you. always."
you replay his confession over and over, feeling your heart swell with love. shawn is resting on your chest while some random movie is playing on the tv. it was something he had gotten from the movie store. you had thought he had fallen asleep long ago but when he spoke it startled you.
“why do you love me?”
you blink a few times, wondering where this came from. “what?” he sets up, “why do you love me? i..i have nothing to offer you, y/n. i..i don’t have a fancy house or..or anything. why?”
you look at him, mind racing as you try to collect the right words, “i love you because you care, you’re funny, you take time to learn about people, and even though you may get on my nerves” you pause and laugh, your hand rests on his cheek. the pad of your thumb rubs against his cheekbone.
“i love you. i’ve loved you for so long, shawn.” you smile and watched as shawn pulls you into his arms, letting you rest against him. “god, i love you too. y/n.”
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rougepancake · 10 months
marie you sharing that art of old hoeseph vs young hoeseph got me thinking of a threesome most foul.......
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FT. Oldseph and Young Joseph Joestar; (fem!reader)
WARNINGS: Minors and ageless blogs dni. Sexually explicit content under cut. Threesome, cunnilingus, oldseph is experienced and youngseph is not, let’s just say that oldseph teaches youngseph how to treat a woman, little bit o’ selfcest, mentions of oral towards the end, masturbation. NOT proofread.
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How did this happen? One moment you’re fighting a stand user alongside Mr Joestar and the next you’re helping… younger him off of the ground. The stand user was nowhere to be seen, which meant that you and Mr Joestar were now stuck with Joseph, who wouldn’t stop asking questions.
“Where am I? How did I get here? Are you… me? Damn I’m fine! Who are you? Damn you’re fine too!” Joseph rambled on nonsensically, checking himself out alongside you. “I aged like a fine wine, didn’t I?” He looked directly at you, wearing a shit eating grin.
“Mr Joestar, what do we do now?” You turned to look at the older man, who was not paying a single bit of attention to you. “Mr Joestar??” He smiled at the sight of his younger self, his eyes shining mischievously.
“Hey what’s that look for?” Joseph raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms defensively. Though, he had a point, what was that look for?
“See Y/n! I told you I was a looker when I was younger!” Mr Joestar exclaimed, shouting in glee as he ran over to Joseph. He grabbed the younger man by his shoulders and shook him silly. “You can’t even deny it! Just look at this guy!!”
“Mr Joestar.” You rolled your eyes and frowned at him. “What are we going to do about younger you? We can’t just let the others see him.”
“Hey! I have a name, you know!”
“Shut it dipshit! I’m thinking!” Your comeback immediately silenced him, and he almost looked surprised by the fact that you had such energy in you. “Mr Joestar, we should take him back to the hotel. We can get him a room and such, but we’ve gotta keep him somewhere while we figure out how to get rid of him.”
The older man nodded, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you aside. “Listen. It’s younger me we’re dealing with. And if I know myself, that little shit isn’t going to listen to us worth a damn. So he’s gonna stay in your room.” He looked over at Joseph, who was talking to himself as he observed the wall he was leaning against.
“Hard pass.”
“What?! Why not?!?” Clearly he wasn’t expecting that response, but it’s not like he could fight you on it. “Fine. He’ll stay in my room. I’ll kick out Avdol and make him sleep with Polnareff.”
Looking over at Joseph, you sighed, shaking your head. “Sure. Sounds like a plan.” You held back a chuckle as you made eye contact with Joseph, who immediately smiled. He was like a puppy.
And you’d be damned if you didn’t find him adorable.
“Just stop by my room if you need anything. It’s not like I’ll get a lot of sleep anyways.” You waved lazily and wandered off towards the hotel. And while you maintained a calm composure, you were panicking internally.
Two Josephs?!? You were so fucked.
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The sound of soft knocking at your door pulled you from your slumber, nearly scaring the shit out of you. Who could possibly up at this hour? Was it an enemy stand user?? You hopped out of your bed and stumbled towards the door, taking a defensive stance as you opened it.
And naturally, you were met with the face of Mr Joestar.
“Mr Joestar. What are you doing here?” You mumbled and stepped aside, allowing him to come into your room. Behind him followed Joseph, who looked wide awake.
“He won’t let me sleep. You watch him for a bit.” He spoke as if you were Joseph’s mother and he were his exhausted father.
“Hell no. He’s literally you,” with a huff, you plopped back down onto the bed. Who did he think he was to demand such a thing of you? Why can’t he just find a way to shut Joseph up himself?? “Just feed him or something.”
“You’re talking about me like I’m an animal.” Joseph’s voice whispered into your ear. When had he gotten so close?? And what was with that tone of voice??? “I’m not.”
“Do you not know the values of personal space?!” You kicked him away and sat up, crossing your arms. From your position you could see Mr Joestar and Joseph eyeing you, one gaze exhausted and the other bright and bubbly.
“What? Can I not appreciate your beauty?”
Oh he thought he was smooth for that one.
“Joseph, let’s not do this now.” Mr Joestar grumbled, shaking his head. “Can’t believe I’m talking to myself.”
“Neither can I.” A yawn slipped through your lips, a gasp quickly following afterwards as your back collided with the mattress. Joseph trapped you between his arms, his eyes wide as he stared down at you.
“You know, you sure are pretty.”
“Pretty?” You felt the mattress shift as Mr Joestar adjusted himself, scooting closer to you. “Joseph that’s now how you woo a woman.”
“Oh yeah?!” Joseph challenged, looking up at him with a scowl. “Since you’re so good, why don’t you show me? Just how exactly do I ‘woo a woman’ old man?”
You barely even noticed that Mr Joestar had moved to sit behind you, his chest pressing against your back. “W-Woah now- what’s this about-??” Your voice cracked as you spoke, only furthering your embarrassment. His strong arms wrapped around your waist as his head rested in the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your skin.
“You see Joseph, you’ve gotta treat her like a queen. If you don’t, then she’ll dip.” Mr Joestar ignored your protests and began to kiss your neck, his beard tickling you slightly. His touch was light as a feather. And it made your face flush.
“You’ve gotta be gentle,” he whispered against your skin, one of his hands slipping underneath the waistband of your shorts while the other held you in place. “Right Y/n?”
Was this a dream?? It seemed so surreal, especially since you’ve always found the man to be attractive.
“Right, Mr J-Joestar…” you were breathless, with your head rolled back and your eyes squeezed shut. Even if it is just a dream, you were willing to take advantage of it.
“I see…” Joseph’s eyes were focused on you, his gaze practically searing into your skin. The bed dipped as he leaned forward, and you felt his hand on your cheek. “Gentle, you say? What if she likes it rough?”
“Well you’ve gotta build up to that, Joseph. She’ll tell you what she wants in time.” Right as he said that, his finger rubbed against your clit, causing you to gasp. “See? She likes that.”
That bastard. He was really taking his time, wasn’t he?
Your hips bucked against his hand as he pushed your shorts down, spreading your legs so that he could give Joseph the full view. However, the brunette couldn’t have cared less about what the older man was doing to you. He was too busy working up the courage to kiss you.
Mr Joestar rubbed his finger along your folds slowly, his lips still pressed against your neck as he collected your slick. Then, right as he pushed his finger into you, Joseph smashed his lips onto yours.
Your mouth opened in a silent moan, and Joseph took that as his sign to shove his tongue into your mouth. He wasn’t a good kisser by any means, but god the feeling was sending you over the edge.
Joseph’s hands ran along the sides of your body as he kissed you. He seemed confident, just like his older counterpart, and it turned you on.
“Joseph-“ You were cut off by the loud whine that escaped you, as Mr Joestar had added another finger to the mix. You felt like you were melting, and your body leaned back into his and further away from Joseph.
“See? Take things slow and she’ll be nice and ready.”
“I get it. Let me try…” Joseph leaned forward and removed Mr Joestar’s fingers. Your reaction made him smirk, and he wasted no time slipping two fingers into your entrance. Mr Joestar took that as his sign to undress, slipping off his shirt and unbuckling his pants while Joseph fingered you.
Another moan was torn from you, as his pace much faster than the older man’s. It was starting to drive you crazy, especially since you could now feel Mr Joestar’s hardened cock against your back.
“Y/n… would you like to help me out over here..?” He asked you sweetly, taking your hand and guiding it to his dick. Once he got you situated, he smiled at Joseph, as if to brag that you were touching him first.
Joseph didn’t like that idea, and did about the only thing he could think of.
“You know, if you don’t stop being a douche then I might have to French kiss you.” Joesph’s lips formed into a smirk, satisfied by both your reaction and Mr Joestar’s. But the old man’s surprise was short lived.
“Why don’t you then?”
God they really were the same person, weren’t they?
You continued to stroke Mr Joestar’s cock, your pace quickening as Joseph hesitated, forcing the old man’s head to roll back. A low moan passed through his lips that made your stomach flip, and apparently Joseph was just as entranced.
“I’ll pass…” he mumbled and lowered himself between your legs, his nose brushing against your clit. Joseph hummed, experimentally wrapping his lips around it and sucking, chuckling as you squirmed.
Mr Joestar clamped a hand over your lips as you stroked him, his voice wavering. “Now now, remember what you said? We can’t let the others know…” He leaned into you weakly, another moan escaping him. “So keep quiet, okay y/n? Be a good girl and let me teach Joseph how to handle you.”
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shadowbriar · 1 year
Anthony Lockwood - I Love You So
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Pairing : (F/M) || Anthony Lockwood x TouchGifted!Reader Word Count : 5.7k. Damn I’m on fire this time. Warning : Mention of blood and injury. Angst. Possible OOC as I haven’t read the books. Not proofread. Synopsis : The ambition they’ve nurtured for years finally start to create a space between them, straining their relationship that turns what once were friends into colleagues. Notes : Inspired by The Walters - I Love You So. This song is very Lockwood coded for me, I recommend listening to it while reading. Please help and try to save Lockwood & co by using the hashtag #SaveLockwoodAndCo on social medias and don’t forget to vote for them on National Film Award 2023. You can check my friend Paulina’s tweet to see how. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
Her fingers trace the writings on the thinking cloth, lips unintentionally curved into a smile whenever George's silly comment or Lucy's mocking remarks were visible. Their early bicker about their planning process replays in her head. She's always been one to easily record information in her head, no further recall or revising needed for her to proceed with their plans, but given her troublesome nights lately, supposed a late night go over with a cup of tea would be a brilliant idea.
