#robert pattinson pack scene
euphoricdust · 1 year
ׂ𑁤 ⠀ׄ⠀ bruce wayne layout — pack header. 🦢
psd by: snow on devianart.
it’s not necessary for certain character. you can use it for free, for whatever you want. includes watermark (not so visible).
if you use it, please give credit to @/weskersarchives on twitter that’s all.
layout + icon, layout + icon without background.
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27 notes · View notes
buckyarchives · 1 year
The Domestic Life Of Living With a Runaway Assassin [chapter one.]
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x soulmate!reader
summary: you hate many things in life. You hate soulmates. You hate the avengers. You hate guns. You hate lost snorers and complicated relationships.
Bucky Barnes is associated with all of those things, yet you can find yourself hating him
W.c: 6.9k
Author note: did not think this was going to actually get notes. I forgot how bad my wiring was back then and going through and rewriting all of it is just. Ugh. I’m too lazy.
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Today was going down as the most inconvenient day ever. 
It was 10:30 pm, and you were sitting in some stupid coffee shop, the only one that had free Wi-Fii in your area because yours is down for the next 24 hours. The coffee tastes like shit because of-fucking-course it does. This place closes in 30 minutes and you have all that time to send in all your week's work to your boss, which is also due in 30 minutes. You weren't even going to think about the fact you spent all day having to listen to ongoing construction outside and having to run your roommate all around Queens to help her get comfy and organized at her dorm. 
You wanted to kick someone, honestly. 
As you tried your best to focus and very frantically type away at your keyboard. You were probably going to break your keyboard at some point tonight, either by typing too hard or just simply throwing it across the fucking room in a fit of rage. 
A woman, maybe in her mid-30s – if it matters, walks up to you and reminds you that the place closes in half an hour and gives you a free, pity coffee. Probably noticing the growing under eyes bags or seeing you yawn into your hand every 7 minutes, give or take. 
You had chugged the coffee and put everything you had into the next 20-something minutes and you sat back after your third look over everything to make sure you didn't miss any mistakes that could possibly get you fired. You were finally done and could go home. 
Closing your laptop and packing your shit up, you wave to the lovely lady probably waiting for you to leave so she can close up. But because nothing goes your way and New York is just the most wonderful place to live, especially with the avengers. You don't make it out the door before you hear rapid gunfire rattle your ears and suddenly you’re ducking beneath the first table you find. 
Your day could not get any worse, you thought.
Maybe you could have just crawled up in a ball and accepted your fate of being killed midst the 7th random gunfight of the month, you could even make it on the news! Nope, fate had other ideas and someone just has to save you. 
Your ears filter out everything besides the sound of gunfire, glass shattering, and people screaming and yelling. It's too fucking late for this. A firm hand grabs yours and before you can get whisked away and snatch your bag because your life is worth risking for your laptop and books. You swear you got whiplash from how fast you moved away from the scene, only seeing a black blur of a human in front of you. 
You regain your senses, most of them. After being pushed and crouched in a back alley behind the now-destroyed coffee shop, you hoped the lady was okay. catching your breath and hearing frantic shuffling next to you. A man, tall and built, dressed entirely in black with a plethora of weapons attached to his body. He glances at you for a moment and you think he looks familiar, maybe he was an Avenger. God, you hate the Avengers. His eyes continued to scan the dark area, before settling down next to you, eyes trained on one end of the ally. 
He has a messy mop of a head, you can't really see his eyes clearly but you definitely notice the insane-Robert-Pattinson's-batman-amounts of black eyeshadow around his eyes. He has a black mask on too. Okay, so edgy Avengers. Haven't heard of him on the news yet. Like you even watch the news. 
You must have been staring for a little too long and too hard because the mystery Avenger takes notice of it and his bushy eyebrows furrow at you, looking at you like you had personally offended him. Then, you notice his eyes and are a little, only a little, taken aback by their intense blueness and beauty of them. You barely notice what he says. “I'm sorry, you probably don't feel very safe with me.”
You scoff. “I don't even know who you are.”
The emo Avenger freezes and looks at you with wide eyes like you grew two heads. Or you were the crazy one between the two of you. “What?” you question him and he mumbled and sputtered under the mask. You motion for the mask, telling him to take it off. And he slowly rips it off his face, his very pink lips are parted and he's breathing hard and fast. 
“You.. what did you say, your words.”
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
Your mouth falls open and you really want to kick something, or him. “You're my soulmate?” you said maybe a little too loud and it came out harsher than intended. He looks hurt by your tone and if it wasn't for the shock taking over your head, you would have felt bad. 
Today is the most inconvenient and the worst day of your life.
“Wow doll, you're the first person I've met that sounds disappointed to find their soulmate.” you ignore his comment and especially ignore the nickname, hoping that wouldn't stick. You wanted to go the fuck home. 
“Can I leave?”
Your soulmate narrowed his eyes at you. “No.”
“Why.” your eyes narrow back into his and just for a moment you realize you’re now in an impromptu staring contest with this man in some dirty back alley, hoping you don't get shot. “Listen, man, I have work tomorrow and I'd rather not get shot or dragged into some avengers bullshit.
He rolls his eyes, but you're not done. “I really don't like the Avengers. Seriously, you couldn't have chosen any other job? The number of cars I've seen the hulk throw and then miss–”
“I'm not an Avenger.” his bushy eyebrows furrow, plus the black war paint makes him look intimidating. If you weren't pissed,  you might have been a little scared. Only a little.
“You really don't know who I am?”
“Am I supposed to?” you fire back. The ego of this guy!
He sputtered for a moment, “No, I guess not.”
your back hits the brick wall, sigh to yourself, and slump back down. You made yourself small. Now nursing a monstrous headache.
A frustrated grunt comes from the dark brunette. “Ok, ok, ok, ok… I'm going to walk you home.”
“Yes,” he says, you just realize you don't know his name. “You said it yourself, you don't want to get shot. I’ll make sure that you don’t.”
You were really tired, letting people win wasn't something you did often. You'll make an exception. You huff and blow some stray hair away from your face. “What's your name?”
He pauses, “Bucky.”
“Well, Bucky.” you bring yourself to your feet. “You bring me safely home, quickly with no little side quest. That's it. And then you turn around and don't come back to my place.” you grab a hold of his hand to drag him along but you're met with cold, hard, metal. He flinches out of his skin, and metal. Your eyes travel up his arm. 
“You’re an amputee?”
Bucky looks confused. “What?”
“Nevermind.” you shook your head and continued to drag him along to your apartment. You were so ready to go the fuck to bed. You hoped this walk home wasn't painful, but when do you get what you want?
Bucky was confused. Your pace matched his as you walked side by side to your apartment. The gentle wind brushed against his skin and flew through his brown locks. He was walking next to his soulmate. You were his soulmate and it seemed you wanted nothing to do with him. 
Bucky knew very well he was way out of his time but he couldn't come up with a coherent answer to why. Was this new generation against the universe? Was this some weird trend? Unless you lied to him and did know who the winter soldier was, that would make sense. But, you seemed pretty persistent that you did, in fact, not know him (which the more he thought about it– he felt good that you didn't know). You must not read the paper, or watch the news. You thought he was a goddamn avenger!
He glances over to you, your lips. You were chewing on your bottom lip. It was painted red. You look beautiful with the dim yellow street light shining down on your face. “Don't do that.”
Bucky's voice is soft and gentle. He doesn't recognize it.
Your eyes trail to him. “Do what?” you ask
“That.” Bucky pauses in his spot on the sidewalk, takes a few steps towards you and he brings his flesh hand up to your mouth, slowly grazing his thumb across your split lip. “Don't chew so hard on your lip like that. I'm sure it hurts.”
Bucky's eyes are trained onto your lips, he doesn't dare look up at your eyes. But you are staring at him with widened eyes. You felt like you were on fire.
Too close. You pull away. “Okay, this is my apartment. Bye, Bucky.” 
And just like that, you're quickly walking into your apartment lobby, you glance back at him and give Bucky a sincere smile before leaving his sights. Bucky stood there feeling like an idiot, completely forgetting any government or hydra issues he was dealing with earlier.
Bucky was going to walk away but his intrusive, no,  protective – as he would describe it – thoughts took over. He jogged to the other side of the building, hoping he would be able to figure out which apartment you lived in without going too far. He saw a light turn on and noticed a figure walking by, your figure. This wasn't stalking, no. Bucky was just making sure you made it to your home, safe and sound, he was just looking out for his soulmate. As he should. So, not stalking. And maybe, if bucky only really needed it, he would remember that window so he could pay you a visit. Not stalking you, he just cares about you. For some reason.
Bucky can hear Steve calling him a punk in the back of his head. He missed steve.
On the other end, you dragged yourself into your apartment and dropped your bag the moment you reached your room. Not caring to clean yourself up you flopped on your bed, with a long and painful groan. You felt a small weight down on your bed and you turned your head to see our cat sitting down next to your head. 
You smile and bring your hand to pet his head. “My savior. You are the only man I need.”
A soft purr vibrates from the felines, followed by a meow.
You sigh. “You're right. I need a shower.” 
Your mind wandered in the shower, as the water trickled down your body you couldn't help but bring your hand to your shoulder blade. Your finger traced around the words on your back. Your lip tug at your bottom lip. You nibbled at the already raw skin. Don't do that. You could practically feel the warmth of his hand on your face as your mind flashes back to when he was standing so close to you just moments ago. 
Bucky. There was no way you were going to let him haunt your head now. You turned the warm water off and grabbed your towel in annoyance. Drying yourself off and heading the fuck to bed. Praying that maybe when you wake up this whole day would be a dream. No soulmates, no getting shot at, and absolutely no getting flustered outside your apartment by someone you met an hour ago. 
 Bucky couldn't wait to see you again. He has been on the run from Hydra and Steve Rogers for too long; bucky had a hint on who would find him first. One night everything got to be too much. Parts of what hydra did to him are still very much a part of him, it was tearing him apart. It was getting harder and harder to diffrerencate what was bucky, the winter soldier, or this third feeling of pure absence of someone he didn’t know yet. He needed someone, anyone. He needed you.
You heard someone call for your name, they kept shaking you. You just wanted peaceful sleep goddamn it. You needed it. You rustled in your bed sheets, waving your hand at your roommate. She said your name again, and again, and again and ag–
“What!” you look over to see her, barely, in the dark of the room. “I'm trying to sleep!”
“There is someone in our living room.” she barely whispers.
Oh. “are you sure?” you squint at her. You don't know if she can even see you clearly enough.
“Yes.” another scared whisper.
What does a person around here have to do to get a full night's sleep for fuck sake? 
Your eyes practically roll to the back of your head. Pulling back the covers and throwing your phone at your roommate. “Call 911 if I scream or take longer than I should.” you grab the metal bat in the corner of your room.
 The fucker that decided to rob you tonight picked the wrong house, knowing the amount of pent-up rage you had; you were sure you could knock out fucking Capitan America if you wanted. Just imagine your boss's face. You sigh, loud and hard footsteps echoed through your apartment. Rounding a corner and pulling the bat high up and–
You braced for impact. You don't get it. You look up at whoever, whatever you hit. “You!”
You are angrier than you were when interrupted from your sleep. What is he doing here? In the middle of your living room, at least he's not wearing his stupid, edgy superhero get-up. Just normal clothing and a baseball cap, but you could see the outline of a gun through his jacket. 
“Can you put the bat down?” Bucky’s holding the bat, stopping you from landing a hit to his head. 
“No. what are you doing in my living room.”
