#she would take my hand in hers and mess around w it which would lead to her trying to put her head on my lap and push what was on it off me
cosmicmakos · 2 years
imagine your f/o being a welcome distraction from the work you're currently doing (and maybe being annoying in their bid for your attention - but they're cute so it's fine)
#my favorite war criminal <3 would be more on the annoying side to try and get me to smile#she would lay on my bed next to me and shift so that she was leaning on her elbow watching me do whatever#she would either crack jokes to get my attention on her since i wasn't enjoying whatever i was doing or get more handsy w me#she would take my hand in hers and mess around w it which would lead to her trying to put her head on my lap and push what was on it off me#eventually after telling her to knock it off she would huff and sit up so she could put her head on my shoulder and watch what i was doing#she would wrap her arms around my waist and kiss wherever she could reach while pulling me closer to her to try and get my full attention#it would work after a few seconds and her plan a success (it always works but sometimes i make her work for it more)#corporate necromancer would sit next to me and start asking me about whatever i was doing#she knows that i have a hard time listening/responding to people and concentrating on what i'm doing so she does that to get my attention#even if i get a little mad at her for doing that she just wants me to take a small break and spend time w her#so we talk about whatever while we hold hands and one of us has our head on the other's shoulder#she always gives me a kiss before letting me get back to work and stays a while before she has to get back to her own work#director cat ears would sit somewhere near me and watch me in silence until she asked me if i wanted to hold hands for a little bit#at first i would try to take notes/read a textbook or work on my laptop trying to ignore the urge to set it to the side and forget about it#i would eventually give up working one-handed and turn my full attention to her and probably ask her how her bureau work was going#she couldn't really say much besides if it was good or bad since most of it was classified but she'd shift the topic to what i was doing#f/o imagines#imagine your f/o
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ajortga · 2 months
pairing: slytherin!toxic!jenna ortega x ravenclaw!fem reader
summary: jenna loves to joke around, you both know it. as she gets braver and braver with her jokes, it comes with a price, eventually hurting you and taking away something you loved most.
warnings: slight angst, teasing remarks, heavy makeout scene, rushed ending, enemies to lovers
word count: 5.2k+
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based off request!
Jenna criticizes literally everything about R's performance (J's an ass here 😓), while R is actually starting to get really pressured, J would always have something to say, thennn R gets tired of J's bs and begins focusing on themselves more, which would lead to R ignoring J for atleast a month or two, obviously J's pride is awfully. THEN J CONFESSES TO HER FRIEND, (how inlove she is w R and how she misses R sm) WITHOUT KNOWING THAT R IS NEARBY, OVERHEARING EVERYTHING. 😍😍 A DAY AFTER... R JUST TAKES J IN A PRIVATE ROOM AND KISSING TF OUTTA HER.
Slytherin Jenna! x Ravenclaw R!
Your test paper gets put on your desk, your teacher murmuring a small, “I expected better, Y/N.”
There was a 65% circled in red and it made you sick to your stomach, you had never gotten a low score before, especially in potions. You knew your concoctions and effects, you swear you had mixed everything perfectly. You groan in frustration, cursing to yourself.
Your hand scrunches, breathing in deeply as you ruffle your hair, now hearing the voice of the person you would rather befriend a frog with and use them first as a sacrifice for a blood sucking demon. 
“How can someone fail a potions exam? You managed to get first place for being the biggest dweeb, messing up the easiest class.” Jenna slightly smirks, teasingly as she approaches you and whispers sharply in your ear, your eyes glaring at her. “It’s impressive you didn’t notice a small switch of potions. All I did was switch the labels of the potions which had the same color and you didn’t even notice.”
Of course she switched up the potions to set you up for failing, “You know how important this is to me.”
“Aw.. I’m so sorry Y/N,” she mocks, “What a pity.” She pouts, “I don’t care.”
You want to smack her in the face, maybe throw that explosive potion you made to melt off her face, but you don’t. At this point you’re thinking of something to get her back, packing your spell books.
“I swear she won’t get off my shoulders, I haven’t done a single damn thing to Ortega.”
Emma laughs, nudging you, “Maybe she just likes teasing someone sweet like you.”
An annoyed exhale leaves your lips, not knowing what she meant by that, “Well she better stop it,” you grab your broom stick. 
Your friend thinks a little, “Just put a small spell on her broomstick! Nothing, you know, to make her hurt, just maybe throw her off balance.”
That interests you, you're trying to think of a sparkle you could just add onto hers. You notice she hasn’t gone to class yet and clearly you can see the large stick hidden between her name. As you approach, your fingers touch the stick, feeling the way your body immediately focuses, then you pull your finger away to go back to Emma. You feel like you shouldn’t, but you don’t feel a single ounce of guilt as a smirk forms when you reach her.
“Come on,” you urge, taking Emma’s hand as you make your way outside with your broom sticks. 
You use your right hand, grabbing it forward as Mrs. Hooch stays on the side, watching. You’ve all gotten the hang of it either way, it’s rare for some people to fall.
“Up!” Emma and you say in unison, seeing your sticks fly up as you smile at each other and hop on, ready for a flight.
You giggle, feeling yourself ascend. 
“Y/L/N,” You hear Jenna’s voice behind you, making your figure turn to face her. You see her stiffen. 
Emma gives you a look, cunning. 
“Ortega,” you greet, not so politely, but not rude nonetheless. 
“I’d challenge you to a racing match, but I do know that your ass is scared that I’ll beat and outrun you in seconds.”
You give out a snarky laugh, “I highly doubt you could even reach me by the time I ascend. I’m better at you than flying, we both know that.”
Jenna does know that, sort of. And she doesn’t want you to prove it, not during flight class while everyone is watching.
“Unless you’ve changed your mind and don’t want to challenge me, niñita,” you respond again, seeing the way Jenna was thinking.
“Then I challenge you,”
“And I accept.”
Emma nudges you, you hear her whisper in your ear, “Well, she’d probably complain, you did sort of spell her broom and she’d notice as soon as she’d get on.”
A grin forms on your lips, tearing your eyes from the tiny Jenna, “Well, I spelled it so that if Jenna were to try anything, cause that’s the bitch she is, the spell would take effect. I’m not entirely making myself win at all. I know for a fact she’d try to make me loose, she doesn’t want to lose at all, well at least to me. I know her long enough to know she’d put a spell to make me lose balance, Em.”
You see Hooch in the corner of your eye, “Plus, Hooch is watching everything, and because I spelled her broom before hand, nothing will happen until she aims some spell at me. Hooch will see that, or at least a little sparkle and chant of words. But she won’t see mine, since I spelled it before, and she’ll just think Jenna lost her balance trying to spell me.”
Emma looks at you, not knowing if you should go on.
“Em! Seriously, Jenna has been making me miserable this year, and I haven’t done anything. This is just a playful harmless thing. It’s the least I can do. I could’ve spawned a rat in her dorm that follows her everywhere!”
“Go, I sort of want to see her fall.”
The grin that disappeared forms again, winking at her as you hop back on your broom.
Then you two are off.
You rush through the field, feeling the wind blow through your hair. You loved feeling that cool breeze, it’s unreal, flying is your favorite thing to do.
Jennas not far behind, but far enough to know that you’ll win. 
She groans to herself, watching your pretty, she meant nasty figure speed ahead.
The brunette’s eyes narrow, she wasn’t going to let you win without a fight, she focuses on your broom, she’s close enough to do something. 
The wind is making your hair go crazy, but in a good way. Everyone is waiting their turn from below, watching you race through the course. Fast enough to feel their hair blow from your swiftness.
An exhale pasts her lips, you can see her trying to come closer, or almost urging you to slow down. But you don’t, of course you won’t. You speed faster, dodging an incoming tree and turning a corner.
Jenna feels blood rushing through her ears, murmuring something under her breath as she gets ready to swish through you and laugh.
She begins the spell, feeling her fingertips slightly tingle. But as soon as she’s about to shoot a spark, her hands let go and she sees the blue flying spark stumble towards you. Instead of it hitting your broom and making it shake, your hair flies through the wind and it shoots back at her. 
Jenna yelps, feeling the way her broom starts to shake.
Emma giggles from the sidelines, as soon as you pass the blonde’s figure, you send her a thumbs up and a knowing wink.
God finally.
The brunette loses her balance, feeling the broom shake left and right, she’s clinging onto it tightly, smacks her head on loose branches. She feels herself slow down to regain a steady pace, but as she speeds up again, you’re already gone, swerving a corner.
The tiny brunette grumbles from the benches, watching you smile and jump up and down. 
“Impressive play out there, Y/N. You just might be our best flier out there, keep your swift performance and you’ll be on for Quidditch.”
You already knew you’d win, even if Jenna hit your broom with her spell. You’ve won every time racing against the class.
You approach her, giving her a half-hearted smile, you’d take it as a smirk.
“Well, someone tried to cheat.”
You hear her huff, and it makes you giggle, you brush off the stick that is stuck in her hair.
“I regret doing that, Em, that tiny tiny 3 foot 1 foot cockroach is making me fall into her traps,” you murmur, stomping your foot.
“At least you got a taste of revenge, Y/N.” 
“I guess so,” you say, sinking into your seat, you feel yourself begin to find her playful and harmless banters to be stressful by every joke and scandal that girl plays.
As Quidditch season approaches, Jenna swipes her hair to the side, tying it up as you watch her with narrow eyes. It’s just a regular racing match this time. No ball. Just two talented people against each other.
Well, one more talented than the other, you think to yourself
Hooch brings you two together, in which you stare each other down, your gaze not faltering on each other.
“Goodluck, I wish you two a fair match.”
You two shake hands, though you both won’t admit it was a genuine one. You give Jenna a final glare before gazing back at the field, focusing. 
“Ready?” Hooch says, you don’t respond, just a subtle nod.
“And.. Up!”
You and Jenna shout at your brooms.
“Up!” you command, seeing your favorite item fly up, you jump on it.
Then you both swing off.
Again, not long after, does Hooch see the way your practicing and after school matches with friends are working well. You’re much farther than Jenna is, and again, it’s like no other match. But this time Jenna isn’t going to let you win again.
She growls, casting spells onto your broom and immediately, you feel your broom slow down.
“What the hell.” You mutter to yourself, you dive down. But it seems like your broom isn’t listening.
It’s swishing up and down, left to right, and you steady yourself, but you’re shaking.
You're swinging back and forth and you're losing control, you can’t make your broom stop. It’s not like just a shake of your broom and you lose balance before catching yourself, this time it’s worse. Your broom isn’t listening.
You scream to yourself, not too loud. But Mrs. Hooch can see the way Jenna is catching up, she knows Jenna did something, but it’s not looking good. Sure playful banters were okay. 
But instead of dodging a tree, you smack your head straight into the leafiness, feeling the thorns of the leaves sink and cut beneath your eye. Jenna swishes through you, not looking back. The pain immediately comes through, harsh stings roaring through your skin. You cry out, completely losing balance on your broom, crashing into the tree harshly and feeling your head bang into the wood. 
Jenna still hasn’t noticed the damage she’s caused.
You feel yourself fall.
Farther and farther.
Till your body crashes down on the grassy field, your bones from the fall aren’t helping. You hear the way they crack. And then you feel warm blood trickling down your forehead and down from the cut on your eye. You whimper.
Black spots invade your vision and you feel carsick. But you know you’re not in a car.
Your eyes flutter, making a soft groan as Emma approaches you. You can barely see her worried face but you know she’s scared.
“Y/N, can you hear me?” She says, it’s muffled. You don’t respond, her figure is blurry, you can barely see her blue eyes.
Before you can even think of a response, your eyes shut.
And as Jenna reaches the finish line, she just turns around, to notice you at least tens of feet below from her, collapsed on the ground and curled up. She can’t help but feel a gasp fall from her lips, diving down and getting off her broom stick.
She didn’t mean for it to get this chaotic, she was just hoping you’d crash into a branch and get all angry and fussy. Not get hurt. As she approaches closer, she sees blood trickling down your face as your chest heaves up and down. Emma looks at you, worriedly as everyone surrounds you two.
Jenna feels something that she doesn’t want to admit, she feels guilty for hurting you. You had barely done anything to her, but she’s messed with you countless times, you’ve gotten in trouble for it.
And you never ratted her out. The one time you decide to get her back, she’s taken things too far.
“God,” she murmurs, her voice betraying her as she pushes through the crowds of people, “Is she okay?”
The way her friend turns to her, your best friend looks like she’s about to explode, “Does she look okay? DOES SHE LOOK OKAY JENNA? What the hell were you thinking?” the blonde says the last part half aloud, where only Ortega can hear.
“I didn’t think she’d get hurt!” Jenna retorts, kneeling down and putting her hesitant hand over your chest, feeling the way it was beating quickly, chest going up and down, up down.
Immediately nurses come and drag you out, Emma following you as they take you to the infirmary. 
Jenna feels herself following too, until Hooch catches up with her.
“Ortega!” Her voice is loud, screeching as she pulls Jenna off to the side, “what on earth do you think you were doing? You’ve gotten Y/N seriously hurt because of a stupid practice match! Don’t think I didn’t catch the lame spell you’ve cast.” her eyes are wild, angry, “You know we don’t allow spells on the battlefield, I know some of Hogwarts students have broken it, but it’s never been so severe, you’ve hurt her tremendously. She’s bleeding, and I think she’ll suffer some sprains.”
Jenna nods, she understands. Sort of. She wants to understand, she knows what she did was bad. Hooch takes a deep breath, “I’m disappointed with you.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t know if Y/N will heal in three months, she’s been our best and fastest player, with quick decisions and speedy moves. She might have to sit out on Quidditch, I was looking forward to taking the trophy this season. And I would disqualify you, send you to detention after school everyday till she properly heals,” Hooch takes a deep breath, “But you have to be one of our players because you have the ability to. That doesn’t mean that you won’t get detention. I’ll even ask Dumbledore to exclude you from house games.
God, Jenna didn’t mean to make you be kicked out this season. She knew how much you wanted it. She can’t help but feel guilty.
Hooch’s voice once again speaks up, “And I expect you to apologize and pay her a visit. You two have never gotten along, but I know you both care about each other. Even if it’s slight.”
A soft nod leaves her, her eyes lingering on your small figure that is now being taken to surgery. Maybe she’ll slow down with the pranks.
As soon as visitors are allowed in, Jenna begins to stand up and approach your door.
“Ortega, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Don’t open that door,” it’s Emma's voice, but this time she sounds much more angry. Unlike the voice the brunette is used to hearing.
The way Jenna stands there, Emma narrows her eyes, “You’ve already hurt her, what more can you need? Unplug the oxygen tank and start laughing your stubborn ass up? I don’t think so.” 
She was taken by surprise, the fact that both you and Emma have gotten used to her tricks, she feels herself biting her lip.
“N-no.. No, not anything like that. I just wanted to apologize. I know my tricks have gone a bit farther than expected.”
Emma approaches her, pressing her finger to Jenna’s chest, “You’ve hurt her more than enough, and I can see it. She’s done nothing to you! Nothing!” your best friend growls, and Jenna backs up.
“You just don’t understand how much you’ve pressured her! Because you’re too busy standing there like the spoiled person you are on your banters.”
Jenna smacks her hands off, raising both of her hands to show she’s ‘surrendering,’ “I know, I know Em! Just let me apologize.”
“Not when she’s just about to wake up, you wouldn’t want the least expected person who hurt you to show up as soon as you wake up. Give her time,” the blonde grumbles, shushing her back to her seat as she enters your room. Jenna stands up again, noticing you're still unconscious.
Emma can feel her presence, and decides not to turn back as she sits on the chair next to you. Your face lost its color. None of the pink shade that tinted your cheeks when Jenna teased you. The pink shade that she wanted to see was gone, replaced by a pale, tired face, sound asleep. 
There were cuts all over you, she saw some bruises and there was a big bandage wrapped around your right cheek. She also saw a deep cut that was gauzed up in your arm. She winced. A few broken bones maybe.
She didn’t know it was this bad. The only noise was Emma’s sniffles, and the small beep of your heartbeat’s monitor. Jenna sighs, scooting closer and hesitantly bringing her hand close to your face. She felt like if she were to touch you, you would turn into dust. 
Her hand gently traces your fast, your nose slightly twitches, but she knows you’re too weak to move or wake up. Then she brushes through your hair, it’s weird beginning to see all the times she’s treated you wrongly as something she shouldn’t have done. Each trick got worse than the other, more risky of being harmed. And now look at you, all broken and bruised.
I didn’t mean it, Jenna thinks, looking down at your tiny figure.
I really didn’t mean it.
Your eyes flutter closed, and immediately you close them again, groaning from the whitest most lightest light you’ve ever encountered, covering yourself with a blanket. As soon as you move, you moan softly in pain, feeling pain roar through your body.
“Stay still,” you hear a familiar voice say, you can’t lend your finger on it. It sounds pretty, and before you can process it your brain switches that thought off. It’s your annoying rival that casted a spell that got you here in the first place. Jenna stupid Ortega.
You grunt, looking up at her, you feel bandages around you, avoiding contact with the brunette.
“Emma should be back soon, she was getting some flowers for you.”
“Good, then you can leave.”
You hear the way Jenna sighs, and you shake it off, turning slightly so you can face the entertaining wall instead of her.
“Look Y/N, I’m sorry.”
“Please, can’t you see I’m apologizing?”
“No, Jenna. You knew I didn’t like these things you did to me before. And you decide to apologize now? Do you think it’s going to make me forgive you just like that?” You say, turning back at her, a storm brews behind your eyes.
“I can’t participate in the one thing I was looking forward to this season! Just because you put this spell that you knew could harm me badly! You knew I wanted to be in Quidditch!” Jenna winces at your increasing voice.
“You could’ve been on the team too! It’s not just one of us! But you got your actions in the way before you could even think! And now you want to apologize?” It's loud, your voice begins to falter a little. Your shoulders untense, and Jenna can hear the monitor of your heart increase by four times, she shushes you, pulling you onto your back.
“Stop,” she says, her voice is too soft for your liking, you can’t think. Too much is going on in your mind, “Please.”
“Get out Jenna.”
“W-what? You don’t understand.. I’m trying to-”
“Jenna, get the hell out!” You snap, your eyes filled to the max with unshed tears.
You stay silent, before cracking out a tiny, “Please.”
And like that, Jenna walks out of the room, murmuring an “I’m sorry.”
Just this time, she really wanted you to know that she meant it.
It’s been a month, and by now your arm was barely healing, and there was a stupid ugly mark of a cut on your face. The pain was harsh, if your arm didn’t heal by the time Quidditch began, all your practice and effort would flush down the drain. It scared you.
As bad as the pain got, your mark would probably never fade, there would always be a purple cut marked under your eye. Even once it’s completely healed, ones that meet you will notice your cut, in a lighter shade than your actual skin tone. It made you cry every night, silently. 
It was stupid to cry over, your deep bruises weren’t even close to healing. Every time you would accidentally press into it, you’d shriek in pain. You felt insecure of yourself. It didn’t feel good, every time you’d look at yourself in the mirror there would be your healing cuts scarred over your body. 
“It looks s-so ugly..” You hiccup, looking at yourself in the mirror, Emma by your side as she shakes her head, “Nonsense, it’s okay.”
“It might never go away.” 
“And that’s okay, when you're older, you’ll find it silly, I promise. It’s a reminder of being here, and to remind you that competition is less superior when it comes to safety.”
You can’t help but feel yourself shrink, watching the scar on your face haunt you.
Jenna sees you in the hallways, you're in half her classes. But every single time she looks at you, you’re never looking her way. Not like before. Not when exam scores are passed out during Snape or McGonagall when you usually turn around and she waves her high score in the air, but you always wave yours back, grinning happily when you got one percent higher than her. She found you annoying, but now she feels like she’s taken you for granted. You were the one who taught her how to properly care for her plant in Herbology, although most of the time she’s retained information from the random songs and joking nerdy remarks. 
Jenna hated sitting next to you in that class, she loved teasing you and making you explode from frustration. She hated the way you looked at her and had the ability to somehow use some Hogwarts nonsense to make her think back at your smile. 
It was something you did to her, it couldn’t have been herself, she’d never be thinking of your smile or you in general. You must’ve casted a spell on her.
Yet she remembers that she’s thinking about you right now. 
Anyways, she hated the way you smirked at her and kept kicking your feet to hers, then growing some mushroom on her damn shoe.
“What the fuck Y/N? Why is there a green toadstool on my fucking foot?” She says, angrily as you laugh and fall out of your seat. She tries shaking off the small mushroom with her foot, but then it makes it grow even bigger.
And by the end of the day there is a 20 foot mushroom on her shoe, shading her as she walks home, heading straight for the knife to cut it off. 
The thought made her smile a bit. She didn’t want to admit it, she didn’t know how you did it. Or maybe when she kept tapping her pen to purposely annoy you, then when you snapped, light blue sparkles flew out of your mouth and made your voice sound wonky.
Now, you barely looked at her. For the entirety of when you were gone, you had to catch up. She felt a little relieved, you could finally talk to her by asking for notes. Didn’t want to admit the pit in her chest when you asked the person behind you.
I’m sorry, Jenna thinks, she wants to scream at you and apologize until you forgive her.
You ignored her, and she knew she deserved it. She treated you so wrongly. Sure she knew you never mind those moments she looked back to, but she knew that she grew more and more brave with her pranks, growing less and less cautious of even thinking of your safety and feelings.
She hates seeing that look in your eyes as everyone in Hooch’s class shouts, “Up!” with excitement, and you sit there, alone on the bleachers as you watch. 
As you watch your whole class fly off, Emma giving you a small, concerned look, and a tight-lipped, forceful smile forms on your lips, assuring you were fine.
