#rnm season 7
thisisparnianagain · 8 months
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lmao Morty is more than used to your bullshit Rick
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rickxation · 9 months
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Look at this cutie
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torickment · 5 months
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im thinking shes like the album cover, she def assists with tours and takes lessons from rick
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crashnbrn · 6 months
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summer, i love you
season 7, ep 7
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 10: Fear No Mort
(A bittersweet end to a great season)
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If you are not ready to conquer your fear of spoilers, go no further…
My Favs
Overall, I’m pleased with how the writers handled the character of Diane and Rick’s interaction with her. They don’t portray either Diane or their marriage as flawless. There is definitely a bite to her personality and we see them have conflict like any married couple but there is still a lot of love and affection there, assuming Morty’s version of the relationship is accurate. It is certainly open to interpretation. In my mind, the only thing that was inaccurate is Diane’s disdain for her grandson. In actuality, I think she would have loved Morty to death and have absolutely spoiled him rotten as a grandmother should.
I also love that the writers confirmed that she was a scientist or was on the path to become one. She was definitely some sort of biologist, maybe a zoologist or a ornithologist. I don’t know about you but my heart went pitter-patter when Rick said her master’s thesis inspired him to create a ray to hear duck’s talk.
Lastly, I’d like to say that while I thought we might have somehow had the real Rick interact with the real Diane through some sort of sci-fi resurrection or afterlife break-in, I’m ultimately glad this is the work around the writers came up with. Anything else would have cheapened Diane’s death and Rick’s grief.
Rod Serling/Twilight Zone homage
Confession time. I’ve never seen the original Twilight Zone or the reboot, but I’m aware of the premise of the show and how it ties with this episode. I know I’m missing out and it’s on my list of shows to watch. Sometimes, I wish I could get a Night Person to watch all the television shows I don’t have time for in my waking hours.
Tide and Time
Really enjoy the newest Ryan Elder song. He is incredibly skilled at finding or creating the perfect soundtrack to convey the emotion we need for a particular episode.
Morty’s fear of relying on Rick
I will expound on this further in “My Thoughts”
Rick choosing Morty
Not only does he do it once, but twice. Once in Morty’s fear simulation and once in the real world.
Not my Fav
Product Placement
I know capitalism has got to capitalism, but could we please leave ads for shitty restaurants out of my story of a grandfather and his grandson navigating the human condition in a infinite, nihilistic universe that is incapable of caring! Thanks.
Besides, the fear hole should have been at a Shoney’s
My Thoughts
Morty’s codependency, fear of change, and learning to not live for the dead but to live for the living.
Seasons 6 and 7 has seen a gradual shift from Rick being a drunk asshole who is incapable of creating any real attachments because there are infinite versions of everyone (except for the one person he most cares about) to someone who is less drunk, ever so slightly less of an asshole, but a little more willing to open his heart to the version of his family he has chosen to live with. Unmortricken closed the chapter on Rick’s life purpose of getting revenge on Rick Prime and now with Fear No Mort we see Rick resist the temptation of clinging to the past and choose the grandson living in the present. The finale doesn’t give us much to chew on in regards to what is in store next for Rick, but in some way, I think the show is taking a bit of a pause on Rick as it shifts to Morty.
As the twist reveals, this episode focused exclusively on Morty’s psyche and his recognition and fear of his codependency with Rick. I recommend if you haven’t, to rewatch the episode a second time with this knowledge in tow. What sticks out to me is the antagonist relationship he has with Diane. They never speak to or acknowledge each other. I don’t think she even makes eye contact with him and in the scene at the school play, Diane belittles him and delivers an ultimatum to Rick. Choose her or choose Morty. Maybe the show wants us to take this literally, and it is really Diane he resents and that Rick will never choose the family in the present. Rick will never choose Morty. In my mind, I have a more metaphorical interpretation. I think Diane is symbolic of a future Rick that is, at last, happy and mentally healthy. Morty fears that if Rick gets better he will need his grandson less and that scares the shit out of him. He can’t imagine a life without Rick by his side, even envisioning a future where Rick follows him into adulthood, de-aging himself so he’s around forever. Both interpretations work and they both reveal the incredibly unhealthy mindset that Morty harbors.
We see a sort of ships passing in the night as Morty accepts that Rick will never see him as irreplaceable and he should just rely on himself at the same time Rick is finally ready to claim this Morty and only this Morty as his grandson and a legitimate part of his family on equal footing as Diane and Beth C-137.
The finale doesn’t give us much insight into what we might focus on in season 8, but I suspect it might be more Morty-focused. We have seen Morty start to develop some independence in the past, but it would be nice to see Morty develop an identity outside of Rick while also learning that Rick truly sees him as part of his family.
