winkle-pickers · 8 months
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HC that Kaiba answers the phone with ONLY one of the following: "Yes?", "Kaiba.", and "What." These are in order of how much he likes you
(With thanks to the YGOU discord for helping me hunt down the best of the worst Kaiba screenshots <3)
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 6 months
Second Chance Bracket Round 3: Poll 3
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Euroshipping(Ryou Bakura/Seto Kaiba)
Propaganda: My FAVE!! Ok so Ryou masks his trauma and pain behind smiles and Seto masks his trauma and pain behind frowns…Seto opening up slowly to Ryou so they can heal together is the most beautiful thing 😭 They’re just lonely, sad boys that think nobody can understand them. Plus they both have obsessive gamer personality, are super smart, and very competitive in their respective games. I love them so much | The fact that Kaiba's type is literally blue eyes / white hair (Kisara + BEWD) and Ryou fits that is so underrated. Also they could be weirdos together. | Wouldn't it be funny if Kaiba fell in love Ryou of all people
Pairing 2: Stubbornshipping(Hiroto Honda|Tristan Taylo/Seto Kaiba)
Propaganda: I first saw it with a gorgeous piece of art where they were sitting down and drinking coffee, and they both looked so happy. I mean, Kaiba wants nothing to do with the 'magic bullshit', and Tristan is literally the most non-magical out of all of them. And I think they would keep each other on their toes, and they would have fights but that's because they actually speak their mind instead of keeping it locked away. I think they're just a cute and fitting ship and they deserve a lot more love &lt;;3
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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mic-check-stims · 17 days
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Stubbornshipping board for anon
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crushcardvirus · 2 years
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super jazzed to finally post my piece for @ygobigbang >:D !! i got to draw for @sturionic‘s awesome stubbornshipping fic ‘of fulcrums and floral blends’ which you can read here!!
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millenni-em-tauk · 1 year
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Sketch inspired by @kaibacorpintern ’s newest fic, “One Good Movie Kiss”!
I couldn’t pick an exact moment - it’s more of an overall mood!  But “All the nerve to think it. None of the nerve to ask it.” / and “ ‘I don’t really know what else to do’ ” were on my mind 💙
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wistfulclown · 6 months
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goodnight to them only i hope they know how much i love and miss them
(all edits are f2u in fact im begging you to use them)
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kaibacorpintern · 1 year
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@sturionic i'm moving this here so i can unleash myself. FIRSTABLE YES, honda is definitely a survivalist youtube channel guy, he has a modest collection of hiking/camping gear (nice tent, cozy sleeping bag, sturdy hiking boots) and loves to take blankey up to the mountains for some brisk, sunny, sweaty 10-milers. just a guy and his dog!
kaiba, on the other hand, i think prefers the outdoors through the lens of HARDCORE ADRENALINE JUNKIE SPORTS so i agree, the idea of camping would bore him (we just sit around? and look at trees? what if i have to send an email??) unless he's also rock-climbing the most difficult, dangerous routes, whatever appeals to his sense of physical prowess and sheer nerve. effective immediately i'm adopting "dates at the rock-climbing gym" into my stubbornshipping HCs.
honda has a TRICK, however. a kaiba hack to get him hyped for the idea of camping. he gives him all the pieces of a camping tent, with NONE of the instructions, and tells him he has 10 minutes to put it all together. kaiba eats this up like ohoho... a CHALLENGE!
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hereforthefunnyguys · 1 month
For the meme: Stubbornshipping and/or Crystalshipping?
for stubbornshipping:
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Again, not a ship I see a lot of or actively seek out content for (I don’t run in Kaiba circles as much) but it does sound like it has amazing potential. Local billionaire with an attitude problem and incredible sense of entitlement vs. former delinquent who is taking none of his shit… but also… he’s kind of pretty… also they should swap trenchcoats and just never say anything about it and that’s how everyone else figured out they were dating
for crystal shipping:
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YEAHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHH!! I am, for starters, a supporter of all yugioh yuri. Second of all, I think that these two would be really fun together. I like manas bounciness contrasted with Anzus confidence and snarky attitude esp, plus their shared theatricality but in different ways? Hell yeah sign me up for more
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letyugisayfuck · 1 year
Bingo game - stubbornshipping?