She hates the way she can remember the smile leaving your lips as Emma leaves off for the race, then looking down with melancholy traced in your features.
I’m sorry.
The shorter brunette can’t stand the way you look at everyone fly off, knowing that someone that you know won’t be you will probably take your place in Quidditch. She can see it in your eyes, kicking the dirt, hoping that somehow you can kick the pain and broken limbs away.
This time, she can’t tear your eyes away from your tiny figure.
Yet she knows that you won’t even look at her, never noticing the sympathetic stares she gives you, replaced with the ones once filled with competition.
Emma’s voice is dull, almost like she doesn’t want to talk to Jenna after the incident.
“You’re seriously asking me to have Y/N talk to you?” she questions, looking at her with suspicion.
“Please, Em! It’s been a month, and I’ve been trying to apologize.”
The blonde crosses her arms, trying to defend you, “Well what if she doesn’t want to talk to you or apologize?”
“I don’t care!” Jenna throws her arms in the air, “I know what I did was wrong and if I’m being honest, class is getting boring without having her competition and silly remarks behind my back.”
Jenna freezes, what she says kind of sounds weird.
Emma hums, then she turns to Jenna, “So, what are you saying Jenna?”
“I care about her!” She groans, rubbing her cheeks, “I’m starting to think that I’ve cared about her since I met her but didn’t know till my actions got her hurt. I was going to apologize but now I’m shitting desperate. She won’t get out of my mind and.. I don’t know!”
Jenna groans, trying to think of what this was, “I just keep thinking about the things she doesn’t do anymore, and it’s sad not having her by my side. I feel guilty. And I need to apologize even more so she can get out of my head! Em, please, I can’t get that stupid silly cute smile out of my head. And I can’t damn focus knowing that the girl that sits next to me in McGonagall is full on avoiding me!”
She doesn’t realize the way she’s been rambling, she looks at Emma, whose face expression has changed. In some way, she’s slightly having a grin on her face, “You’re in love with her.”
“What? I don’t know! Maybe, I just-I feel bad, and I want to apologize and make it okay again. It’s just so dull and I’ll.. I don’t even fucking know. I just miss her and the way it used to be.”
“You should’ve told me that,” your soft voice sing-songs from behind her, making her tense up and turn around.
“Y/N,” Jenna stutters.
“Jenna,” you mumble, voice slightly breathy.
“I didn’t think you were-” she squeals in surprise as you drag her by the arm, panting softly as you drag her into a room, god who knows what Hogwarts classroom this is.
“Look Y/N, I’m sorry, but why are we in someones-mmph.” You seal her lips with a random spell under your lips and you place your finger to her mouth. 
You slightly smirk, god she missed it, she looks down at your lips, she rolls her eyes, “Apologize to me and I’ll let you do what you’ve wanted to do.” You undo your spell, taking off your finger from her mouth as she begins to speak.
“Go on.”
You were teasing her, and she breathed, “Okay, I’m sorry. For hurting you, I know I went too far,” she was rambling as she speaks a little faster, “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just felt more brave as much as I teased you and I know I went too far this time. And I promise I didn’t try to hurt you, I know how much Quidditch meant to you..” she gulps again, taking a breath. “What I did led to a lot of things, and I’ve noticed the way I grew upset when I knew you began to avoid me, and I’ll admit I miss you.” Jenna says the last part hesitantly.
The brunette looked up at you and you were looking at her, hesitant eyes, but almost filled with need? She now noticed the more visible cut on your eye, and you look away, seeing her gaze on the mark you were most insecure on, you cover your face.
“Stop that,” Jenna smacks your hands away and it feels like her hesitation swept away, she slowly reached up to cup your cheeks, in which your uncertainty melted. She looks at the mark, it was better than when she saw you unconscious on the floor. That’s all that matters. She wants to roll her eyes but now she feels weird when she does that.
“Does it hurt?”
You shake your head, “Just a little.”
"I'm sorry about Quidditch."
"I'm still angry about that, my arm should heal soon though, before it starts."
.. An awkward silence passes, then you look down at her pink lips.
Jenna hums, then you tug her closer, making a small whine.
“Please kiss me.”
Jenna’s eyes widen, taking her hands away from your cheeks.
“Please,” you plead, your eyes filled with want.
Her eyes flicker from your lips as she cups your cheeks again and brings you to her mouth. As they meet, you’re all small and soft moans, kissing her with need. Hunger. It’s different. Teasing you doesn’t come with words, she’s teasing you with her mouth, feeling the way you grip onto her. 
More more more, don’t stop.
You taste exactly how Jenna thought you would, but just so much better. So addicting, it makes her mind spin with you. Coca cola and addictive vanilla. It mixes well with the taste of hers, you let her capture your tongue. It’s feverish, tongue and want combined. She indulges in the way you make a tiny moan as she nibbles your tongue. Your wanting lips push harder to hers, your body pressing against her as you slightly find something to grind against.
It’s heated and different. She tugs you closer, finding it adorable as you pull away for a tiny breath, then continue, like you don’t want to stop feeling her lips on yours. Her hands. Your fingers tugging against her hair.
Long moments after you pull away, you both are panting, your head buried deep into her chest. She rubs your hair.
“I didn’t think you were that experienced,” you whisper.
She rolls her eyes, pressing her lips to your forehead, “I didn’t think you’d pull me into a room and start begging me to kiss you and make out with you.”
“Well, did my kisses grant your forgiveness for me?
“What if I give you another round?”
She smirks, seeing the way you lean back into her.
She presses her lips that just left yours once again, feeling your hands tangle back into her hair.
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naddiesflower · 1 year
hi there, may i request hcs w dabi, aizawa & toga w a gn s/o whos very flirty and talkstive but when someone flirts back their brain just shuts down and they instantly become a flustered mess?🤭
*rises from the dead and drops this very very late*
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I feel like Dabi wouldn’t flirt back immediately 
But he wouldn’t outright ignore you
if anything he would entertain your flirting
You would flirt with him any chance you had
“Hey, aside from being good looking, what do you do for a living?”
This makes Dabi huff out a small laugh
“Oh you know, just some rookie villain stuff.”
There was one time you had decided to flirt with him while running away from some heroes
“Don’t you ever get tired from running through my mind all day?”
“What i’m tired of is these losers chasing us.”
One day Dabi decides to flirt back just because
You had said something (he wasn’t sure what cuz he would tune you out sometimes)
“You sure are chatty, im sure i can think of a better way we can put that mouth to use.”
Immediate brain short circuit
You suddenly don’t know how to function
Your stuttering is intelligible
And you can feel heat rising to your face
Dabi’s lazy smile stretches into a sinister one
“No way.”
“Uh…well see you later Dabi-”
Oh wow and now there’s a hand planted to wall next to you
“Now hold up, where did all that bravado go?”
His face seems just a tad bit too close to yours
“My uh- the um you see, i ah-”
Dabi just busts out laughing after this
Which thankfully gives you the time to flee
You are no longer safe around this man anymore tho
It is now Dabi who is initiating the flirting
You shall now deal with the actions of your consequences
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This guy i just know would not flirt back
It was you mostly flirting with the dumbest pick up lines
Aizawa mostly rolls his eyes
But you mostly flirt during hero work 
Cuz that’s when you bump into each other more often than not
And that’s when Aizawa doesn’t roll his eyes
But responds with variation of
“We have no time for this.”
Or “must i be the one to face this type of torture?”
This goes on for the longest time
But you never tire from teasing Aizawa
Aizawa also doesn’t make any big fuss about trying to stop you
He kinda secretly looks forward to you bothering him
One day after taking down a villain he compliments you
“You did a great job taking down that villain, your form was especially great.”
Now mind you this was a small compliment
A very tame compliment 
You stop on the spot
You suddenly don’t know how to work your legs
Aizawa is confused
After a concerned Aizawa makes sure you’re okay
The rest of the day goes on normally
Though Aizawa does come to a conclusion that he tests out the next time you bump into each other
“Good job, you looked great out there.”
Oh man do your knees go weak and you’re a babbling fool at this point
“Oh uh, y-yeah, i mean- thanks…”
From now on when you try flirting with him, Aizawa fires back with actually pretty sweet compliments
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You are in trouble with her from the start
Would immediately flirt back
But she doesn’t notice this cuz that’s just the way she is
If anything she’s the one who approaches you first and just starts complimenting you left and right
“Your eyes are so pretty!”
“Can I have some of your blood?”
Most people would be like wtf
But in your mind like 
“You want my blood?” 🥺👉👈
Obviously you don’t voice that out loud cuz you quite literally can’t
You kinda look like a fish out of water with the way ur trying to utter a single word out
You can almost never get a word out around her cuz she’s bubbly and just as talkative as you if not more
Which somehow leads to you making it a goal to at least not be a blabbering fool around her
It’s an ongoing challange that you can never seem to accomplish
The most you were able to get out around her was one (1) small compliment
Which didn’t phase you at first because you had genuinely meant it
“Ah, Himiko you have a really cute smile.”
She gets all starry eyes and blushy
But you don’t notice cuz you're mentally celebrating not acting a fool around her
However, that’s short-lived as soon as she wraps herself around your arms and drags you somewhere around the hideout while you’re mentally short circuiting
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 7 months
CoD: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader - Found
I felt inspired to write this today after being fired from my job that I put my heart and soul into for nine years. I don’t know why but all of the sudden I was like I’m going to do this. So here is the finished version of what I saw in my head. I hope you all like it and my inbox is open for asks or requests right now. I’m stuck on CoD men at the moment. This one will be featuring König as well.
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It was late when Ghost woke up with a start as he came out of his nightmare. He had been having the same nightmare for the past week after (Y/N) had gone missing. It was a standard mission of retrieval, but when he had taken a round in the leg Soap had to help him walk. That was when she had split from them to draw the enemy away. When they made it to the evac site she didn’t arrive.
Ghost was adamant that they wait, but Soap had convinced him they should go and that she would be okay. He slowly got up and made his way to the kitchen going through the motions of making his night time tea. As the kettle was placed on the stove he could still see her eyes and the worry in them when she made the decision to draw the enemy away. How he had begged with his own eyes for her to stay. 
It was the last time he would probably see her again, and that thought alone reminded him of his mother and brother's family’s murder. The thought of her dead and discarded made him suck in a breath as he felt the panic rising. (Y/N) would know what to do when he had a panic attack, but she wasn’t here. She wasn’t here because he wasn’t man enough to beg her to come with them, and that he couldn’t do this without her.
The screaming in his head was getting louder, and his chest felt like it was constricting. This attack was getting worse by the moment as he imagined her corpse coming towards him wailing at him. He jumped and fell backwards onto his ass scrambling for his knife. He held it in front of him shakily until his vision and hearing started coming back to him. “Simon drop the knife no one's gonna hurt ya’ here”, a voice he should know soothed.
The voice started getting more recognizable, but he was still trying to get his bearings. Then he recognized Price, the old man was holding up both hands when Ghost realized what was happening. He dropped the knife as if it had burned him and listened as Price talked him down. The wailing he thought was her was the kettle going off, and the panic attack had played with his mind.
After he had come back around Price had him sit at the table as he made the tea. Price was telling him that Kortac had a lead on (Y/N), and that König had volunteered to go retrieve her. That would make sense as (Y/N) and König had been good friends back before she joined 141. He nodded along as he listened to Price talk about how they coudn’t go in, and that's why Kortac had taken the job. 
After Price had made sure he was going to be okay he went back to his room to try and get more sleep. He rolled over several times trying to get himself to sleep, but it wouldn’t happen. He got up and went out for a walk around the base noticing all the spots he and (Y/N) would go to be alone. His favorite spot was the sniper training tower where they had had sex the first time.
She had been angry about Soap getting the better of her on sniping and he volunteered himself to help her. They had been dancing around each other for a year when he finally made the first move which led to them shagging in that tower. He smiled remembering how she had moaned and called his real name. How she writhed under him and how afterwards she lay there in his arms until Soap had called up making mentions of how no more shots had been fired. 
His smile quickly fell as he thought about how she may never come home. He kept walking, coming to the mess hall where he remembered her taking a ketchup packet hitting it just right to make it explode in Soap’s face and how they had all laughed. She was the light to his darkness and no matter what, she was always in a good mood until someone made a joke about how she should be home in the kitchen. He made his way back to his room praying Kortac could find her and bring her home to him.
It was a hot afternoon and (Y/N) was trying to stay alive in a hostile environment. She had been captured right after Ghost and Soap had made their safe extract, but escaped and made it into the desert outside of the major city. She had to wait for nightfall before she could go into the city to steal some food or anything else she may need. To be honest she missed them, but there was no way she could get word to her team without possibly compromising them. 
(Y/N) missed being on base, missed the others, but she truly missed Simon. She wanted to be at base sneaking into his room or him into hers to help each other sleep. She thought back on the first time she had sex with him in that sniper tower, and how he had her writhing and moaning. (Y/N) wanted to lay her head on his chest and relax because she knew that right now he would be having a hard time sleeping.
The sun slowly set and soon she would be making her move. She needed more water so her first stop would be the well at the edge of the city. Then she needed to get food and more bandages. (Y/N) knew where she could get the bandages, the food was going to be tricky. She started making her way towards the city. She checked with her binoculars to see the well only to find it guarded. 
“Shit they got wise”, she murmured. Well she would have to sit and wait to see if they would leave or stay. It got dark and they stayed, making her decide to go back to her small encampment. It was far enough away to get a fire going. If she didn’t die of dehydration the night would certainly make her freeze to death. She sat at the encampment praying that she could go into the city the next night to scavenge.
The night passed by and (Y/N) tried to find shade in the small dilapidated stable. It was where she would sleep during the day. Her stomach kept waking her up as it cried for sustenance, but she didn’t have anything to satiate it. If and when she made it home she was going off base to her favorite pub to have a burger and good bourbon. If Gaz and Soap were here they would at least be cracking jokes and trying to cheer her up. She fell asleep again and didn’t wake until right before sunset. She got up and started the walk back towards the city.
The city seemed clear as far as She could tell. The men who had been guarding the well weren’t there now. (Y/N) watched for a couple more minutes just to be sure, and once sure she raced to the well. The water rippled when she bent down cupping her hands, and sucking down water. She drank until her stomach started to cramp. Once her thirst was quenched she darted from alley to alley until she reached a drug store. 
(Y/N) knew that the back store room didn’t lock because she was the one who had broken it the first time she broke in. Under the cover of darkness she slipped in and scoured the shelves grabbing what she needed and filled her pack even taking some bottled waters. She made her way to the back pharmacy where the locked door was, but couldn’t get in. The fridge back there had to have some penicillin which she could use, but she would just have to go without. 
She slipped back out into the alley and started taking note of where she needed to head next. There was a market a couple streets over that sold some raw meats. Some of the shops would be closing up so she had to be quick. She made her way to the markets, but they were all closed. They must have had them close up to keep her options limited.
There was nothing left, not even scraps that she could pick from. This was a failure, but she had to move on. Just as she started back the way she had come from a truck pulled up across the street and armed men climbed out. “Shit shit shit”, (Y/N) cursed. She was going to have to be careful making her way back to her camp unless she wanted to be captured again or worse.
She rounded the last corner when she saw a man looking in her direction. She ducked back into the alley, but he had already alerted his comrades to her position. When the man rounded the corner she ducked down and went for his legs making him fall over her. He dropped his rifle and they rolled in the alley trying to get to it. She could hear the other men approaching when she finally headbutted the man. 
(Y/N) scooped up the rifle and fired a round into the man's skull. She encountered two more men that she quickly dispatched. There was another truck still running, and seeing her opportunity she took it. She hopped into the driver's side and tore out of the city as fast as she could. There was no way she could stay near the city now that they were certain she was there. She continued on for several miles hoping to come across a small village.
There was no such luck, and she was starting to get tired. When she looked at the truck's dash she saw that it was around five in the morning. She continued for a short amount of time when she saw a small house in the distance. The road had disappeared a long time ago and hopefully this small house was unoccupied. When she pulled up she shut the truck off, and grabbed the rifle. 
After clearing the house it was in fact abandoned. It wasn’t all that dilapidated and the bed looked inviting, but her paranoid brain wouldn’t let her sleep there. She took the cushions on the old couch downstairs, and took them to the pantry that unfortunately was empty and placed them on the floor. She drank some water as she grabbed an old curtain covering a doorway and put it in the old pantry on top of the couch cushions then placed the backpack in the far back.
(Y/N) watched the sun rise as she checked on her wound. It needed new bandaging, and she wrapped it with the bandages she had taken. The wound seemed to be festering as it oozed some. Once it was wrapped she went back inside to crawl into the pantry closing the door behind her. She lay her head on the backpack and pulled the curtain over her like a blanket keeping the rifle beside her just in case. The hunger pains were growing, but there was nothing she could do as she slipped off into sleep.
Little did she know that a friend of hers was looking for her in the city she just fled. She woke a few hours later, shivering. She knew she had a fever since she was shivering and it was the hottest part of the day. She lifted her shirt and unwrapped the bandages to see the wound was red around the edges. It also had some discharge and she knew that it wasn’t a good sign. (Y/N) knew she was more likely to die of infection at this point. 
She should have broken into the pharmacy for the penicillin after all. She pulled the makeshift blanket higher and relaxed back in her makeshift mattress. Sleep came easy as her fever got worse. Mumbling in her sleep as the fever continued to ravage her body. A noise and her eyes slowly and lazily fluttered open. It had to be a hallucination she definitely didn’t hear footsteps through the house.
The footsteps were going all around the house, but then they started towards her hiding place. She sat up with a lot of effort that had her breathing heavily, and grabbed the rifle. Lifting it made pain sear through her, and she had just pointed at the door where the footsteps stopped. She held the rifle up as she listened for the person to walk away, but her body gave out causing her to drop the rifle. 
The clattering and her gasp from the pain had the stranger on the other side almost ripping the door off its hinges. She reached for the rifle again, but the stranger was quicker and stepped on it as she tried to pull it from the floor. Pain erupted in her body as the adrenaline left her and weakness hit her like a truck. She collapsed backward as her world spun and started to darken. She tried to keep the darkness at bay, but it consumed her.
(Y/N) started to come around as something cool touched her brow. When she opened her eyes she could see someone with their back turned toward her. One small lantern sat in the corner set on the dimmest setting. She had to get out of here not knowing what this person had planned for her, but when she went to move her strength was almost non-existent and let out a groan. The stranger whipped around and quickly shone a bright light into each eye.
(Y/N) tried to focus her eyes as the figure started talking in a language that sounded familiar, but quickly switched to English. Then a name hit her as her vision cleared some more and she could see the blue eyes and sniper hood. “ König?”, she rasped. “Easy Mause you need to rest”, he told her. “How… how did you find me?”, she coughed. “Your new friends asked me to come fetch you, but you are not fit for travel, and I don’t want to risk you dying on the trip to the extraction zone”, he relayed. 
“We should move now” she told him. “No Mause you have had a high grade fever and you need to rest. Not to mention you have stopped breathing on me twice already to the point of needing resuscitation”, he argued. “I feel… fine”, she said, sitting up with a harsh wince. “No Mause I thi…”, König didn’t get to finish as she got up and walked out of the tent. He quickly followed as she walked towards the truck he had hidden under a desert camo tarp. 
He watched as she got half way and swayed on her feet then down to her knees. He raced forward sliding to her as her upper body fell sideways. He cradled her against him as he looked her over. She was a ghostly pale color and shaking even though she was sweating. He quickly hauled her up and took her back into the tent where he checked the wound. He changed the bandages and made sure the wound was clean. 
When she woke again this time she was alone in the tent, but she could hear König moving around outside. He seemed frantic with his movements so (Y/N) pulled herself up and slowly got out of the tent. “What are you doing?”, she questioned. “I should have listened to your advice last night, Mause. They have some small patrols looking for you”, he relayed as he packed the gear into the truck. She swayed slightly as her strength started waning. 
König took notice right away quickly scooping her up and putting her in the passenger seat of the truck. “Stay here while I get the tent put away”, he ordered. She sat and watched the horizon when she noticed a cloud of dust. “König leave the tent there’s a patrol headed straight for us. He whipped up looking in the direction (Y/N) gestured to. He leapt into action running to the driver side while she started the engine. Flooring it caused the truck to lurch forward and (Y/N) groaned.
She watched as König radioed in for extraction and that there were enemies gaining. Confirmation came over the radio back to him as a Pave Low appeared on the horizon. Gunfire whizzed past their heads, but König pressed on. Sliding to a stop he pulled his gun out of the truck returning fire as he yelled at (Y/N) to head for the heli. She was almost there when she heard the grunt and impact of a body falling behind her. 
When she turned König was on his back still firing back as he yelled again for her to go. “I’m not leaving you behind damnit!”, she yelled above the heli. She grabbed him and dragged him as pain lit up in her side. She was sweating from the pain as he continued returning fire. She heard the ramp lower and gunfire coming from the ramp. She could feel the blood starting to ooze from the torn stitches. Tunnel vision had started and she could feel her strength fading, but she was so close. She couldn’t do it. She screamed in frustration and pain as she felt the impact of the ground. 
Somewhere she could hear a familiar voice as König was yelling at her to leave him. It all happened so fast she saw someone grab König as someone else provided cover fire. Then she felt weightless as her vision wavered. She lifted her head briefly and was met with another masked figure, but those eyes looked so familiar, but why she didn’t know. 
The weightlessness left as she was placed on some blankets, but she could still feel the cold metal under her from the heli. She could hear more yelling as she tried to get herself to sit up. She reached out trying to find something to help her when a hand held hers. She felt the heli lurch upwards and away as her vision and head swam trying to make sense of everything.
