#they are bffs btw
birdy-bird27 · 6 months
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Dj music man and his bestie decorating for Christmas 🎄
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aceacebaby1 · 1 month
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I knew I had to draw this when I watched it
click for better quality!
(trackerbees sophomore year comic from a while ago)
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l3viat8an · 9 months
Just thinkin’ about the way Solomon would give you little neck kisses whenever you’re cooking or doing the dishes and then he just stand there with his arms around your waist ‘n resting his chin on your shoulder <3
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soup-of-the-daisies · 2 months
time travelling harry being slightly fond of orion black because he looks and sounds so much like sirius, but soon realising he’s actually unbearingly and unbelievably fond of orion himself… orion being baffled, suspicious and quite flattered that someone likes him for him, not just for his last name or status as heir, and promptly deciding he’d die for harry… tom seething with jealousy watching them hang out and being generally attached the hip, knowing he can’t kill orion because 1) harry would NEVER forgive him or talk to him again, and 2) it’d be a shame to alienate the ancient and most noble house of black by getting rid of their heir
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itsmebeff · 5 months
sans and alphys underfell posting
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they-didnt-last · 4 months
currently reading the lockwood and co books, and nothing could have prepared me for how much lucy fucking hates george in them. literally every chance she gets, she just roasts the shit out of him. she will be describing the most mundane of actions and still find a way to insult him. absolute hater behavior, i'm obsessed
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Okay, so I haven't watched all of FMAB yet, but I love how Ed is so fucking oblivious. He got a gorgeous girl, way smarter than him and out of everybody's league, who plays with the cord of the telephone when they speak together because she's down bad and laughs softly when he talks. And he's like "yeah, yeah, well, I am glad you're alive haha I thought they were going to brutally fucking murder you today. So that's a relief. Bye, super best friend in the world" and hangs up like the moron he is. But not only that, because well, they can't see each other so I get he doesn't notice the crush in Winry's voice, BUT LING?????? Dude has been with that prince inside a guy's stomach and has carried him around and cooked him his boot and yelled at him for giving up because he can't leave somebody as ambitious as him there without accomplishing what he wants, and then he says some gay bullshit like "Ling is still in there" after looking at Greed's eyes ONCE. One thing is not realizing a girl is crushing on you but Oh my God Edward for fuck's sake get a clue and realize you like men-
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petitesmafia · 11 months
can you imagine ADA!Chuuya. it's a quiet day in the ADA office bc Dazai's been out handling tasks and Chuuya's getting some paperwork done when he suddenly feels a Bad Vibe™ and he and Kunikida IMMEDIATELY make eye contact across the room. 
(—two seconds later Dazai strolls in.)
Chuuya and Kunikida don't say a single word. they just communicate with their eyes like
Chuuya: 👀 i thought u said he'd be gone the WHOLE DAY Kunikida: 👀 HE WAS Chuuya: 👀 WHY IS HE BACK ALREADY Kunikida: 👀 IDK?? Dazai: are u guys having a staring contest
Dazai: wowww so i was out doing work while u guys were busy gazing into each other's eyes...tsk Kunikida: 👀 do something about this we still have 4 reports that need to be done by end of day we can't have him distracting us from the deadline Chuuya: 👀 wdym YOU do something i just got hired
notes: art by Nikki based on this!
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carmyboobear · 2 months
carmy x reader who really likes music and singing and overall just a nerd for music? :)
Oh man! This fits in with this scene I imagine where Carmy comes home from work to hear you singing in the kitchen doing dishes. Maybe you’ve got your favorite vinyl playing—you just got these new speakers you’re so excited about! The sound quality of it all!
I imagine you’re playing a vinyl carmy got for you recently. It’s a special edition one with extra songs, it’s also beautifully translucent. He had been listening to you talk about it when he went to your favorite local record shop.
“It’s too expensive,” you sighed, but you looked at it wistfully. You really wanted it, but it was just a little too much right now. Carmy soothed you sympathetically then and tucked that information away for later. Anyway…
“Love getting to come home to your voice,” Carmy’d say when he enters your guy’s apartment. “You just turn this on?” You look up from your dishes at the sink, smiling at the sight of him. He wastes no time in looping his arms under yours, standing behind you as he kisses your neck.
“Yeah! I haven’t gotten to the extra content yet, but it sounds awesome.” You turn your head to peck him on the cheek. “I don’t know if I mentioned it, but there’s actually a hidden leitmotif that connects all the songs…”
“I don’t think you have,” he lies. You told him about it before, but he likes to hear you talk to him about music. “Tell me again.”
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bart0d3aux · 27 days
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i drew asl for luffy day!! choppasl at least ajfhjd
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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brittle bones
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fedorah-the-explorah · 2 months
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i think evil!carmen should have kidnapped player. i think it would've been funny interesting ❤️
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duusheen · 3 months
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Jay Pollock's new album is out! Go follow him on Spotify 😎
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gayalanwake · 2 months
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nicki GET UP 😭😭😭😭😭
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garlicrrow · 1 year
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BTW I FORGOT TO ADD OMG inspo for the 2nd img was @/barbiedreamghoul !!!!!!!!!
