theeroticlover · 6 months
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sheafrotherdon · 15 days
Morning sun pours through the window of the attic bedroom, splashing onto the bed, spilling languidly across Joe’s bare belly. The sheets are tangled low at his hips and the pillow is askew. He has one arm thrown above his head and one stretched out into the spot that Nicky had occupied until a few minutes before, and his breathing is slow and even. Nicky stands in the doorway with a coffee cup in his hand and isn’t sure he can wake him, despite the hour and the travel ahead of them that day.  And then Joe opens one eye and peers at him, smiles beatifically and hums, pleased, at the back of his throat.
Nicky crosses the room and sets the coffee on the small, rickety table beside the bed. “Good morning,” he says, settling at Joe’s hip, leaning in to kiss his forehead.
“Coffee,” Joe says appreciatively, and Nicky smiles, pressing a kiss to his temple.
“I thought you might enjoy a gentle awakening.”
Joe runs a gentle hand up the inside of Nicky’s nearest thigh, lets it rest where the hair on Nicky’s leg begins to thin. “I enjoy being woken by you,” he offers around a yawn. “Such beauty as the first thing I see.”
They have woven their lives together for hundreds of years, and Nicky has grown used to such affection. But occasionally, as now, he feels his heart skip and his cheeks heat beneath the easy grace of Joe’s words.
Joe’s smile grows impossibly wider. “Is that a blush?” he asks.
“Perhaps,” Nicky says evenly. “Perhaps I am still very in love with you.”
Joe reaches up to cup the side of Nicky’s face and gently thumbs his cheek. “Still,” he says with a wonder that makes Nicky’s heart skip again, makes him turn his head to press a kiss to Joe’s palm.
“Still,” Nicky agrees. “My lay-abed husband.”
Joe closes his eyes, cheeks round with delight. “I am, I am, I do lay abed.” He opens one eye again. “Perhaps you might lay abed with me.”
“There is so much to . . .” Nicky squawks as Joe pulls on his arm and rolls him back into bed. “Yusuf!”
“Oh, my full name,” says Joe, kissing Nicky’s shoulder. “I am in such trouble.”
Nicky laughs softly as Joe kisses a path to his jaw. “Only trouble of the heart, my love,” he whispers, as Joe curls against his side and lays his head upon Nicky’s chest.
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jetstargf · 1 year
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ray toro as jet star in the danger days cd booklet
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Summary: Reader decides it's a great idea to lock themselves in their room for almost a month, figuring out a way to get out of the digital circus. Jax is not having them abomanalize in front of him.
Warning: censorship/censored cussing?
You had randomly been thrown into the digital circus about a few months ago. Staring at the space and boards on your wall with a sigh, you slammed back down on your bed. 'It's no use! I'll never get out of here,' you thought angrily, putting your hands over your face softly. Did you even want to leave? I mean, you sort of had pomni. And ragatha. Maybe Jax, you chuckled at that thought, because you knew deep down you definitely had that rabbit. You, pushed the thought down though, because who would want you? Especially a guy like Jax. He'd obviously pick someone on the outside of the digital circus over you when you guys got out anyway.
Would you even get out? 'Oh god, not back to this questionnn!' You mentally groaned. You had been in your room for so long, locked away hunting for the exit, an exit, just.. Something to give you the peace of mind that you weren't trapped and the people you briefly remembered were still out there. Hell, you were probably on the verge of becoming one of those... Things. What was it called again? You couldn't even remember. Youd been in here so long you forgot a lot of things.
You sighed, slowly pushed yourself from on top of your bed to the floor. Your shoes making a little 'squek!' Nose as you did. You smiled. Sure, that was childish but that was one of the only things you liked about this body. It wasnt you, it didn't look like what you remembered, hell, if you even remembered it. You stared down at your feet, looking at your slippers smiling and grabbing your coffee from the desk.
Did people in the digital circus need coffee? No. Did you beg Craine for access to coffee with the same effects? Yes. You smiled, walking over to the door slowly, coffee in hand until the knob turned by itself. That can only mean one thing, you groaned and quickly took a giant sip of your coffee, before running over to the door to prevent Jax from seeing your whole room.
the door flew open and almost hit you in the face. Jax chuckled at this, but noticed the boards before you stepped right back into place to block his vision again. His eyes shifted to worry.
