#seungmin x y/n
soobnny · 11 months
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ten things kim seungmin says when he thinks you’re asleep — fluff, established relationship, a sprinkle of angst
chan | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | SEUNGMIN | jeongin
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one. i know i complain a lot when you reach out to grab my hand but i actually really like it. please don’t stop doing it. i guess, i just have never been used to touching anyone intimately, even if it’s just holding hands. but it feels safe when it’s with you. i didn’t know before that it was possible to have your whole world in your hand, but it feels so much like that when i’m holding yours. and for a moment, it makes me think my thoughts are closer to you. can you hear how much i love you?
two. you make me believe in forever. god—what have you done to me? i’ve always known things come to an end eventually, but knowing you and loving you has made me yearn for an eternity. i hope i make you believe in a forever too.
three. the boys told me i’ve gotten softer. i’m not quite sure what they mean, but they told me it’s because of you. i think they might be right.
four. you looked tired today, and you didn’t finish the meal i cooked for you. i know you hate being coddled when you’re upset so i don’t do it, but i wish i could do more. ah, please eat well tomorrow. i’m worried. you know you can tell me anything, right?
five. you know, i almost cried a few hours ago. it was because you started crying! i’m sorry you thought you couldn’t tell me about it, but thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. it’s gonna be okay, yeah? you’ve survived everything so far, so you’ll survive this one too.
six. i noticed something when i went out to karaoke with the boys. i think of you when i sing love songs. i didn’t notice it at first—not until hyunjin pointed out how i was smiling so much, more than i normally would. you know how i feel about my smile. then i realized it’s because i was thinking of you. i smile without thinking because of you. i’d never tell you this, ah i can already hear you teasing me but every love song is dedicated to you. they’re only ever for you.
seven. it’s so lovely to see how i’ve grown with you. i really think you’ve helped me change for the better. thanks for sticking around even when i got annoyed really easily. i didn’t think anyone could believe in me as much as you did.
eight. i hope you’ll do what makes you happy. it’s all i’ll ever ask of you.
nine. i think i need to tell you i love you more often. i don’t say it a lot, but i really do. it’s just that—my heart hurts when i say it. i think i love you too much.
ten. goodnight. i’ll smile tomorrow for you.
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sunboki · 4 months
baby fever! w kim seungmin because i am suffering unimaginably from my absolute need to have a baby HELP
he would be so sweet?? like i- 😭😭
at some point he would begin hinting at it, whether that’s claiming certain baby clothes are cute or even straight up bringing it up
if you’re hesitant, be prepared to witness a very pouty, though nonetheless respectful seungmin who, after many attempts, convinces you
granted, this isn’t a one time thing, but your own kid — meaning, before even trying for a baby, matters need to be discussed
although… let’s just say there weren’t any problems in the baby-making department.. courtesy of the baby-fever induced husband of yours 😀
i know for certain he cried during your ultrasound, pretending he was rubbing his eye till you noticed the swelling tears poor bby :((
he’s simply enamored by you?? in every way?? how is this possible
not to mention when you begin showing and he is SMITTEN (not like he wasn’t before)
stares at you with heart eyes i swear
you’re just so beautiful and adorable and round and sweet, rip seungmin’s heart </33
stands behind you all the time with his hands reaching to rest over your bump, rocking back and forth so happily
swaying to a slow song in the kitchen together >>
also, when i say he’s serious about you becoming overstimulated, i’m not kidding it’s his sixth sense
the moment your lip starts to tremble or you start to become overly emotional or overwhelmed he’s all over you, gently holding your face and treating you oh so carefully, paying attention to your every need
especially when you go out, if you begin to feel nervous or exhausted, anticipate a very concerned yet protective husband to hold you close to him, practically shielding you from the rest of the world like your personal cozy space
he ordered that soup you like but you lost interest right after he brought it in? no problem, seungmin is here to cater to any and every craving
feet hurting? back achy? say less, free massages every night no matter how busy his day was
whatever circumstances, you and the baby are his first priorities, always
expect him to sing soooo many lullabies (and they’re so pretty HOW)
sets up the nursery w the help of the other boys, likely checks if everything is baby-safe a billion times
..he might’ve passed out during the delivery… but you didn’t hear it from me
definitely has the baby carrier on his front all the time, feeding your baby little snacks while roaming around the studio
seungmin swears he’s never been more in love in his entire life (that is, apart from when it comes to you), so on the first night you get to bring the baby home, he has them swaddled to his chest, unwilling to let go
if only your little one knew he had your husband wrapped around his finger ☹️
sunboki, may 2022 ©
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secretsecretbunny · 4 months
hi can you make a fake text with bestfriend!seungmin where you're both in the same classroom texting and he notices you're simping for your professor instead of paying attention? (maybe he's jealous? idk go wild >.<)
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this is my first time writing for seungmin pls lmk if it's okay 🫰🏼
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miel-ji · 11 months
Wanted It Forever
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Genre: angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort 
Pairing: Seungmin x Fem!Reader 
Word Count: 2k
Warning: argument, crying, depression 
Summary: After a fight unresolved, you’re left to wonder if there is even a relationship anymore to salvage
A/N: based on this request!! I hope this is what you were looking for <33 love when I get asks!!
“Oh my god, Y/n! Please, how many times are we going to have to go through this?” Seungmin asked you with wide eyes, his hands running through his hair for the nth time that night making it look wild and unruly. 
“Until you prioritize me for once in your life!” You shouted back at him. Your voice was strained, and it came out sounding more like a plea, desperate to get him to understand how you felt. 
You weren’t sure how long the two of you had been fighting for, but it felt like hours of just going in circles. You weren’t even sure what exactly started it, but the second you got to the root of the problem, everything seemed to unravel from trying to pretend that it was all fine for so long. You were in a standoff in the middle of the kitchen with him on one side of the island and you on the other, creating the distance that you had been starting to feel inside. You had tried to be patient with Seungmin, but it felt like the more you ignored it, the more he stopped even trying. 
He let out a long and frustrated sigh, “why are you being so needy and unreasonable? You know that I’m an idol. You know that I have a lot of responsibilities. I try to give you as much attention as I can. Why isn’t that enough for you?” Seungmin was always trying to maintain an even tone during an argument, but you could tell this one was wearing the both of you thin. It scared you a bit as the thought of this being the final argument played in the back of your mind. 
You scoffed disbelievingly at his words. You had no time to feel hurt by his accusations as you only felt anger simmering inside you from him not willing to see it from your perspective. “Needy? Unreasonable? Seungmin, you really think this is all about attention? This is the third time you’ve stood me up on a date. We haven’t properly gone out as a couple in over a month!” 
“You think I want to? I’m busy, Y/n! I thought you knew what you were getting into when we started dating.” He threw his hands up in frustration as he offered you the same excuse as he always did. 
“The Seungmin I started dating actually made me feel like his girlfriend! You put me on the backburner for everything these days, not just work. Am I so wrong for wanting to feel important to you?” All of your emotions were starting to bubble over, and you could feel the hot tears welling in your eyes. You swallowed thickly and clenched your fist, trying to stay in control. 
Seungmin leaned back against the cabinets with his arms folded. He was silent for a moment with your collective breathing being the only sound in the room. His head was bowed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “You are important to me, Y/n.” He said, stressing each word firmly before looking at you again. “I don’t know what else you want me to do. I can’t just ignore my career for you.” 
You dragged both hands down your face, “You’re not listening to me!” 
“I am listening to you, but you’re not being fair!” he volleyed back defensively. 
You laughed sardonically as you took in the absurdity of looping back through another circle. “I can’t do this anymore,” you rubbed your temples as you started to pace. 
“Do what? This relationship?” Seungmin asked you bitterly. You froze in your spot, and the tension in the room was palpable. Were you both really calling your relationship into question? Had it really gotten that far? 
Your heart was quickening in pace at the thought, and it was getting harder to breathe. You were trembling from all the pent up emotion, and you tried to take a deep breath before facing Seungmin again. He was watching you closely with his eyebrows furrowed, and the hurt you saw reflected in his eyes made your anger slightly recede. “No, Seungmin,” you started defeatedly, with your shoulders slumping. “I just need a break.” 
“A break,” Seungmin repeated before it was his turn to laugh sardonically and shake his head. “You know what, fine. I’ll go.” He grumbled as he grabbed his keys with urgency and stalked over to the doorway.
You just watched as he quickly slipped on his shoes and paused as he reached for the door handle. He tilted his head up, and you could see his eyes were glossy as his bangs fell away from his face. It felt like a knife was twisting in your heart as you clearly saw how torn up he looked in that moment, seconds from breaking down like you. You wanted to reach out to him, but you couldn’t say anything as he took a deep breath and walked through the door. 
The air was stiff with finality as the sound of him harshly closing your door reverberated off the walls. As soon as he was gone, you crumpled to the floor and hugged your knees to your chest, and you purged yourself of the tears and frustration. Sobs wracked your body as you thought back on everything that had just happened, and how much it hurt you that Seungmin couldn’t just tell you what you needed to hear. You just needed to know that your relationship was worth making time for to him, but he did little to reassure you. 
The feeling of Seungmin’s absence was overwhelming, and you couldn’t do anything to ease the sense of dread from the thought of losing him. You felt as weak as a puddle on the floor as you cried until you could only hiccup, and your head was pounding. You mustered up the strength you could to get yourself up only to bury yourself under the covers in your bed to block out the rest of the world. Not even sleep offered you comfort as your dreams were plagued with memories shared with Seungmin. 
Seungmin and you were alike in so many ways that he made you believe in twin flames and soulmates. You both have the same way of thinking, you both reach the same conclusions, and overall you both just have the same perspective. You understood each other on a level that you had never felt understood with anyone else, but it also meant you shared the same flaws. Right now, you were worried that being such mirrored souls would be what caused the end of your relationship. 
You were both stubborn and hated admitting when you were wrong, so making up after a fight was always another struggle until eventually you both caved in. This fight had been different though. When you and Seungmin had parted ways, you weren’t even sure if there was still a relationship to be mended. You were hesitant to reach out as you replayed the argument in your head, but the moment that stuck with you the most was the look in Seungmin’s eyes before he walked out, making you doubt if he even wanted you to reach out. So you waited, and when a week went by without communication, you were feeling like you had your answer. 
You had just been going through the motions of life ever since then, and if you did feel something other than miserable, it was just numb. With each day that passed that your and Seungmin’s relationship was still in the air, you felt that hope slipping further and further away from you that it was just another bump in the road. You had been with him for over a year, and you couldn’t just forget the plans and promises you made together. For the first time, you had wanted it forever. 
Some of the members had guessed that something was wrong between you and Seungmin with how long he was staying at the dorm and tried to check up on you, but you didn’t have the energy. You were just tired, and everyday you came home and crawled right back into bed, hoping to finally get some proper rest. However, your heart didn’t agree with your head as it couldn’t stop waiting for Seungmin until your eyes welled with tears and spilled down your cheeks. That’s where you were when you heard another knock on your door, and you groaned as you dragged yourself out of bed. Assuming it was one of the members again, you quickly tried your best to make yourself look presentable. 
You took a deep breath to open the door, only to have it stolen by who greeted you on the other side. “Seungmin?” You asked tentatively, your voice barely a whisper, almost afraid that he was just a mirage curated to console your heart ache. 
“Bubs,” he said, voice just as delicate and wavering slightly. The pet name made you feel a pang of sadness in your chest, but also a sense of relief in the same moment. He took a shaky breath, “can we… can we talk?” He looked up through his bangs with wide, pleading eyes and a tilt of his head that made him look like a wounded puppy. 
All you could do was nod and step aside to let him in, still trying to process he was here, and you felt a sliver of hope for the first time since he walked out. You softly closed the door and took a second to gather your courage as you turned to face him. You crossed your arms over your chest, waiting for him to continue, but you could tell that he was nervous from his hands fidgeting with the hem of his t-shirt. When his eyes met yours again, they looked tired and sad. 
He looked as afflicted as you felt inside, and you wondered if he’s been going through the same struggle as you had this week. “I’m… I’m sorry,” he started, shoulders slumping as he looked deflated. “I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend lately, and I’m sorry for not listening to you.” His eyebrows were furrowed and lips parted as he collected himself to continue. “But I meant it when I said you were important to me, and if you forgive me…” He took a cautious step towards you and gently took your hand in his, “I’ll do everything that I can to prove that to you. I love you, Y/n. Please forgive me?” His voice slightly cracked as he asked you the question, looking up at you with tears welling in his eyes. 
“I love you too,” you said softly, looking back at him with round, vulnerable eyes. The corners of his mouth turned up a little in a small smile, and your heart picked up pace with how much you’ve missed him. “I want to make this work with you.” 
At your words, he pulled you into a tight embrace, and your body fit perfectly against his as he wrapped his arms securely around you. He cradled your head softly with his fingers tangling in your hair, and you buried yourself in his neck, letting his comforting scent wash over you. He let out a shaky breath, and you felt his body shiver against you as he laughed in relief, “I want to make this work too, more than anything. I can’t lose you, bubs.” His voice was still raspy with emotion. 
You pulled back to gaze into his eyes again, seeing nothing but love filling in the deep dark depths of them. You cupped the sides of his face with both hands, “never.” You reassured him before leaning in to give him a sweet, tender kiss on his soft lips, conveying all the love and longing you have felt. It was balm for your soul as you felt him kiss you back, warm hands gripping your waist with a familiarity that you craved. You finally felt peace in his arms, knowing this wasn’t the fight that ended everything, but the one that would make everything stronger in the end. 
