dark-fics-4-you · 2 days
Number One Fan ch. V
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Dark!Stepbro!Rafe Cameron x f!Reader
Warnings: noncon (rape), incest (step siblings), implied noncon, forced kissing, forced oral (m!recieving), fingering, semi public sex, drug mention, manipulation, controlling behavior, gaslighting, blackmailing, fainting, reader has ptsd like symptoms,
Previous Chapter
Your pulse thundered in your ears as you sat in Ward’s study, finding it much easier to look at your shoes than meet the eyes of your angry step father.
“Are you going to tell me what really happened yesterday? Because Rafe already did, and now I want to give you a chance to explain yourself, Y/N.”
Unwanted memories flashed through your mind.
Watching your brother slam his fists into JJ’s face, the way it felt when Rafe had pinned you to the bed, and how your head had spun when he slapped you. You shuddered as you recalled the feeling of him forcing himself inside of you for the first time and how awful it felt went he kissed you.
You didn’t want to think about the sticky feeling of his cum oozing out of you after he pulled out.
You could only lie on the bed in shock when it was over. Rafe had to carry you to the shower, holding you up as he washed you and you tried to ignore how his hands wandered across your soapy body, squeezing your tits and ass while your numb tears mixed with the water from above.
Before that night, you had loved falling asleep next to your step brother. You loved the sense of comfort, safety, and peace that he always gave you.
Yesterday night, however, you felt terrified and tense as you lay next to the man who had just broken your trust and assaulted you. Rafe had insisted on sleeping naked, leaving you on high alert, so scared that he was going to try to initiate something that you couldn’t relax.
Even worse was knowing that if you did fall asleep next to him, he might force himself onto you anyways.
Every time he shifted in his sleep, every time he pulled you closer, or wrapped his strong arms around you tighter, your heart rate spiked, sure that he was awake and had decided that one time wasn’t enough.
After an almost sleepless night, you cracked your eyes open and felt Rafe stirring beside you.
“Good morning, Y/N/N,” he mumbled, his voice lowered from just waking up.
You had started shifting away from him when his arm wrapped around you, pulling you in to his warm chest. His hand found your chin, tilting your face towards his before his lips captured yours.
When you struggled against him, you felt his lips curl into a small grin and he chuckled before covering your lips with his again, this time sliding his hand to hold the back of your head in place.
His other hand found your jaw, thumb brushing your cheek, and you were disgusted when you felt yourself getting wet.
Rafe broke the kiss, staring into your eyes for a few moments before he slowly sat up in bed and started grabbing his clothes.
“We should probably start heading back. Don’t want Ward and Rose getting too suspicious.”
You breathed a silent sigh of relief at his words, anxious to return to land and get far away from your step brother.
Rafe’s eyes burned into your back as you dressed quietly, putting on the outfit that you had worn the day before, already formulating plans on how you could burn the clothes.
You didn’t want to be reminded of last night every time you looked at them.
Before Rafe could finish up in the bedroom, you quickly exited, walking up the stairs to the main deck and leaning on a railing to watch the rising sun reflect off of the water below you.
How could you possibly have a normal life after this?
How could you go on about your day, knowing that the brother you had always trusted, the one who had lived just down the hall from you for 10 years, was capable of so much cruelty?
Sensing a presence from behind, you spun around to face him as Rafe hooked his arm around your back, holding you against his chest before grinning wolfishly and leaning down to smother your lips with his own.
With the railing at your back along with his arm locked tight around you, there was nowhere to go as you squirmed helplessly in his grasp.
Rafe’s tongue forced its way into your mouth and you almost gagged. He held you in place for what felt like an eternity before finally releasing you.
The blond grinned down at you wickedly before wrapping his fingers around your wrist and tugging you towards the bottom deck. He glanced at his watch, clicking his tongue before chuckling darkly.
“Just enough time for a quickie.”
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When you finally got back to Tannyhill, feeling sore and used, and utterly repulsed by your step brother, you couldn’t get out of his truck fast enough.
Thankfully, you didn’t see anyone as you came in and you quietly, but quickly, rushed up the stairs before entering your bedroom, locking the door, ripping your clothes off, taking a scorching shower as you tried to wash the scent of your brother off of you, and then collapsing onto your bed in exhaustion.
You must have slept for several hours however, because when you were finally awoken by a knock at your door, the sky outside your window was growing orange and red as the sun began to set.
“Y/N? Are you in there?” You recognized Sarah’s voice and you sat up in bed.
“Yeah, one second,” you forced your hoarse voice to project enough for her to hear, climbing out of your bed and walking to your dresser to grab a change of comfy clothes.
You opened your door with a timid smile that Sarah worryingly exchanged.
“Are you okay? What happened last night?”
You anxiously looked down the hall to see if Rafe was lurking nearby before sighing and fidgeting with your fingers as you attempted to find your voice.
“Um.. I’d rather not talk about it, Sarah.”
Your step sister looked confused as she tried to get a read on your face.
“But, um, is JJ okay?” You asked nervously.
“Rafe broke his nose and he’s bruised pretty bad but he’ll be okay. He’s been asking about you nonstop, all the Pogues have. They were really scared when we told them what happened.”
You looked down at the ground feeling guilty. You knew that Rafe was the one who had initiated it, but JJ wouldn’t have been jumped like that if you hadn’t been talking to him. Rafe fought with the Pogues all the time, but last night was different.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Sarah’s question surprised you, and you realized there were tears welling in your eyes.
“Um…. Could we go to your room to talk?”
Sarah’s room had always been a comfort to you before you and Rafe got super close, and you did enjoy your sister’s company a lot.
“Sure, of course, Y/N.” She pulled you into a hug, which you returned, enjoying the lightness her presence was bringing you.
You tensed however when you cracked your eyes open to see Rafe emerging from his room behind her.
You averted your eyes immediately, heart rate picking up as you released Sarah and she turned to see Rafe.
“Fuck you, Rafe. I really do not understand your problem with JJ at all,” she spat at him turning to you and expecting you to join in.
Rafe’s eyes fell on you and you watched the corner of his lips threatening to pull into a smirk of amusement.
You swallowed dryly, remembering the sensation of his backhand whipping your head to the side and the dizziness that followed.
“I really wanted to make this special for you,” his nasally voice taunted you.
Your breath grew faster and harder to catch as your vision grew fuzzy around the edges.
“Y/N?” Sarah’s voice was muffled, like she was speaking to you through a tunnel
You felt lightheaded and sick, and you were lucky that you were standing by Sarah and not Rafe because she was the one to catch you when your knees buckled beneath you.
The two of them had a short argument that you couldn’t hear above you before Rafe’s arms wrapped around your limp body and carried you to Sarah’s room.
You tried to ignore the feeling of his fingers brushing over your exposed skin as he lay you down on Sarah’s bed. Sarah’s face appeared in your line of vision and she said something that you couldn’t hear before both of them left the room.
The last thing you saw was Sarah returning a minute later with a cool washcloth that she pressed to your warm forehead.
She was talking to you again, and you tried to grasp at her words, to understand any of them, but your body felt weighed down and you fell into the black abyss of sleep quickly.
You woke to the sound of an argument on the other side of the door. Sarah, Rafe, and Ward were screaming at each other.
“She wouldn’t do that, Rafe!”
“Don’t act like you know her so well! You’d be surprised.”
“Both of you just calm the fuck down!” Ward yelled and they became silent. “Sarah go see if she’s awake yet.”
The door to her room cracked open and light from the hall made you sit up in bed.
“What’s going on?” You met Sarah’s tear filled eyes first, then the angry eyes of Ward, your confused mother’s eyes, and then finally Rafe’s, who was standing behind all of them wearing a vindictive smile only you could see.
“Get out of bed and come to my office right now, Y/N,” Ward sternly commanded you.
Your heart leapt to your throat, confusion pulsing through your veins.
What the fuck is going on right now?
Without a word, you followed Rafe, Sarah, Rose, and Ward to his office, where he gestured for you to sit down before staring you down in silence.
“Ward?” You nervously asked. “Rose?”
“Are you going to tell me what really happened yesterday? Because Rafe already did, and now I want to give you a chance to explain yourself, Y/N.”
You tensed, anxiously looking over at Rafe who was watching you with a small smirk.
He wouldn’t have told them about what happened yesterday, that would have been insane, right??
“I- I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Your step father sighed before reaching into his pocket and pulling out three small bags of coke.
“Do you want to explain to me why Rafe and I found these in your room today, Y/N?”
Your heart stopped, jaw dropping open in disbelief as you stared at Ward.
“Th-those aren’t fucking mine! Ward you know I don’t do that!” You would have laughed if you didn’t feel so sick right now.
“Rafe was the one who told me, he said you asked him for some, and when he wouldn’t give it to you, you went to the Pogues.”
“Dad, I already told you, none of the Pogues use or sell coke!” Sarah shouted at him and he silenced her with a furious look.
“They aren’t mine, Ward! Rafe probably just got too high and forgot where he stashed his!” You threw a pointed look at your brother who was just behind Ward and Sarah, watching on with a mirthful smirk.
“If it was mine, don’t you think I would’ve just, I don’t know, taken them?” His casual tone made you want to scream. “Why would I hide it in your room?”
“Maybe because you’re a fucking cokehead,” you spat at him.
“Takes one to know one,” he shot back and you huffed in frustration. He looked at his father and Rose before faking concern, “She’s probably high right now.”
“God! Ward, please, Rafe nearly killed JJ yesterday! He would have, if I didn’t push him off of him. He’s lying to you!” You looked over to Rose, who met your eyes with sadness. “Mom, tell me you don’t believe this too!”
“I wouldn’t have done that if he hadn’t been selling to my little sister.” Rafe sniped.
You bit your tongue as you glared at him, trying to not let your anger get the best of you. Tears burned at your eyes before slowly starting to fall past your lashes.
Looking at Ward and your mother again, you took a deep breath to calm yourself.
“Ward, I swear to you, that coke isn’t mine. I promise that it’s not mine. JJ is just my friend, he’s not a dealer. Rafe planted it there! You have to believe me.” You were crying harder now despite your efforts to stop.
Ward just shook his head in disappointment, “You just fainted earlier today out of nowhere! What was that? I’ve heard this a thousand times. You sound exactly like Rafe the very first time I caught him. Rafe? I’ve come to expect this of him. But from you? Y/N, I thought you were better than this.”
You didn’t miss the scowl that crossed Rafe’s features at Ward’s words, and you realized that, even though you were the one on the receiving end of Ward’s criticism instead of Rafe for the first time, Ward still couldn’t help but put his son down too as he scolded you.
“From now on I will expect you to cease communication with all of those Pogues and you’re to be back in this house by 9PM every night. No exceptions. I can’t have you going out to god knows where.”
Your heart clenched at that, frustration threatening to bubble over into rage.
“Dad, come on, you’re being completely unreasonable!” Sarah shouted. “Y/N is not getting drugs from our friends!”
“Be quiet, Sarah, I wasn’t done.” Ward snapped at her. “I don’t want either of you hanging out on the Cut with those Pogues. And that goes for John B too.”
His gaze fixed on yours again, “give me your phone.”
“You’ll get it back tomorrow, don’t worry, but I need to have your location at all times. I can’t trust you after this, Y/N. You know how it is with…” Ward stopped himself from finishing his sentence, but everyone in the room knew exactly who he meant and you saw Rafe’s jaw tick in annoyance again.
Ward dismissed you and you ignored Rose and Sarah when they tried to talk to you in the hallway, instead choosing to rush to your room, slamming your door and grabbing a pillow to scream into.
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When you arrived at the dinner table the next day and saw the only empty seat available, your heart sank.
Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself before taking your seat next to Rafe, trying intensely to find interest in the otherwise ordinary pot roast on your plate to avoid looking over at your step brother.
