#seperation anxiety
k9emote · 16 days
at last i give you a break from fnaf
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seperation anxiety + animal species
fennec fox
red fox
silver fox
orange tabby
tuxedo cat
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ekko-anarchist · 5 months
IIWII pt.19
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There, 2 post back to back to make up for my lack of posting.
IIWII pt.19
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1-upboys · 1 year
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I had to finish this one. it’s almost 3 am, time for bed, lol
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hey! could i maybe make a request about reader suffering from anxiety, but she hides it, and for some reason Wanda or Nat snap at her, and she breaks? Basically WandaNat x reader angst with hurt/comfort? Thanks in advance <3
Misunderstanding Mishaps
Pairings: Wandanat x R, Pepper x R (platonic)
Word count: 2.2K
Summary: R struggles while her girls are away which leads to a misunderstanding.
TW: not eating, not sleeping, anxiety, misunderstanding, angst, accused cheating, past trauma (mentioned), crying, vulnerability, depression (kinda?), separation anxiety
A/n I love pepper and I hope I did your request justice :)
Eventually you were past the point of being able to bring it up in conversation. Life had been good. Aside from dealing with it yourself, but that was the way it had always been so it wasn’t that bad. Ho were you suppose to tell your girlfriends of almost two years that your anxieties were eating you alive? You were a hero. Hero’s didn’t have anxiety. Or at least that’s what you had told yourself.
You were afraid of loosing them the same way you lost your family. In an attack from hydra your whole family was killed, the same attack that was the start of five years of hell and the begging of your powers. It had been three years since the avengers rescued you and two years of being with your girlfriends. Wanda and Natasha were perfect. They were your missing puzzle piece. But you were terrified to loose them. The constant fear of yourself, your powers and loosing the people you cared about only ever became unbearable when they left. If they were out of your sight, you couldn’t protect them. You knew they could do well more than hold their own on the battlefield but you couldn’t loose them. It had been almost a week and Wanda and Natasha were on a strict no contact mission. It was eating you from the inside out. Not know if they were ok. Not knowing where they were. Nobody would update you. It was tearing you apart. The first few days you had managed to f drag yourself out of bed. But not anymore. You were curled up in the sheets that were soaked in tears and sweat from when you did manage to sleep but you merely had nightmares about their deaths.
Pepper had been taking time out of her busy schedule to bring you food she had ordered, sitting with you until you had taken your last bite. She knew the truth. She knew of your fears and did her best to help. She was like a mother to you. It was nice. You had attached yourself to her when you first came. She looked like your aunt and she acted like a mother. She had taken to you straight away.
Two small knocks came on the bedroom door and in a small voice you called out.
“Come in.” You said, maybe too softly to hear but the door opened. Pepper stood with a table in one hand and a cooling plate of pancakes in her arms.
“Y/n/n you need to eat something today.” She said coming in an placing them on your lap before tiding up. For someone who didn’t leave their bed much there sure was a mess. She stopped when she saw your teary eyes. Coming to sit on the bed beside you she placed a hand on your cheek using her thumb to wipe the falling tears from your cheek.
“Oh sweetheart.” She cooed looking sad for you. “Come here.” She pulled you into her chest and wrapped her arms around you.
“I know your worried but I made tony hack shield because I know you needed something.” You tensed in her arms. “Wanda and Natasha are in Finland, some top secret hydra base their scoping out. They should be home in a day or two if not sooner.” She rubbed circles on your back as your hands bunched in her shirt and you sobbed into the crook of her shoulder, your body shaking. It had all been too much for you lately you needed your girls.
You were almost fully in pepper lap now as she held you into her chest tightly to ground you. Soon your sobs died down and pepper coaxed you into eating some of the now cold pancakes. Seeing your eyes fluttering she knew you hadn’t slept much the last few nights. Carefully she ran a hand through your hair to get the curls from your face.
“Sweetheart why don’t you get some sleep.” Pepper said going to grab her tablet.
You nodded and snuggled into the sheets. Pepper nodded her approval and began walking to the door.
“Can you stay?” You asked in a small voice. Insecurity lacing the words.
“Of course y/n/n.” She walked back over and you shuffled to the side as she swung her legs onto the bed and you snuggled into her thigh. She was wearing black slacks and a salmon coloured button up blouse which now had drying wet patches thanks to your earlier tears. Her hair was up and she was wearing black heels. “You look nice today pep” you mumbled into her leg and she ran her hand in circles on your back as you fell asleep you heard her chuckle at your comment.