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srslyscary · 2 months
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replaced? // ot8
telling skz that you’re replacing them by another kpop idol
Including: bang chan, lee know, changbin, hyunjin, han, seungmin, felix, jeongin
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tags: @sixxze
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chlix · 9 months
to do what i can do
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pairing: seungmin x f!reader
genre: fluff, light angst
word count: 6.1k
warnings: insecurity, light angst, exactly three (3) uses of "y/n"
synopsis: after a conversation with hyunjin's girlfriend, you grow worried that you aren't putting enough work and attention into your relationship. seungmin dissuades you of this idea immediately.
a/n: literally never done this before so sorry if this formatting isn't standard. also ignore any spelling errors pls <3
Seungmin kisses you goodbye every morning. It’s like clockwork: he puts on his shoes, pours his coffee in a mug, kisses you goodbye, and is out the door. Both of you are routine-oriented people. You like schedules and organized silverware drawers. Ever since you first got together, Seungmin has been kissing you goodbye whenever you part ways, and nearly a year later that hasn’t changed. It’s sweet that he always remembers, and the fact that it’s practiced doesn’t make it feel any less sincere.
This morning is more of the same. You get up before him, as always, and put the coffee on. You check your emails while your breakfast cooks. Seungmin emerges just as the food is done (too late to actually eat it, as always) and goes to get his coat and shoes from the door. He loops back around to put his coffee in the cup you washed the previous night and leans down to where you’re sitting at the table to kiss you lightly on the lips. It’s so rote as to be unnotable, but it makes you smile anyway, your day instantly brighter.
“I love you,” you call after him, as you always do, and Seungmin waves as he leaves, throwing a “Be safe!” over his shoulder.  And then the door closes, and you’re alone.
In a few minutes, you’ll go to work at your office job. Later, you’ll come home and make dinner. At some point in the day, Seungmin will text you to let you know if he’ll be coming home or not, so that you’ll know if you need to make one portion or two. You normally make two anyway, and just leave the second wrapped up in the fridge. If worst comes to worst, you don’t mind eating the leftovers. It’s far more horrible in your mind to not have food ready for him when he is home. It’s not that Seungmin expects food from you. He’s expressed multiple times that he can buy food on his way home. But you like cooking for him, and lately you don’t get much chance because he’s so busy. You want things to be perfect when he’s home because the time you get together is precious. You’re not obsessive about it, or anything. You’re not “playing housewife” as your friends sometimes say. It’s not a crime to want to take care of your boyfriend.
Right now is a bit of a hectic period, and you haven’t seen him much for a while. You were surprised he even had the time to come home the previous night, although of course you were grateful. When he does come home, he gives you his undivided attention, like you’re the only person on earth. It makes the wait worth it. And he kisses you goodbye every morning because he loves you, and you can feel it on your lips all day, and it assuages the loneliness you might otherwise feel.
Today you have lunch with Ahrin, Hyunjin’s girlfriend. You have good relationships with the partners of all the boys, but you’re a bit closer to Ahrin, maybe because you two are so similar. Ahrin is quieter than the other women, and is more content to observe rather than participate. She’s witty and sharp-tongued, but still kind, and has a gentleness to her that makes her easy to open up to. She calls you up and complains she hasn’t seen you in a while and asks to have a meal with you that afternoon. You haven’t been feeling work very much, and you do miss her, so you agree to take a late lunch and meet her a cafe near your office.
Ahrin is radiant as always, and you make small talk about your families before devolving into complaining about mundanities: annoyances at work and the price of fruit at the supermarket. As you’re speaking, you notice Ahrin is wearing a dainty gold necklace that you don’t recognize, and cut yourself off to ask about it.
“Oh, this? It’s Cartier. Hyunjin bought it for me,” she says, bringing a hand up to touch the small pendant like she’d forgotten she was wearing it. “He’s on this kick about couple’s jewelry.”
“It’s beautiful,” you say, and you mean it. It suits Ahrin’s softness and sophistication. He may have bought it because it was Cartier, but he clearly put some thought into it besides the designer label.
“Thank you,” she says, genuinely pleased. “I try to wear something he bought me whenever I go visit him.”
“Are you going to see him today?”
“I just come from there, actually. He took my credit card in his wallet, so I had to go get it back.”
“Oldest trick in the book,” you say.
Ahrin rolls her eyes. “I know. But it’ll work every time. I can’t help that I need it to go about my day.”
She doesn’t sound the least bit bothered. Ahrin and Hyunjin have been together for two years, and it’s a trick he’s pulled ever since they started living together, the “accidentally taking one of Ahrin’s things to work.” You’ve asked her before why she doesn’t confront him about it, but she says that she thinks it’s cute how he keeps coming up with excuses to see her, and anyway, she also likes having excuses to see him.
You also think it’s cute, if in a more wistful way. Seungmin is organized to a T, and he’s never needed you to bring him something he’s forgotten or vice versa. In fact, you can’t remember if you’ve ever visited him at work at all. You don’t think it’s that strange, though. It’s not like he’s made a habit of showing up to your workplace. Also, you likely wouldn’t have the time even if he’d offered. It does dampen your mood a bit though, especially as Seungmin texts you in the middle of your conversation that he in fact, would not be coming home today, meaning you would have to eat dinner alone tonight.
Ahrin notices the dip in your mood as you set your phone back on the table.
“Bad news?” she asks.
You swipe the notification away.
“It’s nothing. Seungmin just texting me about how busy they are.”
Ahrin hums in understanding. “Well, what can you do. At least it’s not as crazy as it was a few months ago.”
“Isn’t it?” You’ve been seeing less of Seungmin than you had in ages, and you’d assumed it was because their schedules had been bordering on unbearable lately. But Ahrin looks confused at your question.
“I don’t think so. Busier than last month, yeah. But they’re not filming anything right now, so the schedule isn’t as rigid. Seungmin hasn’t talked to you about this?”
You feel embarrassed, somehow. “He doesn’t talk about work much when he’s with me. He likes to keep it separate.”
“That makes sense. You should ask him to share his schedule with you, though. What if you need him and you don’t know where he is, or when he’ll answer?”
“I know where he’s at, generally. He tells me if he’s traveling. I just don’t know the minutiae.”
“You’re allowed to know. You should, for your own peace of mind.”
It’s not that it hadn’t occurred to you to ask. Seungmin told you his whereabouts if you questioned him, and he even volunteered information every once in a while, so you hadn’t thought much of it. And you didn’t suspect him of cheating on you ever in a million years. You knew he had other hobbies and friends as well- a whole life outside you that you weren’t privy to and didn’t need to be. But was it possible you were being a bit too aloof about your boyfriends daily habits? Why didn’t he share what he was doing, if he wasn’t at work? Why didn’t you know?
“I’ll ask him,” you say. “You’re right.”
Ahrin smiles encouragingly, and the topic is dropped for other matters. The odd feeling in your stomach doesn’t settle, though, and by the time you’ve finished your day and sat down to eat dinner, you realize you’ve unfortunately lost your appetite.
Seungmin calls you the next day to say he’ll be staying at the dorm for several days, and you tell him okay, thanks for telling me, I love you, goodbye. After you hang up the phone, you berate yourself for not asking more questions. You’re his girlfriend. You should be care that he’s leaving you alone for days at a time, you think as you drive to work. Maybe he’d been waiting for you to ask what he’d be doing or pester him for spoilers about the group’s upcoming plans. Maybe he wanted you to pout and whine about missing him and beg him to come home. You’d never done any of those things before, but maybe you should be. Maybe he’d called you hoping you would do those things and had hung up the phone disappointed.
The central problem of dating an idol is always a scarcity of time. They’re always busy, and because they’re always busy, you as a partner need to have a life outside them that is full and fulfilling, and sometimes those two schedules conflict. You can go long stretches without spending meaningful time together, and it’s hard to cope with, especially when they’re within driving distance of you, but still inaccessible. You know, though, that a scarcity of time does not always mean a scarcity of attention. You’ve seen it in Ahrin and Hyunjin, in the Cartier necklace and the missing credit card, that Hyunjin thinks about Ahrin all the time, and Ahrin knows that he does, is thinking of him just as much if not more. She can languish in the thought that even if Hyunjin is not with her, he desperately wishes he was, and when she wears his necklaces and bracelets and $500 hair clips, Hyunjin knows she is also desperately thinking about him.
You and Seungmin don’t have a system like that. Seungmin isn’t in the habit of buying you expensive gifts, for starters. He’s frugal with his money, hyperaware that one day his youth and fame will fade, and he won’t have such extravagant income. You’re similarly pragmatic, and you’ve never resented him for this. And that’s not to say he never spends money on you. He buys you flowers and takes you on expensive dates. He bought you a new laptop and headphones without you saying anything, and your closet is full of fancy dresses that are each tied to a high class outing you’ve been on. For each one, he’d bought himself a shirt and jacket to match. But those aren’t things you wear every day to show off. They’re for special occasions, specific memories. There’s nothing you wear or carry daily that marks you as ‘his.’
And honestly, you’ve never really thought about yourself that way. You and Seungmin are together, and you live together (by whatever measure your living arrangements currently count as), but you’ve never longed to be “branded” in a way befitting a pair of earrings or an oversized sweater. You wear his clothes at home, but never out. You don’t feel the need to show up to his practices and recording sessions. You’ve never even asked if you were allowed. If Seungmin bought you a Cartier necklace, you aren’t totally sure you would wear it.
It hits you like a freight train when you put it all together: You don’t care enough about Seungmin. You’re comfortable with him, you feel like you love him, but you don’t care about him the way you’re supposed to care about him. You’re not involved enough. But then, the same goes for him too, doesn’t it? He knows what you do for work, but he rarely asks you about anything other than a cursory how was your day? He doesn’t pester you for anything, doesn’t ask you to visit him or stay up for him when he comes home late. Aren’t those things that he should expect from you as a girlfriend? Why doesn’t he care that you’re so obviously neglecting him? When he kisses you goodbye in the morning, is that because he misses you, or is that just a habit formed over these past months, a meaningless part of the morning ritual he couldn’t resist if he tried?
You feel caught in a lurch, unsure what to do now. Seungmin deserves better than you, clearly. He deserves a girlfriend who actually gives a fuck about his life. But maybe, if you start making up for it now, he’ll forgive the past few months of you being so terrible. He’ll realize that you are an attentive girlfriend, and that you do care about him and that you love him, and you can prove it, you swear, it took you a while to realize what was wrong but you’ve got it all straightened out now. 
You can change. You can fix this. You know you can.
The next time Seungmin comes home, you wake up first the next morning, like always. You go to put the coffee on, and you make breakfast, and you check your emails. Seungmin comes out, walks past you to his shoes and coat, and doubles back to get his morning coffee.
“Busy day today?” you ask.
Seungmin freezes in his movements, caught off guard by your question. He recovers quickly enough, and answers. “Not particularly. Vocal practice, some other things.”
“Oh, good. Do you think you’ll be home today then?”
Seungmin turns to face you, his cup abandoned on the counter, unfilled. “Is everything alright?”
“Is something wrong? Do we need to talk?”
Oh god, it’s worse than you thought. Asking if he’s going to be home to eat dinner is enough for him to think something is amiss. Have you truly never asked him that before?
“Everything’s fine. It would just be nice to eat dinner with you, is all.”
Seungmin relaxes. He leans down to kiss you, but it lingers longer than normal, as if he’s savoring the touch, your attention. “I’ll do my best,” he promises. “I love you. Have a nice day.”
You absolutely blossom under his affection, the verbosity atypical for so early in the morning.
“I love you too. Be safe.”
“I always am,” he says, and presses another peck to your lips before pulling away. He finishes pouring his coffee, grabs his coat, and waves as he leaves. You sit at the table, vibrating with satisfaction. You’re doing it, you’re giving him what he needs. Maybe all hope isn’t lost for you two just yet.
Your sky-high mood follows you to work, and the day keeps getting better with the discovery of cupcakes in the break room. One of your coworkers’ kids just had a birthday, and they had way too much food left over. You take one back to your desk to nibble on while you work, and even the mundanity of your daily tasks can’t bring you down from how well this day is turning out. Around midmorning, it occurs to you that this is the perfect opportunity to do something else nice for Seungmin by bringing him cupcakes. They’re not filming, which means they’re not on diets, so he can handle a bit of sugar and frosting, especially if it’s a gift from you. You borrow a container from the staff kitchen to carry some cupcakes and decide to defer your own lunch to deliver them across the city.
When you get to the JYPE building, though, you realize you have no idea what to do. You’re fairly sure you’re allowed access; the other girlfriends pop in and out all the time. But it’s possible no one here recognizes you, since this is the first time you’ve shown your face around here.
Being spontaneous is cute and quirky, but standing around lost and embarrassed grows tiring within seconds. You give up and decide to text Seungmin.
Are you busy?, you send, standing awkwardly by the door and hoping security doesn’t throw you out. Thankfully, he responds quickly.
Not super. Do you need to call?
Actually I’m in the lobby of your building. Can you come down?
Typing, and then a pause. Then more typing. Eventually the message comes through.
You can’t decode that at all. It strikes you for the first time that you may be bothering him by driving over here. You did ask if he was busy, though. And it stood to reason that if you had time for a 5-minute phone call, he had time to come downstairs and accept the gift you’d brought him. It isn’t intrusive. This is what people do for each other when they care about each other.
It only takes a few minutes for Seungmin to round the corner into the lobby. His face is creased in concern, even worse than he’d looked this morning, and he’s walking at a brisk pace to stand right in front of you.
“Hey,” he says. “What’s going on?”
You don’t know how to respond to his intensity, so you just hold out the container towards him. “I brought you cupcakes.”
Seungmin’s eyebrows furrow in utter confusion. “You…made cupcakes?”
“I didn’t make them. A coworker brought them in. But I remember you saying you liked cupcakes, and I had a free minute, so I thought I’d bring them over before they got finished.”
Seungmin accepts the box gingerly, as though it contains a nest of wild hornets, or lit sticks of dynamite. “You drove all the way over here to give this to me?”
Your doubts go from an inkling to a full-on tumult. “Yes, I did. I was just thinking of you…I thought you might like something sweet.”
