#sanctum sanctorum
ironstrange1991 · 9 days
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Home is where Stephen is ♥️
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baju-hypothalamus · 1 year
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I am back! Haven’t picked up my pen for quite a long time. This is a fun piece.
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hanging out at the sanctum sanctorum over winter break as a teenage avenger!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 766
request: yes / no
original request: hey can you do any headcanons about hanging at the sanctum sanctorum on winter break?
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: reader, dr. strange, wong, peter parker, harley keener, miles morales, mention of natasha romanoff, steve rogers, sam wilson, and bucky barnes
a/n: this has been in my inbox for sooo long i'm sorry!! i'm going to still do winter break because even though it's spring (at least where i am), i like the vibes of winter break better!! ALSO requests are still open, just send in an ask!
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
so you, harley, peter, and miles were FINALLY on winter break.
that last week had felt like forever
and it was so tough to focus on studying for exams at the tower
but you got through it!!!!
and btw the cap quartet (natasha, steve, sam, and bucky) took y’all out for ice cream sundaes after your last exam to celebrate so that was fun
even though it was winter
the tower was fun to hang around in
but sometimes it got boring
ik it’s kind of a crazy thought
but you guys wanted to EXPLORE
live a little or smth
you all went to tony’s lab
to do science experiments !!!!!!!!!!
but he was in a mood or something LMAO
so he was like “why don’t you go bother dr. strange, huh? i’m sure he’d love some company.”
and you were like “ok!!!”
so the four of you walked over to the sanctum sanctorum 
it wasn’t actually too far from the tower
once you got to the door it was actually locked
miles said maybe it was ~ magic ~
which honestly was probably true
so you knocked
and knocked
and knocked
and you could hear someone inside!!!! but he just wasn’t coming to the door!!!
then you heard someone say “stephen, i’m letting them in.”
and then the door opened & it was wong!!!
pause for applause
because wong is so underrated and i love him
ok back to ur regularly scheduled programming
so wong was like “come in”
and when y’all walked in it was super cold
like freezing
so peter asked wong why
and he said “it’s the way stephen likes it. i’ll go change it now.”
and he did
and you heard this HUGE sigh and then dr strange came floating down the stairs
so dramatic
and he was like “why are you here”
there was a twinge of concern!!! a little twinge!!! but still a twinge!!!
and so harley told him that tony had sent you
strange just sighed really loudly
he kind of sighs a lot 
but he said he and wong were just about to sit down for lunch
and that “i GUESS you can join us”
guys my interpretation of stephen strange is rly dramatic in case u can’t tell
and you all got SUPER excited because guess what wong made
jk i’ll just tell you
that sounds basic
but y’all
wong’s soup? it’s the best soup you will ever taste EVER.
the flavor? immaculate. the seasoning? immaculate. the temperature? just enough that you have to hold it on your spoon a little bit before you eat it.
so the dining table in the sanctum sanctorum is actually really long. no explanation as to why because it’s literally just wong and strange but u don’t question them any more
anyways so the soup is sooo good
but while you’re eating you’re telling them about school
well you’re telling wong
stephen isn’t really listening LMAO
but you start telling him about what you’re learning in history
and peter starts talking about how he really liked learning about the dinosaurs
and suddenly strange is so much more interested
and he just goes “you like dinosaurs? here.”
and he opens a portal LMAO
and wong is like “stephen NO”
but stephen is already going inside of it
and so all of you look to wong for permission
but he’s just shaking his head
so you go in
and BRO long story short but there’s dinosaurs
and they’re HUGE
and harley is like about to cry
but peter and miles are like “WOAH AWESOME”
so you go up to strange
and you’re like “yeah ok great. can we go back now.”
and he’s like “ok”
long story short he finally opens it and you all sprint back into the sanctum sanctorum
and go back to eating your soup
and wong tells stephen to “stop traumatizing kids”
and it’s true tbh
anyways i think that the rest of your time at the sanctum sanctorum would include cleaning (because stephen says that if you stay you have to be helpful)
and you all play cards
go fish and uno
and stephen gets mad when he doesn’t win and makes you guys go back to the tower
but on your way out, wong tells you that stephen actually loves having you guys over
so you’re definitely gonna go back :)
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invye · 2 months
I see your "Visitors to the Sanctum flirt with Doctor Strange, because despite the magic weirdness aura he's kinda hot (or maybe because of it..?)"
But let me raise you: "Visitors to the Sanctum flirting with Wong, because he is competent and confident and hot, all while somehow completely bypassing the magic weirdness aura."
Just. People stopping by to get Stephen's help for some magic thing and they all take a moment to flirt with Wong while they're there. And Stephen is so utterly confused.