Then she heard a voice shouting and she knew that voice it was Soap, but he shouldn’t be here then she recognized Nikolai yelling back to him. She wanted to confirm that it was in fact Soap and Nikolai she heard, but she blacked out as she felt her shirt being lifted and heard the fabric being cut. Those deep brown eyes she saw earlier while being carried into the helo followed her into her darkness. 
Waking up was a complete bitch if (Y/N) was being honest the bright lights were killing her already pounding head. She took in her surroundings slowly noticing she was in a hospital bed and that there was a man in the hospital bed beside her. He was awake and looking at her with those blue eyes. “Hey Mause”, he whispered. Her eyes went wide as she realized König was maskless. 
He was handsome with black hair and those piercing blue eyes. “König your hood”, she gasped. “It’s okay Mause I trust you and your team”, he chuckled. She was about to say something else when she realized something on her other side moved. Her head whipped around to spot Ghost in the chair beside her bed. His shoulders were moving and holy shit was he laughing. “Simon”, she breathed in a whisper. 
“Hello love”, he said as he leaned in pulling up the bottom part of his mask. “Simon we have an audience and I haven’t brushed my teeth yet”, she mumbled. “It’s alright love”, he told her as he kissed her hard and rough. This went on for a few minutes until (Y/N) remembered König was trapped in here with them. Ghost went in for another kiss as his hand traveled down her side skipping over her wound. “Ghost! König is here”, she hissed. 
“It’s fine love, besides I think he is enjoying the show isn’t that right König?”, Ghost asked. When she looked, König was trying to readjust himself discreetly. “Maybe I should let him join us so we can share you when you're healed hmmm”, Ghost hummed. (Y/N) whimpered, causing Ghost to smirk as he looked at König. “What do you think, König, should I let you share her with me once she is healed to thank you for saving her?”, Ghost questioned. (Y/N) looked over at him with a smirk as he responded, “Once you’re healed Mause then you're ours' '. 
The nurses came in to check on both patients while Ghost watched from his chair. He had his woman back and the discussion that he and König had while she was still asleep was coming to fruition. He had known that König was attracted to her when they had worked together before, and (Y/N) had always made mention that she would trust him if they brought another person into the fold. He watched over (Y/N) and König as they both drifted in and out of sleep. 
That's it, I hope you all liked the little twist at the end and maybe I’ll make a part 2 of this with the three of them. Until next time, I hope you all have a lovely day!
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athenasilver7 · 8 months
Hello, can you do a ohshc head cannon where y/n has superpower (preferably fire powers) and gets caught using them in private by them?❤️‍🔥❤️
Ohh! Of course! (^◡^ ) Note: Because I’m extra, I’m doing this from the perspective that Y/N’s parents are wealthy scientists or something and experimented on Y/N growing up, which inevitably lead to Y/N getting fire powers ❤️‍🔥
Note 2: I’m back after finishing this, and realized this fic got pretty off track from the original request. I’m so sorry, anon omg🥲
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader [w/ fire powers]
💙 Hikaru 💙
When you eventually reveal your secret powers and your past to Hikaru… he doesn’t believe you.
Even as you’re literally producing a flame out of thin air in the palm of your hand, he still doesn’t believe you.
He honestly assumes you’re just pranking him, or that Kaoru put you up to it.
Hikaru scoffs. “Please. It’s obviously some up the sleeve trick, or one of those mechanisms they use on movie and TV.” He insist, crossing his arms and looking away from you.
“…Hikaru. I am literally opening up a out how my parents used me as a science experiment, and how it resulted in me having these abnormal powers. Please stop being a brat and LOOK.” You produce a larger flame in the palms of your hands.
It takes a lot of convincing, but he eventually believes you and feels bad for accusing you of lying to him.
He “makes it up to you” by calling you nicknames such as ‘hot stuff’ and whatnot.
🤍 Tamaki 🤍
You explain your situation to him. He listens intently, not completely understanding, but he’s trying to be supportive.
Then you show him by producing a small flame in your hand and he freezes… then he freaks out.
“Y/N! Watch out!” He launches at you and tackles you to the floor, covering you with his body to try and protect you from that sudden burst of fire.
“Wha?! N-No, Tamaki, look!” You dissipate the flame and then create a very, very tiny flame in your palm. “It’s coming from me. Don’t worry… I know how to control the intensity of it.” You whisper.
He gazes down at you in awe, the flicker of light illuminating both your facial features.
His breathing is slow and he hesitantly reaches towards your hand, his lanky fingers hovering over your extremely small fire. “…It doesn’t hurt you, does it?” He whispers back.
You find yourself smiling at his concern. “No, no. It doesn’t hurt, at all.”
“…You’re certain?” Tamaki cups your face in his hands as he gazes at you with a frown, heavily concerned. He leans in closer, his nose brushing against yours.
You flush, “T-Tamaki, I’m fine! Really!”
Yeah, definitely expect him to dote on you… more than usual, I mean.
❤️ Haruhi ❤️
You explain your past to her and… she doesn’t exactly understand.
It’s not that she doesn’t believe you. I mean, Honey-Senpai is legally considered a war weapon, so why wouldn’t she believe you about this?
It’s just… it’s abnormal for her, you know? Your situation sounds like something you would only hear of in movies or animes.
Then you go and present your powers to her.
Admittedly she startles at first. Once she’s able to wrap her head around everything though, she obviously doesn’t think any differently of you.
If anything, she just feels sad for you. Your parents experimented on you!
She gets the strong urge to tell your parents off, but she knows it’s not necessarily her place to say anything since she doesn’t know all the details. Although, she may lecture them about it when she gets the chance to meet them.
Haruhi assures you she’s always there for you whenever you need to talk about your situation.
💗 Honey 💗
He bawls, full on ugly cries, as you explain your situation to him.
You try to assure him it’s “not as bad as it sounds”, but he merely frowns at your words, definitely believing you’re underplaying what you’ve been through.
It’s… a complicated series of emotions. So, to change the subject, you show off your powers to Honey.
You mess around with a few different flames sizes, and present some small fire tricks to him.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t seem to react right away. It’s like he knows you’re just trying to distract him from the initial subject. Honey then smiles at you, “You’re amazing, Y/N.” His expression is so tender and genuine, it makes you flush.
In your flustered state you accidentally ignite a very large flame. You and Honey both jolt and you hastily put it out.
“…….Ehehe… sorry about that.” You chuckle awkwardly, your face flushed red.
“…..” Honey simply laughs and presses a kiss to your temple. “You’re too cute, Y/N-chan!”
🧡 Kaoru 🧡
He holds your hand as you open up about your past and how your parents would experiment on you.
Kaoru about damn near cries. You were literally born just to be a test subject.
“Y/N…” Kaoru whispers with a frown, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
Before you can fluster too much at Kaoru’s unfiltered concern for your well-being, you hastily show off a tiny flame to him with your free hand.
His breath hitches at the sight, a smile slowly stretching across his face. It’s a small smile, but it’s still a smile nonetheless.
“…Are you okay?” He gives your hand another gentle squeeze.
Blushing, you shyly avert your gaze and dissipate the flame. “I’m fine. The fire doesn’t hurt.”
Kaoru shakes his head. “No. I meant are you okay? Emotionally? You were experimented on from a young age and for so many years…” Kaoru trails off, averting his own gaze with a heavy frown.
…You… You break down, to be honest. Kaoru is quick to hold you, comforting you. This man speaks the sweetest words of reassurance, and reminds you that you can always confide in him.
💜 Kyoya 💜
Well, when you explain your past to him, he isn’t too surprised.
Kyoya obviously already knows about your parents’ occupations and a large sum of their history, but… he’ll admit he had no idea just how messed up they are.
Don’t get it mixed up, he obviously knows your parents are pretty messed in the head, however the way you explain what you’ve been through… it’s pretty damn twisted.
Cupping your hands together, you present a small flicker of flame to Kyoya, silently showing him your… ‘powers’. The effects of your parents experiments.
Kyoya appears genuinely interested. Well, who wouldn’t? He cups his chin beneath his finger and leans forward to observe the flame that you just… summoned from thin air.
“I see… I must say, Y/N, you’re a very strong individual. I can’t even begin to imagine what you felt like going through all of that alone.” Kyoya says in his usual ‘I’m calm and collected’ voice, though you can sense the genuineness in his tone.
Over the coming weeks, expect him to observe you and your abilities often, and occasionally discreetly asking you questions related to your abilities. Sue him, he has to take notes on this phenomenon.
🖤 Mori 🖤
He holds you in his lap and pets your head when you eventually open up about your past to him.
“I’m sorry, Takashi. This must be a lot for you to take in.” I murmur weakly against his chest, clutching at the front of his shirt line a lifeline as you sniffle and tear up.
Mori hums, carefully combing his lanky fingers through your hair. “Sounds like it was a lot for you to deal with.” His eyes briefly flutter shut and he presses a kiss to your temple.
You sniffle and nod. “Yeah… Yeah, it was.” You sigh heavily, “But at least I can do this..?” You show off a tiny flame in your hands, trying to look on the bright side of thing. Pun not intended.
Mori’s brows raise and he carefully grips both of your wrists, and brings them up close to his face to observe them.
You dissipate the flame and he blinks. Mori takes a moment longer to examine your hands, his thumb gently caressing your palm that held the flame.
He then presses his lips to your palm, planting a firm kiss there. “…It’s warm.” Mori states, gazing at you through his lashes. Your face then begins to feel warm as well, but not due to your fire abilities.
OHSHC Masterlist
125 notes · View notes
I Want My MTV 🎤 | Jake Seresin Imagine
Takes place after the events of TGM
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Jake Seresin x popstar!reader (romantic), dagger squad x reader (platonic)
Content Warnings: fluff, profanity, implied suggestive content if you squint | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 8.6k
Premise: glitter and writing love songs are her favorite things in the world…..and also music that gets people dancing and wishing they were a fictional character in a fan edit. When she meets Lt. Jake Seresin, he becomes not only the light of her life but also the source of her inspiration because every love song has to have a muse. And for international popstar Y/n L/n, the man they call Hangman is the muse that keeps her going.
Requested 📨 yes/no (by the lovely @avaleineandafryingpan w/ some suggestions from @gizmodear on this post)
Note: I’m so sorry this took a bit (forgive me, school has been crazy) but I really really enjoyed writing this and i hope its everything you imagined @avaleineandafryingpan 🥹♥️ I made sure to add all the little hc’s you sent in & added some things of my own I thought would be great so I hope you don’t mind! Please let me know what you think!
Songs headcanoned by popstar!reader: ‘34+35’, ‘Love Me Harder,’ ‘Break Free,’ & ‘Imagine,’ by Ariana Grande + ‘Rain On Me’ w/ Lady Gaga. ‘Summertime Sadness,’ ‘ Young & Beautiful,’ ‘Norman Fucking Rockwell,’ ‘Video Games,’ & ‘Love Song,’ by Lana Del Rey. ‘Last Friday Night,’ ‘Teenage Dream,’ & ‘Firework,’ by Katy Perry. ‘Power,’ ‘Secret Love Song,’ ‘ Between Us,’ & ‘Salute’ by Little Mix
August 2026
“Deep breathes, darlin’,” his hands were smooth against her shoulders, instantly calming her nerves. Y/n took a deep inhale, nodding as she slowly let the air leave her lips. Jake beamed at her, “This ain’t the first time you’ve been on stage. You got this.”
“I know, but performing on live television for millions of people is different than a few thousand in a venue,” she reminded him, feeling the anxiety return causing her to close her eyes. “It’s been six years since my last VMA performance, Jake. Also,” she nervously laughs, “This is the Vanguard award they’re giving me—I’m, quite literally, shitting my pants. I want this to be amazing.” To be fair the reason for her not being invited back to the VMAs was a mini break from music she went on after they got married in 2021. The birth of their children was another factor so it wasn’t until late 2025 that Y/n had released the music she’d been working on.
The break was much needed, but she was missing the stage, the touring, the fans. It was what kept her going and made her career worth it. Music was her life, but so was her family which is why she took so long to release an album. Now here she was years later about to step foot on the VMA stage for the first time in six years. Another thing that made it worthwhile was she was being honored with the MTV Video Vanguard Award. Leading up news outlets were covering her return and on the red carpet reporters were eager to know what Y/n was cooking up.
“And it will be,” he told her, cupping her face in his hands, careful not to mess up the gemstones and glitter around her eyes. She could feel the cool metal of his wedding band against her skin. “You are one of the best vocalists of our generation—the High Note Princess. One of the best stage performers of all time—it’s gonna be an amazing show. You’ve been working so hard for months,” he gives a comforting squeeze to her shoulders. “So just breathe with me and then you’ll go out there and sing your pretty little heart out. And it’s gonna be the best performance of the night.”
As she mentally prepared while waiting for the stage manager, Y/n leaned more into Jake’s arms and let her mind wander. Memories started to appear, reeling back to when her career kicked off all the way to when she met her husband and finally to the present day.
February 2008
Like any aspiring star, Y/n L/n made the rash decision to quit college and move to Los Angeles in hopes of achieving her goal of becoming a singer. Hollywood was calling her name, so she spent months applying to jobs in the area before finding a small studio apartment and packed up her little Honda and set sail for the city where dreams are made. Time would be the make or break factor if she stayed or retreated back home with her tail between her legs.
One year.
That was her deadline. One year to get a job at a label, get discovered, or possibly find something worth renewing her lease. Working as a singer at a jazz bar could possibly have one of the options come true. Again, it would take time before something happened.
Y/n wasn’t the only singer at the club. Another girl was on stage Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Saturday’s whereas Y/n was booked Tuesday’s, Thursday’s, and Friday’s. The club was closed Sunday’s and the nights Y/n didn’t sing she was a server or bartender. The pay was good for the most part with her tips racking in more income than the biweekly check for singing and serving. Sometimes she’d get compliments from patrons, especially the older crowd saying, “You have such a unique voice—the way you have control and range makes me think you should be on the radio and not some little jazz club like this. Your talent shouldn’t be wasted, dear.”
The words and support always boosted Y/n’s confidence. Truly did it make her feel she could make it big. Actually break through into the industry. But that takes time and sometimes the opportunity arises when one least expects it.
Maybe she could audition for American Idol. Maybe she could upload videos on that new website YouTube. Maybe she could be bold and send some demos to labels, praying it would land on someone’s desk.
Or, someone important from said label would wander into the club.
That idea seemed like a far stretch. But just three months shy of Y/n’s deadlines she was approached by a gentleman after she finished her number one Friday night. A business card in his hand, he said, “Give me a call Monday morning, I’d like to set up a meeting to talk with you about your potential. Bring some demos if you have any.”
A notebook of songs in her hand and a CD of demos she spent the whole weekend working on, Y/n left Capitol Records that morning with a copy of her contract in hand and the promise of bringing forth the best music of her life. There were tears shed as she relayed the exciting news to her family back home. Her coworkers whom she adored threw her a party at the club in celebration that night. She wouldn’t leave the club just yet. Just because she had signed didn’t mean she would make it big in the long run. No, she decided to stay at the club until she at least was at the level where she could financially afford to.
The first time Y/n heard herself on the radio she broke into tears. It happened unexpectedly too. After packing up her car with two weeks worth of groceries that cost her entire paycheck Y/n switched the the radio to the pop station and was singing along to the tunes when she heard the beginning chords to her song, ‘Teenage Dream.’ Cars honked around after she slammed the brakes and abruptly pulled to the side of the road, eyes wide with her hands covering her mouth.
“You think I’m pretty without any makeup on. You think I’m funny when I tell the punchline wrong. I know you get me, so I let my walls come down, down.”
Y/n literally changed the channel just to change it back to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. That it was actually her song playing.
“Before you met, I was alright, but things were kinda heavy. You brought me to life, now every February, you’ll be Valentine. Valentine.”
“Let’s go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love. We can dance, until we die. You and I, will be young forever.”
“Oh my God!!!” She got out of her car just to scream while jumping up & down. People on the sidewalk were looking at her crazy but she didn’t care. Not when her own song was blasting from her car on the radio.
“You make me, feel like I’m living a Teenage Dream. The way you turn me on, I can’t sleep. Let's run away and don’t ever look back. Don’t ever look back.”
Y/n’s entire life took a 180 after that very day. Her talent agent and manager from Capital Records were calling her saying she was on the Billboard Hot 100. They were planning on releasing her second single earlier than planned in order to push up the release of her album. Every radio station was playing ‘Teenage Dream,’. There were days Y/n would be in a store and would hear in playing, causing her to break out in a grin.
Before long Y/n was getting calls left in right with her manager and publicist securing television appearances and interviews. Her second single ‘Firework’ was an instant hit, becoming a gold certified record in just a few weeks. People auditioning for X-Factor and American Idol were covering it. Videos being posted to YouTube. Then Y/n released ‘Last Friday Night,’, becoming a popular song for teenagers and young adults. The full album shot her off into stardom.
“SNL?” She dropped her muffin, staring wide eyed at her manager. “SNL wants me to perform?”
“I got Lorne Micheals on the phone—I literally have him on hold—and he’s awaiting your answer.”
“Tell him my answer is ‘fuck yeah!’”
“I’ll tell him…you said yes.”
The appearance on SNL only increased Y/n’s popularity. Following it was invitations to the Kids & Teen Choice Awards, the Billboard Music Awards and the MTV VMAS, in which she won Best New Artist at all shows and Song of The Summer at the TCA’s. The first time she won she was a stuttering mess, thanking the fans and people who voted for her and her family, managers, execs at Capitol Records all while trying not to cry on live television.
Then the 2009 Grammys happened. And she won Best Pop Album and Record of The Year for ‘Last Friday Night’. Her hands shook as she accepted the award from none other than Usher, trying not to fangirl as she approached the microphone. She was never gonna get used to meeting the people she admired.
“O-oh wow,” she stuttered over the screams, feeling the cool surface of the award in her hand. A Grammy. She was a Grammy Award winning recording artist. “This is the greatest honor I’ve ever received—bigger than when I graduated with high school honors,” she laughed nervously, causing people in the crowd to smile at her. “Huge thank you to the Recording Academy for this award. It’s an honor to be part of a group with so many artists I admire—some of whom I’ve listened to for years a-and I can’t believe I have the privilege of being in your presence. I-I wanna take a moment to thank everyone at Capitol Records, my managers Raven and Paul. To everyone who helped me on this album who put their heart and soul into it—this award is not just mine it’s yours. To my family watching at home, I know you’re all losing your minds in front of the tv,” she grinned at the laughs around her, “I love you all so so much and thank you for your support—helping me get to where I am. I’m sorry if I forgot anyone else—t-there telling me to wrap up—b-but thank you—thank you so much for this, I’m so blessed and honored—I can’t even put it into words. Thank you!”
All of 2009-2010 was dedicated to her second album. Y/n was in the studio, writing songs on napkins when she was out with friends, mentally hearing the tunes in her head. She presented and performed at award shows and she went on tour. The goal was to have the songs ready and written by the time the tour ended. Luckily she achieved that goal with at least twenty potential for an album. Anytime Y/n found inspiration she made sure to write it down as quickly as possible.
Now with two Grammys under her name, one of which was for her debut album, the pressure was on.
“This is totally different from what you’ve been doing,” her producer said to her after reading the songs.
“I know, that’s the whole point,” she gave a pointed look, “I don’t want everything to be or sound the same. This is gonna have a different sound than what we did last year. Trust me it’s gonna be big.”
Might as well call her psychic cause that’s exactly what she was.
“It’s been a great week for popstar Y/n L/n, her recent single ‘Summertime Sadness,’ has shot to the top spot of this week’s Billboard Hot 100. A new sound that’s more mellow than her previous work, it’s been well received by fans and critics. L/n is finishing up the American leg of her world tour and is set to release her second studio album in the fall. Just two years ago L/n became an international star after winning two Grammys for her debut album and appearing on television such as Saturday Night Live, Ellen Degeneres, and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. With her unique voice and style she’s been viewed as the next pop diva, joining that of Madonna, Britney Spears, and Lady Gaga.”
‘Video Games’ was released when the tour concluded and it became her best single to date. The music video was played on MTV early in the mornings and predicted to be nominated for every award one could think of. It was that single combined with the critical acclaim from her album in 2011 that had Baz Luhrmann calling Y/n to write a song for his upcoming 2013 movie ‘The Great Gatsby.’
“And the Oscar goes to….” Y/n’s hand clutched her manager’s, keeping a calm face since the camera was panned on her and the other nominees. In Halle Berry’s hand was the envelope with the winner of the 2014 Oscar for ‘Best Original Song.’ Heart pumping out of her chest, she barely registered her song and name leaving the actress's lips. “Young & Beautiful,’ by Y/n L/n.”
Baz jumped from his seat, as did her manager and producer, the latter of whom she was sharing the Oscar with. A hand flew to her mouth, feeling her arm tugged as they lifted her from her seat while the theater erupted in applause. It felt like she was floating when she approached the stairs, taking the arm of her producer when he offered her help.
“Congratulations,” Halle said, opening her arms for a congratulatory hug before handing the gold statue to the singer. Y/n let out a mix of a sob and laugh as she replied, “T-thank you.”
Another statue was presented to her producer, Y/n waiting for the applause to end until giving her speech.