You don’t mean to look dismayed, but Seungmin must clue-in to the fact that this isn’t the reaction you were hoping for. He shifts the box to one hand and laces your fingers together with his other.
“Thank you for thinking of me,” he says. “But you don’t need to go out of your way to bring me things.”
“It’s not out of my way. I had time.”
“Let me rephrase. You shouldn’t expend your lunch hour to bring me food. When are you going to eat now?”
“I’ll stay an extra half hour. It’s fine.”
Seungmin clearly isn’t satisfied with this. He tugs lightly on your arm, bidding you to follow, and you do, unsure of what else to do.
He takes you up a floor, and down a hallway to what seems to be a regular employee break room, where he gestures for you to sit down at one of the tables. You do, and he walks over to the fridge to get bottled water and brings back one for you, along with napkins and a knife from the drawer next to the fridge.
“If you aren’t going to eat lunch, you might as well share your spoils with me,” Seungmin says. He opens the container and takes out one of the cupcakes (and they are huge, to be honest, you kind of can’t believe they’re from a kid’s birthday party) and cuts it in half.
“Pick a side,” he says, and you do, and he carefully picks it up and lays it on a paper towel before sliding it towards you. He takes the other half, and you pick your desserts apart with your fingers. Seungmin tells an anecdote about Jeongin from their vocal lesson that morning. It’s…nice. You’re just spending time with your boyfriend, a quick stolen minute in the midst of your busy lives. The frosting is sickeningly sweet, and you find yourself reaching for the bottle of water without even thinking of it, and only later preen at the realization that Seungmin knew you would need to wash the artificial taste out and had brought you water preemptively. He knows you well enough to identify if something would suit your palette with only a glance.
Both of you don’t have much time to spare, so after fifteen minutes you wipe off your hands and clean off the table.
“I’ll bring the rest of these back upstairs,” he says. “They won’t last ten minutes once the others see them.”
“That’s fine. That’s what I was hoping for, actually.”
“And here I thought you brought these only for me,” he says, but his lips are curled up, teasing. He kisses you goodbye, like always, lips sugary-sweet and soft as cotton-candy. “Thank you for stopping by. I’ll see you tonight.”
Your heart grows three sizes. You’re on cloud nine. “Anytime,” you say.
That night you try very hard not to be an absolute freak about dinner. You cook nearly every day, so the cooking itself isn’t that special, but for some reason your usual rotation doesn’t feel good enough. Seungmin is coming home for the second day in a row, and you don’t want to reuse ingredients, or phone it in when you’d specifically asked him to come home. At the same time, a five-course meal is definitely doing way too much. You stop by the store on the way home and scan the shelves, before wrestling yourself into a compromise and getting ingredients for a meal you both enjoy, but you’re normally too lazy to bother after a long day at work. It’s nothing fancy, just time-consuming, but you’re in such high spirits that the labor doesn’t even feel harrowing.
Seungmin gets home a few minutes before you’re properly done, with the pot on the stove ticking down steadily as you wash dishes and spoons. Seungmin greets you as he walks in but vanishes quickly down the hall to shower and change into inside clothes. By the time he reappears, you’re all but done, and you’ve never been more satisfied with yourself as you dish the food into two bowls and set them on the table. Sure, maybe it’s “playing housewife” a little bit, but you don’t even care. If playing housewife is this rewarding, you might have to start doing it more often.
Seungmin raises his eyes as the dinner you prepared.
“Didn’t you complain that this is hard to make?” he asks. You shrug.
“Felt like cooking today,” is all you say. “No biggie.”
Seungmin sits down at the table, pushes his plate to the side, and looks directly at you. “Y/n. What’s going on?”
Anxiety shoots through you. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Yes, you do. I’m not oblivious. You’ve been acting off all day.”
“Visiting me at the company? Cooking this fancy dinner? It’s not like you at all.”
“That’s not me being ‘off.’ I just missed you, that’s all.”
“Have I not been paying enough attention to you? Is that why?”
“No! I mean, you have. There is no ‘why’. Am I not allowed to miss my boyfriend?”
Seungmin looks distinctly unimpressed. “Nice try. Wanna go again?”
All your good humor from earlier is dissolving into your soup. “You’re mocking me.”
“I’m not mocking you.”
“I was trying to do something nice for you. I just wanted to spend time with you today. Is that so wrong?”
“It’s not wrong. It’s just unusual for you. When you told me you showed up at the company, I thought something horrible had happened, because you never visited me before.”
“And that doesn’t bother you?”
“What doesn’t?”
“That I never visit.”
“Why would that bother me?”
All your anxieties are simmering near the top, threatening to boil over. “Because the other members’ girlfriends visit all the time. I know they do. They have security clearance and everything. But I never do. I don’t even know where you are most days if I wanted to visit you.”
Seungmin frowns. “You’re busy. You have a job you’re at all day, same as me. Some of the other members’ girlfriends work less or have other things going on.”
“Maybe that’s the problem,” you mutter. “Maybe I have too much going on.”
Seungmin looks hesitant at this. “If you feel you need to cut back, I’ll support you.”
“Is that what you want? Do you think I should work less?”
“No, I don’t. That’s not my decision anyway.”
“But I just…” You’re cracking, you know you are, you can hear it in your voice- “I just want to be there for you more. I want to be attentive.”
“You are attentive. You’re there for me all the time.”
“I’m not!” It bursts out of you more violently than even you expected. Seungmin is taken aback, eyes widening as you finally break. “I’m so aloof towards you, it’s awful. I never know where you are, or what you’re doing. I never ask you to come home to me. I don’t stay up for you. I don’t visit you. Other girlfriends have bracelets or necklaces they wear for their boyfriends, and I don’t do any of that. No one would even know we were dating, based on how we are now.” You suck in a breath, reminding yourself to stay calm. “I just don’t even know what you get out of being with me. I don’t do anything I’m supposed to do, and you keep letting me get away with it. And I thought if I changed, and I started trying harder, maybe I could fix it before you realize that I don’t deserve you.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, humiliation and sadness making you feel dizzy and hot. Now that you’ve said it all out, it sounds ridiculous. It’s not as if you could fix a behavioral pattern with one good day. If your relationship really is rotten through, all you’ve done is draw attention to the problem and made it even worse. Contrasted with how you acted today, the past eleven months must seem downright hollow.
Seungmin sighs. “Y/n, look at me, please.”
You open your eyes and are horrified to see Seungmin looking absolutely mournful where he sits across the table. He looks so aggrieved, so weighed down, and a horrible rock forms in the pit of your stomach.
“First of all,” he says. “I don’t ever want to hear you say again that you don’t deserve me. It’s not true, and I won’t have you putting yourself down like that. You don’t decide what I deserve, I do. And I’ve decided you’re exactly what I want.”
You blink, confused at the turn of events. It’s a very Seungmin thing to say, yes, but in this situation, you didn’t expect him to double down on it so earnestly.
“Second of all, you’re not aloof towards me. I know you love me, and you care for me in your own ways. I also know you have a life outside of me that keeps you busy. I’m grateful for that. I would feel horrible if you spent a significant amount of your day just waiting around for me when we both know I can’t always be there.”
“That’s different,” you can’t help but interject. “You’re an idol. You can’t help that you’re busy.”
“You can’t help being busy either. Being an idol isn’t any more important than any other job. You have responsibilities too.”
You deflate, sagging in your chair. He takes this as license to continue.
“Third, I didn’t think you were the type to wear jewelry every day. If you want me to get you something, I can do that. I just didn’t want you to feel pressured to wear something just because I bought it and it was expensive. Someday, if we get married, you’ll wear my ring, and that’ll be enough for me.”
He’s right. You don’t usually wear jewelry every day, and you would feel bad about not wearing something he’d specifically bought you as a gift. You’re starting to feel more and more foolish as this conversation continues.
Thankfully, his itemized list ends there, and he leans forward, dark eyes fixed on yours. He doesn’t look angry, or upset, just focused. Leave it to Seungmin to mind-map his way through a relationship crisis.
“Can you tell me what brought this on? It’s unlike you to be insecure. If I’ve done something to make you think you’re not good enough for me, I’d like to know so that I can change my behavior.”
You let out a long breath, giving up the fight in the face of Seungmin’s rationality.
“I had lunch with Ahrin the other day. I was complaining about how you’re so busy these days, I rarely see you. Ahrin said you guys actually haven’t been that busy. It made me realize I don’t actually know your schedule, like what you do all day, much less outside of work. And I also realized part of the reason I haven’t seen you much is because I never ask to see you. You have no reason to spend time with me when it seems like I don’t even want you around.” Your voice trails off as you continue, shame sticking the words in your throat.
Seungmin hums, thinking. He lifts his hand up and stretches it toward you, your sign to extend your own hand so he can lace your fingers together. You oblige, and the contact settles you a bit.
“I have never thought for one second that you didn’t want me around. I don’t take offense to you not knowing my schedule either. I know I don’t talk about work much. It might be a flaw of mine.”
“Hyunjin is always playing these little games with Ahrin to get her to come see him. But I’ve always felt that you’d prefer I stay away when you’re working.”
Seungmin hesitates again. “That might be right. That’s not because I don’t love spending time with you, though. It’s the opposite.”
“I…don’t follow.”
“Whatever you believe, the other members’ partners don’t really come around all that much, but when they do come around, it’s not really a big event. They’re just spectators. Like when Ahrin visits us at practice, it’s easy for Hyunjin to pretend she’s not there and keep working. I couldn’t do that. If you were in the room with me, I don’t think I could be as focused as I normally am. I’d be distracted because all my attention would be on you and how you’re doing. That’s why I’ve never encouraged you to visit.”
A small hysterical part of you wants to twist his words somehow, to start a fight about him calling you a ‘distraction’ and all it implies, but you know what he meant. It’s a fairly big admission he’s given, that he couldn’t keep control of himself if you were in his eyeline. It’s…unexpectedly flattering.
“I fluster you that badly?” you ask, half-teasing, half-curious. But Seungmin answers you dead serious.
“Embarrassingly so. When I went back upstairs with the cupcakes, Minho-hyung didn’t give me a second to breathe before commenting on it.”
You find yourself grinning. “Really?”
“Don’t laugh at me. It’s unkind.”
“I’m not laughing,” you say, even though you definitely are. Seungmin rolls his eyes, but there’s no heat or embarrassment in them.
“You could at least be sorry about it.”
“I’m very sorry that I got you bullied by your bandmates,” you say dutifully. “I promise I will do my best not to place you in such a compromising position again.”
“You can visit me if you want,” Seungmin rebuffs. “I can take a little teasing if you really want to see me. My point is just that you shouldn’t feel like you have to because the other girlfriends do.”
“Okay.” You nod, then venture out into the part of the conversation you’ve been avoiding. “If that’s all true, why do you stay away so often? It’s okay if you just have other things to do, but why do you let me think you’re at work if you aren’t?”
You aren’t sure what he’s going to say to this. You believe in his loyalty, always, and you don’t think he truly intended to lie to you, but you still can’t figure out who’s to blame here, and how this miscommunication has persisted between you for so long.
To your surprise, Seungmin’s ears flare red. His grip tightens on your hand, like he’s fighting himself, but you can tell he answers you honestly when he says,
“I was worried I was imposing on you.”
You blink. “Imposing?”
Seungmin is no longer meeting your eyes, his gaze lowered to the table. “Like I said, I don’t want you to constantly be waiting around for me. I don’t want you to get used to having me around, and then when I go on tour, or get busy with activities, you feel my absence stronger. Then, when I come back, I become an inconvenience as you try to fit me into your life again. It’s hard, and it’s unfair. I thought it would be easier to try to keep the same level of involvement all the time, so that you didn’t miss me too badly when I was gone, and I didn’t annoy you too much when I came back.”
You hardly let him finish his sentence before you say, “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. You keep your attention from me so that I won’t miss you later? How does that make any sense? I miss you regardless. That’s the point of being in a relationship.”
Seungmin winces, and you decide to dial back your indignance. He’d spoken to you evenly, and you could do the same for him.
“Sorry. I just meant that you shouldn’t keep yourself away from me in an effort to spare my feelings. I know what I signed up for when we started dating. I know some times will be easier than others. I appreciate your efforts to mitigate that, but this isn’t the way. You being gone so often is all the more reason to be overt and intense when we do have time together. It’s fine to not want to spend all your free time with me, but don’t ever think wanting to be around me is imposing, or hurting me in some way, because it’s not.”
Seungmin looks properly chastised. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll be around more.”
“And I’ll ask for you more. We both need to stop holding ourselves and each other back.” You let out a little laugh. “We’re acting like it’s embarrassing to be in love or something.”
“Hyunjin said the same thing to me once.”
“Hyunjin is smart in exactly one area,” you acquiesce. “Ahrin is a lucky girl.”
“Comparison is the thief of joy,” Seungmin mutters. You lean forward over your cold dinner and press a kiss to Seungmin’s cheek.
“I didn’t say she was luckier than me.”
You both grin.
Next week, Monday. You wake up at your usual time, put on coffee, make breakfast. You clear your entire inbox because fuck the sales department, they can say whatever they need to say in the meeting this afternoon. You set your phone down and enjoy the warmth of the tea you brewed and watch the sun come up outside your living room window.
Seungmin gets up, gets his shoes and coat, and doubles back around.
“Good morning,” you say.
“Good morning.”
“Busy day?”
“Nope. I’m free after lunch.”
“Lucky. I have an awful meeting from two to four.”
“You’ll do fine,” Seungmin says. “Sales isn’t the boss of you.”
“They actually are,” you groan, and Seungmin laughs at your dismay. He kisses you goodbye, tells you to be safe. You tell him you love him. The front door opens and closes.
At around 1pm, your phone buzzes with a text.
Are you busy?
Eh. Why?
I’m in your lobby.
No way.
You grab your security pass and head towards the elevators, watching every floor tick down until it lets you out on the ground floor. Seungmin is sitting in a chair in reception, holding a white cardboard box. When he sees you approach him, he grins and holds it up.
