#stranger things speculation
groucholiv · 3 days
I can't wait to see some heartfelt interactions between Mike and Nancy in season 5. I just know that shit is gonna hit so hard and be so reminiscent of them in season 1. Hope that Mike chooses Nancy to confide in about his relationship issues and feelings about Will.
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skeletal-butterflyy · 27 days
Even max could write “Love your shitty little sister Max” to Billy, the brother that abused her that she could barely stand to be in a room with that she secretly wished death upon, at the end of her letter. While mike can’t write love at the end of his letter to his girlfriend who he cares about very deeply? 🤨 I know what you are mike wheeler.
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alcalystrasz · 1 month
Stranger Things 5 spoilers:
We're discussing theories.
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So we knew that the first episode was called "The Crawl" because The Duffers posted a tweet with the script title. However, for the other ones... that's crazy.
So remember there are 8 episodes in total, and we possibly only have 6 of their titles. Let's try to understand them together.
EP1 - So, for The Crawl I personally don't have theories for it. I just thought maybe it was going to be about escaping from someplace, or to get to a place.
EP2 - The Episode 2 is the most intriguing, "The Vanishing of ***** Wheeler." It reminds me a lot of the first episode of season 1: "The Vanishing of Will Byers" so it may have a sort of link. So we know it's a Wheeler, but who. If we count the starts there are 5 of them, maybe it's a random number or maybe they did this on purpose so we can know the number of letters in the name. So, Karen has five letters, Holly has five letters too, Nancy also and Mike and Ted are excluded. So only the women could vanish. Between these 3 characters, we know one has been recast: Holly. So maybe, Holly will be the one to disappear, because in a previous spoiler/leak it has been said that Holly was going to be a target of Vecna, so far we thought it was fake but it could turn out to be true actually. So if it's indeed Holly who disappears, and it could make sense because Will vanished when he was 11 and she's going to be around 8, I have a question, will she also get some sort of powers just like Will in the end when we find her?
And now that I think about it, maybe "The Crawl" is Holly's to try to escape from Vecna but she ends up in the Upside Down anyway?
I think Holly is the most possible Wheeler to vanish. And it has been said many times that Holly can be linked to Vecna in some ways. Lots of fans said that Karen could be Henry's sister and Holly is his nephew. Maybe? He would kidnap her to put pressure on Karen, because we know the parents and especially Karen will play a bigger role this season...
EP3 - "The Turbow Trap" is probably something against Vecna, I don't have anything, except maybe it could be made by Dustin because he's a genius at making stuff (He made Cerebro).
EP4 - "Sorcerer." I don't know why but I feel like it's either Vecna, because he's a sort of sorcerer, or maybe it's Will. Remember that in DnD, Will plays a sort of wizard/cleric. I don't know what could happen but... maybe it's also something else. It is probably in this episode that Holly comes back because they could all try to confront this Sorcerer, so Vecna.
EP5 - "Shock Jock" makes me think of "Trick or Treat, freak" an episode of season 2. The episode's name is kinda similar, I don't know how to explain that. But it's a goofy title to something dramatic like in the Halloween one. Jock could be Joyce. It's a shock to Joyce? Maybe something could happen to Will?
EP6 - This episode has probably the weirdest title of them all. "Escape from Camazotz." So... Camazotz is a Bat, more precisely a God who's form is a bat. He's a creature with the head of a bat and the body of a human, really weird to put this in the show. It's from the religion of the Maya, he's associated to night, death and sacrifice. But that's in real life. In DnD, Camazotz is the "Demon Lord of Bats and Fire." He literally likes hunting the mortals in the darkness. Just like Vecna. And in the Upside Down we saw there are in fact Bats, demobats, but is Vecna controlling them? He can't be both Vecna and Camazotz at the same time. Maybe Vecna is just a puppet of this unknown dimension?