"Well, I'd say someone needs to knock." You said, putting your hand on your hip playfully.
"I did, twice. I'd say someone needs to let go of so much coffee." He retorted in the same voice eyou did, which made you roll your eyes and chuckle.
  "Jaxi, I've told ragatha and I'll tell you,
I'm fine! It's just a little... Theorizing."
You explained, motioning to all of it. Jax sighed, rubbing the space between his nose.
"You've [BLEEP]ing asked for it now, so your going to get the real, emotional Jax here, okay? Oh-[BLEEP]ing-kay." He said, practically shoving you back into your room, closing the door and locking it. he sighed as he stepped in, he really didn't know how to go about this.
"Jax, your kinda scaring me-" you said, before being cut off.
"absolutely NOT, n/n. You don't get to..lock yourself in this room for week's, almost a MONTH and then not come out at all, not even for food, and [BLEEP]it, EVEN I know that's not normal for you! And then tell me your scared of me, snapping at you! I'm so sorry y/n, but I REFUSE to let you sit by and destroy yourself like this, especially when you are so important to most of us. You are NOT abstracting. Not on my watch."
He said, breathing rapidly. And then, realization had just set in on him and you. He never snapped at you, sure he could be a prick but he never yelled, was he serious? However for Jax, it was the realization he had just yelled at you.
"I-" you started, but we're quickly cut off.
"Nuh-uh, hot stuff. Now that you've listened to the.. Overly emotional "Jaxi" in your words, we're going out of this..... Place." He said, practically glaring daggers through you while scrunching his nose at your room.
You nodded quickly, grabbing his hand. He blushed a dark purple, but shook his head to brush it off.
"Nono- shut up!" You yelled at him, he was using those stupid cheesy pickup lines on you again.
"Hey, are you a calculator? Cuz I could never leave you alone in school!" He yelled at you, almost laughing himself. You fell into the floor, holding your stomach with laughter.
Ragatha walked outside the tent, she needed fresh air, untill she heard laughter. She turned her head softly to see what was going on, and there you and Jax were. She smiled.
'they're so silly.' She thought, before walking off back into the tent.
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grapenamjams · 1 year
König, Soap and Ghost scenarios with a recovering reader
Warnings: Medical environment, mentions of injury and wounds
Part two of: scenarios with a fatally injured reader
A/n: this was way longer than I expected! I’m sorry guys angst is just so good I had to sprinkle some in there but other than that I hope you enjoy!!
The heart monitor was to Loud in König’s head. It kept him on edge, waiting for any moment for the sound to turn into a single monotone sound that would confirm all of his worst fears.
His legs didn’t stop bouncing even when he placed his elbows on his thighs hanging his head looking down at the white tile floor. Not being able to focus on anything else but the sound of the monitor.
Then he hears your voice Call out to him softly. Voice sounding heavy and tired.
He thought it was his mind playing tricks on him again until he looked up and saw your eyes
His own eyes widened and his heart began to race. “[name]?”
He stands from his chair beside your bed, looking down at you eyes taking you in.
He sees you wince as you adjust yourself on the bed
“Are you in pain? Let me get a doctor”
He pauses his movements when you shake your head and tell him your fine.
not knowing if he should go towards you, he settles on sitting back down again leg beginning to bounce.
Your eyes look around your surroundings eyeing your form on the bed and the padding at your side.
König’s eyes stay on you. “You had to go into surgery” you look at him his head nodding to your hand placement on your side. “Doc said it’ll be a few days until you’re able to leave but you should heal quick”
You node your head letting out a sigh talking in the news.
“Do you remember what happened?” His stomach churns a little as an image of bloody hands flashes in his mind
Your eyebrows furrow slightly trying to recall what happened before you woke up. “Yeah, a little” your eyes land on his. “You stayed with me?”
His eyes flicker. “ of course I did.”
His gaze lowers after a bit, trying to steady his heartbeat. “I thought- I thought That You were going to leave right in-front of me and, you would be gone forever”
He looks back at you his body leaning towards you, eyes looking over your face. Feeling his chest open up for the first time feeling like he could breath again.
His hand reaches out and pushes back a piece of hair from your face. “But, you came back”
Your heart was speeding up and you hoped that the heart monitor wouldn’t signal in a nurse.