“Get some sleep sweetheart, I wont leave you.” She said softly and used her other hand to start tapping on her tablet as she organised some stark industries business.
You woke up to the sound of voice in the hall. You grumbled and rolled into peppers side more, pressing your face into her leg and smushing your cheeks up. She chuckled and looked to the door which began to open slightly.
Wanda and Natasha peered in. Upon realising their voices were the ones you heard you shot up in bed making pepper chuckle slightly. Your bed head made you look quiet cute.
“Wands! Natty!” You said making grabby hands and using your fist to rub your eyes which had deep circles under them despite your power nap. You frowned when they didn’t come over.
“Natty? Wanda? Is everything ok?” You asked getting up and walking over to them. You went to hug them but back away when they recoiled at your touch. Pepper sat on the bed trying to. Dissapper, her only exit blocked.
“Y/n.” Wanda said with a cold voice.
“Y/n” Natasha echoed “what is this?” She asked her face stone cold as she waved a hand between you and pepper who shrunk deeper into the bed. You did a double take, spluttering slightly at the indication of what they thought you had done. They took it your reaction as shock you had been caught. Natasha was getting angry now at your lack of words.
“What? Nothing to say? We were gone so you think you can just throw yourself at the next girl who walks into the room?” Natasha said harshly. Tears began to prick your eyes.
“Do you always go whoring yourself out when we go on missions?” Wanda yelled.
“I-i-I-“ you stuttered the nervous trait you had been trying to kick for years showing itself as you floundered.
“You know what. Its been a rough couple of days, I need a shower.” Nat said pushing past you. “And frankly I don’t want to see you right now.” She said looking you up and down you felt small in your pjs and bed head. “Coming wands baby?” Nat said using pet names to make you feel worse.
“Of course my love.” Wanda replied shoving past you as well.
Your heart beat once. Twice. Then shattered. You stood staring at where they had been before you shot off down the hall. Running into your old room you slammed the door and ordered Jarvis to lock it. You curled up in the sheets and sobbed loudly into the fabric. You clutched your old stuffed toy to your chest, the familiar item bringing some much needed comfort. It felt like hours you were laid there. All alone, your thoughts running wild.
Meanwhile pepper had broken out of her stupor and was pounding on the bathroom door. She was ignored until after the two girls had showered. As they opened the door pepper jumped back and began to berate them.
“What the hell was that?!” She yelled and Wanda looked at her in shock while nat simply held a cold gaze. “You see us together and assume she cheated.” Pepper yelled. “First off Im with tony and I see her like family. Secondly I would never meddle in your relationship, I cant believe you think I would. But this is not about me.” She began pacing and Wanda and nat sat down on the bed and quietly watched. As Wanda detected no lies in her words she began to fear she had made a huge mistake. Natasha seemed less convinced and crossed her arms.
“Then what was she doing in bed with you?” She said pointedly.
“She was in tears you idiots. She has been having horrible anxiety and hasn’t been eating or sleeping scared she would miss a call saying you needed back up or worse were injured and not coming home. I have been bringing her food and drying her tears while you two didn’t spare a second thought to her state when you left.” Wanda began to feel awful and Natasha also was beginning to feel pepper was telling the truth. “I came in this morning to find she hadn’t slept again last night and I brought her pancakes. She cried into my neck for about an hour before I managed to get her to eat something and take a nap. She has been inconsolable and afraid you two wouldn’t come home to her this time.” Wanda and Natasha were feeling awful and nat ran her hands through her damp hair.
“Then you two come in and break her all over again.”
“Why didn’t she tell us.” Wanda said her voice breaking.
“She thought she needed to be strong. She thinks hero’s cant have anxiety she was afraid you would leave her for less. Don’t you get it? She loves you so much she almost made herself sick waiting like a sick puppy for you to come home.” Pepper said “you better go start apologising now. I saw she was before and I would hate to see her now.”
Wanda nodded and took Nat’s hand walking down the hall to the room and knocking on the door three times.
“Go away pepper.” You sobbed choking on the words.
“Its us.” They said and you stilled. Rubbing your eyes and standing on shaky legs. You opened the door your face masking all emotion despite your red and puffy eyes and tear tracks.
“What do you want” you said shoving everything down.
