#shirako takamoto
might-be-a-potato · 5 months
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acceleracers time !!!!! Did some quick screenshot redraws while I'm tryin to learn how to draw them (dr tezla beloved why must you be so hard to draw ;_;)
+ some bonus doodles vvv
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tomiyeee · 1 year
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screenshot redraws n whatnot
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bidanieljackson · 11 months
acceleracers fans when shirako says his single word for the whole movie
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acceleracers-baby · 3 months
The Teku & Their Cat.
You all can blame @might-be-a-potato for this one. We were talking about Bumper and then she was like… so the Teku have a cat right??? They thought of the name and everything!! Now I have brain rot beyond repair. Please enjoy the byproduct of us going feral about this last night lol!
It was Kurts turn to pick up dinner. He’d been dodging the responsibility for the past week and a half due to a cold front blowing through the city. It was freezing out, and he hated having to bundle up just to stay warm. Unfortunately, if he pawned the chore off on someone else again, Karma might get involved. Which is something no one wanted to see happen.
Nolo had been talking about having some sort of soup all week, so instead of stopping by their usual burger joint, Kurt opted to visit the grocery store instead. It was the least he could do after making Nolo pick up his slack when it came to keeping the gang fed. Plus, if he made enough, they would have leftovers for the next few days and not have to worry about risking their cars on the ice. It was a win win.
Kurt was just about to start tossing the grocery bags into his passenger seat when he heard a strange noise come from under the car. He paused for a minute, listening for the sound to repeat, but when it didn’t, he continued to haphazardly toss the bags into the seat. Of course, as soon as he started moving though, he heard the sound again.
“What the…” Quickly, the driver ditched the rest of the bags onto the floor boards, and closed the door to keep whatever heat was left in the car trapped inside. After he heard the noise a third time, he groaned and crouched down next to his car to try and find the source.
He looked around for a good minute or two before his hands and feet began to go numb from the windchill. He was about to give up the search until he heard the noise one last time coming from up near his hood.
There, shaking like a leaf, was a kitten that couldn’t have been larger than his hand. It was covered in soot and grime- probably from trying to keep warm near his engine block- and it looked like it hadn’t had a decent meal in days.
With a grimace, Kurt got onto his hands and knees to fish the poor thing out from under his car. It was wet with snow, and it had to have been freezing. Especially, being as small as it was.
“Talk about an underdog.” Kurt mumbled to himself as he crawled into his car and cranked up the heat. He shed his scarf and used it to dry the poor thing off as best he could but it was soaked to the bone and still shivering awfully hard. After a few minutes of trying to warm the kitten back up, he decided that the best course of action was just stuff the thing into his jacket and hope that would keep it warm enough for them to make it back to garage.
Kurt would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried about the thing crawling around while he was trying to drive but luckily it seemed that the cat was just happy to be somewhere warm again, so it didn’t around move much. Every once in a while, it would pop its head out to meow out some commentary, but that was about it did.
The garage wasn’t far, so the drive wasn’t long, and of course as soon as he pulled in and shut the door behind him, his car was swarmed with people trying to help out with the groceries.
“What took you so long? We thought you might have crashed.” Karma stated, opening his car door and pulling out a few bags.
Vert was right behind her, grabbing the remainder or the groceries and walking them over to the kitchenette.
“Yeah, dude. We were starting to get worried. Last time I saw you on ice, you had a pretty hard wipeout,” Vert loved to poke fun at him for what happened on Highway 35. It was better than the alternative he supposed.
Despite his friends concern, Kurt momentarily brushed them off in favor of finding somewhere warm to get the cat currently clinging to the inside of his jacket. On a whim, he rushed over to their makeshift laundry area and put his hand on top of the dryer. It felt like it was in the middle of a cycle, but he couldn’t tell.
“Have these been in here long?” He asked, pulling the door open.
“Yeah, they should almost be done, why?” Vert answered from the kitchen, starting to unpack the bags and lay everything out on the counter.
That was when Shirako and Nolo walked in.
“Look what the cat dragged in,” Nolo snarked upon seeing a cold and wet Kurt Wylde raiding their dryer for something warm to wear.
“You’ve go no idea,” Kurt responded before finally tugging the shivering kitten out from the inside of his jacket. Using the random amalgamation of team jackets, towels, and spare blankets, Kurt made a little nest for the thing to sleep in while it warmed up by the space heater they had going.
Within seconds the whole team was gathered around the heater keeping a close eye on the kitten.
“Where’d you find a cat?” Karma finally questioned, fixing Kurt with a look.
“Under my car. I think it was trying to keep warm. Looks like it wasn’t doing a good job though. Thing was practically frozen when I found it.” He explained, wandering over to the kitchen sink to start running some warm water to clean the kitten up. Being covered in all that grime couldn’t be good for it.