“O-oh my God, I just met Halle Berry,” there were some chuckles, the singer pausing to hold a hand to her thumping heart while the other clutched the Oscar. “I-I don’t know how to start. First, thank you to the Academy foremost—it’s an honor to be receiving this recognition. Shout out to the other nominees and their incredible work—you all are amazing and we’re so lucky to be almost you all. We all have one major thing in common, and that’s music. Music and movies bring people together—it’s a universal language that we get to be a part of and I am so grateful everyday for being a part of it. Thank you to Baz for allowing us this opportunity—it was so fun working on this song for you and your spectacular film. This Oscar is for you, Baz,” she saw the director blow a kiss from his seat. “Thank you to my producer, Tim—who’s standing right next to me. The magic behind Young & Beautiful, Tim you are a genius and I love you so much. Lastly, to my family back home—ah!” She waved the trophy like a little kid, “Look! I love you all so so much—thank you and I can’t wait to celebrate with you when I come home. Thank you everyone!”
Each year came with more success. The rest of 2014 going all the way to 2016 was nonstop energy. She was working day and night, touring, performing on talk shows, collaborating with other artists—like Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, The Weekend, & Justin Bieber—and dabbling in acting jobs. Y/n secured roles in films like The Greatest Showman, The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials & Death Cure, & The Shape of Water. Some television roles included MTV’s Teen Wolf, American Horror Story and guest appearances on Criminal Minds, Greys Anatomy, and Doctor Who. Her role on AHS garnered her an Emmy for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. After the award show her manager told her with a wink, “All you need is a Tony and you’re part of the EGOT club.”
EGOT. The ‘grand slam’ in show business. Where only more than a dozen people have achieved the status in which they have won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony. The biggest awards in television, music, film, and theater.
After she heard that….well you could say Y/n was on a mission.
She continued to release music while pursuing acting. She leased her third and fourth studio albums in the span of eight months—a rare sighting for an artist. Both broke records in their own right. ‘Break Free,’ was playing in every club and ‘Imagine’ was used in Riverdale. She won the Grammy for best Pop album once again and performed ‘Imagine’ at the show. The second it was revealed she got the role of Christine in Broadway’s Phantom of the Opera, the buzz was already on if she would achieve EGOT status if she was nominated for the Tony.
The show opened in early 2017, selling out at a rapid rate with people coming from all over the country solely to watch Y/n perform. She already showed the world she was a brilliant singer and actress, now it was time to combine the two.
Never did she think she’d meet the love of her life at a show.
Jake Seresin wasn’t much of a musical man, but his sister and nieces were so he sucked it up and attended with them. Now Jake wasn’t living under a rock, he damn well knew who Y/n L/n was and frankly the man was a fan. A lot of his exes were fans of the popstar so he was quite familiar with her music and even enjoyed her acting. So of course he was more keen to the idea of going to a Broadway show if it meant he got to see her perform live.
What he didn’t expect was to—literally—run into her on his way back to the hotel. After telling his sister he’d pick food up since her daughters were too tired to go to a restaurant, Jake took a shortcut which happened to be the alley between the show venue. The bag in his hand dropped, the pilot falling to his ass when the door suddenly opened and hit smack in the face.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” A voice shouted followed by a gasp. “Are you okay, sir? ‘Please don’t have blood-please don’t have blood.’
“I’m fine,” he moaned, shaking his head a bit and feeling for any sign of a wound. Thankfully he found none. “It’s alright, ma’am.”
“Here let me,” she helped him up, Jake stumbling a bit and apologizing when he bumped into her. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you need me to call an ambulance in case you have a concussion?”
“No, no,” he insisted, finally looking up which only resulted in him freezing. The woman he watched on stage not even an hour ago was standing in front of him. “Oh wow.”
Y/n was frozen too, for he was the most attractive man she’d ever laid eyes on. The glow from the street light shined down on him, illuminating his green eyes and blonde hair. His bone structure was what most Hollywood heartthrobs would die for. Come to think of it he could literally pass as a young James Dean.
“H-hi,” she smiled, feeling a bit flustered all of a sudden. It didn’t help that he was still holding onto her shoulders, and she was clutching his forearms.
“Hi.” Gosh even his voice was attractive. A southern accent could be made out with the simple word.
“I’m so sorry for not looking before pushing the door out like that. I—,” Y/n cut herself off when she spotted the discarded bag of what appeared to be food. Some of it spilled out causing guilt to fill her, “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry about your food.” Stepping away she reached into her bag to pull out her wallet. “How much was—.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jake says, but the singer shakes her head.
“No I insist,” she takes out a random amount of bills which was likely triple what he had actually paid but she didn’t care. She extended her hand out with the cash, “I rammed a door into you and made you drop your food. Please let me make it up—otherwise I’m gonna have to drag you to the place you got it from and replace it myself.”
Jake couldn’t help but smile, taking the cash and examining it before only keeping the amount he had originally paid. “No need to give me more than what it was worth. Here,” he hands back the extra, making her frown but she takes it regardless. Her eyebrows then raise when he goes, “But you could make it up to me in another way?”
Tilting her head, she can’t help but say, “How so?”
“By having a drink with me. If you’re available.”
So that’s how Y/n L/n met her soulmate. By hitting him face first with a door. He literally fell for her if one thought about it—pun intended.
What made it even better was Broadway not only gifted her future husband, but her status as an EGOT winner.
“Last night was a record breaking night for popstar Y/n L/n. The 30-year-old singer and actress has become one of just over a dozen to join the prestigious EGOT Club after winning the Tony for her Leading Actress in a Musical for her role of Christine in Broadway’s Phantom Of The Opera. L/n won the Grammy for Best Pop Album and Record of The Year in 2009 followed by the Oscar for Best Original Song in 2014 for The Great Gatsby. She then went on to appear in several television series including the popular horror series American Horror Story in which she won the Emmy for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. It was rumored L/n would venture into Broadway to possibly add a Tony to her collection of numerous awards, confirming this in mid-2016 when the cast for the 2017 run of Andrew Webber’s Phantom Of The Opera was released. Classically trained as a child, the popstar showed she can belt a lyric and hold a tune. It was a spectacular night for Y/n L/n, receiving a standing ovation when her name was called for the award and dedicating the Tony to her family, friends, cast members, and managers who’ve been with her since her debut in the music industry almost a decade ago. She is one of the youngest stars to ever achieve EGOT status and the fastest ever in a career.”
Many many songs were inspired by her relationship with Jake. Her entire album released a year after they got together was basically a love letter to him. ‘Love Song’ was regarded as her most beautiful record to date, a source for many fan-made videos for their favorite fictional characters and features in movie soundtracks. ‘Love Me Harder,’ & ‘34+35’ had fans go crazy with how frisky they were. Though their relationship was a secret it was obvious the popstar was in love. It only made fans want to know who was the special man to take her heart.
Jake learned pretty early on the price that came with dating a critically acclaimed songwriter: that if messed up there would be a song about it.
Immediately speculations arose that Y/n and her secret partner were broken up with the release of songs like ‘Woman Like Me,’ & ‘Power.’ She had to get on instagram one day to settle the rumors with a picture of their interlaced hands saying, “You drive me wild sometimes, but my love for you overpowers all.”
Their relationship was eventually exposed when Jake appeared in her music video for ‘Secret Love Song,’ released just shortly before he was set to return to Top Gun. People could easily tell the chemistry between Y/n and her ‘love interest’.
Maybe a little too much chemistry.
Dedicated fans were able to find out who Jake was in less than a week. Matching up his social media post locations and dates with hers, they didn’t even need them to confirm their suspicion to know they were together.
“I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” Jake chuckled, showing Y/n his phone screen with a picture that was just sent to TMZ of the two in San Francisco.
Y/n simply shrugged, “I’m fine with it if you are. I’m happy we got to keep it to ourselves for this long. And considering people are now asking about this—,” she held up her left hand, flashing the diamond engagement ring Jake spent his entire year’s paychecks on. “It was bound to happen sooner or later.”
Was Jake still the arrogant, egotistical pilot amongst his peers? Yes. But was he the type to boast about how he was engaged to one of the best musical artists of the century? Surprisingly no.
He actually enjoyed keeping that little detail a secret. To Jake his personal life was for him and him only. And he didn’t want people going around saying he was a gold-digger or wanting to be that guy who got to say he hooked up with a celebrity. Nah, he was in love with Y/n with his entire being. She was the gravity that kept him down to Earth. Sure they bickered like any couple but never once did either of them cross a line.
The only time they ever had a big argument was when he did get jealous over one of her former co-stars trying to have a shot at her. Y/n tried brushing it off saying it was nothing, but Jake could tell the signs and it upset him Y/n was not taking him seriously. “I just don’t see why you’re being so childish about a dinner party that’s gonna have multiple people.”
“Have you even asked who else is coming? Or wondered why he’s started texting you more when you guys finished filming ages ago? I’m not trying to be insecure or jealous, Y/n, but I know when a guy is trying to flirt. He didn’t even acknowledge me as your date when we were at the premier party. In fact I don’t think he said hello to me when he approached. All his eyes were was on you—which I don’t blame because you’re the most beautiful woman on the planet—but trust me, I know that look because I have it every second I’m with you.”
Needless to say you didn’t go to that dinner party and instead were doing what ‘Love Song’ was about the entire weekend.
When Jake goes to Top Gun for the special detachment, he’s still the arrogant asshole the others thought him to be. But if they were being honest they could see a difference in him. Maybe it was because he wasn’t flirting with anything with legs. Maybe it was the fact he rejected the drink from a pretty blonde. Maybe it was because they caught him smiling at his phone whenever he got a text. Whatever it was, they wanted to find out.
The only person in the detachment who knew of Y/n was Javy considering he was Jake’s best friend. She met him roughly eight months after she and Jake got together after much discussion. Their relationship was still a secret by then so they were hesitant to let anyone besides her team know, but Javy was an important person to Jake. He wanted his best friend to know the woman he loved.
Natasha being the amateur sleuth she was pretty much discovered Jake’s secret in a few days, “No fucking way.”
The evidence was presented to Jake during their lunch break the day after she found out, Nat holding the phone up for him to see. She literally watched the gears turn in his head, a sly smirk forming on his lips. “What about that, Trace?” The question caught the attention of their colleagues, who were trying not to show they were eavesdropping.
“Is that not you?” Nat looked at the screen to make sure it was on the zoomed in image of him and Y/n L/n. The entire music video Jake’s face was pretty much hidden from view, but briefly his face could be made out at certain angles.
“It is,” he shrugged, going back to his sandwich. A cluttered sound indicated Nat had dropped the phone on the table, scrambling to pick it up.
“So you just casually ended up in Y/n L/n’s music video for her iconic song?” By now heads turned, expressions of absolute shock. Well all except Coyote. He just raised his brows at Jake while holding back a laugh, wanting to see what he would say.
“No, I ended up in my fiancé’s music video for her iconic song.”
“You’re what?!”
“Babe, I got a favor to ask you,” Jake’s voice was tainted with exhaustion when he FaceTimed Y/n that night. She was at their Fresno home since he was stationed at NAS Lemoore and was planning to meet him in San Diego that weekend. Raising a brow at him through the screen she could tell he looked apologetic.
“What is it?”
“You think you could come down earlier than planned?” At her reaction he explained, “My detachment found out about us and well……they’re accusing me of photoshopping the photos of you and I—even though they literally saw us make out in your music video. And I want to prove to them I’m telling the truth.”
A moment passed and then Y/n burst into laughter to the point of tears. What got her was the photoshopping accusation.
“Stop laughing,” he pouted, “I’m fighting for me life out here—I could use some backup.”
“My goodness, Jake Seresin,” she calmed down, shaking her head at his butt hurt expression. “You’re something else you know?”
“So does that mean you’re coming?”
“I’ll book my flight for the morning as soon as we get off.”
One could envision the confusion on the pilots/WSOs when Jake prevented them from leaving the airstrip at the end of the work day. It was pushing five in the afternoon, they were tired and hungry, and honestly could care less about what Jake had to show them.
That was until the black SUV with tinted windows pulled up to the parking lot where they were standing. When the door opened jaws dropped to the floor with eyes bulging out at the person emerging from the vehicle. Who happened to jump into Jake’s awaiting arms. Fanboy had to rub his eyes to make sure he was seeing clearly. That it was Y/n L/n sharing a kiss with the resident asshole.
“Oh my God he wasn’t kidding,” Rooster said with a mix of awe and disbelief. Javy patted him on the chest, moving first to greet the popstar who shocked the pilots again with her warm welcome to them. None knew how to react when the couple approached hand in hand.
It’s not everyday someone meets a fucking EGOT winner.
“Hello,” Y/n smiled a dazzling grin, drifting her eyes over each of them and committing their callsign to memory. She could tell what they were likely thinking, ‘How the hell did Hangman manage to pull a fucking popstar?’ And ‘He must be brainwashing her, blink twice if you need help,’ kind of stuff.
Introductions were in store as well as explanations for how the couple came to be. In all the years they knew the pilot, none could’ve predicted that kind of secret. They quickly learned Y/n was not the typical celebrity—some of them were even ashamed to think she’d be stuck up, arrogant, snobbish. They were almost convinced the personality she had in interviews and fan interactions were fake, but Y/n was a truly genuine person. Not only did she come from humble beginnings, but she was a hard, driven worker who truly earned everything she’s gained.
And she was perfect for Jake. They were like two peas in a pod, with Y/n being the only one who could bring him back down to earth. Truly was an amazing thing to witness and the daggers were having trouble comprehending it at times. Hearing the story of how the two met brought tears to Rooster and Fanboy’s eyes by how funny it was, while Phoenix was covering her mouth to hide her smirk at how embarrassed her colleague was.
“In my defense,” he puts his hands on his chest when Bob asks why he thought to pass the side door, “I didn’t expect anyone to still be inside and potentially use that door.”
“He just hates when I tease him about how he literally fell for me,” Y/n winks, making them all smirk.
Later on in the night after going to the Hard Deck for drinks and pool, Rooster says, “You know I feel I won’t be able to use my karaoke song if we ever go cause I’ll be too flustered to sing a song in front of the person it’s written by.” Y/n couldn’t help but blush, giggling lightly.
“What is it?”
“Last Friday Night. Such a banger—really gets the crows going.”
Even after the Uranium mission happened, the daggers continued to remain in contact. Many were offered jobs of instructors but the real surprise came a couple months later from the Pentagon asking if they could remain a permanent team. Selling their San Francisco home, Jake and Y/n moved to San Diego, which was better since it was closer to L.A. The team hung out often with Friday nights reserved for the Hard Deck.
Y/n even found musical inspiration with them.
“So I have a proposal,” she hums to Nat and Callie one day while the guys are playing football on the beach. “Not a marriage one Jake claimed that one already,” she pauses when they all laugh at the joke, “but a ‘if you want to be a part of it I would love it if you did but I understand if you can't be’ kind of one.”
Nat tilts her head curiously, Callie mirroring her, “What is it?”
“I wrote a song….that you two helped inspire,” Y/n smiles at their expressions, “and I’d love for you both to be in the music video after I release it.”
Nat loses it, “OH MY GOD YOU WHAT?!!”
“Can we hear it!?” Callie blushes, “I’m so honored—oh my God I literally don’t know how to react to that.”
“Girl you cannot just drop that on us,” Nat playfully points with narrowed eyes, “If you weren’t Jake’s soon to be wife I would marry you right now.” Y/n just laughs, rummaging through her bag to find her notebook to show them the song.
“If he messes up you’ll be the first to know and we can head to the courthouse.”
“Don’t play with me now, Y/n,” Nat shakes her head. “No man has ever done something like that. Write a song inspired by me?” She gives a dramatic sigh. “Feels like I’m living in a romance novel.”
Both read the song, both fell in love with it and pretty much cried. It was empowering, motivational, a love letter to women, everything they wished they heard growing up in a field where men dominated and looked down upon them. Y/n made sure to keep them updated when she was in the studio, allowing them to hear it first before it was released.
2020 was a year no one could’ve expected.
It started off great with the singer releasing ‘Salute,’ shortly after the New Year and filing the music video in February. The song was well received from fans and critics, with people already calling it the ‘anthem of the year.’ Jake loved it and would send clips of him in the car to Y/n belting the lyrics. The guys all loved it too and loved that their colleagues were the source of inspiration.
Halo and Phoenix were part of the MV as well as women who in real life were doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, athletes, students, astronauts, & scientists from all ages, races/ethnicities, genders, etc. Not all of them were in the armed forces, but a couple were along with Nat and Callie. Special permission from the Navy & Top Gun was needed to put cameras in the F-18’s on the exterior and interior to capture footage of the two flying. Halo was Nat’s backseater for that day and the guys came out just to watch and support.
Released just before March, the music video hit 100 million views in less than 12 hours. It only grew from there with people praising Y/n and the women included in the project. There was talk of ‘Salute’ being nominated for the upcoming awards, Team USA asked permission to use the song for promotion for their women athletes for the upcoming Games. Y/n was over the moon, really looking forward for what the year held. Especially with her wedding around the corner.
Then the world shut down. Literally.
A global pandemic altered everything and everyone. Anything that required a group of people ranging from small to stadium level was banned. States were on curfew and not letting people cross borders, international traveling was restricted. Lockdown was mandated for pretty much everywhere to the point Jake was working from home for a couple months.
In that time Y/n threw herself into writing songs to release her next album. Her reason: she was in need of a break. Not a ‘I’m retiring from music,’ but a ‘I’m drained and in dire need of taking time for myself and start the family I’ve always wanted.’ It was always her plan for after she and Jake got married, just to have a few years for themselves and see where life takes them.
Thankfully when the pandemic hit Y/n was already done with her collaboration with Lady Gaga. The fellow popstar had been her friend since she joined the industry and it was a long time coming for the two to work together. Not to mention they were on American Horror Story together. The Mother Monster approached the High Note Princess in late 2019, both sharing ideas and writing the song together before recording to release in 2020. Filming the music video, they combed both of their aesthetics and styles to create a pop masterpiece.
Fans went crazy. They loved the return to classic pop when both singers had gone off to pursue acting careers and change their sound a bit. Many felt deprived of being able to dance to ‘Rain On Me’ in a club since going out was restricted. And you can best believe the Daggers felt the same—especially Rooster who loved to dance his ass off, “I would be tearing it up right now if Rona wasn’t such a bitch.”
Surprisingly the 2020 VMAs still happened. It was roughly six months after the outbreak and very strict regulations were in place for the show to go on. With ‘Rain On Me,’ being so popular and popstars releasing albums, Y/n and Lady Gaga were invited to perform. After prepping for weeks and self-quarantining, the daggers all gathered around at the couple’s home to watch the live show. Lady Gaga was the first to perform solely when it was their turn, then Y/n joined causing the select few in the crowd to cheer—with her friends and loved ones going crazy in their living room. All were in awe when she hit a high note, killing it with the choreography and honestly being the best performers of the night. Finally Lady Gaga left the stage with her dancers allowing Y/n’s to appear in time for the popstar to sing ‘Salute.’ At the house, Halo and Nat were dancing along and belting the lyrics with the guys while recording the performance on their phones.
“Sisters, we are everywhere! Warriors, your country needs you! If you’re ready, ladies, better keep steady, ready, aim, shoot! Don’t need ammunition, on a mission—now we hit you with the truth! Divas, queen, we don’t need no man, SALUTE!!”
2021 came with hope and breaths of fresh air. A vaccination was developed, restrictions were lifted in most locations meaning Y/n and Jake could finally plan for their wedding. It took a few months to plan, desiring an intimate private wedding at their home with their close friends and family. The daggers were all there, including Maverick, Cyclone, Warlock, and Hondo. Their families were all there as well as Y/n’s managers & agents, some cast members from the shows/films she grew close to, as well as artists like Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys, David Guetta, and The Black Eyed Peas, the Jonas Brothers, & Miley Cyrus.
A sweet ceremony, Y/n squealed when Jake tipped her back to the cheers of their loved ones as he kissed her passionately. “I love you so much, Y/n. Or should I say, Mrs. Seresin.”
“I love you too, Mr. Seresin,” she kissed him again, “Now let’s show them we’re the life of the party.”
Rings on their fingers, grins plastered their faces when they ran through the Arch of Swords the guys of the Dagger Squad set up on the aisle. Then came time for the reception. Jake presented Y/n with a sword, per military tradition, to cut the cake and Y/n poured the champagne over the tower of glasses. They had their first dance, which Javy made sure to do his best man duties and record everything.
Which came in handy when it was time for Y/n’s surprise for Jake.
Seating him in a chair at the front of the dance floor, Y/n smirked at his confused expression as she took the mic from the DJ, calling everyone's attention. “All of you know I’m one for surprises. And tonight is no exception,” biting her lip she signaled for her maid of honor, who started rounding up the bridesmaids. “I thought it would be great to give Jake a little treat tonight—do not take that the wrong way, I can already see your minds going somewhere,” she pointed at the daggers who were hollering, giggling as she continued, “Stop it. Anyways, we’ve been cooking up this little number for the past month and now it’s time to let it shine. Baby, this is for you.”
Jake slapped a hand to his mouth containing his expression of glee when the opening chords to Y/n’s ‘Power’ echoed through the speakers. Her bridesmaids got into place, the singer discarding her veil and moving to the center. Everyone was on their feet hooting and hollering, capturing the performance on their phones for memory. Javy even put the phone right up in Jake’s face, Payback slapping the pilot on the back as the others whistled and danced. Just the expression of his mother and family sent Jake into tears of laughter.
She was flabbergasted. Unlike his sister and brother who were having the time of their lives witnessing the masterpiece that was Y/n practically seducing her husband live and singer her own song.
“I don’t think she’s heard this song until now!” He shouted over the music to the phone, blushing when Y/n winked at him. To be fair, the bridge of ‘Power’ was a little on the frisky side and Y/n was edging closer to Jake until she was basically in his lap.
