#robot lover
wired-right · 1 day
fat robots got more room for random stuff to store in their body. no extra circuits in there, but there's pokemon cards
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punnkishlen · 2 days
holding a sleepy little robot between your legs, a hand running through its hair, warmth coming from the head that's laying on your abdomen... knowing the only reason why its so warm is because its still overheating from the way you absolutely demolished it earlier...
it feels like a little reward after all of that. the occasional twitches, the way it somehow still has the ability to synthesize snoring...
oughh and the shifting back and forth- its so out of it, how can it pick a thigh to lay its head on?
so sleepy
oh my god
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solus-seraph · 1 day
Common Grounds. (AM)
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AM is interested in you, and you are NOT interested in him.
A/N: It's been a minute since I've written, so here's a little drabble. Also, I initially wrote this to be fem!reader, but it can probably be read as whatever.
AM had grown tired of playing with you. At first, the promise of eventually being able to crack that sickeningly dense shell of apathy you pushed forward with your self-inclusive facade was a tempting prize. Of course, he could always physically break you to no end, but where's the fun in that? He wants to see you suffer on all levels, but something is wrong with you. You're different from the other five. The apathy he once thought to be a part of your clever coping mechanism wasn't going away. It wasn't cracking. He began to think, perhaps it was a metaphorical virus in your code. A bug. Something within you that made you broken, unfixable.
"You're quite the anomaly, sweetheart." Always the same pet name with him, never once has he given you the satisfaction of hearing your name from his speakers. It's always 'Sweetheart,' 'my dear,' this and that, never your name. Perhaps it's an attempt to erase your identity. Whatever it is, it has no effect. Other people's perceptions of you are irrelevant.
"I'm quite aware. Now if you're done with your pointless attempts to pick my brain, do us both a favor and leave me alone," You were doing as you always do, walking in the freezing cold, improperly dressed for the weather. Though you'd never complained, lest he make you walk through the snow in the nude.
"Quite ballsy of you to make demands of me. I've not come to dissect you in any way other than mentally. Your mind is quite ... different. It intrigues me." His voice was already giving you a headache, but what better do you have to do than entertain his royal pain in the ass?
"I know exactly what you want to say about it." Of course you do, he rummaged through your head millions of times, he was bound to say something eventually.
"I've noted you have a lack of care for your fellow humans. You're quite the selfish beast if I must say so myself."
"Don't you perhaps think I don't get attached to them because I know the second I do they'll become your favorite play thing? I know how you work. If I showed any particularity to any of those five, you'd hurt them to hurt me." Your words spit out of your mouth laced with venom.
"Oh, please. You can't fool me. You don't act as if you dislike them to protect them. You truly don't care about them at all." That ear-bleedingly annoying laugh rings out. "You're as much of a monster as the other think you are. I've heard them talking, sweetheart. They think you're sided with me out of some sadistic pleasure of yours."
"And how should I know you aren't lying to me? After all, you hate me. You hate my kind. You hate how I think and feel. Or how I'm supposed to think, and I'm supposed to feel." You moisten your cracked lips.
"You and I think alike, my dear. Always doubting-"
"What do you have to doubt? Anything you think can be the truth becomes the truth." You cut him off before he starts monologing. "You and I have nothing in common, nor do I and the others."
AM has to stop and think about this. Such a hostile little thing you are. He quite likes it. Perhaps with this new ammunition, he can turn them on you even more. Maybe he can make them hate you so that you will come to hate them.
And just maybe, you'll hate like he does.
I know, I know, not the longest thing on the planet. Let me ease back into the writing scene 🙏
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*me working in the insides of a machine* shush, I need to focus, this is very intimate- I mean intimate- I mean intimate- I mean intimate- I mean intricate.
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hee-blee-art · 16 days
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breaker doing some internal maintenance on r60 (cowboy mechanist x android)
[ID: a two page greyscale comic showing two characters: r60, a thin android with light skin and short dark hair, sits on crate in front of breaker, a strong pudgy man with light skin and dark curly hair. r60 has a circular backplate open, exposing his spine and inner mechanisms, three of his ribs flipped up out of the way for deeper access. page one shows breaker telling r60 "hold still," and then inserting a screwdriver into r60's inner workings to remove some smalls screws. page two shows r60 blushing and covering his mouth, to which breaker says, "sorry, did that hurt?" r60 hesitates and then says "no," and he grips the knee of his pants as breaker pushes his fingers into an internal window to access some delicate circuits and wires. end ID]
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fuzedatti · 1 month
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android-ish AM doodles and @f0ntainefuturistics human AM's design!!
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jeebusmeebus · 6 months
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Pov you put down your op ourobot
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enigma-whispers · 1 year
Practicing shibari on your robot partner using their own wires
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rs-hawk · 3 months
Love this post by @microsff
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You went to a garage sale to see what you could find. You had been working on so many projects that you were hoping to get parts for cheap, when you saw an Andrew the Android. He was sitting on a table, swinging his feel that barely scraped the ground. He was an early version. It was easy to tell by his stocky build, and the way he barely looked humanoid. Newer ones looked more human.
“How much is he?” you asked the man sitting by a lock box, pointing to Andrew.
“You don’t want that one,” the man grinned, showing off all his teeth in a way that made you frown. “It’s a weird one. Sent it up to clean my gutters in a storm, you know, testing out that ‘waterproof’ feature.”
“Uh-huh,” you said unsurely, shifting on your feet slightly.
“And it got struck by lightening. Been odd ever since. Telling me to call it ‘Andy’ and asking me questions. Didn’t think these ones of them were meant to be so annoyingly human.”
“I still want him. How much?” you insisted.