Ward and your mother were already in the middle of a conversation and Sarah gave you a sympathetic smile when she noticed how uncomfortable you looked next to Rafe. Wheezie, who was completely oblivious to your argument with Ward, asked Sarah a question, diverting her attention away from you.
Rose turned to you, somewhat awkwardly, and inquired about your next semester. “Do you already know what classes you’re going to be taking?”
Despite the obvious tension that was still thick in the air between all of you, you appreciated your mom making an effort at least.
“I think I’m registered for Photography 3, Art History 3, Math, and a writing class. Maybe one more Gen Ed that I’m forgetting right now.”
“Ooh Photography is going to be fun for you, I bet! Remember when you used to take photos at Rafe’s football games? I always thought that was so cool,” Rose cheerily said.
“Um. Yeah, well we’ll see about his upcoming season. Maybe.”
“You and your friend, Mary used to go all the time didn’t you? Oh you two used to be so close.”
“Yeah well ever since she moved to-” you cut yourself off with a small gasp when you felt Rafe’s fingers grip your upper thigh before inching between your legs.
You couldn’t believe how brazen he was to do this at the dinner table in front of the entire family.
You squirmed uncomfortably, lightly slapping his hand quietly before clearing your throat, “Ever since Mary moved to New Orleans for college, we haven’t been talking as much.”
Your older step brother seemed determined to get a reaction out of you however, brushing past your silent protests to fit his hand between your legs. Your eyes widened and you shifted in your seat again as Rafe’s fingers danced past the fabric of your shorts and panties. When he dipped the tip of his finger inside of you, you had to bite your lip to stop from whimpering.
You realized that Rose was looking at you with a puzzled expression and she must have asked you another question.
“Um, what?” Your mouth felt dry, mind racing as you squeezed your thighs together, trying to get Rafe’s wandering hands off of you without raising the attention of your family. Your cheeks felt so hot, you were sure they could notice.
When you felt him push his finger deeper, forcing himself inside your slick walls past his knuckle, and beginning to stretch you out around his ring, a whimper slipped past your lips and you quickly coughed trying to cover up the sound.
“What is going on with you, young lady?” Ward asked, his patience with you clearly waning at your outbursts.
“Yeah, Y/N/N, you’re acting weird,” Rafe’s teasing tone was lost on everyone but you. And you loudly cursed when his finger twitched, curling inside of you to get more of a rise out of you.
“Fuck-!” Your chair scraped loudly as you pushed yourself away from the table and stood up.
Your entire family was staring at you now as you tried to correct your uneven breathing.
“I- I think I’m gonna be sick,” was all you managed before you stumbled from the dining room before running up the stairs to your room.
For a moment your family stared at each other in shocked confusion.
Rafe was the first to break the silence.
“She’s probably just going through withdrawals, lemme see if there’s any way I can help.” He stood from his chair, leaving his plate on the table.
“Should we come with you?” Rose offered, getting ready to stand before Rafe waved his hand, ‘no’
“Nah, I think she just needs her brother.”
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Rafe put an ear to your door, opening it quietly and stepping inside after hearing a retching sound coming from your bathroom.
He closed the door behind himself, locking it gently, before following the faint light from the cracked door where the sounds had stopped and been replaced by you scrubbing down the inside of your mouth with a tooth brush.
When he knocked on the door, he heard you sigh before spitting out the rest of your toothpaste.
“Sarah, I don’t want to talk-” you had opened the door a bit, but you suddenly paused when you saw Rafe, tensing and shrinking in on yourself.
You tried to close your bathroom door, but Rafe’s hand shot out, easily outdoing the all strength you had put behind trying to keep him out. He pushed the door open and you backed up against the counter in fear.
When he shut the door behind him and locked it, your stomach lurched.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Rafe?” You hissed before lowering your voice for your next words, “why are you doing this now? When any of them could catch us?”
Your older step brother smirked, taking a step towards you and enjoying your distress at him bursting into your room.
“I think that would be your fault, sweetheart.”
He moved so fast you barely had time to react, pressing himself against you before both hands came to your shoulders, shoving you to your knees. You hit the ground painfully, letting out a whimper before meeting Rafe’s eyes as he loomed above you.
“Y’just can’t keep that pretty mouth shut, can you?” One of Rafe’s hands tangled into your hair, holding you beneath him, as the other found the button and zipper of his shorts, fumbling to undo them as quick as possible before pushing them down to his ankles.
“No, Rafe, please don’t!”
His boxers were next to go, and your pleading was cut off when he tugged you forward by your hair and forced his cock between your lips.
The salty taste made you want to gag, and you had to stretch your lips more to accommodate his size, flattening your tongue to the bottom of your jaw.
Startled, you tried to gasp for air, giving him access to slowly push himself deeper, his cock nudging the back of your throat, staying there and choking you until your pleading eyes went wide, tears beginning to build up along your waterline.
“You can take it, Y/N/N,” he whispered and you were confused when his encouragement made your clit tingle and butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
Rafe tilted his hips back, sliding himself out enough to allow you to take a much needed breath, but your relief was short lived when his grip on your hair tightened and he pushed his cock to the back of your throat again.
His thrusts were steady at first, and every time you choked or gagged on his cock when he pushed you too far, he let out a soft groan, fingers twitching in your hair as he played out his sick fantasies with you.
Despite already stealing your virginity away from you, watching you pathetically crying on your knees and choking on his cock was just another level of degradation. The fact that he was taking yet another first from you made this all the more thrilling for him.
The initial panic had worn off inside of you, all you could do now was focus on breathing through your nose and trying not the throw up from the feeling of your step brother’s dick sliding across your tongue and kissing the back of your throat.
His speed picked up and Rafe ignored you when you slapped at his leg in a desperate attempt for him to slow down.
Tears were steadily rolling down your red tinged cheeks now along with some spit that had escaped the corner of your lips due to Rafe’s brutal pace.
A sudden knock at the door made Rafe freeze, and he rolled his eyes and let out a quiet groan of frustration when he heard Sarah’s concerned voice.
“Y/N? Are you doing alright?”
“We’re fine!” Rafe snapped at her dismissively.
“I want hear that from, Y/N.” Sarah replied.
Rafe sighed before sliding his cock out of your mouth and leaning down to order you quietly.
You quietly caught your breath, pulse racing as you desperately willed Sarah to come in and help you.
“Tell our dumbass sister what a good job I’m doing cheering you up and then tell her to fuck off,” he hissed into your ear, his hot breath made you shiver.
You hesitated before Rafe yanked on your hair again and you bit back a yelp.
“I’m fine, Sarah, r-really. Rafe is um- helping me take care of it.” You struggled to keep your shaky voice under control.
Sarah was silent for a moment before her voice came from the other side of the door, “are you sure? You don’t sound okay.”
“I’m f-fine, I promise. I was just throwing up a bit.” You despised lying to her right now, especially considering how much help you actually did need in this moment.
“Yeah, she’d appreciate some privacy, Sarah,” Rafe snipped.
“Okay, Y/N, if you’re sure..” her voice trailed off and you knew she had left when you heard your bedroom door close.
Rafe wasted no time in grabbing your chin and forcing your mouth open before shoving his cock past your plump lips.
You slapped his thigh and he grunted, fingers lacing through your hair and sliding your lips back and forth on his cock as he stood still.
“Fuck-” he breathed through gritted teeth, his hips starting to move impulsively, thrusting forward when he pulled you in and forcing himself deeper down your throat.
When his fingers pulled at your hair again, holding you in place as he frantically fucked your throat, you knew he was close.
You took a gasping breath when he pulled his cock out. His hand wrapped around his length, stroking himself until white burst from the tip, splattering your face.
You closed your eyes as ropes of cum painted your lips, cheeks, and chin. The sticky sensation made your skin crawl and you felt like you were going to throw up again.
Disgust and humiliation boiled in your gut. You just wanted to disappear.
The sound of a camera lens snapping made your eyes split open.
Rafe chuckled when you registered the phone in his hand, turning the screen around to show you the degrading picture he had just taken.
“Y’ know,” he sniffed, looking over his shoulder at the closed door behind him. “I uh, wouldn’t tell anybody about this if I were you.”
Your stomach dropped at his words. You could feel any last chances you might have of rescue from your step brother slipping through your fingers.
“I’d just hate it if you decided to mess up your future over this.” You couldn’t stand the way he was speaking as if he was giving you any kind of choice in this situation. “You understand, right?”
Staring at up at your older brother from your knees as you watched him nonchalantly pull his shorts back up and discuss blackmailing you, as if this was all just a petty fight over nothing made you want to scream.
But you bit your tongue, not seeing any other choice but to agree with him.
“Yeah… I understand.”
Rafe’s eyes flicked over your defeated face, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips at seeing your pretty face painted with his cum.
“You should probably clean yourself up. Sarah’s still waiting on you.”
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starkeyisthelastname · 5 months
stepbro!rafe tricking you (being innocent) that he needs help but actually you cockwarm him and you ask him why you feel so weird on your privatparts and he just talks with you through it until he just cums inside you cause he couldn’t take it anymore
Hehe. 🤭
“Lock the door behind you.” Rafe’s voice said quietly as you patted into the bedroom.
You wondered why your step-brother wanted the door locked to watch a movie, but didn’t say anything as he always told you he knew best. Kicking off your furry slippers, you happily climbed into the bed where he was waiting.
“What movie are we watching Rafey?” You asked cutely, voice soft as you snuggled next to him. Your heavy tits pressed against his bicep as you looked up at him with curious eyes.
The ache ran straight to his cock as he glanced down at you. You were the fucking prettiest thing with your long eyelashes, full lips and gorgeous little body. He absolutely had to have you and he knew you would do anything to make him happy.
“Whatever you want sweetness.” He told you.
Your eyes widened at this as Rafe hardly ever let you pick. You eagerly grabbed the remote and began shuffling through one streaming app to another, not realizing your step-brother was getting a little impatient. The way you were wiggling around as you babbled on about how you couldn’t decide was making Rafe’s cock swell. Your tits bouncing with each little movement you made, nearly spilling out of the tiny silk tank top you wore.
Grabbing your hips, he sat you down in his lap to be still, not caring about the kitten like whine that left your mouth. “Sit still and pick the fucking movie. Yeah?” He said roughly.
You nodded with a bratty frown, as you finally picked the Cinderella Story. You snuggled your back further into Rafe’s chest, your ass resting snugly between his spread legs. He reached over to turn the lamp off, making the room dark except from the girly movie playing. Your eyes engrossed into the shit that he could care less about, as he leaned back against the pillows.
Half way through the movie, you didn’t even realize the large tip of your step-brother’s cock was poking at your entrance. You had been so focused on the screen that Rafe’s hands pulling your shorts aside hasn’t even crossed your mind.
“Rafey what are you-..” Your voice turning into a whimper as he pushed his cock into your warm cunt.
“Hush and watch your movie. You are gonna help me. Okay? You love helping your big bro don’t you?” He whispered in your ear.
He was right. You did love helping him. So you sat there and took it like a good step-sister. You tried your best to turn your attention back to the movie, all while your princess parts felt so full. Rafe had you right where he wanted. Tight little cunt fluttering around his fat length as he held you still, warming his cock in the process. He couldn’t help but let out a small groan as he had never felt anything so incredible.
“Rafey-why do you feel so weird?” Your voice shaky as you unknowingly soaked his cock.
“Shhh- sweetness. You just sit on my cock like a good girl.” The older boy told you, hands coming down to hold your waist firmly. He was embarrassed to say how close he was to bursting inside of you, your pussy squeezing his dick in vice grip.