“We gonna keep it?” Nolo asked from his place next to the cat. He was starting to pet the top of the blanket pile to let it know that they were still there.
“Well, we can’t just kick it back out into the cold.” Kurt answered, testing the water before putting the stopper in the drain so that the sink would start to fill. It wasn’t hot, but it was still decently warm. He didn’t want to take the chance of burning the kitten or putting it into shock.
When the sink hand enough water in it to at least fill the bottom of the basin, Kurt came back over to the heater and plucked the cat from its makeshift nest. It whined in protest, but didn’t bite or scratch, so Kurt placed it in the water.
All things considered, it took the bath like a champ. Especially with how hard Kurt had to scrub to get some of the grease out of its fur. He made sure to be careful, but some of the stains just weren’t coming out.
“Damn. These won’t come out.” Kurt remarked with a frown, wiping the kittens face dry with a washcloth. “He looks like he’s got grease smudges everywhere.”
Shirako laughed from behind him, peaking over his shoulder at the cat.
“That’s what we should call him. Smudge.” Shirako suggested, as Vert came to join them by the sink.
“Aw, man. That’s adorable!” Vert agreed, clutching at his chest comically.
After a few warm nights spent in lots of Teku beds, Smudge was able to make a full recovery. It wasn’t long until the cat broke out of its shell and started getting into lots of mischief around the garage, but at the end of the day, the Teku don’t mind.
Besides, Smudge becomes a rather fitting mascot. Particularly when the Metal Maniacs start bringing their brutish dog to races. He makes a solid edition to their little family.
——— Thanks for Reading ———
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sooupburner · 3 months
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My first ever acceleracers fanart and tumblr post!! It looks kinda wonky, but that's bc I drew this to get over an art block. Please lmk who to draw next
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sopas14 · 4 months
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Silly things happen on character Ai guys....
(sorry i headcanon Shirako like the shortest Teku-)
(...because i think he's cute)
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espoparker · 1 year
Can someone tell me how to revive a dead fandom?
Please I’m desperate for content
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gibbermandraws · 5 months
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Some more old goodies! I gotta draw shirako more I love him
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11kxvinlxvin11 · 2 years
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scp-113 · 2 years
Vote For Shirako
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please (╥﹏╥) I just need him to beat taro
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joyjababanoid · 1 year
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I forgot to post this earlier, but it’s fine. Here’s Shirako and his cool new shoes!!
Old Shirako
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might-be-a-potato · 2 months
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Getting ready to hit up the local 7-Eleven for Slurpees
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(animation ref taken from this post !!)
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tomiyeee · 2 years
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some ol’ scribbles and linearts that i don’t feel like coloring
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skeezite · 2 years
Some of my favorite doodles I've made in the past 2 weeks :>
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acceleracers-baby · 3 months
oh hey, I have a cute and funny idea for teams headcanons based on this tik tok XD
like some of them mocking the other one for playing dolls or something, I just can't stop laughing
Please- I love this! That Tiktok had me wheezing!!! For now, I just did a scenario with the Teku but let me know if you want the Metal Maniacs too! I have something in mind for them! Thanks for the ask!!!
Never Living It Down.
To keep up with the maintenance costs of racing against the Metal Maniacs, Vert was forced to get a side gig. Sure, he made decent money winning street races, but between upgrading his car and keeping it working at peak performance all the time, his winnings simply weren’t enough. To remedy this problem he decided to start giving surfing and skating lessons.
At first, business was slow, but the closer it got to summer, the easier it was to find clientele. Most parents signed their kids up just to get them out of the house while school was out, others just wanted their kids to socialize more while also gaining a skill in the process. It wasn't long before Vert had obtained quite the client base. In fact, there were times when he had to turn people away because he just didn't have enough bandwidth to look after a dozen kids in the water without worrying he might lose one or two of them.
Towards the end of the summer, when most schools were starting to run classes again, he'd built up enough rapport with some of the parents that he’d landed a few babysitting gigs to hold him over for the rest of the season. He’d usually end up finishing up right before the Teku would be heading out for a race or a car meet. Tonight was no different except for the fact that he was running late.
The parents had gotten so caught up in all the banquet politics that they had completely missed their pick-up time. Vert was just about to send a courtesy text to Nolo when he heard loud and familiar music pulling up to his house.
The girls he was watching over that night were psyched about the colorful flashing lights coming from outside the windows, but Vert was horrified. He hadn’t told the crew he had started a babysitting gig, and worse than that, the girls, Tina and Laurie, had stuffed him into a WAY too small princess dress and had plopped a comically extravagant tiara on his head so that he could play princesses more accurately.