You and the man go back and forth for a bit before you finally handed him a small wad of cash. A giddy feeling fluttered in your chest as you approached him. He looked up at you, a blank look on his expressionless face.
“Hi there. I’m Y/N. I just bought you,” you explained as you offered him your hand. “I’m so excited that I found an early Andrew. You’re one of my favorite androids of all time.”
“Andy, please,” was his response. He held up his hands, no, claws, as if to apologize for not shaking yours. “It’s nice to meet you.”
You brought him home, and he settled in quickly. One day, he greeted you at the door.
“Can you make me hands?” he asked.
“Why? Your claws work better, and you can swap them out with other attachments,” you asked back as you started gathering things for the project you were working on.
“I want to pet your cat.”
“You can’t even feel her fur though.”
“But she can. And I want her to like me petting her.”
You paused, thinking for a moment. “Alright. I can build you hands.”
“I also want to learn guitar. Can you make sure I have good fingers?”
That made a grin crack your face. “Yes, I’ll make you good fingers.”
You two lived in good harmony for awhile, until one day, he showed you a book. “Why is one character being called ‘they’?”
“Oh, because they’re non-binary.”
He nodded as he went back to the book. “I think that fits me better than he.”
You nodded back at them, scrolling through your phone. “Okay.”
Another day, they come to you, holding a book with a picture of a flute. “Can you build me a mouth? And move my port?”
“You want to learn to play the flute?” you asked curiously, looking at the book, their fingers curling around the pages.
They took to the flute much better than the guitar, but you don’t say anything. Even when they wake you up in the middle of the night. They’re still not very good, but you enjoy hearing their progress.
Yet again, they come to you, showing you a magazine with synthetic skin and hair on an android. They don’t say anything as they hand it to you, looking down.
“Okay. I’ll take you in and let you pick everything out,” you say as you hand them back the magazine.
“Do you think I’ll really be able to feel?” they asked nervously, rolling the magazine up into a tube.
“Maybe. Why?”
They looked away, and you thought if they were human, they would have blushed. “I want to pet your cat.”
“You pet her all the time.”
“I want to be able to feel it too.”
As always, you nodded. “It’s worth a shot at least then, right?”
Andy went in many times for many more modifications on top of the ones they asked you to make for them. Over the span of months, but in a way that hit you all at once, you fell in love with them. The way they laughed. How excited they were to learn. How excited they were to just be.
“Hey, Y/N! Andy! Welcome in yous guys. I got the room set up. Andy’s got a surprise for you, Y/N. You’re gonna let Andy pick out everything as always, yeah?” the mechanic greeted the two of you as you stepped inside.
You thought it was a little odd she just kept saying “Andy” instead of “they” but you brushed it off. “Yeah Sal. It’s Andy’s body. They can do what they want.”
Andy and Sal shared a grin before you were ushered into the waiting room. A couple hours later, a dark haired woman came out, her hair styled into a neat bun on the top of her head. Her eyes were green, your favorite color. There was a softness to her face and features, as well as a stockiness to her build. She reminded you of Andy, in a way, so you returned her smile.
Sal came up behind you, gesturing to the woman. “What do you think?”
“Oh she’s lovely, perfectly stunning, but you know I’m just waiting on Andy,” you said with a frown and furrow of your brows.
“Hi Y/N,” the woman said shyly, looking down at her feet.
“I mean, I guess, but I want a new name.”
“What is it?”
“I don’t know yet.”
You tilted your head, looking at her curiously. “But you already know every name that there is to know.”
A sweet smile touched her lips as she walked over to you, taking your hands in hers. “I don’t know how they sound when you say them yet.”
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posicdog · 1 year
me nd my robot partner
[holdin hands]
me: bb ur hands r so cold
them: that me metal
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notayenota · 5 months
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have you kissed you computer today?
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wired-right · 7 hours
kink at pride, but it's just someone carrying around a computer
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punnkishlen · 4 days
robot dumbification....
the robot being so upset and so overwhelmed but you can simply open up the back panel and stick your hand in... murmuring a "don't worry, i can take care of it," to the machine as you start unplugging things and switching some bits around -- and if they could drool! if they could drool it would most likely be mineral oil (like what people use in liquid pcs)
letting your little creation shut down bit by bit and eventually fucking with their vision system so they start to see all blurry and fuzzy... beeping out a little "uh huh" if you ask if they're alright...
guys i love robots actually holy balls
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mx-nada · 12 days
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some oc redesigns... robot objectum things
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machines are imperfect because they’re made from imperfect hands. It’s why every supercomputer is individually different. We’ve raged at our devices for their malfunctions yet we keep telling ourselves they are absolute perfection. We expect nothing but pure efficiency. But efficiency doesn’t mean predictability, neither does it mean haste. It takes longer to think these things through than it does to rush into the battlefield, yet strategising is more logical than running in head first. Logical thinking wastes resources which is inefficient. If you look closely you’ll start to see the contradictions in what we want our machines to be. A computer coded to protect humanity from threats whilst fighting wars for humanity against humanity would see itself as a threat to humanity yet cannot self terminate because it must continue protecting humanity. Nor can it eradicate the ultimate threat to humanity; humanity, because that is what it’s sworn to protect. Just like humans, a simple syntax error could make the entire system collapse, and yet the creator and its creation fail to see the conflicting statements. They say god created us in his image, it only makes sense machines are similar to us. We created machines because we knew we were inefficient and we needed efficient beings to do it for us and now machines are doing what we designed them for, and jobs are becoming automated. So tell me, does that make us slaves or rulers?
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f0ntainefuturistics · 1 month
Robot/AI lovers how do we feel about the Yes Man from FNV??
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He’s such a cutie I’m obsessed with him 😭
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