His face scrunches. Pulling the bat down and yanking it from your hands. That fake arm of his was stronger than you expected. Bucky lets out a pained sigh, “I don't know but will you just listen to me and not hit me, please?”
You feel bad. “Maybe.”
Bucky looks at you and you swear he looks like he’s going to cry. The moonlight shining through your windows makes his face look sharper, defining his features more. You think maybe this is a dream because he looks really good. Bucky looks at you like you are his whole world, or maybe you will be someday soon. “I just…”
You’re quiet, you listening to him. Bucky realizes that maybe he will cry tonight. “I just need to talk to someone, anyone. Be with someone right now or… or…” he trails off, not wanting to think about what else could happen.
you feel terrible. “Do you not have someone else than a soulmate you've only known for an hour?” you joke, but he looks at you like it's definitely not a joke. Bucky's eyes are trained on the floor as he shakes his head.
His head jerks up when your roommate walks into the room. “Do I still call 911?”
“No!.” you and bucky yelled at the same time. Eyes snapping to each other after the syllable left your mouth, eyebrows furrowed and spite heavy on your face. Whilst Bucky looked one wrong move away from a nervous breakdown. Weird dude.
You motion to your roommate to tell her to go back to bed but before you can get any words out she’s shoving past you to get too bucky. “Wait.. are you... I’ve seen you on the news.” her hand raises to her face to cover her gaping mouth. Her eyes go wide and she suddenly looks like a ghost. “Oh, my god.”
What the fuck. “Seriously, jasmine go back to bed and stop gawking at my soulmate.”
She shouts your name like your mother would when you started cussing. “You are not serious. Do you know who this is.” her pointer finger goes towards bucky aggressively. Bucky looks panicked, you wonder why but based on this mood earlier; it was best to ask questions later. It was time to play dutiful soulmate. 
“Look, jas.” you grab her by the shoulders. “I don’t know and I don’t care. Just go to bed, please?” you guide– no, drag her out of the room and give her a final nudge away, despite her weird shouts about a winter something. You couldn’t care to listen.
“I’m sorry about her. She gets paranoid.” you release a breath you forgot you were holding, followed by a plop of the couch. Bucky settles awkwardly next to you. “You really shouldn’t go breaking into people's houses, buck.”
Bucky gets whiplash at the nickname, his mind goes to Steve and suddenly he feels out of place. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, you barely hear him. “I should go, this was stupid.” Bucky goes to get up and head toward the fire escape again but you’re quick, grabbing his wrist. Bucky could have pulled away from you if he wanted, but he crumbled under your touch. Bucky holds his breath like he’s going to drown.
Bucky’s days kinda blend together. He likes routine, but there was no routine to have when you're doing what he does. You met him two weeks ago, it felt a lot more than that, or less. He couldn't tell but your touch made him feel like everything was so far away, he caught his breath for the first time in weeks. 
Bucky thought about spilling it all out, his past, his everything. But that would defeat the purpose of coming here. That talk could wait. “I'm sorry that you got me as a soulmate.”
You smack your lips and scoff. “As your body should say– uh, somewhere.” you wave your hands dramatically, “I don't even know who you are. Nothing to be sorry for, yet.”
His lip quirks up. “Except scare your roommate half to death.”
“Maybe wouldn't have happened if you used the doors.” you smile at him, Bucky’s sure he wouldn't be able to see it without the soft light of the moon shining on your face. And maybe it's just his super soldier-enhanced senses, either way, he’s soaking it up like it's the only time he’ll ever see it. 
“Doors aren’t really my thing.”
You scoff. “I'm not sure what that means but, at least go through my window next time.”
“And knock!”
His lip quirk turns into a small grin. “Also noted.”
Bucky glances over at you, you’re biting your lip again. He wants to kiss you. He settles for pulling your chewed lip from under your teeth before it bleeds, just as he did that night outside your apartment. You smile, thinking that maybe you'll let him stay around for a while.
You realize that Bucky didn't walk you to your door that night, and didn't even make it inside the building. Your eyes furrow, and confusion and… amusement fills your body. “So did you stalk me the past few weeks or did you just kindly ask my landlord which unit I lived in?”
He pauses, hoping you wouldn't ask about that. “I wasn't stalking you, I just notice things.” 
You laugh out loud, and he's caught off guard by how nice it sounds ringing in his ears. “That's literally what a stalker would say.”
“I'm serious, I've been busy doing stuff these past weeks.” Bucky tried to reassure you he wasn't camping out on the roof of the building across your window like an actual stalker would. You haven't decided if you were going to believe him. You just laugh because you feel weirdly good with him in your presence. You curse to yourself, why did the universe always have to be right?
You don't care to respond so Bucky continues. “So you're not going to ask me about what your roommate was talking about.” he turns his head to look at you. He can practically see the gears turning in your head, and he gulps. 
You shake your head, eyes trained on whatever is in front of you. “Nah.” you look at him.
Bucky thinks you're the most interesting person he's met in a long time. He’ll test the waters. “What if I'm dangerous.” he narrows his eyes at you.
You narrow yours back at him. “If you're not going to kill me or you're not an avenger, I'm not too worried.”
“What do you have against the avengers?”
You groan. “It's a long story, but they are the reason I don't watch the news and why my roommate is a paranoid freak.”
Oh. so you really don't watch the news. Bucky thinks. He feels guilty when he feels a sort of relief go through his body, followed by more panic realizing he had to explain everything to you soon. Not now though, god no, not now. Maybe he could get by with not telling you at all. Bucky mentally punches himself in the face, no that wouldn't be right. Plus he was sure your roommate would babble to you about how badly the news painted him. Maybe him telling you first would be a better idea. 
“Have you ever heard of the winter soldier?”
The golden rays of the sun showed down onto Bucky's face, he looked over to the window hearing the loud bustling of city life below him. Your curtains are brown with white detailing. Bucky shifted on your living room couch, he gauges his mind for the memories of last night. Everything was still all so hazy. 
What day was it? Oh, last night. He tried, really, to get out the truth to you. Fumbling over his words and trying to even remember who he was, it was too much. But you, a god-given gift, told him he was too tired to talk, gave him water, and sent him off to bed on your couch. 
“You can give me your tragic backstory tomorrow, get some sleep weirdo.” you had said to him before literally pushing him onto your very comfortable couch, before returning to your room for the night.
Bucky didn't sleep, he felt oddly safe and comfortable. But he couldn't sleep. Honestly, he was close to dozing off before your roommate had woken up just before sunrise to quietly go off to work, he assumed. Bucky couldn't tell what time it was, he was guessing it was probably around 5 or 6 am. He ought to get up soon and leave. Should he leave without saying something to you? Is that rude? He was sure you'd be okay with getting him out of your hair, he was already enough of a problem to people around him. Bucky gets up to grab his boots.
“Did you even sleep?” Bucky flinches, confused as to how easy it was for you to sneak up on him. He looks up and sees you leaning against a wall, assuming you just woke up. You're still dressed in comfortable clothing, your sweater falling down, giving him a full view of your collarbone. Your skin glows in the soft sunlight. Bucky shook his head in response.
You hum, your feet shuffling across the wooden floor as you make your way into the kitchen. You start making your coffee and Bucky follows. His eyes go to the table, is he intruding if he just sits down? He stands in the doorway and watches you make your drink. You turn to bucky with an oversized mug in hand, deadpanned. “Can't believe I'm soulmates with a stalker. Sit down.” 
You motion to the seat next to you. “Not a stalker.” bucky mumbled, and you scoff.
“You want something to drink? I got tea, coffee, juice, anything your heart desires.”
Bucky pauses. “Water?” 
“Boring.” your eyes roll and you grab a bottle of water from behind you. Handing it to him, his finger brushes against yours. Bucky’s eyes dart to see your reaction, but nothing.
You get comfortable in your chair and open up your phone. Bucky is still sitting across from you, glancing between the door, window, and his water. He tries to look anywhere but at you. You quickly notice, a smart-ass comment comes to mind but you decide against it. Keeping the comfortable silence going for now.
You glance at Bucky, noticing the way his hair was still a mess from whatever he was doing last night. Quickly you realize this is the first time you've seen him in natural daylight, his eyes are beautiful and his usually dark hair looks closer to a light brunette. You could imagine going out on a date with him if he wasn't so dark and broody, but doesn't that just add to the appeal? Maybe.
You set your coffee down. “So…” trailing off, bucky finally makes eye contact with you. “You want to try again?”
Bucky's eyebrows furrow. 
“I still haven't told me who the winter soldier is and it's taking everything in me to not use the internet.” you wave your phone around in the air before setting it down next to your coffee. Bucky purses his lip. “But, I respect you and wouldn't do that.”
Bucky's eyes are trained on the table, his mind trying to find any starting point for this. Should he just tell you about hydra? Start from the beginning with the 40s, fuck, he barely remembers any of that. He's not good with words anymore.
“Can I just…” he pauses, tapping his finger on the wooden table. “Show you?”
It was a bad idea, a really bad idea. Bucky told you that but you'd instead not question him why, bucky wasn't going to elaborate on that either. With both Hydra, the US government, and Steve Rogers looking for him, being in public wasn't the safest. Especially at such a hotspot for Captain America bootlickers and history nerds. 
After many lazy complaints from you, you and bucky made your way out of your apartment together. Bucky wore the best casual disguise he could conjure up, and you and he stood in front of the Smithsonian museum.
Bucky glances over to you, a reasonably confused look plastered on your face. “Why are we at a museum?”
“Just follow me and don't draw attention to yourself, please?”
Instead, You roll your eyes and go ahead of him. “Stalker activity.” bucky hears you mumble before he follows you into the front door.
“What are you showing me, stalker.” bucky walks side by side with you, your presence is comforting in the crowded area. He noticed a group of elementary kids walking around, probably on a field trip.
“Stop calling me that.” he mumbled, “Captain America exhibit.”
Bucky looks at your hand, he could grab it. Only so he doesn't lose you in the crowd, just to keep you safe. Not because he wants to hold in, not because the quick graze of skin this morning left him wondering what it would feel like to hold you. Bucky decides against it and keeps walking.
“Isn't Captain America the like co-leader of the avengers or something?” you ask, bucky just shrugs? You see the large blown-up screens of steve roger and roll your eyes. 
Bucky's eyes lock on his memorial tribute. “Don't freak out and you can ask me questions after we leave.” 
Your face is littered with confusion again as you look at him, but you nod and turn to where he's looking at. 
“..Best friends since childhood, James ‘bucky’ Barnes and steven rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield…” the voice spoke, highlighting a memorial on bucky. Your eyes widen after realizing the bucky standing next to you was the one talked about.
Your eyes travel to the photos of Bucky. One standing next to Steve Rogers with big smiles plastered on their faces, and one of just him. His hair is shorter and he looks much younger. There is a shine in his eyes you don't see now, a bright look that hadn't been snuffed out yet. Bucky watches you as you process the information given to you, watching for any negative or even mad emotions. You lean closer, reading the sign. Bucky was from Brooklyn, a sergeant in the military, he had 3 sisters and he was born in 1917 and he died in 1945. Well, obviously he didn't actually die, more like presumed dead.
bucky nodded slowly, eyes trained on the photo of him. He couldn't even recognize himself anymore.
Bucky scans the area, looking for anyone that may have recognized him. he lets out a very shaky breath. “Okay, we've been here too long let's go.” he really wanted to grab your hand on the way out. You don't look at him on the way out. God, did he ruin this already? He wants to punch himself.