“Don’t be fooled, I got you wrapped up. In the arms of an animal—get you thinking that I’m all innocent. But wait ‘til I get you home. If you don’t, baby, you should know. I’m the one who’s in control.”
Hell yeah she was in control when she got home that night….well at least for a few rounds she was.
Sadness came with the announcement of her break from music. The hot topic for media outlets, Y/n had released a statement on Twitter and Instagram confirming the suspicions many had after her wedding. Fans were understandably upset that their favorite artist wouldn’t be releasing new material until further notice, but they’d rather have Y/n at her best and not give half ass energy in her work. She was burnt out. It was time for a break after 13 years with six albums, each with their own tour. Don’t get her wrong, the popstar loved to be on the road, but after a while she was ready to just stay home for some time without planning for what was next.
In the meantime she sold songs for other people, collaborated on writing with artists, and acted when filming was either in L.A or San Diego. She and Jake were happily married, little to no financial stress or personal issues, and were ready to expand their family. By mid 2025 they had/adopted two kids, two dogs, and a cat. They were a full house with no dull days whatsoever.
“Are you going to get back in the studio like you mentioned the other week?” Jake asked at dinner, helping cut his son's food into smaller pieces.
Y/n nibbled on her floor while also assisting their daughter, “Yeah I think this weekend I’m gonna call Jack up and see what his schedule is like. I got some lyrics I’d like him to read.” Sipping on her drink briefly she then asks, “How long do you think this next mission is going to be?”
“Probably a week or two. Mav is working out the details and hopes to tell us Monday. I just pray I’ll make it in time for your birthday.”
Y/n feels her heart skip, giving a soft smile, “You know I understand if you can’t, honey. If the Pentagon is tasking you then you know it’s important. We’ll celebrate either before or after you get back,” she assured, reaching over to hold his hand when he frowned.
“I just hate the idea of missing it, you know? It’s your birthday and I missed our anniversary last year,” he pauses to sigh, “I just hate leaving you guys for so long. And I never wanna make you feel like you’re always alone.”
“I knew what I was getting into when we fell in love. Don’t feel like you’re missing out or I’m going to suddenly start giving ultimatums because you know I’m not that person. If it was our anniversary or another memorable date I would still feel the same. You have a job, Jake, you’re the best there is to do it. There will be plenty more birthdays for us to be together for.”
Being back in the studio felt like a whole new world. It had been nearly five years since her last single was in late 2020. When Jake was working the kids would come with her and be the stars of the crew, playing in the mini play area they had set up while Y/n was recording. Besides the people she worked with, only Jake knew she was releasing new music. Quite literally Y/n did not announce anything until the night before with a single Tweet and Instagram post with the art cover and the caption, “Tomorrow at midnight, Between Us.”
She broke the internet to put it lightly.
@ livinginharryshouse: y’all the High Note Princess is back I’m gonna lose it.
@ a_teenage_dream: 2025 ending on a great note 🥹 five years and the wait is over!!!!
@ dylanobrien ✔️: crying, shitting, throwing up. Thank you @ Y/n
August 2026
18 years in the music industry and the rush before a live performance had Y/n pacing backstage during the commercial break of the VMAs. Their children were being occupied by her manager while Jake helped her mentally prepare. He was going to be the one to present her the award at the end of her set, so they were just waiting for the green light from the stage manager. The performance was going to be nearly ten minutes, the longest she’s ever done live on an award show since it was going to be a medley of some of her classic hits while also including ‘Between Us’. Lady Gaga, Y/n’s close friend and who collaborated with her again on her most recent album, was going to introduce her.
“Deep breaths with me, baby,” Jake held her in his arms, kissing her forehead. “I can feel you shaking. But once you get on stage it’s gonna be like you never left.” Taking a strong inhale, Y/n let it out slowly before repeating.
“I know it probably won’t happen,” she starts to laugh, “but I can’t help but dread the idea of me falling on my ass or forgetting my lyrics.” Jake laughs with her, shaking his head while pulling away to look at her.
“Knowing you, you’d fall gracefully and make it look like it was intentional. Also you mumble those lyrics in your sleep…you won’t forget them.”
She leans more into him just as the stage manager yells, “You’re on in five, Y/n!” The commercial break must have ended. Lady Gaga was already being pulled on stage after wishing the popstar good luck with a hug and friendly kiss to the cheek. “We need you over here please.”
“That’s your cue,” Jake grins, cupping his wife’s face before bringing her in for a passionate kiss. Y/n smiles into it, nuzzling their noses together causing him to chuckle. When they pull away he says, “Go out there and have fun. Bottom line, baby, have fun out there and sing your heart out. I’m so lucky and honored to be your husband and share this life with you. Don’t start crying,” he playfully scolds when her eyes tear up, “you’ll ruin your nice makeup your team worked so hard on.” That makes her laugh. Jake kisses her again, “I love you, baby. I’ll see you at the end.”
“I love you, Jake,” she hugs him tightly, feeling comfort in the smell of his cologne. “Thank you for being by my side everyday. You’re the light of my life—,” she nods to the stage manager who was waving frantically. “Fuck okay, I wanted to be more romantic but I got to go before they drag me.”
“Go, go,” he kisses her cheek, Y/n moving quickly to kiss her children and hug her managers before waving goodbye. “We love you!!”
Running to the nearly annoyed stage manager, she throws off her robe to reveal her stage outfit and takes the microphone. Heart pounding, she adjusts her earpiece as they escort her to the spot she was needed just as Lady Gaga finished her introduction speech, “Los Angeles and to everyone watching at home, it is my honor to present to you your recipient of this year’s MTV Video Vanguard Award. Get on your feet and make some noise for the one and only, Y/n L/n!!”
It was still dark on stage where Y/n was hidden from the audience as all attention went to the giant screens all around showing the pre-recorded video montage with her face in black and white and eyes closed. The crowd was already going crazy as the camera zoomed in toward Y/n’s face while audio played of her talking about her love for music and the thrill of performing. The camera continued to pan in, the popstar on stage thinking about everything that had led her to that moment. From starting out her days singing in a jazz club, to becoming one of only 19 EGOT winners, and now the recipient of the Video Vanguard award.
The microphone went to her mouth, Y/n putting on the show of the year when the video ended with her eyes opening and voice echoing the music channel’s iconic phrase in the stadium, “I want my MTV!!”
TGM Tag List: @avaleineandafryingpan, @caitsymichelle13, @poppyalice2001, @cutelittlepotatofry, @luckyladycreator2, @americaarse, @elenavampire21, @back-tooo-black
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actual-arrrchie · 11 months
What are some of ypurMichael/Jeremike headcanons? Could you share them with us?
Oooooh there's SO MANYYY These two are all I've been thinking about for over a year now and I don't plan to stop anytime soon lmao Putting a read more in there so you don't spend 10 years scrolling past this post
MICHAEL W. AFTON (voice claim: Kenai from Brother Bear)
His full name is Michael William Afton, he never mentions his second name to anyone for obvious reasons though
He was born in Utah
Big sharp canines
He has vitiligo
He's a momma's boy
Pathetic wet cat boyloser
Clara and William divorced when the kids were very young. William got to keep them because he had better income and could provide "a better home" for them. He made it impossible for Clara to meet the kids again and told them that mom doesn't love them anymore. Michael didn't want to believe it but as the time passed, he eventually did
Clara was writing letters to the kids but William would burn them all before they could see them
Michael took the worst traits after William, unfortunately. He deals with sudden mood swings and serious anger issues
He was never taught a healthy way to cope with his emotions.
Michael sucks at explaining what he feels so he would often get frustrated and angry when people don't get why he's feeling a certain way
He's been dealing with night terrors every since his parents divorced
William always treated Evan and Elizabeth better than him so he feels jealous of them. Evan was too little to truly understand what's been happening around him but he did have a feeling that it's unfair, Elizabeth on the other hand was a daddy's girl and despite feeling like Williams wasn't giving her enough attention, she still always agreed with him and would stay on his side
Michael breaks stuff a lot. His room is always a mess because of this. He tore apart countless sketchbooks and notebooks, broke mirrors and even threw furniture around. After this kind of anger outbreaks, he always breaks down in tears and cries himself to sleep
Mike rarely looks in the mirror because of his many times people told him he looks just like his father. He never looks at family photos either
Michael and William have more in common than their appearance. Mike's small gestures and body language are exactly the same too. He hates it because people point it out all. the. time. There's nothing ha can do about it though
Even tho Michael hates his father, deep inside he still desperately craves his love and attention so he clings to any, even the slightest bits of kindness he gets from him. That makes it really easy for William to manipulate him and make him do whatever he wants him to do
Michael gets in fist fights a lot
He's not a stranger to violence in general but he's also really anxious and insecure. He always feels like he has to prove to everyone that he's nothing like William but most of the times it only shows how similar they are
Michael only cries when he's sure nobody can see it. William used to yell at him for crying when he was a child so he learned that he can never show any weakness
After the bite of 83, Michael experienced really bad panic attacks when he was exposed to animatronics or even his Foxy mask.
William would still force him to help in the pizzeria and make him work with the robots on purpose
Michael was forced to help at the diner/pizzerias since he was only 8 years old. Even when he was older, he never got officially hired there. William would just pull the "I pay for everything, you live off of my money so you owe me" card and make him work
He was anemic when he was about 13-14 years old, mostly because of how quickly he grew in that time and bad eating habits
Michael frowns a lot, not only when he's angry or irritated though. He tends to frown as a default expression which leads to a lot of misunderstandings
He's REALLY bad at taking care of plants
He loves cats and animals in general
JEREMY "REMY" FITZGERALD (voice claim: Seán McLoughlin aka Jacksepticeye)
Nonbinary [he/they]
Has two older brothers
Big dumb silly idiot
Jeremy was born in Galway, Ireland and moved to California with his brothers and parents when he was 3 years old
They moved to Hurricane, Utah 16 years later and lived alone since
Absolutely adores plants and has so many of them in their small apartment
Did construction work before getting a job at Freddy's
Has lots of religious trauma, all of it actually
Many piercings, most of them done by himself (idiot)
Has a big ivy tattoo
Was kicked out by his parents for being gay and struggled a lot to survive before starting a construction job. He even had to steal food a couple of times
Has type 2 diabetes
Jeremy always dreamed about having a beautiful home with a big garden with lots of flowers and other plants in it but the best he got was a small old apartment filled with plants in pots.
They're very allergic to cats but that doesn't stop him from shoving his face into every kitty's belly
Jeremy was neglected as a child, his parents never planning a third child and not being too keen on having to raise another one. They put most of the responsibilities on their older sons which made them dislike their youngest sibling from the very beginning
Mary Anne and Patrick (the parents) never really tried to hide their indifference towards Jeremy, at east when they weren't in public. Because, naturally, they would hate for people to talk badly about them
Jeremy spent most of his childhood alone in their room, wandering the streets or spending time with Citlali, their best friend, and her parents. Remy adored them all and preferred hanging out with them over being with their own family
After moving to Utah he became very open about their identity. Moving away from his parents was difficult but also provided a whole new opportunity to finally be himself and make their own decisions
there is A WHOLE LOT more but this is all I've got in my head right now saiduhsada SHAMELESS PLUG TIME BUT YOU WILL LEARN A LOT MORE ABOUT MY JEREMIKE IN THE FIC I'M WRITING, IT'S CALLED "Insufficient" ON AO3
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kaisarionn · 6 months
💐 i love your energy it’s so good and it’s just what this dying app needs! Can I plz plz plz request the ghouletts (kinda platonic idk just friendly way) with a ghoulette reader (if you don’t do that normal fem reader is fine) and they are having “problems” with their period ever since they were summoned onto earth. And they NEED to see a doctor but they are scared and uncomfortable bc yk, period talk with doctor is EH. But they comfort them and all that shit. Sorry I just think there is no reason to hide problems with periods if you have them, pray for me
A/n: I agree with this! I’ve had some issues with period problems to the point that I needed a doctor and medicine, it’s the worst. Luckily I’m doing better and I hope you are too! Thank you for the request!
Word count: 783. Angst with comfort. Fem!ghoulette reader. (Tw for mention of periods, though nothing graphic) (I couldn’t find an image with more than two ghoulettes)
Cuddle puddle 🩵
You had been dealing with it by yourself for a while, being far too embarrassed to bring it up to anyone, especially since you were new, but you couldn’t hide it for long due to how badly it affected you.
For one week a month you were practically inconsolable and would hardly leave your room and the ghoulettes immediately noticed this.
They tried to talk to you, but you always go nervous and avoided the topic altogether, until today. Your period was hitting you particularly hard and the ghoulettes were determined to take care of you, which leads to now.
There was a soft knock at the door, but you were in too much pain to get up, luckily the door was unlocked since you rushed to your bed after trying to get some food. Sunshine opens the door and all four ghoulettes come in with various looks of concern upon seeing you curled up on your bed, you looked way worse than they had imagined. “W-what are you all doing here?” You look at them a little embarrassed, not wanting anyone around while you felt so horrible.
It was already hard trying to keep it together long enough to get food without crying, but now you had four ghoulettes in your room while you looked and felt like a mess. “Honey..” Cirrus says softly, shutting the door behind them and coming to sit down in the bed next to you. “Why are you all curled up?” Sunshine sits on the floor next to you, cumulus sits in a nearby chair with Aurora in her lap since there wasn’t much furniture to sit on.
“I feel sick..” You mumble, trying not to tear up from how bad you feel, which was getting harder and harder. “Well we brought you some stuff!” Sunshine nearly yells, but tamps down her enthusiasm when she remembers how bad you feel. “Yeah, we got you food, medicine, a personal heating pad.” Aurora giggles softly, pointing to Sunshine who the ghoulettes often curled up with when they were cold.
“We can leave if you want, we just want to make sure you’re okay first.” Cumulus adds on, holding up an actual heating pad incase you do want them to leave. You start to sniffle softly, a combination of happy tears from feeling so cared for, and overwhelmed tears since your cramps were killing you. “T-thank you..” The ghoulettes take this as their cue to curl around you to comfort and take care of you. Sunshine pulls you into her arms and placing her hand on your pelvis, warming them up to ease your pain.
The others get comfortable around you however they can, wanting to practically cocoon you with their bodies. “Now what’s wrong?” Cirrus knows it’s your period, they all do as they’ve had similar experiences, but she’s trying to get to the bottom of the issue.
“E-ever since I was summoned here my period has been all messed up and nothing helps like it used to!” You bury your face into a pillow, trying to hide your tears. Cumulus gently rubs your back, trying to soothe you as best they can. “Aw sugar.. why haven’t you gone to the doctor? I’m sure they can help.”
You lightly shake your head at the mention of doctors, and they can tell you seem a bit nervous about it. “I don’t like them.. a-and this stuff is so embarrassing..” Aurora scoots around a little bit, trying to get a bit closer to you. “I know doctors are scary, but we can go with you! Cirrus takes me to my appointments, she makes them less scary.”
Cirrus smiles and gently brushes your hair out of your face. “I would be happy to take you, we all would. Doctors don’t have to be scary dear.. and this shouldn’t be embarrassing. We all have to deal with this.” Cumulus grabs out the jar of cookie dough she brought you, offering it out, which you promptly took with a smile. “We’ll always help you out sugar.”
Sunshine opens the jar for you with a soft smile, before going back to kneading at your stomach. “Yeah! Always.” You giggle softly and take a bite of cookie dough with a smile. “You girls are the best.”
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gojou-violin · 2 years
If u have time do you mind doing a angst w/ Denji like we’re his best friend and we are reminding him how terrible Makima is but he don’t listen.You can end it how ever you want like you can kill the y/n at the end or smth I just want something sad.
| pairing: denji x gn!reader (platonic)
| warnings: chainsaw man manga spoilers. angst. cursing. reader death.
| wc: 1k
| taglist: @aylitgirl , @thisbicc , @aki-and-saltfish
a/n: i tried my best :( i can write another one if you want that's more specific :( sowwy *cries*
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you chased after him a couple of steps before stopping yourself in front of the door where he leaned down to pull the back of his shoe so that he could slide his foot in easily. "denji, you shouldn't."
he rolled his eyes. "it's not the worst thing in the world."
"denji, she's using you!"
"so what?" he asked calmly, like it truly didn't matter a single bit.
"makima's not a good person, denji. you know what she did to--"
he suddenly glared at you, stomping his right foot into his shoe to get it to fit comfortably before he stood tall, his face level with yours. "i told you not to talk about it."
you tried to reach out to hold his shoulders, but denji dodged, turning to open the door. for a moment, you watched him leave. he slammed the door shut behind him and you could hear him storming off, all while you were standing there, looking around at the mess the two of you had made while doing stupid shit all night to lift denji's spirits. you made him all of his favorite snacks. the both of you made a pillow fort that spanned throughout the entire apartment. he decided to shred up some of photos of your exes he found when he was bored. things were knocked over from playing chase. the entire night had been spent making wonderful memories with the guy you considered to be your best friend since you were born-- even though you two had lost contact for a few years and had only recently reconnected when he got a job as a devil hunter.
but now he was choosing her over you.
even after everything he told you while hiding in your arms, sobbing, he was going back to makima, the person who had used him and made his life a living hell. you thought that you had knocked some sense into him when you told him how toxic she was. you thought he recognized that she was worse than toxic waste.
but when he got bored with you, he got up to declare that he was going to visit makima and ask if he could spend his birthday with her. not you. his best friend. the person who could actually take care of him.
after a minute or so, you decided to chase after him again; but he was long gone. you peeked over the railing over your apartment floor to find denji crossing the street, his hands stuffed in his pockets, his gaze leading him straight towards the nearby train station.
so you followed.
you left a bit of space between you and denji so that he wouldn't catch you, because you knew that if you confronted him or he caught you, it would only end up in an argument where he'd continue to disagree that makima was a bad person all because she was beautiful, while you would maintain your stance that if he hung out with makima any more, he'd die sooner than later. an argument like that would end up nowhere. you'd be upset and denji would still go to her. so the only solution was to see this woman, makima, for yourself, and to confront her instead of denji, to see what her real intentions with him was, and to see if she really was half as bad as you assumed.
he arrived at makima's apartment only a minute before you did. your trail was tight enough that you managed to sneak in through the door he opened for you, and once you saw which floor his elevator was landing on, you dashed up the stairwell to see if you could meet him up there. it was close, but you managed it. and when he knocked on the door, you stayed around the corner until she opened it to greet him then he stepped inside. you waited a minute to gather your courage before waltzing right up for makima's front door. you hesitated. maybe denji was right... maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world...
you knew what she did to denji. you knew what she was capable of. there was a lot you didn't understand about devil hunting and the politics that were involved in it, but what you did know was denji and how easy it was to manipulate a gullible boy like him. makima was a smart woman who knew exactly what she was doing.
so you knocked.
"oh, denji-kun," you heard makima coo inside, "that'll be the guest i was telling you about. won't you open the door for me?"
denji barked. barked... like a dog...
and then he opened the door.
you saw him standing there, his smile drifting from his face when he realized that it was you and not whichever guest they were waiting for; and then his eyes turned from pouting to panicking when he felt makima hovering over his shoulder. she was smiling innocently at you.
"you must be denji's friend. we were waiting for you," she said.
denji looked over his shoulder, confused.
"i know everything, remember, denji-kun? i even know about your friends you try to hide from me. i know about the things you say about me. and i know that your lovely friend here is worried about you-- so much so that they're willing to steal you away from me..." makima frowned. "i can't let anyone take my precious pet away..."
denji started pushing at your shoulders to insist that you walk back the way you came, but you held true, staring makima down.
"they did'na know any better," denji pleaded desperately with makima. "they're just worried about me! no one's gonna take me away!"
makima was still frowning. "i need loyal pets, denji-kun."
"i am loyal!"
you pulled denji's arm until he stumbled out of the doorway. "enough of this bullshit."
makima glared at you.
"denji's not a pet. he's a person-- a good person-- who deserves far better than the likes of you. we're leaving--"
one second, makima was raising her arm while holding up a finger-gun. the next, she was disappointedly cooing to denji, "you should have been more loyal, denji-kun." then one second after that, she whispered calmly, "bang."
denji cried out just as it went off, but it was too late by then.
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blaxcunicorn · 10 months
Diaboli's Angelus
Chapter: 6
Length: 4.7k
Authors note: Heeey it's me again, the chapter turned out short than what I anticipated but hope you like it.
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tag: @okaystopwhore
“Have you seen my wife?” He asks the two guards. their eyes widen as they haven´t seen you around today. They look stupidly at each other praying that the other soldier had seen you. Eren closes his eyes to control his famous anger “You better find me, my wife.” He says between his teeth, by the time he opens his eyes they had run off to search for you. He walks quickly praying that you’ll be sitting on the couch drifting away in one of his mother's old books. Unfortunately to him was your library spotless, no sight of you ever visiting it today. 
He slams the door and is rushing over to your Chamber.  Miksasa is holding a laundry basket looking confused at Eren. Why is he so distressed? “Mikasa, have you seen my wife?” The words my wife stings her heart. “No? I have been cleaning the library the whole day. Maybe she is in the garden I’ll check.” The raven-haired girl drops the basket and picks up her dress jogging towards the garden. Eren tries to breath in to calm his anxiety, his fingers are shaking. What if something happened to you? He tries to shake off the thought.  “Thank you! Also, alert Levi!” he shouts and is responded to by her turning her head and nodding. 