“Trouble sleeping?”
She looks up, welcomed by smiling Lockwood who's leaning by the kitchen door, “Something like that.”
“Why didn't you come to the library?”
“Wasn't in the mood for a late night quarrel with you.”
She shot him a playful smile, earning a light chuckle that didn't sound like it was heartfelt. Just enough to let her know that he understood her sarcasm.
Lockwood steps in, pouring himself a cup of tea and sitting across her. She could feel his eyes trained on her, taking in every detail and admiring it as he wouldn't do it during the day. For whatever reason that might be, she wasn't sure. But it wasn't like he ever professed any feelings for her. For all she knows he might just be spacing out and planning something in his head completely unrelated to her.
He calls her name.
Not looking up to meet his eyes, she hums, “Hm?”
“We're good.. Aren't we?”
No, no we aren't, she thought. He might not notice it but the distance growing between them has been eating her alive. She wasn't sure when it started nor what exactly is the cause for her invisible wound, but something's changed between them. He would be there in the morning when they eat breakfast, would be there when they watch their late night show on the telly, but Lockwood has been anything but a friend to her. He's turned into a stranger she hardly recognise. There was a wall between them, one she couldn't climb nor break through, and it's maddening that she couldn't fix it or talk about it.
Because what exactly changed? She doesn't know.
“Of course.” She faked a smile, feigning her most believable tender tone “What makes you think we're not?”
Lockwood opens his mouth before closing it again, sealing it with a smile as if he thinks it would be better to entertain her lies, “Nothing. Just wanted to be sure.”
She nods, looking back down to the thinking cloth.
“Will you join me tonight?” He asks again, nervousness bleeds through his tone. This wouldn't be the first time he asks her to sleep with him, just to hold each other until the sun rises, but for some reason it feels much more nerve racking than the countless previous. Perhaps because for the first time, her answer might not be pleasant to his ear “We can discuss further about the plan. Maybe my rambling can help you drift to slumber.”
“Not tonight, Anthony.”
It's taken her every willpower to not look up and take her words back. She can imagine the disappointment in his eyes when she hears him let out a sigh. She's avoiding him now. Perhaps scared to actually feel the distance between them when she lays on his bed, no longer feeling the safety of his embrace.
“Alright,” He mutters as he stands and pushes his chair “Don't stay up too late, we need you sharp and alert for tomorrow's job.”
Again, she only replies with a nod.
When the doorknob lightly clicks, she lets out a breath she wasn't even aware she was holding. Her eyes now avert to the door, where he was standing just a few minutes ago with that proud smile and tired eyes. He looks the same, the very same Anthony John Lockwood who'd caused them numerous troubles on the field, the very same Anthony who's ego seems to inflate whenever a rapier is at hand, the very same boy she's been madly in love with for years.
There were moments when she thought that the water flows both ways. When he would hug her first after winning a fencing tournament, or when he would hold her after a terrible nightmare, or simply when he would give her freshly cut toasts for breakfast. The little things one would not notice as something sentimental after years of growing up together. But she does. She notices.
Perhaps had even taken things too seriously when it might just mean nothing for him.
She lets out a sigh, running her fingers through her hair and rubbing her temples gently. It might just be nothing, she tries to convince herself, it might just be the stress of work for both of us. With the agency's growing popularity and demands of clients that never seem to end, perhaps all her troubles were just caused by it. That nothing is wrong between her and Lockwood, that there is no distance, no space between them.
“Another massive win for us, I might say.” Lockwood says as the squad enters 35 Portland Row. His arm was around her shoulder as support, dried blood littering his left cheek from the early action of the mission, but neither the ache nor wound on his temple seem to wither his satisfied-self “The papers are going to have to write about us this time.”
Lucy groans as she tidies their rapier to the stand, “Keep me out from them, please.”
“Oh, but you're the star of this agency, Luce!”
Lucy dismisses Anthony's remark as she proceeds to ascend the stairs, visibly in desperate need of a warm shower.
“I wouldn't want to be involved too, thanks for asking.” George sarcastically commented with eyes still studying the locket they retrieved from the site. An ancient relic that would be his source of research for the weeks to come “You two would be enough of a punching bag for them to pick on.”
Lockwood turns to her as George retreats to his room, a happy grin still etched on his face, “Looks like it's gonna be us two again.”
“We can worry about the press later. You have a wound to treat first.” She replies as they begin to walk deeper into the house “And don't keep your hopes too high, Anthony. DEPRAC has a tendency to stomp on our dreams.”
Wincing slightly as he rests himself on the sofa, Lockwood watches her leave the room to get their med kit and a basin full of water. He could never get tired of this. Walking home after a successful mission, her tending his wounds that wouldn't be there if he would just suppress his impulsive-self, and listening to her scolds about how he acts like he's got nine lives on his sleeves.
But when she returned with her kit, the nagging that he's braced himself to face never came. She remained quiet, eyes locked on his wound. Not even a second spared to look into his eyes.
The cleaning process felt like a blink of an eye. Before he knew it she was already fixing the bandages back to the aid bag. His wound was cleaned, a thin layer of healing ointment lacing it. All done in silence, no lectures.
“Try to keep the wound dry when you shower, alright?”
Lockwood blinks. Nodding at her words as he tries to digest the silence they're in.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“I don't think so.” He answers.
She flashes a smile, standing from her seat. Without another word she exits the room, carrying the basin that is now slightly red from his blood and the aid bag. She spared no other glance at him. Silently returning the medical kit to the cabinet before entering her room and locking it shut.
Perhaps today isn't a big win after all.
Having Lucy in the company has exponentially boosted their success. Such brilliant talent has brought them more accomplishment that it was getting troublesome for them to finish one mission to another. Lucy was truly Heaven sent, in short. The saviour to their dying agency and she could never thank her enough to revive Lockwood's dream back to life.
She understands the importance of Lucy's gift for their team and how the company is at it’s golden moment right now. Sure she and Lockwood are two of the most gifted agents there are, but with Lucy in the crew, the quartet was unbeatable. And it is obvious that Lockwood is determined to reap as much advantage as possible.
“I'm going to the grocery shop, anyone needs anything?”
It was a lazy Sunday morning. George making notes on the thinking cloth, Lucy trying to listen to their newest source, and Lockwood leaning on the kitchen set with his brows furrowed, clearly in a deep thought.
“I'll come with you.” Lockwood says as he picks up his coat “George, you said we need more teabags, right? Anything for you, Luce?”
The girl shakes her head, looking rather annoyed to have her focus broken from his question.
“I can go alone, it's not going to be a huge shopping trip.” She says as Lockwood comes to her “Really, Anthony, you can just stay and help brainstorm the plan.”
“I'm coming,” He insists with a light chuckle “What is it with you? Are you avoiding me or something?”
Yes, she wanted to say, I'm going out to have a breath away from you.
Lockwood opens the door, gesturing to her to come and ignoring her lack of answer, “Come on then.”
With a last smile and wave of goodbye to George and Lucy, she follows Lockwood's step outside of the house. The wind was blowing gently, sky clear and blue, the very perfect weather for her to take a stroll yet her mind couldn't help but to overlook such perfection and worry about the body walking next to her instead.
Lockwood's hands were buried deep inside his pockets. He was looking down to the cobblestone, as if there was some invisible stepping for him to step on. The creases on his forehead are a clear indication that his mind is occupied elsewhere. Almost as if he was mirroring her.
“So, uh,” He begins, trying to break the ice between them “What do you need from the shop?”
“Just some snacks and sweets.” She answers “You?”
He shrugs, “Maybe just a pack of gum.”
Lockwood nods, turning his gaze back to the road.
For someone who loves to brood in silence, Lockwood has always had her as an exception. She's the only person he could let his chatter-self loose, expressing all the most trivial thoughts he has, knowing that she would indulge them with a welcoming commentary or simply a warm laughter. The kind of laughter that makes you feel seen and heard. Her kind of laughter.
But after all her evident effort to turn him down, asking to be paired with George on their missions, declining his invitations to spend the night in his room or the library, and the most recent no-scolding-moment when she tended his wound, Lockwood couldn't help but to feel pressured on finding a topic to talk about.
“So what do you think about our last job?” He asks, forcing a happy smile as she turns to see him “A rather brilliant achievement, don't you think? With Lucy in our team, I'm certain our agency can be big in no time. Hell, we might have to start rejecting clients soon, can you believe it? We're lucky to have found such gifted talent-”
“Lockwood,” She cuts in, making him wince at the use of his last name instead of his first “Can I ask you a favour?”
He blinks, “Anything.”
“Let's not talk about work until we get back home, okay? Can I ask that of you?”
“Sure,” He nods “Of course, no talking about work for the rest of our shopping trip.”
She flashes a smile in gratitude, locking their arms together as a means of apology for stomping on his light. He smiles at her, a genuine one, before patting the back of her hand and continuing their walk to the grocery shop.
The trolley wheels through the aisle as she scans for the particular brand of chocolate. She would certainly need a big bar of it along with a pint of ice cream tonight. For once after what seems to be forever, she finally cracked the code. The cause of space that has been growing between her and Lockwood has been found. What is left now is to find a way to solve it and to tell him about how they need to separate their lives with the job.
When he first told her about his dream of having his own agency, she was ever the most supportive and kind. Dropping her brilliant achievements at the academy, she was the first or perhaps second agent of Lockwood & co. Their talents were more than enough to ever become the elite team if they were in another agency, but since the company was still on its baby roots, finding clients was rather challenging. Things were getting better when George joined and even more brilliant now that Lucy is part of the team. She would have never expected his dream to be in the way of their personal lives.
Everything is just work, work, and work now.
“Fancy seeing you here, stranger.”
She turns to see the man, a wide smile plastered on his face. Almost as radiant as his yellow leather uniform, “Quill, hi!”
“Oh, it's been forever.” He says as they share a hug “Are you here alone?”
“Lockwood,” She replies “He's wandering around but with you here, I'm sure he'll pop up in no time.”
The two chuckles at her commentary. Lockwood and Kipps were always the cause of her nightmares back in the academy. The two boys could never seem to act civil, always bickering and hostile to one another, but when she's alone with either of them, they would act the most gentle as if she was someone they love dearly for.
A different kind of love from each of the boys, of course.