Little moans and whimpers left between your lips as the weird sensation just kept getting more intense. You knew somewhere in your mind that this was wrong but your step-brother knew best didn’t he? You were helping him after all.
“Shit.. sweet girl keep squeezing me like that.” Rafe grunted, each time your cunt clenched around him when he would move even slightly. The pride he was losing at the edge of already cumming inside of you, made him want squeeze your throat in frustration. How dare his step-sister have such an incredible pussy that made him want bust his load?
He couldn’t hold back anymore, his hand instinctively coming to your throat to grab. You squeaked out his name, your smaller hand coming to rest on his as the warmth of something gooey shot up inside you.
“Such a good little slut..” Rafe barely whispered. “I mean helper. Such a good little helper.”
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ervotica · 5 months
fix your head
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pairing; perv!stepbro!rafe cameron x fem!stepsister!reader
warnings; stepcest, smut 18+ only, fingering, p in v sex, somnophilia, free use kink
a/n; just been having brainrot abt stepbro!rafe so here’s a lil drabble/thot abt him! (yes i am insane)
A rough palm presses to the small of your back as the covers lift, a chill twining around your suddenly exposed skin that has goosebumps raising even in slumber. You whine, brows scrunching as lax fingers loop around his wrist and you twist further into the sheets. Your eyes open and desperately try to acclimatise to the darkness of your bedroom, but all you can decipher is a looming silhouette that begins to crawl on top of your slack body.
"Shh, shh," Rafe soothes. His breath is hot against your prickling face. "'S just me. Go back to sleep. Just g'na fix your head a little."
"Mm, okay." You settle once you realise it's only your stepbrother, eyes fluttering closed once more. His touch immediately has your pert nipples hardening, the soft sheets beneath you enough stimulation to make you squirm even in your half-asleep state.
Bruising fingers curl around your hips, lifting them until your back arches and your face smushes into the pillows beneath you; he makes light work of your panties, pushing them to the side as his big palms knead the fatty flesh of your bum.
A finger sinks into your weeping hole and you gasp, pushing back into the touch as he curls it just right to rub over your g-spot. Your gummy walls contract at the newfound pleasure and an arm flies back in seek of purchase against Rafe's wrist.
"I know, I know," he coos, slipping in another digit and picking up the pace until the delicious friction has you stifling moans into the sheets. "Keep quiet for me, kid. Wouldn't want your mom finding us, would we?"
The feeling of fullness is gone as quickly as it appeared and you're still for a few moments, features crumpling in vexation.
"Don't get bratty on me now, you little shit," he chuckles, watching as your face falls once more when he lines his mushroom head up with your drooling entrance. You garble and gasp as your cunt parts and flares around him, fluttering walls hugging him and moulding to the shape of his curved cock.
Fingers splay against the base of your neck, effectively silencing you as he starts to rock his hips; fingernails dig into the delicate flesh there and you whimper, tears tickling at your waterline as he presses you further into the pillow to keep you quiet.
"Got this pussy trained f'me, haven't I, kid? Attagirl, nice and quiet for me."
He twines an open palm into the length of your hair and tugs to reveal your blissed visage, watching with rapture as your expression changes the more he toys with you.
You squeak as he reaches down to pinch and roll your swollen clit between two fingertips, teeth baring into a growl when he clasps a merciless hand over your whining mouth.
"I told you to be fuckin' quiet, slut. Too much of a whore to take it nicely, hm? Too ungrateful?"
You shake your head vehemently, tears pooling at the base of his fingers as his thrusts pick up speed, head of his cock kissing every spot inside of you until you can't think of anything but how good he's making you feel.
He wrenches his hand free and you sag like dead weight, a punched breath of air expelling from your lungs with every cruel rut of his hips.
"There's my girl," he croons with a wicked smile, satisfied now you're fucked too dumb to do anything but drool onto the pillows beneath you. "You just, relax, kid. I'll be finished with you soon.”
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stvolanis · 3 months
Stepbro! Rafe prods his finger at your entrance, playing with your folds as he gives you your daily pussy inspection! At first, you were confused cause it’s your most private area n you were too embarrassed to show him. “Jus’ wanna make sure she’s okay, baby. Gotta know when she’s ready for me to break her in.” He’d say, knuckles deep in you. You didn’t know what he meant by that, but it felt really good so you let him!
Stepbro! Rafe who chases away any thoughts of you ever having a boyfriend. Rafes big n’ scary, n’ he doesn’t understand how you think some little boys could make you feel the way he does! So when he finds out you got asked to go on a date with some random kook and said yes, obviously he takes that as a sign of you begging to be punished by him! “Stupid girl. Thought I fuckin’ told you, you’re not supposed to have any boyfriends. yr’too little.” He’d mock as his hand came down to spank your ass, watching as you whimpered and tried to get away from the pain he was inflicting upon you.
Stepbro! Rafe finally has you bent over the edge of the kitchen sink, after long nights of fingering you enough to get you to loosen up for him. His tip, bulbous and leaking intimidatingly, drug through your folds as your slick helped as lube. When he finally decided to take you, his mind couldn’t fathom how someone could still be so damn tight after all the work he put in trying to make this comfortable for you. He kissed your shoulder and neck, lightly biting to take your mind off of the stinging sensation between your thighs.
Stepbro! Rafe who wasted no time in pounding at your sloppy cunt. His balls, hung and full of his seed, slapped at your clit deliciously with each harsh thrust. Your mouth hung in a desperate plea of mercy as the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed through the wide kitchen, along with a mix of moans. “Little pussy feels so good ‘round my cock. She’s takin’ me like a fuckin’ champ, yeah?” He muttered in your ear. “That’s my girl. Look so pretty like this f’me.” He praised when you squirted all over him after his fingers found your sensitive bundle of nerves.
Good thing you guys were home alone, right? Too bad Ward installed cameras throughout the house—including the kitchen.
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sunniepoo · 6 days
it was easy to get under rafe’s nerves, whether it be watching tv a little too loud or stealing his food and clothes or prancing around his house in shorts that showed a lot more than they covered
you made everything all too confusing! he knows that sarah is the sister he resented; he knows wheezie is the sister he protects - so why did you have to come along and make his head scramble?
a typical night in the cameron house was simple, ward and rose were usually off on a buisness trip, sarah would disappear with john b and wheezie was usually over at a friends
leaving none other than rafe cameron and his annoying stepsister alone
the loud blares of music was interrupted by the soft knock on the older cameron’s door, opening to a high squeal as you swiftly entered the room - plopping yourself quite comfortably onto his bed
“what… what the fuck you doing here” he mumbles out, a mixture of annoyance and confusion laced under his word
“well my friend cancelled and i was bored so i was thinking girls night” you rambled, the words dropping out with ease
before he could get out whatever mean remark that was bubbling in his mouth, you made way under his sheets- fiddling around with the things in his nightstand
“d’you really have to this” he asks, a defeated tone filling the air once he realises you aren’t going anywhere
the question falls flat on your ears as you wander around his room touching whatever until you’re finally dragged away into the bed again
“you wanted to watch a movie..so let’s watch a movie” he huffs out, clearly vexed but once again it wasn’t bothering you in the least
the noise of the tv blared loudly, the chatter of the characters on screen were blanketed with your endless moans and whimpers
“yeahhhh…that’s it” he grunts, voice shaky as he continues to move ruthlessly inside of you, his head dips to find the side of your neck - teeth subtly grazing past your sweet spot
an almost pornographic moan left your mouth as he continued relentlessly, yourself exhausted from the multiple orgasms the tall blonde has managed to draw out of you
and as his movements start to slow and his hips start to stutter, you find yourself wrapping your legs around him - trapping him all for yourself
you couldn’t miss the sly smirk that overcomes his face “really want my babies don’t you” he mutters, slowly thrusting in and out “s’kay baby..can have as many as you would like”
rafe cameron finally had it figured out, all the confusion gone - you were never meant to be his sister, you were meant to be his
authors note: so sorry for disappearing on you all like that, i will still be writing but it will be a bit slower for a small amount of time but definitely don’t shy away from asks!!!
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I just saw that ur asks were emptied, idk if u remember but I had requested like innocent Bambi reader with Pervy step bro rafe, getting caught or something like this haha, I don’t remember everything but I think this was it
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pairing: pervy!stepbro!rafe x bambi!reader
warnings: stepcest, sneaking around, heavy petting, unprotected sex, wheezie being a detective
a/n: yes, i remember anon!! i hope you like how this came out <3 you could find bambi!reader introduction here
“wait, wait, everyone is still awake!” you whispered, giggling softly as rafe closed your bedroom door. “please, i can’t wait any longer, i’ll go crazy if i have to use your panties to fuck my hand again.” he grabbed your ass, harshly gripping the flesh before littering your neck with kisses. “what are you talking about?” you sighed, eyes fluttering shut. “it’s nothing, baby, forget that i mentioned it.” rafe backed you up until the back of your knees met the edge of your bed. “you want to help me out with something?” he looked down at you, stroking your bottom lip with his thumb.
you nodded, allowing him to place your hand over the tent in his jeans. “you feel this? it hurts so bad, i need you to make me feel better. can you do that?” you peered up at him through your eyelashes, taking his digit into your mouth. “yes..”. within the next five minutes, rafe had your thighs pinned on either side of your head as he pounded into you at an unforgiving speed. “shhh, please stay quiet baby.” he threaded his fingers with yours, admiring the way your tits bounced with each one of his thrusts. “m’trying!” you cried softly, struggling not to let out an occasional whimper.
rafe kissed you in hopes to muffle the pretty sounds falling from your lips. “you can be as loud as you want when it’s just us two, okay?” you nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. “you have no idea how bad i’ve wanted to have you under me like this. i’ve woken up hard as fuck all because i dreamt of you taking my cock the night before.” you moaned at his revelation, his hand coming up to tuck your hair behind your ear. “rub your clit for me.” you did as he said, the added stimulation making you clench around his length.
just as you were about to tell him you were close, a knock sounded from the other side of the door. both of you froze, eyes wide as wheezie’s voice cut through the air. “y/n? are you okay in there?” she asked, the door knob rattling as you and rafe scrambled to get your clothes back on. “look, tomorrow everyone is gonna be out for dinner, make something up and say that you’re sick so you don’t have to go.” rafe kissed you, cursing under his breath. “hello?! y/n open the door!” you mumbled a quick ‘okay!’ before ushering rafe out. “chill out, wheez.” wheezie looked up at rafe confusingly.
“what is he doing in here? and why was the door locked?” she looked at you suspiciously, making your heart beat wildly in your chest. “oh! i had just borrowed his laptop for something. i must’ve locked the door on accident.” you smiled nervously, feeling small under her gaze. “anyways! i was just gonna see if you wanted to help me bake some cookies for my school thing on friday?” desperate to change the subject, you nodded frantically, hoping she wouldn’t ask anymore questions. “yes, that sounds fun! what kind of cookies did you have in mind?” you leaned against the doorframe.
she glanced past you, her eyes narrowing. “umm.. why is your bed like that?”
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donatellawritings · 1 month
somnophilia with stepbro!rafe i’m begging
𝜗𝜚 porn link!
