#sam monroe x reader
anisscarletstarlet · 3 days
nsfw, cheating
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sam knew his ways weren't necessarily ethical, but he truly couldn't bring himself to care, he just loved watching you go about campus, loved following you around, watching you spend time with your friends, memorizing your class schedule, watching your boyfriend fuck you in the dirty school bathrooms, your moans bouncing off the walls. but what he loved most was fucking you right after your useless hunk of a boyfriend left you to clean up the mess, already planning on helping you clean yourself up from the inside out.
"hey" his voice was soft as he crouched next to you where you were desperately wiping away the cum that had dripped down your legs and onto the floors. you smiled at him, pulling your skirt down a bit as you continued cleaning up, as if he hadn't fucked you in that same skirt numerous times. he thought it was adorable, so he let his lips find yours, his cock already hard and aching at the previous sight of you being pounded into.
you dropped the tissues the second his lips met yours, wrapping your arms around his neck as he settled himself between your thighs. your skirt pooled around your waist, revealing your gaping hole that was still dripping with your boyfriends cum, yet none of yours. it didnt matter though, because he had never been the one to get you off, sam always doing the job.
"must be so worked up, poor baby" he'd whisper, and this time was no different, his lips finding your hole, tongue easily slipping in. he let his thumb circle your clit as he ate you out, cleaning you up, ready to replace your boyfriends cum with his own.
you came in no time, hands gripping his hair harshly as he kept going, only pulling back when he deemed you clean enough, pulling his cock out to make a mess out of you once again.
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blegh-110 · 12 hours
i. "i was enchanted to meet you" | Sam Monroe
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Pairing: older brother's bestfriend!Sam x fem!reader
Summary: Older brother’s best friend! Sam Monroe who you really got to know when you were 15 and he was 17.
Warnings: None
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: This is chapter II of this series where I am using songs from Speak Now, enjoy!
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Your sophomore year of high school was great.
One reason being that you had finally made a friend who was in three of your classes; geometry, honors english, and P.E.. 
The second reason being that Sam was in your very last class of the day, introduction to art. 
Neither of you were artists, or even good drawers. But that was what made your time together so fun. There wasn’t a day that went by where you two didn’t make fun of each other’s drawings. 
“Sam! It’s supposed to be an orange!” You laughed with tears in your eyes as you stared at your poorly done drawing of a peeled orange half. 
“(Y/N), it looks like a vagina.” He covered his mouth with his hand as he tried, very badly, to hide his laughter. 
And because of your constant noise-making, and talking, and interruptions, the teacher decided to move Sam across the room. But that had made it almost worse. You couldn’t even look at him from your seat because the situation was just too funny, you would have to look away before you’d burst out laughing. And as soon as class was dismissed and the two of you would leave the classroom, there was nothing holding back the bottled up amusement anymore and you both would walk out of school with tears in your eyes. 
It all happened so often that you didn’t want to stop your enjoyment and go home. And neither did Sam, you guessed. Instead of leaving you and driving back to his own house, he began driving you home and dropping you off. Which then turned to driving you home and hanging around the house after you bravely asked if he wanted to come inside for a little bit. And it got to the point where he automatically turned his car off when he parked on the street, having already set his mind on spending more time with you. But this didn’t happen every single day. 
There were times when you had to send him home. It wasn’t for anything serious, in fact, you wanted nothing more than to spend more time with him. But there were days where you had a big test coming up or tons of homework to finish or an essay due the next day, and you knew you would get none of it done if Sam was in the house. 
“Sam, get out!” You giggled as you lightly pushed him to the front door, your fingertips burning at the touch of his back.
“Alright, fine. But what am I supposed to do?” 
“I don’t know, go hang out with your other friend?” You clearly hinted at your older brother, ready to close the door and start your essay that was due the next day. It was your fault really. You had a whole week to finish it, but you kept pushing it aside because you wanted to be with Sam instead. So your whole school day was spent outlining and finding evidence with any spare time you had, and just generally stressing out. 
“He’s at football practice though.”
“Then just watch.”
“But it’s boring.”  
You gave him a pointed look. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said while leaning in for a hug then leaving.
One thing you quickly learned about Sam was that he was actually quite attentive and affectionate. He always knew when an exam was coming up for you because of the way you became less talkative and more isolated as the date got closer. He didn’t want to bring that observation up to you though because what would that do? So he did the best he could to make those few days just a little bit better for you. Which included buying you study snacks on your way home, keeping quiet in your art class and instead listening to music together, and sometimes helping you study if you let him. You didn’t notice it at first, too caught up with the thought that you might fail the exam. But when you did eventually catch on you somehow fell even more in love with Sam. 
And the one thing about him that made it harder to breathe was his need for physical touch. Whenever he saw you at school he was quick to leave his friends and greet you with a hug and ask how you’re doing. In your shared art class he was always shoulder to shoulder with you. If he thought you were too far from him, he’d hook his fingers underneath your seat and pull your chair right to him. When the two of you would walk home, his arm would always wrap around your shoulder and pull you close to him. If he saw you walking to class he was happy to take your books and walk you there with a hand on your back. And when it was just the two of you at your house watching a movie, he’d lean his entire body on yours and take a nap. 
You wanted so badly to return those affections. You wanted to wrap your arms around him, you wanted to match his excitement when he saw you in the halls, but it felt impossible for you. And you knew that Sam wouldn't mind, but you just weren’t very good at showing affection the way he did. 
You also learned that he was a bit… possessive and protective of his stuff. He was asked a few times by other students if they could borrow his drawing supplies, or even the brushes provided by the classroom, and he always, meanly, said no. Or when you constantly witnessed him smack your brother's hand away from his bag of chips. 
“Sam, c’mon, I didn’t eat anything for breakfast and I didn’t bring my lunch!” Your brother exclaimed while trying again to steal Sam’s food.
“Get away from me.” He grumbled with smiley fries in his mouth,  
“You’re never this way with my sister.” 
Which was true. He was always sharing his stuff with you. Whether it was food or letting you keep his pencil because you couldn’t find your own, and it was always the pink Paper Mate ones. He was also always offering or making you take some of whatever snack he had. 
“Here, have it.” And he gave you the last oreos he had bought from the cafeteria. 
And there was a time when you were paired up for a project with the boy who took you to the dance in your eighth grade year, the one who you let copy your homework. When you first heard your name with his own you wanted the ground to swallow you, but then he surprisingly brought the whole situation up and apologized for it. And you couldn’t hold a grudge if you wanted to, it happened two years ago and he seemed good now. So you forgave and forgot and the two of you planned to get the assignment started during lunch in the library. Unfortunately, Sam wasn’t as forgiving as you were.
“Didn’t he make you cry? Why don’t you tell the teacher you just don’t want to be partners with him?” He asked while opening his car door for you. 
“Sam, it’s okay! He said he was sorry and it’s not like I’m hanging out with him.” He scoffed at the last part then closed it after you had gotten in. 
“You better not because I’m not over it.”
“Did he take you to the dance?”
“No, but I was the one who saw how upset you were. Hated seeing you like that. I just don’t want him to think that this could be a second chance or something.”
“I appreciate your concern, I really do. But it’s not going beyond a school project, I promise.”
“Okay, but if he tries something, you tell me first.” You rolled your eyes with a smile and nodded your head. You didn’t dare tell him but you felt more than just appreciative, you felt cherished and looked after when he got this way, which wasn’t the first time. And each talk left you wanting him even more. 
And the last bit of his personality that you learned was his introvertness, which again, surprised you. Especially since your brother was actually a pretty sociable person. Like you, Sam was not one to see a large crowd and want to partake in it. The only difference between the two of you was that when you were put in a situation where you were surrounded by a lot of people, your heart would quicken and your hands would get sweaty. You were nervous to talk to other people and felt like you had to. But with Sam, he simply didn’t care to talk to them, he didn’t want to and he made that very clear. 
“Fuck that.” He said when the both of you saw that the school Market was taking place in the courtyard. The market took place for a week, and it was where students sold their own goods. You made the mistake your freshman year of trying to walk through it and go home, but you were always stopped by another student trying to sell you something, whether it was a sticker or their homemade soap, and it was a nightmare. 
There was one time you accidentally got caught up with one of them and they just wouldn’t let you leave. They were selling some homemade body care products, soaps and bath bombs, and you gave every excuse you could to nicely shut them down.
“I don’t have enough money.”
“I really have to get home.”
“I’m not really a bath bomb person.”
“That’s okay! We’ve got lip scrubs! Here, smell these.” Then they proceeded to shove different products in your face while telling you their prices. And while giving a tight lipped smile, you felt a hand wrap around your own. You didn’t have to look to know it was Sam, thank god. 
“Hi, would you like t-”
“Nope.” And he walked away with your hand in his, telling his fellow classmates to “fuck off” as he continued to walk through the market. It felt so natural, like it was supposed to be this way. You’d never felt so comfortable with Sam like this. Before, you were always too overwhelmed by his presence and your own feelings that it became too much. But there you were, holding his hand until the two of you got to his car. 
And it all went away when he graduated. It was a terrible night for you to watch him be handed his diploma, an official sign that the friendship you had built with him was over. You were proud of him, there was no doubt about that. But as soon as the graduating class threw their hats in the air you had to bite your lip to keep your cries from coming out. There was a hollowness in your heart that swallowed any emotion you could feel. 
When the ceremony was over and you and your family went down to the field, he ran right to you and gave you a soul crushing embrace. One where it lifted you off the ground and you had to wrap your arms around him. His graduation gown burned against your cheek. It was a bitter-sweet moment. 
When you got home after a celebration dinner for your brother, you thought about your times with Sam and cried the entire night, wishing you had never met him in the first place so you could save yourself from your heartbreak.