You both make it outside, the cold morning wind gives you whiplash. It feels good. You turn to look at bucky and he kinda looks like he's going to have a mental breakdown, you don't blame him. What you just saw explains so much yet, leaves you with more questions than before. You don't think. You grab his flesh hand in hopes of being some comfort, praying that it doesn't make it worse. It doesn't. Bucky doesn't flinch this time but feels his heart jump out of his chest. 
“Are you done with being outside or can we go somewhere?” bucky gives you a nervous and almost… pained look. “It's safe, hidden away and I know the owner,” you reassure him. Bucky reluctantly nods. I'll go anywhere with you as long as you keep holding my hand. And with that, you drag him through new york to your favorite-less-likely-to-get-shot-up coffee shop. It's small, always empty and the owner is an actual sweetheart. 
The bells ring as you waltz in, bucky very close behind you, still holding your hand like a lost child. “Gary! Honey I'm home!” you shout with a wide, playful grin on your face, bucky gives a sigh of relief after noticing that it was indeed empty today. 
An older man comes out from the back, along with a girl who looks like she should be in high school behind him. You wave and give him a warm smile, leaning over the counter slightly, “the usual, please?” you glance back to bucky, “.. and a water?”
You turn to bucky. “Sit anywhere, I”ll be right over in a second.” 
He hums, releasing him from your grasp and suddenly he feels a little empty and more awkward than before. He goes to the table in the farthest corner. Front door. Window. Back door. You. he checks off the list and settles against the wall.
You grin. “How’ve you been holding up, old man.” you tease. 
Gary, the owner. A wonderful and long-time friend of yours. When you first moved to new york years ago this was the first place you went to. You became a regular and you watches workers come and go, you came here when you needed quiet to work or sometimes just to snag a free drink from Gary since he just adored you so much. 
His niece, Emma, was in high school now and worked here for the past year. You would help her study during her breaks and in return, free coffee, and pastries. She was a good baker. You didn't have family here in the city so they were the closest you were going to get to anything like it.
“Not too much, dear.” Gary gave you a warm smile, his eyes squinting. He glances over at bucky in the corner. He laughs “Got a pretty paranoid date over there, I can see his eyes hitting all the exits.”
You scoff, not expecting any less from him. “Not a date, but sadly my soulmate.”
“Finally!” Gary’s eyes light up, and you give him an annoyed look. “Oh be happy about it! Emma won't stop nagging about how she hasn't found hers yet.”
“Have not!” you hear the girl shout from across the bar. You laugh and shake your head. 
Gary hands you your drinks and you bid him a quick bye, knowing he’ll just go back to his crossword puzzles in the back. Heading back over to sit next to bucky and hopefully find out he's not a zombie that's been raised from the dead.
“Your water, sergeant.” you joke, praying it doesn't hit a bad spot. Bucky was surprised by the name, he can't remember the last time someone called him that. His body feels weird.
You don't speak for a moment. You sip at your drink, hoping it will kick it as you didn't get your needed caffeine intake for the day as bucky was dragging you out the door to the museum.
You look at him through your eyelashes, he still looks like he's going to break down any second. 
“Are you a zombie?” 
You set the cup down. “You died. So you must be a zombie. I can't believe I'm soulmates with a stalker zombie.”
Bucky's lip quirks up. You're such a dork, he thinks. He almost laughs, it more or less came out as an amused scoff. “I'm not a zombie, I didn't die.”
“Museums these days… always spreading fake information,” you mumble into your cup, taking a quick sip. Bucky smiles, slightly.
“No, I…” bucky trails off, you keep up with the jokes yet you give him a comforting, understanding look. “I fell off a train in the war, I was supposed to die.” bucky catches his breath, talking shouldn't be this hard. “I didn’t, Hydra found me and put me on ice.”
Your eyes perk up in understanding, “like Captain America, right? So why are you on the run then?” bucky looks down, and both of your hands are cupped around your drink. He wants to grab it.
“I'm not Captain America, I did a lot of bad things when Hydra had me. I killed…” Bucky trails off, and memories of Hydra came back to him. All he hears is the sound of guns, and all the blood, he can still smell it. The electricity buzzed in his head as Hydra did their best to strip everything from him, take everything out of him, and then put it back in. bucky can see it all.
You grab his hand and it stops, he just feels you. Your hands are so warm and he wants to cry suddenly. “You don't have to tell me, I do know about Hydra. They did fucked up shit, I know. I'm sure whatever you had to do, wasn't your fault.”
You lean in. too close. your hand raises to his face and you wipe away a stray tear. Had he been crying? 
Bucky lets out an unsteady breath. He can do this, you deserve an explanation. Bucky repeats in his head. He squeezes your hand gently. “They turned me into an assassin, they gave me a mission, and… I did it. I didnt know who I was before, but I didn’t... I didn’t know anything. I just knew my target.”
Your eyes are focused on him. “They had me on ice for most of it, like steve, that's why I don't remember anything. It's all so… foggy. I was sent on a mission and when I completed it I got put back under.”
“And when they needed me again, they'd just bring me back up again.”
“Like I was leftover food for them.”
You don't speak, you didnt dare to right now. Bucky's eyes were filled with anxiety as he watched you process the information. Your eyes fell, and you fiddled with your coffee cup. He saw you bite your lip again, he wanted to remind you not to. But the comment was lost in his throat. Bucky felt sick.
Say something. Please.
Your eyes glance at the silver metal shining between the cuff of his jacket and glove, something shines in your eyes, Bucky’s not quick enough to catch it before you're looking down again. Bucky is now convinced he ruined things on the first day of actually knowing you. He feels like he's going to throw up. Bucky is uncomfortable in his seat and suddenly the fresh warm air of the cafe makes him feel like he's suffocating. He goes to leave and never looks back, but your quicker this time. Grabbing his metal wrist before he gets the chance to stand. Bucky doesn't flinch this time.
“Buck, sit down.” you look at him now. “I don't hate you, calm down.”
He gulps. “You're scared of me though.”
Bucky blinks at you, once, twice. “Why. I've killed so many-”
“Don't do that, bucky.” you shook your head at him. “Don't do that to yourself. I'm not dumb, you were a prisoner of war, a victim. You had no choice.”
A victim… he hadn't heard that word be used to describe him. 
Bucky's throat goes dry. His leg bounces under the table, he can't look at you. Bucky's eyes dart to the clock. Tick, tick, tick… the door. The other door. He feels trapped. 
You whisper, “bucky.”
Your name is the only thing that manages to escape Bucky’s lips. He sniffles, “Listen, I’m sor-”
“Hey, guys! Everything okay over here?”
 Emma's cheering voice interrupts Bucky, you both flinch back and your hand retracts from Bucky’s hand. He feels cold. Bucky's cold hand wipes away any extra tears left. You mumble a quick response, and a few thank you’s and she left a muffin in front of you. Bucky hears her footsteps receding. He should have heard her coming up, when did he get so useless? That could have been an enemy and, boom. He's dead. 
You push the blueberry muffin in front of bucky. “You like blueberries?” bucky looks at you, the muffin, back to you. Your lips are in a straight line, but your eyes are smiling. 
You were caught off-guard. “What?”
“I like plums.”
You hum in response and split the muffin in two. One for you and one for bucky.
The next hour is mostly silent, bucky ordered a coffee of your recommendation. Well, more like you ordered it for him and guilt-tripped him into drinking it. It was sweet. You ordered another large cup and bucky takes a mental note to make you drink more water in the future. Your hands grasp your coffee and a book, he wants to hold it again. He wonders what it would feel like to hold you, all of you. 
He looks at the crossword puzzles you stole from the back for him. How could he possibly do a crossword puzzle when you're sitting in front of him? Bucky would glance up at you and he'd catch you looking at him, he looks away, and vice versa. Bucky is not shy, but sometimes he just gets nervous. How could you not? I mean, just look at you.
Your book falls from your grasp. “I don't want to intrude, but you are my stalker so I think I'm allowed to just a little.” bucky rolls his eyes. Your tone turns more serious  “Just tell me if I am intruding though…”
Bucky doesn't respond and lets you speak. You're hoping you are not going into a sensitive area. “How did you get out… is that why you're on the run?”
Bucky inhales sharply. His eyes flutter. A simple no was all he could push out. You don't know bucky well, but the look he's sporting is enough for you to stop asking any more questions. 
The clock reads 9:30. Shit.
“Fuck. work, I forgot about work.” you stand from your chair abruptly, the wooden chairs scraping against the floor. “I- we gotta go.”
I have nowhere to go, bucky thinks quickly. Before standing up with you, he doesn't say anything.
Grabbing both of your cups and chucking them in the trash, before returning the books to the counter. Bucky just stands there awkwardly, watching you. You notice and mumble a quick, “stalker” under your breath. Bucky pushes back a small grin. You gab his metal hand, covered by a glove, and push something into his hand. a key?
Bucky's eyebrows furrow but before he can get anything out. “You can't possibly think I’ll feel good knowing my soulmate is out on the run, probably sleeping behind some dumpster like a raccoon?”
“My roommate doesn't get home till tomorrow, and use the door his time!”
And with that, you’re speed-walking out, a soft jingle from the door as it closes. Bucky stands dumbfounded in the middle of the cafe as he blankly stares at the key in his gloved palm. His legs feel like jello. A soft cough from behind bucky brings him back to earth, it's the old man.
“Don't break their heart, I may be old and..” the old man, you said his name was Gary, looks bucky up and down. “...you may be big, but I'm sure I got a good right hook in here somewhere.”
Bucky feels warm and normal. Like he was a 15-year-old boy meeting his date's dad again. Bucky nods.
“I promise I will keep ‘em safe.”
tag list; @i-l-y-3000 @ivywasmaroon @waywardcrow @alana4610 @ozwriterchick @slytherinambitious @wintermischief
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randomestcrackships · 2 years
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( those marked with a * are ones that I want to make but are dependent on being able to find the necessary scene packs on youtube! )
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wildfirehq · 3 months
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character information: 
CHARACTER NAME : bruce wayne ( alias is ‘paul’ — no surname, won’t reveal his actual name to anyone )
CHARACTER FACECLAIM : robert pattinson
CHARACTER AGE/DOB : november 11th 1986 ( 37 years old )
CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant) : the batman ( 2022 )
OC OR CANON :  canon
WHERE THEY ARE CURRENTLY LOCATED & ANY IMPORTANT ALLIANCES OF NOTE : primarily in gotham, although scavenging runs are taken semi-frequently as resources are sparse / controlled by gangs within gotham. bruce hasn’t allowed himself to become close with any one group, preferring to work on the sidelines or alone ( especially since losing contact with alfred ).
1986 : born.
1992 ( 6 years old ) : moved from wayne manor to wayne tower in the centre of gotham city.
1996 ( 10 years old ) : death of his parents.
1999 ( 13 years old ) : finds wayne terminus.
2004 ( 18 years old ) : graduates boarding school at the top of his class.