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it was simple — rafe’s stepmother had so kindly asked that he watch over you for the night, you’d gotten caught drinking at the country club earlier in the week, therefore you’d been grounded for the weekend. so, here you laid, asleep on your stomach, wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt from a gift shop on the mainland. your leg had been bent upwards, the hem of your long shirt bunched up at your lower back, your bare ass and glistening pussy on full display.
rafe was careful when he entered your bedroom, calvin klein boxers laying dangerously low on his hips as he took a precautionary glance behind his shoulder — despite the two of you being home alone.
gently pushing his knee into your firm mattress, rafe shifts himself to stand on his knees, fisting his pre-cum dripping cock in his warm hand as he licks over his dry lips, “fuck,” he moans, allowing a thick string of spit to drip down from his tongue onto his eager tip.
spreading the sticky spit along his shaft, rafe guides his fat tip into your tight hole, his stomach flexing at the warm squeeze of your pussy, “jesus fuckin’ chris—”
a slightly pained whimper leaves your drowsy lips as rafe continues to ease himself into you, “wha—”
pressing a firm and stilling hand on your lower back, your step brother fills you to the hilt, letting out a guttural groan as the squishy sound you pussy makes, “i know baby — shit — y’can take it,” he soothes, his voice strained and choppy as he finds a consistent rhythm to thrust into you.
raising your head from you plush pillow, you crane your neck to look at rafe, your doe eyes dewy as your jaw slacks open, “rafey … too much,” you hum, your head dropping down onto the pillow as rafe sends a harsh thrust into you.
egged on by the squelching of your slippery and sticky pussy, rafe’s hips slap against the meat of your ass with conviction. “y’doin so fuckin’ good, mama — m’gonna fuckin cum,” he groans, both of his hands now holding your stepbrother up as he ruts into you, the slick of your creamy cum smearing onto his pelvic bone.
letting out a cry of pleasure, you reach a hand behind you, your delicate hand closing around rafe’s strained wrist, your fingernail digging into his gold rolex.
“cum in me, please,” you sigh, half-asleep and half-fucked out as rafe sends a sharp slap to your asscheek.
spreading your asscheeks apart, rafe spits directly on your puckered hole, “gonna fill you up, yeah?” he huffs, watching as you nod wordlessly, mumbled cries leaving your lips as rafe eases his thumb into your tight little asshole, “ah, fuck — there it is, baby,” he hisses, a slight smirk tugging on his lips as your asshole tightens around his thick finger.
now sloppily thrusting into you, rafe grunts through gritted teeth as he massages his thumb into your puckered hole, his warm cum shooting into you as his free hand grips your hip, “hmph! too full, papi!” you whine.
sliding his thumb out of your hole, rafe relishes in the ‘pop’ that comes with its removal, laying a satisfactory tap of approval against your ass as he eases out of your pussy, “y’did good, kid,”
“thank you, rafey,” you shudder, exhaling a giggle as rafe presses wet kisses to your leaking pussy.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
just a good brother
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words: 2.7k
warnings: 18+ only! smut, stepbro!rafe, stepcest, dubcon/noncon, drugging, female receiving oral, fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex, somnophilia, manipulation? i guess, reader is sick with like a cold or somethin
“what's wrong kid?” rafe asks, running a hand over your hair, pushing it out of your face as you keep your cheek pressed against the arm of the couch.
“sick.” you mutter, keeping your arms wrapped around your stomach, as if that could somehow make you feel better.
rafe frowns. he hates seeing you feeling down, and it's his responsibility as your step brother to make sure you are taken care of.
“what can i do for you?” rafe asks, his voice unbelievably soft. he kneels down in front of the couch so he can look you in the eye, scanning over your face, looking tired with a sheen of sweat over your skin. “did you take some medicine?”
“i did, and i still feel like crap.” you groan.
“want me to make you some soup?” rafe questions. he doesn't really know what to do to make you feel better, so he's resulting to movie stereotypes. he figures it's better than doing nothing. “or some cuddles?”
“ill take some cuddles.” you say. you really do think rafes arms wrapped around you would make you feel better. it's not weird after all, he's your step brother.
rafe nods, and you pick yourself up briefly to scooch to make room for rafe on the couch. he joins you, his arms wrapping around your shoulders, letting you move to rest your cheek against his chest.
“i got ya, sis.” rafe says, rubbing his hand over your back in long comforting strokes.
“thanks rafey.” you sigh, eyes closing. your headache has subsided a little from the medicine, causing you to relax enough to fall into a light sleep.
you are awoken by sarah bounding out the door, shouting something about john b. 
“shh, it's okay.” rafe says when you whine, but you need to stretch your tired muscles anyways, shaking out the one arm that got trapped and fell asleep during your short nap.
“ugh, i just feel gross.” you groan, burying your face in your hands.
“would a bath help maybe?” rafe questions.
“actually yeah.” you hum, thinking about being submerged in the warm water. you think you even have some epsom salt you could add to draw out some of the toxins.
“let me help you then.” rafe says. he stands up, only to swoop down and bring you into his arms, walking with ease as he heads towards the stairs. you would complain that you can walk yourself, but you're honestly not sure if you can, do you wrap your arms around rafes shoulders and let him take you all the way to his bathroom. you don't mention that your own bathroom has a jacuzzi tub as well.
“are you good to sit right here?” rafe asks as he places you on the counter.
“yeah.” you nod, leaning your head back against the mirror, watching as rafe turns the hot water on to fill up the bath before coming back over to you
“want me to help you get undressed?” rafe questions.
“wouldn't that be weird?” you raise an eyebrow. “you seeing me naked?”
“not at all. im your step brother, and im just helping you because you're sick.” rafe says, and you're not sure if it's the sickness, or the foggy mind from the medicine that makes you nod your head yes, accepting his help.
rafe assists you in standing, his hands firm in yours as you slide off the sink counter, the tub filling with water drowning out the sound of rustling clothes as rafe takes your shirt, dragging it over your head. he skips over your bra and moves to your shorts next, kneeling as he slides them down your legs. he also carefully takes your socks off before tugging at your underwear. you cringe when they stick to the slickness between your thighs, but rafe doesn't mention anything.
he stands slowly, his eyes taking in between your thighs, wondering what you, his precious little step sister, would look like with your legs spread wide open, cunt on display for him.
rafe stands in front of you while he reaches behind your back, unclipping your bra. the fever that has taken over your body is replaced with shivers as your breasts are exposed to the cool air, your nipples instantly hardening.
rafe looks down with a smirk, and you want to cover yourself, hide your shame away, but before you can move, he turns his head and looks at the bath.
“it's full.” he hums, moving to shut the water off before turning to you, beckoning you forward with his hand. you take hold, letting him bear part of your weight as you step in, the water being just on the verge of too hot.
you let out a low moan when you step the other foot in, already feeling better.
“go ahead, baby. all the way in.” rafe says, using a nickname for you that you haven't heard before. you slide down into the bath, glad that it can easily submerge your whole body as rafe drags a stool next to the lip of the tub, taking a seat next to you.
“gotta keep an eye on you just in case.” rafe says, again reaching to stroke your hair back.
“you're such a good big brother.” you tell him honestly. you feel so lucky that your mom married ward, that she brought you into this family, to rafe.
“always gonna take care of you.” rafe says, as a promise.
you lean forward, not sure what your intentions are as you pucker your lips, pressing them against his hand that rests on his knee.
“come here.” rafe coos, knowing you need this, need to show him some kind of affection as thanks, and how much you like physical touch. rafe cups your jaw, tilting your face up as he brings his own head down, letting you press kisses over his cheeks.
rafe goes to connect your lips, but you gasp and pull away.
“it's okay for siblings to kiss each other.” rafe says with a frown.
“but i don't want to get you sick.” you complain, even though you desperately want to smash your lips against his. you don't dwell too long on the thought or what it could mean.
rafe sighs, but nods, letting go of your face and letting you lean back against the tub. your eyes close as the water relaxes you.
rafe sits there quietly, but the silence isn't uncomfortable.
“baby, are you good here for a minute? gonna get you some medicine.”
“yeah.” you sit up slightly, eyes opening as you watch rafe leave the bathroom. the water in the tub has grown lukewarm at this point, so when rafe returns with a plastic cup filled with some sort of medicine, you tell him you want to get out.
“here, drink this then i will help you dry off.” rafe says when he has you wrapped in the fluffiest towel. 
you accept the cup, swirling the purple liquid before shrugging and drinking it down in one gulp, surprised by the sugary sweet taste.
“good girl.” rafe says, making a surprising flood of wetness rush to your core. 
he leads you out of the attached bathroom into his bedroom, guiding you to sit down on the bed. he takes a second towel and carefully dries your hair, squeezing strands free of water before running his fingers through, making sure your hair remains untangled.
rafe then moves to your arms, not letting you do any work yourself as he guides the towel up and down your arms until they're completely dry.
“why don't you lay back?” rafe questions, and you nod, wanting to lay down anyways as the new medicine makes your limbs feel sluggish. you guess that there was some kind of sleep aid in the medicine as well, but it could also be the effects of the sickness hitting you again.
you let rafe take your towel away before you lay back on the bed, on top of his comforter as he pats your stomach until it's dry. your eyes flutter closed when he moves upwards, able to feel his hands through the fabric of the towel as he dries your chest, seeming to pay special attention to your nipples.
“rafe, i-” you begin, wanting to apologize for how hard your nipples have pebbled but he just shakes his head.
“you don't need to explain, sis.” rafe simply says. “it's natural.”
“okay.” you whisper. you're really not sure, and rafe is your big brother after all, so he has no reason to lie to you. rafe moves lower yet again, bypassing your stomach and privates as he wipes dry your feet, lower legs, and then your thighs.
“spread your legs for me.” rafe commands. he says it so casually you almost do it before you realize that your sloppy cunt would be revealed to him.
you sit up, moving your elbows so you can look at rafe, staring expectantly at you.
“rafe, i don't know-” 
“we are siblings.” he cuts you off again. “it's okay.”
you lay back, closing your eyes, not wanting to see rafes reaction when you spread your legs, revealing your wetness. you miss rafes smirk as he covers his hand with the towel, making sure to move very gently as he works it between your legs, stroking the fabric over your cunt.
you let out a low moan when your clit is bumped, causing a whole new flood of wetness.
“i can't seem to get this spot dry…” rafe says, tossing the towel onto the bed, needing to feel your bare skin. he strokes over your folds, not doing anything more than touching around your cunt until he can't take it anymore, letting his finger swipe through your wetness.
“rafe, stop.” you pout, eyes now clenched tightly closed.
“it's okay.” rafe just hums in response, too transfixed on your pretty pussy to take your plea into account, especially when you spread your legs wider, giving him more access.
rafe smiles as his finger pushes further against your skin, now rubbing through your wetness, spreading it around your cunt. he moves his singular digit up to your clit, moving in circles around it teasingly until he presses his fingertip down directly over your clit, making your back arch as you let out a moan.
“how do you feel now?” rafe questions as his finger continues to massage your clit.
you assess your body, and you're not sure if it's from the medicine or from rafes attention on your pussy, but he only feeling you can focus on is coming from his fingertip, instead of your hurting stomach.
“really good.” you whisper. you should be concerned about what you're doing right now, but you're so glad to be alleviated from feeling sick that you can't bring yourself to care about rafe stroking over your clit.
“want me to keep making you feel good?” rafe questions.
you nod before you can hesitate. rafe climbs onto the bed, slotting himself between your thighs. you blink your eyes open when his hands rub over your inner thighs.
“it's okay.” rafe assures you again. “just a brother taking care of his sick sister.”
“okay.” you whisper. “it's okay.”
rafe smiles before diving in, burying his mouth in your cunt. he possessively licks over your pussy, like he's been waiting since your mom married his dad two years ago to get a taste of you. 
he sucks your clit into his mouth, bringing his fingers to your entrance. he pushes a singular digit in, glad when you stay relaxed, allowing him to pump his finger into you. he's sure it's a combination of the exhaustion of your sickness as well as the medicine he gave you.
rafe switches between flicking his tongue over your clit and sucking on it while his finger works you open. he can quickly add a second due to your pliability and wetness.
“rafe, i feel something-” you gasp, his fingers moving faster.
“you're gonna cum for me?” he questions. he knows you're not the most innocent, he's seen you making out quite intensely with your ex boyfriend, but he also knows that you're still a virgin. you claim you want to wait until marriage.