“How are you?” She asks, her expression turns to slight worry “Is it getting any better?”
Kipps smiles painfully, “Barely holding on. We've got to make most of what we have, don't we?”
If there were no bad blood between the two she would have offered Kipps to join the agency years ago. Having known him for years and to see just how brilliant he was, the way his techniques were always showcased whenever they have a fencing duel, it is no wonder that people hold a big expectation on his shoulders. He was promoted as supervisor in no time due to his proficient skills but with his talent slowly weakening, he needed someone to help patch this rather embarrassing fragility.
“Have you given it a thought?” Kipps asks with a gentle tone “I heard that Lucy girl is of great help for your team. Do you think you could finally help mine instead?”
“Kipps,” Lockwood says as he circles his arm around her shoulder, showing a rather possessive manner at the sight of them “What are you doing here? You're not stalking us, are you?”
Kipps snorts, making a disgusted face at him, “This is a public space, Lockwood. Don't flatter yourself.”
Understanding that their time has come to an end, Kipps flashes her a smile and walks away. He knows that Lockwood wouldn't give them another second to talk so unless he'd want him to know about his persisting issue, it was best for Kipps to find himself out of the scene.
“What did he want?”
“Nothing, we just had a chat.” She lied, pushing Lockwood's arm off of her shoulder and continued to wheel the trolley.
“About what?”
“About nothing of your concern.” She replies “You might never see him as one but Quill's a friend of mine, Anthony. We were just having a friendly conversation.”
Lockwood frowns at her dissatisfying answer. She's keeping something from him but whatever it is, he knew that poking about it now would be the recipe for a nightmare. Her sour mood hasn't watered and it would be wise for him to just let her be.
Besides, it wasn't like she'd leave him. Not for Kipps of all people.
“Can I ask you something?”
Lockwood turns to her, a loving smile decorating his face, “Anything.”
“How are you, Anthony?”
He frowns, “Splendid, how are you?”
“No, I mean, how are you?” She repeats, sighing in frustration to convey her true meaning “I don’t know anything about you outside of work anymore. What music do you listen to now? What book do you read? Do you even read still?”
Lockwood remains quiet, waiting for her to continue with her words so he would understand better.
“I live under your roof, see you almost 24/7. You’re the first person I see in the morning and the last I would bid goodnight to, yet I feel like I don’t know anything about you anymore.”
“That’s not true.” He argues, still not understanding the severity of their discussion “You know everything about me.”
“Do I?”
“Don’t you?”
“Stop turning my questions to me, Anthony. You know I don’t like it when you do it.”
His chuckle breaks, now pulling her for a tight hug, “Is that what you’ve been worrying about? That you don’t know me anymore?”
She remains quiet.
“If there is anyone that knows me down to my fibre, it would be you.” He continues, patting her head gently to soothe her “I mean, I suppose I have been too occupied with work but that doesn’t mean that you don’t know me anymore. We still share our meals together, watch our favourite shows and spend most of our time together. You’re still the one friend that knows me best.”
“I suppose,” She gives in “I’m just worried that this whole ghost hunting thing is burying our reality because I genuinely can’t draw the line between work and our lives anymore.”
“Well, our life is the agency, is it not?”
She shrugs.
“Hey,” Lockwood calls, breaking the hug and cupping her face to look into her eyes “You know me. I’m not a stranger to you, alright? You know what my current favourite jam is, what kind of tea I enjoy at the moment, and what colour of socks I wear the most. We’re still the same people as we were five, ten years ago.”
She smiles, nodding as she melts into his sweet words, “Alright.”
"Anthony, I don't like this."
The group puts down their bags as they arrive at the mansion. Examining the place from the outside, she can already tell that whatever is waiting for them inside isn’t anything close to what they’ve encountered before.
“It’s still a couple hours till sunset but the energy is already this strong.” She told him, her senses heightened in fear “We’re not equipped to fight such a visitor, Anthony. Best we go back, rethink our plan, and maybe ask for assistance.”
“From who? Kipps you mean?” Lockwood asks with a bitter expression. He rubs his nose, a habit he does whenever he’s trying to tone down a brewing exasperation “Look, we’ve been through this a hundred times. The plan is foul proof, I can assure you. By this time tomorrow we’ll be crowding the sitting room, watching whatever unknown movie George picks to enjoy.”
“This isn’t about your ego or old feud with Quill, Anthony. There’s nothing wrong in understanding your limit and drawing the line. No shame in dropping a job we’re not capable of.” She tries to reason “Think about our safety.”
“You’re safe,” He insists, placing his hands on her shoulders for assurance “Nothing bad will happen to any of us. I’ll keep an eye for you, I promise.”
Not giving her another second to argue, Lockwood walks away and begins to help Lucy fixing the metal chain. The inside of her stomach flips when the wind blows. She knows that even for people who aren’t gifted, the atmosphere the mansion offers is nowhere close to the word homey. There’s something dark and cold, peeking through the windows and she could feel it in her bones that none of them four is strong enough to battle such power.
She walks to George and begins unloading their equipment. Her brows furrow at the sight of a strange item. A circular ball that looks like their salt bomb, only that it is heavier and bigger in size.
“Careful,” George says as he takes it from her hand with care.
“What is that?”
“A new bomb.” He answers “It has salt, lavender, and some other chemical thing inside that would explode from sudden force. Throw it to the floor and whatever visitor we meet would evaporate to thin air.”
“That doesn’t sound very safe.” She mutters, turning her eyes back to the mansion “I hope we don’t have to use that tonight.”
She looks back at Lockwood’s direction, trying to ease her worry by repeating his words in her head. Lockwood knows what he’s doing. They’ve been through the plan a hundred times, just like he said. Nothing will go wrong tonight. Everything is collected and under control.
“Make it stop!” Lucy wails, closing her ears tight with her hands “Please, make it stop!”
“George, give us the chains!” Anthony yells as he tries to calm Lucy.
George quickly runs to their aid as she tries her best to fight the ghost with her rapier. She might not be the best there is, but she’s neck to neck as good as Lockwood and that should give her friends enough time to cast more protection for Lucy.
It hasn’t even been two hours since they entered the mansion and already the plans they came up with burned to ashes. This is more than just a case of an old abandoned house. The amount of type two occupying the building is enough to tell them that their client hasn’t been truthful. This place must have witnessed a mass murder, perhaps a cult sacrifice, to hoard this much energy.
“We need to find the source.” She says as she battles the ghosts “I can’t use my talent while fighting these ghosts.”
As if on cue, Lockwood came and began to fight the ghosts. He turns to her for a brief moment, “Go. I’ll protect you.”
With a nod, she walks away from her spot, running to the other side of the room. She places her hands to the walls, trying to get a clearer picture of what they’re dealing with.
The sound of screams and crying begin to fill her ears. There was so much pain and sorrow. This mansion has seen the worst of human acts, inflicting as much agony as possible to innocent lives. Her consciousness was slipping away, drowning in the torment that she is sensing and if it wasn’t for Lucy’s scream of cry acting as her tether to reality, she would have sunk in a ghost-lock condition.
“The blade,” She says as she finally gets the idea of their source “The source is a blade. An old one with a gold handle and Latin engraving.”
“Great work,” Lockwood praises her, his prideful smirk tugging on his face “George, prepare the chain net. Be ready to cover it.”
“How exactly are we going to find it? It’s pitch black here.”
Lockwood chuckles, “Well, use your flashlight, why don’t you?”
The three of them now begin to scour the place whilst fighting the ghosts coming in their direction. The screaming in her head gets louder as they come closer to the source, almost deafening her physically. Her stepping was getting unstable. Energy and focus drained out of her with every bead of sweat layering her skin.
“Stop!” She yells, dropping her rapier as the cries become unbearable “It hurts, please stop!”
“Oh, no,” George, who was closest to her, now kneels down and tries to bring her back to consciousness as he lightly taps on her cheeks.
“George!” Lockwood calls, panic seems to finally sink in as he watches her wail in pain “The source must be close, try to find it. I’ll protect her.”
Nodding, George begins to crawl away and look for the damned blade. His hands found what seems to be an old cabinet and began to rummage through. With very limited lighting and no idea of what the blade looks like, searching for a piece of steel through a locker full of metal items feels fruitless.
Scanning from one drawer to the other, George lets out a satisfied chuckle as he finally finds what they’re looking for. But before he could take it out and cover it with their chain net, a handful of ghosts headed his way.
“George, watch out!”
In the heat of the moment, George throws the chain net to the drawer, hoping that it would land and cover the blade, before throwing the new bomb to the ghosts.
To their luck, the chain net did fall on top of the source but due to the close proximity and the lack of understanding of just how big the explosion the bomb would produce, George was thrown out of the wall from the impact. Bits of broken wood scratch his skin and there was a big gash on his forehead. 
George was unconscious.
Opening the keys to 35 Portland Row with a tired yawn, she put down her scarf and hung her coat by the rack. She’s been staying at the hospital for days, only returning home to take a shower and bring a new set of fresh clothes for George. Her body was aching. The scars on her skin from the previous mission are still fresh and hurting but none of it compares to the fatigue of worrying for George’s being.
The terror from that night still haunts her. How her head was filled with wails one moment to complete silence and darkness as George successfully covers the source. She remembers scanning the floor with her hands to find her flashlight, trying to get some light to understand their situation better, only to be completely frightened by the sight of George, lying unconscious with blood pooling around him.
“You’re home,” Lockwood greets, a relieved expression evident on his face.
She nods, not giving him an answer as she walks past him.
“How is he?” He asks as she gets to the stairs.
“Still unconscious but his vitals are stabilising.” She answers  “You'd know if you visit him yourself.”
“I want to, but I need to finish the report and paperworks.” Lockwood reasoned, following her behind like a lost puppy “Lucy's out at the library to do some research about our next mission. With George at the hospital I think we'd need more time to make our plans.”
She rolls her eyes, fist balling as she tries to hold in her anger.
“I was wondering if you could go to the DEPRAC office on your way back to the hospital and drop the locket? Inspector Barnes called and-”
“Anthony!” She yells, finally turning to face the boy who's now pale from her sudden outburst “Are you even hearing yourself right now? Sending Lucy to work on our next job, asking me to stop by the DEPRAC office, you being busy in your little library, do you not even care in the slightest for George? He's lying unconscious at the hospital for a work I've told you to drop about!”
