purposechef · 2 days
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boiling point
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susieandhobbes · 2 days
Its been a common fanfic trope but I'm truly so shook that Carmy offering Sydney an actual stake in the Bear is like...actually happening.
1.) It's INSANE. He's known her for...6 months?? Syd worked there for three-ish months which ended in her storming out during one of the biggest shit shows the Beef has ever seen and then telling him to shove his apology up his ass, and 2 hours later he was like "hey want to build the restaurant me and my dead brother dreamed about with me?"🥺. And then three months and change after that he's saying "hey, want to OWN part of the restauraunt me and my dead brother dreamed about with me?"🥺🥺 BANANAS. In the real world, absolutely nobody would expect him to do this! RICHIE doesn't have ownership in the Beef/Bear and he's Cousin. Sydney is essentially an outsider to a family owned business and Carmy said "i entrust all of this to you". CRAZY BEHAVIOR!
2) It's Hilarious. Carmy is so terrified of Sydney leaving he said "fuck it, I'm baby trapping her". History shows that she can and will leave him and highkey he can't trust himself to not fuck it up because despite his table promises he has already phenomenally fucked it up with her so now he's trying to contractually bind her to him for life. Because this isn't a decision that ensures she'll stick around for the next 3-5 fiscal years as a prized employee, that's a lifelong commitment baby. you are co-owning a business and any dissolution of that is a lengthy and potentially contentious process.
3) Local man who needed to take a workplace survey to see if his girl that's a friend was his girlfriend gives away part of his inheritance from his beloved and deceased brother to his ~platonic coworker~ without blinking.
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chefkids · 3 days
There is going to be another table scene.
And something is going to go very very very wrong.
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Carmy kicks the beverage cart that was brought to Sydney's dad. Originally, I thought this was on the same night he got out of the freezer but now I can see the table set up is different from Friend & Family night. The table by the kitchen window had 4 seats but now it has only 2.
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We see Carmy meticulously setting up the table and setting the scene for this special night event, making sure every glass is perfectly in place and candles are lit and the flowers are fresh. But what is going to happen that will leave him alone and pissed off?
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We've seen him set up dinner before for Claire. Though he really didn't seem to put much effort. The cups were stacked, the table was dirty and full of crap. It wasn't even in his actual dining table, just the kitchen table.
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Is he going to make dinner for Sydney and is she going tell him she is going to leave and reject his partnership? Or worse. Reject him?
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Or Is it an important business dinner with Unc? Money trouble maybe?
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Or God forbid another Claire moment?
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Or perhaps even his mother, although I am hesitant to say that because there are wine glasses that look used. However, we do see Carmy in what appears to be the same sweater as he is wearing in the restaurant when he is at his mother's kitchen. Those are the same cookbooks and same red tiles. Is he going to go to her after things go wrong at his dinner?
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Tables can be happy.
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But I am sad and scared to say, that I do not think this one will end well for Carmy and most likely Syd.
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 2 days
Decided to jump on reddit this morning.
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whenmemorydies · 3 days
Someone in this scene better ask Carmen Anthony Berzatto the next logical question in this convo…
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“Carmen, sir, why are you trying to get a star for Sydney?”
“Carmen, my guy, you’ve already done what you wanted to do with Mikey and opened The Bear…so why are you ignoring your instincts, years of experience, “this shit’s not fun for me”, past trauma and embracing Michelin mode? For WHOM are you willing to do all of this for and WHY?”
I’ll wait.
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mod-doodles · 2 days
How many of us are going to jump ship come 27th June; when Carmy becomes unbearable, Claire and Carmy get back together, Sydney becomes poachable and Carmy and Sydney have the long theorized big fight?
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Since last season I’ve said I don’t think season 3 was going to be favorable and I’ve just been mentally prepping 😭.
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beauspot · 2 days
Episode Names and Descriptions of The Bear S3
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“Napkins” has no description and i think this is the flashback episode.
episode 10 was in a different pic but had no description. it’s called “Forever”. which is ominous.
—credits to capitalVHS on reddit 🙏🏾
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damnikindadontcare · 2 days
The entirety of The Bear fandom rn
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hothammies · 2 days
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just a quick fast sketchy to test out some new brushes
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yannaryartside · 1 day
Spoiler alert for a Sydcarmy moment in s3: Kasama
Like I said this is something that looked like a filming but the s3 trailer confirmed. Read if you need hope/sydcarmy evidence for the future.
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Kasama was closed for the bear filming in season 3. Photos were taken inside Kasama with Ayo and Jeremy that were published later. Ayo was wearing a brown leather jacket, and Jeremy was wearing a dark suit similar to the one he wore in the trailer. They were having dinner, other people with elegant suits. Sitting close, candles nearby.
We didn't know the context of the photo, and most people assumed it was Jeremy and Ayo actually hanging out like they do. I can't find the post, I commented on it because they both look fine as hell.