The second edition of DnD was introduced in 1974, and Vecna was introduced in this edition. Which explains why they used this name for Henry. But Camazotz wasn't, it's probably in the 3rd or 4th edition.
Who are we gonna see? Camazotz, from the Maya or Camazotz from DnD?
I have some theories.
The first one is, somebody's going to sacrifice themselves to save everyone else. As I said in my previous theories, I had the idea of Robin and/or Jonathan that sacrifices themselves. In this context, I don't think Robin's sacrifice would happen for this sort of thing. However Jonathan's could be. It could be a big twist for Will because I have this idea where he's going to be either stuck, or he's going to stay in the Upside Down in some ways, along with Mike. So this could be one of their conversations later, it could ruin Will so Mike would be there to comfort him.
The second one is, someone's going to get killed by Camazotz, which explains the word "escape" in the title. Maybe Robin, Jonathan, Max (if she isn't already dead) or one parent like Karen or Ted.
The actor of Ted answered a question in an interview. Someone asked something about him not being mentioned by Vecna when he showed Nancy that her whole family is going to die, and the actor simply answered: "Oh. You noticed?" With a wink.
So maybe Ted knows about Karen's link to Vecna. Maybe it isn't their story isn't like what Nancy said to Jonathan in season 1. The whole "Perfect" family is probably a lie.
This could actually explain why Vecna showed what's gonna happen to the Wheeler family, to Nancy. Because she's the one who got this "Perfect family" idea. We never saw Mike talk about it to anyone. So.... this is all a little blurry...
But I think, in this episode, there has to be 1 death. Most likely Robin, because she was only introduced in season 3 and she's a recent character, compared to the other ones who were here since season 1.
I have this theory, what if the end of ST5 is the beginning of ST1. What I mean is that, we go back to the beginning like how it was before everything happened even though it actually happened. It's like, everything ended and now we're back to how it was. So it means, only the 4 boys, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce. Eleven wouldn't be, because she's one of the reasons it all started, and it would be such a good ending if she dies saving Hawkins. Barb doesn't count cause she'd dead. And every characters introduced later died so far: Billy, Max (half dead), Bob... Only Murray and Robin are left. Murray will def die that's for sure and Robin, for me, has to die too.
Now, I want to talk about BYLER.
Remember the episode 3 of season 3, with Will and Mike's fight under the rain? Guess who it was directed by:
Shawn Levy.
And who's going to direct episode 6 of ST5?
Shawn Levy.
He didn't only direct that, but he also directed the sauna episode. And what happens in the sauna episode?
Will: I can feel him....
Mike, looking at Will's lips: Max get away from the door...
So, if Shawn Levy direct the episode 6, we'll get byler. And was I thinking? Byler kiss episode 6, that was my theory. With 3 or 4 intimate moments between them before episode 6 and the kiss during this episode.
There is one director I didn't talk about, it's Frank Darabont. He's a director who made a lot of horror movies, and we know how Stanger Things can be disgusting sometimes. Right?
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So if Frank directs 3 episodes, they're going to be very scary or atleast be special in a disgusting way, maybe? But it's definitely going to be horror for these episodes.
I think he'll probably direct episode 7, that'd make sense, maybe 8 too.
Anyway, that was it. Tell me what you guys think about these two spoilers/leaks. I hope the directing one is true. And the titles are still possibly to change in the future, but the episode 2 really caught me off guard. I bet it's gonna be Holly.
And by the way, I hope they can bring back Sarah, Hopper's daughter. The fact that her and Holly look alike, isn't a coincidence for me. Maybe Sarah is more important than we think she is.
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mikeslawyer · 10 months
so, henry created the mindflyer but will drew it first. he saw it in his nightmares before it took over hawkins.
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henry created it exactly the way will’s drawing portrayed it as. so…
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what if?
it would be also so much more powerful, since the painting was used to assure mike of el’s love for him and hide will’s feelings. if it was the monster of s5 it would literally haunt will in both of those ways.