Lockwood remained silent. His expression is hard and unreadable.
“I've told you that we didn't have the equipment nor skills to do the job. I've told you that the visitors are much more powerful than the ones we've faced before. I've told you to at least ask for help for the task and yet you've dismissed it all and look what it's brought us, Anthony!”
“Yes, but we did it, didn't we? We secured the source.” Lockwood answers with feigned optimism, giving her his unsure smile as he steps closer “We took a hit, sure, but it's not like George didn't know what he was getting himself into.”
She blinks at his words. Now taking a step back away from him as she tries to digest his answer, “Is that what you're going to say when each of us falls?”
His expression softens, “You know I would never let anything hurt you.”
“Yet here I am.” She argues, her poison laced smile evident “Hurt and wounded.”
Lockwood was at a loss of words. He remained silent, staring at her with his pleading eyes that silently screams for her to drop this and forgive his faulty words. But his silence served as nothing but a mere slap to reality for her that Lockwood was just a boy with a naive dream and no understanding of the risks he's committing the team to.
“I thought this was all I wanted.” She says with a volume just above a whisper, a pitiful smile plastered on her face as she tries to keep her tone steady. The cracks of her breaking heart is visible through her expression “You're everything I want, Anthony.. But I can't deal with your ambitions anymore.”
Giving him no chance to explain, she retreats to her room and slams the door, leaving him defeated in the hallway. The house feels colder now somehow. As if the silence wasn't enough to weigh his guilt even more. Lockwood knew that he messed up but never had he imagined that he'd ruin things this far. Especially not with her.
Days have been slightly better now that George's discharged from the hospital. The kitchen is once again filled with their chatter but not nearly half as much laughter as before. The nightmare of wounded George still haunts her days and torments her at night. She would never be able to work with the squad as she did before. Something has changed in her and there's no turning back now.
Lockwood on the other hand has tried every possible way to talk to her but with every chance he makes to pursue her, she just has a hundred more ways to turn it down and avoid him. Her silent treatment was driving him nuts and it would be an understatement to say that he's desperate to fix it.
Now sitting in his study room, Lockwood turns to the door as he hears a light knock. She peeks inside with a slight smile, the most he's gotten after their fight a couple weeks ago.
“Can I come in?”
“Have I ever said no?”
She nods, stepping inside the room timidly. A piece of paper in her hand.
“What is it?” He asks with a warm smile, hoping that this would be the start of their reconciliation “What can I help you with?”
She looks down to the letter in her hand, sighing before handing it to him, “I wanted to give you my resignation letter.”
Lockwood stares at her blankly, not moving from his chair.
Gently, she reaches for his hand and hands him the paper. Lockwood's eyes were glued on her, trying to catch any trace of jest from the words she uttered. He prays for all gods out there to let this be a joke. Some cruel prank she's pulling on him as payback for his dickhead move for the past months. But as the ticking of the clock in the room grew louder, her playful smile never appeared.
“I promise to do better, I swear it.” He begs, standing from his seat and carelessly putting the letter away “I'll make better plans, I'll calculate each and every possibility there is and I'll listen to you better. Any input you have, I'll highlight it and make it work. Please, just– Don't leave. Don't leave me.”
She had to look away from his eyes before her fortress crumbled. Lockwood knows just when to put those big puppy eyes out and win her heart. But there's just so many times she could spare herself for him. There's just so many chances she could give and no matter how much she wishes and prays that this time would be different than the last, she knew that the damage done would still leave scars on them. An invisible one that could only be healed with time and space.
“Please,” Lockwood begs, seeming on the verge of tears “Name your price. Anything, please, just say it.”
“What I want you cannot give, Anthony.” She answers with a bitter smile “Because if you could, I know you would have given it to me years ago.”
“Just name it, please. Do you want a rise? Do you want to switch rooms? Do you want your name to be the agency's name? Because I can do that. We can just change the company's name to yours.”
A tear escapes her eyes. She knows that he was being genuine, that he was willing to give up anything to make her stay. But even with all he offers to give, Lockwood still couldn't see the one thing she desires of him.
And it's crystal clear to her now that he could never give the one thing she needs of him.
Placing her hands to his cheeks, she cups him gently and smiles, “You're going to be a brilliant agent, Anthony. Lockwood & co will be the best agency there is, I know it. I believe it.”
“Then why are you leaving?” He asks with a defeated tone “Why won't you be here with me?”
Because you won't love me the way I love you, she thought.
“Please,” Lockwood pleads “I can't lose you too.”
Pulling him for a hug, his dam finally breaks as sobs begin to echo in the room. He holds her tight, afraid that she would disappear if he loosens his embrace just a little. He would miss the sweet scent of her shampoo, the warmth of her body when he needed some comfort after a terrible nightmare, and her joyful laughter that always seemed to drunken him in bliss.
If only he would tell her exactly how he feels.
“You'll never lose me, Anthony.” She whispers to his chest, listening to his heartbeat before they part “I'm yours, always.”
↠ If You’re Going to Break My Heart
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omg ok so robin x popular! reader where she’s a cheerleader who robin thought was out of her league (and straight) but they both just have massive crushes on each other
a/n: anon this literally took me out of my writers block ty ty i loved this sm 🙏🙏 also the ending kinda sucks but its wtv !!
word count: 1054
warnings: light cursing, this is not proofread
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 | 𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲
Robin sighed as she watched you walk right in front of her, with the rest of the cheer squad onto the gym’s floor.
She tried to look uninterested, like she merely thought the team's dancing and efforts to draw the crowds attention was just decent. But Robin couldn’t help but look at you. The way your smile seemed to brighten the entire room, the way you waved your arms and jumped around laughing, shaking those ridiculous green and white pom poms. She thought you looked like the most gorgeous girl in Hawkins, hell, maybe even in all of Indiana. 
Then the basketball team walked out onto the floor. 
You so clearly liked them. Robin watched you try to hide your embarrassment of being singled out by one of the team players, as he sent you a wink. Robin rolled her eyes at his pathetic attempts to flirt, but she couldn’t deny that was partly jealousy. She wanted to be the one who made you get all nervous, she wanted to be the one you liked, not some ugly basketball player that probably reeked of trashy cologne and was a total pig. 
Robin just faked a smile and continued playing her trumpet. It was ridiculous to think that you would ever like her, even as a friend. You were too good for her.
You let out a laugh, as the guy whose name you had kind of already forgotten, continued rattling on about a party you’d skipped over the weekend. 
In reality, you weren’t paying attention to him. Your locker was at the perfect location, right in front of the band room, allowing you to peer inside. Sure the people you mostly associated with thought they were all a bunch of dorks and losers, but you thought they had substance. Specifically the girl with the short hair and raspy voice. You had never gotten her name. All you knew was that she was pretty, and nice, and funny. Or at least you hoped so. You didn’t really talk.
“See you Friday?” the boy looked nervous, and you didn’t even remember what plans you had agreed to.
“Of course, I’ll see you then, buddy!” You cringed slightly at your use of the phrase, but Jesus Christ you had no idea how to let him down easily.
You watched as he left, some disappointment in his eyes. 
Robin walked out of the band room, her backpack slung over her shoulder, as she held her trumpet case in her hand. She hated having practice because you would always be right outside, close enough that if she wanted to she could just talk to you, yet still out of reach. Yet it seemed that today, you would be closer to her than before. 
“Ohhhhh, shit, I’m so sorry-” Robin stammered as she knelt to the floor picking up the instrument’s case.
“No- no- it’s my fault I totally tripped you- on accident of course, I never would've wanted to trip you on purpose it’s just that I wasn’t looking.” You rambled on kneeling on the floor to help pick up some sheet music that had also fallen onto the floor.
You looked up over at her, as your hands met when you reached for a paper. “Oh, is this supposed to be for the next game?”
“I’m sorry what?” Robin's mouth felt dry, she couldn’t believe she was standing in your sheer presence and now you were talking to her and touching her hand? It felt unreal. 
You waved the paper in the air as you handed it to her, “Is it the music for the basketball game, next week?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s uhm, supposed to be for the next game- you already knew that though because you just said it and of course you are going to be at the next game because you, well cheer and- and I- I cannot shut up holy shit… I’m sorry. You probably don’t,” Robin cleared her throat, “want to hear me talk that much. Shutting up now.” Robin let out a nervous laugh. She was so convinced she had ruined everything, even the chance of you becoming friends or even just people who you talked to in the hallway. 
“It’s totally okay, don’t worry about it. It’s actually kinda cute.” 
Robin was sure she looked like a deer standing in front of headlights. Her brain was definitely fried from pulling all nighters and drinking too much coke. There was no way you just called her “cute”. 
Calling her “cute” was totally different from you calling her “nice” or “friendly” or even “not as annoying as everyone said.” And there was also no way you were actually flirting with her. Or were you? 
Robin’s mind felt like it was running a thousand miles a second.
You could feel what you thought was an uncomfortable silence. Maybe Robin didn’t get your hint. “Hey you know what I just remembered? I’m supposed to come up with a new routine for the girls on the team- its a whole thing- but, I was thinking, maybe I could come over and practice at your place on Friday and you could serve as the music? It’s silly, I know but-”
“It’s not silly at all, it sounds like a great idea. I love it, but are you sure you don’t have plans with your boyfriend?” It was Robin’s last ditch effort to confirm that you were in fact into girls.
“I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m actually not really looking for a boyfriend right now,” you said, trying to enunciate the boy part of it all. 
Robin’s eyes were wide open as she got your message, “Oh! Okay, then yeah it totally works for me, I can swing by later and give you my place…”
“So it’s a date?” you asked hopefully.
Robin swallowed, “Yeah. A date.” 
You smiled and squeezed Robin’s arm, “I can’t wait.” 
Robin watched you float down the hall, a new bounce in your step as you headed over to a group of girls Robin wasn’t really a fan of. ‘A date’. The words echoed in Robin’s mind. She was going on a date with you. It felt truly unreal. Yet somehow, a part deep inside of Robin felt like it was meant to be. It was just you and her.
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k3m1y4 · 1 month
ms notes: I’m just going to focus on random short fics so uhhhh, i’m rambling !! I’m kinda in love with dazai rn so expect 100000 dazai fanfics from my posts<3…. Dazai x reader, fluff, not proofread again:p
📼 :: the adults are talking, the strokes.