“i-i don't know. i think so.” you whine, hips undulating.
“it's okay, relax for me baby and cum.” rafe says, his tongue taking in your taste again, licking long stripes through your cunt, making sure to flick over your clit with every movement.
you let out a mix between a whine and a moan as his tongue and fingers becomes too much, pulling the orgasm out of you as you cum, your high pushing through your body as your legs tighten around rafes head.
rafe gently kisses your cunt through the orgasm until your thighs loosen and your eyes fall closed.
“im tired.” you whisper, not sure what rafe is doing when you feel him get off the bed, and rustle around. you don't open your eyes until he's back on the bed between your legs.
“rafe!” you shout when you realize he is kneeling between your legs, now completely naked, his cock hard and jutting away from his body, one hand at the base, slightly stroking as he looks down on your naked body.
“it's okay.” he says again, hoping that repeating it will make you believe it.
“what are you doing?” you question.
“you said you wanted to feel good, im just helping you sis.” rafe says, now stroking faster, taking up more of his shaft.
“no, no, no.” you mumble quickly. “you're my brother!”
“im your step brother.” rafe snips quickly.
“still! im supposed to be waiting until marriage! for my husband!” despite your protests, you can't bring your body to move, completely slackened against the bed.
“it doesn't count if its family.” rafe says. “besides, ive been taking such good care of you. let me keep taking care of you, and you can take care of me too.”.
“i guess…” you mumble, eyes taking in his big cock. you want to know what it feels like inside of you, and rafe grants your wish when he drapes his body over yours, lining his cock up with your entrance.
“id say stay nice and relaxed for me, but the medicine is doing it's job.” rafe says, burying his head in your shoulder as he pushes inside, filling your cunt in one smooth and easy pump.
you let out a moan, wanting to wrap your legs around rafes waist to help the angle, but your legs feel like jelly.
“that's it, sis.” rafe moans, immediately snapping his hips into yours, not bothering to start softly.
rafe keeps one hand gripping your hip while the other moves to your chest, gripping your tit harshly, but you're too numb to complain about the pain.
“more.” you whisper into rafes ear.
“dirty slut.” rafe says back. “who knew my step sis would be such a whore for her brothers cock?”
you let out a whine of complaints, but rafe begins to move faster, push deeper into you. you wish you could keep your eyes open, to look at rafe like this, but tiredness is taking over, even as he pumps into you.
“can't- can't help it.” rafe says, his voice sounding strained as he continues thrusting. “gonna cum inside of you.”
this wakes you up slightly, squirming underneath him. “you can't, rafe! im not on birth control and you're my brother!”
“say it again.” rafe grunts.
“you're my brother!” you shout again, but instead of rafe pulling out, he floods your cunt with his cum, spurting long ropes inside of you.
you squirm again, but rafe just moans when your pussy constricts around him, having the opposite effect as you milk his cock.
“im sorry sis.” rafe says. you try to push him off, but thats when you realize that it's more than just tiredness taking over your body. you're completely limp, unable to move or lift your hand.
“what did you do?” you ask, words slurring.
“ill take care of you. ill take care of everything.” rafe promises, grinding his hips when his cock begins to reharden inside of you.
you try to open your mouth, but your vision goes completely black, your jaw slackening. you pass out with the feeling of rafe beginning to move inside of you again, his cock pushing the cum further into your cervix.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @rafecamerongirl @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre
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princessbrunette · 6 months
could you do stepbro!rafe with a breeding kink?
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cw: stepcest, smut, breeding, pregnancy mention, rafe calls you ‘little sis’ once.
It was totally, utterly unfair.
You were picky, picky when it came to food— separating the dry from the wet on your plate with your fork, picky with your clothes — needing the pinks to be the perfect cool tone. Picky with the way you organised your bed, needing the decorative cushions and copious amounts of stuffed animals to be organised in a specific manner in order to feel satisfied. Most importantly, you were picky with your men. It took a lot for you to feel a spark, most of the men you encountered just not even breaching your impossibly high standards.
So why, oh why — did you have to pick your step-brother?
He wasn’t even perfect, not by a long mile. He was aggressive, rude, stuck up, all things you pride yourself on not being. He had a reputation of causing problems, fighting pogues, engaging in scream-offs with his father. But, Rafe Cameron was gorgeous. An innocent smile despite it all, broad, tall and built, grab-able hair.
You hadn’t even realised you’d had a handful of it between your tense fingers until he groaned against your mouth, cock resting against your sodden cunt, sliding against your folds with each buck of his hips. The two of you had snuck upstairs during the infamous Midsummers party, white sundress bunched up around your waist, thin wiry flowercrown fallen, laying beside a teddy bear wearing a sweater at the head of your bed.
He’d been making eyes at you all night, much to your dismay after you’d told him to pinky promise you that he’d try and refrain from engaging in any stepcestual shenanigans at such a family affair. You recall the way he sighed when you’d asked, stepping up to you as if to impose his height on you, plastering a purposely fake smile on his face, eyes crinkling at the corners and holding up the requested finger.
“Pinky swear.” He rasps in that low, intimate tone. Everything was a seduction technique with him, god — whatever, it was working. You hooked your finger happily enough around his anyway probably sporting a big goofy smile. Any excuse to touch him you’d take.
He grinds his shaft against your heat as he practically has you pinned to your bed, legs helpless around his waist. You shudder and whine when his tip catches your clit. “Do pinky promises mean nothing to you?” You shiver, infinitely hypocritical and careless as you buck your hips for more. He chuckles at this, leaning back so he can line himself up with your entrance.
“Doesn’t look like you’re complaining.” He retorts, giving your hip a comforting squeeze before sliding himself in. You go to let out a moan but he warns you with his fingers softly brushing your lips. “Uh-uh.” He whispers. He’s right, can’t get caught.
Soon enough you have tears pooling at the corners of your eyes from your restraint, eyes all big and desperate as he works his rhythm against you, hips grinding and slamming until you’re seeing stars. He gets so concentrated, like he’s working out whilst he fucks you, his mouth hung a little open, eyes focused on your body and what he’s doing. Forget the short pathetic whimpers leaving you, with each thrust the bed creaks loud and fast in an unmistakable rhythm that one who passed your room could only know exactly what’s going down.
It doesn’t take long before you’re cumming, hard. You’re not sure what it is, aside from him whispering “Good girl, keep taking it.” In your ear with his lips brushing your jawline. You’d decided the shape of his cock must be designed perfectly for your insides, and hits the perfect spot— because it’s not like he did that much to get you to cum that hard.
You get all silly and brain dead whenever you cum, and this time it was awful. It must have been the summer heat getting to your head or the glass of wine you’d downed when you’d seen the way Rafe was openly ogling you at a family event, because you lock your feet around his back, not letting him leave you. You’d been clenching so hard when you came that he’d had to take a breather, his weight falling on top of you a bit more as he groaned something along the lines of “Shit, g’nna make me cum too.” into your temple. Completely fuck drunk, you whine out—
“Want it inside please. Cum inside.” Desperate and pleadingly, arms wrapped around his neck and feet still locked to keep him inside you. He pauses for a moment, so that he doesn’t blow his load there and then before pulling back. He’s stronger than you by a long shot, so he’s got your arms off him in no time, pinning you so hard to the bed, putting his weight on you to the point you think you might fall through it. He looks angry at first, and you think maybe you’ve messed up, staring up at him through hazy, tearful doe eyes. His expression twists to something more amused, a malicious smile twitching at his lips as he stares at you almost pityingly. Then he starts to slowly grind inside.
“Thats real sick, baby. You know that right? Wanting me t’cum inside you?” He huffs out a snicker, shaking his head as he adjusts his grip on your hips. “I mean can you imagine?” He presses inside, deep as he can go, his tip kissing your cervix with force and just staying there, throbbing against it. You whine, too sensitive, too much. “Knocking up my sweet little sis? The look on everyone’s face when they realise that big bad scary Rafe has been ploughing this pretty little pussy behind closed doors?” He starts moving again, pushing your knees up to your chest once he’d broken free from your locked in position. “How would it look if you showed up to the next family function with a swollen tummy, baby?” He babies you, talking to you like you’re stupid and rubbing a big hand over your stomach soothingly. You flutter around him, worsening things. “Better yet, leaving this room and going back to the party with my cum all in your panties.” He squints one eye in fake disgust before shaking his head in fake disapproval, lips pouted as he tuts three times. “Gonna get me in trouble, beautiful.”
He presses his body to yours again, thrusts speeding up and the sound of the creaking bed smacking the wall returns, as to your sensitive mewls. “But if that’s really what you want...” He finishes sinisterly, holding you down when you squirm and fucking you until he’s groaning, pumping his load inside.
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aemvnd · 2 months
step bro rafe is the besttt🤭
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𝓇.cameron. ┆ sweet, sweet.
◟ ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ ݁.﹒ more icky stepbro!rafe cus y'all seemed to love him . <3
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"you like this, don't ya', kid?" rafe questions, his tone of voice low and deep, with that nasally, rich boy drawl that drives you insane, and sometimes, you just couldn't stand to be around him, knowing he has you under his spell, his control.
you give him a small, gentle nod of your head, breath hitching and heart thumping wildly, feeling your stepbrother's calloused fingertips trail over the wet, glossy slit of your pussy, before gently circling your little clit.
"raaafe," you mewl softly, pawing at his clothed chest, and it wasn't even fair, he still had all of his clothes on and you were practically nude, easily convinced by your older stepbrother to strip off your bottom clothes, to let him see your princess parts.
"shhhh," he hums, still toying with your clit, before easily sliding down and slipping two of his long, nimble fingers into your quivering little fuckhole, making you gasp and clench, more of your sweet pussy juices easily flowing out, dripping down rafe's fingers and soaking them.
rafe laughs, then smirks lazily. "see? told you it'd feel good—just gotta trust me from now on, a'ight?" he tells you, moving to lean down slightly to murmur into your ear, inhaling the sweet, feminine scent of your hair products—something fruity and sweet, just perfectly you.
"you hear me, baby?" rafe drawls lowly, like you're some dumb, little spoiled brat, beginning to pump both of his fingers in and out, in and out, in and out, driving you delirious with pleasure, and fuck, you need him, you need him now—desperately.
"please... please, rafe, n-need you," you beg so sweetly, and rafe smiles wolfishly, his cock already rock hard and being restricted by his pants, but he doesn't mind, not right now at least, not when he is fingering his little baby stepsister.
"you gonna come for me, pretty girl?" rafe purrs, nipping at your earlobe, before trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down your delicate neck, nipping and sucking with every other kiss, wanting to mark you, to claim you, to show everyone that you belong to him.
obediently, you nod, shaky and misty eyed, and if rafe didn't know you any better, he'd say you were about to burst into tears, which wasn't uncommon for you, but he knows that look—that look when you're on the verge of coming for him, and oh, how badly he wants to see you cream all over his fingers, his face, and especially his cock.
abruptly, rafe pulls his hand away, carelessly wiping the glossy wetness from your sweet little cunt across your inner thigh, humming at the cute pout that immediately takes over your pretty, scrunched up face, crying out like a newborn kitten.
"it's alright, baby, we got all the time in the world for that," rafe tells you with a light chuckle, a small, teasing smile curling on his lips, knowing you want him just as much as he wants you, and he can't help the way his lust-blown eyes wander down, gazing intensely at your sloppy, exposed cunt fully on display, just for him and only him, so wet and swollen from just the simplest touches of his deft fingers.
"b-but i want− want t-to..." you trail off shyly, cheeks hot and little nipples peaking through your thin baby-tee, all due to the arousal rafe made you feel.
rafe sighs, easily slipping off of his bed and walking over to the full length mirror, swiftly smoothing down his fancy polo shirt, though his eyes are still focused on you through the mirror, just like they always are focused on you—wherever you are, rafe's eyes will always follow.
