#sir crocodile
ford-owner · 2 days
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tumblr is causing me to make numerous sacrifices with the image limit if you want to see some extra stuff i recommend visiting my tiktok
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diminuel · 3 days
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Sabo can't tell if Dragon is joking.
They're catching up now that (part of) Luffy's parentage was revealed to the whole world.
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sualne · 2 days
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(wip) using the modern au to study a bit
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I do think it’s extremely funny of the collective one piece fandom to be like ‘Luffy has no canonical mother? No problem, we’re headcanoning this other guy as trans and assigning him childbearing parent status. Yes the guy who stabbed Luffy that one time, what’s a little stabbing between family.’
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"Who's Hotter?" Battle of the Anime Villains
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momovkia · 2 days
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crocodile genderbend
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bunnycuns · 18 hours
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lily-wani · 3 days
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My heart does a backflip everytime he appears.
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baroldbluejeans · 3 days
I think crochawk+crocodad are really funny when combined with Mihawk’s canon interest in the strawhats. Imagine your big scary mob boss husband who tried to take over a country tells you he has a horrible secret that could ruin everything and. It’s. Just that he’s your blorbo’s dad
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diminuel · 13 hours
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What Ace needs now is some cuddles. (Crocodile too *lol* Hormones indeed...)
Continuation of the "Stinky Child" comic. (I really need a better name for this X'D)
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luffypeach · 3 days
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not me screaming every time he appears even if it's just a single panel
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yamchaisawesome · 1 day
I am so ready for Straw Hats vs Cross Guild because every single one of the top members has history with their most likely matchup.
Buggy and Luffy have gone through a lot with one another during Orange Town and Impel down, and both are after the One Piece.
Sanji was the biggest thorn in Crocodile’s side during Alabasta as Mr Prince.
And obviously Zoro and Mihawk have their whole Greatest Swordsman thing going on.
So while Zoro and Mihawk are having the sword fight of the goddamn century, Crocodile is legitimately trying to murder Sanji after recognizing his voice and Buggy and Luffy are having the most tense Tom and Jerry skit of all time.
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benevolentcannibal · 11 hours
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old men 🦇🐊
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luxthestrange · 3 days
OP Incorrect quotes#36 DENIED
Crocodile is currently... harassing you in your work but your new boss, Bless her old granny heart lets him in given his very handsome and smooth talker...you can't get angry at her...
Croco: Y/n, I…
Croco: I love you...
EX-Secretary!Y/n*Currently putting new soil to the flowers* Not my problem
Croco:...Do you always have to attack me with your words?
EX-Secretary!Y/n*Smiles at him holding a brick from the garden edge* Would you prefer me to use a brick?~
-Back in headquarters...With the cross guild, they received a ..box with a present-
Buggy*opening the box his crewmates bought him only to see...sand?...wet sand?*What in the?...*screeches in horror seeing the sand pop out two sets of human eyes and a face*AAAAAH!?!?!-o-oh it's you croco-baby!!!
Mihawk*Drinking wine in the corner*...It seems your prized assistant keeps on rejecting you...Maybe you should let one of us convince them?
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Part 3 of:
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wordy-little-witch · 2 days
Hiiii PLS 🙏 wordy plssssz i need more transfem buggy headcanons like i love ur post but i need more🥹🤲 like the hc and scenarios that shook the seas,,, wat r crossguilds reaction n shanks n other pirates reaction uahxiskzkzs shes gonna b so hot dksk ive seen fanart and fembuggy looks so HOTTTT
Hiiiii honeybun!!! I got you, dw ♡♡
• he finds out through news coos and bounty posters. It's no secret that the redhair pirates keep careful tabs on bounties, new and old faces alike in the game, but there's special attention to black haired rubber boys and blue haired clowns when it comes to bounties and reports. The crew knows this and supports it. So when they get a paper, when Benn reads through it and does a spit take with his coffee, everyone cones scurrying, especially when he yells for their captain.
• (romantic) Shanks, upon seeing the bounty and story, is left reeling. Buggy had always been breathtaking to him, had always been the epitome of everything he finds beautiful and attractive. Shanks adores Buggy, head to toe, inside out, and even then he could always see the little chinks in the other's armor, the discomfort and uncertainty that stained the clown's cells. It's in the microexpressions, he knows, and those signals are suddenly gone in these pictures. He's breathless. He's swooning. He needs to see Buggy in person.
• (platonic) similar to the above, Shanks keeps tabs on his precious people. And Buggy, his beloved baby brother, his beloved best friend, is among those he looks out for from afar. Seeing Buggy so different, so bright, seeing the way his - her - smile finally reaches her eyes and eyebrows and cheeks, it makes him melt a little. He's proud, so proud, so happy that Buggy looks happy and healthy, and he's.... he wants. By the Seas, he wants to see her. He wants to see and meet his sister.