So if I am right, in this gif, Carmy is now walking home from, or in direction to, a “professional” date with Syd, maybe to talk her about what their partnership means to him.
Guys, I am so seated.
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scyeschef · 2 days
Been noticing everyone freaking out over the episode titles. Meanwhile, I'm over here trying to stay delusional and optimistic for a sydcarmy endgame after all of this angst we get this season 🙃
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starzalign · 3 days
Im a sydcarm girl till I die but I hope she makes him yearn this season lol. In fact let your eyes wander girl
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chefkids · 2 days
What do you think of the s3 episode titles and synopsis? (Spoilers from the bear subreddit) because I'm nervous seeing it especially with the episode 9 (which is alluding to carmy apologizing to claire?) And the last episode claire is his forever? Sorry, I'm just panicking.
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I think the first episode will just be about Carmy getting out of the fridge and then jump right into the funeral.
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This will be about them going back to the kitchen, Carmy setting up his non negotiable list and proposing a marriage partnership agreement to Syd.
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This is just going to be their incredible dysfunctional toxic workplace. Everyone is going to be so sick of them.
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Marcus gets his groove back. Maybe Luca comes over this ep? I think Marcus is going to prove to be the only stable and consistent member actually putting out good creative dishes meanwhile Syd and Carmy spiral.
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This actually about me. I'm children. I'm chefkids. I think it's about money, Unc treating everyone like they're stupid kids burning through his pockets. Which they kind of are. I think it's also about the responsibility of having a million people to take care of with the staff. Mom and Dad (Syd and Carmy) are gonna have to step up for their kids. Also about the stars and the odds of getting them with how their reviews have been going.
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I think this is going to be a flashback episode of what happened after Fishes, Mikey telling Carmy he needs to leave and cutting him off for The Beef, and Carmy going to New York and beginning his toxic path.
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By this point Sydney is going to be so sick of Carmy and his rules and the system. She's going to meet the CDC of Ever and start to seriously consider a life outside of The Bear.
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I think by this will be mostly about Nat and her baby, although I do think she would have given birth by this point. But I also think this could be when Fak tries to bring Claire back because he think she can fix him and stop his spiral. I think Richie is going to force Carmy to talk to Claire here.
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This going to be when Carmy realizes how bad he has been fucking up and tries to fix things with Sydney. He knows she is considering leaving and that other people want her. And I think he'll also see his mom again and apologize for not being there when Mikey died and I think Donna will apologize to him for everything she's ever done.
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Sydney is going to have to choose between The Bear and Ever. Carmy will be have to make a final plea for her. I think she will pick him, and I think he will tell her how he feels about her and that he was just trying to do everything for her because he loves her.
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"Push boundaries"
"So that you can push me and...I can push you"
That part I can't get over. Why describe that's one of the reasons for that agreement? Because knows it can get ugly at times between them but he's in it for the long haul? Is that what Carmy is saying?
and when he said the ending "I can push you" like he knows she won't like it at times but if they "make each other better at this", as they once said, it wont be easy? Translation: sydney I know it may get rough at times but please don't leave me yikes
It's almost the raw version of you. It makes me better at this. Pushing each other in a relationship can be hard work. Also, pushing your partner to expand creatively can be a good thing.
Maybe he just accepts that Sydney challenges him, and he wants to do the same for her?
I hope.
Carmy what do you mean by pushing?
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whenmemorydies · 1 day
Ok so I definitely panicked cos of that episode list for season 3 of The Bear, particularly the thought of Syd getting poached….
But then I remembered 1x03 Brigade and what Sydney said in my favourite Sydcarmy scene in this whole show:
You know I think this place could be so different from all the other places we've been at. But in order for that to be true, we need to run things different.
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The reason I’m here and not working somewhere else, or for someone else, is ‘cause I think I can stand out here. I can make a difference here. We could share ideas. I could implement things that make this place better, and I don’t wanna be wasting my time, working on another line or tweezing herbs on a dish that I don’t care about, or, or, or running brunch, God forbid.
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And later in 1x05 Sheridan...
[I]t was the first time I didn't have a complete and utter psychopath behind me screaming and pushing and yelling.
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Something tells me that Ever's "fuck you Garrett!" CDC is not gonna fit Sydney's bill.
She's invested too much time, energy and love into making The Bear that different place she was talking about in 1x03, to walk away from it this season. And even though Carmy can be a whole ass misguided idiot, he's shown that he can change - and is changing. And he doesn't want to replicate what he went through at EMP at The Bear either.
I think we're safe folks. Its gonna be hell getting there but I think season 3 is going to end well.
Bonus (cos 1x03 is absolutely where these two moved from coworkers with chemistry to friends with chemistry):
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martiansodas-blog · 2 days
even if you don’t ship sydcarmy, there is no the bear without sydney. he would not have been able to rebuild.
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