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zenon-karr · 2 months
I been trying to make sense of the the hints the Duffers have been dishing out and making sense of these posters. And I think I have a theory that connects most of the hints. I’ve pieced together recently that I think s5 of stranger things will be inspired by things like Us, They Live, and Uncanny Valley!! Hence why it looks relatively normal right now. It will be normal but people start to believe people and children are replaced by imposters because things are slightly off that babies or other people are basically monsters from the upside down or like the ‘flayed’ aka maybe like a mimic from dnd but they look like people but ‘off’:
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I think they will solve the stinger at the end of s4 and they think they’ve beat 001/upside down. When really revealed that the enemy is actually mind flayer but we aren’t introduced to its final form till s5. but he’s built an army that infiltrates the main world by pretending to be human and the end of s4-beginning of 5 they’re lured into again into false sense of security when the portal opening just allowed the shadow monsters/mimics in. They’re alternate dimension beings lead by Mind Flayer to invade the main world. They tried with Henry and also Will to open gates and let the creatures in.
I think maybe the thing with the hospital is not actually that someone is this seriously injured but actually that The mains will realize something is off in the hospital bc they’re visiting Max. Maybe they start to realize that people are replaced by shadow flayed whatever versions of children/people in general. Maybe this is the meaning of the pregnant lady poster. And then there’s this drawing that looks like a shadow person. Then there is a the pregnant smoking - smoke and life under the cloud in the poster maybe the smoke is actually like shadow like the shadow monster but they’re people that are uncanny:
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All creatures welcome poster and they even comment does this mean demogorgans? It makes me think they invite the monsters in their homes because they think they are their own children when they’re born or they don’t know people they know have been replaced by monsters you know so maybe the hints to switched at birth actually mean switched not literally like a soapy like children being swapped at birth but like in the horror monster sense.
Look at Holly’s room. She has an Alf poster I think Alf is a hint of an alien or something Among the humans. And along with the shadow person concept or alien/mimic idea. Peter Pan has the living shadow and then Ross posts this this billboard of a family where one is like disfigured so maybe one in so many people have been replaced by a fake (mimic or an upside down monster) the billboard even says ‘new residence’
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Here’s the plots of They Live and Us! They’re both movies about aliens or beings infiltrating among humans. I been watching the supernatural horror TikTok’s of people thinking they’ve had encounters with a mimic and also Uncanny Valley. So I pieced together a theory based off the clues in Ross’ posts!
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ngalu · 3 months
His Watch Bothers Me.
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I've been thinking about this photo for a while now - it was included among Ross Duffer's recent set pics for week 7-8 of filming, it's very cute, but more specifically, I've been thinking about the information on Lucas' watch.
It's very deliberate that they included a photo with a specific date and time. So they wanna clue us in but it's blurry enough (for me at least) that it still leaves options.
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Just for reference, I'm including a clearer picture of the specific watch on the right. Below is the time (e.g.: 11:42 pm) and above that in the left corner there is TH to indicate Thursday and on the right are two numbers indicating the month and day respectively. With that in mind, we can read the time on Lucas's watch.
Lucas's watch is on the left. @byrhop on Twitter lowered the exposure so we can see a bit better. Just like in the reference picture, there is a TH in the top left corner to indicate Thursday (this is important). To the right, we have the first digit 11, which we know is the month of November, and then we have what could be 2 or 12.
Side note: Having owned a digital watch before, I think the number is more likely 2 than 12, if only because in both pictures of Lucas's watch the 2 is more prominent like the 11, but the 1 that's supposed to be for 12 looks a lot more dim - which makes me believe that it's just the digital number outline (I don't know how to google the technical term for this - feel free to correct me). But that's just my opinion. Back to the post.
You might notice that this does not include a year, but that's no issue because we know that Lucas visits Max on a Thursday in November on either the 2nd or the 12th.
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This brings us to either 1987 or 1989.
In 1987, our Thursday would land on November 12th.