You give him a small smile “Where would I go? You are not going to get rid of me that easily”
He takes your hand in his. His being much larger than yours, making him want to be more gentle with you.
“I don’t want to get rid of you. Ever.” He states
He takes in a breath, thumb rubbing against your skin to reassure him that he was present here with you
“I was so scared Liebling. I don’t know what I would have done if you…went away” his gaze sets on yours again.
“You’re Important to me, very. I want you to know that because after seeing you like that… I realized that I would never get to tell you how much you truly mean to me”
You realize you’re squeezing his hand with every word he says.
König pauses trying to see your reaction but his eyes drift away from yours again. Pulling his body away from yours. “I-I get it if you don’t-“
“Come here” you say gently. Tugging at his arm so he moves closer to you. You could see the hint of red at the tip of his ears.
You place a hand on his cheek hearing him suck in a breath. “Your’re really important to me too König” you state using his own words.
“And” your fingers hook on to the band of the black mask that covers his mouth. “You mean a lot to me as well. I was so scared of leaving you, never being able to see you again” you remove his mask.
You smile up at him. “There you are”
You start to close the space between you too before you hear him whisper “mein Liebling”
You pause for a second to ask “What does it mean?”
The man in-front of you flushes up. “It’s, uh. A way to say my darling in germen”
You smile “you’ve been calling me darling this entire time and I didn’t know?”
“Yes?” His face looking more like a unsure puppy making you smile
“Say it again”
König places a hand on your cheek “I love you, Liebling” he whispers against you before his lips meet yours.
Two weeks. It has been two weeks since John has last heard your voice, your laughter and has had seen that light your eyes have when they look up at him.
You have been in a coma after receiving the medical attention you needed. Not being able to do anything more no matter how much he pleaded.
“The brain is a tricky thing. I’m sorry john” is what the doctor told him before leaving him standing next to your bed.
Two weeks. John has been by your side. Thankful that during that time Price hasn’t called him in.
Before the injury simply being close to you was enough but now.
“You’re in-front of me I can see you and touch you but you’re not here…you’re far away. Come back. Come back to me, please”
The nurses had stopped trying to get him to go back home and rest after the fourth day.
Even when he would fall asleep beside you he didn’t let himself get that far into it. Either dreams of that day where you were bleeding onto his hands or dreams of you both together came to his mind he would wake himself up. Both versions to painful.
Tonight was one of those nights that he ended up falling sleep at the edge of the bed with his bottom half still in the chair.
However when he woke up it wasn’t on his own accord.
He felt a slight pressure around his hand. His eyes opened to see your hand tighten his. Making him sit straight up looking from his hand to your face. Eyes still closed.
John heart felt like it was in his throat he didn’t want to get his hopes up knowing that it could be just a muscle spasm. But still he whispers your name.
“Can you here me lass? Open your eyes come on” His eyes stay on your face looking for any sign of you trying to come back.
“Love?” He lets out a shaky breath when he sees your eyelids flutter open. “Hey, hey I’m here” John holds your hand in his squeezing it gently hoping to ground you. “welcome back, you sure did take a nice long nap didn’t ya?”
Your eyes take in our surroundings and the new sounds. You look down at your body seeing it connected to machines before your gaze fall onto the man beside you.
Your voice comes out hoarse, “johnny? Where?” His eyes well up at the sound of you saying his name.
“at the- at the hospital in a ICU unit. Do you remember what happened?”
You feel a headache coming on when you try to think back on the empty memories. You tell him no, watching him node his head in understanding.
“Doc said this might happen.”he clears his throat. “You had a… injury to your head and you’ve been… in a coma for two weeks”
John rests his hand on your cheek when he sees your alarmed expression. “You’re okay now, your fine. You came back that’s what matters… you’re here.
Not being able to muster the energy to continue thinking on the fact that you had been unconscious for the last two weeks. You slowly close your eyes letting the feelings and thoughts wash over you wanting to delve into them another day.
For now you looked at john’s blue eyes finding that summer clear sky they reminded you so much of.
“I thought I would never see them again” john’s voice fills the air between you two. A soft contrast to the silence of the room except for the machines.
“See what?” You ask
“ those eyes” he answers. gaze never leaving yours, committing everything to memory.
He shakes his head, hand securing yours again.