“Aww baby.” Wanda cooed when she saw your face. She pulled you into a hug and her heart broke when you stiffed. Nat began to run her hands through your hair as Wanda picked you up sitting on the bed with you in her lap.
“My sweet girl we are so so so so sorry baby. And we will spend ever day for the next fifty years doing our best to make up for it.” Wanda said and Nat nodded eagerly.
“But-but- you don’t love me anymore.” You said burning your face in your hands as the tears started again. Wanda cooed and pulled your hands from your face pulling you back the back of your neck into her shoulder and running her hands through your hair.
“Baby we love you so so much.”
“More than you know.” Nat agreed. “And we are so sorry and we hope you can forgive us.”
“And we understand in you need time.” Wanda said begging to peel you off her stopping when you choked out a broken sob.
“Please don’t leave me” you cried. And Wanda stopped pulling you in tightly to calm you down she motion for nat to join. Wanda turned your body so you were laid on her chest body flush to hers. Nat came and sandwiched you wrapping her arms under Wanda with her body on both yours and Wanda’s.
“My sweet girls.” Wanda said. As she brushed the hair from your eyes as you cried into her chest.
“We are never going to leave you alone like that again. And I’m sorry we didn’t notice sooner.” Nat said.
“‘S ok” you slurred slightly.
Wanda shook her head “no baby its not we didn’t even let you explain.” Your body shook slightly and Wanda pulled a blanket over the three of you.
“We’re here now love. You can sleep we wont go anywhere my sweet. You look exhausted. Close those pretty eyes for me.” She said stroking your cheek. You let out a low sleepy hum and your eyes drifted closed all the emotions of the day had exhausted you. You barely registered the door open slightly and pepper came to check on you and Wanda mouthed ‘thank you’ to her. Pepper nodded and used to fingers to point into her eyes then at Wanda and nat in a ‘I’m watching you’ motion with no real malice behind it. It was an honest mistake and she knew it. You jiggled slightly as Wanda’s chest moved with a chuckle the vibrations lulling you deeper into sleep. Carefully pepper shut the door. Comfy and feeling safe you slept in the arms of your girls. And for once the anxiety was nowhere to be found in any of even the darkest corners of your mind. Their love lighting up all the parts that hid the darkness from them.
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y4nd3r3gf · 27 days
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"Dreaming Freedom" "Free in Dreams"
Character: Siyun Baek
My dream man ♥︎
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heartofwritiing · 5 months
Is it New Years Yet?
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paring: muscianbur x fem!reader
summary: in which wilburs flight gets delayed due to a snow storm and you’re left alone for christmas.
authors note: Happy chirstmas to those who celebrate! might be the only christmas centric fic i do, because I needed some comfort because the holidays are hard for me. been listening to sabrina carpenter's chirstmas ep and it gave me some inspo. I do have a cute ice skating date fic idea with wilbur i might do but no promises! :) sorry this is rushed and short.
warnings: a little angsty, established relationship, mentions of past trauma, alcohol consumption, hurt-comfort, separation anxiety, unedited!
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Laying across the sofa in your living room, the blue light from your phone lights up your face as you scroll through your text messages with Wilbur. Reexamining his words sent from miles away brings comfort to you.
I wrote a song about you, do you wanna hear the demo?
Saw this at a stop and thought of you. *insert pic of something silly*
I thought about you all day again.
Miss you.
Love you so much.
The soft gold glow of the Christmas lights on the tree nestled in the corner is the only other light source. You had gone last week to pick out a tree alone, you could only be bothered to partially decorate it. You read over the messages You pull the comforter from your shared bed over your shoulders for warmth as a shiver runs up your body from your feet to your arms. The heater broke last week, and since it was only two days before Christmas, you couldn't get someone out to the house to fix it until after the twenty-fifth.
You tried everything to keep warm, wearing Wilbur sweaters, and buying more blankets than deemed necessary. It still wasn’t enough. You needed him. Inhaling the scent of the fabric you sigh sadly, It still smells like him.
Since Wilbur left, you hadn't been sleeping in your bed either, instead opting to sleep on the couch. It felt too lonely to sleep in that big bed all alone. Not that it mattered anymore, you were going to be alone for Christmas this year.
Wilbur had called you a few hours ago while you were baking cookies in preparation for his return from his small festival tour with his band. He had only been gone for two weeks, but it still felt like a month in your mind.