“Got time for cupcakes?”
Your smile is so wide it’s splitting your face in half. “Follow me. The break room is on the fourth floor.”
“I didn’t even know you knew what building I work in.”
“I looked it up on NAVER.”
“Of course you did.”
“Why reinvent the wheel when someone invented the iPhone, y/n.”
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fleurhcss · 2 months
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Let's take some time to admire this fucking KIM SEUNGMIN !! omg im going feral over this look. One of his best for real 😭
Imagine him choke you and being possessive over you because someone looked at you for too long. He will be the type to fuck the shit out of you in this look - in the backseat of his luxury car ...
430 notes · View notes
soobnny · 8 days
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ex!seungmin who thinks about you when he receives his diploma during his graduation in law school because he couldn’t have done it without you, and it breaks his heart that while he’d reached his dreams, you couldn’t be there to see him make it.
he’d remember the countless sleepless nights you’d stayed up with him to review for his tests
or when you’d urge him to get some rest or eat his meals when he’d forget sometimes
you were there to help him realize he could do it, coming with him to apply for numerous universities
you were there from the beginning, so why couldn’t you be there to see him reach the end?
and it was a mutual decision—the breakup. but he finds that, as he reaps the rewards of his efforts, it doesn’t feel right that you aren’t in the crowd
that night, seungmin ponders over whether to call you or not
instead, he sends a few text messages
he doesn’t think he could talk to you without crying, doesn’t think he’s ready to hear your voice again
seungmin (9:57pm): i graduated today haha
seungmin (9:58pm): i just wanted to say thank you. i know that things are over between us, but it’s undeniable the influence you had on me while i was in law school. i don’t know if i’d be able to make it this far if you hadn’t believed in me the way you did. thank you. i can’t say it enough.
seungmin (10:01pm): there’s so much i want to tell you, but i guess i don’t really have the right to do that anymore. still, i hope you realize how much you’ve changed the way i looked at life (for the better, i can hear you complaining already)
seungmin (10:03pm): oh, and i found this letter i’d written back when i was still in my 1st year. it’s addressed to you, and i vividly remember telling myself to give it to you on the day i graduate. haha, somehow i’d thought we’d still be together when today would come. lmk if you still want it or if it’s too awkward then that’s okay too
seungmin (10:06pm): alright that’s it. sorry if these messages freaked you out a little. i’m not even sure this is still your number
seungmin (10:07pm): thanks again, (name). you are the one person who made me believe i could make it and i did :) thank you
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lixiepixiedust · 6 months
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"Real smooth, Seungmin"
pairing — bf!seungmin x f!reader; established relationship
word count — 1.8k
warnings — she/her reader, flirty seungmin, terrible jokes
summary — you and seungmin's main love language has always being sarcasm and jokes. a tired day from work can't even stop you two.
"Seungmin," a gentle voice called, coaxing him out of his slumber. "We've arrived."
Seungmin's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the comforting sight of his home through the windshield. Glancing around, he spotted his manager wearing a warm smile. With a slight pout, Seungmin leaned onto his manager's shoulder, who affectionately patted the puppy's head as though he were his beloved little brother.
"So tired," Seungmin mumbled, still half-asleep, his eyes remaining closed.
His manager chuckled, causing his body to shake against Seungmin's head.
"M' sorry you had to drive me home so late," Seungmin added.
"Don't worry about it; I'm a night person," the manager replied.
"I know you're just saying that," Seungmin laughed.
His manager rolled his eyes. "Go inside now and get some rest in a real bed," he urged, shooing Seungmin away.
Seungmin nodded, grabbing his backpack before exiting the car. Leaning down towards the window, he gave his manager a playful wave. The manager patiently waited until Seungmin safely entered the house before driving away.
As Seungmin stepped inside the house, he was greeted by the glow of lights that immediately made him squint. The stark contrast between the darkness outside and the awakening played tricks on his eyes.
"Seungmin?" your voice called from the kitchen.
You approached the front door with a glass of water in hand. As Seungmin's eyes finally adjusted to the brightness, you became clear to his view. His gaze swept over you, taking in the unexpected sight of your figure adorned in a short tight dark dress, unfamiliar jewelry, and styled hair.
"Y/n, I thought you'd be asleep," Seungmin remarked.
"No, I actually just got back home," you replied with an awkward smile.
"Where did you go?"
"I was kind of bored at home, so I went out to the club with friends."
"Ah, I see," he nodded, setting his things down.
Although you shared a living space, the hectic schedule of the comeback season had kept you apart for about two weeks. He returned home late and left early, your paths crossing only while you were asleep. Observing him now, it seemed like he had lost the sparkle in his eyes, his complexion was paler, and his voice carried an air of exhaustion.
"I'm going to take a quick shower," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"Make sure to sing while you're at it," you grinned, as if you were the world's funniest person.
He shot you a look that suggested otherwise.
"Cause you're Seungmin—" you started explaining your terrible joke.
"Yeah, I got that," he chuckled, walking past you and ruffling your hair.
Following him upstairs, you parted ways as he headed to the bathroom. In your bedroom, you changed out of your uncomfortable dress into pyjamas. You then entered the bathroom, where Seungmin was showering, and the humid air hit you. you were a suddenly met with Seungmin singing his heart out in random vowels that didn't sound like words. You stifled a laugh as you started removing your makeup, doing your skincare routine, and brushing your hair. You kept on having to wipe the mirror repeatedly due to the steam from Seungmin's shower.
When Seungmin finally turned off the water and emerged from the shower, he shrieked upon seeing you, prompting a giggle from you.
"You can't just pop in like this; you scared me," he complained while towel-drying his hair.
You looked down, smiling to yourself at his reaction. Your gaze lifted when he wrapped a towel around his bare hips. He came up beside you as you patted moisturizer into your skin.
"Gimme some," he whispered.
You squeezed a bit out of the container, and he turned to face you. Applying little dabs of it across his soft face, you began to rub it in gently with your fingers. Once it was absorbed, you used the excess cream on your hands to glide along his bare neck and shoulders.
Seungmin continued to stand there, eyes closed, as you gently massaged his muscles. As your fingers traced along his features, he let out a content sigh, and leaned his head against your shoulder.
You chuckled, "Feeling tired, are we?"
"I might be more exhausted than I thought," he admitted with a small smile.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a gentle hug. "Well, you're home now. You can relax."
He mumbled, "I missed this."
"What, my amazing skincare routine?" you teased.
"No, the shoulder to lean on," he replied, opening his eyes to meet yours.
"Real smooth, Seungmin." you smirked, patting his back. "But you're lucky I enjoy having you around."
Seungmin scoffed playfully, "Who wouldn't? I'm a delight."
"Sure, keep telling yourself that," you retorted, continuing to pat his back.
You two stayed like that for a while, the warmth of the hug and the soft hum of the bathroom fan creating a comforting atmosphere. You felt Seungmin's weight against you grow heavier, and a soft snore escaped his lips. You couldn't help but laugh quietly.
"Fallen asleep in a bathroom, huh?" you whispered, gently patting his back.
"No, I'm not," he mumbled, clearly half-asleep.
"You're too tired," you replied, your voice gentle. "Come on, let's get you to bed."
You managed to guide Seungmin to the bedroom, his arm draped over your shoulder. As you helped him settle into bed, you threw him a pair of boxers to sleep in.
While putting them on after removing his towel, he muttered, "You're like my mom, aren't you?"
"Someone has to take care of you," you teased.
"Guess I'm lucky it's you," he said with a sleepy smile.
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Get some rest, Seungmin."
"Goodnight, Y/n," he murmured, already drifting off.
"Goodnight, Seungmin," you whispered pressing a light kiss on his lips.
Just as you were about to leave the room, Seungmin's phone emitted a soft ding. You hesitated for a moment, debating whether to disturb his peace, but concern won over. You approached the bedside table, intending to turn off notifications, when you noticed a message from Chan on the screen.
Of course, Chan wasn't asleep yet. You didn't want to disturb Seungmin, but the possibility of it being something important nagged at you. Carefully, you leaned over and softly mentioned, "Chan texted you, by the way."
Seungmin, still half-asleep, hummed in acknowledgment, turning his body towards his phone. Satisfied that you did your part, you quietly left the room, closing the door behind you and making your way into your room.
As you sat on the bed, reaching over to turn off the lamp, the door suddenly burst open. Seungmin walked in, smiling widely, and you couldn't help but be both confused and amused at his unexpected burst of energy.
You couldn't help but laugh along with Seungmin, his infectious giggles breaking the silence of the room. "What's going on? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"
Seungmin, still chuckling, tried to compose himself. "The 7 am show got cancelled."
"Is that a good thing?" you inquired.
"Silly you, of course it is! That means I'm free the whole day!" He exclaimed, collapsing on the bed with you.
"Poor them. What if something happened? It's a little mean that you're celebrating." you said, half teasing.
"Oh, shut up, Y/n!" he chuckled, rolling his eyes.
You couldn't resist pushing the playful banter a little further. "Oh Seungmin, what are you going to do with a whole day off anyways? Besides napping—"
Before you could fire back another teasing remark, Seungmin surprised you by leaning in and pressing his lips to yours, effectively silencing any further banter. Your eyes widened in surprise for a moment, and then you couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
Seungmin pulled away with a smirk, "I'll spend the day bickering like an old couple with you."
You chuckled, "Fair enough."
But Seungmin wasn't done. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he pushed you down against the bed, capturing your lips in another kiss. This time, he laughed into the kiss, and you couldn't help but join in, the light and joyous sound creating a playful and affectionate atmosphere.
As the laughter subsided, Seungmin propped himself up on his elbows, looking down at you with a teasing grin. "You know, you looked really hot in that dress tonight."
You gave him a sly smile. "Flattery won't get you out of chores tomorrow, you know."
Seungmin chuckled, undeterred. "I'd say it was worth a shot, though.” He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to your ear. "But seriously, you must've turned heads."
You feigned surprise. "How'd you know? Some guy actually did hit on me at the club."
Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows, a touch of possessiveness flickering in his eyes. "Really? What did he do?"
You laughed, "Oh, the usual stuff."
Seungmin raised an eyebrow, "Spill."
"How are you suddenly alert, Seungmin? Weren't falling asleep on me a few minutes ago."
"I got excited so I'm wide awake." He paused. "Now tell me what happened, darling".
Rolling your eyes, you gave in to his curiosity. "Let's just say he tried to dance on me. But I handled it. He was bad at dancing too."
Seungmin raised an eyebrow, “I’m glad you’re okay.” He said while gently rubbing your arm. “But bad dancing? Now that's a crime."
You laughed, "Well, at least he's a better dancer than you." You (obviously) joked.
He put his hand against his chest, taken aback. "Wow, I'm jealous of this guy, Y/n. He's stealing you away from me." He said, almost way too sarcastically.
You nudged him, "Oh, please. As if you're the jealous type."
Seungmin leaned in closer, his tone low and teasing. "Maybe you just haven't given me a reason to be jealous yet."
"Real smooth, Seungmin." You commented as he chuckled.
Seungmin's gaze softened, and he hesitated for a moment before asking, "Y/n, can I stay here tonight?"
You looked at him, your expression a mix of surprise and amusement. "Why tonight?"
A grin tugged at the corner of his lips. "Cause it's my day off tomorrow."
"Okay? That doesn't explain much," you remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Why not on your work nights?"
Seungmin, always quick with his words, leaned in a bit closer, a smooth smile playing on his lips. "Because I wouldn't be able to get out of bed every morning if you were next to me."
You blinked, caught off guard by his unexpectedly sweet words. "Well, someone's turning on the charm tonight."
Seungmin chuckled, "Say it, Y/n."
"Real smooth, Seungmin," you teased, unable to hide the smile on your face.
He playfully rolled his eyes, "I try my best."
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y4z1 · 9 months
bf!Seung who'd.....(MDNI)
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bf!Seung who'd buy you a bracelet and say it's nothing as if he didn't spend 6 hours at the jewelry store debating whether or not you'd like it.
bf!Seung who'd admire your beauty when you're sleeping
bf!Seung who'd LOVE to give you back hugs
bf!Seung who'd sneak up behind you and breath on your neck to scare the living shit out of you
bf!Seung who'd talk about having a little son so he can teach him baseball
bf!Seung who'd ask you to play with his hair without actually asking because he's had a long and tired day
bf!Seung who'd secretly take photos of you when your not looking
bf!Seung who'd bring you a morning cup of coffee
bf!Seung who'd act like he doesn't want your affection, but would be craving it the moment you stop
bf!Seung who'd love to go on morning walks with you
bf!Seung who'd read books for you out loud
bf!Seung who'd tease you 24/7
bf!Seung who'd tidy up your house for you
bf!Seung who'd take you on dates to see the fall
bf!Seung who'd teach you how to play baseball so you could play together
bf!Seung who'd let you borrow his clothes cuz he thought you looked adorable in them (but he wouldn't ever tell you that)
bf!Seung who'd listen to music with you
bf!Seung who'd break off flowers from their stems to put them in your hair as an act of love
bf!Seung who'd give you his card every time you went out without him
bf!Seung who'd take you to watch baseball games with him
bf!Seung who'd explain the rules of baseball to you
bf!Seung who'd help you pick your outfits, telling you which top would go with what.
bf!Seung who'd turn away when you point out he's blushing
bf!Seung who'd use your head as a hand rest to tease you if your shorter
bf!Seung who'd introduce the Lotte Giant members to you
bf!Seung who'd edge you until your on your knees begging and crying to cum
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hyunniesgirl · 8 months
Break up with your boyfriend, I'm bored
Pairing: Seungmin x fem!reader
Summary: Seungmin knew what he wanted since the first time he laid eyes on you. The problem is that you have a boyfriend... Actually, that's not a problem for him.
