#the once and future fandom
regulusrules · 2 months
We're TRENDINGG for no REASONN just like god DECREEDD, so here are 5 fics that would steal your breath away:
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1. My breaths are run by your compass by regulusrules. [T] [20K+] [post-camlann fix-it] [golden age but merlin stabs arthur in his heart first].
Not because it's my fic and it's genuinely so insane you won't believe it, but honestly, it's the best idea I've ever come up with, even better than the widely beloved my heart is readily yours. For me, it's the perfect continuation of their story, and the most unhinged plot twist you could find in a fic.
2. Half of my soul by @clockwrkpendrxgon. [G] [2K] [MCD] [golden age growing old together]
This fic is half of my soul, or what the poets say. It's so much better as an ending than what they've given us. At least this is filled with such golden love it makes you ache. At least this makes sense.
3. from hearth and ashes, we’re reborn by @remuscariad. [G] [5K] [canon era magic reveal].
This fic is so good you'll be on your knees from it. The prose, the characterization, the tropes used... it will linger in your mind and fester there from how beautiful it all is. And the art in it by @onepeppercorn... stunning.
4. Our broken pieces by @aramblingjay. [T] [10K] [canon era established relationship]
You can pry this fic from my cold dead hands. I will never stop recommending it until it gets the fame it deserves. One of the most beautiful fics ever written about them, and genuinely encompasses their characters so perfectly.
5. gentle as an early spring breeze by @prattery. [G] [2.5K] [canon divergence golden age]
They are alive and in love and we're all living in this fic because it's what they righteously deserved. The way their life was written here and the love between them... I swear this author could write anything and I'd kudos it before even reading it.
[For more recs]
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aerismoon · 2 months
Quick! While Merlin is randomly trending: I went to the Renaissance Faire this weekend and made a Merthur coin necklace!
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Dragon for Arthur and triskelion for Merlin!
Two sides of the same coin and all. I was proud. I had to in depth explain this to my friend that I went with.
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amariram · 4 months
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There was literally a prophecy about them, you know. They were destined to be together.
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You ever think about Arthur’s deleted depression arc from Season 4 of Merlin or are you normal
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Dale McCready was the Director of Photography on Merlin from 2008-2012. In April 2020 she released some BTS photos from this time.
📷 Source: Dale McCready Merlin Archive
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pippin-katz · 2 months
Merlin Was Truly Willing To Die For Arthur From The Start
Okay, I know we talk about The Poisoned Chalice all the time, and how gay it is, but I don’t think any of us truly acknowledges how fucking insane Merlin is. Please consider this.
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Merlin drinks the poison not knowing:
what kind of poison it is
how lethal it is
how fast acting it is
if it has a cure
if the cure is something Gaius can make
if the cure is something Gaius can make fast enough to save him
What the hell was Merlin's plan?
He would have died. It's arguable that he does die, but his immortality brought him back.
Gaius couldn't make the cure the key ingredient was in a dangerous location and difficult to get to
the poison was magically enhanced it was enhanced by Nimueh to act faster than normal, effectively cutting their timetable in half
Arthur could've been prevented from going after his fight with Uther, he only decides to go possibly hours later, after talking to Morgana
Arthur would've died without Merlin's aid, he would have died in that cave and the cure never would've made it back
it was already too late Arthur gets the flower back, but he gets arrested and locked up, the flower gets crushed, and only gets to Merlin after Guinevere sneaks in and Arthur hides it in the food
the cure required magic Gaius had to use magic to activate the cure, so if he couldn't have gotten Guinevere out of the room, he couldn't have used it, and there was a strong possibility that he wouldn't have had the strength to do it because of the lack of practice
Merlin possibly died anyway he's immortal, and his breathing and heartbeat stop for a significant amount of time before he wakes up; I've written about it being possible that he's able to die and come back to life
So if Merlin was mortal, he would have died, and there was no way for him to know that they would be able to cure him prior to drinking the poison.
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He had known Arthur for maybe a month if we're being generous. They were still on rough, getting-to-know-each-other terms. Merlin was still adamantly opposed to the whole "destiny" thing. Despite all of that, he willingly drank that poison without any hesitation.
That is fucking insane.
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pen-your-dragons · 3 months
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This is my hot take on this
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jupitereater · 1 year
why am i so obsessed with merthur
what is it about them
(no actually someone tell me)
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whydon-twego · 10 months
Arthur has always been alone in his life, surrounded by people but none of whom were really close to him.
His father only allowed him to know what loneliness was not twice, and both times he took away the people closest to him, plunging him into a far worse loneliness.
Leon was his friend until his father reminded him of his place and that knights and future kings are not meant to be friends but to be servants and masters.
Morgana was his friend (in a distorted and complicated way), they spent hours together playing tag and swordplay until his father decided that Morgana was too big and too much of a woman for those activities and that she should devote herself to something else.
Morgana was not happy about this but at least some time later Gwen arrived to keep her company and the two became inseparable.
Arthur had no one.
Arthur always knew that, after Leon and Morgana, every person who stood beside him did so for personal gain and so he was always aloof. He surrounded himself with bootlickers and people who let him get away with everything because he was the future king and that had to be enough.
Then Merlin came along.
With his chattering, his talking back and his complete disregard for court etiquette and customs, his rough manners and constant touching of Arthur as if they were on the same level.
Arthur knows that he could never return to the loneliness of before.
Arthur knows (because he will make sure it doesn't happen because even if the gods came down from the sky to curse him it wouldn't matter to him) that his father won't take Merlin away from him either. Because Arthur will not let him.
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ambriel-angstwitch · 10 months
Merlin, on the phone with Arthur: turn around
Merlin: no the other way
Merlin: no wait now the other way
Merlin: okay one more time
Merlin: oh i'm not there yet but the thought of you aimlessly turning around in circles amuses me
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Hear me out
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regulusrules · 11 months
So, Eoin has been hinting for a while about a Merlin "project"
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Sep 29, 2020
And he even outright replied before that:
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And not just that!!!!!!! LOOK WHAT HE'S WEARINGGGGGGG
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Update: you guys i swear i know we were clowned. no need to remind me all the time 😂
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aerismoon · 17 days
So relatable! Once and Future Fandom unite!
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amariram · 5 months
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Sir Percival and Sir Gwaine watching the mighty King Arthur rant all over the Castle because he can’t find Merlin anywhere and keeps repeating that the last time he saw him was the night before in their bed.
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I need him biblically. I need him in a way that’s concerning to feminism.
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pippin-katz · 1 year
“You look like a startled stoat.” - Arthur Pendragon to Merlin, 3x05: The Crystal Cave
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He says it as an insult, and Merlin reacts like it’s an insult. I have to say, it’s a pretty shit insult considering what a stoat is.
This is was a stoat looks like to those who don’t know:
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Yes Arthur, you roasted him so good! He’s clearly so ugly and stupid looking for you to compare him to this disgusting creature! Just look at how hideous it is!
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ADDITION FROM LOOKING AT REBLOGS/COMMENTS: I have been blessed with the perfect pictures to compare Merlin and the stoat. Behold!
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cattusferoxx · 9 months
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My proudest achievement is that I created this masterpiece of a meme
(it's funny if you remember the scene)
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