(Wong will handle the flirting with his ususal deadpan, and it'll never be revealed if it goes over his head because of a remainder of a language barrier or if he just chooses not to engage with that behaviour.)
Now imagine all the ships for Stephen-- They come to visit him, but end up in this really easy flirty conversation with Wong and Stephen secretly goes insane. And Wong obviously knows about Stephen's crush, after all the man has eyes and actual social competence. And then, one day, Wong flirts back. Stephen is traumatised. The object of Stephen's affection is traumatised. The most stoic person they both know giving a genuine smile, flirting back and accentuating it with a wink???
Stephen confesses the same day.
Wong, later: "Oh thank the Vishanti, I wasn't sure if I would have had the mental fortitude to endure any more atrocious pickup lines."
(Bonus if the ship is WongStrange and Stephen realises he is just one of Wong's many apparent admirers and works up the courage to say something before it's too late.)
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Honestly, one of the funniest things for “She-Hulk” is the possibility of Wong getting a subpoena in order to appear as a witness in Emil Blonsky’s trial. How would you even get the subpoena to him, send a letter to the Sanctum Sanctorum? 
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wwprice1 · 4 months
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Another great issue of Doctor Strange this week! The series is on a roll!
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paradoxicwashere · 9 months
The Wizard and the Warlord
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Doctor Strange and Clea Strange fan art by me!
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doctorofmagic · 10 months
Hey !
So very happy to read you're back, really means a lot 💛
I do have a question, tho, for when you feel up to it again. Any suggestions/images for the layout of the Sanctum proper ? It's for a writing project !
Thanks in advance, and take care
Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I'm glad to be back!
And of course! Here are some of the "official" layouts in comics:
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The gift shop is probably a reference to a non-canonical comic book starring Stan Lee. Sometimes, the layout changes depending on the artist, but the study is always on the third floor (where the Window of the Worlds/Seal of Vishanti is located). Also, the stairs may differ, as well as the entrance. One interpretation of the Sanctum that I really love is from the Marvel Ultimate Alliance. It gives me spooky/trippy vibes, as it should hehe
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Hope it helps! Thank you for passing by!
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vertigoartgore · 21 days
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1976's Doctor Strange & Clea by a teenage David Mazzucchelli (only 15/16 years old at the time).
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ironstrange1991 · 1 year
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fanartka · 2 years
This lonely sagging and worn daybed breaks my heart.
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There is a crumpled plaid, that lies on the sofa, that looks new, clean and velvety, as opposed to the sofa itself, which is frayed enough to show it has been used for years.
Behind the headboard there is a box of bottles, one of them is on the table... Oh, Sinister, it looks like you are in the habit of spending your evenings with wine.
Under the sofa are stacks of newspapers, it seems to me, and I think that, exhausted by loneliness, Sinister reads the old news of a world that no longer exists, delving into the daily turmoil in order to at least temporarily revive the rumble of human voices and events. An activity he probably didn't have time for before. But judging by the dust and dried leaves, he left this reading a long time ago.
There is a low table behind him with a chessboard, barely noticeable in this frame, so for some time he tried to entertain himself with the analysis of chess games and exercises, and could become a grandmaster ... if he had any rivals left.
I think there should be candelabra with candles here, because the sofa is turned so that the daylight does not fall on the face, so that Sinister spoils his beautiful eyes in the evenings.
All this and the fact that he keeps his hands behind his back like a prisoner... hurts.
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hibiscusbabyboy · 1 month
"'Sono una strega buona o cattiva?'
That is the real question, but my blood tells me that it is up to one's interpretation"
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
Summary: What problems could a problematic witch cause at the Avengers Tower? The answer is all of them. So, when you’re in dire need to do some witchy things, the Avengers ship you off to the Sanctum, in hopes that Strange can keep an eye on you. But what happens when everything still goes wrong?
Note: Sorry, kind of a long one for me :)
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“Alright guys, I’m going to head to my witchy room now. Gotta do some witchy things and make some more potions-”
“NO!” All members of the Avengers collectively screamed, causing you to jump. A poof of purple magic shooting from your fingertips and breaking a vase. “Oops.” You gave them your bashful smile. 
“This is why we don’t want you to do your witchy things in the tower anymore.” Tony murmurs, causing you to frown. Natasha elbows him, “ow.”
“What he means, is that sometimes your witchy stuff can cause destruction.” You were gobsmacked. 
“It is not destructive. Name three times that it was.” You crossed your arms defensively. 
“The twentieth floor exploded because you saw a spider and accidentally knocked sulphur into your cauldron.” You huffed. “I cannot control my jumpiness!”
“Instead of giving Clint a healing potion, you gave him a love potion, and he fell in love with Pietro.”
“How was that one destructive? If anything, the tower was just a tad more chaotic than usual.”