“i know you think of me when you think of her.”
The moon was finally alighting the sacred scene lurking at above. The light was prominent, the sheer cold brush of the air was somehow palpable.
Thankfully, a sheet of warm blanket was shielding you from the chill of the dead night—maybe off. Your eyes hit up at the ceiling, blank as your mind dances in circles. Like a sound box twisting to sing the birds alibi, the plucking strings of a soft lyre. Starry eyes delusional of burning stars shooting across the dark blue skies, it wasn’t a shot of a firing bullet which is something to appreciate the green lucky clover. A sigh escaping your lips as the clocked ran towards the next racing number. The door gently creaked, both gazes meeting. One was discreet, one was nonchalant. Blinking twice, Dazai chuckles as he opens the door wide to display his model figure.
“You seriously thought I was asleep? I saw those eyes of yours.” Your words lazy spewing out of your mouth as he plops himself on the bed with a satisfied sigh. “It wasn’t like I was planning something mischievous. Or was I?” A smirk rewinding on his face as you groan in annoyance. A weird sense of aroma filling the quiet room, you note. “By the way you smell like dead fish, go change.” You mutter as he gasps offensively, a tinge of lingering sarcasm toning in his voice. “How dare of you to say that to the charming, one and only Dazai Osamu?!” He stands up, for dramatic effect he crosses his arms in front of his broad chest. “Don’t be a drama queen, or I’ll make you go to the bathroom myself.” Rubbing your eyes to clear out the fog blurring your sight. “Okay, okay fine. Anything for you, your highness.” He winks as his steep steps finally lead to the bathroom. You wait, again. To wait for this man to come out high and mighty as he says.
Just as you close your eyes, a shifting figure lays beside you. A hand tracing your hipbone in a lovingly manner, chaste kisses on your forehead, cheek, and a quick peck on your lips. You remain to play pretend with his games, a genuine smile being felt on your heated skin. “Dazai..” You mumble out as he peppers more little kisses on your cheeks feeling his wamrth, he tilts your chin up as he tastes your flavor. A deep sigh letting out in relief. An arm wrapping around your back as he pulls away. Head on his chest, as he runs his fingers through your hair. Mustering, tone lacing affection, he says,
“Goodnight. Sleep well, my dear.”
48 notes · View notes
sacredjake · 1 year
To Be Loved By You
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pairing: sam kiszka x reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings: angst, pining, fluff, drinking. let me know if i missed anything
i’ve gone back and forth on this fic and almost wasn’t going to post it, but here we are. this fic is very, very loosely based off the song To Be Loved By You by Parker McCollum. every time i heard it i just had this vision in my head for some reason and needed it out :) huge thank you to @malany-gvf and @gretasimp for proofreading and editing <3
“So? What do you think?”
The words bounced around in your head, creating a hollow echo against your brain. You should be ecstatic, over the moon, jumping with joy. Part of you was, but another part of you just felt sad. And you hated yourself for it.
“Oh my god… Is it that bad?!” Seth’s panicked words brought you back from the corner in your mind where you had been hiding away.
“Oh no! No! Seth, it’s perfect. Em is going to absolutely freak and say yes. Honestly, you planned the perfect proposal and I am so excited for you both!” You quickly shoved your sadness deep down to reassure him that his engagement proposal to your best friend is perfect.
And it was. Seth had everything planned out exactly as you would expect, so when your best friend, Emily, said “yes” you were not surprised in the slightest. You were extremely happy for them both, but it also loomed over you as a reminder of how awful your own love life was.
You had never been in a serious relationship and every date you went on was an utter disaster. The guy was either a creep, or wasn’t interested in actually dating. After so many years of your closest friends falling in love and getting married, you were starting to turn bitter and sad about the subject of love entirely.
“Ugh, Sam, you should’ve seen it. It was absolutely perfect, and of course she said yes because I mean, how could she not?!” You exasperate over the phone to your best friend as you walk inside your apartment and drop your keys on the kitchen counter.
“And the way he looked at her? My god he looked at her like she was the only woman to ever walk the earth. And when she said yes? I just can’t even take it anymore. I am beyond happy for her, I am, but when is it gonna be my turn? When am I going to fall in love? When am I going to have a guy look at me like I am the only woman to ever exist?”
Sam gave you a hefty sigh from the other end of the phone as you continued to ramble and pity yourself, voice beginning to crack from the heavy emotions you felt.
You made your way through your apartment towards your bathroom to get ready for bed, petting your cat who lay on the armrest of the couch along the way.
“C’mon y/n, stop talking like that. There are tons of guys out there who would fall at your feet if you so much as glanced their way. Maybe your time is coming soon.” Sam effectively cut off your rambling, but his words of optimism didn’t help. If anything they drove you closer to tears.
As you entered the bathroom, you could feel your throat closing and water starting to prickle in your eyes, your chest tightening with hurt and sorrow. You shut the door with your back pressed against the wood and slide down the length of it until you were sitting on the cool tile.
“Don’t say that to me, Sam. Please. I’ll only get my hopes up for nothing to happen. Constantly reminded that I’m unloved.” You choked back a sob trying not to cry to your best friend on the phone. You have done enough of that these days.
Sam has heard and seen it all. He was the person you were able to go to with these things because unlike all of your other friends, he was single. He knew what it felt like to be lonely and want someone to share things with. But my god was he so optimistic and hopeful with you, always ensuring that there was someone out there for you.
“You are not unlovable, Angel. Far from it. You just need to… I don’t know… gain a new perspective on things?” His nickname for you caused another round of sobs to wrack through your body. It wasn’t often that he called you Angel anymore, but when he did it was always in situations like this. When you needed it most.
He sounded sad and longing, but you were too wrapped up in your own pity to even notice. It stayed silent for a few moments while you tried to pull it together, Sam giving you time to gather yourself.
“I think I’m going to go to bed. Could you do me a favor?”
“Anything for you, Angel.”
“Could you be my plus one for this wedding? I know I will be in the bridal party, but I don’t think I can stomach it without you.” Tears threatened to fall from your eyes once again as you spoke.
“I would love to be your plus one. I’ll be there.” His voice was soft and gentle, calming your emotions once again. You took a deep breath and stood from your place on the ground.
“Thank you, Sam. I appreciate you so much.” You gave a slight smile even though he couldn’t see you.
“Anytime, Angel. I’m always here. Get some rest, okay? Goodnight.” You could picture the look on his face perfectly in your mind. Eyes and smile soft and warm on his face as he bid you goodnight.
“Goodnight, Sam.” Ending the call and you continued your regular nightly routine, but still feeling weighed down by your own heart, the sadness lingering. You knew eventually it would subside, but tonight was another night in which you would fall asleep alone, wishing for the comfort of another.
As the months passed on, Emily had asked you to be a bridesmaid, as you had suspected she would. You were thrilled to be a part of her big day in this way, but being a bridesmaid also meant you were constantly talking about wedding things and love. Which songs they will play, what song they wanted their first dance as a married couple to be, what kind of cake and flowers and decorations they would have. It was exhausting.
By the time the wedding rolled around you were grateful the whole ordeal was going to be over. Part of it was the stress of having bridesmaid responsibilities, but the other was because it was a constant reminder that you were alone. All of the other bridesmaids were either taken or married which didn’t help the resentment towards love that you were beginning to feel after months of helping plan this wedding. Not that you would ever let it show around them or Em, but you couldn’t wait to be out from under its crushing weight.
You vented to Sam about the wedding and how you felt, frequently. You would have felt bad constantly burdening him with your emotions had you been able to see past them. He never faltered and always seemed willing to listen and give advice. You were thankful that you had him, and even more thankful that he still agreed to come with you to the wedding.
“Alright people! It’s showtime!” Em’s sister, Audrey gathered the attention of the bridal party, signaling that the wedding was about to begin. You walked over to Em one last time before finding your place among the other bridesmaids.
“Congratulations, Em. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I am so happy for you.” You lightly grasped her shoulders as you spoke. Tears began to well in both of your eyes and deciding neither of you could afford to ruin your makeup now you added with a pointed finger, “And if Seth ever hurts you, I will kick his ass.” Causing you both to laugh lightly.
“I know you will, y/n. I know you will.” She shook her head giggling slightly. You let go of her shoulder to give her a tight hug, basking in each other for a moment. You pulled away from Em giving her a soft smile before joining the other bridesmaids to begin the wedding procession.
As you joined the groomsman you had been paired with and marched down the aisle, you searched for Sam. His eyes found yours in the crowd of people sitting in the pews and he shot you a smile and wink, earning a smile from you in return.
The way Seth watched Em walk down the aisle pulled on your heart, drawing it near your stomach. His eyes were solely focused on her, tears threatening to break through as she approached closer with every step. You longed for someone to look at you that way, to love you that deeply and strongly.
The ceremony was beautiful and filled with tears from all throughout the church. You cheered loudly as the newlyweds walked out to their awaiting car to be swept off towards the reception venue. Eventually you were able to find Sam among the sea of people leaving their places in the pews.
“Thank you for coming, Sam.” You greeted him with a hug and bright smile, though he could see the sadness that held your eyes. He immediately wrapped his arms around your frame, hugging you close with his chin resting lightly on the top of your head. He was intoxicating. His warmth, his smell, his touch, everything about him soothed you and drew you in.
“Anything for you, always.” He squeezes you tightly before letting go. Gesturing you to walk outside, you followed his direction out of the church and into the warm spring air.
“Nice suit, I didn’t know you could clean up this well.” You nodded to his outfit of choice. He was wearing a deep red blazer and dress pants set that complimented his skin well. You ran your hand down the sleeve of his blazer feeling the crushed red velvet beneath your fingers.
“Not so bad yourself. I think fuschia suits you.” He nodded his head back towards you and gave you a wink. You wrinkled your nose and pretended to gag at his words.
“Please, you know I hate the color pink.”
“You never listen, huh? This isn’t just pink, it’s fuschia.” Sam huffed jokingly. Shaking your head you lightly shoved his shoulder with your hand, barely pushing him away from you.
“It’s still a shade of pink, dummy.” You looked around and noticed that most of the guests had cleared out of the vicinity, more than likely heading to the reception hall. “We should probably get going though. Mind if I ride with you to the reception? I rode with Audrey here.”