“I was so scared. Terrified that I had let you go. That day, of the incident I let you slip away from me while I held you. Then when you were asleep and breathing in front of me. I was driving myself mad not being able to do anything to bring you back.”
He takes in a shaky breath, voice breaking. “if you didn’t open your eyes again I- “
“John.“ your soft voice cuts through the raging noise in his mind.
“I’m here.” Your hand manages to lift up to his cheek. Running your fingers through his new grown out beard not missing the deep eye bags making your heart constrict.
“None of this is your fault. You didn’t let me slip away.” You pull him closer “you brought me back”
John presses his forehead against yours “I Love you, you know that? I love you so damn much [name]. You’re everything to me”
His lips finally connect with yours and it was a moment of sweet longing intimacy. words and feelings left unsaid were acknowledged between you both.
After pulling away, he stayed looking into your eyes for a second a small smile on his lips before his mind catches up to him. “It’s late, you should get some rest, yeah?”
You smile “I’ve been asleep for two weeks. You,however look like you only gotten two hours within that time”
You Motion for him to lay beside you on the bed. “Are you sure it’s alright?” You tug him gently towards you earning a chuckle from him “barley back and already trying to get me into bed, women?”
Hesitant at first, but he manages to fit his large frame in the bed beside you resting his head by the crook of your neck.
“Rest Johnny, Im not going anywhere” finally he was able to find that peaceful rest he is familiar with when he is able to fall asleep with you in his arms.
Ghost kept himself busy with anything, it didn’t matter to him.
If he was busy then it meant his brain was also busy which didn’t allow him to think of anything else.
How many days has it been since he found you on the floor while you were internally bleeding?
3 days? A week? A whole year he didn’t know as he tried to convince himself he didn’t care of the amount of days because you were finally being taken care of. There was nothing more he could do.
Is what he would tell himself when his not occupied mind would drift to thoughts of you.
You have been in the ICU for almost a week. No visitors were allowed because of your delicate state.
Simon didn’t want to let himself think of your body on that bed all alone in a solitary room.
Knowing full well the feelings and thoughts that are felt with his own experiences of close calls.
So he kept busy.
Price would be the one to give the team updates of your condition as he listened from the back. Trying to ignore his want to barge in and see you for himself and confirm the captains words.
Maybe it was also In hopes to stop the ache he felt in his chest as each hour and day passed.
“You can see her now” we’re words he thought he would never get to hear from Price.
He also didn’t think his body could get to you quick enough. needing to see you if only a glimpse
“Well you sure do look better than the last time I saw you” are the words he choose as greeting
Making you look over at him with surprise. Although your skin reflected how tired and drained you were, your eyes had their light back contrasting that chilling image he was faced with when he found you.
But now in-front of him you were breathing, looking at him,you were alive.
You shift on the bed so that your back is against the uplifted part of the bed naturally the motion making you wince
“How are they treating ya” He asks making his way towards you helping you sit up without second guessing it.
“Lets just say that the painkillers are doing their job” you sigh out resting your head back to look up at the familiar skull mask
He nodes in understanding “I take it that someone has givin you the run down of what happened?” Voice always so stern and distant
You’re gaze leave his for a moment as the images flash in your mind. Specifically the moment where you tried to focus beyond the mask to his pained and frantic eyes, never seeing that emotion on his face before. Fear.
“Y-yeah, they did. Say I’ll be out in another week or so”
Your voice sounded tired, your body although seeming better still looked so fragile making ghost curse himself again for not being able to protect you like he should have, if he was more vigilant, hadn’t second guessed himself, if he was more-
“How are you doing?” He hears you say and can’t help his eyes widen
How could you ask how he was when you are the one who was lying in a ICU bed being pumped with pain killers because of something he could have prevented.
“I’m fine” his deep voice sounds out in the room “worry about yourself sweetheart” he shifts his weight as he crosses his arms
“The truth Simon, please”
Was it because you said his name so softly that it made his chest tighten or maybe because when it came to you he couldn’t deny you anything? Wanting to give you the world if he could. The only person who was able to see him even through the mask.
He whispers out a curse. “I’ve seen a lot of people and comrades die in-front of me, in this line of work it’s inevitable. I’m used to it, almost expect it. But you-“
He stands closer to your bed. “Seeing you like that it…it terrified me. I didn’t want you to be gone,to be someone else I lost.” He places his hands on the bed handle.