“Clint blew up the air vents trying to find him! The AC was down for weeks.” Sam deadpanned. “Poor Bucky couldn’t move his metal arm.”
You frowned. “That was after the fact!”
“You once sneezed in the common room and plants began sprouting out of the walls. It was like we were transported into the Amazon.” Your eyes widened at Peter. “Sorry Miss Y/n, but it’s true.”
“Maybe I’m a bit problematic! But you love me for it!” You were met with silence. “Well, you guys suck.” You stuck your tongue out at them.
“I do still need to do my witchy stuff, though. What am I meant to do?” Tony smiled.
“We can send you to Strange.” You grinned and clapped your hands together. 
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“This is the only place that you are allowed to do whatever it is you do. It has protection wards placed around it, so your chaos cannot interfere with the rest of the Sanctum.” Stephen explained. 
“But I’ll be lonely.” You pouted; Stephen sighed. 
“Y/n, just get on with it. I’ll be in the library going over spells. Do not destroy anything.” And with that, he left you alone. 
Deciding to get straight into it, you pulled out your phone and connected it to your Bluetooth speaker. How were you meant to get anything done without music? Selecting Doctor You by DNCE you started to get into your witchy feels. 
(Apologies if this isn’t the music you’re into...feel free to change it to anything you like 😊)
Vibing to your music, you began to create your potion. Summoning your cauldron, you stirred what was already in there while shaking your hips to the beat. Mumbling to the lyrics (in hopes that you wouldn’t disturb Stephen or Wong), you began adding your emerald saffron, feverfew, and venom lavender into the mix. 
As you began to carefully stir the mixture, the chorus of the song began...and you couldn’t help yourself.
(Once again, feel free to change the lyrics)
As you really got into it, you began dancing around the small room, narrowly missing your bubbly mixture and the items surrounding it.
As you were finishing your solo act, you accidentally knocked a container of wild rue into the mixture. Your face blanched. “Uh oh...”
Quickly, you bolted out of the room at a pace that could give Pietro a run for his money and closed the door behind you. Leaning you back against the door, you counted down.
Cue the sound of witchy goop exploding. That was not going to be easy to clean. Opening the door slightly, you peered at the disaster that was inside. Grey goop was stuck to pretty much every surface; your tomes were completely destroyed, meaning that pieces of paper were scattered everywhere; and let’s not forget about the stuff that was in the room to begin with. Stephen was not going to be pleased. 
As if thinking of him made him appear, the Sorcerer Supreme stood in front of you, with an annoyed expression clear on his face. 
“Oops..?” You smiled. 
“What did you do?”
“Well, I was in the middle of a solo act,” Stephen rolled his eyes, but you chose to ignore him, “and I accidentally knocked some wild rue into my cauldron.” He dragged his hand down his face and attempted to hold back a groan. 
“Why are you like this? You’ve got to be the clumsiest witch to grace the Multiverse.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment. So, thank you.”
He sighed.
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After your fiasco in the room, Strange ended up bringing you back to the library with him. He no longer trusted you to be unsupervised. 
“Come on, Stephen. It was one little mishap.”
He shook his head, “One little mishap that destroyed an entire room. You’re lucky my wards were there. No more witchy things.”
You frowned, “What am I meant to do then?”
“I contacted Stark, but they were called on a last-minute mission, so he asked me to keep an eye on you for the time being.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, Doctor.”
He grinned, “Oh, but it does. You’re going to sit in that little corner over there and do some non-witchy things where I can see you.”
You huffed. You did not need a babysitter and you voiced your opinion on the matter, but still, you complied anyways, making Strange chuckle. 
Sitting in the chair with a scowl, you stared at the Sorcerer Supreme. What does he think you’re going to do in this corner? Wait patiently for the Avengers to come pick you up? If he thought that, he’s got another thing coming. 
Making sure that he wasn’t looking, you quickly stood up, and quietly ran down a random aisle of the library. As soon as you deemed yourself a safe distance away from Strange, you slowed down. Slowly making your way through the library, you ran your hands over the multitude of books that it held. 
Books on necromancy, spell casting, potion making, and countless others surrounded your view. You smiled; it was just your luck that you somehow ended up in the witch section. Gathering a few books, you made your way to a table. 
When opening a book on spell casting, a cloud of dust greeted you, causing you to sneeze. Purple strings of magic seeped from your fingertips and pushed against the dark oak shelves of the library, knocking them down like dominoes. 
Your mouth was agape. Now Stephen really wasn’t going to be pleased. Quickly getting up, you attempted to put everything back the way it was. That was until someone interrupted you. 
“Y/n! What did you do?” He yelled.
With widened eyes, you titled your head to the side and gave a cautious smile. “Oops...?”
He took a deep breath to control himself. “Yeah...oops.”