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(continued from this snippet)
“You could—” Jonathan moves his hands through the air like he’s conducting an invisible orchestra.
“I don’t know what that means,” Eddie tells him. They’ve been smoking all afternoon, so Jonathan’s even more of a space case than usual.
“He means you could pretend, dude,” says Argyle, who is putting little braids into Eddie’s hair. It’s very soothing. “Like, fake it ‘til you make it.”
“I mean. It would be good for Will to see, like…happily ever after. But gay. You know?” Jonathan tips the last of the Dorito crumbs into his mouth and contemplates the empty bag with devastatingly sorrowful eyes.
“That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” says Eddie. “Congrats, by the way, because I’ve heard a lot of bad ideas in my time, and I thought I knew all the major contestants. But lo and behold, dark horse Byers swoops in to steal the crown! The crowd goes wild.” He makes a raspy aaaaaah sound and wiggles his fingers to symbolize a packed stadium at the Bad Idea Olympic Games.
“That’s my boy,” says Argyle, reaching over to ruffle Jonathan’s hair. “Great job, brochacho.”
Eddie’s never totally sure whether Argyle’s doing an extended bit or not, and it’s the fucking best.
“So, you’ll do it?” Jonathan asks hopefully. He’s like a puppy dog, the way he perks up.
“Fuck no,” says Eddie. “Absolutely not under any circumstances. Fuck off.”
“Dude, I totally respect that,” says Argyle, starting on another braid. “Gotta honor your truth, Ed-head. Can’t shine a hella dope light from a flashlight powered by lie-batteries.”
“Every day I thank a god I don���t believe in for your presence in my life,” Eddie informs him.
Annoyingly, Jonathan doesn’t give up on the idea. What’s worse, he tries to be sneaky about it.
Eddie rolls up late to the next movie night, because he’s not always great with things like having a basic understanding of time and space. When he walks into the Byers-Hopper living room, Jonathan calls out, “Eddie, hey! There’s—you can sit here on the couch if you want. By Steve.”
Eddie gives him an unimpressed look. Jonathan doesn’t even have the decency to be phased by Eddie’s scorn, just shifts over to make room on the couch between him and Steve.
“Aww,” coos Eddie. “Did you miss me that much, Johnny-boy?” He drops right into Jonathan’s lap, slinging an arm around his neck.
“Why are you so heavy,” says Jonathan. “You look like if a stick figure had a baby with a mop.”
Eddie cackles. “It’s all the heavy metal. Weighs down my soul with whips and chains and demonic energy.”
“Jeez, you two, get a room.” Steve rolls his eyes.
The look of pure panic that crosses Jonathan’s face is pretty hilarious, all things considered.
“I’m not gay!” Jonathan blurts out. “Not that there would be—anything wrong with it. If I were. Because, um, gay people deserve love too. Because they’re just like us. I mean, people who aren’t gay. Which is me. I’m not. But it would be okay if I was.”
Will looks like he wants a rift to swallow him up where he sits, but Eddie thinks he looks a little bit pleased, too. It’s nice that Jonathan is trying so hard, even if Eddie has one or two notes on the execution.
“Okay, big guy,” says Eddie, patting Jonathan on the cheek. “Don’t have to throw a parade about it or anything.”
The movie’s okay, Eddie guesses. It’s Nancy’s pick, which means it’s a fast-talking political thriller that nobody but Robin can ever really follow. Afterwards, Steve leans over to him and says, “Hey, are you still out of Coke? I can pick some up on my way over after I drop Dustin off.”
Will gives Eddie a look, which is totally unjustified because this is a completely normal friend thing. Steve’s parents are in town, so he’s been spending a few nights camping out at Eddie’s, because everyone else has parents who’d probably object. It’s perfectly logical and completely normal. It’s not like he can bunk with Robin. Also, Robin kicks like a horse in her sleep.
But even though Eddie knows it’s a completely normal friend thing, he can also kind of see why Will might’ve gotten the wrong idea.
“Um,” he says. “Actually, maybe—not tonight? I just, Wayne’s been wanting to spend some more, like, uncle-nephew quality bonding time. You know he’s still kind of…” Eddie shrugs, grimacing. It’s true; Wayne’s been making a real effort to know what Eddie’s up to these days. Even though he hasn’t said anything, Eddie knows he’s traded some shifts to make their schedules line up a little better. So, everything Eddie’s saying is absolutely true and above-board, and there’s no reason for a weird squirmy guilty feeling to take up residence in his gut.
“Oh,” says Steve. “Sure, yeah, no problem.”
(ETA: yeah okay it's technically a series now)
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