coralcalypso · 1 day
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I forgot to post this picture of me and @jadeyharls from a little whale back. I’m a sucker for filters, what clam I say! 38P
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therefugeofbooks · 1 year
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Happy May ☀️
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dragonbadgerbooks · 8 months
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Tarot October BPC: October 4, 2023 Queen of Wands - Features a Party
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maddiesbookshelves · 1 year
Wordsworth Collector's Edition my beloved 💜
Wordsworth Collector's Edition mon amour 💜
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My goal is to have all Jane Austen books in this edition, as well as a few other classics. They're gonna go on a special shelf for books with pretty/old-timey spines where I already have Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice (I'm lending it to a friend right now) in that edition
Mon but c'est d'avoir tous les Jane Austen dans cette édition, et quelques autres classiques. Ils iront sur une étagère exprès pour les livres avec une tranche jolie/un peu ancienne où j'ai déjà Jane Eyre et Orgueil et Préjugés (je le prêtre à une amie pour l'instant) dans cette édition
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It's probably not gonna look like this anymore in a few months but I'm happy with the concept
Elle ressemblera probablement plus à ça dans quelques mois mais je suis contente du concept
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f1lthrot · 1 year
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Oh yeah-i'm blonde again. Or something. Lol.
✨🪦🖤cemetery fairy🖤🪦✨
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icarus-suraki · 2 years
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Haunted Doll Watch!! That’s Delaine in the striped chair (haunted doll 1) and the harlequin doll is Luna (haunted doll 2)
Books! Mostly witchcraft, Wicca, and New Age junk that I snagged for free out of a donation bin during my library days. Yes it includes Big Blue Buckland and To Ride a Silver Broomstick. You can’t see the nearly-complete Kyron collection behind the Pagan Family book but it’s there. Also yes that’s a fanbook for the MXTX series. 
The Chris Chan art is on the top shelf next to the tiny treasure chest (which contains old, old Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab scents).
World Band radio from my dad. Journals and notebooks down there.
Literature shelf 1: Joyce and Pynchon and Pratchett but also a first edition of New Frontiers of the Mind which was about to get weeded at a library. Naturally I grabbed it. Also Sister Karol’s Little Book of Spells and Rituals which is so odd and I love it. Rando army officer’s guide that once belonged to a Rosicrucian. No joke.
Tasty-smelling unused candle (unused) with silver butterfly, Nendroid boxes, MXTX books lying down (because they tend to bend when standing up). Imported stickers.
Bottom shelf is a lot of foreign language: Japanese novels, including Memoirs of a Geisha, Misery by Stephen King, and one titled God Is a Gun. Again: donations that I grabbed. Couple of manga because back in the day you could score Japanese manga at conventions. I miss those days. It was fun. One book in Japanese about “Getting Along in English” and another on “adulting.” Also the Glitch game artbook. I miss Glitch so much. The lantern is disassembled because the batteries leaked and I need to clean it up, sigh.
Literature shelves 2+: drawing books, Japanese craft book for cat houses, Cormac McCarthy my beloved, The Practice of the Presence of God. BCP (baptism gift to me as a baby) and the Bible in Chinese (another donation). Teacup for gin (it’s the cucumber one, yes). Random bottles and jars because I love them. A Course in Miracles both volumes and teacher’s workbook (more donations). V.C. Andrews because I sometimes have no taste. Haunted photograph, Arthur, is in the ripped-up looking case to be protected from sunlight. Animal Crossing: New Horizons-edition Switch dock (I didn’t want the paint/decal to get scratched). Little tiny chenille chicks used for pranks. People in a bag for Sashimiko cosplays. Japanese fashion magazines and Gothic & Lolita Bibles. The Red Book sitting on a children’s book in Chinese, partial view of sewing patterns. Unseen: more books stacked on the floor.
Literature shelves 3+: with Saint Dymphna, patroness of those with mental illnesses. Listen, I’ll try anything. There’s Big Blue Buckland’s, couple more Llewellyn magic(k) books, the Normal Tarot book, and the third copy of City of Bohane (I love that book but not enough for 3 copies; long story). Tarot cards and Lenormande cards. Russian language book. Imported stickers. Random electronics bits (cords, &c) and office supplies live in the two bins.