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catnipaddictt · 1 day
Sam Monroe being all sad on drugs so he comes and cuddles up on ur chest
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sam monroe x gn!reader
wc: 0.3k
cw: mentions of drug use, sam is high, cuddling.
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Lying on Sam’s bed you stare at the posters covering his walls. He was supposed to be home half an hour ago, but there was still no sign of him. Reasoning with yourself, you come to the conclusion that he had maybe stopped at a shop for snacks or seen someone he knew. 
Eventually you hear his heavy footsteps climbing the stairs to his room and see the door creak open. He steps into the room, not noticing your figure on-top of his bed. He throws his headphones onto his desk and drapes his jacket on the back of a chair. 
He seems…off. You don’t know what it is, but he carries himself differently. Long gone is the confident Sam you know, instead he is replaced by another version of your boyfriend. Turning around he sees you looking at him, and before you can question him, he is climbing onto you, placing his head on your chest. 
Your hand reaches up, tangling itself in Sam’s hair. Suddenly it clicks in your brain, you realise he is high off his mind and in need of some comfort. You move yourself so you are more comfortable before letting him close his eyes for a bit. You can feel the slow rise and fall of his chest against yours and you are almost certain he is listening to your steady heartbeat. 
Time passes as your hands run absent-mindedly through his box dyed hair, scratching gently at his scalp. It wasn’t uncommon for Sam to become sad after smoking, his mind wandering and in dire need of your arms around him.
You almost don’t notice when he speaks softly “m’sorry” he mumbles. “It’s okay Sam” you respond quietly, rubbing his back soothingly. He nuzzles his head against you instead of replying, moving so his arm wraps around you, pushing himself impossibly close to you.
You can feel him dozing off against you, hair a mess, and black eyeliner smudged. Folding your arms over him, you close your eyes, content with him squashing you slightly in his sleep.
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This was super short and probably contains lots of mistakes but oh well
Taglist: @heartsforanakin @qvnthesia @ysrjune @anisscarletstarlet
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skywqlkergf · 2 days
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sam monroe + motorboating your tits
just a silly little blurb, requested by anonymous
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sam’s head laid on your chest, his fingers mindlessly playing with the ends of your crop top. one hand in his hair as you half-ass pay attention whatever film the two of you decided to watch.
his head perked up, his chin digging into your flesh, as his hands reach under your shirt. lightly playing with your breasts, nipples being rolled under his fingers.
you glance at him, a soft smile at him. it wasn't uncommon for him to just start messing with your boobs, and it doesn't really bother you. he moves the fabric out of his way so he can see them fully, and you can't help but smile a little bigger at him.
you push your tits together, giving him a little more to look at. he gets a playful grin, as he pushes his face into them. shaking his face back and forth, motorboating you. the action makes you giggle, the feeling being a little ticklish.
“you’re so silly, sam.” you can't help but comment, smiling big at him. you love this boy. a look of faux betrayal on his face as he removes his head from you.
“i can't believe you would say that to me, can't i have fun?” he huffs, but there's still a smile hiding underneath.
“you’re fine, my god, dramatic ass.”
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anakinsdove · 3 months
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 | 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐞
pairing: sam monroe x shy!girlygirl!fem!reader
summary: sam can’t seem to get hard, he also can’t stand you, but he needs your help.
c/w: nsfw, fluff, friends to lovers, sam pretends not to like reader but they’re actually friends, handjob, makeout session, overstimulation, unintentional dacryphilia? reader doesn’t know she has that kink, also sam is mean and reader is kinda innocent if not naive.
discord - twitter: anakinsdove
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! 。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。Love you
𝘄/𝗰 - 𝟮,𝟮𝟱𝟴.
Sam stroked his cock lazily, laying on his messy bed while “Paranoid” from Black Sabbath played from his stereo volume insanely loud, he stared at the ceiling eyes wide open. To say he was frustrated was an understatement, he’s been stroking his cock for the past 45 minutes and he can’t even get hard yet, he doesn’t understand what’s wrong, “fuck!” He yells in frustration, he watched every single porn tape he owned and couldn’t even pop a boner, from time to time he looks beside him to the porn magazine, hes just not focused, not even his imagination can help him… it’s been like this for the past week. Maybe it finally happened, his cock doesn’t work anymore and he’s still a virgin, he’s pathetic.
Weed doesn’t work, porn doesn’t work, imagination doesn’t work and he’s not lucky enough to get action, the only thing worse than not being able to get hard himself is not being able to get hard with another girl, he would rather kill himself. His wrist aches and he cries out in frustration, he’s so needy, and he’s sweating, it’s so unfair…. he doesn’t hear you knocking on his window.
“sam!” you been calling his name for the past two minutes but it felt like an eternity for your antsy little ass, he’ll kill you if you go inside without his permission, you don’t understand what his deal is when not letting people go inside he’s too dramatic you think “sam!” you call again, now you’re starting to get impatient so you decide to open his balcony door and get inside.
Sam cringes at sunlight and cries out “get out!” throwing at you the porn magazine beside his head as he quickly covers himself with the sheets… what the fuck?
“What is this?” you ask curiously as you kneel to pick up the magazine your eyes instantly landing on the woman with big tits “Turn around!” Sam yells furiously, you do as he says and quickly puts on a pair of boxers, when he realizes you’re still flicking through his magazine, he walks over and takes it right out of your hands, you don’t say anything only look up at him with doe eyes… sam looks away.
“Are you ready to go?” You ask with that sweet and calm voice of yours, exactly the opposite of Sam’s “Go where?” He asks annoyed, you never made plans of going anywhere together, “My house, we’re going to watch a movie” sam pretends to think hardly about it, making you think he might have more important things to do, cooler things to do than to watch a movie with you, well he doesn’t. “Fine but I’m picking the movie” you nod and Sam turns around to grab some pants from his floor.
“Let’s go” Sam says like it’s obvious he’s done and you’re just standing there like an idiot, you follow him downstairs and to the front door and this time sam opens the door for you but still pushes you a little to get out faster.
You start walking trying to maintain his peace, and steal glances at him when you can, before he notices it “What?” Sam asks… so he did notice after all “Nothing its just… you’re not wearing makeup” you say “So?” He asks “it’s uncommon” he doesn’t roll his eyes or anything, you might be starting to think you’re friends. 10 minutes later you arrive to your house and this time you open the door for Sam.
“Where’s your mom?” He asks “she’s not home” “cool” Sam knows very well the way to your room, your room is completely different to his, clean bedsheets and freshly made bed, pink wallpaper decorating your walls and what might be the star of your room, your pretty vanity displaying all of your makeup, Sam always looks a little bit interested in your makeup but when he realizes it mostly soft colors and pink, blushes and lip gloss he loses interest just as quick, he thinks the only cool makeup product you own it’s black eyeliner, you grab your favorite disc “six pence none the richer” by six pence none the richer and “Kiss me” starts playing, Sam’s face instantly turns in disgust.
“What?” You ask, “isn’t there anything less awful you could play?” “Huh?” “Limp bizkit or something” “Limp what?” Sam decides to drop the topic due your answer. “Wait here, I’ll make the popcorn” you sprint out of your room and sam wanders through your room, he’s done it a dozen times by now, even knows which one is your underwear drawer, where your diary is… he beats up your plushies and when he’s done he goes across the room and stares at your Chad Michael Murray poster you probably found in a girly magazine and gives it the middle finger.
He can hear you singing downstairs and he rolls his eyes, what’s wrong with her? Sam asks himself, and two minutes later he decides there’s nothing worthy of his time in your room and lays on your bed staring at the ceiling “Here” you say putting the popcorn bowl on his stomach, he didn’t even hear you come upstairs, you sit next to him and squirm trying to get comfortable, Sam quickly looks away when he sees your skirt riding up a little bit “So, what movie are we watching?” You ask excited
Sam smirks
“Sam!” You cry out trying to cover your eyes with the popcorn bowl, of course he picked “Texas Chainsaw massacre” you’ve never watched this movie before and you totally hated it, 40 minutes later into the film.. Sam ignores your plea and his eyes are still focused on the tv, “Sam…” you say weakly with a pout in your face, “Sam can we please watch something else?” Sam sighs and grabs the tv remote to pause the movie. “Why?” “It’s too scary” “You’re such a crybaby” Sam says annoyed “It’s all fake, you know that right?” “It’s still very awful” you say and Sam grabs the popcorn bowl from your arms “sorry” you say apologetically.