“I just… I just couldn’t accept the fact that, A person that changed my life, that is the single most important person in my life Could just…leave to a place I wouldn’t be able to go”
Simon starts a bit when you hold his gloved hand, peeling back the Velcro to uncover it. “I was terrified too” you start, pulling off his glove. “Not just of dying but of the thought of leaving you. I want to be were you are, always.”
Simons heart is hammering in his head from your words and you touch. “it’s my fault, if-“
You shake your head “none of that, understand?”
You bring his hand to your lips “you saved me,Simon”
His hand cups your cheek “the other way sweetheart, you saved me”
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chuuyaswifeandhoe · 2 months
If this was heaven
Pairing: Chuuya x femreader
Warnings: pure fluff
A/N: I don't have any energy to write the last part of my angst series so I'm emptying my drafts. Please enjoy this fluff I wrote sometime ago for someone special to me. It will take a very long while until I get back into writing, so please be patient.
Chuuya was exhausted. Today was hell, a mission, then paperworks, then again another mission. The only thing he wanted was to melt away on the sofa at home, with a glass of wine in front of him. But he was so tired that he only made it to the sofa and left his head on the headrest, eyes closed. He did not even know where you were. You did not greet him at the entrance as you usually do. He missed your kind smile and how you would tackle him down into a hug. He was so tired that he didn’t even have the force to call your name to see if you’re home. He sighed, if he had the option he would abandon the Mafia in an instant and run away with you. He wanted slow mornings in which he can cuddle with you, kiss away the sleep from your eyes, and just be with you for as long as he wanted too.
Chuuya was so caught up in daydreaming to a better situation for the both of you that he did not hear your little tip-toes. You were in his office, reading something for your work and just had the vague impression he came home. Founding Chuuya sprawled out on the sofa like a puppy, warmed your heart. He was probably exhausted, so you thought you should spoil him a little.
You gently touched his knees to make him aware of your presence and don’t startle him.
“ Hi, my handsome boy.” you smiled, towering over him.
He lazily raised his head up and opened his beautiful blue orbs. “Hi, my love.” Chuuya then extended one hand gently tugging you to come and sit over him, and you obliged, smiling.
You grabbed his face gently with your warm hands, stroking his cheeks. That was enough to make your boy melt.
"Tough day darling?” You smiled while looking in those ocean eyes. You could drown in them over and over again.
“You have no idea” he closed back his eyelids and turned his face to kiss the palm of your hand.
It was moments like this that kept Chuuya sane. Having you care for him almost washed away the stress accumulated through the day. Your sweet giggles were music to his ears.
“Then I might have an idea to make you forget about this ugly day. Do you trust me, my angel?” Your fingers turned his face back to face you. He let out a laugh, the pet name was definitely not the one suitable for his person, but he couldn't deny you anything in this world. Not even if you'd ask him for the sun.
“I'm all yours, doll.” he crooked a tired smile at you, closing his eyes, letting you take the lead. Your heart swole at this sight. His pretty face was at your mercy. So you started kissing every inch of it, starting with his eyelids, whispering him sweet words
“I love you”. Then you kissed the other one. “You're such an amazing boyfriend”. Then got to plaster lots of kisses on his nose “you're so handsome”, moved to the space between his eyebrows “you're my sweet boy”. Your lips left praises and kisses all over his beautiful face. His forehead was next, going down on his cheeks then his jaw, his chin then hovering over his lips. “Enjoying it, Chuu?”
Chuuya felt like he touched the gates of heaven. His cheeks were dusted pink , from being overwhelmed by the sweetness of your actions. God, how much he loved you. You had the power to take away all his worries, all the stress from every cell in his body. He felt spoiled with affection and he cherished every moment like this that you were offering him.
“You forgot one spot” he whispered, barely opening one eye. He saw your content grin before you smashed your lips on his. He put his hand on the sides of your head and kissed you like it was his last day on earth. His heart could burst out at any moment from the warmth you spread inside his body. He felt he reached the skies and was granted to enter the land of the innocents.
If this was heaven, Chuuya would do anything to rest here and never have to get back to his daily hell. If this was heaven, he'd gladly be dead and have an angel like you pampering him in kisses. If this was heaven, he was a sinner who received the mercy of the gods, kissed by a star who was casting away his sins even just for one evening.