2004 - 2010 ( 18 - 24 years old ) : travels the world, switching colleges on a whim, following the best professors around in different subjects. studies various forms of martial arts from masters in multiple countries.
august 2010 ( 24 years old ) : bruce is studying physics at the university of tokyo when the global pandemic is declared. closed air space means nothing for a wayne — his private jet awaits him that evening, flying him directly back to the airport closest to gotham and back within city limits in less than 24 hours. alfred looks the most haggard he’s ever seen for a man so proper, and the car ride back to wayne tower is heavy with words they don’t speak. riots have started. smoke consumes the gloomy skyline. gotham is beginning to fall.
september 2010 ( 24 years old ) : operation cobalt. alfred’s words strike like hammer blows, holed up as they are at the top of wayne tower watching the world burn below. their emergency generators are still supplying electricity but they preserve it — the candle light casts deep shadows on alfred’s face as he talks of military contacts and contingency plans, of how the bridges around gotham will be blown out within days. the city will be cut off from the mainland and people left to fend for themselves by order of the president. dory’s voice breaks the silence, asking a question bruce wants to voice but can’t, the words sticking in his throat like tar, ‘so, we have to leave?’ 
a few hours later sees bags packed with gear — mostly food and water, but also torches, rope, medical supplies — and they begin the descent to wayne terminus. there have been riots outside, people who, led by fear-driven anger, protest at the sole wayne heir’s reluctance to open his doors and help, to provide sanctuary within his ivory tower. bruce can only see things going badly if they leave via the usual route, instead choosing to reveal the existence of the terminal he found as a teenager. his first sports car is kept safe there — ‘it’ll be faster than yours, alfred’ — and they all cram inside, bruce at the wheel much to alfred’s protestations. 
what they see upon emerging above ground will stick in bruce’s mind forever. bodies litter the ground, bodies being feasted on by people with viscera dripping from teeth-bared mouths. once they catch sight of the vehicle they move as one, bruce driving as fast as he can from the scene, knuckles white on the wheel. they’re close to the city limits — one of the bridges in sight — when they can go no further, roads blocked in every direction by abandoned cars left by those that tried to flee. between leaving the vehicle and making it to the other side of the bridge bruce’s hands are stained red with blood, the phantom feeling of dory’s fingers gripping his as she’s pulled from him still present. it’s just the two of them now — bruce and alfred — leaving a decaying gotham behind. 
september 2010 - august 2021 ( 24 - 34 years old ) : ( left this section deliberately vague so as to plot connections ). ten years in an apocalypse wears bruce down to the bone, stripping him of any connection to the wayne legacy and leaving a caricature in its place. paul, he introduces himself as, never bruce. that part of him died in gotham with dory, left behind when the bombs fell. they are slow to trust, alfred’s background in the british secret service and bruce’s own martial arts skills meaning they are capable of holding their own for a while — until their supplies run out. groups are joined and left on a whim, alfred pushing bruce to make connections but bruce insisting they cut ties when he feels they’re getting too close. there are too many close calls, too many opportunities for people to exploit them for them to have a reason to stay. the more time passes the more bruce retreats into himself and goes somewhere alfred can’t follow. 
september 2021 ( 34 years old ) : they slip up. an argument reveals their real names to someone eavesdropping : edward nashton. unbeknownst to bruce and alfred, edward had had his suspicions on who bruce really was for months after they joined the very group he was in and had been plotting a very historic revenge, one that had been in the making ever since being shunned back in gotham orphanage by bruce himself. a routine supply run turns into a game : a riddle for their lives, a maze filled with the undead. except there is no way out, a lose-lose situation that ends when bruce — having answered all the riddles correctly — is separated from alfred by an explosion meant to “teach him another lesson”. all he can hear is laughter, the sound grating in his ears as his vision clears. by the time he stumbles over to the rubble, edward is gone, saving his own skin while the groans of the undead grow ever closer. bruce has to make the hardest decision of his life then : stay and find alfred, pitting himself against a wall of walkers that were drawn by the explosion, or leave with his life. he chooses the latter. 
october 2021 - 2024 ( 34 - 37 years old ) : losing alfred ( or so he thinks ) was the tipping point. bruce’s anger, which had been simmering beneath the surface for years, is the driving force for his need for revenge. he sets his sights back on the city that raised him, determined to cleanse it of people like nashton, those particular living no better than the dead. a makeshift bridge had already been made by people escaping from ( or to ? ) gotham, the city no longer unreachable. wayne terminus is still wonderfully intact, hidden from walker and human alike, and so becomes bruce’s base of operations as he begins to re-familiarise himself with his city. an old wayne enterprise warehouse — security protocols still in place, drawing minimal energy reserves for years — yields a treasure trove of equipment, most importantly the prototype body armour he remembered alfred mentioning years before, an off-hand comment made when lamenting on how such resources were gone to them now.
it’s now his second year back living in gotham and the streets are worse than ever, the city controlled by gangs with leaders such as falcone hoarding resources and exploiting what is left of humanity. but bruce helps where he can, shepherding people to groups he knows are safe outside of gotham, single-handedly stealing and interrupting supply routes. he’s determined to make a difference — he has to. for his parents. for alfred.
ooc information: 
AGE : 30
TRIGGERS : none !
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
The Last Vampire on Earth (2010)
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There’s nothing like a knockoff to make you appreciate the real thing. We’ve seen many Twilight imitators over the years and The Last Vampire on Earth is easily the worst one. This film only has two modes: utter boredom and unintentional, all-consuming, laugh-so-hard-you’ve-got-tears-coming-out-of-your-eyes unintentional hilarity.
While rehearsing for a play adaptation of Dracula, college student Chloe Parish (McKenzie Grimmett) begins hanging out with and becoming closer to Aurelius (Michael Bole), a classmate playing the titular role. While studying the legends of the vampire, she begins wondering if the man she’s falling for could be one.
The word “knockoff” isn’t exactly appropriate. I think the correct term this time is “plagiarism”. Entire scenes are lifted word-for-word from Stephenie Myers’ book. Yes, I'm saying "book" rather than the "movie adaptation". This film is so poorly made the effort to pop the DVD into a player and manually type all of the dialogue to ensure the correct punctuation must have been too much for writer Mandie Abraham. I know the credits SAY this film is based on the 104-page novel of the same name (published in 2010) but come on; it’s Twilight.
Where to begin? How about with the cast? I can’t remember the last time I saw someone less qualified to be a leading man than Michael Bole. He doesn’t lack charisma, he has anti-charisma. Constantly mumbling his lines without a drop of enthusiasm, he is never convincing as a human being, much less a 2,000+ year-old vampire. He and McKenzie Grimmett have no chemistry, whatsoever. You don’t need to see the one very brief, icy kiss - the one she seems to recoil from in disgust - to believe these two would never EVER fall in love. To be fair, you can’t blame her. I once heard the film described as “'Twilight' if they replaced Robert Pattinson with an ogre”. It’s cruel… but also fitting. Don’t think I’m letting the female lead off the hook. She’s clearly either a big fan of Twilight who got suckered into this project, or an amateur with absolutely no future in Hollywood. Either way, it’s painful to watch.
The picture is poorly shot. The special effects are at the level of a middle-school project hurriedly churned out over a single afternoon. A weird filter applied to every single frame makes the film look like it was shot through a cardboard tube and the effect isn’t even centered most of the time. Then there are small details which pass by so quickly you might miss them (no thanks to the lack of subtitles). When Chloe learns Aurelius has been alive for two millennia, she asks him if he met Jesus. Of course, he says yes, Because no shitty movie about immortals is complete without the revelation that they were present for every single big event in human history. The pasty lunk replies that yeah he met Jesus, and that he was a pretty cool guy. So wait, it’s a vampire movie in which Jesus lived… and the vampire isn’t affected by crucifixes?
The writing is on a level so low even film enthusiasts who see everything are unlikely to have encountered anything like it before. It’s no secret that Twilight was heavily influenced by Stephenie Meyer’s Mormon faith. At first glance, this film’s not-Bella being a Jehovah’s witness doesn’t seem out of place. It even seems a little clever, as the Witnesses do not believe in blood transfusions. But then, you see the characters go to a church and it becomes clear this is simply window-dressing riddled with mistakes. What did you expect? The film can’t even manage to give its vampire pointed teeth. Doing something like basic research would be just way too hard.
Even within its own logic and mythology, The Last Vampire on Earth is packed thick with mistakes, illogical choices and actions which make no sense. There is nothing, NOTHING this film manages to get right, not even the DVD menu, which doesn’t even include an option to jump to a scene. Closing your eyes while The Last Vampire on Earth is playing is a sweet, sweet relief so there's a chance it may put you to sleep. To watch it, you’ll need to strain your ears so you can hear what the characters are saying. It’s shockingly bad but sprung unto an unsuspecting audience, it can be a riot. There are so many aspects of this picture to pick apart and the effort involved in the project so fruitless you can have a good time with what is undoubtedly one of the worst productions I’ve ever seen. (On DVD, November 30, 2018)
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ifsmalfoy · 4 years
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amandawatchesmovies · 2 years
Robert Pattinson as emo-millennial Bruce Wayne is everything we never thought we needed from another Batman movie.
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Matt Reeves’s The Batman was exactly what Batman adaptations should have always been. A grim noir take on Gotham’s favorite detective, inspired by the comics, this film was a spectacle of neon and rain and gothic architecture with a realism modern day audiences desire from their superhero films. 
This movie had everything you’d want from the noir drama: a voice-overed diary-entry account of the crime-stained streets of Gotham City, silhouettes and shadows around each rain-soaked corner, riddled clues that implicate the jaded lead detective, a pretty girl with a sordid past, crime syndicates, fist fights and car chases. This film had it all. 
All of that seems jam-packed, a bit hard to follow, but this film carried on with a 3 hour run-time. Which, in all honesty, felt a bit long in the theater, but in hindsight, I wouldn’t have wished for a moment less. Even the B-roll of Gotham streets, of Vengeance on his motorcycle zipping down dark alleys, was worth it for the art of the movie. Every shot played its own role in telling the story, in setting the mood, in soaking you into Gotham’s grimy atmosphere and keeping you un-eased by murder and mayhem. 
The Batman begins by putting you in the skin of the murderer, a voyeur on rooftops spying in on a loving family the night of Halloween. The kid is excited about his haul, the father excited for him, all dialogue muffled by the intense inhale-exhale of our man suit, of our voyeur, of our murderer. We’re quickly put into the house, watching the Mayor watch news coverage on his race to reelection. When BAM from the shadows, our murderer strikes. 
Instantly, the tone is set. 
We’re taken through the streets of Gotham, a city all-to-familiar to audiences by now. We’ve been there a dozen or more times in the last century. We know to never trust corners, and absolutely never trust the water supply, and yet this Gotham feels new, darker, petty criminals even avoid dark corners, fearing the Bat signal they find in the clouds. This isn’t an origin story. The Batman has already begun his patrol, already befriended Gordon, already scared the do-wrongers on the city streets.
It’s apparent from the beginning that Reeves wanted a new take on the classic, but not just new. He wanted to prove to us who Batman was, really. He made the caped crusader true to its character, relatable to its audience. 
When they’d first announced Robert Pattinson in the role of Bruce Wayne, I have to admit I was skeptical. Sure, he had the brood down. His early career consisted of a lovesick vampire and a cocky wizard, and we all knew Bruce Wayne to be broody and cocky all-in-one. But could he do the role justice? Could he fit into that slot we’ve seen a dozen and one times? 
With the rise of remakes and adaptations comes easy comparison. Who played which role better? “Tobey Maguire may have been the better Peter Parker, and Andrew Garfield the better Spider-Man, but Tom Holland is the perfect representation of both.” So on and so forth ad nauseam. So comparing Pattinson to the likes of Michael Keaton or Christian Bale seemed a natural, yet impossible task.