“Do you want to go outside?” You ask “No” “What do you want to do?” He doesn’t respond “Sam” you try again “what!?” Sam says annoyed and you look like wounded puppy “what’s wrong? you seem really annoyed today, more than usual” “I’m fine” you sit closer to him, now your thighs are touching and he can smell your dizzying body lotion that smells like cupcakes, he stares at your lips and your cleavage…
“You can talk to me, I won’t judge you” Sam knows you would never do it, you’re too pure to make a joke of any situation that might be hurting him “My dick is broken” he lets out abruptly “what?” “I can’t get hard” Sam confesses “Oh” you don’t really know what to say…. “Why?” “I don’t fucking know” there clearly annoyance in his voice
“Are you going to see a doctor?” “What!? Why the fuck would I go to the doctor” “I dunno” you say confused and mostly to yourself “Are you going to tell your mom?” “You give the worst advices ever, seriously, are you that stupid. I wont tell my fucking mom” now he sounds genuinely angry. “Hey you’re not being nice!” Now it’s your turn to yell at him “I’m not trying to be!” You grab your pillow and hit him in the face with it, hard enough to make him yelp, then he grabs your other pillow and hits you with it, you gasp offended “Hey!” You grab the pillow again and start hitting him repeatedly pushing him on his back and getting on his lap as you keep your assault, you’re practically jumping on his dick as the bed moves and creaks beneath you, “Stop!” Sam yells urgently under you, you keep going and Sam lets out a moan and urgently grabs your hips to keep you still “S-stop! I’m sorry”
You finally stop the assault, your expression changing to confusion when you realize Sam is panting beneath you, “What’s wrong?” You ask, he looks up to you in shock and sits up, you try to get off his laps but his hands hold your hips still “Did I hurt you?” You ask with evident sadness and regret in your voice “I’m hard” Sam confesses breathlessly “But I thought you couldn’t-“ “I couldn’t!” You carefully remove yourself from his lap, his blue eyes stare at the obvious tent in his pants and you do it too, he takes the pillow and covers himself feeling ashamed “You’re driving me crazy, you know that?” There’s slight annoyance in his voice “You know what is like trying to jack off soft?” You shake your head “It’s fucking annoying” “But I made you hard isn’t that what you wanted?” He shakes his head “I thought I helped you” you said confused “You could help me if I could kiss you” he says and you look at him shocked “i thought we weren’t friends” “We’re not friends” he says “Are you my boyfriend then?” “What!?” He says shocked “I dunno” you say “L-Look sometimes what you think you know doesn’t necessarily have to do much with reality” you tilt your head to the side “Okay”
You start leaning in and he lens back a little bit, you open your eyes in confusion and quickly closes them when he finally kisses you, his lips are soft, inexperienced just as yours, he moves his lips a little more impatient than yours, he’s uncoordinated, you moan when he grabs your waist roughly with one hand trying to pull you close to him, he’s not gentle, not because he doesn’t want to but because he doesn’t know how to… “Sammy… I want to help you” you say breathlessly… he kisses you again and moves him hands to tug on his pants, also his boxers, his cock is freed and slaps against his stomach… “what do I do?” You ask, so much for helping him “Just w-wrap your hand around it” you wrap your hand around his dick too loose for his liking he groans in annoyance due your unintentional teasing.
Sam wraps his hand around yours instructing you to tighten your wrip, and you do, he guides your hand to stroke him faster “Yesyesyes something like that” Sam says and his eyes screw shut “g-give me your hand” he says breathlessly, you do as he says and he spits in your hand “You can go again” you feel the familiar wetness in your panties as you keep jerking him off, the wetness you feel in you aching pussy that can only be relieved when you grind yourself against your plushies rubing nicely against you clit.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you hear Sam say between moans, “Play with my balls c’mon” you cup them gently in your hand not knowing much about what to do with them.. when you start rolling them between your fingers, they feel nice and heavy on your palm fuzzy skin feeling so delicious against your fingers, his heavy cock in your hand is pulsating, you look at him and see his stomach contracting where his shirt rode up… he can’t help but let out pathetic whines “You sound so pretty Sam” you say and his eyes roll back, he moves his hands up to grip your tits and massage them, unexpectedly he grips them too hard and you make a small “ow” sounds make him grip them more gently Sam thinks he’s in heaven… he might be.
“c-cumming cumming!” he pants “ohh f-fuck!” Sam spams, his eyes roll back and his thighs shake, it’s a sight for sore eyes… white ropes of cum paint your hand and your wrist, you keep moving your wrist to help him ride his orgasm, just like when you keep grinding against your plushies after you cum… but Sam is not used to it “w-wait wait!” Sam writes on the bed trying to get away from your touch, “what?” You ask as your wrist keeps moving up and down still at a really fast peace, his head rolls back and you hear a whimper, his toes curl inside his shoes as he kicks his feet desperately… “ah ah ah!” tears start falling from his eyes wetting his eyelashes as he gasps for air “s-stop” you stop instantly when you hear the word and Sam groans tiredly… what the fuck… you gave him the best orgasm of his life… You “Y/N L/N”
Sam curls into himself panting still… you move to your nightstand to grab a wet wipe, you clean your hand and move him on his back… wiping the cum that landed on his stomach and some on his dick, Sam hisses at the contact of the cold wipe on his dick… “Did you- did you like it?” you ask nervously, Sam opens his eyes and puts his softening cock back in his boxers and tugs his pants up. Sam nodds shyly “T-thank you” You unexpectedly hug him falling on top of him, “I’m glad I could help-“
“Y/N!” You hear your mom call from downstairs shes coming upstairs Sam panics a little “Hey Sam!” Your mom greets Sam and he weakly waves at her “What are you guys doing?” “W-We just finished watching a movie” “Oh Okay” finally your mom leaves to her room.
Unexpectedly sam kisses you again, this time is soft and gentle, not rushed but still passionate, “You’re so pretty” he admits “I thought you didn’t like me” you admit “I do” “I thought we weren’t friends” “We’re not!” Sam says and kisses you again.
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𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐜! 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤?
masterlist 𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗱𝗼𝘃𝗲 © --- all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/ copying will be tolerated.
dividers @i92-93 @sweetparty
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bunnylovesani · 4 months
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Kiss Me Through The Phone
Summary: You call your jerk of a stepbrother to remind him to pick up some milk on the way home but the conversation takes a sinful turn.
Content warnings: Stepcest, dubcon, masturbation, fingering, squirting
WC: 2.9k
“What do you want?” Sam’s short-tempered voice rings out of your phone’s speakers as he picks up your call.
“Just calling to say mom wants you to pick up a carton of milk on the way home.” You exhale. Your mother had been married to his dad for several months now but talking to Sam still made you frustratingly nervous. 
“Fine. Is that all?” He snaps back. 
“Yeah. When are you going to be back by the way?” You innocently chirp, worried that he’d been gone for so long. 
“Why do you care?” He scoffs and you shrink down onto your bed. He had a special gift for making you feel invisibly small. 
“Jus’ wondering Sam.” You shrug. “You’re barely ever home. Gets lonely sometimes.” 
“Princess wants a playdate, is that it? I’ve got better things to do than rot away in that hole of a house.” The mean tone in his voice pinches at your heartstrings and you feel tears welling up in your eyes. You quickly wipe them away and regulate your breathing, not daring to let him hear your sniffles- you’d never hear the end of it. 
“Okay. I’ll stop bothering you then.” You whisper disappointedly, heart sinking even more when you’re met with silence. 
“I’m only down the road at a friend’s house. I’ll be back later tonight.” He sighs, as though revealing the simple information was a burden to him. 
“You will?” You almost begin to float at the thought of him spending the night for once. 
“Yes. You can bother me then.” He sneers. 
“Okay!” You have to cover your mouth with your hand before the “can’t wait!” slips out of you. You anticipate that he’ll hang up but the seconds on your screen continue ticking on. 
“What have you been doing today?” He asks with a faint curiosity and you’re taken aback by his unusual question. 
“Oh! Um, I went shopping earlier.” You reprimand yourself for the stupid response. No wonder he thought you were nothing but an airhead- why couldn’t you have said you were reading classic literature or listening to metal?
“My old man give you a new credit card?” He questions and you blush with embarrassment. Your new stepfather was endlessly generous and as much as you loved being spoiled, you were concerned with the impression it left on Sam. “It’s alright. He loves you like you’re his own. Angel of the family. Probably glad he’s finally got a kid that isn’t a total mess now.” He adds before you can interject.
“Don’t say that, Sam. You’re not a mess.” You remark earnestly. You weren’t about to admit it but you thought the absolute world of him. 
“Whatever. What’d you buy?” He brushes the subject off and you hear him exhale- he must be smoking again. 
“Oh, I-uh. Well, I…” You stutter, remembering exactly what it is you’d bought earlier. 
“Spit it out.” He retorts impatiently and you eye up the pink bag of lingerie sitting by the edge of your bed. “What? You buy something secret?”
“I mean, kinda. Not really. It’s stupid.” You shake your head in panic. “I bought some new bras and panties.” 
Once you blurt out the delicate information, there’s an uncomfortably long pause.
“Cute. Bet you’ll look real pretty in it.” He chuckles lightly as he exhales again and a hot blush creeps over your whole face. 
“Maybe. I haven’t tried it on yet.” You murmur, unsure how to process Sam complimenting you. 
“What are you waiting for?” The sly smirk plastered on his face trickles into his words and you can picture it, clear as day. 
“I-I don’t know” You stumble, putting the phone down and fishing your favourite selection out of the bag- a striped pink set complete with chiffon bows. Without a second thought, you strip down to nothing and slide on your new purchase before twirling to admire yourself in front of the mirror. 
“How’s it looking?” Sam’s voice rings out on speakerphone.
“It’s pretty. Very flattering.” You said sweetly. 
“Show me.” 
His bold words stopped you in your tracks and you broke you out into a flurry of goosebumps. 
“W-what?” You hesitated, wondering if you’d misunderstood something.
“You heard me. Show me.” He stated confidently. 
Reluctantly, you approached your buzzing phone and peered at the screen to see an incoming FaceTime call from Sam. Against your better judgment, you accepted the request and fought the grin that threatened to envelop your face once your screen filled with his handsome, moody face. 
“Hey there, princess.” He drawled smoothly, a joint hanging between his fingers. 
“Hi.” You cooed, shyness consuming you. The sight of the mischievous glint in his blue eyes paired with the messy, dark hair that trailed down his forehead had you struggling to put a sentence together. 
“Put the phone down on your table and give me a spin then.” He ordered more than asked. 
Without a second word, you gently placed the phone on your vanity table and propped it up by the mirror before standing back with the same countenance as a skittish deer.
“Wow. Where’s that body been hiding?” He sniggers and you resist the urge to cover your heated face with your hands. 
