axoxo · 2 days
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shh he's trying to 100% the game
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nyxx-nth · 2 days
I love whimsical men I love whimsical men so much. Someone should give Spooker a big pointy hat I think it would fill him with whimsy. I think Spooker should dress like a gnome he would be so whimsical. Magical forest man with pointy hat he could be so whimsy. Give him a cloak that matches or complements the hat. Whimsy. So whimsical.
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rielohel · 9 days
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catabolics33d · 3 months
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Here is my incredibly meaningful contribution to the fandom I hope you enjoy hashtag blessed 🙏
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call-me-zee · 2 months
Johnny Toast truly is the character of all time. He's a ghost hunter. He's rich. He's british. He is Jewish. His grandmother is the queen of England. He's a drug addict and dealer. He has been a werewolf, zombie, and vampire. His time as a werewolf caused him to hate furries. He is friends with The Rake. If you see him dance you'll die. He had a wife but she died after witnessing him dancing. He has an evil twin. And his totally platonic best friend is some little freak who is plagued by the horrors.
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riddlelenz · 3 months
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I woke up late, found out it’s PIE day, and I did this within the hour. Happy Pie Day!
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skitzoghosttt · 2 months
𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚊..
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cicada-candy · 5 months
What if 😳😳 we started a Ghost Hunting Business 😳😳 and we were both boys 😳😳😳
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DW Ghost Rider mutuals I am making 1 (one) strange niche post ignore me (Lie)
:)) i was looking for Sailor Moon screenshots to redraw, blinked and this was in front of me and also it was 6:06am so fuckin. Yay ahshdjdjsks
Alt Version:
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lunadreamscaper · 1 month
I wish VenturianTale fandom talked about Timothy Casket more often, but like… about how he was probably evil/j
Cw creepy eyes/eye contact
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Ignore the sickle he’s definitely not using that for anything/lh/j
[reblogs for art is appreciated]
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goozeghost · 1 month
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my favourite Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaire!! ...i think?
Close enough!
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bunbunpa · 10 months
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Making my much needed contribution to a very dead fandom <3 I miss my sillies
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carnivuar · 3 months
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Happy PI(E) day everyone!!
Im a little late in the day to posting this so i hope im not burried but its them!! I haven’t drawn just Ghost and Toast in a while, im always posting my lore all the time so im hoping to change that.
Im also introducing a new paranormal entity called “Si-Pi”! Hes made up of binary code and the power of the never ending formation of 3.14 which makes him inherently stronger than most code entities they have encountered- what a coincidence for them.
He’s friendly I promise :)
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nyxx-nth · 18 days
Ashamed to admit that just now when Cannibal by Kesha came on my brain immediately created a celebrity au where Jimmy is a controversial music artist and a string of high profile celebrity murders been happening lately….
Oh no wait, now I’m thinking of an entire au with other chars too—
Ghost is also a musical artist, being the lead singer in a band with Spooker, Colon, and Katrina (it used to be Ghost, Toast, and Katrina but a big fallout happened before any of them rose to fame that led to Toast leaving back to England and eventually becoming a model). I imagine Katrina as bassist, Spooker on drums, and Colon on guitar. Ghost used to be drummer, and Toast guitarist and lead vocalist, but Ghost took over vocals after his departure and Colon took over for Toast, with Spooker being a very last minute addition by chance when they heard how good he was and Katrina convinced Ghost having someone else on drums would leave him more time to focus on vocals and writing. Also, I feel like all of them would sing but Ghost is the one who sings most of the songs (also he can scream crazy good and I stand by that (also it’s hot af lmao)). Colon probably had mild experience in singing but has improved a lot since then, and Spooker had NO natural or learned singing skills going into the band and is still not quite up to par with his bandmates, but he’s improved /so/ much.
Toast would probably do modeling cuz, duh. But also he writes books and a lot of people won’t give them a chance because they think he’s just a pretty face but he’s actually a talented writer of supernatural mysteries. Also, more recently he got into acting and blew up on the big screen and prefers the acting gigs because he feels like he gets to showcase more of his skills and get more appreciation for them than he got in modeling.
Gavin probably is a stunt double for Toast. Besides that, I see him probably being Jimmy’s dealer (Jimmy does copious amounts of drugs he is never not on cocaine idk what to tell u /hj). He prefers to keep out of the actual spotlight of celebrity lifestyle, and instead reap his own benefits from it in the background.
Mary. Hmmm….. I feel like she needs something that’s not like, typical spotlight celebrity. I remember a certain someone (wink wink) talking about ballerina Mary… I think that’s actually perfect. She’s a skilled and renowned ballerina, but also, I think she figure skates. And does some modeling on the side—maybe how she met Toast? I’ll have to think more on it.
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konfettii0 · 3 months
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made these for my own entertainment lol, I did use bases, I just looked up male mlp bases. ALSO THE YING YANG GHOST CUTIE MARK IS THE BEST IDEA I'VE EVER HAD
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catabolics33d · 1 month
I'm so sorry I haven't posted any actual art, I WILL get around to requests soon I just need to finally get back into the swing of drawing consistently, for NOW however, take these two sketches from yesterday ^_^
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obsidiancreates · 4 days
A crucial, crucial Johnny Toast fact I think we should all have more fun with is the fact that he makes and sells a canonical illegal highly potent drug. Our boy is the grandson of the Queen of England, a mediocre-at-best ghost hunter, the main thing standing between his town and a fucking feral murder demon, the sole thing keeping his best friend at least somewhat Together, depending on how you wanna look at it he can be seperately OR ALTOGETHER a zombie/werewolf/vampire, and also he's just a straight-up drug kingpin. The drug kingpin part is the least interesting or angst-producing thing about him. He's truly Doing It All.
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