#seeking mr eaten's name
sappho-ilmarinen · 1 year
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shazzbaa · 3 months
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When my friend Giandark joined Fallen London his character, terrifying gentleman Lord Bertrand Palomo, IMMEDIATELY began Seeking The Name, the optional and infamous fallen london story where you become gripped by a supernatural hunger and a search for the forbidden that convinces you to eat ever more deranged things and eventually destroy yourself!! Its all quite horrifying and I'm having a great time enjoying it vicariously through him.
anyway at one point the list of deranged things to eat includes "teeth", which is so wonderfully upsetting that I became obsessed with it, and wondered if this guy might've ever tried to solicit some involuntary donations………???? AS ONE DOES….
Deacons can't actually hear confession but Samuel's not really in a position to explain the finer points of church hierarchy. I just really love the idea of Bertrand getting in his head that eating part of a pious man should grant him some sort of absolution for his many horrible sins.
Bonus scribble:
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You can't usually see it well, but he's missing one now…
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thedevilscarnival · 5 months
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i've had this game for four days and i'm already tempted
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mad-voidling · 6 months
my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥⛽️😜 this strain called “Seeking Mr Eaten’s Name” you’ll be zonked out of your gourd
me: yeah whatever I don’t feel shit
5 minutes later: dude I swear I saw a brown-boned skinless eyeless scarecrow, tattered into tendoned gristle, sword still clutched firmly in the corner of the chapel just now
my buddy Mr Candles, pacing: is it opening, now, does it open? Are there snares we can grasp, to place them tinily in our flesh, as we will take the flesh of Vake-the-betrayer, black as the knives? Dear deep void those knives. My flesh was not meant for them. And their teeth like the tenderness of insects. Ah, ah, ah, ah.
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mashkara45 · 1 year
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nightssideblogofshame · 7 months
Honestly, i respect the hell out of just how involved the game forces you to be with seeking mr eaten
Like, when i first started playing, i was having a good time, yknow? Then i discovered u could seek mr eaten, and like, im curious, of course im curious, but theres piles of warnings on that story and when i went to look it up as like, idk risk investigation, i found out that (spoilers btw) it would lose me my character, like my character would just be gone, idk how or why and i dont want to know without seeing it myself, but i knew my character would be for all practical purposes gone if i did it
And like, by this point i was already attached, yknow? I liked this character, i was doing my best, i was being a slut down in veilgarden and trying to become a master criminal on the side, i was having fun and way too emotionally attached to this character to sacrifice them, yknow
But the mystery, the intrigue, what in the name of the masters happened in the seeking mr eaten story???? I had to know
So what i did, was i made a seperate account, a sacrificial lamb, if you will, specifically to seek mr eaten with, i thought that id just dive directly into seeking mr eaten and like, kill off this character or condemn them or whatever horrid fate would happen to them, and I'd get to know the mr eaten story without risking my emotionally invested account, pretty standard strat in these kinds of risk storyline yknow, just make a throwaway to experience it with
Except! Except! That didn't work!
See, to seek mr eaten, you need high stats, you need resources, you need knowledge, you need a large variety of things that u just dont have and dont have the ability to get in the early game, i didnt get anywhere at all by trying to jump right in, my sacrificial lamb could not be sacrificed
So i start playing with her, and playing, and im choosing choices i didnt in my first go and focusing on stats i hadnt on my other account, and suddenly im invested in this character too, they arent a sacrificial lamb anymore, they came down to the neath to hunt down their nemesis, they were a mother whose child was murdered, she was ruthless and practical, cruel at points but not without reason, had a soft spot for children, i had like a whole mental storyline for her
And i went oh. Oh.
Fallen london absolutely forces you to get invested in your characters before youre allowed to seek mr eaten, they will not allow you to remain distant, the really extremely common strat that works in any other game to experience the 'bad route' by making a stupid trash character just wont work, is absolutely foiled!, by fallen london
Fallen london gives you a route it says will take everything from you, and then forces you to gather things to lose if you want to experience it, and i respect the hell out of that
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asleepinawell · 4 months
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A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.