When the knocking at the door started, Vert momentarily thought about just hiding and waiting them out, but before he had a chance to slink away, Tina had sprinted to the door and swung it open with all the enthusiasm in the world. They would have to have a talk about opening up the door for strangers later… again.
“Vert, come on- we’re going to be… um…. Hello?” To say Kurt looked confused would be an understatement.
“Tina! C’mon, we talked about this!” Vert chidded as he scoped the giggling girl up into his arms. Laurie was right behind him, gazing curiously up at Kurt from behind Vert’s leg.
“He’s got funny glasses!” Tina shouted pointing up at Kurt. Kurt could only blink in surprise as Vert finally met his dumbfounded gaze.
“Yeah. He does, doesn’t he,” Vert snorted.
“Says the man in a tiara,” Kurt was quick to snap back, folding his arms over his chest defensively.
“He’s a princess!” Tina shouted, and Vert quietly reminded her about the existence of inside voices.
Nervous about having the door open for too long, Vert stepped aside and gestured for Kurt to come in. Hesitantly, he did, shutting the door behind him. For a moment, he just took in the scene in front of him. There were various Barbies and stuffed animals set up around a little table in the living room. A tea set, which he determined was thankfully full of water, lay abandoned in the middle of the table.
“I didn’t know you had sisters,” Kurt said finally, locking eyes with Laurie who was still silently staring up at him like she didn't know what to make of him.
“I don’t. These are my neigbor’s kids.” Vert playfully tossed Tina down on the couch which only made her laugh and squeal louder. “They’re stuck at some banquet. I’ve been watching them since six. Tina. Laurie. Say hi to Kurt.”
Tina waved wildly, while Laurie went to silently hide behind Vert’s leg again.
“Laurie’s a little shy, but she warms up fast, isn’t that right, little dude?” Vert prompted, patting the girl gently on the head.
“I’m not a little dude… I’m a princess.” Laurie gently reminded Vert.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Vert had been so caught up explaining himself that he hadn't even heard the other car roll up. Hoping that it was Tina and Laurie’s parents, he made a beeline for the door and swung it open. No such luck.
Shirako, Karma, and Nolo all stood on his front porch looking just as confused as Kurt had been a minute ago.
“What the hell-“
“HECK am I wearing?” Vert worked fast to censor Nolo. The last thing he needed was for the girls to go home saying swear words.
“He’s a princess!” Kurt cackled from inside.
Karma raised an eyebrow at him.
“Look, I’m babysitting my neighbor’s kids, okay? Now come in before one of them decides to bolt out the door.” Vert said, ushering the rest of the Teku into his home.
Like Kurt, the three of them entered the living room with a reasonable level of caution. There were toys strewn out everywhere, and they also didn’t know how these kids would react to having three other people in the house. Positively apparently, because it didn't take but two seconds for Tina to drag Nolo and Karma over to the tea party table. Kurt had already been served a tiny teacup full of water by the time they were seated.
“Princess Vert!!!” Tina shouted, aggressively waving him over. “Your guests are here- they are ready for your royal speech!”
The Teku couldn’t contain their laughter as Vert straightened out the tiny princess dress he had squeezed into. Tina, of course, violently shushed them.
“Uh… Welcome to the tea party…?” Vert spoke hesitantly, and even Laurie shook her head.
“No!!! Use your princess voice!” Tina complained dramatically, pouring Shirako a cup of water, to which he thanked her quietly.
He was never going to live this down…
With all the poise and elegance he could muster, Vert sucked in a deep breath and pitched his voice up a couple of octaves. The speech, all things considered, was pretty good. Good enough to satisfy Tina at least. The Teku on the other hand…
Kurt had a hand clasped tightly over his mouth and was shaking with the effort it took not to laugh again. Shirako and Nolo were in literally tears as they listened to Vert’s beautiful tea party speech, and Karma was recording the whole thing.
Yup… He was never living this down.
About twenty minutes after Vert’s tea party speech, Tina and Laurie’s parents finally showed up. They were extremely apologetic for the late pickup, and tipped well because of it, but not enough to cover the damage to his ego he had suffered that night.
All the way to the race, that was all the Teku talked about. Not to mention the fact that they called him Princess Vert for a full week after the incident.
Nope. Never living it down.
——— Thanks for Reading! ———
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marislittleworld · 10 months
Mari when she and Shirako have to take care of Nolo while her bf and her friends are asking for backup:
Mari: *receiving a call* Hello?... Oh hi, Kurt. Wait, I'm gonna call him. NOLO, KURT WANTS TO TALK WITH YOU, IT SEEMS VERY IMPORTANT
Nolo: Oh yeah? Then tell him that I'm not going to talk to him because where was he when I needed him at the race against Tork? That was a very important moment for me
Mari: Ok, Kurt. He doesn't want to talk to you.
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