“Not at all. This way, milady.” Sam held his arm out for you to loop yours through, guiding you to his car. Your time with Sam didn’t last long, as you had to perform your last bridesmaid duty. Pictures.
You didn’t mind this aspect of being a bridesmaid, it was just extremely tedious, and you were not a fan of having your picture taken. You were relieved when the photographer announced that they would be taking pictures of the newlyweds and you were free to join the guests in the reception hall.
As you walked into the open ballroom you began scanning the area for Sam, finding him sitting at a table with his back to you, in what looked to be a deep conversation with a girl. She was laughing at something he said with her hand on his upper arm, leaning in closer to him. You instantly felt anger bubbling inside of you, rising up to your face. You couldn’t explain why you felt this way, but you were definitely feeling an odd tinge of jealousy. Deciding to bypass Sam and the girl, you walked straight to the bar to order a drink. Thank god Em and Seth insisted on having an open bar, you were going to need the liquor.
As you waited in line, you felt a hand gently land on the backside of your tricep. Turning your head slightly you were met with Sam’s face looking down at you, a soft smile gracing his lips. You offered the best smile you could muster, shoving the ugly green monster back into his little box and turned back to face the bar.
Sam still felt the shift in your mood as you turned away from him without a word. He dropped his hand from your arm, and opted to not bring it up in fear that it would only upset you further.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender looked up from the current order they were working on as you approached the bar.
“Can I have a jack and coke, please?” Sam glanced at you, eyebrows raised in surprise at the drink you ordered. You didn’t drink jack and coke unless you were planning on getting drunk, fast, and he knew it.
“And for you?” The bartender looked towards Sam waiting to fill his order.
“Tequila soda, please.” The bartender got to work on your drinks as you and Sam stood in silence. In a few moments you both had your drinks and were heading back towards the table you saw Sam sitting at with the girl earlier. Although, this time she was nowhere to be found.
“Drinking heavy tonight?” Sam nodded his head towards the drink in your hand as you sat down, taking a sip of your jack and coke.
“I figured I’d need something stronger than my usual to get me through tonight.” You shrugged, taking another sip. You weren’t sure it was even possible, but his eyes softened more at your reply. He rested his hand on your knee and gave it a light squeeze. Even through the fabric of your dress, your skin felt warm under his touch.
His hand didn’t linger for long as he picked up his glass and tilted it towards yours. “Then drink we shall.” He gently knocked his glass against yours before lifting it to his lips.
The night went on, and Sam helped lift your mood as toasts were made, food was served and drinks were downed. You were definitely feeling slightly drunk from the rounds of drinks you frequently got, and that helped to soothe the sting of heartache. However, your mood quickly turned sour once again as the cake was being cut and the couple shared their first dance as husband and wife.
“Why can’t I have that? Look at the way they’re staring into each other’s eyes… I want someone to love me like that.” You sighed, chin resting on your arm that was draped over the back of your chair. “No one has ever looked at me that way. No one has ever wanted me that way.” You cast your eyes down to the empty drink in your hand and sighed again.
“I’m going to get another drink.”
You stood, earning a huff from Sam as you set the glass on the table. His large hand wrapped around your wrist as you began to leave, stopping you in your tracks. You turned back to face him, shooting him a questioning look, eyebrows raised.
“I think you’ve had enough, y/n.” Sam’s voice was stern as his downturned eyes bore into your own. You scoffed at him. Anger seeped into your body, boiling in your veins. Who was he to cut you off?
“Excuse me?” You bit back at him, tone venomous as you tried to pull your wrist from his grasp to no avail. He wasn’t budging, his hand like a vice around your wrist.
Still holding onto you he rose out of his seat coming face to face with you. “God, how blind are you?!” His voice was hushed so as to not draw attention, but his tone was cutting, teeth clenched. You stared at him, eyes wide, confused and not daring to speak. You had never seen Sam so angry before, and especially not so quickly.
“You don’t see it, do you? Of course you don’t, you’re so self-absorbed in your own sorrow to even notice.” His hand finally let go of your wrist at his last word slicing through the air. You stood there shocked and shaking from anger.
“What the hell are you-“
“Forget it, y/n.” Sam shook his head before he stormed off towards the exit of the reception hall. You stood there for just a moment as he walked by before you turned on your heel and stormed after him. Thankfully no one noticed the interaction between the two of you as they were all watching the happy couple dance.
Sam exited the hall through a small door that led out into the foyer of the building with you hot on his heels. The room was dark, only being lit from the moon and lightning flashes as a thunderstorm rolled in. “Go away, y/n. Leave me alone.” He spat as he continued to walk towards the exit of the building, crossing the room quickly due to the stride of his long legs.
“No! What the hell are you talking about?! Why are you so angry?” You practically yelled and he stopped in his tracks, one hand resting on each of the giant double doors that lead outside. He shook his head and gave a cold, mirthless laugh as a flash of lightning cracked across the sky, illuminating the mostly empty room for a short, fleeting moment.
“That’s exactly it! Don’t you get it? You don’t even realize!” He pushed away from the door, turning back to walk towards you.
“Realize what, Sam?!”
“What the hell does a man have to do to be loved by you?!” He stopped in front of you, his face less than a foot from your own, breaths coming out heavy and uneven. His tone was angry and frantic, but his face was sad and pleading. Desperate, wanting. Begging.
“Tell me! Enlighten me, please! What do I have to do for you to love me back?!” You felt your entire body turn cold and rigid as Sam confessed his love to you, a small gasp hung in the back of your throat.
“You always come to me crying. Angry. Longing… And it kills me everytime! I hate seeing you cry. I hate knowing that when we hang up you cry yourself to sleep because I know you hate sleeping alone. I am in agony over you, constantly. So what do I have to do?” His voice was as pleading as his eyes this time. All of him begging for you to see him. To love him. To love him the way he loved you. You began to feel your throat and chest tighten as tears pricked your eyes.
“What more do I need to do to show you that you are loved? That I love you?! That I have always loved you? You want someone to look at you like that? I do. I have always been right. here.” He punctuated the last two words with anger and sorrow causing you to blink as they flew from his mouth.
“Sam, I- I never-“ You began to speak, but Sam cut you off.
“You never what? Noticed?” He spat, causing you to recoil slightly and take a step back as you nodded your head.
“You never noticed because you’re too busy watching happy couples and feeling sorry for yourself! Maybe if you looked at me, you would’ve noticed I’ve been looking at you. Waiting for you.” You stood still letting what he said sink in. He was right. You had been so self-absorbed that you didn’t realize Sam had been there all along.
Every bad date, every phone call, all the times you cried to him and he would suggest there was someone out there who loved you, that your time for love was maybe around the corner. While you had been waiting for love, he had been waiting for you. Waiting for you to notice him. To love him.
Tears uncontrollably rolled down your cheeks as you stood there in silence, staring at one another while lightning illuminated the room more frequently, the storm approaching faster. Sam instantly softened at the sight of tears littering your face, beginning to smear your makeup.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. Please don’t cry, Angel.” He sighed, raising his hands up to your cheeks to pat away the tears as they continued to fall, not wanting to ruin your makeup any further.
“No, Sam, you’re right. I’ve only been thinking of myself. All I ever do is talk about my feelings and what’s wrong with me and my love life. Not only have I been a terrible friend, but I’ve also been missing what's right in front of me.” You brought your hand to lay over his, leaning your face into his touch and closing your eyes. “I’m so sorry, Sam. I truly don’t deserve you in any way.”
“Hey, don’t do that. Look at me, Angel.” He lifted his hand from your face to skirt his fingers down your cheek to the underside of your jaw and finally stopped under your chin, angling your face up to his. His other hand dropped to your hip, resting lightly. Your eyes fluttered open instantly being met with his milk chocolate irises, a smile growing on his face.
“Hi.” He breathed out as his hand under your chin fell to rest on your other hip, holding you close to him.
“Hey.” It came out as a broken whisper, barely audible, even to your own ears.
“I’m going to kiss you now. Okay?” His breath fanned across your face while he spoke, and you nodded your head giving him permission. His right hand snaked up from your waist to cradle the back of your neck as he leaned in closer, sending chills across your body. His lips were soft and gentle against your own, and you found yourself melting into him. The kiss only lasted a few moments before he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours and sighing, eyes still shut. You felt as though you were frozen in time, stuck like this for an eternity, overtaken by his presence. His intoxicating, woodsy smell mixed with a hint of cologne, the way his hands felt on you, how beautiful he was with his eyes closed, and content.
His eyes met yours at the mention of his name being whispered into the air.
“Yeah?” He whispered back, eyes flicking between yours trying to gauge your reaction. Your hand found purchase on his cheek, cupping the left side of his face.
“Kiss me again?”
“Anything for you, Angel.” A smile stretched across his face before he leaned in once again to kiss you. His lips met yours, gliding against your own with a feeling of something deeper behind this kiss than the first. It was more passionate, hungry even. His tongue swept across your bottom lip eliciting a sigh from you which Sam swallowed down as he took the opportunity to let his tongue roam the inside of your mouth, trailing along the roof. Your brain finally catching up, your tongue met his. Sam’s fingers dug into your waist at the feeling of your tongues dancing against one another, and pulled you impossibly closer.
He pulled away again, this time bringing his lips to your ear. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to kiss you. What do you say we get out of here?” His breathing was labored and heavy against your skin sending tingles throughout your body.
“I’d like that very much.” You beamed, Sam taking your hand in his and leading you out into the stormy night where rain was pouring from the heavens, effectively soaking you both from head to toe. Without a care for the rain falling from the sky, Sam stopped abruptly using his grasp on your hand to pull you into him, kissing you for a third time that night, his lips spreading into a smile mid-kiss.
“Sam, what’re you doing? We’re going to get soaked out here.” You smiled into the kiss as well, a giggle bubbling past your lips.
“Just wanted to kiss you in the rain is all.” He pushed the strands of damp hair out of your face with both of his large hands, peppering it with kisses as he did so causing you to erupt into a fit of laughter.
“Think we could do this in your car? I kinda have to return this dress.” You laughed as you felt a shiver begin at the top of your skull and travel down your spine, making your whole body shake. Sam shrugged his blazer off and draped it around your shoulders, smiling at you sweetly, although it didn’t do much as it was already wet and cold from the weather. He placed a quick kiss to the tip of your nose before intertwining his fingers with your own and dragging you off towards his car.
“Anything for you, Angel.”