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irrigos · 1 year
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Now we have the wax, which is the streak beneath our skin, and the wick, which is the faith we have skeined, and the tinder, which is the harm we have done to those who loved us, and the flint, which is the Name, the treasure of music stilled. Now. it will hurt, we must render ourselves a little, there will be scars, but one more scar, what is that?
Here it is! Almost a year's worth of work spent studying calligraphy, illumination, painting, gilding, and a million other little skills I didn't have went into making this idea a reality. Time well spent, if you ask me!
Close ups of the actual piece under the cut:
Here's the digital draft
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And a flat photo of the finished physical piece:
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I might do another post with some process shots, if anyone is interested? This piece went through a LOT of versions while I figured out how to... uh... do it at all. We'll see!
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alexanderpearce · 1 year
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returning to my smen account after some months moodboard
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itsthegiandark · 3 months
Oughugihgj the temptation to make an FL sideblog is very tempting… but not enough for me to make one yet so for now i need to show the world my big awful hongry son
Please look at him he’s doing so well very well all is well nothing shall be well well well well w
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humanoid--human · 10 months
Fallen London and Sunless Sea (both made by Failbetter Games; i haven't played their other ones) are probably the best interactive mediums I've seen for lovecraftian horror
especially the way they present paths that are arduous, immensely costly, and have no incentive at all to take them, and then you take those paths anyways, even as the game screams at you not to do it
because you simply have to know
in particular there's the experience of sailing off the edge of the map in Sunless Sea
or the entirety of Kingeater Castle
or Seeking Mr Eaten's Name
these are all just such amazing representations of the feeling of seeking forbidden knowledge, and then finding it, and then...
well, you'll have to find out for yourself, won't you?
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sappho-ilmarinen · 1 year
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emperorundying · 1 year
Menaces in Fallen London are so funny because there's like. Alright you're bleeding and physically injured, sure. You're kept up by insane nightmares, alright. The cops want you, society hates you, you're harboring an insatiable hunger clawing at you tearing away aspects of your very being as you so adamantly refuse to cease your fruitless search of that which is rightfully hidden. You have a song stuck in your head.
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Dude just- no dude, just get in the well. why? dude, it's gonna be so funny. you just gotta wait and see bro, just get in the well dude. it's actually such a good bit, just, c'mon, get in the well.
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cetaceanhandiwork · 1 year
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I saw a comment on the Fallen London wiki, where someone wondered whether it would be possible to "actually" revive/fix Mr Candles, as opposed to SMEN's mission to the High Wilderness which (as far as I can tell, having never Knocked myself) settles for mourning or avenging him.
My reaction was "well, this is the Neath, and the whole point of the Neath is to be a refuge for the audacious and the impossible, right? So there should be some way to do it, even if it's not in the game."
But then that got me thinking... how would you do it, exactly?
Part One: Body
First off, the requirements to revive the dead, even in the Neath, are apparently pretty heavy. Cups manages it at the end of Nemesis, with a ritual requiring Master's Blood, a bathtub full of Hesperidian Cider, a number of specially-prepared candles, and the remains of the deceased.
Of these four, the first two are obtainable in-game. Eye-wateringly expensive (fun fact: a bathtub is seven firkins), but still.
The third is also obtainable... at a cost. There's probably a reason that the Seeking Road, despite being as misaimed as it is, tries to spell Mr Candles's name in candles.
The fourth... well. SMEN ignores it, except at the very beginning. But the physical remains of Mr Candles apparently still exist. "IT IS NORTH UNDER GRANITE." Probably in Xibalba.
But there's a problem with the Cups Process: it can't restore the mind. In Nemesis, this was an unfixable problem. But for Mr Candles... its mind survives, and we know where to get it.
Part Two: Mind
The Mr Eaten of SMEN vascillates between two agendas: revenge and grief. Why? My theory is that there are two Mr Eatens in the Neath, each an incomplete remnant of the original Mr Candles. We know that one of them is imprinted in the lacre of the Bazaar. That would be the grieving one; aside from the obvious practicalities of what can and can't be described in the language of grief, we know that when you "Accept the Name" from the Eaten Mr Sacks, your Question is immediately shifted to "What is Forgotten" even if you previously set it to "What is Due".