“Let’s get this cleaned up.” You nodded your head and hastily began fixing up the library. 
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Eventually, much to Stephen’s pleasure, the Avengers came to collect you. 
“So, how’d you go? Do everything you needed?” Tony asked. 
You smiled awkwardly. “Sure...”
Wanda quirked her head to the side, “You did it again, didn’t you?” You nodded. 
“It’s fine. You wouldn’t be the Y/n we know and love if you weren’t a little problematic.” She kissed your temple. 
“She’s right, you know. The Tower wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for your little mishaps.” Stark gave you a side hug. 
“Thanks Doc for watching her.” He said with a nod, then left along with Wanda. 
You smiled and turned to Stephen. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night?”
Stephen smiled, pulled you closed and kissed your forehead. “I couldn’t forget about date night.”
“I love you, Stephen.” You said, nuzzling into him. 
He laughed, “I love you too, my little problematic witch.”
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I thrive off of chaos. 
Find my Masterlist here!
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boredzillenial · 1 year
A Gift Horse and His Mouth
Pairing: Dr. Strange X Afab Reader (she/they pronouns)
Tropes/warnings: PTSD/panic attacks, hurt/panic and comfort, hints at brat/brat Tamer, one “snap-out-of-it” slap, soft/supportive Stephen, wet dreams, oral (f receiving), caught masterbating
Summary: You came to Kamar-taj for help with your mental health. Little did you know your dreams would work against you and make things a lot more complicated.
Word count: 3,274
*Do not post or republish my work on other platforms or claim it as your own*
(Constructive criticism via DMs welcome, this is my first fic I’ve published be gentle)
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“Just breathe, you’ll get through this.” Wong said calmly as you crouched against a wall in a meditation room.
You had come to Kamar-Taj to heal your mind. Little did you know you’d have to face what haunted you in daily meditations.You had heard stories of people healing impossible injuries after coming here and honestly you felt pretty stupid thinking this process would be easier.
“I’m - sorry - Sorcerer - Supreme.” You gasp out between inhales, trying desperately to claw your way out of a panic attack as you shook.
“No need to be sorry Y/N, when your instructor told me you struggled with meditation I did not know it was like this.” Wong said quietly. “Thank you for showing me. You need someone who can be more, present on a daily basis” He stood slowly, looking around the empty room and rubbing the back of his neck.
You nearly jumped out of your skin as the doors to the meditation room flung open and Strange walked in. Okay walk wasn’t quite the right word. The way he carried himself Strange always seemed to be strutting into every room.
“Wong I swear I am NOT helping if a blizzard blows in aga-.” He stopped short as his gaze landed on you, still on the floor and still heaving breathes as you finally were shaken out of the memory in your mind. “Ah sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt, I’ll leave you to it.” He turned on his heel to leave.
“Wait Strange! Your timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I have an assignment for you.” Wong smiled as he walked over and clapped Strange on the shoulder.
“I’m not a student, I don’t really do assignments.” Strange said curtly, seemingly doing his best to be respectful while getting his point across.
“You do when the Sorcerer Supreme asks you to.” Wong grinned. “Strange, this is Y/N. I think helping her will be good for you. They’re having trouble meditating and since you were the worst about it when you first came to Kamar-Taj who better to teach her!” Wong’s grin widened at the absolute annoyance blanketing Strange’s face. “Take her to the New York Sanctum to continue training.”
“You can’t be seri-“ Strange nearly growled before Wong cut him off.
“I am, and thank you for the help! You two can leave first thing tomorrow!” Wong clapped him on the shoulder one more time before leaving the room briskly. “Higher duties and all that!” He yelled over his shoulder.
Strange pinched his brow, sighing loudly and shifting his weight on his feet as he turned to leave. “Fine. Take the rest of the day to pack, we leave first thing after breakfast tomorrow.” He clipped and strode out of the room.
Finally alone, you were able to fully still your body from the shaking and steady your breath. Unsure what exactly tomorrow would hold.
Kamar-Taj was empty, completely silent. You walked softly through the halls, looking this way and that for any sign of life. Once you made your way to the meditation room that’s when you saw him, Strange.
He was cross legged, eyes closed, floating a few feet off the ground. As you entered the room, the doors slammed shut behind you. With a quick flick of his hand and fingers you were floating toward him. You struggled against the sling ring restraints as you stopped not 4 feet away from him. His seated position shifted to standing, face just inches from yours. His eyes opened slowly as he wrapped is arms around you. His lips brushed yours and those blue-green eyes were as soft as his caress as he leaned the rest of the way.
You felt the brush of his lips and you heard him murmur your name. “Y/n” another kiss, a little more firm “Y/n”, you felt his tongue glide against your lips “Y/n I am not missing breakfast because of you.”