“Now let’s see the back.” He gestures for you to turn around and you follow his command, perching your ass in the air a little as you show him. 
“Oh fuck yeah.” He expresses with a low, breathy tone. “Sit down for me.” 
Somewhat confused, you situate yourself on the chair by your desk. 
“Now lean back. Just like that, sweetheart.” 
You follow his words without question, spurred on by the trust you had for him. 
“Now spread your legs.” He said casually, as if it were the most normal thing in the world before taking a final drag of his joint and putting it out. When he sees you’re frozen in shock, he simply raises an eyebrow and cocks his head, as if to say “what?”
Anxiety racks your body- as well as deep, burning desire and a desperate urge to please him so you part your legs slowly, resting your heels on either edge of the chair. 
“That’s it, baby. You’re so well behaved, aren’t you?” His snarky voice makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up but you’d do anything to hear him call you ‘baby’ again. “Why don’t you slide those off?” His intentions finally come into clear focus- all doubts fading away when you hear the faint clinking of his belt. Too far gone to turn back now.
You put your thighs together, feet swinging gracefully in the air as you gradually pull your panties off. You hear rustling on the other line as Sam’s eyes remain painstakingly fixated on you and the glistening wetness you’ve revealed to him. Dragging the pink fabric over your knees, you flick them off and spread your legs once again. 
“L-like this?” You mumble anxiously, feeling chillingly exposed. 
“Yeah, baby. Just like that.” He sighs as you hear the snap of his boxers. 
“What are you doing, Sam?” You ask apprehensively, a warmth coming over you at the sound of his endearing words. 
“You wanna see?” A darkness overcomes his eyes, already smudged with 2-day old eyeliner. 
“Mhm.” You nod and he lowers the camera a couple of inches- just enough for his happy trail and lower hips to come into view. 
“Are you sure?” He teases and you nod again without a second thought. 
Without further delay, his large cock springs up onto your screen- swollen veins snaking around his thick base and the tip a pretty blushed pink. You exhale a shaky breath at the sight- you’d never seen one before and you weren’t expecting that your stepbrother’s would be the first. His large hand grabs the shaft, stroking it with slow but firm pumps. 
“I wanna see you doing the same now, princess.” He rasps, small groans escaping his parted lips between sinful words. 
“Me?” You’re taken aback by his perverted request. 
“Who else has got her legs spread? Yes, you. Put those pretty fingers to good use and touch yourself. Can you do that for me, baby?” He asks sternly and you have to look away from the camera when you notice how hungrily he’s staring at you. 
“I don’t know, Sam…” Your mind clouds with doubt. “Isn’t this really fucked up?” 
“The only thing that’d be fucked up is you backing out now.” He rebuked with the same aggression in his voice you’re used to hearing. “If you don’t  do it now, I’ll do it myself when I get home.” 
The thought of Sam’s fingers prodding somewhere so intimate both turned you on and freaked you out beyond measure. The dangerous stare in his glazed-over eyes served as a warning and you knew he wasn’t bluffing. 
With bated breath, you snaked one hand between your legs and traced it down your puffy folds.
“Good girl. I knew you’d do the right thing.” He sighs contentedly and resumes stroking his cock, the tip now a deeper pink and glassy with precum. “Now squeeze your tits with your other hand.” 
You knew better than to argue back so you followed his orders, raising your free hand to knead your left breast. 
“Pinch your nipple.” The expression on his handsome face contained nothing but dark, burning lust. 
“Sammm…” You whined, consumed with embarrassment.
“Don’t make me come down there.” He scowled threateningly. 
Anxiety racked your body but you could feel the wetness pooling in your cunt as you lightly pulled at your nipple. 
“I wanna see you fucking yourself.” He announced ominously. “Come on, baby, use those fingers.” 
“But Sam, I-I don’t do that. I don’t like it.” You mutter- you’d never tried before. 
“Do it for me.” He insisted and you knew you couldn’t refuse.
Your middle finger outlined your opening- it was certainly wet enough to slide in easily, but you still felt scared. Wanting to complain and give up, you looked up at the phone still perched on your desk and saw him then- eyes intently fixed on you and stroking himself desperately, shirt lifted up just enough to reveal his toned abdomen. He looked a mess. And all for you? 
Scrunching up your face, you slowly dipped a finger inside, wincing at the unfamiliar feeling and reprimanding yourself for not being strong enough to say no. 
“Oh, you’re such a baby.” Sam shook his head. “And you’re not doing it right.” 
“I don’t know what you want!” You moan frustratedly, pulling your hand away in defeat. 
“I know. I’ll show you.” He affirms lowly. 
“What?” You reach out and grab your phone.
“Stay right there.” He orders before hanging up, leaving you staring at the blank screen of your phone in confusion and horror. He wasn’t going to come here, was he?
You were too obedient to do anything but stay in place like he’d instructed but you were still tormented with anxious anticipation. It was one thing to mess around on the phone but something entirely different to take it to the next level. You weren’t entirely sure you wanted to cross that line. 
You heard the heavy thud of footsteps traipsing up the stairs and your whole body froze. The door swung open and a smirking Sam entered the room with a cocky stride. 
“You haven’t moved.” He notes, closing the door behind him and approaching you like a predator closing in on its prey. 
“You told me not to.” You counter. 
“That’s right.” He mutters to himself as he lies back against your headboard. “Come here, sweetie.” He beckons you over and you timidly go over to him, your back pressed against his open chest. 
Sam rests his chin on your shoulder and inhales the scent of you, nuzzling up to the crook of your neck. 
“Lie back for me.” You rest your bare self against him completely, slotting in between his legs. “Just like that. Now I’m going to show you how it’s done.” 
“But- but you said if I did it myself then you wouldn’t.” You whined.
“I know doll but you didn’t do it right, did you?” He traced his hand down your slit and wasted no time before gathering the slick with two fingers and plunging them inside you. 
“Sam!” You mewl at the unexpected intrusion. 
“Shut up.” He curls his fingers and your eyes roll to the back of your head. You look down at the silver rings glimmering on his fingers, now sheathed inside you. 
“You’re so soft and squishy.” He laughs mockingly, plunging his slender fingers in and out roughly. “And squelchy too. You hear that?” He speeds up for a moment to emphasise the lewd sounds of your wet pussy, arousal dripping down his hand already. 
“You’re gonna let me play with you.” He fucks his fingers in and out of you with brutal precision. “Because that’s what big brothers do- and good little sisters listen.” 
“But Sammy, it’s wrong.” You moan and he clamps your mouth shut with a big open hand before you can voice any more protests.
“You make the mistake of thinking I care what you want.” He palms your breast and takes your nipple between his fingers, squeezing at it hard. “You’re my little toy. A thing to play with. You understand?” You nod as much as you’re able to considering the state of delirium you had fallen into. 
“Stop squirming and take it.” He slaps your breast harshly before sticking his thumb in your mouth; you suckle at it messily, drool dripping on your chin and down your cleavage. 
“Too-too much Sam.” You wail, thighs shaking and closing in around his veiny arm. 
“I don’t think so.” He yanks his fingers out so that he can force your legs open with both hands, pulling them apart as far as they could go before dipping his creamy fingers back in. 
“Do you know what squirting is, baby?” He asks you calmly, deriving a sick pleasure out of compelling you to speak when you were clearly falling apart. 
“Y-yes.” You choke out breathily. 
“How?” He raises an eyebrow and snakes a hand around your neck. “Has my little sis been a slut?”
“No, no, I promise.” You shake your head desperately. 
“How then? Been watching things you shouldn’t have?” He cocks his head around to face you and you shyly nod in response. “Ah, I thought so. That’s very naughty of you, sweetheart.” He chastises you, admiring how he’d turned you into a panting, dishevelled mess in no time at all. 
His fingertips brushed against an undiscovered spongy spot inside you and your toes curled at the blazing sensation. You entered a trance and soon after you heard a wet gushing that spilled out and drenched your thighs and sheets. 
“Such a good girl.” He kissed the side of your face sloppily. “Knew you could do it.” 
You peered down and saw that his broad, veined forearm was dripping- creamy wetness dribbling from his fingertips. 
“I-I did that?” You panted, confused. 
“Sure did, baby. All you.” He started rubbing circles into your clit and you threw your head back onto his shoulder. 
“Sam, what are you doing?” You whined, head spinning with the mind-numbingly good way he was playing with you. 
“I’m not done with my little toy.” He massages your swollen pussy, callous fingertips stroking against the delicate nub with dizzying speed. “Cum on my fingers, baby, cum all over them.” 
You came undone, whimpering and crying out so loud the walls vibrated. Sam chuckled at the sight, looking down at your fucked out expression with cocky pride. 
“We’re home!” Your mother’s voice rang out as the front door shut with a resounding slam and you scrambled to get dressed. Just as she climbed upstairs to reach your room, you’d gotten your dress back on- albeit backwards. 
“Oh, hey Sam.” She peered in, noticing him sitting on the chair by your desk and he waved at her with a thin smile. “Did you get the milk like I asked?” 
“Must’ve slipped my mind.” He shrugged and she rolled her eyes. 
“Everything slips your mind, sometimes I wonder if there even is a mind to speak of.” 
“Mom!” You screwed your face up at her, hating how she and Sam bickered. 
“What? He forgets everything.” She waves her hand in the air dismissively, about to head out the door before your dress caught her eye. “Is that a new way of wearing it that I don’t know about?” You look down as she points at the inside-out fabric. 
“Yeah, mom. Contrast stitching is all the rage.” You nod persuasively. 
“I’m getting old.” She sighs. “But it’s nice to see you two hanging out.” 