"don't worry so much, kid," rafe says nonchalantly, spinning on his heel and walking back over to where you're sitting at the edge of his bed, pouty and arms crossed over your perky chest, covering those pretty little nipples he loves to suck on.
"dad will eat your sweet little pussy as soon as he returns from conducting his business with barry, alright?" he explains slowly, promising you with a sweet, nasty kiss full of teeth and tongue for several minutes too long, but rafe doesn't give a fuck—and then, he's pulling back and watching you grow all doe-eyed and smiling dreamily, making him reach out and firmly grasp your soft, unblemished cheek, "now, be a good girl for me until i get back—a'ight, kid?"
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messylustt · 1 year
naive — rafe cameron + reader ( outer banks ) : your stepbro shows you what guys want.
contents : readers a bit of a bimbo, manipulative rafe, stepcest, use of 'good girl', fingering; kissing. wc 2.1k.
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it started off as small touches. brushes across the arm when walking through the kitchen or taps on the shoulder when rafe wanted your attention.
but it gradually grew to more, like caresses on the head, whenever rafe thought you did something well. or a hand on your thigh when you’d both sit.
you’d brushed it off as rafe just showing affection to his stepsister, but you soon grew to realise that rafe never showed affection. least of all to his family. so the special touches and words of praise started to confuse you. so, much so that you confronted him one time.
“can i ask you something, rafe?” you were in the doorway to his room, tapping on the door to alert him of your presence.
rafe looked up from some clothes he was packing or unpacking (or something), nodding for you to continue.
“why are you so…nice to me?” you didn’t know how else to put it.
rafe straightens, letting his gaze wander your body as he assumably thinks. “why do you ask?”
“well,” you begin, playing with the hem of your sweatshirt. “you seem to pay more attention to me then the rest of the family.”
rafe then walks closer, tilting your chin up between his fingers, as it had fallen to gaze at your socks. you meet his gaze, innocent eyes awaiting his answer.
rafe stared at you, his gaze dragging across your features slowly. “do you not like that?”
“well—“ you cut yourself off stepping slightly back sighing. “i don’t know. i just find it strange. that’s all.”
rafe nods to himself. “what do specifically find strange?” he asks.
you lick your lips, swaying your head in thought. “your compliments.” you decide on.
“when i compliment you?” rafe re-asks. you nod. “can’t i compliment my stepsister?”
“well…yes.” you pause, thinking to yourself that you may have overreacted. “i guess you can.” you straighten, brushing your hair behind you. “no worries, forget i said anything.” you smile, beginning to head to your room. “night, rafe.”
“sleep well, y/n.” rafe watches you leave, gaze wandering down your thin tank top and loose shorts.
you were laughing with some guy you had met at a party, a kook friend’s house filled with booze and flashing lights.
“how does that even make sense?” you laugh.
the guys smile had widened as he watched you, shaking his head. “that’s what I want to know.”
rafe watched from afar, sipping a beer bottle. your outfit choice was showing a little more skin then you’d usually, capturing the attention of the kook beside you. the guy had managed his hand onto your thigh as you giggled at a joke he uttered.
rafe tilted his head. he knew you knew practically nothing about what this guy wanted from you. rafe knew that your naivety would get you in trouble.
you weren’t ready for boys like the kook slowly drawing closer. rafe didn’t want your first experience to be a tipsy one with a quick-fuck walk-away. he couldn’t let that happen to his stepsister.
so, he pushed off the wall nearing you. you felt a hand rest on your shoulder. looking up you spotted rafe. he tilted his head to the side, silently telling you talk to him.
you shift your gaze back to the guy, who had grown disappointed at the fact that you were clearly leaving. “sorry.” you spoke before standing up, pulling down your skirt.
rafe ushered you into the dark hallway, free from any drunk people. you halted, as rafe partly leaned against the wall, gazing down at you. “are you alright?” you ask sweetly.
rafe just bit the inside of his cheek as the moonlight streaked across your chest, your shirt tight enough that he could see your nipples peaking through. “you chose not to wear a bra?”
you look down, taking in your bra less state. “they were all in the wash.” you shrugged.
so naive—rafe thought to himself. “you should have asked to borrow one, from sarah or somgthing. it’s not good to walk around like that.” rafe hovered one thumb over your nipple, as he held your gaze.
your brows furrow. “is it not?”
rafe shakes his head. “no.” he says, licking his bottom lip. rafe shifts his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
you knew nothing about what the many boys on this island wanted to do to you. and rafe felt bad that you knew so little. his fingers had drifted to stroke your cheek a fraction. “this outfit too…is a little much.”
your brows again furrow, thinking the skirt and top was a nice combo. rafe catches your partially sad expression. “i’m only saying this because i want to take care of my stepsis.” rafe softly spoke.
rafe grabbed your chin again. “you know that right?”
rafe paused for a moment, just breathing. “let’s go home.”
you slightly frowned. “it’s okay. i’ll see you there later.”
but rafe shook his head. “i can’t leave you alone here.” and he doesn’t elaborate further, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the party.
when you both got home, shutting the front door noiselessly, rafe’s thoughts had been running wild.
he hated the thought that if he wasn’t there that guy could have taken advantage of you. touched you when you weren’t ready to be.
he had paused on that thought though, as he walks behind you up the stairs. you’d need to know what to do in those situations at some point. those sexual situations, where you’d need to know what you liked and disliked.
you’d both reached the hallway when rafe grabbed your hand again, pulling you into his room.
rafe wanted your first time to be good and comfortable. and no better person than the one your the most comfortable with.
“rafe?” you questioned as he shut the door.
“shh.” rafe whispered, as he stepped closer to you.
you slightly shuffled back at how swift the action had been, your legs hitting against his bed. rafe was then pressing himself against you, brushing the hair away from your face. your pretty big eyes stared back, as he smiled.
“did you know what that guy was wanting from you?” rafe asked.
“um. he just wanted to give me a drink and talk. he had this funny story—“ rafe cuts you off chuckling.
“no, of course you didn’t.”
rafe began to slowly push you onto his bed, his body staying close. he found a position where his knees were either side of you, your head hitting the duvet. “what are you doing?” you ask, brows furrowed.
“i want to help you.” rafe answers, staring down at you.
“with what?”
“you want to be good at many things, don’t you?”
you scoff. “everyone wants to be good at many things.”
rafe smiles. “i want to help you be good at something.”
“something in your room?”
“something in my room.” rafe confirms, his breath hitting your face. “something that guy wanted to do.”
your brows furrowed. “what did he want to do?”
“can i show you?” rafe asked, to which you nodded, your curiosity getting the better of you.
rafe then leant down, his breath hitting your mouth. he grinned before wrapping his lips around your bottom lip. you gasped, not expecting this. rafe takes the opportunity of your open mouth to dive his tongue in, lapping at your own.
you had slowly began to kiss back, making rafe groan in approval. his hands now rested by your head, caging you in. for breath, and only for breath did Rafe break away. you’re panting. “w-what was that for?” you gulp.
“that was lesson one. you did very good.”
your thighs had begun to press together at his compliment. rafe immediately noticed, his chest picking up a pace.
but then you shake your head. “wait. but step-siblings don’t…kiss.”
“they don’t?” rafe asks, beginning to place kisses along your jaw.
“isn’t it…wrong?” your mouth has begun to open in pleasure as rafe sucked on your neck, his hand slipping to your hair, for a better grip, and to tilt your head how he wanted.
“i think it is.” you mutter, as your hand had lifted to grip his hair.
with your tight grip rafe moaned into your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. “no.” rafe leant back, grabbing the hem of your shirt and letting it rest up by your neck.
the cold air hit your already peaked nipples making your squirm. rafe dragged his thumb over nipple making your body shiver. he then began to massage your tit, his breathing stuttering. "this isn't wrong. does it feel wrong?"
your mouth stayed hung open as rafe pinched your nipple when you didn't respond. "it feels..." you drift off as rafe leans down.
he darts his tongue out to lick your nipple making your gasp. his finger circles the other as he looks up to meet your eyes. "good." rafe finishes for you. he then grabs your chin as your head had lolled to the side.
"this is what that guy wanted to do." rafe says, continuing to circle your nipple. "why you shouldn't walk around without a bra."
rafe leans down again, to lick and bite at your nipple. your back had begun to arch into him, a pressure forming between your legs. "you won't do that again, right?" rafe asks gently.
you partially nod, as pleasure runs through your veins. "good girl." rafe praises, making the heat between your legs much more prominant. "you're always good for me, aren't you?"
your bottom lip began to hurt with how hard you were biting it. "such a good little stepsis." he whispered, before sucking on your nipple.
"oh—god, i—" you try, some sense of you feeling shame. he was your stepbrother. step-siblings don't act like this. you begin to try and push away, to which rafe just grabs your hands in a tight lock, continuing to lick and kiss your tit. "you know what else he wanted to do?" rafe asked, leaning back to meet your gaze.
your cheeks are flushed. "i don't think I want to know." you whisper. "because we shouldn't..." you gulp. "we shouldn't be this close."
"my dad gets to choose a favourite, why can't i?" rafe asks, pushing your skirt up. rafe hums in approval at seeing the wet patch that had formed on your panties. you go to shut your legs, growing embarrassed, but rafe intercepts, spreading your legs wider.
"no, no. keep them wide for me." rafe says, looming over you again. his hand dipped down, two fingers beginning to rub your clothed pussy. your mouth opened in a mix of shock and pleasure. rafe leaned down to your ear, whispering. "this is what he wanted to do."
you gulped, the feeling spreading through your entire body. "b-but he can, he's allowed."
"is he?"
"well..." you begin as rafe bypasses your panties, spreading your wetness around, making a noise slip from your lips. "it's fine if he t-touched me like this." you gulp.
"so, just because i'm your stepbrother, you think that me touching you is wrong?" rafe asks, circling over your clit.
you shakily nod. rafe chuckles, inserting one finger. you clench your fists, your hands still stuck in rafe's hold. "but it feels...good. doesn't it?" rafe asked, leaning down to capture your lips in a kiss.
he leans slightly back, just hovering. "doesn't it?" he had begun to pump his finger in and out of you. he bites your lip making you squirm as your chest heaves.
"i know it does." rafe says. a look of shame had covered your features, because it did feel nice.
rafe pecks your lips, catching your expression. "it’s okay. i'm just helping you. your older stepbro should teach you things, right?"
"yeah." he answers himself almost absentmindely, pushing a second finger in. your walls were clenched around him, pleasure now clouding majority of your shame.
rafe had quickened his pace, your whimpers filling his ears. "you have to tell me if you like this." rafe breathes. "in bed you have to tell them what you want—what you like."
"so, tell me," rafe began, hitting your g-spot repeatedly. "how does this feel?"
"good..." you mutter out, your brows pinched in pleasure. "so good...so good."
rafe grinned, running his thumb over your clit. "rafe. i’m gonna—"
rafe kisses you, hard, as he keeps the pace. when the pleasure hits, you're jolting beneath him, open mouth against his. "christ." you whisper as your high slowly dissapates.
rafe smiled against your lips, finally drawing his fingers out. “let me help you." he whispered partly to you and partly to himself. “let me help you learn.”
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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dark-fics-4-you · 3 months
Can you do reader ignoring stepbro rafe and he gets mad so he sneaks in readers room and eats her out until shes crying and begging for him to stop! Love ur fics💗💗
Silent Treatment
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mean!stepbro!Rafe Cameron x reader
Warnings: noncon/forced sex, incest (step siblings), oral, fingering, forced orgasm, jealousy, controlling behavior, smut
After an excruciating family dinner where you seemed happy to speak with any other family member but him, Rafe glared at you when you were the first to excuse yourself from the table.