Warnings: angst, cheating, Seungmin is a bit of a meanie, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it), oral sex(f receiving)
Words count: 4,537
>>Part 2: Leave<<
A/N: I got this idea and I couldn't take it out of my mind 😭 I suck big time at writing smut but I'll only get better by writing it so bear with me.
My requests are currently open
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Seungmin's having a lot of sleepless nights lately. It usually happens when he stays for sometime out of the country and gets too used to the foreign timezone. So one night, after getting tired of tossing and turning in bed he goes to the convenience store nearby, maybe a walk and some fresh air will make him sleepy or at least he can get a beer and some snacks.
That's the first time he sees you: an absolute mess. You are studying while eating spicy noodles, lips covered in sauce, glasses slipping to the tip of your nose, white shirt stained with red drops and hair all disheveled.
For some reason he just can't avert his gaze from you. Is it because you look a total mess in public and don't seem to care? Maybe he finds that interesting, since he can't do the same.
The second time he sees you, you are all dressed up with your makeup and hair done. You're laughing while looking at something on your phone and he thinks your smile is the prettiest he has ever seen. He can't help but stare at your every movement and the way your lips move while you speak on the phone is just enticing.
He thinks of talking to you, he just doesn't know how. Seungmin is usually not the one to make the first move, he's the one who's hit on. And while thinking about how to approach you, he sees you get up and walk out of the store, would you be there the next night?
You didn't show up for almost two weeks, but he didn't give up. Seungmin went back to the store every night hoping to see you again.
When you show up once more you are not alone, there is a man with you and Seungmin doesn't like it. He has his arm over your shoulder, stealing glances at your cleavage and slipping his hand into the small of your back, touching your ass every chance he gets.
Seungmin feels strange, sick, heart beating fast and head hurting. He shouldn't be feeling this way, you never even spoke with him but he can't shake the feeling that this is unfair, he wants you for himself.
Seungmin spent the night before cooking up a plan to get acquainted with you and the best idea he had wasn't the smartest one. You are seated, studying again and he's close to you on the table the customers use to eat. He takes a deep, dramatic breath, making you look at him.
As soon as your eyes meet his, you blush instantly. It's not everyday you meet a handsome stranger in a convenience store.
It's strange though, he looks really familiar, you just can't remember where you saw him before.
"Is there something wrong?", you ask, fixing your glasses closer to your eyes, you really have to get them adjusted again since they keep slipping.
"I bought this, but I didn't like the flavor", he lifts the food. "Do you want it?", he asks, getting closer. He saw you eating one of these every time you were at the store, so he knows you like them.
"I shouldn't", you answer, shifting uncomfortably on your seat. You're a little bit embarrassed, he's dressed really nicely and you're in your sweats.
"I'll just throw it away if you don't want it", he shrugs.
You pout, thinking carefully.
"I suppose I can have it then", while you take the food, smiling awkwardly. Your fingers touch his and Seungmin has to hold his breath so he won't gasp at the warmth of your touch.
"I see you a lot here, do you live close by?" You hear him again before you can go back to your book. "I don't know a lot of people here, I just came back from the U.S." He explains after the suspicious look you gave him.
Technically he's not lying, he doesn't know a lot of people in that neighborhood and he did just come back from the U.S. You smile understanding, you don't have many friends either.
"I go to the college nearby, so I usually come here when I stay late to study", you give your hand to him so he can shake it, "I'm Y/N, by the way"
Seungmin has to think fast, you don't seem to realize who he is yet and he wants to keep it that way for now.
"You can call me Sky", he answers, shaking your hand back and you nod.
"So you're going to stay? Or are you going back overseas?", you ask, curious.
"I'm probably staying", he answers, glancing at your phone that just started ringing.
You close your book, answering the call.
"Yes baby, I'm done", you say smiling awkwardly to Seungmin. "I have to go", you whisper to him, waving goodbye.
Seungmin can barely breathe seeing you go into your boyfriend's car, he's so mad and at that moment he realize that he's completely lost.
You're so kind, your voice is so much sweeter than he thought it would be, he wants you to call him babe, he wants you to go to him, moan and scream his name, cumming and begging for him to give you the release you want.
He shakes his head, what's he even thinking about someone he just met?
You meet each other almost every night after that, it's not on purpose on your part but Seungmin is always there at the store, he helps you study, buys you snacks so you won't have to get up every time you're hungry and massage your fingers when your hands hurt because you wrote too much, with time friendship comes naturally.
When you find out he's famous you can't believe it, your friend is an actual idol? Of course, he has the looks and the talent, you often thought he should be a singer when you two went to karaoke together. You're much more into girl groups than boy groups and with college and work you were just so busy it was impossible to follow the new trends, that's why you didn't recognize him earlier.
You thought his real name was Sky till six months into your friendship, when he had to buy drinks and they asked for his ID. You stole a glance at the document and read "Kim Seungmin". You were sure you heard that name before so when you looked it up on google you freaked out storming out of the store with a confused Seungmin after you.
"Wait, what's wrong?" He asks, grabbing your arm, making you look at him. 
"Kim Seungmin?", you scoff, you're mad that he didn't tell you before, did he not trust you? You're sure it's not that, but it doesn't make you less upset.
He takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry", he looks down massaging his eyes with the tip of his fingers, "I should have told you, I just… lost the timing"
You shake your arm out of his grasp, stepping away from him.
"I can't believe a famous person saw me on pajamas", you blush, "It's so embarrassing"
Seungmin smiles.
"You look cute in your PJ's"
"I don't!", you whisper yell at him trying not to attract attention, "I look ridiculous"
He frowns, staring at you, lips tightly together.
"Never, you would never look ridiculous, okay?"
You cross your arms, pouting. You should be the one scolding him, not the other way around.
"Can you forgive me for not telling you? Just this once?", he asks, giving you puppy eyes.
You huff.
"You're going to pay for my food every time we go out together", you answer, crossing your arms.
"I already do that", he laughs.
"Yeah, but now I won't fight with you so I can pay nor will I feel guilty about it"
"Done", he smiles and you roll your eyes, you just can't stay mad at him.
Not long after, you graduate from college. You invite him and his friends to a little celebration at your house. You live a bit far from campus in a shared apartment with your best friend who has one more year to go until she graduates.
Seungmin arrived an hour late, he and the boys got stuck in practice longer than they expected but they finally made it.
A ginger girl opens the door to the apartment, he presumes she's Soojin, your roommate.
"Hey! I'm-"
"I know who you are", the girl interrupts, looking behind Seungmin, "woah, when Y/N told me you are her friend I thought she had finally lost it, I'm glad it's not the case", she chuckles, giving space for the guests to enter.
"Minnieeeeee", Seungmin hears your voice and turns to find you, you look beautiful with your hair down, a tight black dress and no shoes, he feels jealous that the other guys can see you like that too. You stumble a bit coming in his direction, you are already drunk.
"She got an early start when that asshole called saying he won't be coming", Soojin says, rolling her eyes.
So your boyfriend couldn't make it? Too bad, he thinks.
Seungmin walks towards you, holding your arms and supporting you so you won't fall.
"Hey, congrats on finishing college", he says and you smile widely.
Seungmin introduces you to the rest of the boys, they are all so handsome you almost sober up seeing their faces.
"You look even better than on YouTube", you say and they laugh.
"It's nice finally meeting you", Chan says.
"Yeah, Seungmin talked a lot about you", Lee Know smirks, glancing at Seungmin.
"Oh, I hope only good things", you look at him too.
"Oh, yeah! Especially when he's drunk-", Jeongin starts to speak but is interrupted.
"So, where are the other guests?", Seungmin asks, glaring at the boys.
"She's a loner", Soojin says and you laugh, awkwardly. "I'm her only friend"
"Well, yeah…" you admit, "but I wouldn't have invited anyone else since you're all here, I want you to be comfortable tonight"
Seungmin feels his heart beat so fast in that moment, he thinks it will burst out of his chest. He has always known how sweet you are, but now the other boys can see that you're considerate too.
"Do you like truth or dare? Let's drink!" You laugh, running to the kitchen to pour some alcohol to everyone.
He can do anything for you, be it playing a stupid drinking game or stealing you from your boyfriend.
Since you graduated you don't go to that convenience store anymore and you don't need Seungmin's help with your studies either. But you both got really attached to each other, so you start hanging out in your house or his dorm.
You go shopping together, eat delicious food, watch movies and cuddle. Sometimes you think he's much more like a boyfriend than your actual boyfriend, and you feel guilty instantly after thinking that way.
When you are not at work you are hanging out in his dorm with the other boys, talking all night long and listening to each other's worries. It's no surprise how lonely you feel since they went on tour a month ago, you can't spend time with them anymore, Soojin is having her finals and to top it off your boyfriend is getting more distant by the day.
You are finishing your work day when your phone buzzes. You walk out of the company's entrance while reading your texts.
Minnie: where are you?
You: just finished work
You: why?
You frown, this guy is somewhere in Japan right now, why does he want to know where you are?
Minnie: stop frowning, you look ugly when you do that
You: what?
You: how do you know I'm doing it?
Minnie: are you dumb, do you wanna trip?
Minnie: look ahead when you're walking
You bump into someone before you can take your eyes out of your phone and Seungmin looks at you with that familiar condescending smile.
"You!" You scream, this man is unbelievable, of course he would show up out of nowhere. "When did you get back?"
You wrap your arms around his chest, hugging him and feeling him squeezing you into his embrace.
"I came here right after we landed", he answers, looking around and making sure no one's looking at you two.
"Oh, you must be tired", you poke him in the chest, stepping away from his hug, "I don't look ugly when I'm frowning, you're such a meanie", you point it out.
"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night", he sighs dramatically and you have to hold yourself to not punch him. "I actually rested a lot in the flight so I'm okay"
He grabs your bag, putting it on his shoulder. "Let's go, the guys are dying to see you", he says and you smile widely.
Seungmin missed you so much he thought he would die, but just by seeing your smile it makes him feel like the happiest person alive.
"Oh, I actually have a date with my boyfriend", you take your phone out of your pocket, seeing a message from him. You sigh, "never mind, he just stood me up"
You smile at Seungmin, "I was actually going to ask for a raincheck so I could go with you, so it's all good"
Seungmin knows it's not all good, after seeing you struggle in this relationship he decided it's time for him to make a move. He doesn't care about your relationship, not that he ever did, but now it's definitive. He needs to have you.
You arrive at the dorm and find Hyunjin, Felix, Han and Jeongin playing some game you don't know the name of, trying to decide who will wash the dishes.
"You're here!", Felix gets up quickly and runs to you giving you a hug. "We missed you a lot", he says.
"I missed you all a lot too", you smile, hugging him back.
"I think that's enough touching", Seungmin put his hands between you two, coming in the middle and making Felix pout, stepping away.
"Hey!", you want to fight back but he looks at you with a raised eyebrow, daring you to oppose him. You clear your throat not sure why that look made you feel so… hot? "Where are the other guys?"
"They went to the convenience store to buy drinks and snacks"
You nod, thinking maybe you should have brought something too.
"What are we going to eat?", Seungmin asks, sitting on the sofa's arm.
"Fried chicken?", Hyunjin suggests and you nod.
"I'm in", Felix says and Han agrees.
"I'm gonna send it on the group chat so the others can give their opinions", Jeongin says, already typing on his phone.
"Sounds good to me", you poke Seungmin asking him to come closer. "Do you maybe have some clothes I could change into?" You are uncomfortable in your outside clothes and if you want to eat a lot it's going to be hard with those tight jeans.
Seungmin has to take a deep breath and make a silent prayer to any god that's listening to him so he won't get hard by the thought of you wearing his clothes. Every other day you slept in his dorm, you came prepared bringing your own clothes, so this is going to be a first.
You follow him to the bedroom, which you had been to a lot before, however for some reason the atmosphere feels different this time.
Seungmin prepares a shirt and sweatpants for you, he steps out of the room so you can change even though he really wanted to stay there and watch you strip for him.
When he sees you his heart skips a bit, he did try to prepare himself beforehand but it was just too much, so much more enticing than he expected.
He avoids your gaze, clearing his throat and telling you to go on to the living room, he will change and be there soon.
He can't help but eye fuck you the entire night, he loves when you dress up, put some tight little dress and makeup on. But there's something about the comfy you, that leaves her hair to dry naturally and wear pajamas in every opportunity she gets, that's the you that turns him on the most.
You on the other hand, don't know why he keeps staring at you like that. Although, contrary to your expectations, you don't feel uncomfortable at all with that. It's been a few months since you began having these weird feelings about Seungmin.
It all started with a wet dream you had five months ago, he was fucking you so hard in your dream that you woke up drenched. That was when you started thinking about him in that way, of course you put these thoughts aside, you have a boyfriend and Seungmin is a celebrity he can have anyone he wants so you thought it best not to entertain the idea anymore than in your dreams only.
You didn't drink much, too afraid of saying something about your strange feelings if you were not sober. You were relieved when everyone called it a night and you went to the bedroom. You have always slept with Seungmin when your thoughts were still innocent but things are different now, you're feeling different.
Taking a deep breath you begin arranging the sheets, you can just put some pillows between the two of you and you can pretend he's not right there on the same bed.
Seungmin has some different ideas, seeing how he enters the room and locks the door behind him, staring at you. His eyes are dark like you have never seen before and you feel that familiar knot grow in your lower stomach.
"What is it?", you ask and he takes a long step forward, then another and one more. He's right in front of you now, towering over you.
He lifts his hand caressing your cheek.
"I can't take it anymore", he whispers as if he talked louder someone would barge in and take you away.
"What are you talking about?", you ask, a feeling of warmth climbing up your neck and cheeks.
"Please be mine", he slides one of his hands to your waist, pulling you closer and pressing his body against yours.
"I don't understand", you say while he bends, resting his head on your shoulder.
"Let me show you? Hm? I can show you how much better I'm"
You feel your heart beat so fast and loud you almost can't hear his words.