Eren turns around to see if he can at least find Reiner, he must know about his wife’s whereabouts. On his way to the knights' chamber, he sees a smirking Zeke standing nonchalantly next to the window. He is holding his cigarette leaning his back on the wall. Eren knows that Zeke played a part in your disappearance, he knows his brother far too well.  “If something has happened to her…” Eren says between his teeth. It took him a lot of mental strength not to punch him in the face. Zeke puffs out the cigarette smoke “Relax brother, why would I hurt my dear sister-in-law?” Eren feels his heart pound into millions of beats per second, the rage that was growing is cut by Mikasa. “We found her! She is at the main door,” she shouts rushing to Eren’s side. “Was she in the garden?” Eren asks as it was the most logical place for you to be. “No, I couldn´t find her anywhere” Mikasa says leading the way to the door. Eren sees you walk in with Reiner beside you, he tries to read your body language and you look like a thief caught stealing.  
The Royal guards are surrounding the two of you which stresses you out, so you hide behind Reiner as instinct to hide from the attention. You feel your underarms sweat and you close your eyes to try and control your anxiety as you just realised that you were not breathing properly the second you entered the door. You thought that Eren was going to be away for at least a night or two. Seeing your husband standing there is like standing in front of a ghost. Relief replaces Eren’s anxiety but the anger, oh boy that one has not disappeared. He scans through your body to see if you have any injuries but spots the bag of sweets in your hand and dirt on your white shoes.  He closes his eyes and chews his inner cheek praying that his theory is false“Did you guys go outside the palace, Reiner?” The knight stiff at the angry voice of his King. He looks down trying to come up with an explanation. He knows far too well that lying to Eren is suicidal. You can feel Reiner’s body shaking a bit so you try to step in Reiner’s defence as it was you who dragged him into your mess. “N-no, we-” your poor attempt to defend him was shut down immediately. “I was asking Reiner, my love” his stare was cold and dull, and his vibrant green eyes were unrecognisable. You take a step back, looking down “S-sorry” you stutter. “W-we went to Stochess for a trip” Reiner responds almost whispering the last part. 
Rage possesses Eren “You took her outside the palace after I clearly instructed you not to exit the walls!” Eren’s knuckles turned white as it took every strength in his body not to kill the knight. You standing there is the only reason there aren’t any blood stains on the floor. He turns around “While I was out settling diplomatic issues for the nation, for your families to live in peace! You couldn’t repay your King by watching over my only breathing family member! It will be a head per scratch on her body!” You could see the veins in his neck pop out. You are taken back as you didn’t know that your husband could be so…cruel. Your eyes are itching as tears are building up, how can you possibly solve this?  
Armin comes running after hearing what happened from Sasha. Knowing his best friend, it’s not going to end well. He tries to walk past all the soldiers gathered around you without any luck.  Mikasa is standing there in shock, she has seen him angry but not this outraged. Her eyes land on you, the sight broke her heart as you are clearly scared of your husband and tearing up. “Eren-” She is stopped by Zeke whispering in her ear, which sends chills down her spine “Just because you were his whore, doesn’t it mean that you can influence him like that.” Mikasa’s eyes widen as she turns around to face the blond Lord. “Excuse me, Lord Zeke, why would you say such a thing?” Zeke snorts “Come on, Ackerman. You were trying to convince him not to react to the fact that his wife went missing. You should stay out of it as it is a family matter.” It took Mikasa a lot of strength not to slap the man “Lord Zeke, I’m in fact, family.” The Lord leans over her ear and whispers “Why? Because of the secret you are carrying? I wonder how your Queen would take it if she found out? If you know what’s best for you, you’ll stay out of this.” Mikasa looks down in defeat while Zeke nods at his wife Lady Pieck Finger. 
You in the meantime are stressed out at your husband’s rage. Tears are running down your eyes to the point where you can’t even see either him or the people standing around you. It felt like Eren’s mask melted and the kind and caring husband was gone and underneath you found…must be the “Devil” everyone is talking about. However, you have to try and suck and defend Reiner who is getting mentally torn to pieces by your husband. “M-my apologies for the trouble caused” The knight finally says. “You are sorry?” Eren snorts, your eyes widen in shock it seems like he is almost mocking Reiner. He then continues “You took her outside Reiner! Do you not understand the gravity of the situation? The risks involved? You have jeopardized her safety! This is treachery, I should take your head out and send it back to your poor mother.” That was it, you had to say something he is taking it too far. “S-stop Eren, please!” You walk to stand in front of Reiner in a poor attempt to shield the built man. “I-it was my idea to leave the palace. Reiner tried to stop me but I forced him to come along with me!” You sob “Please don’t punish him, if anything I should be the one losing a head.” You almost whisper the last part.
 Eren was about to say something before getting cut by Pieck who is nonchalantly walking past the soldiers to stand next to you. “My Majesty, I understand that this situation is frustrating you” You look down, as you thought that it couldn’t be more embarrassing than it already is. However, you are met with Pieck’s warm and comforting smile which calms you down.  “However, it´s not something you solve in public. As a married couple and as her husband are you supposed to resolve your issues in private. Think about your wife's honour.” She looks over at you and Eren´s cold gaze softens as he realises how his rage must have terrified you. Your beautiful brown eyes were filled with tears and anxiety. He hates to admit it but Pieck is right. Eren breathes in deeply “Y/n I wish to see you in my chamber after sunset.” You stare at him with a confused face, firstly he has never invited you to his chamber, you always did the “deed” at yours. Secondly, speaking of deed how can he demand intimacy from you after all this? You are confused but respond with a simple “Yes” and curtsy before he marches away. The soldiers start to leave as the chaos is dying down which leaves you alone with Reiner, Pieck, Mikasa and Armin. 
“Reiner, I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen, I really thought that w-we…” Tears are running down again. “Don’t worry about it, I believe that his Highness knew that it was bound to happen. He couldn’t keep you caged forever, I kind of knew that the day would come when you’ll ask me to help you sneak out. However, I didn’t know it would be this soon” Reiner laughs it off to lighten your mood, you give him a hug as an apology and which causes him to blush“Y-your Majesty”. “Thank you Reiner” you respond while sniffing. “Here” you receive a tissue from Pieck to dry your tears. “I haven’t properly introduced myself. I’m Lady Pieck Jeager, Zeke´s wife”. The raven-haired woman curtsy. Does Zeke have a wife? She is gorgeous you think to yourself, she seems like a woman with grace. “Thank you for everything, Lady Pieck. I’m truly grateful for the help and I’m also deeply sorry for the disturbance of your peace.” Armin and Mikasa look at each other thinking the same thing, this will lead to no good. “Your Majesty, King Eren wanted you in his chamber, perhaps we should get you ready for that.” You both turn to Mikasa “Yes, of course, thank you, Mikasa.” You give her a small smile while Pieck stared at her with a cold gaze. “Before you leave, I would love to arrange a date for us to drink tea” Pieck says smiling. This time Armin is the one to speak “Lady Pieck, that is an excellent idea. Your Majesty if that’s alright may perhaps my fiance Lady Annie join in. This is a perfect opportunity for you to get to know the Ladies of Eldia, you can even invite Lady Ymir.” He looks nervous at you but relaxes when he is met with your warm smile “That’s an excellent idea, Lord Armin, I will send out invitations.” Mikasa grabs your arm “I can help you with those” she says while leading you to your chamber. 
Armin waits until you are out of sight “I don't know what you and Lord Zeke are planning but it’s not going to work. I'm not letting you two poison her mind” He warns Lady Finger. “We are not the enemies here Armin, we just want what’s best for Eldia and its future. He is unfit to be King, his aggressive foreign policies are going to be our downfall.” Armin’s blood is boiling “Unfit? So you want your bastard husband to be the one on the throne. Careful now Lady Pieck, before I advise the King to strip the Finger family of your royal titles.” Pieck doesn't respond other than “You should be careful too, you don't want to upset your future Queen” before walking away. Armin takes a deep breath knowing that he has to come up with a plan to prevent Zeke and Pieck to grow too close to you. 
Mikasa on the other hand is getting you ready for your visit. “I-I’ve never seen him this angry” you whisper while she touches up on your makeup. “Your Majesty, I know you might be shocked. Ere- I mean His Majesty got his reasons. He has always had a bad temper…” Mikasa sighs at her ex-lover's behaviour “However, he should not have behaved like that.” She says raising her voice a little. “I know, but I didn’t know that he could be so…cruel.” You respond low as your eyes are starting to sting again. You grab the letter Ciara and Catherine wrote to you and used it as a fan to dry your glassy eyes. Mikasa takes one hand on your knees “Don’t you worry, I believe that he has a soft spot for you. Just stand up for yourself and explain the situation. I’m pretty sure that he’ll understand.” She says trying to be optimistic for you. 
Your heart pounds with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety as you walk towards the King's chamber. You have never been inside before, and the unfamiliarity of it all adds to your nervousness. The hallway leading to the chamber seems longer than usual, each step echoing in your mind. Your thoughts are disrupted “I’ll leave you here as I’m not allowed to walk into his chamber without his permission” Mikasa curtsies. “Thank you” You curtsy back and smile. “Again, if you need anything I’ll be in my room.” You respond with a warm smile, having Mikasa as your main lady is amazing as she is the person besides Darcy that you can trust with your life.
As you enter the chamber, your eyes widen.  Eren's chamber is expansive, adorned with intricate tapestries, ornate furniture, and gilded decorations. The soft glow of the flickering candles casts dancing shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of both warmth and grandiosity. Your gaze falls upon the King, who sits on one of the two plush chairs positioned near a crackling firepit. He remains silent, his face partially illuminated by the gentle light of the flames. There is an air of solemnity about him as if he is deeply absorbed in his thoughts. You hesitate for a moment, your eyes looking around the room, taking in the immense space and the weight of your current situation. With a small gesture, Eren invites you to take a seat in the chair next to his, a silent indication for you to join him.
Your heart flutters nervously as you walk towards the chair. The soft fabric feels cool against your trembling fingers as you carefully lower herself onto the cushioned seat. You steal a quick glance at the King, hoping to get a small clue about his emotions, but his expression remains unreadable. On the seat arm, you spot a bouquet of daffodils, and you pick it up “They are beautiful” you say low “I picked them for you, on my way back from Shiganshina” Eren responds shortly looking straight into your soul. The room feels vast and overwhelming, yet there is an undeniable intimacy in the way you are positioned, the crackling fire creating a cosy ambience. Your mind races with thoughts, unsure of what to say or how to address the tension between you. Do you apologize? No, he had no right to trap you in the palace without a good enough reason. However, you can’t help but feel a bit guilty. 
The silence stretches on, punctuated only by the crackling of the fire and the sound of their breathing. You find yourself fidgeting with your hands, your mind clouded with worry. You wonder what’s waiting for you, whether is he going to shout again? and if your relationship can weather this storm. As you steal another glance at Eren, you notice a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes and a slight tension in his jaw. It is a subtle indication that he is wrestling with his own emotions and uncertainties.
Eren is the first to cut the silence “I want to first apologise for my behaviour, I shouldn’t have lost my temper like that”. You were taken a bit back as you were expecting him to be more aggressive. on one hand, really wanted to forgive him, but you still needed to get some stuff out of your chest “I forgive you, however, that behaviour was uncalled for Eren!” Now Eren is the one taken back, firstly how dare you raise your voice at your King? No one has ever raised their voice at him since…his mother. “I wouldn’t have lost my mind if you just listened to me! It’s dangerous out there!” You are slowly losing your cool and Eren is about to get a sample of your wrath “I wouldn't have gone out there if you told me what is going on!” Eren stands up from the chair and you quickly copy him. “Maybe I would have trusted you with it if you listened!” You move closer to him, and his eyes are filled with anger however at this point you yourself are filled with rage that might get you beheaded for regicide “ If I listened?” you say with a mocking tone “Y/n!” Eren warns as he moves closer and is now starring you down. You look up and try not to feel intimidated by him “So, this is what you think of me? Some stupid breeding cow that doesn’t have a mind of her own?” Eren’s look softens a tiny bit “No, that’s not what I think of you, you are my wife!” You cut him off “That’s exactly what you think of me! I might be your wife by the law but I don’t know if I am in your heart” You whisper the last part. “A husband is honest with his wife! You on the other hand locked me away from the outside world without a single explanation of why. I feel like a bird in a cage, a bird with no freedom.” Eren look completely softens as guilt is starting to eat him from the inside. He was busy trying to protect you from any harm that he didn’t realise that he was the one causing you harm and, more importantly, breaking the vow he made to you in your wedding. My requests are honesty and love in this marriage he hears you echo in his head.
His thought process is cut “Eren, what am I to you?” He is taken back. He looks you in the eyes which causes his heart to twist, as tears are running down your beautiful skin. Your body is shaking He is stunned, he doesn’t know how to respond but he knows what he wants to do. All he can think about is his wanting to destroy whatever made you cry even knowing well that he is the one causing you this heartache. “What am I to you?! I need to know now! I moved away from home for you! I am giving you my youth, my life, my devotion! While you can’t even give me a simple answer!” You cry. His silence scares you, what if it was true? Maybe you were just some tool to continue the Jeager bloodline, maybe he just saw you as something that low. However, you are stunned by his next action, his strong arms encircle you, enveloping you in a sense of security and familiarity. You feel the warmth of his body against yours, the steady beat of his heart echoing in your ear. Slowly, your muscles relax, You can feel the tension melting away, replaced by a bittersweet mixture of relief and vulnerability. “You are no breeding cow Y/n. I cannot put into words how happy you have made me in the short timespan we’ve been together. You are the spring sun to my dark winter days, when I see you my dark world light up. You are my light, my anchor and my pride. I see myself falling for you deeper and deeper every single day. I might be crazy but I believe, no I know that I love you. Everything I’m doing now is trying to protect you and our potential future child.” You are left speechless and the sound of your sniffing is filling the room as you try your hardest not to cry. Eren loves you! You feel like the luckiest woman in the world “I-I love you too and I understand, but you need to communicate with me. Tell me the truth Eren, why don’t you allow me outside the palace?” Eren grabs your hand while sitting down on the soft brown bear carpet on the floor in front of the crackling firepit. You follow him and sit down with him. Eren holds your hand looking you in the eyes “It started four years ago”
Fifteen-year-old Eren got dressed for the family’s Jaeger’s annual family day. He was excited to join his parents on the royal boat around the Kingdom, starting from Stochess and ending at Shiganshina. It started with only his father and mother to show the kingdom their presence and gratitude towards the hardworking Eldian people.  “Thank you,” he says to the elder maid that finalized his military medals which he was proud to showcase to the people of Eldia. The young boy storms off once the maid finishes to greet his mother. He runs out to the Queen's garden where he sees his mother her flowing black hair cascading down her back, captures his attention. It shines like a raven's feathers, contrasting beautifully against her tan skin. But what truly captivates him are her golden eyes, glowing with a gentle radiance that reflects her inner kindness and wisdom. He runs over to her while she is deeply focused on reading her favourite love poetries. Eren sneaks onto her and tries to scare her but she giggles. “I believe your father is waiting for us near the boat,” She says getting up and the two of them start walking towards the boat. Carla stops for a brief second “Eren, honey” Eren is staring confused at his mother “Yes?” Carla turns to her son “You look a bit pale, have you eaten breakfast?” Eren only responds with a couple of nods. “Are you sure? Your ears are turning red” The Queen grabs his left ear which causes annoyance and embarrassment for the young Prince. Carla on the other hand shakes her head at her son's silliness “We can have brunch in the garden after the trip and you can tell me about your adventures with the Scouts” A wide grin is painted on his face as he and his mother lock pinky fingers as a promise. The two of them reach the boat where his father is seated with Kenny the current head of the Ackerman clan and the Uncle of Levi and Mikasa. Kenny reaches out a hand to help the Queen get on the boat while Eren jumps on it excitedly. “Careful, son” The King smiles. Eren looked up to his father, he was the king Eren aspired to be one day, strong, selfless and loved by everyone around him. Eren smiles with excitement as they set off, he sat next to his mother while his father was seated in front of them with Kenny helping navigate the boat at the back.
 The people are waving and throwing flowers at the royal family. The leaders of the communities would hand Kenny over letters with the demands and issues of the communities he then would give to the King. Everything seemed fine until Kenny stands up and holds his two guns. Eren’s eyes widen in shock “What’s wrong Kenny?” Knowing about the Ackermans and their instincts Eren understood that something must be wrong. In a flash of light, he sees blood on the side of his shirt, his mother has been struck by three arrows on the stomach. “Mom!” He shouts ripping the arrows out of her in panic. He then rips the fabric of his pants trying to stop the bleeding. Screaming and chaos emerged among the people while the Garrison guards are assembling to try and find the assassin. “Throw us come shields” Kenny shouts while trying to help Eren stop Carla´s bleeding. “C-Carla” Grisha says in shock before another arrow comes and hits the King on the throat. Kenny´s eyes widen in shock as the King is choking on his own blood and his vibrant green eyes turn dull. “Shit, how haven’t the Garrsson found the assassins yet? Kenny turns to the King to feel his pulse. Horror was written all over Eren’s face “Please be alive, please be alive” he prays. However, Kenny’s facial expression said something else. Tears are streaming down Eren’s face as he realised that his father is gone. “Kenny…Kenny” Both men turn their heads to the Queen’s whispers. “Please take Eren and run.” Eren’s face is in disbelief his mother could not really think that he would ever abandon her. “No, we are not going without you. We made a promise to get back home together and have brunch remember! I’m going nowhere without you!” Eren shouts “Your majesty, you know the royal protocols, we cannot leave the boat without confirmation from the Garrisons that it’s safe.” Kenny adds shaking his head.
All of a sudden Kenny’s eyes widen and he tackles Eren to the ground covering him. Several arrows rain down from the sky hitting the Ackerman on his back. Eren opens his eyes seeing arrows everywhere and Kenny with blood coming out of his mouth. “Hey…brat…You must survive…I would die in shame knowing that the nation my ancestors fought to protect…would fall into the hands of your bastard brother…or our enemies.” He breathes heavily before passing away. Eren put his fingers on his neck feeling no pulse, tears are flowing down his eyes looking at the bodies of his father and Kenny. He reaches out for his mother's hand for comfort to let her know that he is alive. Her once warm hands were freezing cold causing Eren to scream in pain. His parents are gone, he is all alone in this cruel world. Why them? Why would anyone wish to target his family? Who are the enemies? It doesn’t matter who they were, he promise to wipe everyone out of this world every single one of them. Eren is helped out of the boat by a Garrison soldier named Hannes and is brought back to the Kingdom in one piece physically. When they arrive at the castle they are greeted by several soldiers and lords at the door. “The King is dead, long live the King” they chant while kneeling. Eren feels like vomiting, him? a king? He shakes of the feeling quickly and takes command.
“As you know we just lost Eldia’s two best rulers for centuries. As loved as my parents ar- were I refuse to believe that this was an inside job! I want all soldiers ready! We are at war! I also wish for the funeral to be held first thing tomorrow!” The whole nation mourned for a month and after the mourning period was Eren crowned King. The assassins were caught and it was revealed that they were soldiers from Marley. Marley and Eldia had issues for centuries but King Grisha and King Magath made peace. Near their borders was a conflict between the farmers which caused political instability between the nations all over again. Grisha was supposed to meet up with King Magath a week before his assassination but the Marlian had other plans. His wish was to assassinate the royal family and in mid chaos annexe Eldia. However, his plan failed as Eren didn’t die and took command quite quickly. Eren’s first order as king was to declare war on Marley and their allies. Many were impressed by Eren’s mature handling of the situation however behind that brave face was a mourning boy. Eren would have meltdowns in his bedroom as he felt like the world was eating him slowly. Mikasa was the only one that knew of his meltdowns and tried her best to comfort her friend. However, it could never wash away the feeling of loneliness. That was until he met his sun, you. 
Eren’s thoughts are disrupted by you hugging him, he can feel your warm tears on his shoulders. All you can do is hold him and cry, you give him a long kiss on the forehead and all you can whisper is “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry for what you went through” Eren is stunned by your actions and he breaks down while holding you around your waist. The room is just filled with your sniffs and breathing. “Eren, promise me. No more secrets.” You whisper “I promise,” he says melting into your warm embrace.
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mi-rae07 · 9 months
Kang Yeosang : Prince Of Hearts (Part 1/9)
Pairing : Kang Yeosang (Ateez) and named character (Moon Yena)
Synopsis : Yeosang is a kind-hearted crown prince of a nation that is largely out of the spotlight and harmonious. Yena is the ruthless empress of an empire that is large and glorious, except it is about to go into war. And in order to win the war, yena requires certain minerals that only yeosang’s nation could provide her with. Except there are conditions. What is she going to have to do to win the heart of the crown prince? Or is she going to lead her empire into it’s own demise? 
A/n : inspired by the song “Beautiful Mess - inspired by China By Kristian Kostov”
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Yena bent down to go under a twig, her blood-red cape flowing behind her freely. She looked around the unfamiliar surroundings, hating the fact that someone like her had gotten lost in a goddamn forest out of all places. She had just arrived in this island and she was already lost, fantastic. Yena paused as she heard a noise not far behind her, her senses heightening at the sound of leaves crunching. Someone was coming.
Yena turned around swiftly, letting out a grunt as she felt something pierce through her left shoulder as soon as she turned. She looked down and noticed that it was an arrow, one that did not belong to her country, which meant that the someone she had heard before was foe.
Yena heard the footsteps again, now coming closer to her. Except it was now behind her. She kept herself from turning behind, her hand grasping the handle of her royal sword that was currently sheathed to her waist band. As soon as she knew the person was right behind her, she swiftly turned around, unsheathing her sword in the process and holding it against the neck of the man standing in front of her.
The man's eyes widened as he let out a gasp, the edge of the arrow pierced into yena's shoulder now pressed against the man's chest. He looked at it, panic filling his eyes at the sight of blood dripping down his arrow.
??? : oh my god.