Then where is the Mr Eaten of revenge? Well, where was Mr Candles most likely to leave a part of itself behind? I think the obvious answer is Parabola. It's a place where even the Masters are vulnerable, and if some impression of him didn't remain there, then we wouldn't have dreams of Death by Water. But this Eaten has been warped, too. The Strange Dreams of London interact with each other, after all, and none more than those of Storm. Storm is the other dream-remnant who dreams of going NORTH, and has his own reasons to want to pass the gate of Avid Horizon and bring down a reckoning upon the whole Neath and its lawlessness. When the Bag a Legend protagonist crafts the hungry knife to kill Mr Veils in retribution, they even use Storm's thunderbolt to do it. Some part of Storm has rubbed off on the Parabolan Mr Eaten, I think, and caused it to hyperfixate on the plan of revenge at any cost.
Part Three: Putting the Pieces Together
So now we've found the disembodied mind that the Cups Process cannot, on its own, rebuild. But how do we safely reunite those minds with their body?
If the grieving remnant is imprinted in lacre, then it can be read out of lacre. It's Correspondence, albeit a different dialect written with a different orthography. A sufficiently dedicated Correspondent could "accept the heart and lights" of the Eaten Mr Sacks and then transcribe them. And if there is a concern that "lacre cannot bury the law", then perhaps they should get the help of a Steward, whose whole craft centers around burying the Law, to enact that "no forgotten victim shall be forgotten" while the work gets done.
As for Parabola's Mr Eaten, well, the protagonist has successfully visited the dreams of dead Masters before. Get someone good enough at Glasswork to find the center of the dream. Speak the Name, to grab the attention of the dreamer, and then transport it in a Mirrorcatch Box; the endgame quests of Sunless Sea have shown us that this is a convenient way to contain and transport Parabolans who could not survive in the Neath.
With this, all that remains is to transfer these thoughts into the newly resuccitated Mr Candles. Irrigo is the obvious tool for this; we know that it can lubricate thoughts and memories, allowing them to flow freely from one person to another.
But using the Nadir itself for this purpose would be too dangerous. We'd risk permanently losing the precious canoptic jars which we'd worked so hard to recover. Instead, we need someone skilled with precision application of irrigo, of the "inks of undernight", to perform the transplant. We need Millicent Clathermont's remnant... whom, if we have St Eruzile's Candle, should already be present within us.
And what about the most fundamental obstacle? The notion, put forward by the authors themselves, that there is no longer such things as a Mr Candles, just an absence where a Mr Candles should be?
The Seeking Road has given us the solution to that, as well. The process for filling that void appears every time someone finishes St Gawain's service. St Gawain's Candle is, above all else, an emptiness in the shape of a person, filled with glory and coaxed back to life.
Perhaps it's presence as the final candle of the Seekers is no coincidence either.
In Conclusion
So this is the shopping list.
Mr Requiem, transcribed from lacre into Correspondence
Mr Reckoning, contained in a Mirrorcatch Box by Glasswork
The Inks of the Undernight, and a skilled hand at them, to return the two remnants of Mr Candles's mind to its body
The blood of a living Curator, for the Cups Process
Seven firkins of Hesperidian Cider (or another highly concentrated medium of the Mountain of Light's vitality) for the Cups Process
A number of specially-prepared candles, for the Cups Process
The physical remains of Mr Candles, NORTH UNDER GRANITE
Much of this is familiar. Much of this is stuff that SMEN gives you, for reasons it never deigns to explain before it sends you off to Avid Horizon to ruin everything.
Perhaps this was always the plan, originally. Perhaps Mr Candles, forseeing (as Winking Isle implies) the betrayal, prepared the Seeking Road as a means of resurrection, and it only got bent out of shape later. Perhaps by some ineffective Tragedy Procedure which smudged the Seeking Road but failed to erase it, or perhaps by some Mithridatic scheme of Nicator (who entire stake in the matter, as a player for White, is by his own admission “to bring light to the Neath”), or perhaps just by the Eatens’ tug-of-war between revenge and regret accidentally yanking the path past Xibalba and through the Gate.
It'll probably never be a part of the game. But in the realm of fanfic... the realm of "what might be possible"... who knows?
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mashkara45 · 10 months
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