In that moment, you understand all the looks Seungmin gave you, all the smiles and affection he had shown you. All those times he told you how you could find someone better than your boyfriend, how he got mad every time you tried to set him up with someone or even when you asked if he liked someone and he always changed the subject. It was you all along.
You don't think it through, just wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. He can't believe you're actually doing it, that you're letting him finally taste you, you feel so good, your lips are soft just like your gentle nature.
Seungmin is surprised, he thought you would be much more reluctant and that makes him feel reassured because it means you feel something too.
His hands slide down your thighs, helping you wrap your legs around his hips. You can already feel his hard on pressing against your cunt, making you moan slightly. He lay you on the bed, playing with the waistband of your pants and pulling it down, admiring your bare legs. He takes his shirt off and unbuckles his belt, crawling close to you.
"I waited so long for this", he says, caressing your face, the picture of Seungmin with no shirt, naked chest, wearing just his loosened trousers, makes you salivate.
You don't know what to do, you're not inexperienced but for some reason you want him to be pleased with everything you do.
"You look so beautiful", he smiles, his hands caressing your stomach, going down and wandering through your thighs.
Seungmin kisses you again, sliding his right hand to your hair, pulling it slightly. You gasp not expecting it and he smirks.
"If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable you can tell me, okay?" He tells you, teasing the waistband of your underwear with his free hand, threatening to take them off. He wants to do much more than what he's planning for tonight, but he has to take it easy, he doesn't want to scare you.
"Please", you beg thinking he will stop teasing you. You never thought you could feel so needy, you're not sure if it's because of the ambiance or because it's him.
"Oh, you want me to fuck you already, right?", he asks sarcastically and you nod.
"Too bad, I had to wait a year so you'll have to wait too", he answers, kissing your stomach and going up, riding your shirt up and taking it off. You're glad you took off your bra when you were changing, because the lustful look Seungmin has staring at your breasts is to die for. He stops for a moment trying to memorize the image only looking away when you try to cover yourself, you're feeling unusually embarrassed. He grabs your arms, pushing them down and pressing it to the side of your head.
"That's not good, I need you to feel comfortable with me watching you because I like what I see", he gets closer to your face and licks your mouth, literally running his tongue over your lips as if he's marking you.
You never thought you were into this kind of thing but the way your pussy clenches around nothing and the loud moan that comes out of your mouth beg to differ.
"I love the sounds you make", he kisses your cheek and goes down to your neck biting and sucking there. "But if you don't want the others to know exactly what we are up too, you better be quiet"
"What if they catch us?", you ask, finally remembering that you're not the only ones in the house.
"I don't care", he says, releasing your arms. He slides his hands down to focus on your breasts, squeezing and pinching your nipples, making you whimper and whine.
"I don't want them to know what we're doing", you respond, questioning if this is a good idea.
"I already told you then, be quiet", he tells you, biting your breast slightly and making you squeal, exactly the opposite of what he just ordered.
Seungmin chuckles deeply, going down, he's taking his sweet time even though he knows what you want. You hold your breath when he actually takes off your underwear and looks at your cunt like it's his favorite food, licking his lips and opening your legs even wider so you can be totally exposed for him.
Seungmin licks long stripes from your entrance to your clit where he attaches his lips and sucks hungrily. He brings two fingers to your mouth and you automatically suck on it making him moan and squeeze your thighs. He brings his hand down, inserting one finger inside you, making you groan. He sighs, bringing up the hand he had on your thigh and covering your mouth before inserting another finger.
You're already feeling the tight knot in your stomach getting bigger, looking at Seungmin eating you out so lustfully don't do much to help you. He can feel your walls clenching around his fingers, he squeezes your thighs even more, rubbing his hips in the bed to ease the tension in his crotch while he sees you coming undone in his mouth.
You're absolutely wrecked, breathing heavily and with no strength left. Seungmin makes a trail of kisses from your cunt, to your stomach, in between your breasts, your neck and finally arriving at your mouth. You can taste yourself on him, making you feel more turned on.
"You taste so good", he says, licking his lips. It's such a sinful image to see Seungmin mouth covered in your juices.
"Fuck me, now", you command and even though he doesn't like taking orders that's one order he won't object to.
Lining himself on your entrance, Seungmin takes a deep breath because he's afraid he'll cum just by feeling you around him. He stares at you while entering, he wants to make sure you're enjoying it as much as him.
You have your eyes closed shut, he's bigger than you expected and it's hard to take in, even though you're so wet. You hear him groan and open your eyes, moaning just by taking a look on Seungmin's face.
His eyes are locked with yours, he's biting his lower lip so hard you're sure it will bleed any moment. You squeeze him, just so you can see his reaction and he gasps.
"Fuck", he says, between heavy breaths, "I'm already on the verge of cumming, if you do that I won't last long"
You giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck and closing the space between you, kissing him. You wrap your legs around his waist trying to restrain your moan, earning another groan from him when he hits you so deeply you want to scream, digging your fingernails on his back.
Seungmin starts thrusting in and out of you, it feels so good having you underneath him, being inside you, he wants to stay in this moment forever but his release is so close, he's not sure if he'll be able to make you cum again before he does. He slides his hand to your clit, wanting to cum with you, feeling you squeezing his cock and moaning his name.
You can already feel your second orgasm building up, trying to keep your moans in a low tone.
"I want you to say my name, yeah?" Seungmin grunts, making you feel like you could combust anytime, "moan my name", he pleads and you do it, shaking and arching underneath him, feeling in cloud nine. He doesn't take much more time to cum too, you feel the warm liquid spreading inside you and Seungmin collapses on top of you, resting his head on your chest.
You two don't say much for a few minutes, both trying to catch your breath while you play with his hair. You feel so tired you're already drifting to sleep.
"I like you", Seungmin says before you lose all consciousness, "I want to be with you", but you're already too groggy to even answer him.
Seungmin wakes up with the noises of rustling, he opens his eyes slightly seeing you zipping your pants. You have your shoulder close to your face holding your phone in your ear.
"Yes, babe. I'm on my way", he hears you say as you take a look in his direction.
Seungmin stays there, pretending to be asleep while you close the door on your way out. He feels his chest ache so much, it hurts so much he thinks his heart is actually shattering.
If you like my work and want to support it, you can like, comment and/or reblog my content so more people get to know it. You can also buy me a coffee.
All characters in my writing are from my own imagination and don't represent nor reflect in any way the people in real life.
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jilixthinker · 6 months
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=͟͟͞♡ seungmin × fem!reader
=͟͟͞♡ plushie riding (hard thought)
Seungmin deep into subspace, humping his pochacco plushie.
When you came back home later then usual because of a work meeting, he was being particularly bratty and disrespectful. You let it slide at first, thinking he was just tired and nervous, being all alone for the whole day. But his answers to you were so rude that you started to think he was acting like this with the ultimate purpose of making you mad.
Well, who were you to deny him this pleasure?
And now here he is, straddling his favorite pochacco plushie. His face is flushed and his lips are swollen for being abused by his own teeth, thighs shaking and eyes watery in embarassment.
His wet tip brushes on the plastic inserts of the plushie with every thrust, getting caught every once in a while and spurting precum on the clothes his stuffed animal is wearing.
"No please, Minnie. You've been very rude to me earlier. You know that only good puppies get to touch their owners, mh?
Seungmin's face is a mask of tears and pleasure. It's dreamy to have the chance to see him like this, long legs wrapped desperately around the tiny plushie, trying to make the best out of the little friction he is getting. His cock is angry red and throbbing, so wet it almost looks he already came.
"Bad puppies can only touch other dogs, right? This is all you get for tonight, pup. Hump your pretty friend if you want to cum so bad."
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dreaming-medium · 5 months
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Just Look Up
Pairing: Kim Seungmin x reader
Word count: 4.4K
Tags: Angst, pining, fluff, best friends to lovers
Summary: Seungmin’s been watching you from an arm’s length for so long, his heart yearning to be closer to you. All he wants is to to hold you, to be held by you. Why can’t you just look up and notice how much he loves you? Why do you stay with your horribly toxic boyfriend when Seungmin’s right there?
Author’s note: Please listen to this song and picture Seungmin singing it, oh god it destroys me.
Warning!!! The reader has a pretty toxic boyfriend in this fic!!
How are you this perfect? How can you go day to day being so flawless and not even realize just how breathtaking you are?
After being best friends for years, there isn’t a single hour of the day that Seungmin hasn’t seen you at, and never once have you been anything but amazing. Even when your hair is frizzy and tied up, face puffy from sleep, eyes bleary and asymmetrical, you’re still gorgeous.
Just the thought of you alone has Kim Seungmin weak in the knees. Every little quirk of yours drives him crazy. From the way you stick your tongue out when you concentrate to the way you always overcook your rice.
He craves the simple, sweet, delightful smell of your apartment. The way your TV is always on even if you’re not watching it. The way every room in the house is spotless except for your bedroom which goes from organized to a disaster in just a few short days.
Seungmin can never get enough of you. Never has been able to, and he never will.
Which is why it hurts so bad that you’re with someone else. You and your boyfriend have been together for four months. Four painful, excruciating months.
The guy doesn’t even understand how good he has it. He does t grasp how lucky he is to have captured your heart.
What is Seungmin supposed to do when he comes over for movie night and that jackass is sitting on the couch next to you? His stomach flips and churns uncontrollably until he makes up some lame excuse to leave early.
Your boyfriend doesn’t even treat you the way you deserve and it boils Seungmin’s blood.
Right before his very eyes, he watches as your chump of a boyfriend drops your hand when you tried to hold it during a big group dinner. Seungmin had been sitting directly across from the two of you at the large table full of a mixed bag of friends.
Innocently, and with the most adorable smile ever, you reached down and laced your fingers with your boyfriends. As if you burned him, he drops your hand and motions down to his food.
“How am I supposed to eat if you’re holding my hand?” he asks with an annoyed tilt to his tone.
“Oh,” you frown, that gorgeous smile of yours was wiped off your face. “Sorry, hon.”
“It’s whatever,” he replies and goes back to the conversation that he was in beforehand.
Meanwhile Seungmin was seething. He watched the entire interaction like some sort of car accident. Does the guy need two hands to eat? What kind of lame excuse was that?
The rest of the night, your mood was different. Your smile didn’t reach your eyes. And your laughter sounded fake and hollow.
No one seemed to notice.
No one except for Seungmin who took it upon himself to go up to the bar and order your favorite drink on his way to the bathroom. He told the waiter not to say anything about him being the one to order it.
It was already in front of you when he returned from the restroom.
“Look, Minnie!” you chirp while he’a sitting down. “The bartender said they made an extra by accident and gave us this drink on the house!”
A rainbow stretches over his heart at how happy you sound. But dark clouds come crashing through just as quickly.
Your boyfriend look down at the drink as you were about to take your first sip.
“Hey!” he calls out and places his hand over the top of the drink before you could even taste it. “You’re the one driving home.”
Your expression fell. “What? But you said you would drive home this time.” You look around the table and lower your voice to keep it between the two of you. “I’ve driven home every time we’ve gone out, I never get to—“
Your boyfriend slides the drink away from in front of you at the same time he kisses your lips gently. You don’t respond to the kiss at all, you don’t even close your eyes. “Thanks, babe. You’re the best.”
He leans away from you and picks the drink up, taking a sip from the straw. His face twists up in a disgusted expression.
“Fuck, what even is this?” he asks, looking down at the drink.
“It’s a Long Island…” you murmur, looking down at the table.
“Who drinks this shit?” He places it down on the table and pushes it away from him.
You do. It’s your favorite drink. You always order a Long Island no matter where you go. How does the guy not know that? What boyfriend doesn’t know his girlfriend’s favorite drink?
What kind of shit head does that?
Seungmin is seeing red. He wants to vault the table and throttle the guy. His shoulders are shaking he’s so angry.
Your demeanor drops even further through the floor, taking Seungmin’s heart with you. No matter what conversation anyone tries to pull you into, you only offer one word answers.
Your boyfriend barely pays any mind to you.
Seungmin nudges your ankle underneath the table. You look up at him with dull eyes. He motions for a writing utensil in the air.
You think for a moment, turning and fishing through your purse until you pull out a pen and hand it to him.
He flips the paper placemat over on the table and draws a tic-tac-toe board on the back. He draws one ‘X’ in a box and then slides it across the table at you.
When you look down, the corner of your lip quirks in a tiny smile. You take the pen and draw an ‘O’ in another box, then slide it back to him.
This continues a few times before the game comes out to a tie.
Wordlessly, he meets your eyes with a cocked eyebrow. You nod. He draws another board and you do it again.
With each X and O that’s drawn on the back of the paper placemat, life returns to your eyes. You even let out a few giggles when Seungmin makes a ridiculously terrible move.
Each and every game comes out in a tie until you make a specific, unbeatable move. Seungmin looks down at the board for a few drawn out seconds.
He bites his lip with a grin. “There’s no move I can do that you won’t win.”
“I know!” you cheer and laugh. “I mastered the technique.”
“You didn’t master shit,” he grumbles in fake annoyance. “You cheated.”
Balking, you gasp. “I never cheat, Kim Seungmin.”
“Well, you just cheated at tic-tac-toe so you’re also a liar.”
“I didn’t cheat!
“Did so.”
“Did n—“ You’re cut off by a hand on your arm.
“We’re going.” Your boyfriend’s voice is gruff, slurred, and a bit agitated.
For what seems like the hundredth time tonight, your face falls when you look at him. “What do you mean? We just finished dinner and I thought that we’re going to the karaoke bar after this.”
“Not anymore.” He grabs your jacket off the back of your chair. “Come on, get your purse, we’re going.”
“We’re going.”
Your body tenses and your mouth flies shut.
By the flush that crawls up your neck, Seungmin can tell you’re embarrassed. Embarrassed that you would let someone speak to you this way. Embarrassed because now most of your friends were watching you both closely.