You were swaying along to the Christmas coffeeshop Spotify playlist playing softly in the kitchen while licking vanilla frosting off your finger when your phone started ringing. You wipe the remaining frosting off on your apron and pick up your phone to see who's calling.
A smile immediately grazes your lips seeing your boyfriend's contact photo appear on your screen. You answer with zero hesitation.
"Hii honey, Happy Christmas eve, eve!" you speak sweetly.
You're blessed with hearing his sweet chuckle that makes your stomach swirl with delight. God how you’ve missed hearing it.
"Happy Christmas eve, eve, darling,"
His voice sounds almost melancholic, but at the same time relieved to finally hear your voice. It causes you to frown in confusion. Shouldn't he be on a plane right now?
"Are you okay? I thought you were supposed to be on a flight heading here?"
You can hear a sigh escape his lips.
"I was, but, I had a layover in New York for an hour then there is an unexpected snowstorm heading towards here, and our flight is now delayed until Thursday..."
Your heart dropped. Thursday? Then that would mean... three days from now. he wouldn't be here for Christmas. You can hear him give a quick-lipped response of 'yea' to someone before his attention is back on you, questioning if you're still there. Gripping the phone tighter in your hand, your knuckles are turning white as you take a step back from the counter. You sink to the floor as you try to ground yourself into not panicking.
"You promised..."
Your breathing picks up.
"what? darling I can't hear you,” his voice is gentle through the staticky phone speaker due to the weather.
"You promised me, I wouldn't be alone..." Your voice squeaks as the tears finally flow freely down your cheeks as you break out into full-on sobs. Memories of being alone for the holidays in the past coming all back to you. You never really liked Christmas due to your childhood, but Wilbur changed that when you met. So to say you were looking forward to spending time with the only person you enjoyed it with made you panic with the thought of him not being here.
"I know, I know darling, I'm so sorry,” he says.
He guides you through your panicked state as you've helped him several times over the phone after big shows he's done the past year.
“Wilbur, I-I can’t-” you stutter, trying to get your breaths even. You felt pathetic for having a panic attack over the phone with your boyfriend over this, but it felt like your world was crashing down.
After you finally calmed down, Wilbur promised he would give you the best belated Christmas ever once he got home. He vowed to cuddle with you, bake with you, and watch cheesy movies until your heart was content. This made you feel less upset and more excited about his return. You stayed on the phone with him until he said his phone was at one percent, and then said goodbye before the call disconnected.
You are currently lying on the sofa and going through your text messages repeatedly. It has already been an hour since Wilbur last messaged you, and you are starting to feel uneasy about whether everything is fine with him. You are left wondering if he might have taken a flight, or his phone battery might have died, and he is unable to find a charger. Alternatively, you are worried that he has realized how clingy you can become and has decided to ignore you.
As tears threatened to well up in your eyes again, you realized that you had no one but yourself to comfort you. The separation from him hadn't been easy this last time since it was only for two weeks, but you couldn't help but doubt whether he honestly cared about spending Christmas separated. Deep down, you knew that wasn't the truth.
You fell asleep at sunrise on Christmas Eve. You slept through the entire day and woke up around 5 pm when your stomach started growling. Since you didn't feel like cooking anything, you made yourself a bowl of ramen. However, you still haven't received any messages from Wilbur. Which left you discouraged. You ended up falling back asleep on the couch.
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You suddenly woke up to the sound of the front door opening with a loud creak. You quickly got up and grabbed the nearest heavy object, which happened to be a half-burned-out candle, preparing to throw it at whoever was trying to enter. The door swung open to reveal a struggling Wilbur, who was carrying his suitcase and guitar in each hand. You dropped the candle on the couch and ran towards him.
Engulfing him in a bone crushing hug, he gasped in surprise and dropped his suit case to wrap his arm around you.
“You’re here!” you cried.
You felt like you were dreaming. He was here, you weren’t alone anymore.
“Surprise darling,” he kisses your temple.
“H-how?” you ask in disbelief.
“The storm had cleared enough for me to catch a flight home to you,”
“It’s a Christmas miracle!” you say half joking.
Pulling away to allow him to close the door, you prop his guitar against the wall so he can grab everything else.
“So, what do you wanna do first?” you hop on your toes with excitement. Now that he is here, you are buzzing with energy again, as if life was breathed back into you.
Wilbur gives you a defeated yet apologetic look. He feels as though he is going to let you down once more.