And in 1989, our Thursday would land on November 2nd.
I've seen a lot of evidence/discussion that might point to a 1987 time jump, but I wanna lean on 1989 for a little bit longer if only so I can daydream about the party at prom (sue me :D).
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robin-buck1ey · 2 years
If ronance not canon, why ronance paired up in the woods like lumax when they then have emotional talk, and then Nancy talks about relationship problems and ronance becomes friends, and that right there itself parallels exactly to when Nancy talked about relationship problems while with Steve and became friends with Jonathan hmmmm?
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Like robin and Jonathan are looking at Nancy the exact same way here like BRO???
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ordinaryxgirl · 2 years
i have a theory on why the party (Dustin, Lucas, Max etc) didn’t reach out to Will more during his time in California
obviously the fact they were all dealing with their own crap plays a huge part in that BUT I’ll circle back to season 2 just to make a point here
Will was obviously struggling with something during season 2, and you know who wouldn’t leave his side? Mike
Mike slept over at his house, Mike made him open up, Mike was the one working directly with the Byers family, Mike became ridiculously overprotective to the point he wouldn’t even trust the rest of the guys to help (remember the halloween episode? the party tried to help Will and Mike physically pushed them back screaming *I* GOT HIM)
so my guess is, of course they all worry about Will, but everyone just assumes that “yeah, Mike’s got him”, so once life became overwhelming, it was easier to forget about something you assumed it was handled (that something being Will’s well-being)…
they never noticed how much Will was struggling because they all just assumed Mike would be the first one to notice and tell them about it
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gayofthefae · 2 years
ATTENTION! Examples of the show TELLING US to watch out for unreliable narration (and times they went back to show us a different POV!!):
1. At the start of season 2, we see the FBI at the Wheeler house to go back and catch up between seasons so we can see Mike see El through the window.
2. At the end of season 3 and beginning of season 4, we saw Joyce’s POV of Hopper’s “death” then Hopper’s POV. She even points out to Murray that she is an unreliable narrator of his death and only he knows what really happened while she made assumptions.
3. The first scene of season 4 Vol 1 is Papa’s POV of the massacre. The last scene of Vol 1 finally catches up to El’s POV. The entire El plot this season was about gaining more information through a different point of view of the memory.
4. The second scene of season 4 was El’s letter, filled with lies - some immediately contrasted visually onscreen, some disproved later but implied to be lies by the surrounding lies.
5. Victor’s story of the Creel House did not show Henry’s reaction. Henry’s same story did. His walk-through of Nancy existed purely for her to literally look at the same scenes shot identically to how they were before...from a different angle.
It is not a stretch in the slightest to say that they would reshoot a scene from a different character’s perspective to provide more information. Not only have they done it before repeatedly, the fact that one pov lacks information has repeatedly been a point central to the plot.
And Vecna is a perfect set up for them to be able to refilm as far back as they want with their adult actors if they want to make them relive things, on top of simply refilming season 4 scenes as flashbacks.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
So we got new ST sneak peaks and I have thoughts:
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This looks like where Eleven was taken and it's so funny to me. Mike is like "My girlfriend's over there :D!" and Argyles just like "Bro that is a s h e d", Johnathon looks like the male version of Joyce (just a single mom and his two kids with a stoner bf), and Will looks very concerned.
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They lowkey look like they're in a lineup and I'm scared. Love how Hopper looks just far enough from the group that he could've been photoshopped in and no one would notice. I love Murray's face though he's just like "Bro shut the fuck up no one cares about your cars movie theories", Joyce shares his disgust, but Dmitiri is staring the camera down and Hopper looks like someone finally gave him some morphine after weeks of pain and now he's like "so this is what its supposed to feel like. W o a h"
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Eddie looks so tiny here, like I know it's cause he's bent over but sir you look Erica short. Max in the background is killing me. I wonder if they're looking at Eddie's DMG or notes or something on Vecna. Steve clearly has no idea whats going on but he's trying his best.