You’ve always hated confrontation.
You take a deep breath and push back from the table, seemingly giving up. Seungmin has had enough.
“I think she wants to stay,” Seungmin says from across the table. “Can’t you call an Uber or have someone else take you home?”
Your boyfriend’s eyes flash with anger. “Hey, why don’t you stay out of our business?”
Seungmin’s nose twitches, he’s gripping the pen in his hand so hard it might snap in half.
“I just think that you’re ignoring the fact that she doesn’t want to leave.”
You look over at Seungmin. “It’s okay, Minnie. I’ll go out another time, promise.”
His gaze softens when you call his name.
“Yeah, Minnie, she’ll go out another time.” Your slime of a significant other slides his arm around your waist and pulls you away from the table.
You only fight his pull for a moment, glaring at the side of your boyfriend’s face before looking over at Seungmin one last time.
You’re apologizing with your eyes. Seungmin can read you too well. The two of you never needed words to communicate.
Then, you’re gone. And everyone else around him continues to talk as if nothing happened.
Seungmin flexes his jaw while he fights back his anger. A small part of him wants to run after the two of you and deck your boyfriend in the parking lot.
But, it’s not worth it. Who knows how you’d react to that.
He looks down at the paper placemat and draws your final ‘O’, drawing the line across to signify your win.
Seungmin doesn’t go to the karaoke bar that night either.
It was the next night when you texted him.
[January 10 1:26 AM]
Y/N: Are you awake?
Seungmin was about three seconds from sleep when his phone buzzed. Normally, he would ignore it and answer in the morning, but something in his brain told him to roll over and check anyway.
His eyes widened at your text, his thumbs flying to answer you.
Seungmin: I am, what’s up?
Y/N: Can you come over?
This late? You’re asking him to come over now? Sure, it’s a Saturday but it’s still strange.
Y/N: Please. I need you here.
Seungmin: I’ll be there in 10
He only took seven minutes to get to your apartment. The other three were spent jogging through the parking lot and up the stairs to your floor.
Only one knock lands on the door before you rip it open.
Seungmin’s heart falls through his chest.
You’re looking up at him with red rimmed, glassy eyes. Tears flowing down your flushed cheeks.
“Hi, Minnie,” you choke out.
Seungmin steps inside and looks all over your body, trying to find any sign of an injury or anything. “What’s going on?” he asks in alarm.
He cups your cheeks and looks in your eyes after kicking the door shut. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” you cry. “‘M sorry if I scared you.” Another sob wracks your chest. You throw your arms around Seungmin, burying your face into his chest. His own arms immediately fly around your body.
“I broke up with him,” you mumble into Seungmin’s hoodie.
It’s shameful how his spirits lifted. Internally, Seungmin wants to pump his fist in the air and jump around. He wants to stand on your balcony and scream victory at the top of his lungs.
But externally, he keeps his cool, one hand moving to rub your back in soothing circles.
Fucking finally.
“What happened?” he asks gently, resting his chin on the top of your head.
You force a dry laugh. “It’s been coming for a while, I couldn’t fucking stand the way he talked to me last night.”
Seungmin laughs under his breath. Yeah, yeah he saw it. He wasn’t the only one that wondered why the hell you were still with the guy.
“He always talked to me like trust. I just…” You sniff and bury your face further into Seungmin’s hoodie. “I think I just liked having someone, you know?”
Seungmin’s heart clenches.
“It was nice having someone who at least pretended to like me like that.”
Do you not see him? Do you not see the way he looks at you whenever you walk into a room? How his entire demeanor perks up by your very presence?
If he had a tail, it would wag whenever you blessed him with your presence.
You let out another sob and hold him closer. “God, why am I crying so much?”
Seungmin grabs both of your upper arms and rubs up and down a few times. “Here,” he says gently. “Why don’t you sit on the couch and I’ll make you some tea, okay?”
Nodding, you pull away from him and wipe at your cheeks with your sweater sleeves. “Yeah, okay.”
He reaches out and uses his own sweatshirt sleeve to wipe at your cheeks with great care. “I’ll only be a few seconds, okay?”
Again, you nod. But your body makes no move away from him. You lean into his gentle touch, craving the closeness of it all. Eyes sliding close, your lip quivers with more cries.
His fingers poke out from the sleeve and run down your tear-stained cheek. His hands are always so warm.
It could be the dead of winter or the middle of summer, his hands were always warmer than yours. But even an ice sculpture’s body held more heat than yours did.
On several occasions, you would shove your hands into Seungmin’s pockets to thaw your frozen digits.
He can still remember last winter where you unzipped his huge, puffy jacket and then zipped it back up with you inside of it, your back to his chest. Seungmin can’t remember a time where his heart was beating faster than that day.
He had warmed you right back up, gladly sharing his body heat to keep you toasty warm. He even went as far as wrapping his scarf around both of you.
The bus came late that night to pick the two of you up from that stop and he was grateful for every single second he got to spend wrapped around you.
You’ve always been his soft spot.
Seungmin cups your cheeks with both hands, thumbs swiping away the tears that keep falling. Your tongue pokes from your lips and then you bring your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Tea will make you better,” he whispers. Seungmin leans forward and presses his lips to your forehead.
The happy sigh that you let out doesn’t escape his notice. It was a sigh that was reserved for when you were relaxing after being tense for so long.
He’s heard it after you’ve kicked your shoes off after a long work day. After the first bite of a hot dinner. After curling up in a cozy blanket on Friday night.
And now when his lips meet your skin.
It wraps around his heart and squeezes even tighter.
He pulls away first and nudges you backwards a bit. “Go sit down.”
“Okay,” you answer with a whisper, turning and making your way to the couch while he moves into the kitchen.
He meanders around like it’s second nature, there’s not a single dish in your kitchen that he doesn’t know where it is.
There’s a pan full of cold food sitting on top of the stove. It looks like it was never served.
So, you haven’t even eaten.
Seungmin clicks the burner on to reheat the food while he switches the electric kettle on.
When he comes in with a full plate of food and hot tea, you’re on your phone with a scowl on your face.
“What is it?” He decides to be nosy.
“He’s texting me.” You don’t look up at Seungmin as he places everything on the coffee table in front of you.
“Don’t answer,” he says simply.
“I’m not. But he’s just…” you trail off. “Being so mean.”
Seungmin’s eyebrows furrow. “Show me.”
You only hesitate for a moment before showing him your phone.
[January 10 2:02 AM]
DON’T ANSWER: I’ll be here when you decide to stop being a bitch and remember you need me.
DON’T ANSWER: As if you could even do any better than me, did you think about that? Have you seen yourself and then looked at me?
DON’T ANSWER: You’re the one who said relationships are all about compromise and some shit. So why are you making all the fucking rules?
DON’T ANSWER: so now you’re not even going to answer??? You’re leaving me on read??
DON’T ANSWER: couldn’t even give good head, what good are you for anyway.
The rage Seungmin felt last night is nothing compared to what he feels right now. His hands are shaking with thinly veiled anger. His eyebrows are furrowed so much his face might start cramping.
He grabs your phone away from you and looks closer at the texts to make sure his eyes are seeing this right.
“Don’t say anything,” you say quickly.
“I won’t,” Seungmin replies angrily. His teeth might shatter from how hard he’s clenching his jaw.
Who the fuck says this to someone? Someone with a majorly bruised ego, that’s who.
He takes it upon himself to tap through your ex-boyfriend’s contact and block him. Your phone is thrown onto the coffee table soon after.
You don’t address it. You sip your tea and take an uneasy bite out of your food.
Seungmin’s leg starts bouncing on the floor. He’s never been a particularly angry guy, his emotions are always in check. Usually with situations that get him upset, he lets it roll off his shoulders.
But that’s when it’s about him. This is about you.
You, who finally stood up for yourself and you’re getting shit for it.
The sound of the plate and mug being placed on the coffee table hits his ears.
“Minnie,” you say gently, letting your hand slide up his arm. “I think you’re more upset about those texts than I am.”
Seungmin huffs and bites his lip. “How could he say that shit about you?”
“I wounded his fragile ego, that’s why,” you chuckle dryly.
Your touch is soothing. Like an ice pack on a burn.
“What happened?” he asks, looking over at you. “What happened between the two of you?”
You gulp and avoid his eyes. “After last night when we got home, I didn’t say a word to him, I didn’t have the energy for it. I dropped him off at his apartment and he got so mad that I didn’t stay the night.”
Your legs pull up under you, your hand drops from Seungmin’s arm to wrap around yourself. “He came over tonight since we usually have dinner on Saturdays together and just… everything went to shit before we ate. I told him how he spoke to me and acted yesterday was unacceptable and he just went off on me.”
You’re right, though. It was unacceptable. It was uncalled for, rude, toxic, disgusting, all the above.
“I said I was done. He blew up; spouting all this nonsense about how he’s the best I’ll ever have and blah blah blah.” You pause and let out another dry laugh of disbelief. “It’s funny cause he’s actually the worst. Even my dumb high school and college boyfriends were better than him.”
A small furl of jealousy bubbles in Seungmin’s gut, but he stamps it down.
“Why were you with him for so long, Y/N?” The questions comes out of his mouth before he could stop it. You stayed with the guy for four months, about to hit five.
You swallow thickly. “Loneliness?” You shrug and fiddle with your hands in your lap. “I… I liked the way he looked at me in the beginning I guess. It made me feel wanted.”
How was he looking at you any differently than Seungmin was? He stares at you every single day with his big puppy dog eyes just waiting for you to look up!
Just look up!
“I was…” Again, you hesitate, trailing off and biting your lip nervously. “I was trying to get over someone else truth be told. After pining for so long I couldn’t take the one sidedness of it.”
Seungmin feels his heart crack. God, how much more of this can he take? Even before all of this, someone else had your heart?
“So, it’s like I’m back to square one again.” You run your fingers through your already messy hair.
“You still have feelings for this person?”
“Yeah.” You look around the room and then directly at Seungmin. “They never went away. Maybe that’s why I’m so upset. Not because of my ex but because I have to go back to yearning for him to just look up and see how much I like him.”
He’s trying so hard to be a good friend, he really is. His happiness at your freedom was so short lived. He got, what? Twenty minutes? Twenty minutes of hope.
But he needs to be supportive.
“Y/N.” His voice cracks when he says your name. “You’re… amazing and beautiful and intelligent. I’m sure whoever has your heart would bend over backwards for an opportunity to be with you.”
Your eyes sparkle when he speaks.
Fuck, stop making this harder than it already has to be, please.
“You think so?”
“I know so. If it’s a guy, you just gotta be direct. Look him right in the eye and say ‘I have feelings for you’”
You tongue your cheek and think about something for a long five seconds before speaking up again. You stare at Seungmin directly in the eye and speak.
“I have feelings for you.”
“Yeah, just like that. See? It’s easy.”
“I have feelings for you,” you repeat with a little more feeling. He can’t look at you anymore. It hurts too much.
Seungmin’s head hangs down a bit, hair falling in front of his eyes. “Yeah, Y/N. You got the hang of it.”
“No, Seungmin.” You crawl closer to him on the couch until you’re kneeling directly next to him. You take his face in both of your hands. “I have feelings for you.”
Is the world still turning? Is he awake? Is he interpreting this right? Are you still practicing?
“Huh?” Smooth, Kim, smooth.
“Seungmin, I have feelings for you. I have for so long and I was so scared of losing you as a friend so I didn’t say anything.”
His brain is malfunctioning. His heart surely is going to explode from the fluctuations in his heart rate.
Him? You had feelings for him this whole time? Is he breathing?
“It just seemed like you didn’t feel the same, so I kept it to myself and tried to move on. I’m sorry if this makes things awkward between us.”
“Me?” The word is hoarse when it comes out.
“Yes, you.”
“You have feelings for me?”
“Yes, Seungmin.”
“Oh my god.”
He says it under his breath as his body acts on its own. He grabs your face the same way you’re holding his and smashes your lips together.
It feels so right. Your lips are so soft against his, he could cry. They’re everything he dreamed they would be and more. No amount of daydreaming compares to how it feels to finally kiss you.
His bottom lip slots between both of yours while his hands slide all over your body. They start on your face just for one to thread in your hair while the other comes down to your waist.
Your mouths open and close like mirror images of one another, lips sliding over each other. Your own fingers slide into his hair while the other caresses his jawline as it moves.
He could die right now and he would be happy. Anyone could tell him anything and it would be okay.
Seungmin would give you the world if you asked him to. He’s absolutely on cloud nine, his head in space.
Small hums and groans come from both of your throats the longer your mouths slide over one another. He’s never felt more alive, more awake than he does right now.
He can barely feel his legs.
Seungmin didn’t even realize how much he was leaning into you until you lose your balance and fall back on the couch, his body quickly coming up to hover over yours.
Your lips don’t stay separated for long at all.
When they meet again, your tongue slides along his lips and Seungmin swears he hears angels singing. You taste like tea and happiness.
Your tongues tango for a while. His chest flush against yours. Can you feel his heart hammering against his rib cage? Can you taste the years of desperation on his lips?
All this time he thought you were just ships passing in the night.
“I’ve loved you for so long, Y/N,” he murmurs into your mouth. You suck on his bottom lip and a shiver races up Seungmin’s spine. “You’re the one that needed to look up, idiot.”
Pulling back, you stare up at him like he hung the moon.
“Do you mean it?” Your fingers trail over his face, tracing the soft lines of his features. When they run over his lips, he purses and kisses the pads.
“Every word.” He grabs your hand and holds it to his cheek. “These past few months have been torture, Y/N. I’ve been waiting for so long for you to see me like I see you.”
You gulp and stare deeply into those big, brown puppy dog eyes. “I can’t believe it. This is real, right?”
With a laugh, Seungmin pinches your side with his free hand. You yelp and giggle.
“I should ask you to pinch me.”
You grin wider.