“Sleep, I'm really tired darling, I figured we could do everything on your list tomorrow for actual Christmas.”
“oh right, sorry yeah, we should get to bed.” you laughed. Understandable completely, he had a long journey and was looking forward to crawling into bed and cuddling for as long as possible.
The time you saw it was almost midnight, almost Christmas day. You lead him to the bedroom as he settles back into his familiar space of comfort. Everything was still the same as he left it. Some dirty shirts on the floor, two half-empty glasses of water on his bedside, and his PC untouched in the corner of the room made him do a mental check to possibly stream sometime soon, but no rush.
One thing that was off was the comforter not on the bed in a messy heap. Instead, the pillow on your side was missing, and the thin sheet was left untucked on the bed.
You ran out of the the room and returned with the comforter, happy to finally have someone to share it with again. Wilbur frowned as he watched you carry the large blanket in your arms.
“What was that doing out there?” he questioned.
“Oh, I slept on the couch while you were gone,” you say nonchalantly.
“why…?” he drags out, like he’s waiting for you to elaborate further.
You froze, realizing he didn't know you were in the living room instead of the shared bed.
“I couldn’t sleep in our bed…” you responded, sadness in your tone.
The realization breaks his heart. How you've been face-timing him from the living room every night, complaining about your back and neck being sore. You reassured him every time he asked how you were doing and you would say you were fine.
"Love, why didn't you tell me you were having sleep problems?"
In all honesty, you didn't want to burden him with the knowledge that you weren't sleeping well without him. Wilbur was already overloaded with responsibilities, you didn't want to add to any of his stress.
"I didn't want you to worry or want you to think you had to take care of me and rush away from your responsibilities that are more important." you look down, ashamed of admitting it.
He steps over to you and takes your face in his hands, you stare deeply into his chocolate eyes that hold so much sincerity.
"Listen to me when I say no responsibility is more important to me than you. You're my whole world, and nothing will ever change that. I know it's hard, but I need you to be more honest with me, especially with things like this." he declared. "You're everything to me, and I couldn't bear letting you suffer in silence. Never feel like you are a burden. Because you never will be.”
Wilbur wishes he would've been here for you when you needed him most, but now he wants to make it up to you. By the time he’s finished with his speech, you’re left with tears streaming down your cheeks and a sense of relief. Wilbur kisses your forehead, nose, and finally captures your lips in a sweet kiss. Once you both pull away theres nothing but bright smiles on both your faces.
You both climb into bed and hold each other like either one of you could turn to dust at any moment, eventually falling into deep slumber together peacefully.
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The next afternoon is spent dragging Wil out of bed and back into the living room so you can make him brunch and start your marathon of Christmas movies. Mostly just him talking through the whole thing, making little quips about the story or what the characters do. You wouldn't want it any other way.
The time had finally come to open the presents. You decided to gift him a new sweater along with some guitar picks, as he had a habit of losing them. In return, he gave you souvenirs from his travels, including stickers from all the new states he visited and a sweater of your own so you would stop taking his. That was never not gonna happen.
The rest of the day was spent in the best way possible, simply enjoying each other's company.
Later when the sun had gone down once again you were snuggled up on the couch together, sipping on wine as another movie played as background noise. You looked up at Wilbur with tired eyes and he notices.
“what?” he asks brushing a strand of hair out of your face, it makes your cheeks flush.
“Im so happy you’re here.” you confess.
“I am too darling,” he smiles.
Wilbur leans down to capture your lips. They fit together like perfect puzzle pieces. You can taste the bitterness of wine on his tongue when it slips past your lips. You gripe his sweater between your fingers and pull him incredibly close.
You break apart before it gets to heavy, your head swirls from the slight tipsy feeling from the alcohol, but also from your boyfriends sweet kiss.
“Merry Christmas Will,” you whisper.
“Merry Christmas my love.” he hums back.
You nuzzle into his neck as he wraps you into an embrace. You both fall asleep on that couch you had spent so many nights alone on. Snow falls outside, and for once, everything is peaceful in your mind knowing your love was safe at home holding you.
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taglist: @trashcanduck @merakiwi @ax-y10 @mysticalsoot @idontreallyexistyet @loonalvjy
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luigixfanxayjay · 3 months
I made this short Mario writing as a bit of a vent about personal stuff and a movie au/theory. Beware if you read, this will get angsty. 😃
TW tags: violent depections of severe seperation anxiety, trauma, psychogenic pain, panic attack, hyperventilation, and self-blame/self-hatred.