You heard the bang of the door to your room slam open as you shot up in bed, pulling your blankets to your chest.
“Get up, are you even packed?” Strange snipped.
“Y-yes,” you stuttered. The pressure of his lips lingered on yours as you got your bearings.
“Good, get dressed and eat we leave in an hour.” His cloak whipped as he turned on his heel and strode down the hall.
If this is the kind of tricks your mind was going to play on you during your training. This was gonna be a lot more difficult that you thought.
You made it through breakfast and the quick portal to the New York Sanctum trying desperately to shake the memory of your dream. Your room in New York was comfortable, just across the hall from Strange’s room. It seems Wong briefed Strange on your past and deemed it necessary to keep you two close.
“So this is where you’ll be staying. Wong told me about your…” He hesitated. You knew people usually tiptoed around you once they heard about your diagnoses and how severe it can get. “Condition right before we left. I apologize if I was rude yesterday and this morning. And I’m right across the hall if you need anything. I’d like to go over your boundaries if that’s alright with you.”
You took a deep breath and sat on your bed as you did your best to release the tension from your shoulders. “I have night terrors sometimes. If I scream in the night please wake me. I don’t usually wake myself up with it unless it’s really bad” you said shakily, “I get panic attacks, they usually come on during the meditation sessions back at Kamar-Taj and well… I haven’t quite figured out how to break out of those.” You cast your gaze down at the mattress.
“Y/n, no one here or back at Kamar-Taj is judging you, especially not for this.” He came and sat on the best beside you. “Your wounds may not be visible like mine, but we’ll work through this.” You stared at the scars on his hands curiously.
You were a bit taken aback by his gentleness and tone. Wong must’ve really given him a talking to. Your gaze shifted up from his hands to his lips, your dream replaying in your mind. You could feel your face flush so you stood abruptly and began to pace a bit.
“Th- thank you. I really appreciate your understanding with this. And I really don’t want to hinder you on your duties here. I will keep up you don’t need to -“ you felt his hands on your shoulders, trying to steady you and stop your pacing.
You managed to meet his gaze as a smirk jerked at the edge of his lips “You’ve got this, I know you can keep up.” He winked. “Well I’ll leave you to settle in. Oh and just so you’re aware the Sanctum can get hot at night so crack a window if you need.” He stepped back and pointed above your bed where a small circular window streamed the late summer sun in.
“Thanks.” You said quietly as you forced your gaze to linger on the window. He left your room with a nod and without another word.
A couple weeks passed by without incident as you grew accustomed to the Sanctum and the few people who inhabited it. Strange was busy and you hardly saw him after you got settled on your first night. Your days had consisted of exploring, getting comfortable in the library, and taking short strolls around the neighborhood when the heat died down in the evening.
Though you technically had a window you still had not managed to open it nor set aside your pride long enough to ask someone for help, so you began sleeping in just your boxers and the top sheet.
You heard shuffling outside your door one sweltering night just as you had settled into bed. You toss a tank top on and tread quietly to the door. As you cracked it and peeled into the hall you saw broad shoulders under that familiar red cloak. “Jesus do you always wear that thing even in the heat?” You chided.
He turned slowly, one eyebrow lifted and a smirk “I see someone has gotten comfortable enough to joke.” He chuckled “My relic goes with me everywhere.” He dragged his bags into his room. You got a peak in as he made his way through the door. His room was huge, what looked to be a California king sized bed and books piled here and there. “Throw some actual pants on and come with me, Wong asked for a status update and I told him you’d been doing well with your meditation progress.” He called.
Shit shit shit - the one thing you managed to not do while Strange was gone.
“Ah yeah, one sec” your heart thundered in your chest as you shut the door and traded your boxers for a pair of silk pj pants. You were nervous as these were the kind that showed every curve especially with the tank top but the heat was unbearable in anything more.
“Meet you in the library” you hear him call from the other side of your door as his footsteps faded.
You made your way to the library and saw Strange seated in one of the many plush armchairs, leaning his head on his hand and reading a book intently. He snapped the book shut and stared up at you as to took as seat across from him. You could’ve swore you saw his eyes flicker over your figure as you took a seat.
“Get comfortable, show me how far you’ve gotten.” He said curtly.
You crossed your legs and settled your hands on your ankles as you began to take deep breathes. As you began to clear your mind of the daily, random, distracting thoughts the memories that plagued you came rushing to the surface. Your breath hitches and your heart pounded in your chest as you begin to shake.
“Y/n, remain in the moment. Focus on your breathing.”
Flashes of images, sounds, smells, battered your senses. Your breath becoming even more erratic.
“Focus” Strange’s voice sounded distance, his touch on your knees a far off sensation compared to the barrage in your mind. Your eyes moved wildly behind your eyes and your head began to twitch this way and that. “Y/n!”