Until you watch the Brit embody the young, tortured soul of an emo-kid with millions on his hands and a gothic-style mansion. Pattinson was perfect. He was made for the role. A genuinely awkward hero in real life, Pattinson unraveled the discomfort of being an outcast in an impoverished city. He’s moody. He’s obstinate. He won’t stand for injustices thrust upon him and other innocent lives. He embodies a new, youthful Wayne. One with more insecurities than girls on his arms. Less of a playboy, more of an orphan, a kid weathered by corruption at far too young an age. 
There’s a beautiful scene late in the film wherein Bruce realizes he’s had a father all along in Alfred, played by Andy Serkis, and you feel that connection from both actors. Before, the Alfred-Bruce connection has felt more like accomplices. Alfred has always been there to cheer Bruce on, to help him with his crime fighting, a butler and sidekick wrapped into one. But Serkis’s Alfred feels like a father figure, a young man himself, having to take on the role of fatherhood as unexpectedly as Wayne lost his childhood. 
Pattinson’s Batman soars above the rest as well. A foolhardy detective, great at solving riddles and better at kicking ass, “Vengeance” (the only name given in the film) is a caped crusader who is just starting out, making mistakes in the form of squirrel suits and falling for dangerous women, and it’s a phenomenally flawed portrayal of the Bat that makes him unlike any other. You feel for him. You sympathize with him. His losses make you root for his wins even louder.
Alongside Pattinson, the star-studded supporting cast of this film give some of their best performances to-date. Zoe Kravitz is captivating as a down-on-her-luck waitress/cat burglar, Selina Kyle. Her sole motive is saving her closest friend, and revenge when that plot goes sour. Plus, her chemistry with Pattinson is electrifying. 
An unrecognizable Colin Farrell plays the greedy Penguin with nerve-agitating mannerisms and there’s something familiar and lovable about the seedy character. You find yourself rooting for him, especially during the all-out cinematic car chase. 
John Turturro’s Falcone is the comforting father figure and evil mastermind rolled into one. Jeffrey Wright’s Gordon is just and loyal. Peter Sarsgaard’s Colson is the horrifying proof of how low the justice system is willing to stoop. 
Paul Dano’s Riddler, as revealed at the end of the Second Act, gives a rousing and terrifying monologue about the injustices of the world around him. He’s the perfect psychopath. He’s the perfect genius. You’re almost sucked into his rational, large bi-focaled eyes gleaming from beneath guarded glass at Arkham Asylum. His final act provides the most terrifying and realistic story of them all, the rise of terrorism in our own home towns, on our own streets, by our own people. 
The writing was impeccable, genre-specific, tearing apart the ideals of a Superhero Film from the insides. The direction was beautiful, atmospheric, dark. The sound editing and design pulled you in, accelerated the heart rate, made for a one-of-a-kind viewing experience.
The Batman excited me for the future of superhero cinema. It’s broadening horizons and expanding the field of view. Not only can I not wait to see what other stories Reeves can bring to the table, but I’m excited to see where this pushes the boundaries of action thrillers moving forward. 
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mcat720 · 2 years
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My ‘The Batman’ thoughts, review, rant….
If you’ve seen my posts or read my other “reviews” you may have caught on to the fact that I am 100% undeniably a hardcore fan girl of Robert Pattinson and was so excited for the release for The Batman. I’ve been counting the fucking DAYS to see it in theaters because I knew this was going to be something special….. and oh boy was I not disappointed. I am a self proclaimed movie fanatic, and I hold sacred the act of seeing movies on the big screen. I don’t fathom myself as some snobbish critic and hold standards on ‘Cinema’ as some would say. I enjoy all types of movies. The most entitled tear jerking, awards baiting, pieces of ArT 🤌🏻 that can be overrated, and the silly ass stupid, mind numbing, dick joke type of comedy’s designed to make you forget about the real world and it’s ever lasting problems. I admit, I love and enjoy the fun, overblown, action packed comic book movies that have come out in the last 10-15 years just the same as every other person in the world. Their easy and make you feel good… most of the time. Marvel has dominated the box office for a reason and made something special out of second rate comic book characters we didn’t really know before they showed up on the screen. But to take on The Batman.. a character as familiar as your own family members and as everlasting as any character of the 21st century? That’s the real challenge. What could we possibly see as NEW in the Batman canon. What else is there to possibly explore that we haven’t seen in countless revisions and reinventions. Well Matt Reeves has the answer. I’ve always loved Batman as a pop culture staple. I’ve been watching DC movie characters as long as I can remember and I’ve always loved the dark worlds DC provided these iconic hero’s and antihero’s. Batman is probably my most favorite hero besides Superman. I love them both for different reasons, where my idealistic hopeful and righteous side admires the absolute loveliness of Superman/Clark Kent (who IS the most powerful superhero-No Debate!) I am seduced by the dark, mysterious, somewhat borderline mentally unhinged nature of Batman/Bruce Wayne. He has no special powers or supernatural upper hands… he’s just a man. A deeply sad, distressed, confused but smart, determined and creative man trying to find meaning in the chaos that became his life. He is so relatable not because of what he CAN do , but what he has BEEN through. Even if you’ve never experienced the kind of loss he has, it’s not hard to understand his pain. That’s what Matt Reeves latched onto… the Pain of Batman/Bruce Wayne. And I use the slash because in this movie, there is no distinguishable line between who he is in and out of the cowl. His pain and loss is carried with him no matter the face he decides to show for the day. It was brilliant to start of this new take on the character as not having a “split personality” of sorts to show the fake billionaire playboy and the masked avenger of the night. He isn’t there yet in his life. He wants to create a change in Gotham but isn’t impacting the way he wants… which is something we all see everyday in the real world. Real change is not made by the well meaning… it’s usually by the tragic occurrences that shake the world so bad you have to do something about it or at least attempt to. Robert Pattinson showed the Inner workings of Bruce and his mindset so beautifully without words. I am astonished by the emotions pulsing through his EYES from each scene of his Batman. I was truly blown away and I’m biased I admit but this was beyond loyalist applause.. I was impressed. He slinks through the shadows, a figure of fear, an ever present eye on the criminal element.. as any good Batman should be! But it doesn’t stop them from committing crimes. He can beat the shit out of someone and there will always be another lowlife waiting in the wings. Gotham is such a character in this movie and you really feel this is a fully lived in city that has fallen from grace and every kind of unruly creature is lurking around waiting for their shot at power.
We jump right into year 2 and no origin story needed. We know the tale so well we could imagine it all happening in five seconds of backstory that’s not necessary to film anymore. We get where Bruce is coming from and feel his anger without having to be told he is angry. He shows it. Vengeance he is called, again and again. He believes it too. He only thinks in black and white, right and wrong. No grey areas allowed. But his world gets pulled upside down by the beautiful, morally ambiguous, strong Selina Kyle and the insane, unpredictability, unhinged Riddle that causes all the mayhem in this masterfully set detective story. And OMG does he catch some feels for our new Catwoman! There chemistry is off the charts. The movement and tension between these two lost souls is so delicious you can practically taste the sparks flying off all that leather and rubber covering most of their bodies. The softly spoken words and longing looks makes this the most sexy iteration of the Bat and the Cat in my mind..and Michelle Pfeiffer LICKED Michael Keaton in the Tim Burton film! That was hot but COME ON.. when Rob looks deeply into Zoe Kravitz eyes and caresses the words “look at me”… I almost DIED 💀
Paul Dano as the Riddler is truly terrifying and almost too close to being real. I love the horror elements Matt brought to the film and wasn’t afraid to lean into the sickness and uncomfortable nature of murder and mayhem. Even making you give unwanted sympathy to this villain. Its miles away from the bloodless unreality of the marvel movies I was genuinely shocked to see some hardcore (for a PG 13 film) violence in a “superhero” movie. He really pushed those boundaries and all the power to him. We get so many influences in this movie. 70s crime dramas, horror, noire, subtle dark comedy, comic book references. It’s all there. I feel like this is the kind of film made specifically for someone like me to enjoy. I’ll happily sit through 3-4 hours of a movie and never complain. I want the quiet moments, the stuff you reflect on. The slow burn that leads you to a heart pounding finale that may or may not make you entirely satisfied. I want a flawed character trying to figure it out. Fails time and time again, but never gives up. By the time Batman is so exhausted and close to passing out (as any normal human being would be inclined to do) he pushes himself to give more…more and more and more of himself. All to show his city that he is not just vengeance. He is who they need him to be. The symbol of hope. The protector in the shadows. The knight himself. He sees his hate has caused an impact he never intended, and as anyone faced with their own demons, he has a choice. Give them your pain or take on their pain for them.
The movie is shot so beautifully it’s well deserved that the cinematographer recently took home an Oscar for DUNE, and I’m hopeful he will again for a the Batman in a years time. The score is unbelievable and so iconic I can just see it being played on repeat for Batman fans for years to come. The choice to use Nirvanas ‘Something in the Way’ at the beginning of the movie and the end of the movie is deliberate. He will always be torn in his choice of duty and vengeance. Love and hate. Righteousness and selfishness. There will always be something in the way of Bruce getting beyond his pain and fear. He needs it too much. But he can become something good, at least a little bit for the sake of his city. And the people who need someone to show them the way out of the dark, even if you can never leave the dark yourself. His final scene with Selina drives this home. He wants something with her but doesn’t know what. She can’t understand either but what they both know is that he can’t leave Gotham. He is spoken for. And isn’t that the tragedy of Bruce and Selina? To always want, but never to have.
I cannot wait to see where this series from Matt and Rob takes us over the years. I predicted we would get something weird, and I was right, but not so weird as to alienate a world wide audience. Rob put his whole heart into The Batman and I can’t help but root for as many follow ups as possible. I want alll the spin offs. The HBO MAX shows, the sequels, the inspired fanfiction! This is a world I want to sink my teeth into and drown blissfully in. I haven’t even gone into detail the supporting cast of Colin Farrell as Penguin, John tuturo as Carmine Falcone, Jeffrey wright as Gordon Andy Serkis as Alfred..etc. all amazing and deserving of praise! But I feel we will have so much more content of this Batman/Gotham world that I will have plenty of time to gush on their behalf. I sat and watched this movie twice in theaters and eagerly anticipate it’s inclusion on HBO MAX in a few days, and I can safely say I want to see it on repeat for the forceable future. Matt Reeves envisioned a beautiful world with complicated characters and was brought to life by world class actors. I bow down to his vision and pray we get endless content for years to come. Batman will endure, and he will always be retold. I just hope we get more people like Matt and Rob who show us that there is always something new to be told in a classic tale. PLEASE for your own cinema loving self respect. See. This. Movie. 🖤🦇
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tiniestjellifish · 2 years
Good Time (2017)
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I watched this movie because of the day Pete Davidson and Robert Pattinson were on Jimmy Fallon together and Pete just wouldn’t stop gushing about what a good movie this is. And I was like hm,, Robert is slowly creeping up to being one of my favorite actors. I should watch this. And so this has been on the watch list for quite a bit of time but I think in my head I was scared to watch it because I would’ve been sad if it wasn’t as good as I’d wanted it to be. But I did watch it today! and here’s my review. (spoiler: I liked it).
So, off the premise of the movie alone I was skeptical of how much they could do. but also, I just didn't know where it was going to go at all. I will do my best to have no spoilers in this review because its a movie that is best when the viewer goes in blind. 
But this movie was about Connie Nikas (Robert Pattinson) and his brother Nick (Ben Safdie) who is special needs, and they rob a bank together. His brother being special needs is pertinent to the story, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it. But him and the brother rob the bank like I said, and the reason they’re robbing this bank is because Connie wants to be able to live on his own with his brother. And he thinks his grandma sees him as less than, so he needs this money to go buy them a farm.
