cipher-club · 2 days
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Oh hey, look. Stella isn't here to hog the bedsheets anymore
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artythebear · 22 hours
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Solstice is very resistant to alcohol (not human's), but if he does overdo it… he becomes flirtatious and a little silly, partially forgetting some details from his life. And when he gets sober, he won't even remember what he said and did.
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66sharkteeth · 2 days
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Weekly thoughts, ep 174-
Not a huge episode, I know. I once again don't wanna call it "filler" because we saw important things like revealing the situation Rex is in as well as seeing Lyss making contact with Lauro and Rosie. But I know nobody is calling the episode that is mostly Stella on a talk show their favorite ep haha.
Anyway, as for my actual thoughts-
First off... I think you can thank all the marketing I got for Late Night With the Devil for this episode being a talk show. I think it would have absolutely been just another tv broadcast if I hadn't gotten 2039480293 tiktok ads for that movie and went "ooh, a talk show would be a nice break from how I normally deliver recaps/exposition" lol. (honestly, if there's one thing i think i'm guilty of in writing this comic, it's using the news on TV too much to deliver exposition lol).
But anyway, I thought it would in addition to be a way to show how Stella's being framed as this charming personality that has Glory City's best intent at heart, rather than just a cold, straightforward news cast or press conference. In addition, I thought it'd be a fun contrast to....everything that just happened.
I'm glad everyone picked up on how callous they're all being, with never once saying Desmond's name, and only thinking of the ""human victim"" (who is physically fine as she grieves the ACTUAL victim they barely acknowledge).
Meanwhile, also glad the part with Shnee got across. I doooo think it flew over some peoples' heads that Stella was actually referring back to Christoph, and how Finze partially blames himself for his death (as his mentor and the fact he was on his way to his place when it occurred). He brought Desmond along on this too, so he's really feeling like he's responsible for getting two people killed by red blanks.
Not super relevant to the actual episode, but I got a lot of asks about it in my QnA on IG this week- Finze won't take permanent ownership of Shnee. He's just with him while Lyss is occupied, then Lyss will probably take him, then... there'll probably be a decision if he stays with her or goes back to Lauro, since they've officially made contact. I'm actually not sure myself and have been sitting on the decision for a while.
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arcadekitten · 2 days
Im late to the party but I have a few questions about SND RHHHHHH this game gmfu fr 🫣🫣🫣
For #stellamb , what causes Lambchop to be so murderous for Stella? From what I've read so far, Lamb always saw Stella as a celeb crush, so how did it flourish from there? Was it his hatred for her perfection in his vision that thrives his murderous tendencies? Or is it the fact that as he said "everyone times their day around her", causing him to get angry at the townspeople because they kept her busy, making him murder them? I'd assume that with that bit in mind, he uses murder to relish in Stella's attention every time she tells him off about it
What is Stella and Corona's role in the universe? So far I know that Stella was sent to conquer SND's world or something, and Corona was going to keep her in check. So what are they controlling worlds for and why?
In SND, did the other characters always have minds of their own? If Lambchop states that they always base their time around Stella, so were they changed by Stella to do so or was it because of Stella's celebrity complex?
What is Stella in the "She came from outer space!!!" art? Was she always an alien who came from outer space who changed her appearance to be a star witch? Or was she a star witch who came from outer space, causing her to look alien so she used her magic to make herself more human? Or was her alien look just how Lambchop perceives her during her arrival?
AHHH IM SORRY IF TH3RES SO MUCH I'm genuinely invested 😭😭 reply at any time and take ur time to think, thanks for ur time arcade :D
I'm so happy to hear you like it! I'll try to answer the best I can but I'm not sure I can answer everything! ♡
I don't think I can answer this one! It's something that I feel the game is "about" and so I feel like the game itself is all the real explanation that's needed, I hope that makes sense! ---
Stella and Corona are star witches! A species that comes from the stars. They bat one another onto various planets with the innate knowledge their "purpose" is to create planets and citizens that grow and thrive. It's less "conquer" and more "I will take care of you". There isn't any sort of bigger devious plan or goal--it's just how they function. ---
Stella didn't do anything deliberate to control their minds or affect them in such a way, people do things for Stella because they like her. They REALLY like her! ---
It's just an artistic liberty for a fun art piece! Technically speaking, Stella IS an alien who came from outer space! So it's fun to play with the idea of Stella looking more like a "traditional" alien and arriving to the planet in much the same way.
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x-emeraldsky-x · 2 days
I started showtime yesterday!
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fizzierolli · 1 month
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aalfierd · 2 months
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winx enchantix (aka best transformation) 💕
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Princess peach and her stand [STELLA]
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murgoten · 2 months
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Hi Stella🐓👋
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leyreying · 2 months
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I got really nostalgic and couldn't help but draw them all 🥺💖
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aurahack · 10 months
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Bunny Stella
As voted for by my Patrons! HQ and other perks available on Patreon
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artythebear · 3 days
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yellowhellion · 4 months
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It's the Year of the Dragon! Find ways to show love to your local dragon today!
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geekgirles · 4 months
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Given this is Sera's true angel form, I can't believe Goetia demons aren't fallen angels themselves in the Hellaverse lore. It would certainly explain their looks:
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hehek · 2 months
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fizzie-frog · 1 month
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Check out the trailer, people.
I AM LIVING ON FIZZAROLLI CRUMBS Y'ALL AND I'M NOT OKAY. This is becoming so intense and I aaahhhh. Send help.
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