He rolled his eyes when he heard your door slam upstairs, but chose not to comment on it in front of Ward, Rose, Sarah, or Wheezie. If they noticed his reaction, they didn’t say anything.
Although they would have definitely noticed how little you had been speaking to Rafe, completely snubbing him at his every attempt to strike conversation with you.
Normally the two of you would be attached at the hip, and only Rafe knew why you were acting differently now.
The blond had chased off another guy that you had been talking to, insisting to you that he wasn’t any good for you, and that he didn’t deserve to date “Rafe Cameron’s little sister.”
You both knew the real reason behind his actions though.
Rafe waited several minutes before excusing himself and then casually walking up the stairs and approaching your door.
He didn’t even bother knocking, twisting the handle and opening the door to let himself in before shutting it quietly behind him.
At the noise, you sat up in bed, and glared at him.
“Leave me alone.” Your voice was curt and resolved, but Rafe didn’t really want to listen to you right now.
“C’mon Y/N, are you really going to do this right now? This silent treatment shit is getting old fast.” When your older step brother sat on the side of your bed, you tensed, scooting yourself away from him a bit.
“I already told you, I don’t want to talk to you right now.” You snapped at him. “You threatened Tyler to get him to stop talking to me!”
Rafe shook his head, his jaw clenching in frustration when he looked at you. He stared at you in silence before chuckling darkly.
“God, you’re such a cunt sometimes, Y/N, you know that?”
You reeled back at his words, jaw dropping in disbelief at his insult.
“Fuck you, Rafe,” you cursed under your breath and you were surprised when his fingers clamped down on your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“Oh yeah? Maybe I will.” His words shocked you, but not as much as the dead serious look on his face. “Maybe that would teach you to not be such an uptight bitch.”
You tried to grasp at his wrist but he swatted your hand away before sliding his hand around your throat and forcing you onto your back.
“Rafe-” you struggled against him when he straddled you, and when he reared his hand back like he was ready to slap you across the face, you tensed up, finally stilling beneath him and looking up at your older step brother with fear in your eyes.
“Relax, I wasn’t going to hit you, sweetheart,” you weren’t sure whether his raspy words were meant to be a comfort or a threat.
You couldn’t speak, too shocked and frightened by his actions to create a sound. All you could do was blink the tears from your shiny eyes.
“What? Nothing to say now, huh?” Rafe mocked you, drawing closer. His breath was hot on your face and his large hand at your throat kept you pinned in place.
You defiantly kept your mouth shut, although you didn’t think you could have made a sound even if you wanted to with Rafe’s fingers starting to crush your throat.
Your silence was short lived however, because you gasped when you felt Rafe’s other hand gently ghost over your clothed core. You jerked away from his touch, but the hand at your throat held you firmly in place.
He shifted on top of you, crawling lower and finally releasing his hold on your neck. Your attempts to shove him off of you were futile, and when his big hands began pawing at your shorts and kneading the soft skin of your thighs, you felt your stomach drop.
“Get the hell off of me!”
He ignored you, unbuttoning your shorts, only unzipping them part of the way before just tugging them down your legs and discarding them behind him. Your heart was beating hard in your ears, and the sound of your rushing pulse made you feel dizzy.
He eyed your lacy pink panties for just a moment before pulling them down, ripping them when you kicked your legs out trying to stop him.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You hissed quietly, too confused and embarrassed to be loud enough to attract the attention of your family.
He didn’t respond, but you got your answer when he spread your legs, which you were desperately trying to squeeze together, and buried his tongue into your pussy.
You weren’t sure if the noise you let out was a cry or a moan, but either way, it was loud. Disgust and pleasure sinfully mingled together in your gut when Rafe’s tongue teased your clit.
With his strong arms wrapped around your legs, you had nowhere to go. When you squirmed in his arms, his tongue just licked at you more hungrily, shooting sparks of ecstasy through your entire body.
Your step brother devoured your silky cunt, savoring the sweet flavors of your unwanted arousal like it was nectar from the gods. The sound of your soft cries of protests mixed with involuntary moans of pleasure made him harder than he had ever gotten by just fantasizing about this moment.
“Rafe please!” You begged him, panting as he messily lapped at your tender clit. His harsh grip on your soft thighs tightened, and you winced at the feeling of his fingers digging into your skin.
When you felt the tip of his finger slide along your dripping folds, you bucked your hips in surprise, trying again to free yourself from his grasp.
His blue eyes glanced up, taking in your disheveled form. Your chest was rising and falling unevenly and Rafe watched your face as he slowly pushed his index finger into your tight heat.
Your eyebrows shot up in shock and you bit your lip, trying to stifle the gasp that escaped at the feeling of your older brother sliding his ringed finger along your walls. Every flick of his tongue against your clit had you tensing and tightening around his finger and Rafe’s moans vibrated against your soaked pussy.
“P-please stop,” you whimpered, tears beginning to prick at your eyes and overflow past your lashes.
“Not ‘til you apologize, princess,” he mumbled in between sucking at your clit and curling his finger inside your quivering walls. He slowly slid in a second finger, stretching you out even further and earning a strained gasp that made his cock twitch. Rafe had fantasized about this moment so many times before, but seeing your perfect face and hearing you moan and whine as he fucked you with his fingers and lapped at your clit was better than anything he could have ever imagined.
Your head was in the clouds, horribly confused by your conflicting feelings of disgust and desperate want. It was wrong for so many reasons, but maybe that fact was why you were so close to being pushed over the brink.
“I’m sorry, Rafe! Okay? Fuck- Please, mm- I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” You breathlessly begged him. Your eyes were squeezed shut, but your tears were still flowing down your cheeks in a steady stream.
“Look at me, Y/N,” he ordered. Rafe was fucking you with his fingers harder now, the feeling of his ring dragging along your walls was making you see stars behind your eyelids. His thumb circled your clit with just the right amount of pressure to keep you right on the edge of finishing.
You reluctantly cracked your eyes, meeting Rafe’s intense gaze with heavy lidded eyes that you could barely keep open.
“Apologize to your big brother like you fucking mean it.” His grin was triumphant and mocking, and he allowed his eyes to trace over every part of you, taking in how much of a pathetic mess he had made of you.
“I’m sorry, Rafe! I’m sorry, I’ll never ignore you again. I was just being stupid. Ple- mm please stop.” You pleaded with him, tears and hiccups interrupting your words. You had never felt so much humiliation in your entire life.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he groaned, not stopping his movements at all. “You’re just too cute for your own good, baby.”
Your question was cut off with a moan when he resumed working your clit with his tongue. He lapped and licked at the tender flesh like a man starved and when he slide a third finger into your tight cunt, the band inside of you finally snapped.
“Rafe!” You loudly whined as you came, legs quivering as he continued fucking you through your high.
“Aw, there’s my good girl,” he cooed, drinking in your beautiful face and enjoying the feeling of your cunt clinging to his fingers and pulsing around them. Your pink, puffy tear stained eyes fearfully met his eyes and you sniffed sadly.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it, Y/N?” He smirked at you when he pulled his fingers from your sore, weeping pussy and slid them past his lips, savoring the flavor of your arousal.
“Mm, tastes like you enjoyed yourself,” Rafe chuckled darkly. “So quit your fucking crying. Just makes me want to choke you with my dick till you shut up.”
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starkeyisthelastname · 5 months
Stepbro!rafe making reader mad then apologizing by eating her out
“Hey.” His voice soft as his tall frame walked into your dimly lit bedroom, shutting the door behind him quietly. You looked up from writing in your journal, eyes rolling as he strutted closer to the bed. You didn’t know why Rafe was in here after being such an asshole to you today, especially after yelling at you to get away from him when you came to check on him after a fight with Ward.
“Go away.” You told him, looking back down at the words you were writing as you tried to ignore his presence. Your step-brother being a Cameron though wasn’t going to let you continue to do that, he hated when you were mad at him.
You heard him take a long sigh before kneeling down below you. “I’m sorry. Alright? He just pisses me off and I lose control in those moments.” He tells you, large hands resting on your knees gently. “I’m trying to do better. Closing your journal, you looked down at him with a hesitant expression. His baby blue eyes looking up into yours, silently pleading for you to forgive him. “You yelled at me.” You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Let me make it up to you. Yeah?” He whispered.
You didn’t think your step-brother’s way of apologizing was going to be him with his face buried between your thighs. It was so very wrong that this was even happening, the harder part being that he was so fucking good at it and you didn’t want him to stop. Your hand even resting on the back of his head to encourage him as he sloppily ate your leaking hole. “So good.” You whimpered, free hand coming up to squeeze your own tits.
The man was tongue fucking you, nose buried against your clit as his hands spread your thighs further apart. “Good fucking girl.” He groaned watching you play with yourself as he brought his tongue up to flick your little bud. Your eyes squeezing shut, letting out a moan as you felt him start to suck harshly on your sensitive pearl.
“Rafe-don’t stop.” You cried, pretty white toes curling as you held his head in place. The messy sounds of him eating, and that handsome face covered in wetness had you close to the edge. He would tease your clit with his mouth only to bring his tongue back down and lick you as he had never tasted anything so good.
“Be careful telling me that.” He mumbled, pulling his face back slightly to look up at you. “Gonna have me burying my dick inside this pretty pussy before long.” He smirked, sliding his middle finger in your slick hole. “But you would like that wouldn’t you?” He laughed, his mouth attacking your clit once again.
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stepbro rafe hcs!
Warnings: stepcest, dub-con, reader’s lowkey a bimbo, light smut, pervy behavior, DARK CONTENT, jealousy.
a/n: this is my first post so please be nice and as always mdni!
stepbrother! rafe who was always a little too touchy with you, holding your hips to move you out of his way, caressing your head when you did something right, placing his hand on your thigh as you sat next to him at family dinner, making you his personal eye candy at parties, making his friends envious, and making their shorts tighten at your cleavage as they watched you lean down and pick something up for Rafe.
You dismissed it as casual affection because you were just relieved that your intimidating big evil stepbrother liked you.
A shiver ran through you as you felt Rafe’s fingers graze your spine as he pulls down the zipper, and you see him lick his lips at the sight of your boobs spilling out of your push-up bra.
You gasp when he unhooks it in one swift motion making it pool at your feet, and you bite your lip as his finger reaches out to brush over your hardened nipple.
stepbro! Rafe always carries drags you back to his room when you've had a little too much to drink, stripping you and changing your clothes so you can wear his, so you know better than to protest as his gaze hungrily travels down your half-naked body, swallowing roughly when your palms reach up to squeeze your boobs as a protection against the cold air and cock twitching when you look up at him through your lashes and whine for him to give you his shirt already.
stepbro! rafe wrapped your lace panties around his hardening cock, getting off to your pictures, in his defense, you did ask him to take a good picture of you and perhaps he took a few extra for himself. You didn't mind because you were wearing the miniskirt he bought you as an act of reconciliation after he beat up that touron for talking to you, so it's not entirely his fault that he took a few in different angles. That's what a nice stepbrother does, right?
stepbro! rafe who takes you shopping on the mainland where he buys you the skimpiest little skirts he can think of, skirts that he knows will undoubtedly hike up when you bend over, as well as some lace lingerie sets that would flash through your see-through shirts.
He usually follows you into the dressing room as you change, observing you with a hungry glare. He means well, of course; after all, who else is going to assist you in undressing?
drunk or coked out stepbro! Rafe who slips into your room at night under the guise of just checking in on his stepsister, and before you know it he’s grinding against you,and being the good and obedient, step sister that you are, you grind back into him knowing that he just needs to relieve some tension. However, you squeeze your thighs together in an effort to stop him when he inserts his hand between them,
“Rafe …. but mom and dad?”