“Oh we’re a regular Bonnie and Clyde.” Sam smirks and you laugh nervously, hoping she wouldn’t read too much into the strange comparison. 
As soon as she’s gone, Sam shoots you a dark stare, lust infusing his eyes once again. 
“You’re lucky they got back home when they did. I would’ve ruined you.” He remarks casually and you shuffle in your seat uncomfortably, burning under his intense gaze. 
“You already did.” You gulp at his thinly veiled threat.
“Oh baby, you have no idea.” 
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2K notes · View notes
st4rfckerz · 2 months
Film Me | Sam Monroe x Reader
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word count: 2.7k
warnings: MDNI 18+, unprotected sex, choking, slapping, oral (both receiving), fingering, overstimulation, hair pulling, spanking, multiple orgasms, very slight dumbification, dacryphilia, praise and degradation, pet names, Sam’s a bully
summary: Sam wants everything documented.
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The black, cool sheets against your skin and the softness of Sam's pillow lays under your head. You feel vulnerable, exposed wearing nothing but one of Sam's big band t-shirts and a pair of dark blue cotton panties. But there's also a sense of power. You're the one he's focusing on, the one he's capturing on film. You're the center of his attention, and that's a heady feeling.
Sam moves around you, the camcorder in his hand. He zooms in on your face, your body. He captures every curve, every line. He wants to remember this moment, this encounter. He wants to be able to replay it over and over again.
"There she is," Sam whispers, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Wave to the camera pretty girl." He nods towards the camcorder. Reluctantly, you lift your hand and give a shy wave to the lens. It feels weird, almost intimate, waving hello to an intrusive machine. Yet, there's a strange excitement coursing through you too.
Sam's fingers dance over the camera settings, adjusting the focus and lighting with practiced ease. His gaze flickers between you and the screen, a predatory glint in his eyes. His grin widens as he begins to set up the camera, checking and rechecking the angles, ensuring that every move, every touch, every sound you make will be captured perfectly.
Sam saunters over to you on the bed, his eyes locked onto yours. There's a hunger in his gaze, a desire that's almost palpable. He grabs your jaw, his fingers digging into your skin and leans in, his lips brushing against yours. It's a soft, teasing kiss at first but then he deepens it, his tongue sliding into your mouth. You can taste the weed in his breath, the slight hint of alcohol. It's intoxicating, and you find yourself leaning into him, wanting more. Sam's hand slid down your body as you continued to kiss, his fingers slowly making their way under you panties. Your skin was warm and smooth, the feeling sending a new wave of pleasure through him. His heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing as he explored your wet cunt.
"Wet already baby?" he coos in your ear. You arched your back slightly, a soft moan escaping your lips as he slowly grazed his finger along your slit. Sam pulled back slightly, his eyes glued to the little screen on his camera as he removed your panties and discarded them to the side. He admired your body, taking in the sight of your bare cunt before him. He swiftly pushed his boxers and jeans down while undoing his studded belt, his heart pounding in his chest.
Without missing a beat, he positions himself above you, aligning his hips with yours. He continues to record the entire process, making sure to capture every detail. Slowly, he slides into you, filling you up completely.
“Shit,” Sam breathes out. The camera shakes slightly with each movement, adding a raw and intimate element to the footage. “Grippin’ me so good Angel.” With a growl, Sam increases the intensity of his thrusts, driving deeper into you with each movement. Your moans reverberate through the room, adding another layer of intensity to the scene. He points the camera down to show how your cunt greedily swallows his cock, ensuring the viewer can see every nuance of your reactions. You arch your back, meeting his every thrust, your moans growing louder and more desperate.
“Don’t stop Sam, please.” you whine, your face increasingly gets more flushed as the heat in the room rises.
“Needy.” he teases. His thrusts continue, each one harder and faster than before. You writhe beneath him, your nails digging into his broad shoulders as he pushes you closer to the edge. Your breath hitches as Sam suddenly brings his hand up to your throat, his grip firm but not painful. He squeezes gently, giving you a sense of dominance. Then, with a sharp crack, he slaps you across the face, the sound echoing in the room. Surprised yet turned on, you moan loudly, your body buckling under his expert touch.
“You like that huh?” Another slap. “You like getting slapped around like a whore?” Sam tightens his hold on your throat once more, causing you to gasp for air. As you struggle to breathe, you clench around him, signaling your approaching orgasm. His thrusts become more erratic, reflecting his own impending release. The camera shakes uncontrollably in his hand now, the view jittery and off-balance. Sam's eyes spark with triumph, knowing he's about to send you over the edge.
“Cum on my cock baby, I feel you,” He releases your throat to grab your hip for stability, freeing your airway just in time for your orgasm, just the first of the evening, to wash over you. The camera records your face contorting in pleasure, the muscles in your neck straining as you scream out his name.
Sam follows suit shortly after, his release pulsating within you. As you catch your breath, Sam leans down to kiss you passionately, his tongue exploring your mouth with the same intensity he displayed moments ago. His hands roam over your body, cupping your tits and kneading them roughly. You moan into the kiss, your body still tingling from the intense experience. The camera captures your lips locked together, the sound of your heavy breathing filling the silence. Sam breaks the kiss, trailing kisses down your neck and across your collarbone. His hands slide down your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. As he reaches your waist, he pauses, looking up at you with desire in his eyes. You nod, encouraging him to continue, and he smiles before moving lower, his lips brushing against your skin as he explores further.
Sam reaches your swollen, leaking cunt, his eyes widen in appreciation. "Oh, she’s pretty." he murmurs, his fingers parting your lips gently. He leans in and blows cool air onto the sensitive flesh.The cold air contrasts with the warmth from earlier, heightening your sensitivity. He lingers there, teasing you with the chill before placing a soft kiss on your core. The camera captures the tender gesture, a soft whine escapes your lips and your body jerks in response. He dips his head, licking a path along your folds, savoring the taste of yours and his fluids intertwined with each other.
“S-sam ‘m still sensitive.” you cry out while still threading your fingers in his dark hair.
“You’ll be fine,” Sam states firmly. "Hold the camera, baby." he instructs, his voice low and seductive. You reach for the camera, your hands shaking slightly. As you take hold of it, the viewpoint shifts, now capturing Sam from your perspective.
Sam settles between your legs, positioning himself comfortably. His hands rest on your thighs, his thumbs tracing gentle patterns. You watch from the camera, your heart pounding in anticipation. His tongue flickers out, teasing your most sensitive spot. His face is close enough to the lens that you can see the concentration in his features, the eagerness in his eyes. The camera shakes slightly as you try to keep it steady, but the image remains clear. Sam's tongue darts in and out, mimicking his earlier thrusts. His nose grazes your skin, sending shivers down your spine. The camera captures everything - the angle of his head, the movements of his tongue, the way your body responds to his touches.
Your moan fills the room when Sam wraps his lips around your clit and sucks at it harshly, making you squeal. It felt like it was too much to handle, especially when he starts thrusting his fingers inside you unexpectedly.
“You taste so good angel.” His hot breath fans over your skin. He spits onto your warm, wet skin harshly before diving his tongue back into your drooling hole.You whimper and your hips buck involuntarily, causing him to slap your pussy, the sound reverberating through the room.
“Stop fucking moving.” Sam growls. Anticipation builds, your breaths coming in short bursts. You mumble a whiny ‘sorry’ before Sam resumes his attention, his tongue darting in and out, his lips pulling you into his mouth. His fingers increase their pace, your moans growing louder and more desperate. Sam gazes up at you, his face flushed with exertion and desire. You meet his gaze, your eyes filled with gratitude and need.
“Sam, I’m gonna…I’m- ,” You warn him with a whiny voice. Your thighs clamp tightly around his head, keeping him locked in your hold.
“Do it then, cum now.”
When your orgasm hits, it's sudden and powerful, tears pricking your eyes. Your back arches and your fingers mercilessly tug at Sam’s locks. Your moans fill the room, loud and unrestrained. Sam continues his assault to help you ride out your orgasm. The little camera hardly keeps up, but manages to capture the essence of your climax. You cry out his name, your face twisted with pleasure and relief. Sam’s tongue never leaves you, milking every drop of satisfaction from you. When you finally fall limp, panting heavily, he releases you, his own arousal evident. The camera focuses on your spent body, the evidence of his masterful skills.
Sam slithers up your body and instantly locks his messy lips to yours. “You wanna show the camera how pretty you are with my cock in your mouth?” he asks with a sly smirk. A blush creeps up your face and you let out a shy giggle. “That’s my girl.” Sam mumbles as he gently flips you both over. You move down his body and see his erection standing proud once again. You reach his prodding hip bones and give them both a sweet kiss before reaching his hardened cock.
With one hand gently holding the back of your head, and the other around the base of his cock, Sam slaps it against your cheek, eager by your pathetic attempts to get him to insert his cock into your mouth instead. He eventually moves his tip past your lips and you begin to hollow your cheeks and suck on it slowly. Sam looks at you lovingly as you suck on his cock, tears running down your cheeks from the lack of oxygen in your body and the physical strain. “Fuck you’re so good.” He tilts his head back and lets the sweet noises tumble from his swollen lips. “Look at the camera, let me see those eyes.”
You remove your mouth from Sam’s cock and wrap your fingers around its base before sliding it up and down and twisting at the head. You gaze up at the smal, silver machine through hooded eyes and flick your thumb across the slit at the top while tonguing the underside of the head.
“Do I look good Sam?” you ask with blown irises and a dopey smile. A low chuckle rumbles from Sam’s chest.
“You always do baby, fuck- always pretty f’me,” He responds. Anakin's breath quickens and his hips jerk slightly, telltale signs that he was getting close - and fast. He gingerly removes you off his pulsing cock suddenly. “I don’t wanna cum in your mouth.”