Also, the boy desperately needs some friends his age.
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urnnnnn227 · 6 months
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my rendition of ricks world melting around him after killing rick prime
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anonyb0b · 6 months
I don't think it was mentioned by anyone except Rick that the hole was a one person ride.
So does Rick knowing that mean that Rick tried to go in after Morty but couldn't?
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Not me rewatching Unmortricken (s7e5) again. Bro, I am so mad at how much I like Prime Rick. I mean- he's such an asshole and I hate him. But his tech is insane! His asshole quips, and shit eating grin as he confidently tells you the meanest shit imaginable- I love that man and hate him so damn much, lmao.
I also wanna take a moment to appreciate Evil Morty like sm. Like- he's pretty uncaring and cold in order to get what he wants, but he's actually so cool. Like he didn't NEED to rez Rick at the end of the fight, he chose to as an act of good faith between them. Despite participating in the fight for his own purposes- he could have just as easily killed Rick Prime and scanned his dying brain for the schematics- but he didn't. He left him alive and even placed our Rick in front of him like a present. Man- Evil Morty is the fuckin goat, I really hope we see more of him in s8.
I'm so fuckin proud of Rick though. Like- I know what he did wasn't really in the grand scheme of things, like a good thing to do? Or even like a helpful thing. Cause I mean Rick Prime was so many Rick's main motivation. Imagine hearing another Rick got to him before you? Like i'd deadass jump off of something high- like that's fucked.
But Rick worked toward this his whole life, and he finally did it. No, he's not the good guy- but i'm so fucking proud of him for doing it. Sure, life doesn't get better now that he's dead- but at least now he lives in a life where nothing changes AND that fucker is dead. I'm just proud, is all. Rick deserves happiness. I really hope he finds it somehow.
And now to turn around and say... Despite me wanting the best for Rick- I did see theories (reposted it I think) of people thinking Rick Prime somehow connected himself to C137's psyche or some shit, and our Rick keeps seeing him everywhere because of it. (Like he's being haunted.)
As horrible and heartbreaking as that storyline probably would be, dear god, I want that kind of angst. I'm honestly kinda sad Rick Prime is gone, man- I want him more involved in the storyline! I mean- memory Rick is still up there somehow? Maybe Rick Prime and Memory Rick can duke it out? Lol. Idk, it just seems like while Rick Prime has been, like, the villain all along- but we only really got to see him more in depth in s6 and 7. I want more! It seems too soon for him to be gone just like that- but Ig life do b like that. Maybe they're just going for realism. (Which I can respect that, honestly, just give Rick the happiness he deserves, don't listen to me. ToT)
There's my thoughts though, kinda just wanted to brain rot about the episode for a bit~
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citrusrick · 7 months
s7e3 Air Force Wong
the return of unity! i was soooo excited to see them, the unity episode was one of my favorites in season 2. unity caring about rick going after prime again and making an effort to talk to him about it says a lot. i was surprised to find out that they knew about that actually. though unity doesn't trust rick, they still love him and worked hard to help him.
also "you almost died last time." more backstory i'd loveeeee to see.
rick in therapy. that was something we saw in the trailer that i had been waiting to happen, it definitely shows a significant amount of growth for him. he's still his childish self, which really comes out when he's with the president and they have their little petty arguments.
we see that growth exhibited when he apologizes to summer. though he does so unenthusiastically, he still does, which rick in the past wouldn't have even thought to do. and the way he comforts unity shows this, too, it was sweet!
i kinda like wong and the president as characters, but neither are my favorites. so their little side plot was funny, but meh, not my favorite personally.
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my biggest gripe, which has been for all three episodes so far, i want more morty! but i'm sure this season is done this way on purpose, and i'm holding out hope they have some good rick and morty content for us in store. (along with some good plot points like prime).
some specific moments i enjoyed: rick and morty on the couch watching tv together, rick grumbling an apology to summer, rick trying to comfort unity, and rick telling the president not to speak to unity that way.
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geteffed · 6 months
Literally sobbing at “western bacon now” I thought you guys were being extra but NO ITS SO FUNNY literally the first 3-4ish episodes had me weak with laughter but I HATE ICE T ITS SO BORING like I hated the Schwifty episode because of him. But ummm RICK AND MORTY 100 YEARS!!!!!!
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thisisparnianagain · 7 months
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"Are you okay?"
".. Yeah."
I ... I liked it. I liked their hug too. I am a simple human being. I am also sad because Rick is uhh, whatever he is. Empty and void of purpose? Lost in the uncaring breeze of the multiverse with nothing but a lifetime of regret to look back on until his meaningless death?