Now Stubbonshipping!:
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OK. OK. Okokokokok I am feral about this ship. Like this ship came out of nowhere for me and I adore it. It would have been cool to see them interact more in general. This was definitely one of those 'It would be funny if they fucked' ships for me at first but everytime I think about them now I think they'd be really cute together! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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pyro-sea · 2 years
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The time has come to post my piece for @ygobigbang !! I had the pleasure of making art for @sturionic‘s stubbornshipping fic, On Fulcrums And Floral Blends. It’s readable here on Ao3!
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winkle-pickers · 1 year
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Well you see i saw a rarepair poll going around the other day and my hand slipped (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 7 months
Round 1: Poll 20
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Stubbornshipping (Hiroto Honda| Tristan Taylor/ Seto Kaiba)
Propaganda: I first saw it with a gorgeous piece of art where they were sitting down and drinking coffee, and they both looked so happy. I mean, Kaiba wants nothing to do with the 'magic bullshit', and Tristan is literally the most non-magical out of all of them. And I think they would keep each other on their toes, and they would have fights but that's because they actually speak their mind instead of keeping it locked away. I think they're just a cute and fitting ship and they deserve a lot more love &lt;;3 
Pairing 2: Angstshipping (Ryou Bakura/Malik Ishtar)
Propaganda: Angst- trauma buddies, potential for healing narative. | I think they could have such an interesting dynamic considering they’d be the only ones who really understand what it’s like to have such a horrible experience with their respective yamis. It could open up some interesting character growth for Marik, helping him learn to move past the guilt from his mistakes by having Ryou assure him that he isn’t mad about what happened in battle city. They also would be able to understand eachother and bond over family tragedy, it’s not talked about much but Ryous mom and sister died at some point, and then there’s Marik who also had a mother die. They generally seem like they’d be really good at comforting and empathizing with eachother due to similar situations and circumstances, it’s cool seeing them grow and cope together in fan works. They’re also really aesthetically pleasing, literally sun and moon gays.
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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queeriboh · 10 months
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rainstormcolors · 10 months
Hey, so i wanted to ask a question about the yugioh rarepair thing: will it be obligatory for the ship to have three or less fics on AO3 or is it an idea of the number? Because i looked up a specific ship that i wanted to write and it had around 8, but most of them had the characters as like, a backgroud ship
I want this event to be fun and for fun, so I don't mean for there to be strict rules about what qualifies as a very rarepair --- people should create for the ship they want to see more of if they feel inspired to create. I have some Discord friends who seem excited about Stubbornshipping for the event, and it's a ship which exceeds three fanfictions but is none the less uncommon.
The "three or less fanfictions" thing was in regards to if someone would like for me to create fan art for their story. If the ship has that little of existing material and you'd enjoy me creating art for you, people can contact me (via tagging or DMs) in that case for art. Even then, it's the writer's choice -- one shouldn't feel obligated to ask me for art if they just want to write something for a one-of-a-kind or nearly one-of-a-kind ship. But I also would like to be able to create some art for people who would enjoy it.
But people should create what would be fun for them, even if there are a dozen fanfictions for the ship. It's nice to see what people create and them having fun and sharing things.
Hopefully this clarifies things. I don't want anyone feeling pressured about things. Thank you for asking.
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kira-quartz · 9 months
For the ask, wishshipping and also stubbornshipping.
Ship Bingo
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A solid OKTP - it's cute, and I can see why so many people love it, but I just don't really think about it that much. (Probably because I only ship things no one's heard of like some kind of shipster, 🤣- *sandwich to the head*) If I started a more relaxed(?) YGO save and story progression paired them up, my reaction would be something like "oh, that's nice. 🙂".
Random fact: I can think of more songs that remind me of Wishshipping than I can for Protectshipping or Puffshipping.
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Again - Tristan wanting to save Seto for no reason other than being a good cornflake? YES 😆 If there's a fic where Seto finds out about that, I want to read it. And just... Mr. Losing-is-Death having to learn to deal with unconditional support? Joey's reaction to the relationship, and how that might affect things between him and Tristan? It might not be able to compete with Carryshipping or its components (yet?), but it's a heckin' good ship! And now I'm thinking of how Carryshipping + Seto would work-
Thanks for asking! 😁
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wistfulclown · 1 year
In the span of hours the JPN govt. finds itself overrun with zombie hoards- the streets are no longer safe as disaster rips through the country. Domino City is turned to kindling for a roaring fire as emergency services are nowhere to be found. Bodies litter the streets, only to reanimate and feed on the few remaining survivors. Kaiba Seto finds himself stranded in the heart of it all.
Inspired by Drop Undead by GayKaiba.
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