• Depending on the time frame when the change happens, Crocodile either meets Buggy for Cross Guild as a woman or deals with the transitional phase with the business. If it's the latter, he actually makes a point to try affirming what he believes is Buggy's gender identity in vague terms. Then, when Buggy begins to shy away from them, he moves to more neutral monikers, heavy on the Clown and Fool.
• upon being told that Buggy identifies as a woman, he just rolls with it. He has to fight the trans urge to make "we traded genders" jokes, which he blames proximity to the clown for. He's not going to cause a ruckus about it. He will however cause bodily injury if someone else has an issue with that.
• he's absolutely livid, btw, that he finds the clown attractive like this. It's not the body, not exactly - Croc doesn't really care one way or another about the configuration downstairs of his partners - but he is attracted to intelligence, confidence, power, and how pretty someone is when they cry. Sue him, he has a type. It just so happens that Buggy, newly confident, newly steady, is branching out into all of his standards while staying so utterly charming. He's so mad about it. He wants to kiss her. He's going insane.
• he doesn't stick to labels. They're boring. He doesn't care. He will admit however that the majority of those who held his interest were men. The Clown was an exception - though not because of her gender. He's typically drawn to people by their Haki signatures, and he has noticed a common trend in those he enjoys - Shanks with his firey volcanic energy, Crocodile feeling akin to the desert lands he called home, even Roronoa Zoro's antiquated cliffside mountainous energy. He finds earthy energy to be the most comfortable, emotional aspect be damned. The Clown is very much a different element, liquid and mutable and dynamic. It is reflective, overtly bright and rippling uncontrollably. Odd, he admits, but not investing.
• it's when Buggy calms, when she blooms, that Migawk sees the ripples calm, sees the sharp reflections soothe themselves, and sees that the seemingly shallow pond of energy is but a cover which leads into a fathomless sinkhole. The shores are quaint, smooth, beautiful, and lead gradually further and further in towards a sharp drop which casts the Blues into blacks and the blacks into abyssal shade. It's strange, it's unusual, it's delicious.
• it especially helps that Mihawk finds Buggy to be rather good company. Without her forced shrill demeanor and loud hypervigilance, she's actually a wonderful conversationalist. He enjoys her company. It's unexpected.
More romantic aspects bc I am absolutely melting over it-
Cross guild
• Buggy has always been rather touchy-feely, something she constantly fights with because of her past and experiences. She adores cuddles, holding hands, casual touches, and the like. Her boyfriends aren't exactly the types to love PDA or to seek out physical touch. They do allow her to indulge, however, and they each have their preferred manners of doing so.
- Mihawk
- - in public, will pull a full chivalrous move, offering her his arm, his hand when she climbs up or down, a casual yet respectful hand on her waist to guide her.
- - in private, he will cuddle against her back when he is amenable to touch, chin over her shoulder as they both read a book, one arm wrapped around her waist, fingers caressing the soft skin of her soft sides, other hand tangled with one of her own. If not that, he will become a cat in human form, wordlessly smacking whatever was in her hands away to burrow into her stomach or chest, going limp yet clinging in a mess of contradictions. It never fails to earn a slightly annoyed snicker from her.
- Crocodile
- - in public, he and Mihawk seem to share a general demeanor insofar as the types of touches. He does however take it further by occasionally just plucking her up into his arm, treating her as a dainty little thing, casual touches peppered throughout that imply a level of possessiveness, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, a drag of fingertips or hook along her shoulder, a curl of a hand at her hip.
- - in private, the touches come and go, but the emotion behind them remains. Sometimes he will simply trail fingers over her spine or shoulders, absent and affectionate. Sometimes he will drag her into the cage of him limbs to have and hold her close, a cheek pressed to her chest, hand cupping the other breast in a simple gesture.
• only thinks "uncle buggy -> auntie buggy"
• does not care, Buggy is Buggy.
• is happy that Buggy is happy!!!
• will throw hands if anyone is mean to his aunt, his hands are rated E for Everyone.
• for a long time, didn't even know. Finds out by rumors in a random bar which he is Hella confused by and so fact checks. Has a mild moment when he realizes his baby boy is in fact a baby girl now. Wild. Decides to go see his daughter because What The Fuck Buglet
• no he doesn't cry when he sees Buggy. He just.... got sand in his eye. He did not get emotional when he saw his youngest child beam at him with a smile so like Roger's, in bold colors which suited her, so bright, so joyful, so free -
• he remembers the trembling, scrappy little being who would huddle between him and Roger after bad fights, so uncertain, so scared, so far removed from the young woman before him today, and Rayleigh just smiles, bonks her on the head and calls her princess.
• and if he pulls her aside later on and they sit together on the beach, drinking together, well.... when he says Roger would be so proud of her, he means it. And when she cries? Well. He won't tell anyone about it. It's a private moment between father and daughter.
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fearnavght · 19 hours
you guys have seen that pimp lucius papa louie pals type of video everywhere too, right?
i introduce pimp (lucius) doffy: a doflamingo + cross guild shitpost animatic
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