You felt a slap sting across your cheek and your eyes snapped open. Strange was right infront of you, his hands on either side of your face. “Be here, breathe damn it.” You could see the tension set in his eyes and jaw.
You locked your gaze on his eyes as you tried to gulp in air. “In, and out” he shifted one hand from your face to your upper chest trying to hone in on your heart beat. “Breathe.” He said quietly. You keep your gaze on his face as he closed his eyes, his face was mere inches from yours. Your mind began to shift, those horrible memories replaced by the images in your dream. His lips, so close…
Your breathing began to steady but your heart still thundered at the nearness of him, the heat of his hands felt like burning on your skin. He opened his eyes and must’ve seen the panic shift momentarily to hunger as he released his grip from you and stepped back. “You alright?” He huffed, his eyes flickering over you.
“I - I think so.” You could feel the heat flushing your face as you shifted your gaze to the floor.
“Good… What the hell was that.” You furrowed your brow and looked up at him. “You were supposed to be practicing.” He gritted through his teeth.
“You were supposed to be here, leading me through it.” You stood shakily. “You think I want to go through that alone?!” You took a step - then another. Closing the gap between the two of you as anger shot through you. You stopped short just infront of him, your eyes level with his broad shoulders. You jabbed a finger to the center of his chest. “You know you are so-!”
He grabbed your wrist, frustration simmering in his eyes as he gazed down at you. “You better watch it.” He said as his lip curled a bit.
“Or what.” You growled. His eyes widened a bit, his snarl shifting to a smirk.
“This is new, this fire.” His smirk turned to a playful grin.
“No, it isn’t.” You snatched your wrist away. “It’s just been - buried.” You grumbled.
“Well” he clapped “Let’s unearth it. From now on - we’re working together… Daily.” He smiled. “And let’s just agree to tell Wong that your making good progress but have quite a ways to go. You’ll be staying at the Sanctum indefinitely to continue our training.”
“Fine” you huffed. This is why you had seeked out the wisdom of Kamar-Taj in the first place. You did your best not to look this gift horse in the mouth. Your eyes flickered to his lips and you felt that familiar burn creep up your face. Okay try not to look at his mouth at all.
“Go to bed, rest up. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.” He waved you off and turned his back to return to his book. You left the library shaking off the feeling that he was watching intently as you walked away.
You made your way to bed and got yourself as comfortable as you could in the heat, back in your usual sleeping attire…
Flashes, pain, fear. You were running through the empty Sanctum. Something chasing behind you. You couldn’t see it, couldn’t hear it, but you could feel it.
You tried to yell for help but your voice was choked in your throat. Sweat streaked across your body as you slid down corridors and halls. You burst through on the roof, attempting another cry for help but finding yourself voiceless yet again. It was bounding up the stairs. You backed away to the edge of the roof - the hot summer air whipping at your back. You saw no other choice, and let out a scream as you fell back.
“Hey hey, you’re alright” a warm voice floated in your ears. The first sensation coming to you being the tight wrap of something around your body. You blinked awake and found the Strange’s cloak encasing you. “You’re at the Sanctum, you’re safe.” You felt the edge of the cloak wipe the dampness from your brow.
Your gaze settled on Strange kneeling on the side of your bed. His bare shoulders and broad chest right in full view. You tried to adjust, the cloak firmly held you in place. You looked down confused. “Sorry for coming in, you were screaming and I came to help but uh,” oh for fucks sake you had been shirtless when he came in. Your face burned hot at the realization.
“It’s alright.” He continued softly, stroking a hand across your shoulder and side. Even through the cloak his touch sent lightning through you. “Are you alright for me to leave?”
You shook your head yes as your face continued to burn. He gave a short nod and stood. His muscles shifted as he walked away, even through his sleep pants you could tell his legs were as toned and the rest of him. It was only when he had made it into the hallway did his cloak slip from around you. You quickly snatched the top sheet over you as the door to your room shut.
You took a deep breath as you stared up at the ceiling. How in the hell would you live this night down. You began breathing deeply as you tried to return to sleep.
You found yourself in the library. The stillness bringing some comfort as the soft light from desk lamps lit the room. Your silk pants and tank top shifted over your skin as you walked. You finally settled in one of the plush chairs and leaned your head back. Running fingers through your hair as you took in a deep breath.
A short low chuckle came from above you. Your eyes opened as a shirtless Strange looked down at you. You sat up and leaned away as he made his way around the chair. He knelt infront of you and set a broad hand on your chest, fingers brushing against the base of your throat. You licked your lips and swallowed hard as his hand slowly shifted down. You watched as his hand cupped your breast and began to tease your nipple through your tank top. You sucked in a breathe at the sensation.