“On your stomach angel, ass up.” he demands as he peppers your face with small kisses.
“But I wanted you to-” you complain, your voice was quiet and worn from your last two orgasms and from having Sam’s thick cock down your throat. Sam quickly grabs your face and squeezes your cheeks together, interrupting you in the process.
“What did I say?” Sam grits through his teeth. He leans in for a rough kiss, his tongue sliding against your own. “I’m not gonna ask again.” Sam places the camera on the nightstand next to you both and adjusts the angle, ensuring the new perspective captures both of your faces, as well as your bodies. The camera shakes with the intensity of the moment, but remains focused on the two of you. He pulls away, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Still panting slightly, you roll onto your stomach obediently, your ass sticking up invitingly. With a flick of his wrist, he slaps your ass, the sound startling in the post-coital quiet. It takes a moment for your mind to register the sensation, then a blush creeps up your neck. “You look so pretty like this Angel.” He slaps again, gently at first, then harder.
You whine softly, needing more from him despite your exhausted state. Sam chuckles and cocks his head to the side teasingly. "What do you want, baby?" he asks. You push your hips back towards him, wanting his touch again. "More?" He asks, his tone filled with promise. You nod, too embarrassed to form words. Sam slaps your ass again.
“I need words sweetheart.” Sam's fingers trace lazy circles on the red handprints on your ass. He leans forward and presses a few wet kisses to your spine. You swallow hard, nerves jangling.
“Need your cock, please Sam.” you whisper back.
“There it is, good job baby.” He positions himself at your entrance, his hands gripping your hips firmly. The camera captures the scene from behind, showing the anticipation etched on your face. Sam slides his member through your folds and coats himself with your wetness, his mouth slightly agape as he does so. Without warning, Sam thrusts into you aggressively. You yelp, your body adjusting to his sudden invasion. His movements are feral, his thrusts hard and deep.
You grip the sheets tightly, your nails digging into the fabric. Your eyes are closed, your breaths coming in short gasps. "Sam s-slow down," you whisper, desperation coloring your voice.
"Nope. ‘M giving you what you need." he prompts, his voice a low rumble. You begin drooling onto the sheet beneath you, your body losing control and your brain turning into a puddle of mush. Sam's thrusts become faster, his breaths hitching. Tears stream down your face, mixing with your saliva on the sheet.
“Only I can fuck you the way you like. Isn’t that right?” Sam wraps his hand in your hair, tugging your head upwards. The camera captures the pain and pleasure intertwined in this gesture. You whimper, your eyes meeting his icy ones. "What did I say?" he commands, his voice firm. Wordless babbles spill from your lips and tears continue to well up in your eyes. His thrusts slow down for a second as he looks at you in your pathetic state.
“Aw poor baby, gone stupid because of some cock huh?” Your lip quivers, and he traces a thumb across your cheek. "It's okay," he whispers, his voice filled with reassurance. He kisses your rosy, tear stained cheek and releases his tight grip from your hair. "Cum for me sweet girl, last one, you got it.” Your body responds, your climax washing over you in waves. Just as you think you'll shatter from the intensity, Sam releases, his name leaving your lips in a hoarse shout.
Sam slowly withdraws, the camera capturing the aftermath. You lie there, panting heavily, your body flush with pleasure. He turns you over, and points the camera down at your defeated cunt just like before. "Beautiful," he says, his voice filled with admiration. He brings his fingers to your sated flesh and pushes the mix of fluids back into your hole. The sudden intrusion makes you yelp lightly.
“Sorry.” he chuckles. He plants a small kiss to your puffy clit and moves up your body to kiss you lovingly. The camera catches this tenderness, the switch from dominance to care. "There she is, look at her," Sam teases, his voice filled with warmth.”Wave bye to the camera baby.” A goofy smile spreads across your face as you wave at the camera again. With a final loving glance, he turns off the small device and sets it back on the nightstand.
"Are you ok? I didn’t go too far did I?" he asks, concern lacing his voice. He lays next to you and wraps you in his embrace. You shake your head, biting your lip to suppress your growing grin.
“I liked it.” you respond meekly. Sam’s smile widens at your words.
“Yeah? Well I’ll still be nicer next time.” His hand traces idle patterns on your back, his gaze never leaving yours. You snuggle closer to him, feeling safe and cared for in his arms.
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850 notes · View notes
zapernz · 2 months
was thinking about sleeping with sam in his bed with ur back turned to him on ur side
sam wakes u up in the middle of the night with smth like ”im so horny help me plss” and u say that u are too tired so he starts to fuck ur thighs…
and u would thumb his dick lightly when it goes through ur thighs…
sam would whimper and moan right next to ur ear ab how hes gonna cum :)
nsfw; thigh fucking
use of; “baby”
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his breath on your neck wakes you up as you groan and turn your head to look at him “what sam? i wanna sleep” you complain groggily. he nuzzles his head into your neck peppering kisses there, “baby please-need you” he borderline whines.
you sigh, “no sam use something else, your hand is fine”
“it doesn’t feel like you do..” he complains, “can i use your thighs please, please can i?” he says with another kiss to your neck.
“fine” you say and roll back over. you hear the noise of him pushing down his pants and boxers, and feel him positioning your thighs in the right way, before slowly pushing his dick in-between the plush of your thighs. he hugs you from behind and shoves his face in your neck, “fuck ohmy” he says shakily, your thighs feel so good, he’s trying to not blow his load right then are there, but fuck its hard.
you drop your head to see his dick poking through your thighs, slowly you reach your hand downward, and softly stroke the tip with your thumb, he shudders, “oh fuck- fuck” he bites your shoulder to shut himself up and stabilise himself.
he slowly starts thrusting, moaning into your neck, and whining when the tip collides with the soft pad of your thumb.
“please- please keep doing that” he stutters out, you nod. his thrusts become more sloppy and erratic along with the blissful sounds he’s letting out, you know he’s close.
“fuck- baby please im- im gonna cum- please” he whines, as he shoves his head further into your neck and is holding onto you for dear life, like you would disappear if he let go. “you can do it baby” you grunt out.
the moment he got your ‘permission’ he lets go, the coil snaps, and he’s cumming on your thighs and hand.
“feel better?” you ask.
“mhm” he grumbled.
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hanasnx · 6 months
Your current boyfriend used to be the jock that shoved emo-freak SAM MONROE into lockers. And now Sam’s got you moaning his name while his skinny boy cock rearranges your insides. Who needs all that muscle when you’ve got a sleep-deprived pill-popping grunge cunt destroyer filling up the empty space in your bed? Is he doing this to get back at your soon-to-be-ex? No. He’s always loved you. Always wanted you. Looked after you in envy while you were with that air-headed football player. He’s only got the confidence to fuck you now though. He’ll worry about his future broken nose later. Currently, all that matters is getting you to squirt all over the mattress so his old bully comes home to soaked sheets that smell of sweet betrayal.
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katiapostsss · 14 days
two words: desperate men.
anakin skywalker, whose cool heeding and quiet stern change completely when you're rolling your hips on his cock, hands on his sweaty abs, perched atop him and facing him directly so he can see every contort of your face, every bounce of your breasts.
anakin skywalker, who once vowed he'd only take, never beg, but moans such pretty little lewd sounds just for your ears, soft pleas forming your name over and over again.
you're everything all at once to him. he's never had anything like you. you, who makes him hard with even the slightest touch, and knows it. you, who has taken every ounce of dignity from him, he once warded so heavily against.
"please— fuck please—" he whines out, his chest rising and falling with his every, labored breath. you look like a goddess atop him, drawing yourself up and down his dick rapidly, moving your pussy in tune with his fervent bucks.
the sounds he makes are borderline pornographic. his hands are on your hips, trying to drive his own upward, trying to get into every fucking inch of you. "i'll be so good.. i'll be such— a— fuck— good boy...!" he cries, face flushed.
and the snarky smile that comes easy to your lips has his cock twitching within you. "yea, you'll be good for me?" you ask, cocking your head. he can only moan a pathetic whine in response, trying to guide your hips. finally, you let him.
you grab his head and shove it to your boob.
he quickly catches the memo and latches his lips to your nipple, suckling as he stares up at you for confirmation that he is indeed, doing good. you throw your head back and groan, nodding. "yea, such a good boy, ani..."
and he's rutting up faster, trying to pleasure you as best he can but ending up only pleasuring himself further. he doesn't know what to do with himself in his heat, his desire compelling him to fall limp and just keep rutting up, but his wanting for your release keeping him going strong. his lips detach and reattach as he tries to do two things at once, but he can't, spit stringing and falling down his chin and your bare boobs.
"fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," he cries out, lifting you up and forcing you back onto him so your body can meet his thrusts. "need it— need you so bad! shit!" and all his attempts to get you to cum end up getting him to in the end. he's toppling over that edge and shooting his thick load into your tight pussy, crying and begging like a pathetic bitch in heat, tears down his face, cock sputtering within you.
"such a good boy— so good— just for you—! promise it!" he chokes out, head falling limp occasionally as he tried his hardest not to lose his senses, stammering your name weakly. "only yours—! yours—"
words he never thought he'd say. but here he is.
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demieyesore · 1 month
Sam Monroe with an Only Fans
This post contains NSFW headcanons, be warned
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Small A/n - You guys don’t understand. Now I have to make a series out of this. It wouldn’t be like an actual series series but I’m thinking multiple Drabbles with links to Twitter videos that I feel like he would post on his Only Fans ❤️
Tag List - @vixxensvoid @maevesversion @sockiess @stylesslytherinskywalker @myheadhurtscutely @yourenogoodforme @gallerygourmet @heartsforanakin @viper-0800 @helendeath @ysrjune
He has a Prince Albert piercing 1000%.