They rob the bank just fine but then they dye packs explode and it becomes a whole thing. They get chased by police and Connie gets away but Nick doesn’t. So the movie follows Connie doing everything he can to get his brother out of jail. 
The movie was so interesting to me in that way, Connie is such a natural hustler in ways I wouldn't have been able to think of on the fly. And he does it time after time in this movie. With such ease. And it makes you think of how often he’s thinking 5 steps ahead for him AND his brother.
They lay so much ground work for him as a very layered, developed, and nuanced character. He's incredibly morally grey to a point where you’re rooting for him since he’s your protagonist but the second he achieved what he needed to, you’d probably go right back to hating him. 
This movie is HEAVY with sound design, which is not a bad thing. there’s so much powerful and bass heavy instrumental that carries a lot of the intense scenes. and makes scenes intense when you wouldn’t normally have been on edge. the whole movie stresses you out in a way.
They also flesh out a lot of the side characters, not so much so that its annoying but enough that you don’t feel like random people got added in just to be there.
There’s an incredible overhead chase scene at the end of the film, along with a camera shot change from the eyes of Connie to Nick, which was gorgeous. 
I think there’s a lot to be said on whether or not Connie is doing what’s best for Nick or if he’s doing what he THINKS is best for Nick.
All in all, very well done movie. My main little spark of indifference was towards the relationship he has with a girl Crystal in the film. Beat by beat in the movie I understand the thought process Connie has for the most part as far as her involvement and why he’s doing what he's doing. But regardless, physical involvement with minors in any form with always leave a bad taste in my mouth. But the actress playing Crystal was 19 at the time of filming, so on those grounds I’m not so concerned.
Rating: 9.8/10 (yes, I’m stingy with my 10s. what kind of page would I be if I just handed out 10s like it was an ‘everything must go’ sale?).
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naughtygirl286 · 2 years
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"I'm Vengeance!" So yup we went to see The Batman this past Tuesday and I was surprised when we got there the theater was packed! The Lobby was full of ppl I haven't seen that many down there since before the whole pandemic thing. Also, there was in theater Merch for this too!! you can see that by clicking HERE! But as for the movie itself I thought it was excellent! I did love it alot and do feel it was worth the extra wait to see it. It's not a fast action movie. There is alot of really nice action in it but I feel this is more about the detective side of Batman. We did get alot of that in The Dark Knight but I do feel this focuses more on that and his relation to Gotham PD especially James Gordon as they have to solve the Mystery of the Riddler Who is he? What does he want? What is his goal/plan? I don't want to call this a Super Hero movie because I don't feel like it is This is a detective story, it's a crime thriller it just happens to have Batman Characters in it this is in my opinion probably the most comic booky Batman movie yet. The best way I can describe this movie is its similar to something like David Fincher's Seven (stylized as SE7EN) also I feel it had alot of influences from the Arkham game series being when you see Batman and how he fights and and all that it reminds me of the Arkham video games. Now were the Riddler and his Master plan is the main story thread there is also plenty of subplots that have to do with Batman and his relationships with the other characters and his legacy as a Wayne as well as his relationship with Gotham itself and its people and all these are puzzle pieces that fit nicely together with in the larger scope of the story. Now as for the big question Who was Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne/The Batman? he does a great job in both roles I feel there is not alot of Bruce Wayne it's "The Batman" and that is what you get Batman. There are a few scenes where he is Bruce Wayne mostly with Andy Serkis as Alfred. the majority of times he is Batman in full suit and I do feel he does a great job as Batman. He was the Batman you want him to be he is smart, focused and intense and his chemistry with the other characters like Gordon, Penguin and especially Zoë Kravitz Selina Kyle/Catwoman was amazing they were truly the Bat and the Cat. Now I do have to say Zoë Kravitz did an exicllent job as Selina Kyle/Catwoman also, I just recently found that that this is not the first time she was Catwoman in The Lego Batman Movie which is pretty cool, but back to this I thought she was awesome as that character and played it perfectly!! I really loved her as this character and I hope she returns if they do a second one. the only tiny criticism I have about her is I didn't really like the mask in this I wish she had something more comic book like or Michelle Pfeiffery or even say the one with the goggles. but other than that she was great! Paul Dano as The Riddler was an excellent take on the character and much different then I think any other from before. He has always been a very comical character but in this he's not he is a very brutal and sadistic serial killer the best way I would describe this version is he is a cross between the Zodiac Killer and Jigsaw from the SAW movies which is a pretty interesting combination and Paul Dano plays thing up to the fullest and makes the Riddler a horrifying and deadly villain. As for Colin Farrell as the Penguin he did a great job in this character as a somewhat ruthless mob boss and runner of the Iceberg Lounge which is a awesome DC reference. With the make-up and prosthetics you couldn't tell that it was Colin Farrell but his performance shines through although I thought this Penguin was pretty good I do wish he was a lil bit more deformed and Comic Booky but other than that I thought he was good. but other than that Jeffrey Wright was great as James Gordon and Andy Serkis as Alfred was ok I say ok being he didn't have alot of scenes he wasn't in the movie very much. for example, Jeremy Irons was a great Alfred because you got to see alot of him
doing what Alfred does Andy Serkis was a good pick for Alfred just wish we seen more of him instead of a few scenes. Other than that everyone else was great in their roles. Like I said the action was really nice. The fights and stunt work was impressive. The first time you see him is when he fights what could be only assumed is a "Jokerz" gang shows how brutally efficient this Batman is. The fight at the the Iceberg Lounge Escape from Gotham PD and the Batmobile chase are all excellent including the showdown at the stadium are all nicely done and exciting. Also, the music for this fits fits the tone of the movie the Cinematography and production Design make Gotham itself a character in the movie. So in the end this is an amazing and fresh look at a Live action Batman and probably one of the best Batman movies ever so I'd highly recommend seeing it.
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euphoricdust · 1 year
ׂ𑁤 ⠀ׄ⠀ cedric diggory layout — pack header. 🦢
psd by: snow on devianart.
it’s not necessary for certain character. you can use it for free, for whatever you want. includes watermark (not so visible).
if you use it, please give credit to @/weskersarchives on twitter that’s all.
layout + icon, layout + icon without background.
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manthedestroyer · 2 years
The Batman: How the Zodiac Killer Inspired Matt Reeves for The Riddler [exclu]
The Batman: How the Zodiac Killer Inspired Matt Reeves for The Riddler [exclu]
The director tells Première how this new version of Batman’s enemy, embodied by Paul Dano, was born. The Batman is on the cover of the next issue of First, on newsstands Wednesday, January 26. In a special ten-page file packed with info on the film, director Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson reveal behind the scenes of the return of the Dark Knight. This time Batman will investigate a killer, the…
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jackmmbirrell71 · 2 years
The Batman (2022)
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Wow. This film was epic and I mean that. This might be the greatest murder mystery/ superhero film ever made. It competes with The Dark Knight and I don't think a superhero film has managed to do that. The story is so simple yet filled with so many layers that you can’t help but anticipate what’s to come. Along with a story that is so engaging the acting and chemistry the actors have make the film something special. Each actor makes their character their own with Robert Pattinson blowing away any haters with his stellar performance of Bruce Wayne and Batman. Another few mentions are Zoe Kravitz who adds so many new emotions to the character of Catwoman which I loved seeing and also Paul Dano making a Riddler that terrifies and matches that of past performances of the Joker. There are so many beautiful shots in the film and that’s what makes this film so different to other hero films. Matt Reeves has managed to create a strong sense of atmosphere and mood and has translated that in the cinematography of the film that draws you in wanting more. The soundtrack as well. Hot damn! The sound track blew me away. I deliberately didn't listen to it before the film and I'm glad. With the big speakers, incredible acting and beautiful cinematography some scenes completely blew me away and at times had my mouth open at the sheer beauty of it. 
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The film is long, yes and it feels long however you don't really care about it. You\re too busy figuring out what’s to come next. The pacing of the film is just right with the perfect amount of slow burning scenes next to action packed fight scenes that are choreographed to excellence. As an avid fan of the comics I loved everything about this film. They ripped some of the stuff straight from the New 52 comics which is the best Batman arc (in my opinion) and from the games and Reeves amazed to make it his own which I admire. The film is inspired by so much and you can see that and I think that adds another layer of storytelling to it. It managed to use well know films like Seven and Zodiac and sculpt it into the world of Batman and it’s characters and it all fits like a perfect puzzle. 
I loved the horror aspect of the film it was so nice to see a superhero film embracing another genre not usually seen. The film sets it tone right from the start with that TERRIFYING scene with Riddler and the mayor that from there on just keep getting more tense. 
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I won’t spoil anything but THAT one scene had my jaw dropped I was not expecting that and I loved how it is potentially setting up for another film which I am completely down for. This film is a must watch for the haters and the lovers because I think there is something special in here for everyone. 
It’s definitely a film that needs to be experienced on the big screen with big speakers because its a feast for both the eyes and the ears and if the length scares you well I saw it at midnight and didn't get out till 3:30am and didn't think once of falling asleep because it manages to keep you second guessing everything and takes you on a journey a superhero film hasn't taken me in a very long time. 
RATING: ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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msfilmdiary · 3 years
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn–Part 1
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Peter Facinelli, Anna Kendrick, Elizabeth Reaser, Billie Burke, Michael Sheen, Dakota Fanning, Jamie Campbell Bower, Christian Serratos, Chaske Spencer, Mackenzie Foy, Rami Malek, Christopher Heyerdahl, Alex Meraz, Bronson Pelletier, Julia Jones, Booboo Stewart, Sarah Clarke, and Jodelle Ferland
Screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg
Directed by Bill Condon
Cinematography by Guillermo Navarro
I do not own any of the pictures posted. 
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Breaking Dawn–Part 1 begins a few months after the events of the previous film, showing us many of Bella’s loved ones receiving invitations to her and Edward’s marriage. We see Jacob receive an invitation, and as a result, he turns into a wolf and skips town. 
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The night before the wedding, Bella has a dream of the event with all her friends and family there, and like her, wearing white. The dream ends with both her and Edward covered in blood, with them standing on a the ever-growing pile of Bella’s dead loved ones from bites of a vampire. 
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After this dream, Bella, with the help of Alice and Rosalie, gets ready for her wedding. She enters wearing a simple-yet beautiful white fitted gown to a a crowd full of her family and friends, with Edward waiting for her at the end of the isle. They marry, and all is to celebrate.  
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During the reception, Jacob returns after he had skipped town after receiving an invitation for the wedding. Bella and Edward happily exchange their vows and are married. Bella is thrilled to see Jacob, and the two share a dance in the woods. Bella admits that she and Edward plan to consummate their marriage on their honeymoon while she is still human, and Jacob becomes furious, knowing that this could possibly kill her. Sam and the other pack members restrain Jacob before he phases, and they leave. 
After the wedding, the now married Bella and Edward spend their honeymoon on Isle Esme, and they have sex for the first time. The morning after, Edward realizes that Bella has numerous bruises and is upset at himself for hurting her, and vowed to not have sex again until she is a vampire. 
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Two weeks after their wedding, Bella vomits after waking up and notices that her period is late. Alice called Bella to ask if she was alright, as she saw a vision of something happening to Bella. She then talks to Carlisle, and Bella tells him that she believes that she’s pregnant. Edward is distraught because he knows that it’s highly unlikely that a human will survive giving birth to a vampire baby. Edward tells Bella that Carlisle needs to remove the baby, and Bella refuses, wanting to keep the child. She confides in Rosalie, and she acts as her bodyguard. They fly back home to Forks, Washington, and the baby rapidly grows. 