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mayvaava · 8 months
I’m having an off day but I’m pretty sure if I wasn’t I’d be losing my shit about the premiere. It was really good! The voices were excellent and it was great getting to see Rick hang out with his friends.
Loved Beth being a protective mom, it’s great to see her stepping up as the seasons go on. I also loved Summer and Rick being petty to each other (he is like this because he’s so teenage-girl-if-she-were-an-old-man coded). The coffee bit was also pretty funny.
Overall a great premiere, and I hope to see more Morty in the upcoming eps!
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idk-wha-ahm-doin · 7 months
A little something for the new episode
“I’m fine though.” Rick muttered, arguing automatically.
“I’ve been trying to talk to you for the past hour. You’ve just been spacing out and staring at the horizon that isn’t there.” Morty sighed.
“... Ah. Gotcha.”
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 8: Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie
(I do care!)
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Don’t forget to add spoilers to the equation
My Favs
Reminiscent of HarmonTown
I use to listen to HarmonTown back when Dan Harmon was still doing that show and I felt this episode was the most HarmonTown-esqe episode they have even done. It was written by HarmonTown regular Rob Schrab and had Dan Harmon and Brandon Johnson as basically the two leads of the episode and I felt I was listening to that podcast once again.
It broke the formula the hardest out of any episode that has been done
Mainly because Rick didn’t show up at all. I guess he’s still so depressed he couldn’t be bothered. I appreciate when the show is able to take a wild swing like that and having Rick present would have taken away from what they were trying to accomplish with Mr. Goldenfold
Mr. Goldenfold’s character was fleshed out
Mr. Goldenfold has always been the butt of the joke so it was a nice change of pace to show him as someone who is passionate about his subject matter and cares about teaching. I think the episode could have done more but it was nice seeing the character taken somewhat seriously.
Math/Letter puns
This episode was chock full of corny, sometimes clever math and letter puns and it was kinda fun trying to hunt them all. A few of my favorites include:
Bracket shield
All Type strikers attack. I want his serifs.
Subtract Water-T to life and carry the one to me
Helvetica Light speed
Threesus Christ
“I’m a prime number and I’m only divisible by myself”
“And my dick is magma but we’ll figure it out.”
Not My Fav
Morty’s role in the episode
I like seeing Morty in any episode I can get him. I really do, but Morty being in this episode felt like an executive saying, “We can’t have both Rick and Morty not be in an episode that’s a bridge too far. Just find something for Morty to do and call it a day.” As others have pointed out, you could take him out of the episode and nothing would be affected. I wish more had been done to justify him being there other than to commentate.
I’m starting to worry that the show is relying too much on older characters/older concepts
I’m not necessarily opposed to older one-off characters coming back, fleshing out old stories, or explore old places, but if done too much it can start to feel like a crutch. I feel now as we approach the end of season 7 that they might be creeping into the territory of being over reliant on old material. It might be time to start course correcting for that.
My Thoughts
I might be a bit of an outlier on this one but…I kinda enjoyed this episode. I mentioned earlier that this episode felt the most HarmonTown-esqe of any episode they’ve ever done--and I really missed that podcast. This episode seemed like something that they would have improvised or joked during an episode of that show. Also, I had read a couple reviews before the episode aired so I already knew ahead of time that Rick wasn’t going to be in it and that the episode really had nothing to do with the lore or developing the family so I went into the episode not expecting that and I had fun with it.
This episode was a love letter to schlocky 80’s action movies that seem serious on the surface but are, at their core, just dumb, corny fun. I think not having Rick in the episode was a good call because he would’ve just been a cynical voice to an episode that didn’t need any cynicism. Speaking of Rick’s absence, when I heard that he wasn’t going to be in the episode and that Water-T and Mr. Goldenfold were the main focus I expected that the episode would be a bit divisive among the fan base and they did not disappoint. It’s exhausting being in this fandom.
This episode is certainly one of the weaker episodes this season I won’t dispute that but I think a weaker episode from this season is leagues better than that sperm episode ( or some of the weaker episodes from seasons 4 and 5) and I will die on that hill. There was some clever moments, like the primitive googas being reminiscent of early pictographs and the relationship between math and music with Mr. Goldenfold teaching Ice-T about time signatures. That connection makes the logic of Mr. Goldenfold’s and Ice-T’s friendship and falling out make sense, albeit, in a deeply silly way. The writer clearly loves 80’s action movies and used the characters and settings of Rick and Morty to accomplish his own version and I’m here for it.
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urnnnnn227 · 6 months
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hi hi! new to the tumblr community— thought i’d share some of my R&M art :)
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