As Mario watched as Luigi left through the door, it was agonizingly slow. Mario was just standing there and filled with worry, unable to do anything.. not even speak or reach out. Suddenly, he felt as if a knife stabbed into his chest. And then another. More and more stab him with more and more force. This wasn't physical, he thought. It was his anxiety. Mario calls out his twin brother's name but he has already been long gone. At that moment he realizes something.. he couldn't breath. He got to focused on his thoughts that he lost contol of his rapid breathing. He starts yelping, screaming, whining and starts pacing at a rapid rate. He steps back and catches his leg on the rug, falling back to the floor. He sits up in terror and starts crawling back with his legs until he hits the bottom of the couch in the living room. Tears well up in his eyes. It felt as if the world was shattering like glass upon his very feet, and all that was left was the very small platform he sat on. He curls himself up into a ball, darting his eyes down to the floor. His chest hurt immensely from such lung overexersion, and he presses both of his hands against his chest as a reflex. He screams, screeching for help at the top of his lungs. He missed his brother and didn't want him hur.. wait, that thought. He was the one who didn't look out for his brother and got him lost anyway. Now he's gonna get hurt without Mario. This was all Mario's fault. His fault, his fault his fault. Suddenly he felt and saw as his arms went limp to his sides. His vision grows blinder. No. No no no no no no no-
"Mario!", a familiar voice screams. "Oh my stars! Breath! Calm down, please!". It was Luigi.
Mario opens his eyes as though it felt like forever. Luigi was sitting down, next to Mario, pressing his gloved hand on Mario's chest. He seemed to have came home in a panic. Mario wasn't sure why, or even why he was doing like this all of a sudden. What caused him to wake up like this? "Shh shh shhhhh..." Luigi consoles. "L-" Mario painfilly hesitates. He couldn't speak either, he still couldn't breath fully. It took a few minutes of silence until Mario could finally breath well again and Luigi finally explains. "I was only gone for 3 minutes! Right when I was about to enter the store, the princess called me to report to me that the neighbor Toads heard you screaming and that she was worr.." Luigi pauses his shaky voice to wipe away the tears that had already started forming, "I.. I thought you were getting killed!". Mario remembers now. Well damn, he scared his brother yet again. You know what?.. he deserves this pain. All of it. "I-.. I hate my-.. se-" Mario mumbles, but is interrupted by Luigi's hugging embrace. "NO! DON'T YOU DARE!", Luigi shrieks. "I do.", Mario achingly denies. "I don't ca-ha-hare! I love you! I-hit's not your fault~!" Luigi sobs. It didn't matter at this point to Mario. He was just so glad Luigi was okay. In the silence broken by Luigi's occasional soft sobs of grief, Mario wondered: Why did he panic? Wasn't he the perfect goody two-shoes? Was something.. wrong?
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themogaidragon · 5 months
Anxiety Disorders Pride Flags
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[IMAGE ID: a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The second and sixth stripes are bigger than the others. Their colors are, from top to bottom, green, light green, grey, white, grey, light yellow and yellow. END ID]
[IMAGE ID: a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The second and sixth stripes are bigger than the others. Their colors are, from top to bottom, blue, light blue, grey, white, grey, light cyan and cyan. END ID]
[IMAGE ID: a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The second and sixth stripes are bigger than the others. Their colors are, from top to bottom, pink, light pink, grey, white, grey, light orange and orange. END ID]
Made by @anxiety_otd on Twitter! Original flags it tooks inspiration from.
Generalized Anxiety | Social Anxiety | Separation Anxiety
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
💙 And Yet Here You Are by cosmicmilktea
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💙 And Yet Here You Are
by cosmicmilktea
T, 10k, Wangxian
Summary: The weeks turns to months, and Wei Ying is still in Gusu. Wei Ying is still in Gusu, and Lan Wangji finds that every time he opens the Jingshi's doors at the end of the day, he expects Wei Ying to be there smiling at him and it's a terrible, terrible thing because he couldn't, shouldn't get used to it. Because surely, Wei Ying belongs to the freedom of the open road and not in a place with four thousand rules - Even if that place has Lan Wangji in it. Wei Wuxian learns to settle in the Cloud Recesses, and Lan Wangji learns to settle the worries in his heart.