His eyes bore into yours as he watched your reaction to his touch. Without saying a word he placed his other hand on your knee, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb. You groaned as he began kneading your breast, and he took this as a sign to move the other hand from your knee up your thigh. He curled his fingers around the inside of your waistband and tugged gently, his eyebrow raising in an unspoken question.
You bit your lip and nodded, his other hand shifted to your waistband and you lifted your hips as he tugged your bottom half free. Your breathe hitched as his hands slid up your ankles, calves, until they rested on your knees. He cocked his head and grinned, and you nodded as he spread your knees aside. His eyes gleamed with hunger as he stared at your wetness already pooling in the chair. He gave a short growl and tugged you toward him. He nipped and licked up your thighs until he made his way to your cunt. Pausing for a moment before diving in.
The shock of his hot tongue splitting you open made to gasp. His shifted your legs over his shoulders and wrapped his arms around them, digging his fingers into your soft thighs. You leaned your head back and groaned as he worked at your core. His licking and sucking drew breathes from you and you ran your fingers through his hair.
He pulled away and nipped at your inner thigh, eliciting another gasp and drawing your gaze back to him. His blue eyes blazed as he sank his mouth back onto you. You kept your gaze locked on his as he picked up the pace, his tongue sliding into you. You groaned and grit your teeth, while his tongue inside of you felt amazing it wasn’t where you needed it. You grabbed hair in either side of his temple and pulled his tongue back up to your clit. He gave a toothy grin as he broadened his tongue and pressed it against that bundle of nerves. That pushed you to the edge, your hips bucking against him. He let out one more growl and dug his fingers into your thighs to hold you in place as he took you over the edge. Blinding pleasure shot through you as his tongue continued it’s punishing pace.
“Oh fuck, Stephen.” You cried out.
“Oh fuck, Stephen.” You gasped. Your hips bucked against the pillow wedged against your core.
You bit your pillow as you came down from your orgasm. Your body glistened with sweat as morning light streamed into your room. You sat up rubbing your face and eyes as the sheet fell to your waist. Your breasts heaving as you caught your breath.
You softly laughed as your hands came down your face. Now that was a dream. You could feel the post orgasm smile spread across your face as you opened your eyes.
And standing there just inside the door, was Stephen Strange. His head cocked, eyes wide and face flushed to match yours…
Part 2 here! | Masterlist
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I Think We Need to Talk
Pairing: Doctor Strange x Gender Neutral Reader 
Warning: Mentions of terminal illness, depression, grief, death, injuries, hurt 
AN: I haven’t posted an original one-shot in awhile so here’s one of mine from Wattpad! My handle is @Bleecker_St_Magician on there so be sure to check it out if you like my work!
Summary: Y/N, after being cursed has finally had enough but will the words that Stephen has to offer be enough, or will it finally drive them over the edge?
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The curse has been going on for far too long. It took away almost everything, your life, your family, your friends. When you entered the Kamar Taj you thought it would just go away with the magic, or you could at least learn how to get rid of it, but it only seems to get worse with every waking minute with no cure, even when you finished your studies and moved to the New York sanctum.
Your partner was the one that convinced you to study the mystic arts. It was his fault you got cursed, even if you did feel uncomfortable blaming him. He didn't cast the spell or put the curse on you, instead, it was one of his enemies, that hated him for the powerful sorcerer he was, and the influence he had.
The curse was painful, it was like a chronic illness, slowly consuming you, but instead of killing you, it was worse. You would be a monster by the time it was over with, no longer yourself in the least bit, instead just evil, plain evil. You never wanted that day to happen, if there was a way for you to prevent it you would take any measures necessary, even ending yourself even if it would hurt and break the last person that loved you.
You knew you only had a little bit of time left, you'd dedicated years and years to learn these arts, just all for nothing. No hope was left for you. You had days, if not a few weeks left to live before it consumed you fully. The only thing you could do was worry and wait and cry and try to enjoy yourself in the tiniest bit with the man you ever so loved.
Sitting in your chair you gazed out the window, a storm filling up the cloudy night sky. This could be it, your last storm, the last time you saw rain, the last time you enjoyed the peace and joyful feeling it brought.
You gazed out the window, trying to store the moment in your mind. He wasn't home, he would make this moment perfect. The revelation you'd been putting off while gazing out struck you, the terrible luck and draw of a card you'd been given. Tears filled your eyes, slowly starting to drip down your face.
Still gazing out the window, you could see your sad reflection. The hopelessness that filled your eyes, the tiredness from nights desperately searching taking its toll on your figure and appearance.
Putting a hand to the glass, you tried to wash out the thoughts. Wallowing would only make the curse seem to appear quicker. Standing still, you thought about the happy moments you had.