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Photo Shoot Faux Pas
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Summary: Andy’s reaction to a risque anniversary gift gets you more than you bargained for. Prequel to The Lonely Hearts Club mini-series. Check out The Lonely Hearts Club: Part One!
Warnings: Smut, Jealous/Possessive Andy, Confident Reader, Insecure Reader, Daddy Kink, Pussy Slapping, Oral (fem receiving), Vibrator Use (mentioned), Gags (mentioned), Sex Tape (mentioned), Boudoir Photography, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Prompt courtesy of my dear friend, @writer84. I might write a follow-up drabble as well. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated, so please let me know what you think. This is part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series. Semi-proofread but not beta’d. All mistakes are my own. Thanks for reading!
There are three things everyone should know about Andrew Barber. One, that the man loves you to distraction. Two, that he believes in spoiling you whenever possible. And three, that he has a possessive streak that runs a mile wide.
You’d recently come to learn the last part the hard way, and you didn’t plan on forgetting that lesson any time soon.
One week ago…
You’re on your way home from work when your phone rings. Seeing that it’s Andy, you quickly hit accept before returning your attention to the road.
“Hey, baby girl.” His deep voice rumbles over the speakers. “How are you?”
“I’m good, Andy Bear. Just headed back to my place.”
“Oh, what a coincidence. Me too.”
Huh? You weren’t supposed to be getting together until tomorrow. 
“Um…why?” You were still a good twenty minutes away from your apartment. And you’d accidentally left a very important item sitting out in the open on your kitchen table.
One that your boyfriend wasn’t meant to see. At least not yet. 
“Since when is it a crime to visit my lady? Plus, I left a couple work docs behind when I was there the other day.” 
Oh shit. You knew exactly where they were too. Sitting on the freaking kitchen table right next to his anniversary gift.
“But I…I’m not home yet.”
“Pretty sure I’m capable of letting myself in, Y/N. In fact, I just pulled up.”
Oh, fuck me sideways.
“How about you take a walk around the block or something until I get there? Maybe stretch those legs. Or, you could go check out that new shop, Little Mahatma, over on 100th and Dennison. You know, the one with all those really nifty knick-knacks?”
Your ramblings are met with silence as you pull off the freeway.   
“Or, just wait outside for me and we’ll go together. It’s a nice day, so –”
“Or, I could go inside and wait for you there like a normal person. Unless...there’s some reason you don’t want me in your apartment?” He asks, sounding mildly confused. 
“No, not all! I just…can’t wait to see your handsome face.”
“Uh huh.” He grunts, sounding suspicious. “See you soon, baby.” 
“Yeah. See you soon.” The call ends, leaving you alone with your thoughts. “Well, fuck!” You thump your fist on your steering wheel. “There goes that surprise.” 
This weekend, the two of you were planning to celebrate a pretty major milestone. Namely, your six month anniversary. And as such, you’d splurged on a very special gift. Something you would have never even considered in previous relationships.
But what you had with Andy was different. It was…solid. You felt like you could trust your boyfriend with every part of you. So what better gift to give the man who had everything, including your heart, than a leather-bound photo album?
But you weren’t just talking about any old album. Oh no. This one was filled with intimate photos of you taken by a professional as part of a recent boudoir shoot, which was something you’d never done before. It had pushed you way out of your comfort zone, but for your Andy Bear, you were willing to try just about anything.
Plus, posing for those photos, while slightly uncomfortable at first, had made you feel sexy.
You just prayed that he liked them. 
Of course he would. You were about to gift him with his own personal porn. If awards for being “The Best Girlfriend Ever” existed you’d be a shoe-in.
After what feels like forever, you finally pull up in front of your apartment. Parking in your designated spot, you get out of the car and make your way to the front of your building. Your heartbeat thunders in your ears as you anxiously dash up the stairs.
You were sure Andy had to have seen the pictures by now. And part of you hated the fact that you’d missed his initial reaction. Oh well. It couldn’t be helped. 
Opening the door, you quickly toe off your nude pumps before going off in search of your boyfriend. You find him just where you'd thought he'd be, sitting on the edge of a kitchen chair with the album in his lap. And then you notice that his tie is undone and his hair is all mussed. Strange. He doesn’t acknowledge your arrival, instead he just sits there staring into the distance.
“Hey, baby.” You whisper, confused by the tenseness in his big shoulders.
“What the hell is this?” Andy finally asks, his tone gruff. You watch as his long fingers trace over the words you’d had etched on the cover.
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“Umm…” Your teeth go to worry your bottom lip as the scowl gracing his features only serves to deepen. 
“When did you take these?” He growls, his jaw ticking as he holds up a random page featuring two different photos. The first is of you posing in a skimpy scrap of sheer lingerie with your areolas proudly on display, while the second has you wearing a pair of thigh-high socks and no panties.  
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“Uh, well…” Ah, shit. This was so not the reaction you’d been hoping for.
“And better yet, who the fuck did you take them for?” Your man slowly rises from the chair before taking one step towards you, followed by another. And then another. Until he’s standing directly in front of you, all deliciously dark six-feet of him. 
“I asked you a fucking question, Y/N. And I’m going to need an answer. Now.”
“They - they’re for you.” You rasp, your throat suddenly dry. “It was supposed to be a surprise for our anniversary.”
“For our anniversary…right.” Andy scoffs, scraping one large hand over his tawny beard. “And I suppose you captured these yourself?” He crosses his arms over his broad chest.
“No.” You can practically feel your cheeks burning. “I, uh, had them taken at a studio run by Ricardo Ventura. The whole thing was part of a professional boudoir shoot and –” Your boyfriend’s right eye twitches at the mention of the photographer’s name.
“So you let another man see you like this?!” He erupts, waving the book in your face. “You seriously let some fucking creep take photos of you parading around in next to nothing? I mean, I can see your goddamned nipples!”
“Hey! I wore clothes.” Which was true. Kind of. “And they’re all tastefully done.”
Andy flips to another page that showcases an impressive look at your ass rocking a g-string, along with another of you thrusting your lace-covered chest invitingly at the camera.
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“That little scrap of fabric doesn't fucking count, Y/N!" He rakes a hand through his hair. "I mean, what the hell were you thinking?”
That’s it. I’ve had enough.
“Damn it, Andrew! I thought they’d be a nice surprise.” You snatch the album from his hands. “Each and every photo in this thing was taken with you in mind. That’s what this is, you oaf! This is me giving you a tiny, private piece of myself in a way that I’ve never ever done with any other man.”
Your boyfriend continues to glare at you, that tick in his jaw becoming even more pronounced with each passing second. 
“I put a lot of thought and effort into this whole project, you ass. So, if you don’t appreciate them then I suppose I’ll just have to go give them to someone who does.” The words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them. Big mistake.
Oops. Had you really just offered to give away your nearly-nude photos?  
You watch nervously as his blue eyes darken with a mix of anger and arousal. And then he’s in your space, using his big body to crowd your own as he slowly backs you into the wall, effectively caging you in. 
“You wanna try that again?” Andy snarls, his tone dripping with menace. “Because I know, I know, that you did not just offer to give away what’s mine.”   
“But you don’t even like the photos!” You snap, trying to keep the hurt from creeping into your tone.
“I never said that, baby girl.”
“Yes, you did!” Exasperated, your hands fist themselves in your hair, tugging at your curls.
“No, I did not.” He fires back. “Those words never came out of my mouth. I love you. Which means, by default, that I love everything you give me.” 
“Oh, bullshit.”
He keeps going as if didn’t hear you. “But what I don’t love is the idea of some skeezy-ass fucker walking around with a camera snapping naughty pics of my woman. In fact, I really fucking hate it.”  
His big hand goes to lightly grip your chin.
"This gorgeous little body belongs to me, baby. I'm the only man allowed to see what lies beneath these clothes. The only man who gets to love you, touch you, tease you --"
"But -"
"No buts. The idea behind this gift was sweet, but I'm afraid all it's done is piss me off. In case you haven't noticed, Y/N, I'm a bit of a possessive bastard. Especially when it comes to you."
"Andy, I -" You can feel the tears threatening to fall.
"You, sweetheart, are my everything. Do you understand me?"
Unsure of what else to say, all you can do is nod your head "yes" before one brawny arm wraps itself around your waist to haul you flush against his big body.
"I love you, Y/N. More than you know. And now you're gonna be a good girl and let me show you just how much.” A shiver courses through you as he trails one nimble finger down the sensitive column of your throat. He grips the collar of your white shirt, threatening to rip it.
“Please don’t.” You whimper softly. “I just bought this blouse.”
“Fine.” Andy takes a step back from you in what you can only assume is a brief act of reprieve. “Tell you what. I’ll give you ten seconds to make it to the bedroom and get naked.”
“But that’s not enough time!” You protest, even as you start undoing your buttons.
“Not my problem, sweetness.” He shrugs. “If you want your clothes to stay in one piece, you’ll make it work. Ten.” You let out a small shriek as your boyfriend begins counting down before spinning on your heel and darting out of the kitchen. “Nine.” He keeps going. “Eight. Eh, fuck it.”
Sporting a feral grin, Andy takes off after you, your trail of discarded clothing acting as a carnal beacon.
“Time’s up, baby girl.” He purrs, as he leans against the doorframe to watch you fumble with the clasp of your blush-colored bra. “Oops. Looks like you’re still wearing too many clothes. Guess, I’ll just have to help you out.” 
You protectively cross your arms over your chest.
"That's so not necessary -- eep!"
He’s on you then, faster than you can blink. In a flash your bra is torn from your body. It lands in a delicate heap on the floor next to your panties, leaving you naked and vulnerable to your man's primal gaze.
Looking every inch the predator, Andy circles your nude form, almost as if he's trying to commit your curves to memory.
"I still can't believe you let another man see what's mine, sweet girl. Makes my blood boil just thinking about it." His knuckles caress their way down your spine. "I refuse to share you with anyone. I'm just not built that way."
"Andy, I swear Ricardo was a perfect gentleman the entire shoot." His hand wanders its way from the base of your spine to your abdomen. It lingers there for a moment, lightly stroking over your heated skin.
"Hush." He purrs, leaning in to whisper hot, open-mouthed kisses along your neck. "I'm a man, baby. I know how we think. And even more importantly, I know what we want. What we look for." He possessively cups your cunt, groaning as your sticky honey coats his palm.