Absolutely LOVES the camera; constantly asking you if you want to be in a video with him but never pushing your boundaries. I can just imagine him coming into your shared living room while you’re binging a TV show, camera in hand with a mischievous grin on his face before saying something like, “Wanna help me out with work?”
Doesn’t really care for having his face in pictures or videos, but when he does, the cinematography is elite. He just KNOWS how to make masterpieces. Honestly the poses and camera work alone is so hot and appealing.
If you have certain kinks, he would make mental notes about them and incorporate them into his Only Fans
Has most definitely posted whimper audios on Twitter with a link to his Only Fans that has the visuals to the audio
Got his tongue pierced just so he could buy one of those vibrators meant for tongue piercings
I personally don’t have a foot fetish but bro has probably sucked on someone’s toes before😭
People in person (especially other guys) see him and assume he gets no bitches but in reality because of his Only Fans, SOOOOOO many girls know who he is
He definitely posts for the female gaze but like it’s actually what the girlies want, like he definitely has wrapped a pink ribbon around his cock before
His only fans is like a genuine masterpiece. He has an interest in photography for sure so his pictures always match his little emo punky aesthetic, it’s not just sex or masturbation for him
If he likes you, he definitely has had to re-record videos for his only fans because he’s accidentally moaned your name
He’s so fucking vocal it’s insane
Money wise, he’s actually financially stable because of how appealing his videos are. He most definitely isn’t the male gaze porn stuff.
Consent King for sure however he does have a CNC / Somno kink
Sam may be a sassy drug addicted emo asshole but he respects women so much. He does have a degradation kink and loves to make you go dumb, despite his respect for you
He does not even care about his family finding out, his motto is something like “They’ve been disappointed before.”
His favorite activity to do with you is “practicing” for his Only Fans, “But baby, I need to make sure the camera angles look good.” Or “Just one more time for me, this video has to be perfect.” When in reality it’s just his excuse so he can go round after round with you.
Has a designated filming room
Alright that’s all I can think of for the moment, I’m still sick so I’m sorry for no recent fics ;( I also have to deal with college and work stuff. I feel like I made him so soft in this headcanon list, I promise he’s still an angsty emo freak that will break you any chance he gets
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anakinstwinklebunny · 1 month
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Sam Monroe who's picking your clothes for you. Taking those cute, pink skirts and coquette accessories since he's obsessed with them (only on you)
Sam Monroe who's waiting for your classes to end so he could pick you up and make sure you're back at home all nice and safe
Sam Monroe who's absolutely in love with everything you do. He could be a total ass to anybody but would never dare himself to act like that towards his princess
Sam Monroe calling you princess, my girl, angel, baby
Sam Monroe who's making sure to give you flowers not only on your anniversary or valentine's day. He would stand at your door with this cute smile, holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers
Sam Monroe being the type of boyfriend to give you small present almost every day or few times a week. He would say that he doesn't need occasion to give you presents/appreciate you. Mostly if he hadn't had the money it would be some origami that he did when he was bored or other things that he did himself
Sam Monroe's piercings that you can feel whenever he's sliding his tongue into your mouth or just kissing you
Sam Monroe who's a cuddling bear. He could cuddle to you without the break all the time and still would want more. He just loves when he's all snuggled up to you, murmuring all things he wants to tell you before he'll probably drift off in your arms
Sam Monroe who loves when you play with his hair. Especially when you two are cuddling. It makes him feel more calm, safe and it easily makes him sleepy
Sam Monroe who absolutely loves the sound of your voice. If you two didn't see each other for a longer period of time he'd definitely listen to your previous voiceovers on repeat
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TW: mentions of smut
Sam Monroe who wants to kiss you till he loses his breath. He would pull back, softly gasping before giving you another kiss
Sam Monroe who is obsessed with making love to you. He loves the sound of your whimpers/moans when your eyes roll behind your head in ecstacy because of him
Sam Monroe who'll apologize over and over again for 'hurting' you during sex (like some bruises)
Sam Monroe who was (and still is) a whimpering mess whenever you're riding him or giving him a head
Sam Monroe who fucks you silly while your parents are in the house
Sam Monroe who will make sure to compliment you during sex to make you more comfortable and more confident within yourself and your body. He would whisper/moan things between his thrusts like; such a good girl, taking all of me this good/ Look at you, so beautiful..taking this cock like that/ Yeah? You're gonna cum? Go on, wanna see that pretty face when you come/ such a greedy, little pussy, begging for me all day
Sam Monroe who gives you aftercare. Will clean you off, whispering sweet words to you and planting small, loving kisses here and there ୨୧
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TAGS: @kingdomhate @ysrjune @heartsforanakin
(if you want to be on the tag list, then don't be shy and let me know 💋)
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skywqlkergf · 1 day
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⠀dealer!sam monroe x cheerleader!reader
⠀⠀ ⠀  sam’s flashback : the fight
⠀⠀    ⠀  series masterlist
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sam laid in bed, after getting off the phone with you, he lays in bed a moment, taking a few more puffs of his cigarette before putting it out on the nightstand next to his bed. rolling out of bed, he throws some clothes on, collecting his supply and walks out the door.
when he steps outside the light is blinding and he puts on his sunglasses to shield himself. as he starts his car, the music is loud enough to make him flinch. he curses and turns it down just slightly.
he eventually shows up to the customer's house, leaves everything but the supply in the car. he knocks and is let in, it's saturday morning and there's a group of hungover kids from school.
one of the boys in a letterman’s jacket waves him over, no doubt the one that called him. he knew the guy, dated you for a little bit and always known for being a dick.
“heard you're messing with y/n, she was fucking crazy when i was with her. she's probably way worse with whatever drugs you're feeding her.” he spoke to sam, like he was better than him. it made sam clench his jaw in annoyance.
sam takes two seconds, trying to decide what the best action would be. shaking his head, he didn't care what happened. he couldn't just let this guy, eric, just walk around and talk shit about you.
he grabs the bag of weed out and hands it to the guy, taking the money from him and then punches the guy straight in the face. eric was bigger than sam, but sam was fast.
eric punches sam in the face, hitting just his eye, before hitting him again and busting his lip. sam wipes his mouth, some blood being seen on his hand. he spits on eric’s white carpet, now stained red.
“you’re just some punk ass kid.” eric shouts confidently, before sam tackles him to the floor, slamming his knuckles into the eric’s face until he stops hitting him back. very obvious imprints from sam’s rings essy to see.
the other kids in the house murmuring to themselves, but not daring to get involved. sam stands up, giving eric one last kick to the ribs.
“i suggest you keep her name out of your mouth, or I'll make sure you never speak again.” he takes a five out of the money eric gave him, dropping it on eric’s body. he's still alive and conscious, but it's obvious his size won't win this one. he looks afraid of sam, and he should be.
“here’s a discount since you got your ass beat.”
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anakinsdove · 1 month
𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 | 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐞 «𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐»
pairing: sam monroe x older!fem!reader
summary: it's been like what? 6 years since you saw sammy, he's still as weird as he used to be, only prettier. After seeing him again you notice there some tension that wasn't there before.
C/W: nsfw, fluff, loser Sammy, riding, tit sucking, lose of virginity (sam’s) subby!sam
discord - twitter: anakinsdove. -PART 1-
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! 。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。Love you
𝘄/𝗰 - 2,149
“Come to my room at 2:00 AM” Your voice echoes in his mind… he swears time is passing slower that it’s meant to because god’s teasing him and also, he has never hate James as much as he does in this moment, he doesnt show signs of being sleepy and its already 12:00 AM, if he’s not asleep by 2:00 AM he’s gonna lose his fucking chance to be with you, it’s probably the only chance he’ll ever get… and he really really wants to be with you… ever since he heard Josh Dickens gave you a kiss in elementary school because fuck… that had to be him
When you kicked Matt because he pushed him, then Matt pulled your pigtails and made you cry so he brought you a muffin his mom baked as in sincere thank you for defending him… He’s been in love with you since forever, even when you went away, soon his morning woods were because of the sex dreams of you and not the models in his dirty magazines, You you You, you….
And when you knelt down in front of him and unbuckled his belt expertly he knew it was over for him, you were his and he’ll do whatever you wanted him to do, fuck he hated himself for cumming so soon, because that moment could’ve last longer, he hated himself because he wanted to go again but he was so sensitive… the way your teeth gently grazed his cock-
“Dude! Are you serious?” James yelled and his face goes pale, can James read his mind suddenly? “You’re hard” Sam panicked and covered himself with a pillow “Fuck off!” James rolls his eyes and goes back to his game… Sam can’t take this anymore, he stands up and goes to the bathroom, your room is right down the hall, it looks so tempting yet so scary at the same time.. before he can stop himself hes standing at your door where he can take a peak of you, he knows it’s not 2:00 AM yet, and he doesn’t want you to think he can’t follow basic instructions but… fuck…he imagines your voice calling for him, telling him you need him, to please you, to fuck you, to take you so fucking good, to tell him you need him right between your legs… he imagines your taste, your thighs suffocating him but he wouldn’t mind… he would’ve never mind.
