#the vet medicine people have my ID on file for this already!!!
queerpyracy · 7 months
i just want to find the person who's responsible for the fact that i have to give the UPS guy a fucking signature for my dog's medication and hit them with a steel pipe until i stop being mad about it what on god's fucking green earth do you think anyone wants with dog estrogen
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tumblunni · 5 years
Oh btw IMPORTANT THOUGHTS about maddiman variant versions so far. I havent finished drawing all the designs yet and im in the middle of capitol shopping centre right now so i cant til i get home lol. So RAMBLING TIME!!!
Sakura-viewing festival maddiman: an alt that venoct/orochi has in Yokai Watch Wibble Wobble, which i felt was such a shame cos similar stuff for other yokai could be super cute! Madds actually fits well cos the Important To His Backstory place Cherry Hill was called sakura hill in japanese. Also itd just be fun to draw him in a fancy festival kimono cos its so opposite to his usual clothes! Itd be cool also if his weapons during his attack animations switched based on costume! so i thought for this one his hospital iv stand thing could be a paper umbrella and instead of scalpels his throwing knives could be dango sticks? Not sure what the potion bottle in his special attack could be, maybe one of those confetti sphere lantern things, or a firework? Tryin to think of stuff that could still work in the same animation, i mean if he threw a tiny taiko drum it probably wouldnt explode. Tho him throwing very unexplosive stuff and it explodes could be comedy gold! Maybe he fries up various other festival snacks and flips them with a spatula and they go BOOM! Or he throws the entire sakura tree????
Miniman maddiman: jibanyan has a variant thats just Jibanyan But Fat And Large, but obv madds is already a round dude so that wouldnt work. So i dunno lol, a sudden skinny madds?? Maybe even call it 'hollywoodman' and its some bishounen actor in a really bad costume? XD weapons would all be bad cardboard versions, for the medicine bottle bomb even the clouds of smoke for the explosion would just be stagehands waving cardboard
Maddinyan: several other people have already draw designs for this but yeah give us a jibbers in madds cosplay! I like the crossover jibanyans better than the ones that are just him wearing a different hat or whatever. Maybe it could be called Dr Tuna after that one random save file i found on my copy of the game. Weapons could all be replaced with vet doctor versions, or cat stuff? Throws fishbone knives, scratching post iv stand, catnip bombs...
Gothic maddiman (gloomman?): i originally thought itd be cute if him and his son swapped outfits but their outfits are already kinda the same thing in different colours. So instead lets design a new outfit for maddiman matching his son's aesthetic! I feel like he'd probably be more gothic lolita while his son is more on the punk rock side of goth. There's a lot of very cute masc goth loli fashions, but i also think he'd totally trick out his lab coat with all the trimmings of your classic femme dress. Also totally a top hat!!!!! Maybe have an eye pattern on it to match cutely with his cyclopsness? Weapon switch ideas: iv stand = fancy cane, throwing knives = black roses?, medicine bottle = a more olden style super fancy bottle?
Hovermadds/Maddi-Man: Jibanyan has like three whole separate superhero variants lol. Hovernyan is such a weird name so i cant really make a madds pun for that? And his default outfit is already very cliche supervillain so if i wanted to do that id pretty much just stick a mask and a logo on him. So instead lets do an au version where madds is the hero! He's gotta have the silliest goddamn outfit so help me god. Maybe all his weapons could now be heart shaped lazer beams (and an entire lazer iv stand XD)
Windiman/Sunnyman: cant be sunniman cos thats a name of a religion lol. Equivelant of the illuminoct/light kyubi and dark venoct/darkyubi forms. But maddiman is already the darkness element and already uses 'light' abilities and has a white outfit. So instead make them weather/seasonal forms? And the sakura one would be close to a spring form so maybe throw in an autumn halloween maddiman just to complete the set. Also i like the idea of a summer madds thats just a yellowy colourscheme but also i like the idea of the dude in one of those old embarassing stripy dad swimsuits from the 1920s. And maybe a rubber ring and armbands and snorkel and flippers and just FULL EMBARAS! Iv stand = surfboard, knives = sandcastle shovels, bomb attack = the entire sandcastle. If i made a separate spring madds aside from sakura madds, maybe he could wear a straw sun hat and have his lab coat patterned like a nice sun dress? (Or just wear a nice sun dress underneath it cos fuck gender roles) Dunno what to do about the weapons except something something sunflowers. Autumn madds could just be him in nice autumn leafy coloured dad sweater. Weapons is leaf also! Halloween madds would be funny if he's wearing a bad frankenstein costume on top of already being a frankenstein, and weapons could be a rubber spider on a stick, some candy apples, and a pumpkin bomb. Winter madds would just be adorbs super warm coat and scarf and stuff. Maybe have a snowman instead of the iv stand? Or a snow-madds, that the turtle kids made for him and hes like I WILL CHERISH IT FOREVER! *invents new formula to make ice never melt* Also snowballs obviously. And maybe a santa costume alternate?
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