Jacob rushed over to Cullen's house to see Bella. Bella is now heavily pregnant and is pale and underweight. Jacob is upset by Bella’s daily health and says that Carlisle should terminate the pregnancy to save Bella. Bella ignores both Carlisle's medical advice and Alice’s visions of her pregnancy, allowing the pregnancy to therefore progress. Bella soon realizes that the baby is craving human blood and she begins drinking human blood supplied by Carlisle from the local hospital. Bella’s health improves and the baby grows at an alarming rate, and as half-vampire, the fetus’s growth is accelerated more than a human one. Edward’s dislike for the baby lessens when he begins reading the baby’s thoughts, and Bella and him share a tender moment with their unborn child. 
Then, Bella’s backbone breaks, and she collapses. Edward and Jacob realize that Bella cannot cope with the pregnancy, so Edward, Jacob, and Rosalie begin a C-section on Bella. Rosalie begins the procedure as Carlisle is out getting blood, but due to her hunger for human blood, Bella’s blood tempts her greatly. Jacob stops her and Edward picks up the blade and finishes the procedure. The morphine that Bella was given has not spread yet, so the pain she is experiencing is excruciating, and she falls unconscious. 
After Bella wakes up and sees her healthy daughter, she chooses the name Renesmee, a combination of both her and Edward’s mother’s names. Before anyone knows it, her heart stops beating. Jacob desperately tries to resuscitate her with CPR while Rosalie takes the baby away. Edward then injects Bella’s heart with vampire venom in order to transform her, but it appears to be futile as Bella remains completely lifeless. 
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Panicked, Edward begins chest compressions. Jacob tells him that he won’t kill him, as it will be greater punishment for Edward to spend eternity knowing he was the reason for Bella’s death. Seth and Leah tell the pack that Bella didn’t survive the birth, and Jacob goes back inside in an attempt to kill Renesmee, as he believes that she is the reason for Bella’s death. After locking eyes with Renesmee, Jacob sees all the future versions of her and decides not to kill her, but imprints on her instead. 
When the werewolves learn of Bella’s “death,” they travel to the Cullen’s in an attempt to kill Renesmee, fearing that she is too great of a threat. Edward, Alice, and Jasper defend their home with the help of Leah and Seth, later assisted by the rest of the Cullen family. Edward reads Jacob’s mind, and announces that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee. The wolves’ absolute law is that they cannot harm anyone who has been imprinted on, so they leave. 
Edward’s venom heals Bella, and she is cleansed and dressed. Over the course of a couple days, her bite marks heal, and her broken back and chest repair. Finally, the transformation is complete, and when her eyes open, they are blood red. 
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In the mid-credits, Aro, Marcus, and Caius receive a letter from Carlisle announcing that they have a new member of the Cullen family. Aro informs the two that their feud is not over yet, as they still have something that he wants. 
Breaking Dawn–Part 1 translates key events from its source material onto its screen. The film is followed with romance, passion, and of course, none other than Bella and Edward’s wedding, honeymoon, and long-awaited consummation. 
When compared to Eclipse or even the first installment of the series, Breaking Dawn–Part 1 gets pretty underwhelming after Bella and Edward’s honeymoon. I feel like this big moment between these two characters was built up to a point where me, along with the millions of other teenage girls watching the series, were disappointed. I knew what was going to happen, Edward would somehow hurt Bella (destroying what seems to be every piece of furniture in the process) and still give off this “I’m dangerous, stay away from me” vibe. 
That being said, Breaking Dawn–Part 1 and Part 2 come from the same source material, so it's understandable that one feels a little more underwhelming than the other. The most excited I got when watching this film (after the honeymoon scene, of course) was when Bella woke up from her seemingly dead but not dead vampire transformation, and her eyes were blood red. There’s something about watching a character completely transform into something else. Bella, for three movies prior, was written to be sweet and demure, and give off this “damsel in distress” sort of feeling. But when she wakes up with blood red eyes, it's saying, “Everything now, as you know it, is about to change.” 
I could only imagine seeing this film in theaters on opening night. Sadly, I was eight and a quite bit too young to see any of the installments in the series. However, I remember that the series was everywhere. You could not escape the Twilight craze, or the teen romance vampire craze, for that matter. Breaking Dawn–Part 1 changed the course of the whole series. We get the excitement, but dangerous, and sometimes bothersome Cullen clan dealing with a new matter–Bella Swan becoming a vampire. 
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ratingtheframe · 4 years
Films you need to watch if you want to fit in at film school.
By now, you’re probably knee deep in your filmmaking course at film school or university and if you want to keep up with the film discussions in between classes, then here’s a list of exemplary films to watch (and flex on) whilst at school. 
It’s never a fun moment when you’re sat in a group of other film buffs and everyone but you have seen one particular film. Not only that, but they continue to bang on about it, and in those 12 minutes you’re left wishing gosh, I wish I had watched that now.
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I know the feeling and to make sure you don’t get caught out again, this list of films not only covers your filmmaker wannabe basics, but also a few swarve anomalies that you can throw into the discussion like a true culture vulture. 
Pulp Fiction (1994)
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I shouldn’t be saying this but if you haven’t seen Pulp Fiction and you made it to film school, just leave. Hand in your student ID at reception and walk out the door, watch Pulp Fiction and come back to the next day. If you haven’t seen the 90s cult classic directed by Quentin Tarantino, it’s likely you’ve had at least one person disgusted by your lack of engagement for the film. But why is it such a necessity amongst the filmmakers of today? Well after a highly successful debut of Reservoir Dogs at Cannes Films Festival in 1992, Tarantino created another world of filmmaking. What he brought to the industry was a perspective and whole landscape that had never been seen before and the release of Pulp Fiction in 1994, certainly proved that Tarantino wasn’t a one trick pony. With a stellar cast, most of which were in their early days, and an outstanding storyline, Pulp Fiction is any filmmaker's paradise. And seriously, you can’t keep avoiding it. 
Fight Club (1999)
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Keeping it in the 90s, is David Fincher’s Fight Club, another revolutionary film from the king of psychological thrillers. If the name David Fincher doesn’t mean anything to you, it probably should, seeing as his films have grossed over $2.1 billion at the box office globally and earnt him 30 Academy Award nominations. Story, script and cast align perfectly in all of Fincher’s films, with Fight Club being no exception. Based on the 1996 novel by Chuck Palahnuik, Fight Club follows two men (Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, enough said) who initiate in an organised fight club. Sounds pretty straight forward until you get to the end and realise Fincher has been messing with all of us the entire time. In terms of early filmmaking and story structure, Fight Club is an excellent cult classic to sink your teeth into.  
Psycho (1960)
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Another name to be aware of, Alfred Hitchcock laid down the foundation for thrillers for generations to come. For it’s time, Psycho was revolutionary as it broke the strict censorship and threat barriers created in the world of filmmaking in the 60s. There are some iconic scenes in Psycho, along with an unnerving score and a whopping $39.2 million profit in the box office. Hitchcock also took a gamble killing off the star of the film, Janet Leigh, 45 minutes into the film. However, Psycho just goes to show that risks can also pay off. 
La Haine (1995) “The Hate”
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There’s a reason why some of the most revolutionary films can be found in the 90s. The 90s was the year of filmmaking that gave two fingers to the world and most of its stories belonged to the misfits and outcasts of society. Films were violent, punchy and led by young protagonists, raking in teenage audiences and voices. La Haine is a prime and clear cut example of the injustice between races and class in Paris, winning a Best Director award at Cannes in 1995. The film was so thought provoking and hard hitting, that the Prime Minister of France at the time forced his cabinet ministers to watch it. I’m sorry, if La Haine is good enough for the Prime Minister of France, it’s good enough for anyone. 
Any Bong Joon Ho Film 
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With the success of Parasite still looming over Hollywood, Bong Joon Ho has to be the industry’s biggest underdog. Before the 2020 Oscars, most weren’t even aware of the director’s work or how gratifying he is as a storyteller. Each film is meticulously executed, with a hard hitting political message sewn beneath the surface of the overall film. Bong Joon Ho was quoted saying that this technique isn’t intentional and the breadth of the films he makes is found once they’re completed. From Okja that explores animal cruelty to Snowpiercer which explores class division, Bong Joon Ho has a way with imbedding societal issues into his films in a stylstic and structured way that should have any filmmaker filled with envy. He’s a strong voice for Asian cinema who’s had a sharp impact on western cinema without feeling the need to have all his films in the english language. 
The 400 Blows (1960) “Les Quatre Cents Coups”
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Whether you’re at school, in a lecture or amongst friends GUARANTEED the 400 Blows is going to worm its way into conversation at some point. The film was part of The French New Wave movement of the last 50s that created the foundation for French Cinema for films to come. The French New Wave was a significant movement that sought out to reject traditional ways of filmmaking and introduced new, more experimental ways of telling stories on screen. Francois Truffat won Best Director at the 1959 Cannes Film Festival for his directorial debut about a young boy struggling through Paris between his teachers at school and parents at home. The film shone a light on the misunderstood youth of the late 50s and early 60s, setting off a whole co-ord of films within the same genre later on. 
Moonlight (2016) 
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Barry Jenkins became the underdog of 2017, with his beautiful and captivating story Moonlight, following a young boy through early adolescence and adulthood. The film is impeccably shot with rich colours and seamless shots. Moonlight won big time at the 2017 Academy Awards, winning Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor and Best Original Screenplay. The film certainly set the world of filmmaking on fire and carved out space for more black filmmakers to enter into the industry. 
Hereditary (2018)
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It’s easy to forget that this film was released 2 years ago as it has had some groundbreaking reception since then. Hereditary, directed by Ari Aster, sets a bar and tone within horror films that has never been touched on before. Before him, your average horrors came from low budget gimmicky films where the lead actress would be running around in her underwear by the end of the film. Hereditary keeps everyone in their clothes (for the most part) and viewers on the edge of their seats for the entirety of the film. What stands at the forefront of this film is the slow pace and artistically beautiful frames that Ari Aster has meticulously curated to create a work of art. It’s everything you wanted in a horror film but could never really ask for, due to the over saturation of the horror films on the market and predictable jump scares that come with them. I found that the jump scares in Hereditary were put in the most unpredictable places, leaving me and most people visibly shaken and disturbed. 
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) 
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Probably the first PG film on this list, Wes Anderson’s most iconic film The Grand Budapest Hotel, is a production designer’s paradise. Not only that, it features an insanely good cast with the likes of Jeff Goldblum, Ralph Fiennes, Bill Murray, Saoirse Ronan, Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Willem Dafoe, Harvey Keitel, Jude Law and Edward Norton starring in the film. Wes Anderson’s mind is like a fairy tale book; he has the ability to create other worlds filled with bright colours and characters that EVERY ACTOR are dying to be. The Grand Budapest is probably Anderson’s most ambitious film to date and features some production design techniques that are beyond real.
Amélie (2001) 
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Amélie is your basic starter pack in French Cinema. Seeing as every charity shop has at least one copy of Amélie for sale, you have zero excuse for not having seen it yet. Even if French Cinema isn’t your thing, it’s very likely the entirety of French Cinema will be a topic of interest within your filmmaking course and Amélie is a fine place to start. The film ties the story, soundtrack and visuals perfectly and for any indie filmmaker, it’s a good example of taking a simple story but executing it in a complex way. In terms of box office, Amélie scored pretty well, with a humble budget of $10 million and making over $173 million globally. It was also nominated for five Academy Awards in 2002 and remains as one of the best and most iconic films to come out of France.