Yena : identify yourself, stranger.
The man flinched and looked at yena as he said
??? : w-what? Oh yes um, I am the…prince of Kedah, Kang Yeosang.
Yena : you're the future king of this island?
The man made a small humming noise before looking at the arrow
??? : I'm sorry. I was chasing a deer, trying to hunt it down for supper. I like hunting, you see. I heard your footsteps and thought it was the deer and shot you accidentally. Forgive me, my lady.
Yena : mm.
Yena moved her sword away from yeosang's neck before sheathing it back as yeosang said
Yeosang : I can take you to the palace and let the healers take care of your wound, if you do not mind that.
Yena : wonderful, the palace was where I intended to go until this…inconvenience you caused.
Yeosang : you were going to go to the palace? Why? Wait…who are you again?
Yena : Moon Yena.
She pulled out the arrow harshly from her shoulder, not making a sound of pain as she said
Yena : Empress of China.
Yeosang : what is the empress of China doing in our nation?
Yena avoided a sharp stone lying on the ground as the both of them walked through this forest to reach the palace, yeosang guiding the way as if he had built this place himself.
Yena : your nation is supposed to be rich in mineral content, prince kang, minerals that have high value in the mainland market. I would like to invest in some of them.
Yeosang : I don't think they're for sale, your majesty.
Yena : even if I offer all the money you require?
Yeosang : we have enough and more of that, we've ruled this country for centuries from here.
Yena : there's never too much money and power, prince kang.
Yeosang sighed and looked at the wound in yena's shoulder, blood still trickling down from it.
Yeosang : are you sure that doesn’t…hurt?
Yena : I've fought 3 wars within the span of my 8 years of ruling, an arrow wound like this is nothing.
Yeosang chuckled and said
Yeosang : I, on the other hand have killed 3 deers within the span of my 26 years of living. Isn't that an accomplishment!
Yeosang looked at yena, expecting her to at least smile. When he realized she wasn't the type to smile at jokes, he sighed and asked
Yeosang : do people accept you as their ruler? Since you know, you're a woman.
Yena : I've never really cared about their opinions, hence I'm not really sure. If they don't like me as their ruler, they've done quite a good job at hiding their feelings anyway.
Yeosang nodded and pointed forward as he said
Yeosang : well! We've reached the palace.
Yena looked forward as a huge stone carved building came into her view, gold lining it's walls and the walls having waterfalls flow down them. Yena stepped forward with huge eyes as she marveled silently at how beautiful and rich the palace was. Yeosang smiled and said
Yeosang : welcome to Malaya, empress.
Yena and yeosang walked down the throne room to where the king, yeosang's father was sitting on the throne, the other people in the room bowing down as the guard behind them said in a loud voice
Guard : His grace, Kang Yeosang, crown prince of Malaya and Her majesty, Moon Yena, empress of China, Japan and Korea.
Yeosang looked at yena with shocked eyes as he said
Yeosang : Japan and Korea too?
Yena : I told you I fought three wars.
Yeosang : I-I thought that was a joke.
Yena : I don't joke, prince kang.
Yena paused in front of the king as yeosang sighed and walked up the stairs, bowing at the subjects before sitting in his seat beside his father. Yena gave a small nod of respect at King Hwan as he said
Hwan : I hadn't expected you to reach us this fast, your grace. And I had expected you to arrive with your companions, not my son.
Yena looked to her right as she noticed that the people who had come along with her from Korea to this island had already reached. Of course they had.
Yena : well what can I say, our boats are quite faster now. And your son, led me out of the forest where I had gotten lost, thanks to some…people.
Yena looked at her guards standing in the side with their eyes to the floor, knowing they had messed it all up.
Hwan : well then, what does such a respectable empress like you have to do in our humble kingdom.
Yena : minerals, I wish to invest in the minerals that your kingdom has influence over.
Whispers arose between the subjects, some shocked and some angered.
Hwan : what do we get in return?
Yena : anything you wish for that I would be able to give you. Money, clothes, land, you name it.
Hwan : those are all things we have in abundance, tell me something you can give that we do not have and I will think about it.
Yena let out a light breath as she thought about what she could possibly offer in order to attain these minerals. She had to buy these minerals at any cost, it was crucial to the development of her nation, and to hold on to her dynasty. A war was coming, and she had to win it at any cost. Nobody except her family and herself knew about this and she wanted it to remain that way for now. But in the near future, it would be unavoidable. Winning the war meant using weapons the foe would not be aware of, and these minerals were the last step to the innovation of that weapon that could save her reign.
Yena's eyes fell on yeosang, who was looking at her intently. And the more she stared at him, all innocence and softness within those deep brown eyes, a strand of his long brown hair falling on his eyes as he brushed it back with a small frown, she realized what she could offer. There was only one way to save her empire, kang yeosang.
Yena : I offer your son, the crown prince, the position of being emperor. By my side, of course.
The king's eyes widened, just as yeosang's did as everyone in that room, including her own guards gasped in surprise. Yena knew how different this was, and how unexpected. She would probably be the first queen in history to offer to marry the king's son in order to attain something else. But she didn't care, and she didn't mind. She rather liked making history.
Hwan : you mean it?
Yena : I don't say things I don't mean, your majesty. I offer my hand in marriage to your son, and to make him emperor of my nations. In return for those minerals, how much ever it is that I require. That, is the deal I propose.
The king looked at yeosang who stood up and walked towards yena, anger filling his voice as he said
Yeosang : how could you, without even asking me.
Yena : well, your father didn't leave me much choice here, did he?
Yeosang : you-
Hwan : son.
Yeosang paused, looking at his father.
Hwan : we need to talk. Join me in my leisure room within 5 minutes. And you too, your grace, join us as well.
The king stood up as the subjects around him bowed. Hwan left the throne room as the other people in the throne room slowly started dispersing as well. A few maids walked towards yena and bowed before saying
Maid : would you like us to show you to your room, your majesty?
Yena : no, just take my baggage to the room and leave it there, tend to our horses as well. I'll come by later.
The maids nodded and left, taking yena's guards along with them as well. Yeosang let out a breath, his hands brushing his hair behind as he said
Yeosang : I can't believe this happened.
Yena : it's that exciting?
Yeosang : No, moon yena, it's that terrible. I do not wish to be a king, let alone an emperor!
Yena ignored that he had called her by her full name without any honorifics.
Yena : what were you going to do after your father died then? Flee?
Yeosang : I was going to name my cousin the king and live a life away from this palace in peace, yes. And now you've come here and destroyed everything.
Yena : we are rulers, lord prince, we do not get to choose the life we lead.
Yeosang : but we do get to choose the ones we marry, don't we? I can't marry someone I don't even know, let alone love!
Yena scoffed.
Yena : did you seriously think you were going to marry the person you love?
Yeosang : how else do people marry. Marriage is supposed to be something built out of love, sacrifice and promises-
Yena : you sound like a child, prince kang. There is no love in marriage, there is only understanding and a mutual sharing of power. Marriage is an economical proposition in order to achieve something external, there are no feelings involved in the process for people like us.
Yeosang looked at yena, not having words left to say.
Yena : you don't know how cruel the world outside is, prince kang. Your father has protected you from all the pain and hence you believe that the world is a good place. Leave this island and come with me and you'll understand that love, is far gone from this world.
Yeosang : you wouldn't be standing here, talking to me if it wasn't for love. You were born because of it, even if your parents married as a form of proposition, as you said before. Any sort of physical intimacy involves love and you're alive because of it.
Yena clenched her hands that were held behind her back, speechless for the first time.
Yeosang : and as for pain? My father never protected me from it, he only inflicted it on me.
Yeosang turned around and walked towards one of the exits of the throne room, pausing on his tracks to say
Yeosang : follow me if you do not wish to get lost a second time, empress.
Hwan : son, you know we have to do this.
Yeosang : appa, I don't even know her.
Yena : you'll have years on end to know me after the wedding is done, prince kang.
Yeosang pressed his lips together and looked yena who was leaning against the corner of Hwan's leisure room with crossed arms, only adding minimal comments while yeosang tried talking his dad out of the deal.
Hwan : she's right, yeosang, you'll be emperor if you marry her. Do you know how big that is to our legacy? Our dynasty? Your heir is going to rule Malaya while being the emperor of 3 other powerful nations.
Yeosang : h-heir?? Appa I don't even wish to marry her-
Hwan : be rational, son. You're a prince, the kingdom should matter more to you than mere love.
Yena nodded in agreement.
Yeosang : appa!
Hwan : what? She's pretty too, you'll finally have a wife whose beauty can match yours.
Yeosang : what in the-what does beauty have to do with any of this!
Yena : are you saying you do not want a beautiful wife?
Yeosang : I'm saying I need a sensible one.
Yena : did you just call an empress insensible?
Yeosang : yeah, are you going to execute me for it?
Yena : that-
Hwan : you'd make such an amazing married couple.
Yeosang : god!
Hwan sighed and said
Hwan : yeosang-ah, listen to me. This proposition the empress has offered, we will never receive it again. You know our kingdom needs this, it's been in the dark for too long. Think about our people, how happy they would be if our nation would get united into an empire under your rule.
That seemed to shift something in yeosang. So he was a people's king, yena thought.
Hwan : look, your thoughts do matter to me, but so does this. Hence do something, I will give the both of you a month.
Hwan looked at yena and stood up before saying
Hwan : if you manage to make my son fall in love with you within this month, you can have him, the minerals and our nation. If not, I'm afraid you'd have to leave.
Yena looked at yeosang, her gaze burning into yeosang's eyes. He pressed his lips together at that stare, understanding how intimidating the woman in front of him could be. He was only used to ladies being kind, respectful and being…lady-like, always wearing long dresses and having flowers in their hairs. Yena was the exact opposite, she was a woman.
Yena : do you agree to this, prince kang?
Yeosang looked at his father, who only gave him a look. Yeosang sighed before nodding and said
Yeosang : yes, a month is all you'll get.
Yena nodded and stood straight, wrapping her hand behind her back and walked towards the door while saying to yeosang on the way
Yena : show me around then, lord prince.
Yeosang looked at his father as yena walked outside, her head held high and her voice nonchalant. His father smiled and gave a small nod at yeosang as he fast-walked out the door to join yena.
Yeosang : are you seriously going to go out like this?
Yena paused, looking at yeosang
Yena : are you seriously saying I should go and wear some gown before going out-
Yeosang : no! your wound, it needs dressing up.
Yena looked at yeosang, slightly shocked. No one ever cared about her when she got wounds, even her own parents believed that learning to live with wounds was the first thing an empress should learn. Even the king Hwan hadn't said anything, but here yeosang was.
Yena : it's fine, just let it be.
Yeosang : your grace, it's an open wound. Too much blood loss can cause you harm.
Yena rolled her eyes, knowing there was no way around this and said
Yena : where's the infirmary.
Yena : ask the nurses to leave, prince kang.
Yeosang looked at the nurses standing in the infirmary, eyeing yeosang and yena.
Yeosang : but if they leave who will-
Yena : I will take care of the wound myself. I don't like people touching me.
Yeosang : your grace, it would be better if they did it. The wound is-
Yena : do you not understand my point, I do not want people touching me so ask them to leave.
Yeosang sighed, not understanding why this woman was so difficult. He turned towards the nurses before saying
Yeosang : you may leave, her majesty wishes to tend to her own wounds.
Nurse : but the medicines?
Yeosang : I'll take it for her.
The nurses nodded and bowed before leaving yeosang and yena alone in the large infirmary that was decorated with plants and trees yena had never seen before. It was beautiful, just as the entire palace was.
Yena : and you? What are you doing here?
Yeosang walked towards the nearby shelf before picking up the necessary items as he said
Yeosang : staying, what else.
Yena : I just told you-
Yeosang : I'm sorry, I don't have to listen to you, do I? it's not like you listen to me anyways.
Yeosang sat on the bed with the supplies and motioned yena to sit next to him. She frowned.
Yeosang : weren't you planning to get us married? Don't you think you should at least be able to sit next to me?
Yena still didn't budge, her past not allowing her to move forward. Yeosang sighed and said softly
Yeosang : I won't hurt you, lady moon. Nothing's going to happen. And if you're so scared, unsheathe your sword and hold it against me while I treat you. If I do something, just kill me.
Yena let out a breath and walked towards the bed, sitting down next to yeosang and removing the top layer of her coat in order to treat the wound properly. Yeosang leaned forward and started applying the herbs, his finger lightly grazing yena's skin. Yena clenched her fists, trying hard to fight it.
Yeosang : why do you dislike people touching you?
Because it felt foreign to her, but she didn't say that.
Yena : it feels too personal.
Yeosang : then why are you letting me touch you right now?
Yena : because we're gonna get married soon enough and I'm going to have to get used to this.
Yeosang : me touching you?
Yena : your presence in all parts of my life.
Yeosang : and you're so sure I'll fall in love with you?
Yena : I suppose we'll just have to see.
Yeosang paused, looking up at yena since he was leaning down
Yeosang : what are you going to do to me, empress?
Yena : time, I'm going to give you time.
Yeosang : you think time will earn me?
Yena : doesn't time earn everyone?
Yeosang : your grace-
Yena : call me yena, let's start there.
Yeosang : w-what?
Yena : you done?
Yeosang cleared his throat and stood up, nodding his head
Yeosang : yes, your g-
He paused as yena looked at him. Yeosang sighed and said
Yeosang : yes, yena.
Yena nodded and stood up before wearing the upper layer of her dress that covered the bandage
Yena : good, now show me around.
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yoongisleftearring · 2 years
part twenty-four: you can't run from fate
B L O O D & W A T E R
pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader
-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.
word count: 2.6k
a/n: writing action is not my forte and is struggled a lot so it better be worth it !!!
; violence, blood, cursing, bad people
previous < masterlist > next
Taglist: @channieboyo @wolfebang @yellowroseskolchek @a-lil-bit-nuts @wondering-out-loud @hyunee1 @wandathescarletbitch @captivq @mits-vi @yunapixie @autumn-lv @midnightfury71 @indelicate-macalino @qnjayn@inniesmenu@soobin-chois @mingyu1pup @ellientaste @breathingwastaken @smhlino
"Are you okay?" Minho whispers as he grabs hold of your hand, you nod and allow him to pull you to your feet. You look past the witch in front of you to the group of students that stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, staring at the two of you. You send Minho a small smile and lead him towards the large group, still gripping his hand. He noticed that you were still shaking slightly, felt it in the way your fingers trembled between his and he hoped that the warmth of his hand would somehow soothe your worries.
"Y/n, thank god you're okay," Yuqi sighed as she reached a hand forward to rest on your shoulder. "What was that?" she continued, motioning to the rain which had calmed down substantially.
"You were losing control," Hyunjin frowns, worry creasing his forehead.
"Look, there's a lot we haven't told you-" Chan begins but you cut him off.
"The prophecy? Oh yeah, I heard plenty from our lovely headmaster. It's why they brought me here," you sighed, remembering the woman's harsh words.
"But why?" Seungmin questioned.
"They wanted to use me for something," you said, staring down at the floor. "They said I had something that nobody else has, something they want." Minho frowned at your words and the expressions of each person in the room darkened in worry.
"Where is she?" you asked as you looked around the room, and only now did you see the mess that the room was in, there were books littering the floor, loose pages scattered, and broken vases that looked to be from some dynasty and were probably worth more money than you had ever even seen. But, there was no sign of the headmaster.
"She ran, but I think I know where," Seungmin spoke and suddenly all eyes were on him, the boy blushed at the sudden attention but continued nonetheless. "There's this place, the faculty always go there. It's far away and hidden, a good place to hide from a god and her group of misfits."
"I am not a misfit, Kim," Jisung scoffed, earning nothing but a sympathetic pat on the back from Changbin.
"And, I am not a god," you laugh.
"Well, the closest thing we have," Seungmin shrugged his shoulders, a comfortable smile on his lips.
"Okay," Chan interrupted. "Do we have a game plan or are we gonna just storm in there again?" 
"Worked out okay for us last time," Felix smiled. Chan sighed.
"We can't let them run, we need barriers around the area stopping them from portalling out," you nod in Chan's direction and he seems pleased with some semblance of a plan beginning to form.
"I can take care of that," Minho replies.
"Okay, then we'll have to split up, we don't know how many members of the school faculty will be there." 
"So we can split up into good and bad and work from there," Yuqi nods.
"No. Opposites should be together, that way we have more options when it comes to attacks." The group seems to be slightly stunned by your words. It's not like it didn't make sense but it was unheard of, their powers weren't meant to aid each other. Minho looks at you thoughtfully for a moment, shooting you a knowing smile.
"She's right, you mightn't like it but we don't really have a choice here," Minho speaks clearly, his tone definite, leaving no room for anyone else to argue.
"And I'm going for the headmaster," you muttered.
"We can't give up on this, not when we've gotten so far," a voice spoke.
"You didn't see it, I wouldn't be surprised if she took the whole school with her," the headmaster sneered.
"But our plans-"
"Forget it, we failed. We'll have to find another way," she cut the man off.
"Those meddling children, what are we supposed to do with them now?" another voice asked.
"We take care of them quietly, accuse them of crimes against the state. It won't be a problem," the woman laughed.
"The poor boy will end up just like his mother," another woman voiced, although you couldn't detect any sorrow despite her words. It was then that you heard a shout, a flash of light hurtling towards the woman who had just spoken. The dark-haired woman's eyes widened in surprise but she had no time to retaliate, the energy hitting her square in the chest, sending her to the floor. Minho removed the invisibility charm from the two of you and you stood face-to-face with the woman who had begun this whole thing. All eyes were on you.
Then came the loud sound of glass shattering. The tiny windows of the small hut splintered and fell to the ground and you could faintly hear the hushed laughs of Chan and Felix.
"What are you waiting for? Get them!" the headmaster boomed at the members of the faculty that gaped at her. Five of them scrambled out of the room, and you were thankful for the distraction your friends provided. Now, there were only two left in the dimly lit room. Minho kept the woman who had yet to pick herself up from the floor occupied while you charged at the headmaster. 
Minho glowered down at the middle-aged woman who held a sour smile on her lips as she stared up at him.
"Ah, Lee Minho. What? Did I say something wrong?" she snickered as she stood up from the cold floor.
"You know nothing about me," he scoffed, fury lighting up his eyes.
"Oh? Of course I do, it was me that took you away from that insane hag. You should be thanking me really," she laughed. Minho's eyes widened a the woman's words but he didn't make a move yet.
"You did this, you all did this."
"What are you going to do? I've heard that you're following in your mommy's footsteps. Dark magic? Really?"
"You'll never understand so I won't entertain it," Minho hissed. "But, I will find out exactly what happened to my mother and you will all pay for your crimes." The woman's smile faded slightly at Minho's words.
"You w-" she tried but was interrupted by the flick of Minho's finger, she tried to speak again but found only muted mumbles to come out of her, her eyes widened like saucers as she lifted her fingers to her lips, or what should have been her lips but was now nothing but more skin. Her eyes narrowed as she hovered her hand over her mouth, undoing the witch's spell.
The two cast spell after spell at each other until it seemed like they were at a crossroads, their almost equal power making it extremely difficult for one person to get the upper hand over another.
"Lee!" he heard a voice boom from the opposite side of the room. Changbin stood, chest heaving and eyes dark as threw a ball of flames in their direction, Minho guided the burning magic toward the woman and she ducked, managing to dodge the attack but she didn't manage to dodge Changbin who had managed to run to her and wrap a metal band around her wrist. The woman looked down at the metal in confusion but shook her head, raising her hands to cast a spell in the fairy's direction but much to her dismay, nothing happened. Changbin let out a giggle as he watched her utter confusion. She let out a scream and lunged for Changbin but Minho managed to halt her movements before she could wrap her hands around the man's neck.
"Nice work man," Changbin smiled as he looked at the woman who stood still, unable to move anymore and completely powerless thanks to the metal band Seungmin had designed.
"Yeah, you too," Minho smirked at him, trying to hide his shock at the man who had helped him take the wicked woman down.
"You slimy little girl, must you always create problems for me?" the headmaster asked, her red-painted lips pursing in annoyance as her eyes narrowed at your form.
"You-" you spat as you lunged for her, grabbing her by the collar of her pink frilly shirt. "You did this to yourself. You did this to me," you breathed. Her expression never wavered. Your eyes were so focused on hers that you failed to notice her rising palm, only realising once she had struck you across the cheek, hard. It stung and you were sure the sheer force of the blow had drawn blood.
"Silly girl, you know nothing. Sometimes the cause is greater than its victim," the woman chided.
"Cause? What cause?" you fumed. The woman simply raised her hand to your cheek, running her finger slowly down the smooth skin. Then you felt her apply more pressure, digging her nail into the skin, drawing a scream from you as you felt her nail pierce your skin as she dragged it down the length of your cheek.
"This," she spoke as she took her hand away from your cheek and admired the ruby substance that stained it. "This is what makes you so useful. I spent my whole life looking for this." Your eyebrows furrowed at her words.
"My healing?"
"Not so dim after all, are we?" the woman mocked. "This has the power to prolong life for, well, forever," she laughed.
"You did all this so you could be immortal?" you growled.
"Not just me," she chuckled. "The whole committee, that way we can outlive those elders who think they can dictate our lives."
"So you don't want just immortality, but also power," you pondered. The headmaster smiled at your words.
"You get it."