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theeroticlover · 7 months
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Mhmm !! Long drive on smooth roads :)
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madeofmemoriesblog · 2 years
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sugarhighxoxo · 22 days
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facelessyokai · 1 year
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I bet you think of me
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koreofitall · 2 months
Someone sneezing into their elbow, a tissue, or even their hand, but towards their love and not away.
An intimate sort of safety.
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coloursoflovelustlife · 9 months
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30x40 cm
Mixed media- There is quite some material on this one: clay paste, various other modelling pastes, acrylic, paper, wax crayon.
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jetstargf · 1 year
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father of the year ray toro ❤️‍🩹
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catfindr · 1 year
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Heyy I had this idea for a Jax x Reader one-shot and I absolutely need it written out (Apologizes if that sounded bossy lol)
Essentially late at night in the Circus and the reader can’t sleep because of a spider in their room so they goes into Jax’s to sleep with him instead. Being the guy he is, he teases her for being scared of the spider. After some conversation he asks them to show him it. At that point it’s revealed that Jax actually planted the spider there to mess with them lol
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Summary: Reader trys to go to sleep, but unfortunately cannot due to the massive eight legged creature on their wall. They go to jax, cuz he's tall (and also a comfort source) to get it down. Afffter that him being jax he messes with them and then they find out he put it there!!
A/n : no no no no, that's completely okay, I love hearing your requests and stuff,(I NEED IDEAS PLS) don't worry about being too bossy 😭
Warnings: Jax being jax, andff spiders!
Side note: I'M RUNNIN OUT OF JAX GIFS PLEASE HELP , and here's the spider were using for reference!!! TRIGGER WARNING, PHOTO OFA SPIDEF
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Just like... Picture it bigger ykwim?
You got into the cosy area of your bed, smiling as your head hit the pillow. You sighed, fully adjusting untill you hear small tapping above your head, you opened your eyes softly, looking up to see a small spider on the wall above your head. You shreaked, covering your mouth and crawling to the other side of the bed slowly. You gasped into your hands, and you stared. It stared back. You got up, maintaining eye contact as you left your room, running over to the purple rabbit.. Bunny? You shook your head, now's not the time.
Quickly, you knocked on his door. He didn't answer the first time, so you knocked again. And again. Aaand agai-
He slammed the door open, rubbing his eyes as he did. He placed a hand on his hip, the other one on the door. "Jax. Jax there is a MASSIVE spider in my room and i-" you were freaking out, hands shaking.
He interrupted you. "You woke me up at, what, 3 am for a SPIDER? are you SERIOUS??" he whisper yelled at you, he really regretted doing this stupid thing now. You nodded quickly with the most serious look on your face. "Can- can I just sleep with you? Please?" THAT was enough to make him laugh. He chuckled softly, "If it gets you off my back, I'll kill the thing and you can sleep in my room tonight. Deal?" and started walking down the hallway with you. You smiled softly, glad that that... Thing would be off your walls.
You stared, eyes wide and mouth agape as he just... Picked the thing up. Not a care in the world about how it could bite him. You frowned. "How are you so calm right now?!" You whisper yelled. He shrugged. "Unlike soome people I can actually handle a few of these guys. Say, do you think it had baby's?" He said, so nonchalantly that it genuinely scared you. You let out a little 'eep!' As he brought his arm (with the spider STILL IN IT) towards you, he laughed when you practically launched yourself across the room.
You stared at him for a moment, very intensly untill you realized. "JAX OH MY GOD YOU [BLEEP]LE!" You screatchd at him, and he laughed even harder, setting the spider down outside of your room. You were panting, attempting to calm yourself down, which was not working by the way! He walked back in, standing by your doorframe and sighed, staring at your shaking form. He rolled his eyes and started to walk down the hallway past your room.
"Alright, Alright pack it up Worrywart. You coming or not?" He asked, peaking his head back into your room before fully walking out. You quickly ran out behind him, no way you were sleeping in here after that! What if it.. What if it actually did have baby's?
Bonus: You smiled softly, content in jax's arms. He wasn't used to the cuddling, or whatever but did he enjoy it? Yes. Yes he did, and there was no doubt about that. He sighed as you snuggled into him further. You closed your eyes fully, finally relaxing and not worrying about.. Little demons with eight legs. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you drifted off, thinking about whatever adventure you would have to endure tomorrow.
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