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I swear they're in Victor Creel's house because it would be the perfect place to put Eddie because no one would look for him there. That's all my thoughts on this one.
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I love everything about this. Everything. From the way that Robin is giving them that "oh you're totally gay" look, to how Steve can't decide to be concerned or confused, and Eddie's smile. Eddie's mother fucking smile he looks so happy. I'm calling it he's gotta be driving the trailer (if it drives idk) he's driving something and I don't trust him. Someone please stop him.
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skeletal-butterflyy · 26 days
Okay so idk if it’s just me but i’m confused. Why did el only escape from the lab 4 years after she had opened the gate and why did the demogorgons only start appearing when that happened? Was the demogorgons escape coincidence and a way for el to go through that pipe like Henry had told her to 4 years ago or was the demogorgon coming for her? Did the guys at the lab send her into the upside down to find Henry and the demogorgon started chasing her so they both escaped? AND again why was will the one to be taken, and why was he taken and not just eaten by the demogorgon, what significance was he supposed to play in Vecna’s plan in s1?
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yourplasticpal · 2 years
The combination of the "Henry made everyone forget Will's birthday" theory and the news (which I think I remember and didn't make up) that they were going to be back to their season one groupings for season five... y'all. What if Henry makes everyone forget Will completely? What if Henry takes him again - or he goes willingly, to protect everyone -- and everybody knows that something important is missing but nobody fucking remembers? What if that's when the time skip happens!? What if Will is just stuck in the Upside Down until something jogs Mike's memory, but still none of the others remember, and he sets out alone to rescue the boy he loves!?!?
What if my brain stopped doing this shit to me in the middle of a Saturday afternoon when I'm trying to concentrate on other things?
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itsupsidedownbyers · 9 months
as an older sibling who experienced an abusive dad, knows the reality of being the only other 'adult' decision maker when you really shouldn't have to, and so desperately wanted better for my siblings, it will fucking rip my heart out if they kill Jonathon. he deserves so much more and to do what matters to him for once. please don't kill him when he is me and so many other people
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mendessimp · 2 years
my power couple
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sunshineddie · 2 months
I'm embracing the delulu and throwing one last theory out there in the hopes that it might stick and we'll get Eddie back. But I think st5 could be about defeating vecna once and for all and also about rescuing Eddie in the process.
Why do I feel like this? Well couple things. First, it's the way Joe looks. The bangs for one thing. Plus the insane weight he's lost which makes him look barely 20. And obviously his cheeky af answer yesterday.
Also I remember back in 2022 someone on twt posted a thread about the 1986 Iron Maiden album Somewhere in Time and how it will reflect Eddie's mind in st5. But obviously it was the context for it was the kas theory. Personally I never thought Eddie would be kas in the show even if I was really into vampire Eddie as an idea. His story was way too sad to end with him banished in the UD forever as a monster. But that album could still work in this context where Eddie's lost in the UD and his friends are trying to find him. This way he could come back and graduate and it'll be way more satisfying ending to his arc.
Also if anyone follows that st acc that posts set pics, you might have seen the pics of Steve's car. The antenna on top of it makes me think they're probably trying to communicate with someone. It also feels like a call back to st1 where will communicated with Joyce through the lights. It could be vecna of course. But it feels like a possibility to me that it might be Eddie. The Eddie/Will similarities they put in there has to be for a reason.
And the thing is this one theory could be possible even with all the projects Joe has lined up because it won't require him to film for a long period. If Eddie's trapped in the UD, I'd reckon his screen time would be rather limited.
That said it's just a theory. It's been two years since st4 and I'm not hung up on this show like I used to be. I will always want to see more of Eddie because to me it felt like his story wasn't complete. His character is really important to me because he has helped me in my life with so many things. So I will always be emotionally attached to him. That said I'm not that desperate to have him back. This is just a theory and nothing more.
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