You thought about meeting him, Stephen, the one you were made for without any doubt. That moment when he became flustered and spitted the words out, asking you on a date. You thought about your first kiss, in the rain on a walk to your house, part of the reason you loved the rain so much. You thought about your first time, and how nervous you were, but he made you feel like the luckiest person in the world. You thought about your first "I love you" and how both of you just suddenly blurted it out and ended up in tears from laughing so hard. You thought about when you moved in together, how he was so scared to ask and he planned a romantic evening leading up to the simple question. How that very night the two of you planned what you wanted to do with your life together, get married and settle down in a calm life, live together till the end. That would never happen now.
"Y/N," his baritone voice rang through the room and your ears,  he was here, finally, you could enjoy this with him.
"Yes?" turning around to meet his defeated-looking figure, the curse seemingly taking its toll on him as well.
"I think we need to talk," he gazed at you with a saddened expression, tears filling his eyes as well.
This can't be good.
"About what?" staring at him, only a few feet away from you, his cloak drooped in defeat along with his broad shoulders.
"I can't do this anymore," he sighed as he looked towards the window the rain as loud as ever as you thought.
Is it really over? When I only have a few moments left to live? How could he do this when we've been through so much?
"What do you mean?" Your voice quivered with the question that unwillingly left your lips.
"The curse Y/N. This," he started to get angry, you could hear the slightest tone in his voice.
You begged the sob forming not to escape you but just your luck it did. You whispered just loud enough for him to hear, "No."
"It's taking up everything. We never see each other anymore," the words spat out of his mouth.
Please no. Gods if you're real let this be a nightmare, I promise I won't complain anymore.
The tears flowed like a river now, you could not stop them if you tried. It couldn't be true. Stephen wouldn't do this in your last few moments left to live.
"Please, please no," you spoke through your tears, "you have to understand, I'm trying to get rid of this for us. If I don't I'll die Stephen. I don't want to die."
He was always so perfect. How could he?
"It's because of me," he mumbled under his breath, hoping you couldn't hear it. This was breaking his heart but it was for the best.
Hearing that made you break, if you thought you were broken before this was ten times worse. Letting your emotions loose you turned to him your voice almost a scream, "I don't care if it's because of you. I just want to be with you. I don't have much longer, how many damn times do I have to say it."
"It's consuming you Y/N. It's not just because I blame myself, I just can't anymore," Stephen whispered as he began to pace back and forth.
Collapsing to the floor, you looked out the window once more, this time the rain didn't seem so peaceful and joyful, instead, it felt like your heart being broken by the one person left that cared, or at least pretended to.
"This curse it's consuming you. I thought it was bad when it first happened but now it's worse than ever," he stared at you unbeknownst to you he was going through the same heartbreak but his idea, that maybe just maybe, the curse would be taken away if you left had to be true It was the only option left for you and him, the only option to save you, even if it broke your heart.
"Stephen, love, please stop," you whispered, barely getting the sentence out. You could feel it consuming you now, the monster crawling up, soon to be all that was left of you. It would have to be destroyed, there would be no hope.
"No. I won't. I'm leaving until you pack your bags and go to the Kamar Taj," he began to walk away, but couldn't bear it when he heard your sobs of pain and misery.
The pain was too much. This wasn't how you wanted it to end. Your last moment spent losing the one person left in your world. The curse was making its way through you, soon you'd be transformed, Stephen wouldn't have to deal with it anymore.
You caught a glimpse of him walking away then standing still. "Stephen please," you weakly cried out, "it's coming right now. All I want is to be with you. Please," the last part came out as a barely audible whisper as the pain got even worse, causing your body to contort.
He felt guilty, surely this wasn't the end. He couldn't deny your calls even if they were a trick, so soon he found himself cradling you in his arms.
He knew this wasn't a trick now, he could see your features changing. Tears began to fill his eyes and drip down his face onto yours.
Reaching your arm out you gripped onto his stubbled face, "I'm sorry, for wasting so much time on this curse."
"You didn't," Stephen whispered to you and he hugged your body to him, "I love you Y/N. I'm sorry."
The curse had almost filled you now, you knew this was the end. At least your last words wouldn't go to waste, "I'll see you in the next life. I love you, my sorcerer."
The end caught up to you. The curse had taken over. At least the last feeling you got was in the one you loved arms.
Stephen cried more than he ever had before when he felt you go away and the curse take over. Calling for Wong, who had prepared for this situation, he looked out the window at the rain, his thoughts now filled with the fact that he caused this, the curse, everything, he rid you of your last moments of peace and love and filled them with pain and sadness.
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Do you have any pictures of the sanctum?
Yeah. Tons. The Sanctum changes sometimes. At first I thought I was going nuts because many details kept changing, so I took pictures just to make sure and...indeed, the Sanctum can change on its own.
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This one is when the Sanctum is angry or sad.
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