#the rainbow fish
90s-2000s-barbie · 15 days
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The Rainbow Fish (1992) 🐠
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rattatoinger · 5 months
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slimecicles stream earlier made me giggle
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welcometololaland · 5 months
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Chapter 8 - A Family Affair
Do you like Tarlos? Do you like pets? If so, you have come to the right place, specifically this fic - a Tarlos love story set in a pet store by @strandnreyes and Lolaland
The Rainbow Fish | E | 911 Lone Star | 8/8
Despite being a big fan of animals, TK Strand has never owned one. He’s never had a reason to enter a pet store, until he gets caught in a torrential downpour. Carlos Reyes knows a lot about pet stores. It comes with the territory, considering he works at one. That being said, none of his in-store training ever taught him how to help a beautiful, rain-soaked stranger pick up the aquarium rock display they just knocked over. OR The Tarlos pet store meet-cute.
Chapter 1: The Rock Incident
Chapter 2: Carlos 1, Carlos 2, Carlos 3
Chapter 3: Employee of the Month
Chapter 4: Lou the Lizard
Chapter 5: Job Application
Chapter 6: Cat Rescue
Chapter 7: Epilogue Part 1: TK vs Cat, Carlos vs Lou
Chapter 8: A Family Affair
Thank you to @rmd-writes and @lightningboltreader for being our trusty beta readers!
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little-pup-pip · 26 days
Hi! If you can, could you please make either a mood board or a stim board of the book called The Rainbow Fish? It’s a nostalgic book for me!
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mintyscuriocabinet · 3 months
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Here is a petre outfit board I made for myself! I am a plecostomus pet regressor. I've never met any fish regressors before so I thought I'd make some fishy content for the petre community <3
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sadasspisces · 7 months
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🩵 an old pregym selfie because i'm on my way now
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dailyrainbowcharacter · 3 months
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day 47
Rainbow Fish
from The Rainbow Fish
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mediummushroom · 1 year
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the rainbow fish stickers are available now 💜🩵💙
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shot-messenger · 19 days
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hey, ppsst, people who owned this book at a kid- how are we doing?
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solarcas · 2 years
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Suptober Day 24 - Fish diversity loss! Dean just killed the Rainbow Fish
[Open for better quality!] + bonus glitter pic:
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him sparkly boi!!!
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did-you-grow-up-with · 3 months
Did you grow up with The Rainbow Fish?
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bookcoversonly · 2 years
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Title: The Rainbow Fish | Author: Marcus Pfister | Publisher: North-South Books (1992)
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welcometololaland · 5 months
I’m so excited to see a new fic from you! The first chapter was so cute and I can’t wait for more!
hey anon! that's really nice of you!
i assume you're talking about The Rainbow Fish? If so, @strandnreyes actually wrote the first chapter of that (let us all bow down) but I had a lot of fun scheming up the plot and making the outline! i hope you continue to enjoy! the whole fic is very endearingly awkward, sweet and funny - and in the next chapter we introduce our beloved oc, sharon. if there's one thing you need to know about her, it's that she is a tarlos stan.
i love, love, love sharing the writing experience by co-writing - I honestly think it's one of my favourite parts of creating fic! I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but writing with jen was a joy and I encourage anyone who has thought about trying it to give it a go 💜
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theplushfrog · 22 days
so you know those "gratuity journals" and "gratuity meditations" that are very popular among influencers?
I HATE them.
I've never been able to pin point while until lately when listening to the song All-American Bitch by Olivia Rodrigo. The song is a kind of parody/satire about being an American woman and all the conflicting sexist values imposed on you.
The song ends with her softly singing "All the time, I'm grateful all the time" and has a line in the background saying "all the fucking time" underlining how much bullshit these expectations are.
Before this, I thought maybe gratuity was just a practice that didn't jive with me personally, but when I thought about the expectation of gratuity, I started to understand why I disliked it so much.
See, does anyone else remember the posts about The Giving Tree and The Rainbow Fish and how they related to common gifted kid experiences?
As a "gifted kid" (likely just a bookish autistic kid tbh), I loved The Rainbow Fish, but not the story. Just the fish itself. I hated the story with a burning passion. Same with The Giving Tree. I related HARD to both the Tree and the Fish.
I know both books are ideally meant to teach about generosity and sharing, but as a tiny child marked as a"gifted kid", those stories taught me that people will ask of me for everything special I have until I am nothing else but a stump in the ground. And then they'll continue to use me to suit their needs, without respect for mine. They'll take all of my scales (parts of my body even) and leave me with nothing for myself.
I remember growing up Catholic and being told to be grateful to God for everything. Literally everything. Not only grateful to him for the sun in the sky, but grateful too for the A+ on my paper and for learning to ride my bike without training wheels. My own accomplishments weren't even mine, they were God's, apparently.
Told from every angle that people (even deities) were hungry to take what I worked hard for, to take every little thing that was special about me and hoard it for themselves. It's no wonder I hate being told to be grateful.
Fuck you, -I- did the work, it was MY blood, sweat, and tears that got me to the place I am today. I don't need to be grateful. I need to be PROUD.
For me, as a perfectionist and someone with low self-esteem, being proud of myself and my work, that is self-care.
It may not be that way for everyone. But for me, I worked hard to even be able to be proud of myself.
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darkersolstice · 1 year
Let's swing a bat at a hornet's nest: the lesson of Ender's Game is just a louder version of the Rainbow Fish.
If you have a special talent that can be of use to others, you're obligated to rip yourself apart for the sake of those others.
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sadasspisces · 7 months
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idk what i want next; 11 tattoos and counting 🤷🏼‍♀️😩
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