His eyes fall to your lips. Seungmin is only able to control himself for another three seconds before he dips down and captures them with his own once more.
Your smile doesn’t fade even as you wrap your arms around his neck. It’s so contagious that his own grin blossoms against your sweet lips.
The long, heated kisses dissolve into delicate pecks since neither of you can control your happiness. Your lips are stretched too wide to properly interlock them.
The happiness shared between your hearts is overflowing. The dams that were holding back your feelings for years have finally burst.
No longer do you need to hang onto fleeting moments and cling to hoodies forgotten at your apartment.
You sigh. Your happy little sigh huffs out of your nose.
Seungmin’s heart sings with joy, it grows wings and flies from his chest and into orbit. You’re everything he ever needed.
And all he needed to do was look up.
“I love you,” you whisper against his lips.
“God, I love you too.”
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srslyscary · 2 months
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random texts pt.2 // ot8
random texts with skz pt.2
Including: bang chan, changbin, hyunjin, lee know, han, seungmin, felix, jeongin
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459 notes · View notes
yngtort · 5 months
— pillow talk
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chan | lino | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
Xfem!reader • mdni • somnophilla•cockwarming • established relationship in which y/n and seungmin really likes sleeping in
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lazy morning sex with your boyfriend, seungmin, was always the best.
It usually happened on one of those cold days where both of you needed to get up, but did anything but. Seungmin would be the first to wake, tired eyes meetings with the back of your head and he just can’t help but pull you close.
He nuzzles the nape of your neck with his nose before leaving soft open mouthed kisses against it. His hands would slip under your shirt, cold finger tips skidding up your body until it finds your uncovered and hardened nipple.
the bud rolls around between his thumb and his pointer, and you’d shift in your sleep— pressing your ass, that was barely covered by your shorts, up against his already rising length— thighs squishing onto his.
Seungmin grunts at the friction, kisses turning into love bites. Ones that make your soft breaths speed up and goose bumps flip over your skin.
His hands explores downward, leaving your shirt and down to your plushy thighs and kneads them.
He gently lifts it and places it over his own two legs. You obviously start stirring awake, but your eyes were way to heavy to open— sleep still weighing you down.
“Tired, puppy, not now.” you manage to get out, but seungmin doesn’t falter. His hand slid into your shorts, fingers prodding at your warm folds and making your mouth part slightly.
“shh, I just wanna play with you.” He whispers into your ear before letting his digits dive into your hole. Seungmin pumps you slowly, feeling real time as your cunt starts to salivate around his fingers.
“Seungmo, p-please..” you moan, voice all raspy and small. It was so cute to listen to, dick twitching at each mewl and whine.
He’d sweetly card his hands through your hair as you melt away from his touch, “wanna fill you up, pup, can I?” He asks as if he wasn’t already pulling his fingers out and freeing his dick from his boxers
“Yes, need it, Mo” you answer and he delivers. Pulling your shorts to the side before his big head pressed into your tight hole deliciously, stretching it wide to welcome the rest of him.
he fucks you gingerly, one hand holding up your leg while the other found its fingers in your mouth. You drooled around them, tasting the salty fingerprints against your tongue as you let him use you.
“Damn, I wish I can do this all day,” he rasps into your ear, hips slightly picking up speed. “fuck you into these pillows til we need new sheets. you’d like that, yeah pup?”
all you can do is whimper and gag on his fingers, little head spinning as he stabs your gspot with no hesitation. Seungmin hisses as he feel you start to clench around you and he knows he has to switch positions.
He slips out of you and chuckles at your desperate pleas for him back, “s’okay, just needa make things easier for us.” Seungmin reassured as he moves from behind you and hovers over you, placing himself between your legs.
“See? Now, I can see that pretty face of yours.” He says before pushing way back into your entrance, not without pressing against your belly— because knows how much you like it.
you cry out his name as he goes back to fucking you senseless, turning you into a brainless mutt in heat. “Atta girl, you’re being so good.” He praises, leaning down and peppering your face with kisses.
The sound of your moans and his hips meeting yours fill the room completely, bouncing off the walls, seeping through the crack of door and leaking into the hallways.
“No, no, no don’t d-do that, I’ll cum.” You cry as seungmins thumb pressed against your clit— completely overwhelming you as he plows through you.
“i want you to,” he insists with an encouraging smile because if there’s one thing seungmin loves, it’s bringing you pleasure. Especially before himself. “go on, love, let it go.”
that’s all you needed to hear before you’re clenching and releasing that knot inside your stomach, head tossed back as you boyfriend rides you through your high.
“There you go, Pretty pup, good job”he laces one of his hands with yours, thrusts starting to sloppier by the second. “Gotta give you a treat. Want to have my litter don’t you?”
“Please, Minnie, I want it” You beg preciously and seungmin loses it. he ruts his whole body into you, dick twitching as his seed pours out into your cunt.
“Fuck, fuck,” he cursed into the crook of your neck, trying his hardest not to slump down on top of you “you’re so fucking perfect. Don’t wanna pull out just yet.”
“Please don’t. Stay inside, seung.”
Seungmin smiles at your request before nodding, somehow figuring out how to pull you on top of him without his dick popping out.
“Didn’t plan on it, pup.”
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Nni : double upload hehe
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Tiaanytags (comment to be added) : @sydnerss @sunnyyangie @panjakes @foxinnie8 @inniescandy-01
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sunboki · 7 months
⎯ PAPER PLANES a Kim Seungmin fiction
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🛩️ : Kim Seungmin x gn. reader
TROPE. friends to lovers, neighbors to lovers, fluff fluff fluff galore
WORD COUNT. 1.5k!!
WARNINGS. cursing
AUG'S NOTES. still crazy about this concept💀 … i wrote this in 30 minutes in complete silence.. the demons have possessed me…
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SYNOPSIS. Life in the city has never been as interesting as this. More specifically starting the moment your newest neighborhood, Kim Seungmin, moved in next door.
or alternatively :
It was only a matter of time before those paper airplanes turned into something more.
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City nights are your greatest escapade and your worst nightmare. When insomnia plagues you awake, it’s easy to turn off all your fans and just listen.
New York isn’t called the city that never sleeps for no reason.
Whether it’s the faint honking of a car or the nearest nightclubs obnoxiously loud stereo, 24 hours a day almost every day of the year this city’s eyes remain open, and in essence, it makes you feel a tad bit better about those sleepless nights.
There’s the buzz of your surroundings, but as for your apartment complex, things are pretty quiet.
Well, you did intentionally choose a very much elderly-occupied residency after all.
Until somebody else showed up, somebody who didn’t explain to you on a morning basis of how they’re deciding on their casket.
And he sings.
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Headed back from work up the elevator was when you ran into him for the first time. A smidge taller than yourself, puffy hair hanging over his forehead.
Neither of you talked apart from the courtesy “Which floor are you going to?” followed by an equally courteous “Five”, and you realizing you were both headed to the same place.
Elevators are a dangerous place. Anything could go wrong, technical issues, you end up trapped, weird strangers, and a myriad of unfortunate events waiting to happen. What’s worse? The conversations.
Because if there’s one thing you’ve learned from the decades worth of elevators you’ve been on is that they’re either a place to never stop talking or never talk.
As for this discovered neighbor of yours, you spend a solid thirty seconds deciding the right course of action.
“So where’d you move from?” You pique, watching the numbers atop the door slowly increase.
“South Korea,” He responds, and out of the corner of your eye you notice him glancing at you, hands stuffed in his puffer coat’s pockets.
Mouth opening to speak, you immediately close it, evidently surprised. To think how hellish the flight must’ve been humbled you instantly, not to mention how he carried no accent when conversing.
But before you could ask any more questions the doors open and he wordlessly slips past you, leaving you to silently follow.
“Wait!” Calling out prior to him walking through the door, he stops, turning to you with a confused expression adorning delicate features.
“What’s your name?” You voice another inquiry, hand also fastened onto the doorknob.
He blinks, the action scarily resembling a puppy dog.
“Seungmin. Kim Seungmin.”
“Y/n, nice to meet you.” Nodding politely his way, he returns the gesture, a sudden unwelcoming awkwardness creeping further into your skin the longer you both stand there, staring at each other.
And of course your genius of a mind decides to open its big fat mouth.
“..I guess we’re neighbors, huh.”
No shit sherlock, You internally reprimand, wishing oh so badly to leap out of the nearest window.
Sucking his teeth, Seungmin hums agreeably, and you feel like the stupidest person in the world.
“Yeah well, bye!” Panickedly twisted the knob and racing inside to slam the door behind you, you sink to the ground, clutching your head pathetically.
“Y/n…” You whine, addressing yourself like a lunatic. There’s a heavy sigh, a leaning your head back, thumping against the wooden frame.
“…What the fuck is wrong with you.”
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Nonetheless, the night you first heard his voice pitch through gleaming neon signs was one to remember.
Typing manically on your keyboard while a half-empty glass of watered down coffee occupied the space beside you, you squint, scrutinizing that same sentence at least a dozen times before ripping the headphones off your ears and raising up frustratedly.
This essay is definitely earning a rightful spot on your thirteen reasons why list, a close second to your first impression on Seungmin last week.
Stretching your arms above your head, you hear it. An entrancing, melodic tone sifting beneath your cracked window, decorating your bedroom in a decadent assortment of color.
Carefully tiptoeing to pry open the window fully, you crane, cheek pressed against cold glass.
It’s Seungmin. Face tipped to the side, lips halfway parted. You don’t know if he’s focused on something or what, but you know he’s the only thing that matters in this moment.
His vibrato, the way he perfectly slices notes into harmonious rhythm pulls you in like a hummingbird to nectar.
You find yourself aimlessly standing there, rocking back and forth of your heels, savoring the effortlessly sweet relief he fills your exhausted soul with.
Day after day he’d sing, voice never ceasing to calm your senses, as if supernatural, into a lulling drone. No thoughts, just him.
Occasionally it’d be a new tune, one familiar, one not. Over and over and over again you’d routinely wait for him, like a child rushing to see their favorite cartoon.
And as a result, Seungmin became one of your biggest sources of comfort without either of you knowing it.
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Today is the day.
Reaching over as far as you can muster with the makeshift paper airplane held tightly, you attempt at reading the wind, trying to decipher the best time to launch this secret weapon of yours.
Well, not really secret (somewhat), and also not a weapon, but you get the picture.
This morning you’d taken tedious measures to ensure your innovative paper airplane note would successfully fly, especially since the note inside was just as innovative.
𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐. Was what it read, and you thought the compliment was pretty appropriate considering how often you’d admire his mellowed tunes in the eve.
Except, the first one was a fail, then the second one, and a third, and by the forth airplane you had paper-cuts all over your hands and a temper teetering on the brink of defeat.
Hey, at least three people today (almost four) would get a “I like your singing” note today.
Whoosh! Your note flies, and just when you begin to lose hope does it switch trajectories, successfully hitting his balcony’s screen door.
To say you shouted was an understatement. Hell, the entirety of New York likely heard your chanting, yelling, and the entourage of oddly proud noises in between.
Noises of which were quickly muted upon said screen door opening, to where you frantically drop down, peering between the chair’s legs to observe his reaction.
Seungmin glances around repeatedly, curiously, prior to peeling back paper folds.
You inhale sharply.
His eyes graze over the sentence, investigating his surroundings again.
No reaction.
You initially deflate, grumbling to yourself defeatedly.
Until a tiny sliver of hope peeks through dark curtains.
Seungmin smiles.
He covers his mouth (an action you don’t understand but start to considering how dazzlingly bright it is), and laughs. A soft laugh that has his shoulders shaking, corner of his eyes wrinkling into charming crescent moons.
You swear there’s a ring of sparkling light outlining him, like something out of a K-Drama.
His smile could (and should) win an award, you’re convinced.
And just like that he disappears back into his apartment, and you chant a nonstop “Oh my god!” a good thirty-six times, unable to contain the feather-light feeling spreading from your fingertips to the very tip of your toes.
Cute. Kim Seungmin was so, so cute.
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From the sheepish grins he gives you each time he’s seen you since, you have a hunch he knows it was you who sent the note, but you choose to act oblivious.
Oblivious, before you received a note of your own.
Of course, Kim Seungmin’s paper airplane is perfect, aerodynamic and probably arrived on the first throw unlike your consecutive sacrifices.
Slowly shuffling open the response, you peek through hesitant fingers, slapping a hand over your gaping mouth upon witnessing his obviously perfect handwriting.
𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 :) , It reads. Something so mundane and proper there’s no reason you should be losing your mind, but you are, and the rattling of your heartbeat serves the best explanation.
You make sure to hang the note up afterward, right above your laptop.
So over the next few days, the both of you become more daring, more adventurous. Two paper airplanes turn into four, four to eight, eight to eleven. By now there’s not enough room to hang all of them up.
Meaningless conversations. Asking about dinner plans, what you’re currently doing, what your favorite hobbies are, favorite songs. But yet, they mean so much to you.
Your own, childish way of communicating even though the mature, adult reply would be to knock on his door.
Although, he seems to love it as much as you do.
𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝? Is scribbled on the airplane he’d sent a few minutes ago.
𝙽𝚘, 𝚠𝚑𝚢? You write quickly onto one, hands nimbly constructing the shape after sending so many. Routine.
Returning to stirring the pot of boiling water in front of you, a familiar tap alerts you, padding over to grasp his letter.
Strangely, a part of you grows more and more excited, plopping down into your chair to gradually take apart his craftsmanship.
Your legs move before you can even register your own feelings, scrambling outside.
Seungmin’s there, breathtaking smile as brilliant as ever despite such dim lighting.
There’s no need to admit you’ve been sending them now. Especially not from the way he gazed at you, the words inscribed on that paper airplane.
𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝?
He bites back an even bigger grin, cheeks dusting rosy pink from the cold air.
Absolutely yes.
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sunboki, may 2022 ©
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