He watches your toy with the cord of the phone as you talk about to someone on the phone, he wonders who it is… one of your friends? Your ex? The next boy you’re going to fuck after you ruin him tonight?… and again before he can stop it his hand is down his pants as he grips his hard on… painfully hard til he releases as shaky breath… now your voice sounds incomprehensible, he observes your chest rise and fall with every breathe you take, the way you’re laughing at someone’s voice and the way you kick your feet in such a girly way, he smiles…
He’s a pervert, he knows it but he doesn’t really mind right now, your pajamas shorts are so sexy to him, the fabric looks so delicate, fragile, like he could tear them apart and slide his cock right between your folds, all puffy and wet for him… he bangs his head against the wall and bites his lip hard to suppress a moan, his hand moves up and down at a fast peace, he knows he doesn’t have much time
He’s so close, so so close, just like the loser he is he’s always close and his hips chase his hand desperately, his brow furrowed as he breathes heavily against the wall
Then you make eye contact with him
His eyes squeezed shut when he came, he just ruined his only pair of boxers and his hand is sticky as fuck…. And he hears your step getting closer…
“Oh Sammy..” your voice is condescending as you eye him up cutely… when suddenly you close the door, leaving him outside like a dog in heat, Sam squeezes his eyes again in embarrassment as he runs to the bathroom to clean up himself.
1:39 AM
James seems to be about to go to sleep, that’s a good thing for sure, it finally looks like he’s about to get what he desperately needs, yet… he seems to be confused by your hot and awkward interaction, were you just teasing him? Or it meant something more? You looked at him like you finally realized he’s a loser who doesn’t deserve to fuck you… but maybe you didn’t, maybe you were just being cocky about finding him that position… with his fucking hand under his pants, any girl would’ve thrown him out, beat him up, but you didn’t… he knows he deserves it but you didn’t… he feels more and more head over heels as he thinks about all the possible out comes tonight has.
He’s outside your door again at 1:58 AM, waiting impatiently as the clock tickling mocks him, it certainly feels like it… he doesn’t know whether he should knock now or wait two more minutes… however you put his mind at ease when you suddenly open the door and pull him inside.
“Just in time” your breathless tone makes his toes curl
“Really-“ your lips press into his, this is something you could call a kiss, is intense, it’s everything both of you need it to be… his greedy hands grips your boobs like any stupid boy would do, you think he’s bold for doing this tho.
“Feeling confident aren’t you?” And well his confidence is definitely gone now at your mean words, spat like venom, he wants more of that… “You want me…. As much as I want you” his voice doesn’t so sure
“Ok and?” You kiss him again guiding him towards your bed, the back of his knees hits the bed and he falls down with you ok top of him, this time his hands rest on your waist, not daring to touch anywhere else just yet.
“…Sam…..” Oh fuck she’s regretting it “You’re absolutely sure you want to do this with me? I get it if you’d want to wait for the right girl” You’re the right gir! It’s fucking you! It always has been! “Positive” You grin at his words and just like you did a few hours ago you decide to go for his neck again… the hickeys you gave him are still there, he’s surprised James didn’t even notice… any one would’ve pieced it instantly… his breathe heaves “I’m gonna take off your shirt” he sits up so you can do whatever you want to him… “Sam…” “Huh?” “You can take my clothes off too…” he nods shakily as he exhales, everything feels like a very complex task right now… he takes the hem of your shirt thank top and lifts it off your body, he takes a moment to admire your skin, any marks, moles, scars, he wants to remember this moment, to keep it engraved in his mind, because this might be the last time.
“Do you know how to undo my bra?” His silence gives it away “It’s okay let me just-“ Your breast mesmerize him that’s for sure, he’s instantly attracted to them as his hands touch your soft skin, his thumbs grazing your nipples softly “You’re so fucking pretty” he breathes out “Yeah?” “So fucking perfect” his words are genuine… you know it, something shifts inside you like a switch that tells you Make it special and you will… “You’re so prettty Sam…” his brows furrowed and his mouth falls open as he sees your hands toying with his belt again… all over again.
You successfully remove his pants and realize his shirt is still on… “You wanna take that off?” Sam nods, you never take your gaze away from him, he’s pale, his skin looks very smooth regardless, his collarbones are prominent, he’s beautiful.. you can’t help it but touch his piercing in his chin.
“Does this hurt?” He chuckles… “No, not really” “Reaaaally? Or were you just really brave about it?” You tickle his ribs, his boyish giggle fills your ears and that sound will be forever engraved in your mind… this won’t be a random hookup, this is more than that, and even if that thought scares you you decide to push it to the back of your mind for now… wait he’s also wearing eyeliner it looks so good with his already smudge eyeshadow
“Okay… uh… do you want me to ride you?” YES YES YES yet he just nods impatiently, he wouldn’t want to miss the chance of you bouncing on his cock, breaking his legs as he sucks on your gorgeous tits, you already suck his soul out, so why not also break his legs.
You remove your panties and his boxers… Sam touches the bow on your panties to confirm you’re real and this is happening, his gaze follows your body from your pussy to you eyes “It’s okay… I don’t care if you don’t last long, I want you to enjoy this” you’re an angel sent from heaven
“Im-I’m gonna put it in” you hover over him and your nails graze his tip deliciously, he lays back on your pillows
And when you slide it in….
“Fuck!” His legs tremble and you whine, he’s big he’s so fucking big…. Why’s this loser so fucking big? Sam hisses as he lays back, throwing his head back Fuck fuck fuck why is she so fucking warm he breathes heavily as he squirms, his brows furrow prettily “it’s okay Sam…. It’s okay breathe baby” “You’re so fucking wet!” “Yes Sammy… so fucking wet, does it feel good?” He nodds, his eyes are still closed, his hands grip your thighs desperately… you think he might make himself bleed with how hard he’s biting his lip… you decide to put his hands to use and guide them to your tits.
Sam grips them instantly as you roll your head back, “I’m gonna start moving okay?” “I’m not gonna last..” you roll your eyes and start grinding against him, your clit rubs deliciously against his pubes… he sits up, his hands go straight to grip your ass guiding you up and down… fine… you start bouncing… bouncing on his cock like he always dreamed of, your fucking pussy is so tight.
Sam breathes heavily against your chest, you tits in full display to him, he can’t help himself, he just can’t, they’re bouncing right in front of his face as your hips ride him expertly, his lips latch to your nipple and he manhandles your other boob… you hate to admit it but that sight is doing more for you than you can explain… you cry out and your fingers travel down to your pussy as you rub you clit fastly and uncoordinated, you know he’s close and you want to cum with him
“Sam! S-Sam fuck fuck-“ he removes your hand and rubs your clit himself, his touch is too rough, almost painful yet heavenly, his eyes are scrunched tightly, his mouth falls open releasing your nipple, his moans are no longer muffled, they’re loud, they’re so fucking loud, his hands attempt to help you ride him faster and then you see it
He’s crying
It’s so intense it’s so fucking intense, the type of pleasure his hand could never provide him, no matter how much lube he uses… what he’s fucking- it’s just not… and he’s a mess, he’s sweating and his cheap eyeliner is running down his cheeks
“Yes Sammy.. c-cum for me.. I can feel you’re close- you’re fucking pulsating inside me!”
the pressure building in his belly snaps and it’s all fireworks and stars flashing behind his eyes… his belly twitches as he fills you up “Ah.. Ah! Yes!” You’re not far behind him… your orgasm is powerful, it’s gonna leave you shaking… sam spasms as you keep riding him just a little more.. his eyes open when you collapse on top of him.
“Oh my fucking god” Sam laughs and you wonder what’s so funny “W-what?” “People do this everyday?” He looks dreamy as he pushes your hair behind your ear “I guess…” you giggle “I thought you were trying to kill me…” he laughs “I was” “Yeah?” “Wanted to see how much you can take-“ he interrupts you with a kiss
“What was that for?” “Well we just made love” Sam’s says sarcastically “made love?” You laughs at his cute explanation “You just fucked the shit out of me…” “And your soul out of you..” “Yeah… that too” Sam smiles brightly “Are you okay?” You ask him he can only nod, he’s so happy.
“So… what if now…. I just cuddle the shit out of you?”
masterlist 𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗱𝗼𝘃𝗲 © --- all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/ copying will be tolerated.
dividers - @i92-93
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hopesworlld · 1 month
wearing an ‘i love emo boys’ top in front of sam monroe !
( swearing, kissing, mentions of cum )
“what the fuck is that?” sam snickered when you entered his bedroom, a wide smile twisted on your lips twisted into a wide grin.
“my new t-shirt,” you giggled, sliding your jumper off of your shoulders and putting your hands on your hips, modeling the top for him. it was a plain black y-shirt with ‘i love emo boys’ written on it in white text, the love replaced with a red heart.
“where did you find that?” sam asked, standing up and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close, your hands came up around his neck, clinging to his as he lifted you up, swinging you off the floor and spinning you around.
“sam!” you screeched, laughing as he tossed you onto the bed. “i found it on etsy and i thought it was perfect,” you said as sam climbed onto the bed after you, grabbing the bottom of your t-shirt and tugging it down so that he could look at it better.
“emo boys?” he then asked with a raised brow and you looked at him with narrowed eyes.
“sammy, c’mon!” you groaned, “you know that you are the only emo boy i want,” you said, grabbing his shoulders and tugging him down so that he is laying on top of you, his face pressed against your chest.
“well then your top should say that,” he murmured, nipping at your chest lightly. you rolled your eyes affectionately, pressing a kiss on his forehead.
“you know how you can prove it?” you asked him, a small smirk twisting on your lips and sam looked up at you curiously, “you could cum on my top, make everyone know who i belong too,” a groan fell from sam’s lips as he pushed himself up on the bed so that he was hovering over you.
“yea, wanna walk around looking like my pretty little cum rag, babe?” sam asked, hand slipping between your thighs and you let out a heavy breath.
“yes, sammy, please,” you begged, hands clutching at his t-shirt tightly and he grinned.
“i fucking love this top” he said before pressing his lips to yours.
i ❤️ emo boys !
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