Sighing, he moves in closer and says, "Look, I just need you right now, okay?" and with that, he grabs your hand and presses it against his bulge. “This is what you do to me” he groans. You relent some not wanting to upset him he’s your favorite person after all and you just want to help him, it's what good stepsisters do right? And you let his hand make its way into your shorts, calloused fingers teasing your clit, “fuck so wet for me angel” he mumbles kissing you on the sweet spot right under your ear, and when you hear his belt unbuckle and hand snake his way around your throat you know you're in for a long night.
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murdrdocs · 7 months
stepbro!rafe who gets unreasonably angry whenever you mention plans to spend thanksgiving with the pogues. dark content 18+
“we’re having a friendsgiving,” you tell him, casual as can be as you lounge back and scroll through your phone. your thumbs instantly go back to tapping against your screen once you speak, and you’re now oblivious to the steam bubbling out of rafe’s ears.
“you’re what?” he squints, his lips parted in disbelief. you aren’t listening to him, instead giggling at something on your phone and rafe would bet his inheritance it’s a pogue groupchat. he takes a step closer to your bed, shutting your bedroom door behind him, and leans at the foot of it. “you’re having a what with the pogues?”
he speaks slowly, clearly enunciating each syllable. this gets your attention. you lock your phone, letting it fall to the side.
“a friendsgiving.” again, spoken like it’s the most causal thing ever. like it’s normal for you to abandon your gracious family and instead spend it dirty and probably eating cheap pizza instead of the extensive meal planned.
rafe scoffs. he rolls his eyes. he presses the heel of his palms into his sockets. he takes a deep breath. and when his eyes are unobstructed once more, he stares hard at your innocent look.
“what’s wrong with that, rafe? they’re my friends.”
“yeah, and i’m— we’re your family.”
you blink at him as if to say ‘so what’ and suddenly rafe is filled with rage.
“are you … you aren’t fucking one of them, are you?”
offense floods your face but rafe misinterprets it as you being flustered. he interprets it as you having been caught.
“what? rafe? that’s crazy.”
“but you aren’t denying it.” he steps around the bed, coming to your side. you’ve sat up now, weight held up by your hands behind you. your position allows rafe to press his hands along your kneecaps.
“i’m not having sex one of the pogues, rafe.” you stare into his eyes unwaveringly. rafe stares back, judging and weighing how truthful you’re being.
then, he determines that you’d be stupid to lie to him.
“good. because you know you have all you need right here, right? one of those dirty, disgusting pogues couldn’t give you what i could.”
but then again, you've never exactly proved your intelligence to him.
rafe tongues his cheek, searching your eyes once more, and he sees just a bit of doubt. so, he does what any good step brother would do. he fucks the truth out of you. refusing to believe anything you say until you’re brain dead enough to only speak on pure instinct, nothing but the truth sure to come from your swollen and slick lips.
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drewstarkeyslut · 4 months
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SUMMARY: you make a bet w/ your stepbro!rafe. if you win, you get to take his bike out for a ride whenever you please but what happens if he wins? (idea from the movie cruel intentions)
WARNINGS: stepcest, mdni 18+, smut (p in v), oral sex (female receiving), some lowkey degrading, choking, possessive!toxic!rafe
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“Are you saying that I, Rafe Cameron, wouldn’t be able to win her over? Is that it?” Rafe scoffed, pointing his fingers towards his chest and giving you a dim look.
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to say. I mean come on, you truly think Sofia, little miss perfect princess, is going to give up her virginity to you? Pleeease, what makes you so special?” You snort.
“Oh y/n. You know me by now, don’t be so naive” Rafe laughs.
“Okay then, Rafey, how ‘bout a wager then?” you propose, taking a seat on the bed.
“You did not just call me that. I swear y/n, if you call me that one more fuckin’ time, I swear I’ll ruin you and you know exactly what I mean. Y’know I don’t play that shit.” Rafe booms as he glares you down.
You just loved pushing his buttons by calling him Rafey. He hated that nickname ever since he was a kid. “Relax there hothead, it’s not even that serious, just fuckin’ round with you, having some fun.” You jested.
“So, anyways, the bet..you really think you can get Sofia to fall for you in a week? You sure you’re capable of seducing her in such a short time?” You ask, curiously.
“I won’t even need the full week babe, give me a few days and she’ll be at my mercy and on her knees for me” He grins and sends you a wink while walking towards you.
“I’m just that irresistable… I mean, shit, even you want me y/n, I know you do. My own step sister. What would your mom think about her precious daughter getting fucked out of her mind by her own step brother? Huh?” Rafe laughs and just shakes his head.
“Shut up, you’re so full of yourself” You retort, rolling your eyes. He wasn’t wrong.
“So that wager of yours….” Rafe continued.
“If I win, I get to take that really nice bike of yours for a ride whenever I please” You beamed.
“And if I win, hmmm?” Rafe questions. His arms caging you in as he hovers over you.
“I’ll give you what you’ve been obsessing over ever since our parents got married” you stare into Rafe’s eyes batting your lashes.
“How ‘bout you be more specific y/n” Rafe instructs.
“In simple terms…. I’ll fuck your brains out” you emphasized, smirking at him.
“What makes you think I’ll go for it? That’s my one and only bike and you know I like to take care of my shit. Not even the bitches I’ve fucked ‘round with have taken a ride on that bike.” Rafe replies, making his way off the bed.
“Because, I’m the only person you can’t have and it kills you.” You reveal, walking after him with a cunning look in your eyes.
“Seems to me, that you, my bratty little step sis wants to ride my cock just as bad as I want to ruin that pussy of yours, yeah?” Rafe grits, his face just inches away from yours.
You both start to get flustered as your lips nearly touch, you could feel his hot breath on you. The sexual tension so thick in the air.
Rafe’s starts to palm himself, trying to keep his dick down. He knew what you were trying to do and it drove him insane.
“Looks like next week I’ll be riding that fancy bike of yours” you tease.
“The only thing you’ll be riding is me” Rafe taunts.
“Whatever you say, Rafey” you shoot him a wink before you skip out of the room.
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You were getting ready for the day when you receive a text. It was from Rafe.
“That pussy of yours better be ready for me and waiting in my bed tonight slut” a photo attachment followed the text, catching your attention. The slut in you was hoping it was a picture of his dick.
You open the text thread and click on the photo. Your eyes go wide when you see Sofia with her hair and makeup a mess, obvious she was completely fucked out. He sent the photo as proof, but he was also being petty. He knew it would make you jealous.
Rafe did what he does best. He added her to the tally of girls he’d gotten what he wanted from. He was honestly a little too good at putting up this “real gentleman” facade that no one actually knew his true intentions. It never failed to fool every girl he sought after. They would give themselves to him just to never hear from him ever again.
You were sincerely the only one that knew the toxic fuck boy that was, Rafe Cameron.
For as long as you could remember you were always attracted to your step brother and you weren’t afraid to make it known to him. You knew it was bad but did you care? No, you were no saint, probably no better than Rafe himself.
You sat there thinking how Rafe was right, and it pissed you off. Just a few fucking days and Sofia was all over him, trusted him with her virginity, it disgusted you. It drove you mad that he was right and it drove you insane that he fucked her.
Tonight, things between the two of you were only about to get spicier, and little did you know what you were getting yourself into.
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“Oh, my. god. Fuck! Rafe, right there! Don’t fucking stop” You scream. Rafe’s face was currently lodged between your thighs, his tongue lapping up all your juices.
“My sweet, sweet step sister. Shit, you taste so fuckin’ good, who would have known?” Rafe moaned. He proceeeds to suck on your clit and slips a couple fingers into your soaked cunt.
You squirm above him trying to pull away, clit getting way too overstimulated. He agressively shoves his fingers in and out of you. You’re a moaning mess screaming his name, coming to your sixth orgasm.
“It’s too much Rafe!! I can’t t-take any m-more” you whine.
“Stop fuckin’ movin ‘round. Just behave and try to stay quiet, yeah? Can’t have our parents hearing us and finding out what were up to now can we?” Rafe scolded, grabbing your thighs to keep you grounded.
“No, I guess not. Please… I don’t know how much more I can take” you cry.
“Come on stop being such a damn brat, I don’t know how much I can take” Rafe mocks, laughing at you being the most vulnerable you’ve ever been with him. It genuinely just turned him on more.
He ignores your cries and continues licking and sucking at your clit, adding in a third finger.
“I’m gonna cum again Rafe. I can feel it…Oh god I-I’m cumming!” You moan as you squirt all over his tongue and face. You lay there trying to catch your breath, your mind went fuzzy, you swear all you could see were stars.
“Such a good little slut f’me, now come and ride this cock until I cum in that pretty pussy of yours” Rafe orders.
He pulls his boxers off in one swift motion, his hard cock throbbing just for you, precum already dripping from the tip. Your eyes almost pop out of their sockets at the sight of his long, thick and veiny cock. You’ve never seen one so big and so pretty, it made you drool.
“Like what you see?” Rafe smirks.
“It’s s-so big, never seen one like it… I’m scared Rafe, will it fit?” You ask nervously.
“I’ll make it fit baby. Relax and sit on this dick like a good girl” Rafe mutters.
You hover above him, your hands using his chest for support as you line yourself up to his cock. You slowly sink down, gripping him tight like a glove.
You start finding your rhythm and ride him like your life depended on it, sending Rafe into complete ecstasy. His hands automatically reach for your throat, squeezing your airways. His tongue clashing into your mouth.
“Atta girl, that’s it y/n, god you’re so fuckin’ tight, going to make me fuck a baby into you.” Rafe grunts. His hands travel up to your hips grasping you hard, moving you up and down his cock with brutal force.
“Oh, fuck! Fuuuuckin’ f-feels sooo good r-rafe!! want you to use me like a toy and ruin this little pussy with your big cock” you sob.
Rafe didn’t think his dick could get any harder but your words…those words had an effect on him.
Rafe flips you, switching positions so you’re now on your back. He gives you no warning as he rams his dick into you. His hands are squeezing your tits as he drills into your cunt with brutal force stretching you out.
“Want you to watch your pussy get fuckin’ wrecked baby” Rafe grinned. His hands grabbed your hair into a makeshift ponytail, pulling your head down, folding you, making you watch his cock devour your pussy.
You’re watching as his length slams in you at full length, you’re creaming all over his already drenched cock.
“Doing so good f’me like the obedient slut you are, love takin’ your step brothers dick, hmmm?” Rafe teases.
“Yes, yes! The only cock I need. Oooh fuck! Please, need your cum inside me Rafe!!!” You moan, so loud he has to cover your mouth. His thrusts get faster and sloppier, you know he’s close.
“Holy shit, this pussy is s’gooood! Gonna fill you up to the brim. Oh fuck, fuck, here it comes! Ahhhh I-I’m cumming baby! Yes, yes! Take it and be a good little cumslut, the only thing you’re good for” Rafe screams, profanities and moans filling the room.
He was shooting warm ropes of cum into your cunt while still fucking into you until he pulls out, his cock springing up, sending cum flying towards you and landing on your face.
“Oh my—that was, um that was hot Rafe. Why didn’t we do this before?” You ask breathlessly while putting your clothes back on.
You were just about to walk out of the room when Rafe violently grabs your hair and pulls you up against him, his big arms locking you in, your back against his chest.
“You know, y/n, if you wanted to fuck me you could have just said so. You belong to me now, understand? I will use you whenever and however I please.” Rafe snaps so close to your ear that you wince in his grasp.
“Y-Yes, I understand R-Rafe. I’ll be good. I promise, I’ll be good.” You stutter, knowing you were completely and utterly fucked for the long haul.
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