On top you’ve got Senor Misterioso (he glows in the dark) and his real saint figurine self, Doctor Jose Gregorio Hernandez. They are counterparts. Lantern. Fake succulent. Rando room spray. SACRED TUMBLR BRAND SHOELACES!!!! Aforementioned haunted doll, Luna. Egg cup with blessed salt.
On the other side, egg cup w/ salt (alt. view), plastic palm trees from my old desk in the library, “fake” fountain pens and more imported stickers. Fake flowers mostly from cosplay, bowl held by claws (Target Halloween 5 or 6 years ago), cup with a jubilee of pens. Xie Lian bookmark 💗 Tiny gashapon and blind box doodads. Wooden jar. 
There you go. That’s my shelves. I can entertain questions if you’d like. Closeups available. 
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shanie · 1 year
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Shanie's MCU Shelf 5/23/23
Hey! This one isn't wrestling!
Also, woefully incomplete. There are so stonking many fills I am missing here that I'm priced out of at this point it's absured. Also, the Kaiser stands for these figures are stupidly expensive (for me) and I don't have the money for an order right now. And my stash is depleted so I can't put any of my new ones up.
So this is where it stands for the moment. Tons of holes and it doesn't even look pretty because the OCD ordering system doesn't lend itself to this collection as it stands now. I don't even have an IRON MAN. And that Nat sucks ass and she was busted up when I bought her so I had to glue her to a stand because she wouldn't stay upright, now I can't remove her to put her on a Kaiser stand. So I need a new Widow, I need a proper Cap, and I need A TONY PERIOD.
Is sad. But I am trying.
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Finally finished reorganizing my books!
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Once more, our Rise of the Orphean crew journey back into The Savage Kingdoms of Deiar as they continue their story amongst many dangerous obstacles. The road has been rough and treacherous so far . . . What lies before the party today?
Check out Twitch to find out: twitch.tv/highshelfcollective
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joelcarroll · 2 years
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Some toy displays from earlier this year...
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therefugeofbooks · 2 years
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in the morning ☀️
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nfinitefreetime · 2 months
Additional hotness of the new variety
If you’ve been around here for any length of time– five days would do it– you have certainly seen at least a variant of this picture, my four Nice Bookshelves that are in my living room and are currently dedicated at least mostly to series fiction. The bottom shelves are an exception, partially, but whatever. A few weeks ago I discovered what I thought was a spectacular sale at the furniture…
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
Bookshelves update 📚✨
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I am much more happy with how they look now! Especially the colourful shelf, it's my favourite with the Bottero one ☺️
Je préfère largement cette organisation. Je trouve que c'est bien plus joli, surtout l'étagère colorée et la Bottero ☺️
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bonnettsbooks · 7 months
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11/2/23 Open 6-9p. No open containers, please.
Again, I've forgotten to photograph books for the store, so... a personal shelfie tease. I see a couple of dupes which will go to the shop, eventually.
Most reflect my interests from the '90s & before. Arts & fiction endure. McLuhan seems more relevant all the time. Surprisingly few of these feel dated today.
Enjoy the peek into my humble library & share your #shelfie here!
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madlovenovelist · 9 months
What is your favourite type of book blog content?
Posts you read vs posts you like. SOUND OFF IN THE COMMENTS ON WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURTIE TYPE OF BOOK BLOG CONTENT I was considering tweaking my blog recently, because it has evolved from what I pictured it when I first started blogging over 10 years ago. So too is the kind of content I readily engage in, so it posed the question – what is my favourite type of book blog content? Discussion Posts:…
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meezcarrie · 1 year
Top Ten Tuesday: Shelf Awareness
Taking time for a little shelf awareness today... Here's a look at 10 random books from my bookshelves! #toptentuesday #BookTwitter #shelfie #readingcommunity #bookstoread #shelfawareness
Happy Tuesday! Today’s theme for Top Ten Tuesday is “The First 10 Books I Randomly Grabbed from My Shelf”. Always good to have a little shelf awareness, right? I knew I couldn’t be random, though – I would overthink it for sure – so I enlisted my husband to grab 2 random books from each of our five bookcases! Thanks for the help, honey! some affiliate links used Flame in the Night by Heather…
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