"Ahh..." You moan, your head falling back to rest against his shoulder.
"He wanted you, baby. I know you don't believe this, but you turn heads everywhere you go."
"You - you're being ridiculous." You whine, rising on your tiptoes when his fingers begin playfully massaging your clit.
"You may not notice it, but I do. And since I can't be with you all the time, I'm really gonna to need you to start remembering who you fucking belong to." His skilled fingers find a steady rhythm, making you arch into his touch.
"I didn't forget, honey. I'd never forget, I swear. All those photos were for you and - oooh!" Andy pinches your swollen nub before delivering a rough slap to your little pussy. "Ungh, yes! Right there, Andy. Don't stop!
Another slap.
"Quiet. It's too late now. Take your punishment like the good girl I know you can be and all will be forgiven." He delivers one more blow. "Understand?"
"Good. Now, climb up on the bed for me." Wanting to please him, you scramble to do as he asks.
"Lay back for me...there we go. Now spread your legs. Daddy wants to get a nice, long look at his sweet pussy."
Blushing, you dutifully part your thighs and expose your drenched core.
"Mm, would you look at that? All that cream just for me..." Smiling, he fishes his phone out of his pocket and snaps a photo. "I think we need to capture this moment, don't you?"
"What?" You breathe as your thighs quiver.
"Oh, nothing. It's just that now that I know how much you love the camera, I figure it's time for you to make your on-screen debut." You watch as your Big Man hits record before lowering himself to his knees in front of you. "Say hi."
"No!" You turn away in an attempt to hide your face from the camera.
"Aww." He pouts, flipping the screen and poking out his bottom lip. "Looks like my baby girl is suddenly feeling shy. Guess, we'll have to try something a little different."
Andy winks into the camera before briefly standing up to hand it over to you.
"Daddy's gonna be nice and let you hold this while he eats you. You're gonna need to give me at least three good orgasms before you're allowed to hae my cock." He presses a tender kiss to your vulnerable mound.
"Y-yes, sir." You cry as he settles himself between your splayed thighs once again. Your shaking hands struggle to hold on to the phone.
"And be sure to hold the camera steady. Don't want you to miss a moment of me enjoying the fuck out of this tasty pussy." He reaches over to your nightstand and pulls out his favorite vibrator.
Yes, his favorite vibrator.
He smiles as he turns it on, his intoxicating blue eyes glazed over with pure lust.
"On second thought, I wanna use this too. So how about we up it to four and then call it even, yeah?" Locking his thickly muscled arms around your thighs, he roughly hauls you to the edge of the bed.
Preparing you for his dining pleasure.
"A meal fit for a king." He murmurs as he nuzzles his bearded face against your dripping folds. You cry out as his wicked tongue swirls over your clit, eagerly lapping up your sweet and salty juices.
Fuck, you were in for a long night.
"And don't worry about making too much noise, baby girl. If the neighbors come knockin' Daddy will make sure to gag you."
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kolsmikaelson · 1 year
girls just want to have fun ; neteyam sully x fem!reader
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Synopsis ; In which, Neteyam’s best friend, Y/N, has been having a rough week so he decides to make a special night for her. He wants to make it perfect but his plans go south when Lo’ak gets injured while out with the hunting party and gets stuck watching him for the night.
a/n - i saw avatar and fell for neteyam and this is what came of it | warning(s) - use of y/n, sweet neteyam, not proofread | word count - 1.4k+ | taglist
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“Lo’ak you skxawng! You just had to go and get hurt today didn’t you?” Neteyam scolds his brother, Lo’aks ears flatten against his head and he begins spewing apologies. He really hadn’t mean to get hurt, it was a stupid mistake and he knew it. He felt for his brother and spent most of the journey home begging Jake to let him stay behind by himself instead of forcing Neteyam to watch over him.
“Come on, you know that I have been planning this night for Y/N for days now.” Neteyam knows that he’s being harsh with his brother but the remorse he feels is pushed to the back of his mind when he remembers you.
You and Neteyam were attached at the hip ever since birth, being born only a few days apart. People would often make comments about the two of you becoming mates when you were of age. When you were still children both you and Neteyam would make faces at whoever said it, claiming that you were best friends and only that.
Now that you are older, having passed both yours and Neteyams eighteenth birthday a few months back, you knew that your feelings for the boy had changed for the better. Instead of being disgusted by the comments of being with him, you would get flustered and the butterflies in your stomach would feel like a wild stampede running through your belly.
Unbeknownst to you, Neteyam felt the same way as you did. He realized his feelings for you before you did, he’d known since just before his sixteenth, he didn’t know what changed but all of the sudden he couldn’t wait to see you each day and make you laugh the way he loves to hear. Most days he couldn’t tear his eyes off of you, it was something Lo’ak and Spider teased him relentlessly for.
“Why can’t Spider or Kiri watch him? They’d be just fine.” He questions turning to his parents angrily. He had been looking forward to not only the night off, but to spend it with his favorite person. He wasn’t sure of the last time you’d gotten to spend any alone time together and he knew how rough things had been for you recently.
Jake gives a disapproving look to his eldest son, “Because Neteyam, Kiri had already promised to take Tuk out to play tonight and your mother and I trust you with your brother far more than we trust Spider. You know how he follows your sister like a lost puppy.”
“This a bad time?”
Every head in the room turns towards the opening of the hut, Neteyams being the last one to look in your direction.
“No, no, come in Y/N.” Neytiri insists, ushering you over the threshold.
“How are you, Y/N?” She questions, leaning against Jake’s side who instantly wraps an arm around her waist.
“I’m alright ma’am, I have been having a tough time recently I will admit.” You confess with a tight lipped smile, Neytiri though can see that you’re holding back.
“I see, if you ever want to speak about anything you’re welcome to come to me, sweet girl.” She hums, giving you a smile so sweet it brings tears to your eyes.
“And call me Neytiri, dear.”
“Thank you ma- Neytiri.” You clear your throat, willing the tears in your eyes to disappear, hoping that they weren’t noticeable.
“Are you ready to go, ‘Teyam?”
There’s a pregnant silent moment before Neteyam speaks up, “Actually, um I have to watch Lo’aks skxawng ass, he got himself hurt when he was hunting earlier.” He rambles, ignoring his father’s disapproving scoff at his language, “And I’m so sorry, I was really looking forward to tonight and I wanted to do something special for you…”
“ ‘Teyam,” Putting your hand on his chest, forcing him to take a break from his rant, “It is fine, don’t worry.”
“We’ll just do this another day, okay?”
“Actually, why don’t you two stay in tonight? That way Neteyam can keep an eye on Lo’ak but still spend the night with Y/N.” Jake suggests, looking at Neytiri who is nodding in agreement with her mate’s proposal.
“Yeah! It’ll be like I’m not even here!” Lo’ak exclaimed, wincing in pain at his sudden movements, “Maybe..” He adds.
“What do you think, Y/N? Think you can handle two Sully’s tonight?” Neteyam smirks, nudging your arm with his elbow.
“Okay, yeah all right.”
“Good! Your father and I need to head out but there’s food,” Your gaze follows where Neytiri’s finger is pointed at, “Nete, put this on your brother the way I showed you to in an hour.”
“Yes ma’am. See you later.” he nods at his parents as they climb out of the hut before they swing off through the trees.
“Here, was going to give these to you when we got to the spot, but now works too,” The boy hands you a clump of beautiful flowers and he brings his hand to the back of his neck, scratching the area where his fingers landed.
The flowers were a mix of blue and purple hues, some of them were larger while others were smaller, it was obvious they had been plucked with care. Your heart squeezed with warmth at the sweet gesture. It was something he did often, bringing you little things to cheer you up or things that remind him of you and each time made your heart swell with happiness.
“Had to ask Kiri to help me pick the right ones.” He says bashfully. This made the gesture even more special to you, Neteyam wasn’t one to ask for help but knowing he did for you made happy tears burn in your eyes.
“Thank you, Neteyam. So much.” You throw your arms around his waist, nuzzling your head against his chest pressing a soft kiss to his blue skin.
Fuck it, Neteyam thinks. He’d planned to confess his feelings for you after he brought you home but now he didn’t want to wait anymore, he couldn’t wait anymore.
“Come here,” He pulls you to the farthest spot from Lo’ak, hoping he wouldn’t hear what he was about to admit, “I was going to do this at the end of tonight but I can’t keep this from you anymore,” Neteyam takes one last deep breath before continuing, “I love you. I’ve loved you for a long, long time, forever I think. I want to be yours and you to be mine, for the rest of my life. We are of age now, nobody would deny us of this.”
Your eyes widen at his implication, thoughts running rampant in your mind.
“I love you too, ‘Teyam. And I would love even more, to be your mate if that is what you were implying.” You smile smugly, poking him in the chest. You rest your hand on his cheek, pushing a braid out of his face and behind his ear.
“Eywa, I’m so glad you told me. I’ve been waiting for this for so long, Nete.”
“Can I kiss you now?” Neteyams hands find themselves planted on your cheeks, his eyes looking intently into yours.
“Please ‘Teyam…”
In the blink of an eye, his soft lips are on yours. The kiss is kind and passionate but turns into something slightly more heated. Only breaking apart when you’re both in need of air.
“Thank Eywa.” Lo’ak comments.
“Shut up, skxawng.” Neteyams quip causes a laugh to bubble in your chest, it only spills out when you see he’s thrown his middle finger in the air aiming it at his younger brother.
“I know this isn’t what you expected tonight to turn out like, but I’m glad it worked out for us.”
“Me either, ma Neteyam, me either.” Planting one more kiss on his lips you walk to the food Neytiri had left for the three of you.
“Who’s hungry?”
You plate some food for Lo’ak, handing it off to Neteyam to pass along before making one for you and Neteyam to share.
“Look at them, I told you it would happen one day.” Neytiri murmurs to her mate, seeing her eldest son and the girl she’s always thought of as a daughter curled into each other asleep under a blanket.
“They remind me of us, a bit younger than we were but have you seen the way they look at one another?” She continues.
“They deserve it, they’ve both been working so hard lately.” Jake wraps his arms around Neytiri, his tail swishing back and forth behind him, lightly tickling Neytiri’s legs.
“C’mon, lets go to bed.” He pressed a kiss to her neck, stalking towards his and Neytiris space for the night.
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