Kay's comments: Sasa is such a wonderful writer and every single one of Sasa's stories is absolutely lovely and high up on my list of recommendations. Here we have a post-The Untamed ending Wangxian get-together. Wei Wuxian stays at the Cloud Recesses and becomes a teacher there and also helps Lan Wangji with admistrative tasks and Lan Wangji's heart is full of worry that he will leave, but instead, he stays.
Excerpt: "I have a dear friend - kind as anything, braver than anyone I know - who once did what Yongqin did. Felt that a friend of his was treated unjustly, and fought to protect this friend." Oh. "He broke a lot of rules, actually hurt a lot of people, ended up hurting himself dearly in the process." Wei Ying stops, takes a breath, smile becoming rueful and something tightens in Lan Wangji's chest. A disciple finally pipes up after a long while, raising his hand by habit "Senior Wei, please. What…what happened then?" Wei Ying's smile spreads, becomes warmer "His friend was eventually proven to be innocent - and everyone made amends at the end. But by then, a lot of damage was already done. Even though he was right, the consequences of his actions were also real. Sometimes, you can be wrong and right at the same time. And it is as confusing as it sounds" Wei Ying laughs. "But here's the thing - When you know that you can also be wrong, that there can be bad consequences to what you do, you still have the choice to do it anyway. To choose and bear the consequences and ease it for anyone who might be affected."
pov lan wangji, post-the untamed, the untamed compliant, domestic fluff, home, seperation anxiety, angst and hurt/comfort, happy ending, getting together, love confessions, chief cultivator lan wangji, pining
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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sil1ycat · 4 months
‘Seperation anxiety’ , ‘isolation anxiety’ znd ‘episode’?
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[Emojis: episode, isolation anxiety, seperation anxiety]
Different alter then the norms here doing requests for a bit!
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floralcavern · 6 months
Was venting to an AI psychologist. It said I was a self fulfilling prophecy, thinking people will leave me so I treat them with the attitude they’ll leave me until they do. @thefearsfollow would you say this is true?
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 years
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
Separation Anxiety
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Ship: Spideybrock, Spideyvenom, Peter/Eddie/Venom
Rating: Explicit (sexual content)
Word count: 6k, unfinished
Tags: Monster sex, threesome, begging, bottom Peter, overstimulation, rough sex, anal sex, Venom's tongue, multiple orgasm, edging, double penetration
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“How much of both of us can you take?”
Peter’s hips twitched forward hard, a second orgasm dribbling weakly out of the tip but effect strong enough to bring Peter’s world crumbling down.
His voice broke on a sob. His body was moving on auto pilot, hips forcing back down so hard he’d have bruises. The two, or maybe one he didn't know, cocks inside him grew again, stretching him out to his former limit. He saw stars. If he came again right now he’d bet it would be strong enough to knock him out. He had absolutely no idea the true size of the thing inside him but it felt enormous. 
And then they started to thrust, every motion of Eddie’s hips had his prostate being stimulated, his hole stretched open and fucked into deeper than anyone's ever been before. 
He felt pinned, trapped, vulnerable and used. It scratched a very specific, not yet mentally processed, kink that had Peter's vision finally whiting out with one more pointed thrust.
He wanted to stay there forever, just on the razor's edge of his absolute limit under them, denied and unable to cum for hours. 
“We can do that.” 
Eddie whispered, hot and heavy in his ear and Peter could feel what was left of his brain melt and leak out his ears.
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strawberryduckmenace · 7 months
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"Please... Don't leave me yet..."
(How Sun grew separation anxiety)
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madame-noir · 7 months
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Short animation is Finnished, gotta say it was much easier than Ben, speaking of Ben however.
I'm still working on the stupid tunic unfortunately, I'm having to deal with the blurring of his golden letters but, I'm sure after shading it won't matter.
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slashtblr · 20 hours
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So anyone excited for the boy, Venom in Marvel Rivals and The Last Dance?
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sawyer02dk · 3 months
I feel like im just built to love too much so that it hurts 90% of the time but nobody else seems to love with heartstrings stretching and tearing and bleeding until a reunion where I can get a tiny sense of healing. I don't know why I am the way that I am and I don't understand why I must feel so much agony over seperation, the fact that no matter how much I love you and how glad I am to think of you each thought of you when you're not with me physically gives me pain in my chest, pulling me because all I want is to be where you are because that is more home than anything else I have ever known.
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