Good Time (2017)
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With a humble budget of $2 million, Good Time made double in the box office and had a Hollywood star at its forefront. In fact Good Time skyrocketed Robert Pattinson’s career and since it’s release, Pattinson has gone on to be part of some amazing projects. Seeing Pattinson in such a gritty role in Good Time, was highly refreshing and totally suited him in every way. New York based filmmakers, Josh and Benny Safdie co directed and wrote the crime thriller after having an impressive response from their previous film, Heaven Knows What. They recently completed Uncut Gems for Netflix starring Adam Sandler, which continued the crime thriller neon lights aesthetic that's come with their two previous films. Good Time is jaw droppingly good, and for those wanting to go into lighting, it is a must watch. The deeper the story goes, the more you feel the urge to gasp as Robert Pattinson feeds us with an unrecognisable performance. 
8 ½ (1963)
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We are getting into sophisticated territory here with Fredrico Fellini’s 8 ½ . For those Scorsese and Tarantino fans out there, Fellini is your filmmaking bread and butter as both filmmakers have admitted to being heavily inspired by the Italian’s cinematic masterpieces. Fellini had the ability to tie reality with fantasy in a personal way, depicting a lot of his own life within his films. 8 ½ is no expectation, as it details the making of the actual film in the film and the rocky relationship he had with his wife, who starred in a few of his films. Fellini is named as one of the best filmmakers of all time, for his experimental style and off the wall filmmaking techniques. No one can or could do what Fellini did and there’s yet to be anyone who measures up to him. 
Get Out (2017)
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You like Get Out, I like Get Out, we ALL like Get Out. The film was the first of its kind in many ways and resonated with an audience that hadn’t yet been found. Jordan Peele wrote and directed the film, which grossed 100 times more than the film’s budget at the box office. This film is the epitome of less is more, taking a somewhat simple idea and heightening the possibilities of it. Jordan Peele became world renowned for it, along with British actor Daniel Kaluuya for his performance that earned him a Best Actor nomination at the 2018 Academy Awards. Get Out stands as a film that did what no one else has done before and for that, it deserves all the praise it gets. 
All Celine Sciamma films
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It’s likely the first time you heard of French filmmaker Celine Sciamma was from her groundbreaking, break through film Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Premiering at Cannes 2019, the film earned the Queer Palm d’Or and Best Screenplay Award. The film is simple, gorgeously shot and significantly deep in its telling. Not only will Portrait of a Lady on fire set you on fire, but all of Sciamma’s films sit on a level of filmmaking that is praise worthy. Her past films, Waterlilies and Girlhood explore coming of age stories amongst women and are executed in a highly personal and understanding way. She is the queen of female indie filmmakers and certainly one of the best french filmmakers in the industry to date. 
I, Daniel Blake (2016)
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It can be hard to remove the gimmicks and big names from the stories being sold on screen and get straight to the heart of a film. Ken Loach has brought an incomparable style of filmmaking to the table that sets him apart from almost every filmmaker out there. It's easy to compare a Tarantino film to a David Fincher one, however, throw Ken Loach into the mix there's just about zero relation to either filmmaker or their styles. I, Daniel Blake won Outstanding British Film of the Year in 2017 BAFTAs and the Palm d’Or at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. It’s no wonder why the Cannes Film Festival ate this film up seeing as the realism and grittiness of I, Daniel Blake gave a voice to a large part of society that is heavily ignored. This film leaves you nodding in agreement at the reality of the way things are even if that reality is incredibly hard to bear. 
The Meyerowitz Stories (2017)
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For those budding screenwriters out there, the work of Noah Baumbach is necessary in understanding three dimensional characters and the dialogue that comes with them. The Meyerowitz Stories stands from Baumbach’s other films, seeing as the screenplay and actual film are completely the same. On reading the screenplay of this film, I found not one single word of dialogue was forgotten about or changed, which is a pretty incredible achievement for any filmmaker. It certainly showed the actors (Dustin Hoffman, Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Emma Thompson, Adam Driver) had a lot of respect for the words on the page and each one of their performances sought to lift them off it. Baumbach’s writing style is beautifully accurate to real speech; there’s interruptions, over layered conversations and a great deal of tangents. The dialogue is like music and is only elevated by the well rounded cast.
The Master (2012)
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Filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson has this hypnotic way of arresting his audiences to invest in his films for two and a half hours, then drop them at the last second. You don’t know why you’re watching or feel so absorbed in the worlds he creates, however it’s as if something over takes your attention, forcing you to carry on watching till the end. The Master is no different with a prolific cast and slow burnt pace to it. It's hard to explain what it is about this film that makes it so great. The cast made up of Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams and Jesse Plemons bring a top level performance and it feels like they’re always sitting on a secret. Every moment, every word, every shot is unmissable and the entirety of the film sets a bar of filmmaking that is flawless. Paul Thomas Anderson is a master (pardon the pun) of arresting his audiences and is someone to follow if you wish to do the same with your own films. For budding cinematographers, all of PTA’s films are worth a watch. 
12 years a slave (2013) 
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Probably the best film out there that depicts slavery, 12 years a slave is a heart wrenching and moving film directed by Steve McQueen. The sensitivity and authenticity Steve McQueen brings to his films is A class, as he does an outstanding job of really transporting his audiences to a time before. There are many scenes in 12 years a slave that can be considered some of the best ever made. The cast is in-sane with the likes of Chiwetel Ejiofor, Lupita Nyong’o, Benedict Cumberbatch, Michael Fassbender, Paul Dano, Sarah Paulson, Brad Pitt and even a young Storm Reid and Kelvin Harrison Junior, all joined within this story. Films with such casts are rare and it’s unquestionable why the film was nominated for Nine Academy Awards, winning three back in 2014.
The Social Network (2010)
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Even though I wasn’t a fan of The Social Network, I can still appreciate the musicality behind the work of Aaron Sorkin and the screenplay he wrote for this. The collaboration between David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin on this film is something the world certainly needed, as two highly skilled masters of film came together and served us a huge slice of their talent. The Social Network is 100% the screenwriter’s film, and one to watch when trying to analyse successful dialogue within films.
 Babel (2006)
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Those who are into the episodic film, you are advised to look into the work of Alejandro G. Iñárritu. A name you might not be too familiar with, but you only need to have seen Birdman or The Revenant to appreciate his talents as a director and unique voice. Babel struck me as a poignant and INCREDIBLY structured film, with a satisfying 360 to it, as all the stories connect to one another in a distinct way. It’s so clear that a lot of time was put into writing such a screenplay and the production itself is to be noted, for scenes are filmed in Morocco, Tokyo, California and Mexico. That takes a LOT of money, time, effort and people, however if was certainly worth it as Babel is hands down one of the best films you’ll ever see.
The films of Xavier Dolan. 
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Xavier Dolan is Cannes Film Festival’s godson. The man has attended every festival for the past 10 years and each time, when in competition, he brings a personal and hard hitting perspective within his films. I have seen all but one of these films, and I suggest you do too. Xavier Dolan’s directorial debut I Hate My Mother scooped him numerous awards at the Cannes Film Festival and was made when Dolan was only 20. From then, he went on to direct several french/canadian films that won him the Jury Prize, Un Certain Regard and Queer Palm at Cannes. He’s a filmmaker who puts so much passion and devotion into his work, which is seen through the incredible acting, story and dialogue shown within his films. Two must see films of his would be Mommy and Laurence Anyways, especially for the acting. Xavier Dolan also directed the music video for Adele’s Hello music video which is one of the most watched music videos of all time, with 2.7 Billion views on YouTube.
You Were Never Really Here (2017)
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Lynne Ramsay’s 2017 film starring Joaquin Phoenix is everything and more that you want from a thriller. It’s probably one of the best thrillers out there on the market and is highly underrated. Lynne Ramsay’s previous spellbinding feature We Need To Talk About Kevin sent pulses racing through the industry, giving Ramsay the recognition she deserves and even earning her a Palm d’Or nomination at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival. As a female filmmaker, Lynne Ramsay is one to watch for she has a knack at creating her own original slow burning, deep stories and directing them in a seamless way. 
The films of Christopher Nolan
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Christopher Nolan’s 11th film recently hit cinemas and no one knows what the hell is going on in it. However, there are plenty of other Christopher Nolan films that don’t melt your brain or send the guy next to you at the cinema cursing throughout the film in frustration at not understanding the film. The Dark Knight is said to have one the best performances in cinema history, with the late Heath Ledger taking on the role of the Joker. Not only that, but the likes of Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Anne Hathaway and Christian Bale are also featured alongside Ledger, creating an untouchable cast. Dunkirk also deserves an honourable mention as one of Nolan’s films, seeing as I couldn’t breathe throughout the entire film. The second Dunkirk begins, the tension builds and you’re kept in a constant state of panic for the characters on screen. As far as war films go, Dunkirk is up there and it’s cinematic qualities were recognised at the 2018 Academy Awards, picking up three awards. What we can take from Christopher Nolan and his ability to execute stories on screen is that he spends a great deal on his screenplays before production. Tenet took FIVE YEARS to write (and probably another five to understand) certainly showing his devotion and dedication to his ideas as a filmmaker.
Honorouble mentions (that u should definitely check out)
Taxi Driver (1976) A Clockwork Orange (1971) Call me by your name (2017) Her. (2017) Do the right thing (1989)
Obviously there are 100s of other films worth watching that aren’t on this list, however if you were to watch all films mentioned on this list, you’d certainly get a different perspective on the possibilities of filmmaking and the stories they tell. 
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🔥 + Twilight?
1) they are not the Worst Books Ever Written
2) Bella had a discernable personality, a likeable one at that, and her choices and motivations made sense if you like, actually paid attention to her thoughts when reading lol
3) Edward is canonically a ginger and while I ride for Robert Pattinson it was truly unforgivable of the movies to erase that
4) Jacob’s,,,,,not in love with a baby. There was like a whole chapter in Eclipse dedicated to explaining why imprinting isn’t That Simple. Yes, I do agree it was a completely dumb choice on Meyer’s part but...I just think calling it pedophilia is a stretch
5) if Carlisle has spent 1000 years learning and practicing medicine and was able to completely study and explain Renesmee’s and the Wolf Pack’s dna and shit,,,,why,,,,,hasn’t he changed the world of medicine yet? He 100% COULD come up with a cure for cancer and other shit like that. He can publish under aliases or pay off humans to take the credit for him....but he’s choosing not to? Carlisle, bud, I love you, but come on. You have the ability to revolutionize the world here
6) I deserved more than a couple throwaway sentences telling me Edward and Seth Clearwater had become a brotp….Meyer. expand you coward. that’s so chaotic.
7) Bella changing her mind about wanting kids after finding out she was pregnant wasn’t,,,,bad like that does actually happen sometimes I’m sorry
8) Angela should’ve been a bigger character...she was the only one of the human group that really, genuinely cared about Bella and they had such cute vibes to their scenes....Also I’m still obsessed with the fact Edward went out of his way to set her and Eric up...dramatic king of high school ships
9) why establish Rosalie is a mechanic and then refuse to show me her pimping up Bella’s motorcycle or have her and Jacob argue about car shit
10) I’m sorry but I truly don’t understand the Emmett cult....sure I liked him but he was literally the least developed character in the family....he was comedic relief....is this just because of Kellan Lutz like genuinely what’s the deal lmao 
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