You grabbed the woman's shirt again, this time using it to throw her against the wall. The force of the impact caused the wall to crack beneath her weight and she fell to the ground. You could hear the cracking of bones when she stood again, rolling her shoulders back as she sneered in your direction. She pounced and you couldn't react in time. She sent you tumbling to the floor while she straddled you, clawing at your arms that attempted to protect your face. The attack seemed so familiar and though much less violent you couldn't help but think back to Chan and his training sessions. And so, like you had so many times before, you kicked your knee up, hitting the woman in the ribcage and you could have sworn you heard multiple bones cracking. The woman fell to your side and you pushed yourself up, towering over the woman who lay on the wooden floor.
"Enough," you roared, a bolt of lightning shooting through the roof of the hut and striking beside the head of the headmaster, debris falling from the large hole in the roof that it created in its path. You crouched down over the woman's quivering body, sending punch after punch in her direction. "I was trying to run," you cried. "Everything would have been okay if I had kept running." With another blow, you noticed that the woman below you was barely responsive, her face unrecognisable underneath the intense swelling and the gaping cuts that covered it.
"It wouldn't matter, you can't run from fate," she struggled to whisper. Rage and frustration consumed your body as you raised your fist again, ready to strike.
"Don't." His voice made you falter, you ripped your gaze from the headmaster beneath you to Minho, his eyes sympathetic. "You don't need to do this."
"Why?" you sobbed. "Look what she did to me, what she's going to do."
"I know," he exhaled, moving slightly closer to you, now only a couple of feet apart. "It's your decision Y/n. But I need you to think carefully about the choice you're about to make. And think about what I told you." You blinked at the man, tears rolling down your cheeks as you processed his words.
You looked at the woman. The woman who you had refused at first, happy with how your life was. Well, maybe not happy but the person you loved the most was safe. From you. That was what mattered most. But she forced you to come here, promised you that you wouldn't hurt anyone. But, all along she was using you. And as you sat over the bloody and beaten woman you realised that you were becoming the very thing you had been running from in the first place. Was that what she mean by not being able to run from fate? Was it true? You had been told so many things in the past few hours and your brain felt like a scrambled mess. 'I believe in you', Minho's words echo in your mind and you realised that this was it. People were asking you to make a choice for so long, wanting you to finally choose which side you fell on and this was the moment that choice had to be made. The whole point of being here was to run from the power you didn't understand. Now, you were beginning to understand that power. And maybe, bad wasn't the only thing that came from them. You weren't sure if it could be possible, maybe fate really is just a bitch but you wanted to at least try. You were dangerous, they were right, but you are also extremely powerful and you hoped that you could learn to be like the witch that had questioned what really was good and bad. You stood from the woman's body, dusting yourself off before walking to where Minho stood, he had a sweet smile on his face as he reached for your bloodied palm, intertwining his fingers with yours.
"We should probably clean this up," he chuckled as he looked at the destruction around you.
Hyunjin entered, an arm wrapped around an injured Yuqi. He guided her into the room where the rest of you stood. She had a slight limp and you would have thought she would be fine walking on her own but when you saw her looking up at the siren with a smile on her face and blush on her cheeks you thought better of mentioning it. Though you definitely would tease the fairy later.
"Everyone okay?" Minho asked, scanning over each person to check their state.
"Barely, I had to save Han Jisung's ass so many times I literally lost count," Jeongin remarked earning a gasp from the aforementioned man.
"I'll have you know that I could have handled them on my own you just acted too fast, I would call it a premature rescue," Jisung muttered, the group collectively laughed at the man and he let a small chuckle escape his lips in response.
"So, what should we do with them?" Chan motioned to the group of faculty members, each one donning one of those bracelets Seunmin had made and tied up back to back in a circle in the middle of the room.
"We need evidence," Jisung smiled gleefully as he swiftly took his phone from his pocket and opened the camera app, pressing record. He walked over to the group with a wide smile on his face that most would label as unsettling. "Who's been a bad teacher? You! You've been a bad teacher," he pouted as he shoved the phone in one of the teacher's faces. "Bad people, very bad people, I'll make sure you're on page one of all the newspapers for everyone to see," he laughed. "And you!" he said as he reached the headmaster. "You've been extra bad! Don't you know trying to murder students so you could harvest their essence to give yourself everlasting life is not allowed?" 
"Jisung, I think they get the point," Jeongin grumbled walking up to the man and ripping his phone from his grasp, stopping the recording and placing the phone back in the palm of the stunned man who looked at the young wolf like he had just murdered his dog. 
"Right, now let's go see the elders."
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rosetheex-editor · 7 months
[Video transcript begin.]
[The transcript begins from a car roof, the car is seeming in a parking lot as the camera is pointing at a building. The bright lights illuminating the other cars. After roughly 3 minutes someone sighs.]
?: You'd think that dumb bitch would be out by now.
[Voice identified: Emi.]
Em: Welp time for plan B.
[The camera changes focus as Emi seemingly leans the phone on a bag, the fabric shuffling as she does. After 10 seconds she pulls a knife out of her pocket, and she begins slicing parts of her body. She places multiple slices on her legs and right arm, even some on her ribs back and one on her face. Seconds later she begins covering her face and left arm in blood, before grabbing the phone and sticking it in her shirt pocket.]
Em: Th- Ok… That fucking hurt.
[Emi can be heard grabbing something out of her bag, hair can then be heard being messed with.]
Em: Ok, t- time to trick some idiots.
[Emi begins sprinting to the building, the camera becomes blurry and seconds later loud banging on glass is heard.]
[The screaming continues until a door can be heard opening, when the camera goes back into focus. A man in a security uniform is seen.]
?: Hey, are you ok lady?
[Voice identified: Henry.]
H: J- jesus… Come with me we have first-aid kits in the back.
?: [Distant.] Who's here?
[Voice identified: Ness.]
H: I don't know! Some lady who came out from the forest, she's hurt! Watch the main room for me ok?
Ne: [Distant.] Ok!
[Henry leads Emi down a hallway, after 10 seconds they reach a door. When the door is open, it reveals a room with multiple lockers and security cameras. Though they appear to be shut off. Henry steps around and out of frame, the sound of a door closing is heard.]
H: Just uh, sit down over there. I'll grab the first-aid kit.
Em: O- ok…
[Emi sits down on a metal table, when the camera faces the door a trail of blood is seen. There is nothing but deep breathing and someone moving stuff around for 2 minutes. After which the man identified as Henry pops back into frame.]
H: I- I'm sorry about your brother, really sorry.
[No response, Henry goes to bend down with the bandages but stops. Seemingly worried.]
H: Um… Y- Y'know something oddly similar to this happened to a friend… Just uh, you aren't going to bite me are you?
Em: N- No? Are you crazy? I'm not a snake!
H: Right… Say uh what's your name.
Em: Emi.
H: Wait wha-
[Before Henry can turn around Emi's left arm moves towards his torso, gun in hand and fires off a bullet. Henry immediately falls to the ground holding the wound.]
Em: God DAMN! You people are easy!
Ne: [Distant.] HENRY! WHAT WAS THAT!
H: [Weak.] N- Ness… R- run…
Em: Isn't it fun? What Eden's venom can do.
H: [Weak.] W- What…
Em: Yeah. The bullet was laced with some of her venom, not enough to kill you… Instantly I hope, because well… Instant death is boring Isn't it? The long drawn out type, the type that makes people hope. That's fun, now I should really get going. But first.
H: [Weak.] Fuck… You…
Em: Oh trust me, I have reservations for that buddy!
[Emi laughs, taking the phone out of her pocket and throwing it on Henry's body. The camera sees her, wearing a blond wig, place a gun and a note on the table. Before turning back to Henry.]
Em: Oh right, I almost forgot.
[Emi walks over to the phone, blood making the shape of a smile on her face. As she presses a button ending the transcript.]
[End transcript.]
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
hi love ur work!!! could u write an eddie munson x reader where reader tells him she’s pregnant and he kills himself in the upside down instead of being a parent. also could y/n be secretly vecna? thanks 🤩🤩
I'm on my way to tell my boyfriend, eddie munson, that i'm pregnant. i'm so scared he will be upset, but i know he loves me, and deep down i know that he would never hate me for anything. i'm just so scared for such a big change. a baby is a huge responsibility! i hope we can make it through this endeavor!
i knock on his door.
he opens it and i see him, wearing his iconic hellfire t-shirt and jean jacket, hair a frizzy mess, but that was my man! i lunge forward and trap him in a hug, pee stick in hand.
"why are you so happy? especially when vecna is going around killing everyone!" eddie warns me. little does he know... hehehe.
i show him the pregnancy test in my hand. he jumps back. "EW DON'T TOUCH ME WITH IT!" he exclaims as he wipes the peepee off of his clothes.
"sorry! i'm just so happy! we're gonna have a baby!" i smile big at him but he doesn't smile back. what's wrong, i wonder.
"i-is it mine?" he asks me like a dumbass.
"of course it's yours! i'm not a slut, munson!" i poke fun at him. he still doesn't smile back.
suddenly, over a walkie talkie, a frantic voice starts talking. i think it's dustin, his weird little friend. he's already basically a father figure to those young boys in his dnd club. i don't get why he isn't happier to be a real dad!
"listen... y/n... you should probably go... don't call me... don't come by my house... we're done"
"EDDIE NOOOOOO!" i scream but it is too late. he kicks me out of his trailer, and i land hard on my ass on the cold, hard, ground.
i'm so fucked!
on the boat at lover's lake, above the entrance to the upside down
"so, how are things between you and y/n, eddie?" steve asks him, looking wearily down at the glowing portal below. no one knows where exactly it could magically transport them.
"she told me she was pregnant, so i dumped her ass!" steve high fives him at this.
"nice one man!" steve is happy at this.
"shut up you two! we have to jump down there to the portal! we have no idea what might happen to us, though! what are we going to do?" nancy worries like the worrying bitch she is.
"i'll go first" eddie volunteers.
"eddie no! it coul dbe dangerous!!!" robin warns like the hot bitch she is.
"girl. danger is literally my middle name!" eddie tells her sexily then jumps off the boat into the unknown. they all follow soon, hoping eddie doesn't lead them to certain death.
as sooon as eddie wakes up, he is face to face with y/n, his pregnant ex-girlfriend. "w-what?"
"hi eddie" she says
"this can't be real!" he says but looks around and sees the rest of the gang down there with him.
"you bet your ass it is! if you don't want to be a father, then all your friends will have to die! also blarg!! i'm vecna! i'm actually evil and stuff and you r baby will be half vecna half munson!"
"noooooooo!" eddie curses the heavens above for his terrible fate. "it's a good thing i always carry around a rope!"
eddie takes out his pocket-rope and walks to a vecna tree, which is like a regular tree but it's in vecnas house and thats scary!
he ties a noose with the rope, and gets up on a chair.
"omg eddie nooooooooo!" steve cries but it is too late, eddie has tied the rope around his neck and jumped off.
he is now dead!
"noo! how will i ever raise my baby now!"
"omg girl he's dead..." robin whispers to nancy and nancy agrees bevcause its true.
"now you all have to go! prepare to die, teens!" y/n/vecna says in her vecna voice and she does the clock thing and then robin and nancy and steve all die from the vecna curse of whatever scares them or something.
"haha!" y/n/vecna exclaims in victory!
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cheswirls · 2 years
have been messing w my alola prev-gen plot lately and i keep seeing art of these two together as young trainers so i thought i would try a different sort of prev-gen for a bit. (:
[multi-part pre-dppt drabble(s). 1/? cynthia & sycamore & rowan]
the professor's summer intern picks him up from the airport.
cute, stubby, pumped full of life, and definitely younger than he. augustine cannot contain his disappointment at having his first in-person meeting with his mentor postponed. he was hoping for a grand tour around jubilife to mark his first day in the sinnoh region, but this, too, doesn't go as expected.
shirona, she introduces herself as. carefully, and without any excess language. she's clearly expecting him to attempt conversation with an odd assimilation of broken basic in a tongue heavy with his foreign accent. augustine surprises her by a near-perfect greeting, muttered over his shoulder while he hefts his one suitcase from the conveyor belt. (of course he could speak and understand basic – he'd needed to in some degree in order to make his research study here worthwhile.)
once they're out of the airport and on the streets, shirona takes one is his bags and tosses the strap over her shoulder so it hangs off of her back. she grabs his now-free hand and starts pulling him down the road. "c'mon, sandgem isn't far! nothing like a quick nature walk around here."
"and the professor will be there?" he asks, forcing his light frown into a neutral line. his shoes, unlike her travel boots, aren't really made for a 'brisk trip through nature'. which is on him, actually. he knew field work would be a big part of his tasks here. his other shoes were in his carry-on.
"no," shirona leads, trailing augustine's disappointment in her wake. "professor rowan had an errand to run today. that's why he sent me to get you! well, that's part of the reason, but–" she stops, mouth held open with no sound to be heard. after a moment she picks up the pace and allows her lips to curve into a soft grin. "nah, it's not that important."
exiting through the city gates leaves them in the midst of a sprawling wild space. shirona confirms he has a pokemon on him before sliding a pokeball of her own out of a pocket of her coat. she enlarges it for easy access and starts leading him through the maze, claiming a shortcut to rowan's lab.
some of augustine's sourness dies down as they begin to encounter wild pokemon. it's not much, the same four or so species, but it's enough to capture his curiosity. his companion is happy to explain to him the basics, and then augustine simply observes from there. moves, nuances, natures, size, everything his eyes and ears can track he inputs into his brain for safekeeping, until he can sit down later to jot it all down for real.
(shirona's partner is a gible. it comes as a shock. one that leaves him fingering the switch to his own gible's pokeball every now and then. her gible looks healthy, and just as peppy as its trainer. happy. excited to be there. it gives the young trainer more credibility in his eyes, probably more so than anything else she's done since they've met. probably the most credible thing she can do, in his eyes – demonstrate a great relationship with a hardy and stubborn breed of pokemon. it's well-known, after all, that dragon-types are the most difficult to train.)
just when he thinks he may be getting used to her loud company, the route opens out, and their first steps into sandgem send his mind tumbling down many other directions, leaving the quiet musings to die.
"pro~fes~sor!" shirona calls as soon as she throws the front doors to the lab wide open. "oh, wow, it's a wreck in here."
no one answers her call. augustine squeezes past and stands just left of the doorway, grip on the handle of his suitcase growing tight as he takes in the disaster of scattered papers and loose power cords.
"huh." shirona doesn't enter further. she sets one hand on her hip and the other under her chin, lost in thought. it's just enough hesitation to make augustine realize this condition isn't normal. isn't standard. that something is most likely wrong.
"sycamore, sir, wait here a moment."
augustine glances back over from where he'd been looking around the chaos of the lab. before he can get a word in, shirona has already darted off, heading deeper into the lab. her tight expression he catches a glimpse of is enough to set him on edge. he releases the suitcase handle to pull out gible's pokeball in its stead.
a minute passes with no signs of life. he's just taking a step forward, mind made up to seek out the girl, when the sound of someone running across the hardwood echoes back to him. shirona appears around the corner, harried, and waves a handwritten note around above her head in a frenzy.
"the lab pokemon are all gone!" she calls out. "they made a mess and then took off! this is terrible, really, if the professor comes back to this there will be big trouble!!"
"what kind of trouble, exactly?"
augustine's eyes widen at the sound of the gruff voice behind him, and shirona gulps, echoing his panic and then swallowing it with a squeak, arms moving behind her to hide the note.
when he turns around he finds himself face-to-face with his pokemon studies research mentor for the next six months.
"it's nothing, professor rowan, i just made a mess!" shirona confesses.
the door shuts with a loud clank by aid of the hand not holding a hefty briefcase. professor rowan takes this same hand and smoothes out his mustache, giving himself time to formulate a reply.
"you're much too well-behaved for something of this caliber," he decides. beside him, augustine nearly blanches. her? described like that??
then those same stern eyes are on him and augustine feels all the fight drain out of his body.
"you're the young sycamore, i take it?" he asks. augustine nods, all he can manage for the moment, but it's not ill-received, which is better than nothing at the moment. "maybe you can explain to me what is going on?"
"some, uh." he swallows rough. "some pokemon escaped, sir. apparently."
rowan's stare turns back to shirona in quick order, so fast that she surrenders the note to him out of pure intimidation before he can get another word out.
"we just got here ourselves," she confesses, head held low.
"then you cannot be held at fault," rowan states after giving the note a brief once-over. "i will still need your assistance, however."
shirona nods, standing to full height. her earlier confidence is still nowhere in sight, but there's some color to her face once again, which is a good sign.
"and you."
augustine gulps and stands at attention. the professor looks at him funny but doesn't question it. his eyes land on gible's pokeball and a twinkle gleams in their depths. they move around the lab's entrance next while he stuffs the paper into his coat pocket, observing all the deficits for himself.
"i'll give you the choice this first time," he decides. he might be smiling, but honestly, it's a little hard to tell from underneath the facial hair. he certainly seems more amused than he should be, given the condition of his laboratory. "you can stay behind and help me organize this mess, or set off with shirona to help locate the missing pokemon." one of his brows raises. "i will warn you. sorting paperwork is very boring. by far the least glamorous aspect of being a researcher."
"that's not a choice at all!" shirona exclaims, coming forward to take augustine's free hand. "of course he'd rather adventure with me! you can read reports to him all summer long. he only has one first day in sinnoh, and the sun's still up!"
"and?" the professor glances around her to meet his gaze once more. "what say you?"
"we won't come back until we find the pokemon," he promises.
the comment is shirona-approved, by the grin the shoots him. she doesn't give rowan a chance to reconsider, pulling them both from the lab with a shout about exploring –erm, checking– the beach first.
"but it's so cold out," he protests. "is the sea really worth seeing right now?"
her laughter rings loud in his ears. "absolutely."
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s-brant · 2 years
ok i’m back
- “don’t threaten me with a good time” COME ONNNDNDBDB god that made me squeal
- lifetime supply of blowjobs HES SO CHEEKY IM GONNA PUKE
- “take ‘em from me” IF I WAS STANDING I WOULDVE FALLEN TO MY KNEES SHUT UPP i would fold so quick jesus christ
- please daddy INDEED! that man will always be my sexy dilf <3
- man i love it was shehas those badass moments that just make harry seem beatable and tamed like yeah it’s obvi hot when harry has control of situations but the situations when she has the upper hand… i LOVE it
- WHO is gonna tell them that they’re both in love w each other fr like babes 🙄 come on now just admit it !!! (not rly i love the slow burn but ykwim)
- THE FINGER HOLDING JFC ur killing me here like actually i am cheesing SO hard my god knowing his hands are big as fuck too like his pinky is large enough for her two fingers shut up. shut up .
- YES DADDY I WILL !!!!!!!!
- ….oh that son of a bitch… i hate him .
- beautiful face 😒 go away i’m mad at u rn u sexy son of a bitch
oh my GOSH 😭😭 i think that might’ve been my fav chapter by far… he’s getting softer and opening up more :( i loveee how she communicates her feelings even though that may not be reciprocated by harry. the way she didn’t necessarily get mad at him for leaving her alone but actually talked to him about how he made her feel and ways he could improve if there ever was a next time and the way she set boundaries!! she said if u ever treat me like shit again i’m out! i loveee that so much. also the little ways she got back at him in this chapter was so cheeky and just cute and smart and i’m just so proud of her. hitmanrry is so dilf like damn that man is sexy. why do i forgive him EVERY time. also his favorite book :( why would u do that to me . the way he hasn’t read the ending bc he may be scared of what he may find like just stab me in the cooch - it would hurt less. AND TELL ME WHYY him saying he’ll handle his dick problems alone made me wanna cry like babe i’ll help u out if she doesn’t like 😫 don’t leave my man hanging like that HES HAD A ROUGH WEEK!!
you’ve done it again - idk how you do it but every chapter just gets better and better. i say it all the time but this series is truly one of, if not THE best thing i have ever read. like ever.
i also wanna know which part you were referring to when u said that u were finally getting around to writing it in this series!! was it the motorcycle part???
your reactions are killing me 😭 i also love when she gets the upper hand in situations with him, she’s gotta put him in his place sometimes.
“who’s gonna tell them that they’re both in love with each other” i don’t think they’d know even if someone hit them over the head with it lmao, they are certified oblivious. the finger holding had me screaming too don’t worry.
thank you darling 🥰 i’m so happy this is your favorite part because it’s definitely my favorite since part two (part two didn’t perform well in terms of notes but that was suuuuch a fun part to write) he is such a softie he just hides it well, like he’s been whipped for a while now let’s be real. and yeah i really like having lead girlies that actually try to stand up for themselves and set boundaries. obviously their relationship isn’t anything close to healthy, and i never set out to make it anything but the chaotic, toxic mess it is anyway. she’s also a sweetheart and went through so much with her mother and peter already that i think she has a lot more patience than most and a better ability at understanding them. most of which i feel can be contributed to her experiences with peter when he was struggling with his addiction. it’s no easy thing to be someone’s support during that process, whether they’re getting sober, relapsing, or in the height of their addiction, and it requires a lot of maturity and patience, so i feel like she has been prepared for harry’s issues so to speak.
the book :( yeah. oh and i SO forgive him every time too. i’m not under the illusion that he doesn’t behave in very unproductive and unhealthy ways in his interpersonal relationships, but i also know, because i created him lol, everything that made him this way and his true thoughts/feelings on things behind the hard shell, so i have a very big soft spot for him and forgive him every time as well.
hitmanrry is my baby. he’s innocent, ur honor.
also, the motorcycles weren’t planned. i mean, i knew i vaguely wanted to do a scene of them riding motorcycles but i wasn’t chomping at the bit to write it. the parts i’ve been dying to write are the more domestic scenes of them, harry starting to open up, and introducing the parallels between this story, as well as harry’s character, and papillon. i read a quote from his tattoo artist about papillon inspiring his butterfly tatt and have had that planned as a motif of the story for a bit.
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